Notre Dame Scholastic Football Review
not re Dame Scbolastie • DIoCli• QVyA5l • SEMPER-VICTWRV/S- -VIVE- QV/ASI • CRAS • lvlORITV/R\/5 • •F-X-A- VOL. XLI. NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, DECEMBER 7, 1807. No. 13. opposing team where it fell. Now, however, The Gridiron Squad. if the ball touches the ground, on the first or second down,.instead of losing it, the /^UR squad of victors, tried aud true, offensive team loses fifteen yards, .but the . - We hail with cheers and songs. ball still remains in its possession. On the They're worthj' of the Gold and Blue, third down, however, in case of failure,-.the. They've fought the fight, and wpn it too, To them all praise belongs. ball goes to the opposing team- where it went-into play. •.••.. .Well have they played the great old game; This change seems to be an improvement. Extol them far and near, Thej are the men that bring us fame, On account of it, more opportunity w:as These loyal sons of Notre 'Dame, given to the forward pass, and as a result- So cheer them, fellows, cheer. it was much in evidence. A .well-4rilled We praise the scrubs, hurrah again, team could work this plav- most successfully,, They take the scoff and jeer, and-the ground gained on a clever -inanip-- • And patient stay behind; but when ulation of it was considerable. It also gave. They're needed, then they are the men xQ.Siia.j chances for trick plays, and. these, • Who know not auA' fear. in innumerable forms, were frequently used. Then here's to Barry's .sturd\' .team, Thatthe.ten-yard rule is a necessaiy adjunct,, - No better state eleven; to the new style, has been exemplified time May bright successes on them beam.
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