I. ! r£III YOUNG CONAWAY WILMINGTON mJ STARGA1T&TAYLOR,LLP GEORGETOWN Attorneys at Law MIDDLETOWN NEW YORK Stephanie L. Hansen P 302.571.6733 F 302.576.3519
[email protected] September 21, 2015 ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION AND FEDERAL EXPRESS OVERNIGHT Ms. Barbara Delaney (
[email protected]) Office of Pair Housing and Equal Opportunity Philadelphia Center Director 100 Penn Square East - W anarnaker Building, 10th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 Lori Wagner, Esq. (
[email protected]) Chief Attn: DJ #175-15-46 Housing and Civil Enforcement Section Civil Rights Division United States Department of Justice 1800 G Street NW Washington, DC 20006 Re: Sussex County Interim Compliance Report Under the Sussex County Voluntary Compliance Agreement (HUD) and Consent Decree (USDOJ) Dear Ms. Delaney and Ms. Wagner: The purpose of this correspondence is to forward to you the training certificates from the third annual in-person training of certain County employees as well as the County's Limited English Proficiency ("LEP") Plan requested by you in your correspondence to Sussex County dated July 30, 2015 (the "July HUD Letter"). Additionally, the County is also including within this report information relating to its second annual home buyer fair as required within the County's Affirmative and Fair Housing Marketing Plan. A. Training Certificates: In-person training is required under the Consent Decree ("CD") executed between Sussex County and the U.S. Department of Justice ("USDOJ") on November 28, 2012, entered Rodney Square • lOOO North King Street • Wilmington, DE 19801 P 302.571.6600 F 302.571.1253 YoungConaway.c:om i - -- i -~-:._- -- I I YOUNG CONAWAY STARGATT & TAYLOR, LLP Ms.