Sporting Section Gathered and Editedby Experts
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EVERY FIELD OF SPORT COVERED SPORTING SECTION GATHERED AND EDITEDBY EXPERTS PART 111 Los Angeles Sunday Herald. PAGES 1 TO 4 LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1907. SAINTS TAKE Fast Interstate Game GAME FROM St. Vincent College and Utah University Football Teams Who Played MORMONS DEFEAT UTAH UNIVERSITY BY SCORE OF 11 TO 5 REBULT PLEASANT SURPRISE TO LOCAL FANS Experts Call Contest One of the Best Ever Played on Local Gridiron. Heavy Men on Both Teams R. M. BEERE St. Vtocent'a College 11, Utah TJnl- vernltr 5. Inone of the greatest games ever seen in California or the west, St. Vincent's yestarday dragged proud Utah's colors In the dust of defeat and demonstrated beyond peradventure of a doubt that it Is the fastest, headiest and grittiest eleven west of the Mississippi river this season. St. Vincent—From left to right: ¦ After conquering every opponent In the Brinkop, Taylor, Rheinschild, Mur-] Hocky mountain region for the last two 1 VARSITYFOOTBALL ray, Stonoy, Gait, Casey, Phillips,' years and taking tho Colorado Miners' Holleran, Lamer, Kelm, Leffert, ecalps week U., to the WORK INTERRUPTED - a ago, U. trained Bourg, Brannen, Grlndle (captain), 1 Inute by Maddock, one of America's Beatson, Dechman, Huppert, De ', wisest coaches, met Its Waterloo In a Yuberrando — HOLMES' SCHEDULE BHATTERED most humiliating at park by manner Fiesta I>lio<<> Vincent . yesterday afternoon before 5000 rooters. BY CIRCUMSTANCES The stand blaze was a of color! and a through guard, birt Russell of femininity added beauty to the St. Vincent's mass missed the goal kick In the first scene. Society turned out In full force, half. U. 8. C. Coach Not Disheartened by and the right side line was packed with Score: 5, Luck, Set automobiles. Utah St. Vincent's 0 Bad but Has to In the half, John made St. Roots second Gait Work Get U. S. C. Vincent's first touchdown, but Capt. to Mor« The University ot Southern California Grlndle missed the goal kick. Games was represented by a big bunch of root- » ers who waved tne visitors' crimson and Score: Utah 5, St. Vincent's 5 silver flags and yelled for_ Utah, causing Within four minutes of time being called Football activities at the University of a good deal of unfavorable'comment from Grindle made St. Vincent's second touch- Southern California .have been sadly In- friends of St. Vincent's, who consider down, helped through by Murray, and terrupted by various circumstances dur- that U. 8. C. committed a great breach In Grindle kicked goal. ing the past week, and In consequence backing a crowd of strangers against a 5, the work has progressed slowly. California team. Coach Holmes of U. S. Final Score: Utah St. Vincent's 11 Coach Holmes Is not disheartened by •C. made himself unpleasantly conspicu- Umpire Trager of Stanford, who offi- the bad luck which has befallen his ous by coaching Utah from the side lines ciated, declared that it was one of the schedule, tut accepts the situation phil- until he was forced away. hardest fought and greatest games of osophically and has set to work a fle'.d on When the teams trotted onto the football he had ever seen, in west or east. quest for additional games to keep the at S o'clock a discouragement murmur of Coach Walter Hempel is given a large flrst team up to blood heat. High school ' went up from the local rooters. Utah part of the credit for St. Vincent's splen- is still meditating to they ctatweighed St. Vincent's fifteen pounds as whether did victory, as he has worked ceaselessly will play the Methodists a return game to the man, and the Mormons bore an withhis men, putting them through prac- or on the other hand whether a game obvious expression of confidence. But tice three times a year regularly and with the Saints would draw the largest Vincent's players looked like St. deter- teaching them the game untilevery player dryant gate receipts. It Is hoped that both mined soldiers, resolved to die before knew the style of football by heart. Dick way the larger and new B.GRANT contests can be arranged, for high school they would give to has all along this eleven. Just before going Game In Detail season acted as a iheavier on the right tackle critsrion whereby the ¦field Coach Walter Hempel and Attorney Russel put his leather into action and QUARTR relative strength (Mott, aji old alumnus, addressed St. the Catholics It to the fifty-yard and