Annual Report 2010 Report Annual The Palace of The Publishing House City Publishing The Forbidden

Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum The Forbidden City Publishing House 00元 68. 定价:

Annual Report 2010 of

The Palace Museum

Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Director: Executive Deputy Director: Ji Deputy Directors: Li Wenru, Ji Tianbin, Wang Yamin, Chen Lihua, Song Jirong, Feng Nai’en

※Address: No. 4 Jingshan qianjie, ※Postal code: 100009 ※Website:


Work in the Year 2010 8

Collection Management and Conservation of

Ancient Buildings 12

Exhibitions 24

Academic Research and Publication 42

Education and Public Outreach 54

The Digital Palace Museum 62

Cooperation and Exchange 68

Financial Statements 82

Work in the Year 2010 n 2010, the Palace Museum took advantage of the occasions of celebrat- Iing the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Palace Museum and the 590th anniversary of the construction of the Forbidden City, involved itself in such undertakings as public security and services, preservation of col- lection and ancient buildings, exhibition and display, academic research & publication, information system construction, overseas exchange and coop- eration, and made more contributions to the sustainable development of its cultural heritage.

Held activities to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Palace Mu- seum and the 590th anniversary of the construction of the Forbidden City;

Received 12.83 million visitors and took measures to ensure their safety;

Completed the 5th registration of the collection, and the preservation of the collection entered into a new stage;

Took over Dagaoxuan Hall and Duanmen Gate, and the protection of ancient buildings achieved new breakthroughs;

Continuously launched selected exhibitions to promote traditional ;

Set up Institute of Gugong ( the Forbidden City) Studies, and acceler- ated the restructuring process of The Forbidden City Publishing House;

10 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Development of the information systems improved the management level and widened the cultural influence of the museum;

Established The Forbidden City Cultural Heritage Conservation Foundation;

Exchanges with the Palace Museum in became more and more frequent, and collaborations were carried out on a more regular basis;

Cooperation with the Louvre Museum was further developed and a five-year cooperation agreement was signed;

Exhibitions of selected cultural relics were sent abroad so as to pro- mote Chinese culture.

Work in the Year 2010 asdsadadsasd 11

Collection Management and

Conservation of Ancient Buildings Group photo of staff winning award in the collection Storehouse of sacrificial and ritual ves- inspection of the Palace Museum sels before anti-earthquake improvement

he inventory inspection of the collection of the Palace Museum, Twhich extended between 2004 and 2010, was successfully completed in the year. According to the renovation plan for ancient buildings, three cross-year projects, namely, renovation of the Palace of Longevity and Health, Palace of Compassion and Tranquility, and Imperial Censors’ Office were completed. The restoration of the garden of Palace of Tranquil Lon- gevity is under progress. The main structure of Dagaoxuan Hall came back to the hands of the Palace Museum. The compilation of the Conservation Storehouse of sacrificial and ritual ves- Master Plan for the Forbidden City was launched, and related materials are sels after anti-earthquake improvement being collected and organized.

I. Collection Management According to the inspection, the Palace Museum has collected a total of 1,807,558 pieces of cultural relics, accounting for 11% of the 15.71 million pieces collected by of cultural heritage around the coun- try. Among them, 1,684,490 are treasures, 115,491 are common relics, and 7,577 are samples. Compared to the previously announced figure of 940,000, this number sees a dramatic increase due to the inclusion of an- cient books, architectural components and objects for daily use from the Qing court into the inventory of the collection. The completion of the inspection not only facilitates the compilation and publishing of The Inven- tory of Cultural Relics in the Collection of the Palace Museum and Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum, but also lays a solid foundation for the

14 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum pagoda before the instal- Porcelain pagoda after the installation of Installing anti-earthquake system for the lation of anti-earthquake system anti-earthquake system porcelain pagoda

digital and modernized management of the cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum. In coordination with the inspection and exhibition of cultural relics as well as repair and renovation of ancient buildings, the Palace Museum also made efforts in earthquake resistance, restoration and conservation of col- lected objects, and return of objects lent to other organizations. In 2010, it restored and reproduced about 500 pieces of cultural relics of various types, and helped other museums in restore and reproduce 141 pieces. The during restoration It finished the quakeproof work for the Buddhist pagoda in Belvedere of Raining Flowers and the porcelain ritual vessels in the Lodge of Fulfilled Wishes. It also continued the digitization and protection of rare ancient books. A total of 47 ancient books in its collection were included in the third group of Chinese National Rare Ancient Books List.

Collectionasdsadadsasd Management and Conservation of Ancient Buildings 15 The painting before restoration The painting after restoration

Restoring the mounts of the and painting Reproducing the calligraphy and painting

Restoring the mounts of the calligraphy and painting Restoring objects

16 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum In 2010, the Palace Museum accepted nine donated objects and pur- chased two cultural relics. 1. Accepted a painting scroll of Ishvara Bodhisattva donated by Chi- nese American Mr. Xia Jingshan; 2. Accepted three objects donated by Mr. Yang Guoxi, namely, boc- caro-bodied teapot with painted enamel chrysanthemum pattern on black ground, boccaro-bodied teapot with painted enamel peony and chrysanthe- mum patterns and melon ridges, and porcelain-bodied bowl with painted enamel pattern of interlocking branches of peony on black ground; 3. Accepted a vase with a dish-shaped mouth and double dragon- shaped handles donated by Mr. Lu Shuoliang; 4. Accepted a Jun-porcelain vase with a flower-shaped mouth donated by Mr. Jin Xiaotong; 5. Accepted a Jun-porcelain vessel with ridges made by Mr. Jin Peizhang donated by his son Jin Xiaotong; 6. Accepted two objects donated by Hulu Kiln of Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, namely, blue-and-white guard-shaped vase fired with wood in Zhenyao Kiln after the style during the ’s reign, and pear-shaped vase with flared lip fired with wood in Hulu Kiln after the style during the Qianlong Emperor’s reign; 7. Purchased a scroll of running script by Zhang Yushu of the , the first calligraphy scroll by the artist in the collection of the Pal- ace Museum; 8. Purchased a blue robe embroidered with petit-point designs of dragons in clouds on rhombic ground of the Qing Dynasty, which is of great value for the study of the system of costumes worn by officials.

Purchased scroll of running script by Zhang Yushu of the Qing Dynasty

Collectionasdsadadsasd Management and Conservation of Ancient Buildings 17 Ceremony for donating works by Yang Guoxi, Jun-porcelain zun vessel with ridges Lu Shuoliang, Jin Peizhang, Jin Xiaotong made by Jin Peizhang

Purchased blue robe embroidered with petit-point designs of Vase with a dish-shaped mouth and dragons in clouds on rhombic ground of the Qing Dynasty double dragon-shaped ears donated by Mr. Lu Shuoliang

18 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum II. Protection of Ancient Buildings The initial plans for the monitoring of overall heritage buildings and the environment was improved according to current conditions. The moni- toring of the environment to protect cultural relics and the monitoring of physical degradation of cultural relics in the museum were completed in October. The museum entrusted the Department of Civil Engineering, Ts- inghua University, to inspect and evaluate the Tower in three phases during five consecutive years (2005-2010), and a Report of Long- term Inspection and Evaluation on the Bearing Performance of the Merid- ian Gate Tower (2009-2010) was finished.

