US 2005.0065218A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0065218A1 Migeon et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 24, 2005

(54) UTILIZATION OF ALVERINE, ALONE OR IN (30) Foreign Application Priority Data COMBINATION WITH TRICYCLC ANTDEPRESSANT OR A SPECIFIC Jun. 13, 2003 (FR)...... O307176 INHIBITOR FOR Apr. 30, 2004 (FR)...... O404639 THE TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION Publication Classification (76) Inventors: Jacques Migeon, Seattle, WA (US); Frederic Revah, Paris (FR) (51) Int. C.7 ------A61K 31/137 (52) U.S. Cl...... 514/649 Correspondence Address: SESD LARDNER (57) ABSTRACT 3000 KSTREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20007 (US) The present invention relates to the utilization of Alverine or its metabolites, alone or in combination with a (21) Appl. No.: 10/866,079 or a Specific Serotonin , for the preparation of pharmaceutical compositions for the (22) Filed: Jun. 14, 2004 treatment of depression.




8 O

6 O



t Excipicnts Alverine Alverine Alverine Imiprannine (1% methylcellulose) Citate Citrate Citrate 10 mg/kg 3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg Patent Application Publication Mar. 24, 2005 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2005/0065218 A1

Excipients Alverine Alveline Alveline Inipramine (1% methylcellulose) Citrate Citrate Citrate 10 mg/kg 3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg

Fi gure US 2005/0065218A1

Imipramine 30 mg/kg

Figure 2 Patent Application Publication Mar. 24, 2005 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2005/0065218A1


Vehicle + Whicule -- Averine Alvérine Vehicule + Alverine Vehicule 3 ring/kg it 3 mg/kg t- Impramine 10 mg/kg + 3 mg/kg Wellicule imipramine 10 mg/kg Vehicule 3 mg/kg

Figure 3 Patent Application Publication Mar. 24, 2005 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2005/0065218A1







O Vehicule + Vehicule + Avérine Alverine Vehicule + Averine Vehicule 3 mg/kg + 3 mg/kg + Fluoxetine 10 mg/kg + 3 mg/kg Vehicule Fluoxetine 10 mg/kg Vehicule 3 mg/kg

