People and Things
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People and things On people Among the awards distributed at the recent joint annual meeting of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Phy sics Teachers were the Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics, to John C. Ward of Mac- quarie University, Australia, for his contributions to the development of particle gauge theories, and the Oersted Medal for physics teach ing, to 1.1. Rabi of Columbia Univer sity. LEP people Now that the LEP electron-positron collider project is under way at CERN, decisions have been taken on the management of the machine construction and on preparations for the experimental programme. At CERN itself, a LEP Manage ment Board has been set up to sending institution. We have advised One of the international discussion panels study and propose solutions to at the Pan American Symposium on High and encouraged the first user group Energy Physics and Technology, held at major problems of the construction from Mexico. We are seeking mod Cocoyoc, Mexico, in January. Left to right, programme and to share respon est Foundation and International R. Taylor from SLAC (representing Canada), sibility for major decisions concern Fermilab Director Leon Lederman Agency support in order to minimize (representing the US), J. Flores of Mexico, ing the project. The members of the problems of government involve M. Kreisler of the US, C Avilez of Mexico, the Board (appointed for two ment. Agreements between institu and Burt Richter also from SLAC, years) are E. Picasso (Chairman), representing the US. tions are simple to administer and G. Plass, H. Laporte. H. P. Reinhard, should be the rule as far as possible. L. Resegotti and W. Schnell, to In the course of the next few years, if gether with M. Crowley-Milling (for Fermilab and other US Laboratories 1982). CERN Director General can play host to 20, 30 or 50 teach H. Schopper and Technical Director ers and researchers from Latin G. Brianti are ex-officio members. America, each of these will in turn To prepare for the experimental touch hundreds of students and col programme, a LEP Experiments leagues and the leverage will be very Committee is being set up and its great. Being even more optimistic, first meeting scheduled for we can look forward, perhaps in five 24 March. G. Wolf of DESY has or ten years, to the serious notion of been appointed Chairman. a Pan American Accelerator Labora To advise on decisions concern tory — a hemispheric Centro Ameri ing the machine, a LEP Machine cano de Investigaciones Nu- Advisory Committee has been cleares.' operating for some time under the Chairmanship of G.A. Voss of DESY. 110 CERN Courier, April 1982 DESY Director Volker Soergel (left) congratulates Gustav-Adolf Voss on the news of his being nominated Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Heidelberg. LEP Project Leader Emilio Picasso. (Photo DESY) Other members are J. Le Duff, boost the available luminosity, a sics programme, but lack of money G. Rees, B. Richter, G. Saxon, A.N. technique much in vogue these could result in one or other of the Skrinsky, S. Tazzari and M. Tigner, days. projects being held back. If insuf together with Sir John Adams, ficient funds were available, some G. Brianti, E. Gabathuler, A. Hutton, US Funding thing would have to go, and while E. Picasso and H. Schopper from nobody wanted to see imaginative CERN. In bad shape with the 1982 budget projects curtailed, a choice had to inherited from the previous admin be made on a least of evils basis. istration, the US high energy phy The proposed victim was the Gustav-Adolf Voss, member of sics funding has been reviewed ISABELLE project for 400 GeV the DESY Directorate and Chairman by the Reagan administration in colliding proton beams at Brook- of CERN's LEP Machine Advisory the light of the current US econ haven. The committee underlined Committee, has been made Doctor omic situation. In the meantime the considerable scientific merit Honoris Causa by the University the US High Energy Physics Advi of this project, and strongly recom of Heidelberg. The award came in sory Panel (HEPAP) formed a com mended its timely completion. special recognition of his contribu mittee under the chairmanship of However it was felt that further tions to the development of stor George Trilling to look at the impli erosion of funding would damage age rings, and the role he played cations of different possible fund the project and prevent its timely in the construction of the PETRA ing levels for the long range plan completion. electron-positron ring at DESY. ning of US high energy physics. The initial budget figure which Working with Ken Robinson in the A number of projects are under has emerged