Diagram for completing the project of repairing ancient buildings and for the implementation of the plan by the end of 2010

asdsadadsasdCollection Management and Conservation of Ancient Buildings 19 Ultrasonic monitoring on ancient buildings

Staff members from the monitor the Meridian Gate Tower

20 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum According to the conservation plan of ancient buildings, the Palace Museum conducted routine maintenance and repair in a scientific way af- ter careful inspection and design. The restoration of Hall of Rectitude was completed in April, the renovation of Palace of Compassion and Tranquility was finished at the end of November, and the renovation of the imperial censors’ office will be completed in April 2011. On December 20, the Palace Museum-WMF Training Center for Conservation of Furniture and Interior Decoration, funded by the World Monuments Fund (WMF) of the was officially established and the first session of training classes was successfully held.

Reinforcing stone components outside ancient buildings

The reinforced stone components outside ancient buildings

Collectionasdsadadsasd Management and Conservation of Ancient Buildings 21 The main hall of Palace of Compassion and Tranquility The main hall of Palace of Compassion and Tranquility before restoration after restoration

Hall of Rectitude after restoration

22 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum The preliminary survey of the Garden of Palace of Tranquil Longev- ity (also known as Qianlong Garden) was completed as scheduled, and the restoration of interior decoration was launched. The Study and Protection of Studio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service and the Conservation Plan for Qianlong Garden were published. The return of Dagaoxuan Hall. On June 11, the Palace Museum and the Service Bureau of the People’s Liberation Army General Staff Depart- Inaugural ceremony for the Palace Muse- um-WMF Training Center for Conservation ment officially signed the Agreement on Taking Over Dagaoxuan Hall, and the of Furniture and Interior Decoration hall officially became part of the museum’s large project of ancient building renovation and protection aiming at integral conservation and overall main- tenance.

Book of The Study and Protection of Stu- dio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service

General plan of the garden of Palace of Tranquil Longevity

Collectionasdsadadsasd Management and Conservation of Ancient Buildings 23 24 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Exhibitions

asdsadadsasd 25 entering on the imperial features of the Forbidden City, the Palace CMuseum holds exhibitions to present the royal landscape in a three- dimensional and comprehensive way so as to widely popularize its unique culture. Besides the eight permanent displays with rooms kept in their orig- inal state, nine permanent exhibition halls and ten permanent exhibitions, it launched 14 special exhibitions with new themes, and provided support for other museums in China in holding 13 exhibitions, relying on restoring the original state, focusing on the imperial collection, and enriching the exhib- its.

Plan of current exhibition halls of the Pal- ace Museum (2010)

26 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum I. Thematic Exhibitions in the Palace Museum 1. Dynastic and Calligraphy in the Palace Museum Collection (three exhibitions) ※Time: 7th rotation: April 1-June 15, 2010 8th rotation: June 18-August 30, 2010 9th rotation: September 3-November 15, 2010 ※Venue: Calligraphy and Painting Gallery of the Hall of Martial Valor ※Number of exhibits: 7th rotation: 64 pieces 8th rotation: 66 pieces 9th rotation: 67 pieces

Entrance to the exhibition “Dynastic Paintings and Calligraphy” in Hall of Mar- tial Valor

Poster for the exhibition “Dynastic Paint- Interior of the exhibition hall of “Dynastic Paintings and ings and Calligraphy” in Hall of Martial Calligraphy” in Hall of Martial Valor Valor

Exhibitionsasdsadadsasd 27 2. Laying Down Arny and Encouraging Culture: Books Printed by the Ming Dynasty Central Government from the Museum Collection. ※Time: June 21-November 15, 2010 ※Venue: East Side Hall of the Hall of Martial Valor ※Number of exhibits: 47 volumes of 33 books

3. Book-Banning in the Name of Book-Collecting: Exhibition of Book Banned and Destroyed by the Qing Court. ※Time: June 21-November 15, 2010 ※Venue: West Side Hall of the Hall of Martial Valor ※Number of exhibits: 55 volumes of 41 books Leaflets for “Laying Down Arms and En- 4. Printing Technologies of the Imperial Household Department couraging Culture” in the Qing Dynasty ※Time: June 21-November 15, 2010 ※Venue: East Side Hall of the Hall of Martial Valor ※Number of exhibits: Over 40 pieces (varieties)

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Laying Poster for the exhibition of “Laying Leaflets for the exhibition “Book-Banning in the Down Arms and Encouraging Culture” Down Arms and Encouraging Culture” Name of Book-Collecting” and “Book-Banning in the Name of Book-Collecting”

28 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum

5. Exhibition of Selected Donation works by Xiao Longyou ※Time: September 9-October 8, 2010 ※Venue: Palace of Great Benevolence ※Number of exhibits: 98 pieces

6. Reminiscence of Chinese Characters (sponsored by Chinese National Academy of Arts) ※Time: September 17-October 15, 2010 ※Venue: Research Center of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting in the Pal- ace of Prolonging Happiness

Mr. Xiao Longyou

Poster for the exhibition “Selected Cul- Interior of the exhibition hall of “Reminiscence tural Properties from Mr. Xiao Longyou’s of Chinese Characters” Donation”

Exhibitionsasdsadadsasd 29 7. Ice Cracked Pattern and Pale Blue Glaze · Official-kiln Porcelain of the Song Dynasty ※Time: September 22, 2010-October 30, 2011 ※Venue: Research Center of Ancient Ceramics in the Palace of Prolonging Happiness ※Number of exhibits: 75 pieces of porcelain ware, 86 pieces of shards from kiln sites

8. Mountains Moved to the Hall of Joyful Longevity for Exhibition ※Time: September 2010- ※Venue: Hall of Joyful Longevity

Poster for the exhibition “Ice Cracked Pattern and Pale Blue Glaze · Official-kiln Porcelain of the Song Dynasty”

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Ice Cracked Pattern and Pale Blue Interior of the exhibition hall of “Ice Glaze · Official-kiln Porcelain of the Song Dynasty” Cracked Pattern and Pale Blue Glaze · Of- ficial-kiln Porcelain of the Song Dynasty”

30 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum 9. Splendors from the Yongle and Xuande Reigns of China’s Ming Dynasty ※Time: September 26, 2010 -January 4, 2011 ※Venue: Exhibition Hall of the Meridian Gate ※Number of exhibits: 162 pieces/sets

Renderings of jade carvings for Travel- ers in Autumn Mountains and The Nine Elders