standing of the three Southern Cali- Vln- carried BACK fornia college may be '.'ent'H, and when the circle broke up for line, but fumbled and lost five yards be- teams Judged, and Hib starting of the game many of the fore Tuberrando was able fo retrieve. thus far the university has the better I of the argument. High bo v"s were crying like babies. When The Mormons anchored and no gain was defeated Pomona i"7tfl!h say those faces they knew they scored on them in the downs. Utah broke and Occidental by decisive scores, while had the fight of their lives on their hands. the Catholic line with tackle bucks for in their contest withthe Methodists, who St. constantly outplayed Utah small gains to the forty-flve-yard lino, entered the game with a bare one week's Vincent's preliminary in the modern game of football. and Russel punted. St. Vincent's regis- period of practice, the col- tered tho first real gain by skirting the legians emerged, victorious and showed Locals Superior left end of the university for ten pegs. in their playing that they had a much Tho locals were far superior in kick- Tho locals started a panic in the Mor- stronger team, -which only lacked a week ing, forward passing and open forma- mon camp by punting to the Utah 10- or so of good practice to put them in tion, while Utah was utterly routed in yard lino and finishing to the border with such shape to defeat the high school attempting mass plays through tho line. center bucks. Utah held and the Catholics by a big score. ItIs hard for the young- St. Vincent's outbucked the giants in spoiled their own chance for a touch- sters to realize this and as far as the red from start to finish. As a matter down by attempting a quarterback run in players are concerned they are more than of fact St. Vincent's played in hard luck the close play on Utah's 4-yard line. willingto meet the Methodists again on in the first half and should have gained Utah started their down with a punt the gridiron. two more touchdowns on straight foot- which was blocked and St. Vincent's had The game with the Riverside team, ball.1 The first time was when St. Vin- to be restrained by main force from going which was to havte been played Friday cent's got »Jie ball to Utah's four-yard under the post. Anderson punted out of afternoon on Bovand field and which was line. Gait was given the ball twice and bounds opposite the thirty-station tape called oft on acclount of the sudden fell each time. and the Catholics failed to manipulate a demise of Prof. of the U. 8. C. It developed that the cleats had been forward pass, which resulted in Anderson faculty, willbe played. In allprobability, knocked off his shoes and he was com:getting around their end for five yards CON- some time next uneek, and as far as pelled to change between halves. This j.nd the Mormons added fifteen more paeevs known at the prese»it time no midweek accounts for Gait's slipping In the first to their gain witha clever forward pass. VILL SKINNY contests will be on tap for the nrst half when Utah's goal was within four Utah was held after bucks on the 40-yard team this week, and the men should feet. The other time that St. Vincent's line and Russel punted to the Catholic Holds worth be In first class shafie to run up a big should have scored again was when. In EO-yard line and skirted the locals' end Fuli LEFT END score on the Quakers in their coming two instances, both of which were meant for fifteen paces but lost position on off- e;Plam;; contest. to be forward passes, instead of passing Eide play. Back GUARD Manager Hunt is negotiating' with San the ball to an end, who was waiting for The ball returned to center and Russel LEFT Diego for a game In the near future, it, Gait tried to gain on his own hook barely punted to the 40-yard division. St. and a trip by waiet for the varsity by running, and was downed both times Vincent's tried a forward pass and wa3 would prove a change from the missing snow welcome after making a short advance. This penalized five yards for the t.oss. Fred daily grind ol scrimmage work. was The Mormons the downs on oo a great mistake on Gait's part, because, got the RIGHT END OCCIDENTAL GETS In all probability, that double yard tape and executed a difficult doubla forward pass the college 30-yard line. HAUSER, THE pass would have resulted in another forward to CARLISLE The Catholics rallied and stopped furttvr BUSY FOR SEASON PLAYEt) touchdown. their territory. Russell triftd BTAR, ON HASKELL St.