is one of $429 mil late 1960s, he helped develop the way or being studied at Brookhav- lion. Although this represents an idea of low beta insertions' to en, Fermilab, SLAC and Cornell. increase over the inherited budget, compress the beams at the colli Diversity has always been a strong it could be insufficient for the sion regions of storage rings and point of the US high energy phy present ISABELLE scheme. CERN Courier, April 1982 111 Ten years ago, on 1 March 1972, Fermilab Director Robert R. Wilson toasted the attainment of 200 GeV, the nominal Main Ring design energy. In 1976 this was boosted to 500 GeV, and now the Laboratory looks towards 1 TeV (1000 GeV). (Photo Fermilab) on the way to completion of the Fermilab Energy Saver/Doubler has been achieved with the oper ation of a 2400 foot-long supercon ducting magnet string comprising three-quarters of a sector of the total ring. Tests of the first sector of the Saver have been under way since mid-January. Nearly half a mile of superconducting bending magnets in the main ring tunnel have been cooled and powered to 2200 A which is equivalent to an energy of approximately 500 GeV. The string includes roughly one-eighth of the Saver magnets. Three separate cryogenic loops are in operation from the A 1, A2, and A3 service buildings. The total system is operating in conjunction with three satellite refrigerators and the Central Helium Liquefier. Twenty-four half cells are in the string with each half cell consisting of four dipoles, one quadrupole While Brookhaven's operating Tevatron II approval and a spool piece which contains funds have been increased, allow the correction elements. ing for an extensive superconduct The Tevatron II project at Fermilab Many tests are under way as ing magnet research and develop to convert the Energy Saver to full the current through the system is ment programme, initially no funds 1000 GeV experimental operation raised by stages. The entire sys are earmarked for ISABELLE con has received US government au tem has been ramped at the design struction. However it is hoped that thorization. The construction pro rate of 100 A/s for several hours support will be restored in the ject is authorized for $49 million. with no unexpected problems. The months ahead as the budget is It includes the extraction system system is also periodically dumped finalized. to bring the beam out at 1000 into a resistive load, or made non- GeV, upgrading the external beam superconducting (quenched) by Work on the 3.8 km circumfer switchyard to handle transporting turning on internal heaters, in order ence ISABELLE tunnel began in and targetting of beams up to to test the power supplies, magnet 1978 and is now largely complete. 1000 GeV, and modification and quench protection and refrigerator The project was originally seen as construction of new secondary recovery. Tests are being run on taking about ten years, however beams and support facilities in pressurization, refrigeration, the difficulties were encountered in each of the three existing experi control system, power supplies, the development of the supercon mental areas to fully exploit the vacuum and general safety sys ducting magnets to handle the par physics capabilities of the 1 TeV tems. Operation at 1000 A occur ticles. Although these problems accelerator. The project will start red on 12 February, 1500 A on 13 have now been largely solved, the this year and be fully complete in February, and 2200 A on 19 Feb project was nevertheless held up. late 1985. Tom Kirk, Deputy Head ruary. Over the next months the However good progress continues of the Research Division, is Project current will be gradually raised to to be made using the new magnet Manager for Tevatron II. 4000 A. All of these tests are be design (see page 96). Meanwhile another key milestone ing carried out while the present CERN Courier, April 1982 The Crystal Ball detector being prepared for removal from the East Pit at the SPEAR electron-positron ring at SLAC and shipment to DESY for installation in the revamped DORIS ring. accelerator is in operation for the normal 400 GeV research pro gramme. The system is handled from the existing central control room in parallel with normal opera tion. SLC Workshop Some 150 physicists met at SLAC recently to discuss reports on the experimental prospects at the SLAC Linear Collider (SLC). This meeting concluded the first phase of study for the SLC physics pro gramme. Most of the agenda was devoted to the presentation of the reports of the eight specialist subgroups set up last year (see June 1981 issue, page 199). These reports are being published as proceed ings. On view was new hardware de veloped for SLC, including a new beam position monitor to handle the intense SLC bunches.