Opening ceremony for the exhibition “Splendors from the Yongle and Xuande Reigns of China’s Ming Dynasty”

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Splen- dors from the Yongle and Xuande Reigns of China’s Ming Dynasty”

Exhibitionsasdsadadsasd 31 10. Historic Materials about Transporting Cultural Properties of the Forbidden City to South China ※Time: September 26-December 25, 2010 ※enue: Hall of the Gate of Divine Prowess ※Number of exhibits: 132 pieces/sets of historical files, 101 reproduced photos about the transportation to South China, 13 pieces of cultural prop- erties once transported to South China

Poster for the exhibition “Historic Materi- als about Transporting Cultural Properties of the Forbidden City to South China”

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Historic Materials about Transporting Cultural Properties of the Forbidden City to South China”

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Historic Materials about Transporting Cultural Properties of the Forbidden City to South China”

32 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum 11. Selected Cultural Properties Donated to and Collected by the Palace Museum (with new exhibits) ※Time: Re-opened to the public from October 22, 2010 ※Venue: Hall of Donations in the Palace of Great Benevolence

12. The Emperor's Secret Treasures: Stone Rubbings of Rare Editions Collected by the Qing Court ※Time: November 30, 2010-March 10, 2011 ※Venue: Research Center of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting in the Pal- ace of Prolonging Happiness

Poster for the exhibition “Selected Cul- tural Properties Donated to and Collected by the Palace Museum”

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Selected Interior of the exhibition hall of “The Emperor's Secret Treasures Cultural Properties Donated to and Col- Stone Rubbings of Rare Editions Collected by the Qing Court” lected by the Palace Museum”

Exhibitionsasdsadadsasd 33 13. The Palace Museum’s Achievements in Cultural Products Development ※Time: February 2010 ※Venue: Studio of Esteemed Excellence in Palace of Established Happiness ※Number of exhibits: 91 pieces/sets for evaluation, 126 pieces/sets for ex- hibition

Interior of the exhibition hall of “The Pal- ace Museum’s Achievements in Cultural Products Development”

Interior of the exhibition hall of “The Pal- ace Museum’s Achievements in Cultural Products Development”

34 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum 14. Paintings of Buddhist Sculptures Created by Xia Jingshan Time: March 16-June 16, 2010 ※Venue: Research Center of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting in the Pal- ace of Prolonging Happiness ※Number of exhibits: 67 pieces

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Paintings of Buddhist Sculptures Created by Xia Jingshan”

Exhibitionsasdsadadsasd 35 II. Exhibitions outside the Palace Museum and Exhibitions the Museum Participated in 1. Treasures of the Royal Court—A Special Exhibition of Gold and Silver Articles for Imperial Use in the Palace Museum Collection ※Time: January 1-February 28, 2010 ※Venue: Hainan Provincial Museum ※Number of exhibits: 100 pieces

2. Court Life of the Qing Dynasty ※Time: February 11-March 3, 2010 ※Venue: Wu Hou Shrine of Chengdu ※Number of exhibits: 73 pieces of cultural relics, two pieces of reproduced cultural relics

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Court Life of the Qing Dynasty” Interior of the exhibition hall of “Court Life of the Qing Dynasty”

36 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum 3. Treasures of the Royal Court—A Special Exhibition of Gold and Silver Articles for Imperial Use in the Palace Museum Collection ※Time: April 22-July 22, 2010 ※Venue: Wenzhou Museum ※Number of exhibits: 100 pieces

Lobby of “Treasures of the Royal Court— A Special Exhibition of Gold and Silver Articles for Imperial Use in the Palace Museum Collection”

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Trea- sures of the Palace Museum—A Special Exhibition of Gold and Silver Articles for Imperial Use of the Qing Dynasty”

Exhibitionsasdsadadsasd 37 4. Pavilion of Footprint in World Expo 2010 Shanghai China (joint exhibition) ※Time: May 1-November 15, 2010 ※Venue: Pavilion in World Expo 2010 Shanghai China ※Number of exhibits: 20 pieces/sets

5. Life of the Qianlong Emperor Interior of the exhibition hall of “Life of ※Time: June 10-September 10, 2010 the Qianlong Emperor” ※Venue: Shandong Provincial Museum ※Number of exhibits: 105 pieces/sets

Pavilion of Footprint during Expo 2010 Shanghai China

38 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum 6. Pu'er Tea Collected by the Qing Court ※Time: July 20, 2010-June 30, 2013 ※Venue: Pu’er Museum ※Number of exhibits: 7 pieces

7. Ancient Chinese Sculptures (joint exhibition)

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Life of ※Time: August 1, 2010-March 31, 2013 the Qianlong Emperor” ※Venue: Shanghai Museum ※Number of exhibits: 5 pieces

8. Selected Calligraphy and Paintings of Tang Bohu ※Time: August 20-October 17, 2010 ※Venue: Liaoning Provincial Museum Interior of the exhibition hall of “Selected ※Number of exhibits: 19 pieces Calligraphy and Paintings of Tang Bohu”

Exhibitionsasdsadadsasd 39 9. Selected White Glazed Porcelain in the Palace Museum Collection ※Time: August 31-September 31, 2010 ※Venue: Chinese , Zibo ※Number of exhibits: 30 pieces

10. Masterpieces of Ancient Chinese Paintings from the Tang to Yuan Dynasties in Japanese and Chinese Collections (joint exhibition) ※Time: September 28-November 23, 2010 ※Venue: Shanghai Museum ※Number of exhibits: 2 pieces

11. Selected Porcelain Objects from the Southern Song Dynasty (joint exhibition) ※Time: September 28-December 28, 2010 ※Venue: Southern Song Dynasty Official Kiln Museum ※Number of exhibits: 19 pieces

12. Exhibition of Guqin (a Seven-stringed Plucked Instrument) (joint exhibition) ※Time: October 15-November 29, 2010 ※Venue: National Centre for the Performing Arts ※Number of exhibits: 15 pieces

13. East Meets West: The Exhibition of Wu Guanzhong’s Paintings (joint exhibition) ※Time: November 20-December 25, 2010 ※Venue: Zhejiang ※Number of exhibits: 3 pieces

40 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Interior of the exhibition hall of “Selected White Glazed Porcelain in the Palace Museum Collection”

Interior of the exhibition hall of “Selected Porcelain Objects from the Southern Song Dynasty”

asdsadadsasd 41 42 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Academic Research

and Publication

asdsadadsasd 43 The project of Study on Mechanical Per- formance of Mortise and Tenon Structure of Ancient Buildings obtains three na- tional patents

The site of the symposium on the Gugong Studies

he Institute of Gugong Studies was set up, and a series of books sum- Tmarizing the Palace Museum’s history of academic study and achieve- ments in scientific research of the Palace Museum were published. “The Forbidden City Publication” has exerted wide influence throughout China.

I. Academic Research The proposal of the Gugong Studies in 2003 has exerted wide influ- ence both at home and abroad. The Graduate School of Chinese National Academician Qingshi gives instruc- tions to Key Base of the State Adminis- Academy of Arts, the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social tration of Cultural Heritage for Scientific Sciences, Zhejiang University and other famous universities approached Research on Ancient Ceramics the Palace Museum and have established cooperative relationships with the Museum for education and academic collaboration in Gugong Studies. On September 26, the Institute of Gugong Studies was officially established. For the management of research programs, ten projects at the museum level were approved in 2010. The project of Study on Mechanical Perfor- mance of Mortise and Tenon Structure of Ancient Buildings was completed and obtained three national patents. The digitization of the whole text of Files for Furnishings of the Qing Court was completed, and files can be shared in the Museum Local Network. In March, the Key Base of the State Ad- The theme educational and visiting event “Cultural Heritage Around Me-Cultural ministration of Cultural Heritage for Scientific Research on Ancient Ce- and Scientific Connotatian of Glaze” ramics started the non-damage inspection and study of all porcelain objects made by official kilns of the Song Dynasty and some made after the Song style in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In 2010, the Palace Museum held over 30 academic lectures and symposiums. Between September 26 and 28, it held the symposium of Gu- gong Studies. On November 18 and 19, it held the “2nd symposium Orga- nized by the Palace Museums Across the Strait: The Yongle and Xuande Pe- riods and Influences” in Beijing. The ten museum-level research programs, Mr. Geng Baochang explains the porcelain major academic lectures and symposiums are as follows: objects made by official kilns of the Song Dynasty at the academic symposium on the progress of non-damage inspection and study of the objects

44 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum The site of the symposium on current state of the The site of the 2nd symposium Organized by the Palace Museums Gugong Studies and its future development Across the Strait The Yongle and Xuande Times and the Influences

The site of Research & Appraisal The Influence of Xu Bangda-aca- Annual Conference & Academic Symposium on Cizhou Kiln held by demic symposium in memory of the 100th anniversary of his birth Ancient Chinese Ceramics Research Society in 2010

The site of book launch for Series of History of the Ming Court & the Photo of experts and scholars participating in the 2nd symposium symposium on the history of the Ming Court Organized by the Palace Museums Across the Strait The Yongle and Xuande Times and the Influences

Academicasdsadadsasd Research and Publication 45 Jason Sun, Associate Curator in the Department of Asian Art at the Deputy Director Li Wenru gives a lecture entitled “Management of Metropolitan Museum of Art gives a lecture entitled “History and the Brand of the Palace Museum”, the 1st lecture at the 4th Forum on Practice Chinese Artworks in the Collection of The Metropolitan Youth and Museums by the Palace Museum Museum of Art, New York”

Jason Sun, Associate Curator in the Department of Asian Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art gives a lecture entitled “About the Exhibition of ‘Kublai Khan’s Era Art in China’s Yuan Dynasty’ and its Design and Preparation”

Website of the Forbidden City Publishing House Culture of the For- bidden City

Deputy Director Dr. Duan Yong gives a lecture entitled “Historical Facts and Influence of Transporting Cultural Properties to South China”

46 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum The Palace Museum’s research programs established in 2010

No. Research programs Implemented by Headed by

Huang Yi and Epigraphy (1): Study on Stone Rubbings, Callig- 1 raphy and Paintings related to Huang Yi in the Palace Museum Individual Qin Ming Collection

2 Stone Rubbings Collected by the Qing Court Individual Wang Yi

3 Study on Statute and Institution of the Qing Court (1st issue of the Research Center Ren Wanping series) Study on Politics at Court During Hongwu Period in the Ming 4 Panel Ma Shunping Dynasty

5 Study on Fucha Clan of the Qing Dynasty Panel Chen Lianying

Chinese Translation of Nishpannayogavali (The Garland of Perfec- 6 Research Center Luo Wenhua tion Yoga)

7 Study on Jiaxing Tripitaka in the Palace Museum Collection Individual Zhang Hongwei

Study on Conservation Conditions of Seven Buddha Sermon Il- 8 lustrations in the Palace Museum Collection and related Survey on Panel Lei Yong Taking off of the Yuan Dynasty

9 Development History of Academic Studies on Tibetan Buddhism Research Center Wang Yuegong by the Palace Museum Study on History of Acquisition of Cultural Relics by the Palace 10 Panel Wang Shuo Museum (1949-2009)

Academic symposiums held by the Palace Museum in 2010

Time Title

Expert evaluation meeting for the exhibition “Splendors from the Yongle and Xuande Reigns of January 28 China’s Ming Dynasty”

April 19 Symposium on Current Development of the Gugong Studies and Its Future Development

Symposium on Forbidden City Culture in the Palace Museum and Mount Wudang of the Ming April 13-16 Dynasty

Academic symposium on the progress of non-damage inspection and study of porcelain objects July 2 made by official kilns of the Song Dynasty in the Palace Museum Collection

Research & Authentication: The influence of Xu Bangda-academic symposium in celebration of July 6 the 100th birthday of Xu Bangda Symposium on the Gugong Studies (three sub-symposiums: the 7th academic symposium of the September 26-28 Society of Forbidden City Studies, symposium on official kilns and their organizational system in the Song Dynasty, academic symposium on the Ming court history)

Academicasdsadadsasd Research and Publication 47 The 2nd symposium organized by the Palace Museums Across the Strait: The Yongle and Xuande November 18-19 Periods and Influences

December 9-10 The 4th Youth Forum of the Palace Museum: Promotion of the Brand of the Palace Museum

Museum-level academic lectures at the Palace Museum in 2010

Lecturer Time Title

Hu Xiaowei April 9 Integration of East and West: Traditional Chinese Culture in the 21st Century

Ji Ruoxin May 28 Ingenuity and Craftsmanship

On the Exhibition “The World of Kublai Khan: in the Yuan Dy- Jason Sun August 18 nasty” , its Design and Preparation

David B. Honey October 22 Chinese Culture in the Eyes of Western Sinologists

History and Practice: Acquisition of Chinese Artworks by The Metropolitan Jason Sun November 1 Museum of Art, New York

Academic salons organized by the Palace Museum in 2010

Lecturer Time Title

Yang Zhen January 22 Anecdotes of the Qing Palace

He Xiaorong February 5 Eunuchs and Buddhism in the Ming Dynasty

Historical Facts and Influences of Transporting Cultural Properties Duan Yong March 19 to South China

Lou Wei April 6 Development and Philosophy of Museums in Great Britain

Lectures of “Eternal Forbidden City” held by the Palace Museum in some universities in Beijing

Lecturer Time Venue Title

The Central Academy Xiang Si April 23 Comments on Cixi: Tell you a True Cixi of Drama

China Central Acad- Hu Guoqiang Ancient Sculptures in the Palace Museum May 20 emy of Fine Arts

Minzu University of Zhou Jingnan December 14 Studios of Scholars in the Ming Dynasty China

48 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum II. Academic Publication The Forbidden City Publishing House continued its efforts to com- pile and publish Compendium of Collections in The Palace Museum, The Ency- clopedia of the Palace Museum, Palace Museum Journal, Journal of Gugong Studies, and the Forbidden City. Besides, together with the exhibitions and related academic studies, the Publishing House successively published The Cal- ligraphy and Painting Gallery of the Palace Museum (vol. 7, 8, 9), Splendors from the Yongle and Xuande Reigns of China’s Ming Dynasty, Catalogue of Academic Achievements of the Palace Museum (Oct. 1925-Jun. 2010) and other important books. The first phase of Epitaph Unearthed in New China with research fel- lows Wang Su and Ren Fang as editors-in-chief won the 1st prize of the 25th National Excellent Classic Books Award, and the Book Award of the The Palace Museum Journal 2nd Chinese Government Award for Publishing (the former National Book Award). An Overview of the Exhibits Collected in the Palace Museums Across the Strait, Miscellanea of the Palace Museum, and some other books published by the Forbidden City Publishing House won national prizes. Over ten variet- ies of selected books including Compendium of Collections in The Palace Mu- seum, Classics of the Forbidden City, The Calligraphy and Painting Gallery of the Palace Museum were included into list of books as national presents.

Journal of Gugong Studies (the 6th issue)

Books published by The Forbidden City The Forbidden City Publishing House participates Publishing House in the 17th Beijing International Book Fair

Academicasdsadadsasd Research and Publication 49 The Forbidden City A Complete Collection of Paintings of the Song Dynasty--- the Palace Museum makes its debut in the Palace Museum

Series of My Home is in the Forbidden City

50 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Major books published by the Palace Museum’s Forbidden City Publishing House in 2010

No. Title Author

The Palace Museum Compiled by the Palace Museum

Qianlong Garden Compiled by the Palace Museum

Compendium of Collections in The Palace Museum: Sculpture (1-9) Compiled by the Palace Museum

Compendium of Collections in The Palace Museum: Painting (5-6) Compiled by the Palace Museum

Bronzes of the Forbidden City Compiled by the Palace Museum

Splendors from the Yongle and Xuande Reigns of China’s Ming Dynasty Compiled by the Palace Museum

Ceramics in the Forbidden City Compiled by the Palace Museum

Guide to Official Kilns in the Song Dynasty Compiled by the Palace Museum

Catalogue of Academic Achievements of the Palace Museum (Oct. 1925- Compiled by the Palace Museum Jun. 2010)

Samadhi of Completion: Secret Tibetan Yoga Illuminations from the Qing Compiled by the Palace Museum Court

Zhang Naiqi, A Great Donor Compiled by the Palace Museum

Compiled by the Palace Museum Technological Exchanges between Ancient Chinese Court and Local and Max Planck Institute for the Areas in the 17th and 18th Century History of Science

Compiled by the Palace Museum Collection of Ancient and Painting: Artworks Donat- and Xiangcheng People's Political ed by Zhang Boju in the Palace Museum Collection Consultative Conference

Compiled by Ancient Chinese Ce- Ancient Chinese Ceramics Studies (Vol. 16) ramics Research Society

Compiled by Ming History Research Collection of Papers on Studies of Ming History (Vol. 8) Center, Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Journal of Gugong Studies (Vol. 5, 6) Editor-in-chief: Zheng Xinmiao

Lacquerwares from Yuan to Qing Dynasties Collected by the Cao Family Editor-in-chief: Chen Lihua

Editor-in-chief: The Palace Museum 2009 Feng Nai’en

Academicasdsadadsasd Research and Publication 51 Editor-in-chief: The Palace Museum 2009 (English version) Feng Nai’en

Owners of the Forbidden City - Men of Great Personality (Ming Dynasty) Fan Jie (Qing Dynasty)

Ceramics Research and Authentication by Feng Xianming Feng Xianming

Ceramics in the Song and Yuan Dynasties by Feng Xianming Feng Xianming

Editors-in-chief: Collection of Epitaphs in the Palace Museum Guo Yuhai, Fang Bin

Editor-in-chief: The 200 Objects You Should Know: Furniture with Inlaid Patterns Hu Desheng

Editor-in-chief: The 200 Objects You Should Know: Furniture with Painted Patterns Hu Desheng

Editor-in-chief: The 200 Objects You Should Know: Statues from Quyang Hu Guoqiang

Editor-in-chief: The Calligraphy and Painting Gallery of the Palace Museum (Vol. 7) Jin Yunchang

Editor-in-chief: The Calligraphy and Painting Gallery of the Palace Museum (Vol. 8) Hua Ning

Editor-in-chief: The Calligraphy and Painting Gallery of the Palace Museum (Vol. 9) Nie Hui

Basic Knowledge for Authenticating China’s Porcelain Li Huibing

The History of Drama in the Ming Court Li Zhenyu

Emperors and Porcelain for Court Life Liu Wei

The History of Architecture of the Ming Court Meng Fanren

Record of Cultural Properties of the Palace Museum Surviving from Rav- Ouyang Daoda ages

Han and Wei Stone Rubbings in the Palace Museum from the Collection Editor-in-chief: of the Epigraphist Huang Yi Qin Ming

Editor-in-chief: Experts’ Ways of Studying in the Palace Museum Ren Fang

The 131 Objects You Should Know: Rose Wood Furniture Rui Qian

Shan Shiyuan Collection of Shan Shiyuan’s Works (Vol. 1-4)

Editor-in-chief: Records of Academic Lectures on Gugong Studies (Vol. 1) Song Lingping

52 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Editor-in-chief: Records on Golden Bricks Used by the Qing Court Song Lingping

Historical Facts and People in the Ming Dynasty Su Tongbing

Historical Facts and People in the Qing Dynasty Su Tongbing

The History of Ceramics of the Ming Court Wang Guangyao

Editors-in-chief: Collection of Mi Fu’s Calligraphy Wang Lianqi, Xue Yongnian

Studies and Preservation of Studio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service Editor-in-chief: Wang Shiwei

Editor-in-chief: The 16 Emperors of the Ming Dynasty Wang Tianyou

Edited by 300 Cases to Identify Wang Yongchang

Two Decades of Studying Ming Furniture Grace Wu Bruce

Drought and Praying for Rain in China in the 18th Century Wu Shizhou

Memoirs of Eunuchs Xin Xiuming, et al

Ceramics Collected in Hongni Belvedere Editor-in-chief:Xu Junhua

The 12 Emperors of the Qing Dynasty Yan Chongnian

Editors-in-chief: Yan Yong, Fang Illustrated Dictionary of the Qing Dynasty Court Costumes Hongjun, Yin Anni

Editors-in-chief: Carpets in the Collection of the Palace Museum Yuan Hongqi, Liu Baojian

The History of Statutes of the Ming Court Zhao Zhongnan, et al

Guqin Instrument in the Forbidden City Written by Zheng Minzhong

Bamboo, Wood, Ivory, and Rhinoceros Horn Carvings in the Collection Editors-in-chief: of the Palace Museum Zhang Rong, Liu Yue

Collection of My Humble Opinions on Studies of Guqin Instrument and Zheng Minzhong Others

Editors-in-chief: Collection of Papers on Ming and Qing Dynasties (Vol. 10) Zhu Chengru, Wang Tianyou

Miscellanea of the Palace Museum Zhu Jiajin

Academicasdsadadsasd Research and Publication 53 54 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Education

and Public Outreach

asdsadadsasd 55 he Palace Museum has brought the existing educational activities into Tfull play. On this basis, it holds various thematic publicity events on days of commemoration, and continues its efforts in volunteer management, playing an important role in serving the society and promoting traditional cultures with characteristics of the Forbidden City.

I. Education, Public Outreach and Volunteer Service The staff member introduces the exhibi- tion of images of the Forbidden City to In 2010, the Palace Museum tried to fulfill its social responsibilities students and their parents attending the via colorful public outreach and education activities. The Palace Museum 5th Palace Museum Lectures Lectures, exhibition of images of the Forbidden City, activities to celebrate “May 18” International Museum Day and “June 12” Chinese Cultural Heritage Day and other educational events on various theme days, as well as DIY activities including “Colored Painting on Beautiful Dress” attracted people from all walks of life and won wide acclamation. The year 2010 reg- istered 4,655 times of service by volunteers. The total time of service added up to 9,693.5 hours and the number of visitors who received the service reached 33,792. Children actively participate in the activ- ity of Palace Museum Lectures during the summer vacation

The site of the activity of Palace Museum Lectures during the summer vacation

The staff member guides students and their parents attending the The Earth Hour activity at Gate of 5th Palace Museum Lectures to visit the Palace Museum Supreme Harmony

56 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Soldiers listen to the introduction The sum-up meeting and awarding to the exhibition of images of the ceremony of Palace Museum Lectures Forbidden City during the summer vacation

The on-site view of the Earth Hour activity The guide leads retired veterans from a regiment of held at Beijing Garrison to visit the Palace Museum

Educationasdsadadsasd and Public Outreach 57 The 1st stage of the traveling exhibition of images of the Forbidden The site of Cultural Heritage Around Me held on June 12, the City in 2010 Chinese Cultural Heritage Day

Volunteers for the Calligraphy and Painting Gallery, the Palace Volunteers show students how to make rubbings Museum, are trained

Students visit the traveling exhibition of images of the Students make Forbidden City rubbings

58 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Rubbings made by the students American students participating in the activity “Colored Painting on Beautiful Dress” take photos with their works

Students from Qingnianhu Primary School participate in the activity Primary school students participate in the activity “Build a School “Emperors’ New Costumes” with Your Own Hands” during the summer vacation

American students participating in the activity “Colored Painting on Russian primary and middle school students participating in the Beautiful Dress” and their works summer camp visit the Palace Museum

asdsadadsasdEducation and Public Outreach 59 Major public outreach & education activities held by the Palace Museum in 2010

Number of Time Theme Venue Form participants Activity for Exhibition of Han and Wei (3rd c. BCE-3rd c. CE) Stone In the Palace Mu- January-February 740 DIY Rubbings Collected by the Epigra- seum phist Huang Yi In the Palace Mu- February 3-7 The 5th Palace Museum Lectures 713 Lecture, tour seum

In the Palace Mu- March 22, April 7 Emperors’ New Costumes 70 DIY seum Beijing Foreign Studies University, Exhibition of Images of the Forbid- March 23-May 27 the PLA National Over 100,000 Exhibition den City (tour) Defense University, etc. Educational In the Palace Mu- April 22 Earth Hour on World Earth Day 27 activity on theme seum day China University of Political Science and Exhibition of images of the Forbid- Activity for Law, China Univer- den City in Colleges and Publicity “May 18” Inter- May 18-27 sity of Petroleum 50,000 for “May 18” International Museum national Museum (Beijing), Beijing Day Day University of Chemi- cal Technology Activity for In the Palace Mu- June 12 Cultural Heritage Around Me 600 Chinese Cultural seum Heritage Day Spend the Dragon Boat Festival and In the Palace Mu- June 14-16 102 DIY Make Zongzi in the Forbidden City seum

In the Palace Mu- June 16 Colored Painting on Beautiful Dress 75 DIY seum

Palace Museum Lectures during In the Palace Mu- July-August 578 Lecture, DIY Summer Vacation seum

August (nine ses- Build a School with Your Own In the Palace Mu- 177 DIY sions) Hands seum

60 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum II. Internship in the Museum In 2010, the Palace Museum received 16 college students from , Macao and the Yale University of the United States to work as interns at the Department of Publicity and Education, library, Research Department, Conservation Department, Information Center, The Forbidden City Pub- lishing House, and Department of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting.

Volunteers visit the Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty to learn

Educationasdsadadsasd and Public Outreach 61 62 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum The Digital Palace Museum

asdsadadsasd 63 Film the process of reproducing the qin instrument

n 2010, the Palace Museum, according to plans for its digital construc- Ition, strengthened the research and development of interactive programs for visitors, upgraded and improved the basic resource system, and included more working systems of the museum into the information platform for internal management, thus improved work efficiency.

I. Digital Cultural Exhibition Various digital programs were developed for cultural presentation to meet demands of different visitors, and videos were made such as The Con- struction of the Forbidden City According to Zhu Di’s Order, Experts from the Pal- ace Museum Talking about National Treasures, Restoration of the Panoramic Paint- ing of Gallery of Purest Jade, Retrace the Route for Transporting Cultural Properties of the Forbidden City to South China, The Dragon’s Sons Guarding the Forbidden City, etc. On April 1, equipments for “Walking within the painting: Along the River During Qing-Ming Festival” jointly developed by the Palace Mu- seum, Microsoft Research Asia and Peking University were installed in the Calligraphy and Painting Gallery in the Hall of Martial Valor. In addition, the Palace Museum also cooperated with other professional research and

64 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum development institutions on “Wonderland of Ceramics” 3D interactive pro- gram. In 2010, the Palace Museum website saw an average of 1.14 million hits every day, and 2,871 pages released. The number of registered users to- taled 7,141, with 4,324 new in the year. Between November 7 and 12, the 22nd General Conference & 25th General Assembly of the International Council of Museums was held in Shanghai, and the official website of the Palace Museum won golden prize Demonstration of “magic ceramic mirror” program for comprehensive network art, and The Construction of the Forbidden City Ac- cording to Zhu Di’s Order won the golden prize for the best medium-length audio-visual works.

Video “The Construction of the Forbidden City Video “Retrace the Route for Transporting Cultural According to Zhu Di’s Order” Properties of the Forbidden City to South China”

Video “Restoration of the Panoramic Painting of Visitors experience “Walk within the painting Gallery of Purest Jade” Along the River During Qing-Ming Festival”

Theasdsadadsasd Digital Palace Museum 65 Cartoon “The Dragon’s Sons Guarding the Forbidden City” The website of the Palace Museum wins the golden prize for comprehensive net- work art

Cartoon “The Dragon’s Sons Guarding the Forbidden City”

66 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum The 10th anniversary of the cooperation between the Palace Museum and Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. & release conference of the VR program “Studio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service”

II. Development of Virtual Reality Technology On September 26, the fourth VR program Studio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service was officially released. It showcases not only the interior dec- oration of the studio, but also the Qianlong Emperor’s dream about South China. In 2010, the VR Hall received 6,027 visitors in 216 groups from all The website of the Palace Museum cre- walks of life. The 3D modeling work for the five rows of courtyard in the ates a micro-blog at garden of Palace of Tranquil Longevity was officially launched this year.

The VR program “Studio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service” Panorama of wisteria in the VR program “Studio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service”

Interior of Belvedere of Viewing Achievements, the 1st stage of 3D Interior of Belvedere of Viewing Achievements, the 1st stage of 3D modeling for the garden of Palace of Tranquil Longevity modeling for the garden of Palace of Tranquil Longevity

Theasdsadadsasd Digital Palace Museum 67 68 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Cooperation and Exchange

asdsadadsasd 69 Delegation members of the Palace Muse- ums across the strait participating in the activity to retrace the route of transport- ing cultural properties of the Forbidden City to South China hold an symposium in Nanjing

he Palace Museum has cooperated and exchanged with museums Tin Hong Kong, Macao, , and foreign countries, and attained achievements continuously.

I. Cooperation and Exchanges with Other Museums (1) Exchanges with the Palace Museum in Taipei The Palace Museum has conducted frequent exchanges with its counterpart in Taipei. From October 6, 2009 to January 10, 2010, it sent 37 pieces/sets of cultural relics to Taiwan to participate in the exhibition of Harmony and Integrity: the and his Times, which received over 780,000 visitors. Between June 3 and 18, the Palace Museums across the strait jointly launched the activity to retrace the route of transporting cultural properties of the Forbidden City to South China, which was participated by over 20 people from the two Palace Museums and . In September, to support the exhibition of Historic Materials about Transporting Cultural Properties of the Forbidden City to South China held at the Gate of Di- vine Prowess, the Palace Museum in Taipei provided over 30 pieces/sets of related files and materials from its own collection. On November 2, both

70 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum parties held a video meeting for the first time ever. Colleagues led by Direc- tor Zheng Xinmiao in Beijing and those led by President Zhou Gongxin in Taipei attended the meeting, which summarized and spoke highly of the exchanges between the two museums since 2009, and discussed future cooperation in 2011. Between November 18 and 19, the 2nd symposium Organized by the Palace Museums Across the Strait: The Yongle and Xu- ande Times and the Influences was held in Beijing, and a delegation of ten people led by Vice President Feng Mingzhu were present. According to the eight points of consensus reached by the two museums, communication and exchanges between management members and professional staff were enhanced. From February 22 to May 31, Ji Ruoxin, head of Registration Department of the Palace Museum in Taipei came to the museum in Bei- jing for study, while the latter sent Feng Nai’en, Assistant Director and head of the Palace Museum Administration Office, and Yu Hui, head of the Re- search Department, to Taipei for exchanges.

Delegation members of the Palace Muse- ums across the strait participating in the activity to retrace the route of transport- ing cultural properties of the Forbidden City to South China in front of Huayan Cave in Guizh

Cooperationasdsadadsasd and Exchange 71 The Palace Museums across the strait hold a video meeting

Delegation members of the Palace Muse- ums across the strait participating in the activity to retrace the route of transport- ing cultural properties of the Forbidden City to South China in front of Mount Qianfo in Sich

Delegation members of the Palace Muse- ums across the strait participating in the activity to retrace the route of transport- ing cultural properties of the Forbidden City to South China in front of the memo- rial in Lesh

72 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum The Palace Museum and Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. sign the 3rd cooperation agree- ment

(2) Cooperative project for Institute of Digital Application of Cultural Assets On September 26, the Palace Museum officially signed the 3rd co- operation agreement with Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. All senior members of management from the Palace Museum led by Director Zheng Xinmiao, Toppan President Naoki Adachi, Deputy Chairwoman of China Association for International Friendly Contact Xiao Rong, and Minister at the Embassy of in China attended the signing ceremony, symbolizing the formal beginning of the 3rd five-year cooperation plan.

(3) Cooperation with renowned museums in the world, including the Louvre Museum of On November 4, under the witness of Chinese President Hu Jintao and French President Sarkozy, Executive Deputy Director of the Palace Museum Li Ji signed the Cooperation Agreement between Palace Museum and Louvre Museum (2011-2015) with Director of Louvre Museum Henri Loyrette in Palais de l’Élysée, Paris. The new agreement involved joint exhibitions, exchange of personnel, cooperation of official websites, public service and management of visitors, etc.

Cooperationasdsadadsasd and Exchange 73 On December 6, the Palace Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum of the United Kingdom signed a Memorandum of Understand- ing, the 2nd one it had signed with a museum in Britain, the first one being with the British Museum. The Palace Museum also signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a Strategic Partnership with the Royal Ontario Museum of Canada.

Executive Deputy Director Li Ji talks to Director of Louvre Museum Henri Loyrette on the Cooperation Agreement between Palace Museum and Louvre Museum (2011-2015).

Executive Deputy Director Li Ji exchanges the Memorandum of Understanding for a Strategic Partnership with Vice President Dan Rahimi from Royal Ontario Museum of Canada

74 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum (4) Academic exchanges with other museums in the world In 2010, the Palace Museum sent out 21 delegations totaled 47 per- sons for academic exchanges with its counterparts in countries including France, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Britain, the U.S., Japan, and regions in- cluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

The site of the Chinese-English sympo- sium “Opening of & Communication be- tween Museums”

Participation in the forum on improving the legal work related to intellectual property rights held by the Palace Musuems across the strait in Taipei

Cooperationasdsadadsasd and Exchange 75 Staff of the Palace Museum receive train- ing of the British Museum

Technical staff of the Palace Museum go to Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. for training

Director of Conservation Department Miao Jianmin visits the lab of The Metro- politan Museum of Art, New York

76 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum II. Exhibitions Abroad/outside China’s Mainland (1) The Season of Return: Treasures from the Palace Museum in Macao ※Time: December 11, 2009-March 14, 2010 ※Venue: Macao Museum of Art ※Number of exhibits: 125 pieces Director of Conservation Department This was the 14th exhibition jointly held by the Macao Museum of Miao Jianmin visits the lab of The Metro- politan Museum of Art, New York Art and the Palace Museum. It showcased 11 categories of cultural relics from the Palace Museum collection, including calligraphy and stone rub- bings, paintings, bronze ware, jade, gold and silverware, porcelain, enam- elware, kesi silks, lacquer ware, bamboo, wood, ivory and rhinoceros horn carvings and Buddhist sculptures. With exhibits extending from the Neo- lithic Age to the Qing Dynasty, the exhibition focused on presenting their artistic, appreciative and historical values, and, in terms of exhibit quality and values, ranked the 1st among the exhibitions of treasures from the Pal- ace Museum held in the Macao Museum of Art in the past.

Visitors at the exhibition “The Season of Return Treasures from the Palace Mu- seum” in Macao

Interior of the exhibition hall of “The Sea- son of Return Treasures from the Palace Museum” in Macao

Cooperationasdsadadsasd and Exchange 77 (2) Legends of Heroes: the Heritage of the Three Kingdoms Era in Taiwan (joint exhibition) ※Time: June 5-September 5, 2010 ※Venue: Museum of History in Taipei ※Number of exhibits: 15 pieces/sets The 146 pieces/sets of cultural relics on display were mainly selected from 32 museums of the mainland, including bronzes, carved bricks, paint- ings and calligraphy, seals, ceramics, lacquerware, gold and copper vessels, Princess of the Netherlands is present at wood-carvings, and modern handicrafts. The exhibition opened a window the opening ceremony for the exhibition for visitors to understand traditional Chinese culture from a unique per- “Treasures from the Forbidden City” spective, and attracted more than 100,000 visitors.

(3) The Emperor’s Private Paradise: Treasures from the Forbidden City in the U.S. (1st venue) ※Time: September 14, 2010-January 9, 2011 ※Venue: Peabody Essex Museum ※Number of exhibits: 101 pieces/sets The exhibition was held by the Palace Museum in cooperation with the World Monuments Fund of the U.S. This was the first time that the Pal- ace Museum displayed cultural relics and interior decoration kept in their original state in a foreign country. Exhibits also included architectural com- ponents of the Forbidden City and rocks of the garden. The exhibition will also travel to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and the Milwau- kee Art Museum.

Interior of the exhibition hall of “The Em- peror's Private Paradise Treasures from the Forbidden City” in the U.S.

78 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum (4) The World of Khubilai Khan: Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty in the U.S. (joint exhibition) ※Time: September 20, 2010-January 2, 2011 ※Venue: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York ※Number of exhibits: 9 pieces

(5) Treasures from the Forbidden City in the Netherlands ※Time: October 15, 2010-March 31, 2011 ※Venue: Dutch National Museum from Musical to Street Organ ※Number of exhibits: 24 pieces/sets The exhibition was a sum-up of the two parties’ cooperation in re- storing cultural relics between 2008 and 2010. It played a positive role in deepening European visitors’ understanding of the collection of the Palace Museum and promoting exchanges on clock restoration. Exterior of the exhibition hall of “Striking Clock Treasures from the Forbidden City” in the Netherlands

Exhibits from the Palace Museum at the exhibition “The World of Khubilai Khan Chinese Art in the Yuan Dynasty” in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Cooperationasdsadadsasd and Exchange 79 (6) Exhibition of Carpets from the Collection of China’s Palace Museum and from Japanese Museums in Japan (joint exhibition) ※Time: October 16-November 28, 2010 ※Venue: Saga Prefectural Museum, Japan ※Number of exhibits: 28 pieces/sets The Palace Museum selected various carpets made in Xinjiang, Ningxia, Gansu, and the Imperial Household Workshop, some court cos- Staff install exhibits for the exhibition of tumes and imperial weapons for the exhibition. Basically all the techniques carpets in Japan for weaving carpets and carpet styles in various regions of the Qing Dynasty were presented, and the rich court carpet culture in different periods were showcased to visitors. The exhibition saw a full success by receiving over

5,000 visitors, 1/20 of the local population. Visitors at “Exhibition of Carpets from the Collection of China’s Palace Museum and from Japanese Museums”

80 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum (7) Imperial Chinese Robes from the Forbidden City in Britain ※Time: December 6, 2010-February 27, 2011 ※Venue: The Victoria and Albert Museum ※Number of exhibits: 85 pieces As this was the first large theme exhibition of embroideries and tex- tiles that the Palace Museum had held in foreign museums in the past two decades, the exhibits covered all categories of imperial costumes of the Qing Dynasty. The official, festive, regular, travelling and informal robes of emper- Exhibits to be displayed at “Exhibition of Carpets from the Collection of China’s ors and empresses were displayed in 22 showcases according to the rules on Palace Museum and from Japanese Muse- the use. The exhibition was also part of the exchange exhibition between ums” in Japan the Palace Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum.

(8) Fire and Colour: Imperial Kiln Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty from the Palace Museum Collection in Macao ※Time: December 17, 2010-March 20, 2011 ※Venue: Macao Museum of Art ※Number of exhibits: 132 pieces/sets The exhibits mainly included the imperial porcelain during the reigns of emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, which Chief Executive of the Macao Special were produced by the Imperial Household Workshop and the imperial kilns Administrative Region Chui Sai On and Director Zheng Xinmiao at the ribbon- in Jingdezhen. They fully presented features of porcelain produced by impe- cutting ceremony for the exhibition “Fire rial kilns of the Qing Dynasty, and comprehensively reflected meanings of and Colour Imperial Kiln Porcelain of the the imperial objects, i.e. the harmonious and perfect unity between practical Qing Dynasty from t and aesthetic values.

Cooperationasdsadadsasd and Exchange 81 82 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum Financial Statements

asdsadadsasd 83 Revenue Unit: RMB 10,000

Item Incurred in the Year Remark

Financial subsidy 30,095.09

Subsidies from supervising department 0

Ticket sales 0

Operational income 6,701.74

Contributions of subsidiary 0 organizations

Others 907.15

Total 37,703.98

84 Annual Report 2010 of The Palace Museum The Editing Committee of The Palace Museum ※Director: Zheng Xinmiao ※Deputy Director: Li Ji ※members: Li Wenru, Ji Tianbin, Wang Yamin, Chen Lihua, Song Jirong

Team for Compilation ※Chief: Feng Nai’en ※Assistant Chief: Zhu Hongwen ※Editor: Chen Qiusu 图书在版编目(CIP)数据 故宫博物院年鉴.2010: 英文 / 冯乃恩主编; 故 宫博物院编.-北京: 故宫出版社, 2011.12 ISBN 978-7-5134-0221-7

Ⅰ. ①故⋯ Ⅱ. ①冯⋯ ②故⋯ Ⅲ. ①故宫博物院- 北京市-2010-年鉴 Ⅳ. ①G269.263-54 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2011)第271436号