Figure 4 US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

UTILIZATION OF ALVERINE, ALONE OR IN involvement of Vital prognosis. It links a Set of Symptoms of COMBINATION WITH TRICYCLIC digestive order (diarrhoea), vegetative (Sweating, thermal ANTIDEPRESSANT OR A SPECIFIC SEROTONIN deregulation, hypo- or hypertension), motor (myoclonia, REUPTAKE INHIBITOR FOR THE TREATMENT trembling), neuropsychic (confusion, agitation, even coma). OF DEPRESSION 0007. The discovery of the 2 forms A, and B of monoam 0001. Depression is one of the most frequently occurring ine oxidase, differing from one another by the affinity of psychological disorders. In France, the rate of depression is form. A for NA and 5HT and of form B for (DA), 14.9%, of which close to a third is not receiving any medical has lead to selective and reversible inhibitors of monoamine treatment. The prevalence of declared depression increased oxidase A or B. The interest in selective inhibition A or B is six fold since 1970. The risk of presenting with a serious to let one of the activities A, or B, persist, Sufficient for depression throughout a lifetime varies, according to Studies, destroying tyramine which, in patients treated by non from 10 to 25% for women and from 5 to 12% for men. selective MAOI, was at the origin of numerous unwanted effects Such as hypertensive access. 0002 The depressive syndrome is associated with mood Swings (feelings of Sadness, abandonment, humiliation, 0008. In this way, (Moclamine(R), devaluing), psychomotor inhibition (fatigue, daily power befloxatone and (Humoryl(R) are distinguished as lessness, difficulty in concentration), manifest anxiety (often Selective and reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A. in the foreground) with quasi-constant Somatic difficulties There is, however, the risk of inducing Serotoninergic Syn (oppression, spasms, disturbed sleep, loss of appetite, Sexual dromes, above all when their prescription Succeeds that of an dysfunction). SSRI (specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor). 0003. The discovery of at the end of the 0009 For recent antidepressants now on the market, their fifties marked a veritable therapeutic revolution in the world therapeutic effect results from simultaneous inhibition of the of neuropsychiatry. Antidepressives are capable, Over a reuptake of serotonin (5HT) and noradrenaline (NA) and period of two to three weeks, of improving a depressive they accumulate the resulting Secondary effects. Thus, mir mood and deacrase moral Suffering, while the first indication tazapine (Norset(E), (Ixel(B) and of antidepressants is evidently endogenous unipolar depres (Effexor E) act at the same time on noradrenergic tracts and Sion, it is also necessary to know the indication extensions on Serotoninergic tracts. Yet, they are Still not devoid of which now concern other psychiatric entities Such as depres unwanted effects, since frequently causes Sig Sive episodes of bipolar psychoses, certain States of anxiety, nificant weight gain. Milnacipran (Ixel(R) and Venlafaxine obsessive compulsive disorders, behavioural disorders, eat (Effexor E) cause an elevation in diastolic arterial pressure as ing disorders but also other nosographic contexts. Such as well as nervousneSS and anorexia. therapeutic treatment of certain . 0010. Therefore, the pharmacopia offers efficacious anti 0004 Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) with depressant products, though not devoid of Secondary effects. (Laroxyl(R) and imipramine (Tofranil(R) were the first to be The current problem being faced is the existence of an discovered, followed by inhibitors of monoamine oxidase efficacious treatment for depression, which involves the (MAOI), irreversible and non-selective, such as fewest unwanted effects possible, and Zero or virtually no (hydrazine), pargyline (class of acetylenics) and iproniazide toxicity. (Marsilid). Undesirable effects, in particular orthostatic 0011. One of the aims of the present invention is to hypotension, dryneSS in the mouth, drowsiness, constipa propose products allowing treatment of depression, but to a tion, adaptation disorders, but also a proconvulsivant effect large degree devoid of the above mentioned Secondary and cardiotoxicity of TCA (especially in the event of over effects. dose) and hypertensive crises of MAOI (interactions with alimentary tyrosine, as well as numerous medicinal interac 0012 Alverine is a classically used as antis tions) have shunted research towards novel molecules of pasmodic for treatment of functional abdominal manifesta identical therapeutic efficacy, but which are better tolerated. tions especially with meteorism. The present invention is based on the unexpected demonstration of the antidepressive 0005 The notion of specificity then appeared with spe properties of Alverine. cific inhibitors of Serotonin reuptake (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5HT). Clinical trials of phase III have demonstrated for 0013 The mode of action of Alverine is different from these novel molecules an efficacy equivalent to first-genera that of tricyclic antidepressants and to that of Specific or tion antidepressants and greater tolerance, especially in the non-specific Serotonin reuptake inhibitor, Since Alverine event of overdose. However, there are unwanted effects with interacts marginally with Serotonin or noradrenaline recap these molecules. Most frequently they concern the digestive ture Systems. tract, with nausea, vomiting and, to a lesser degree, consti 0014. The advantage of Alverine is that this product, pation and anorexia. Cases of insomnia are described, as are cephalea, hyperSudative access and Sexual dysfunction (low commercially available now for over 50 years, has a very libido, premature ejaculation). Weaning Syndromes have low toxicity and Secondary effects which are highly limited been described, giving rise to the rule of poSologic decline over more than half a century, as compared to the classical when treatment is to be discontinued. antidepressants described above. 0015 The present invention describes the anti-depressive 0006 The serotoninergic syndrome, often misunder properties of Alverine in animals. stood, is associated with certain overdoses or interactions and justifies an immediate halt to treatment. It can cause 0016. The object of the present invention is thus utilisa hospitalisation, and in exceptional circumstances the tion of Alverine or its metabolites, as well as esters and US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005 pharmaceutically acceptable Salts for the preparation of pharmaceutical compositions for treating depression. -continued Metabolite 3: 0017 Alverine is understood to mean N-ethyl-3,3'-diphe nyldipropylamine


0019 Pharmaceutically acceptable salts are understood to mean salts of addition of Alverine, which can be obtained 0.018 Alverine metabolites are understood to mean inter by reaction of this compound with a mineral acid or organic alia mono- or polyhydroxylated derivatives on phenyl nuclei Solvent according to a method known per se. Examples of acids which can be used to this effect are the following: and mono- or polyhydroxylated or mono- or polycarboxy hydrochloric, bromhydric, Sulfonic, phosphoric, Sulfonic lated derivatives on aliphatic chains. Three of the principal 4-tolulene, Sulfonic methane, Sulfonic cyclohexyl, oxalic, metabolites identified by way of example after incubation of Succinic, formic, fumaric, maleic, citric, aspartic, cinnamic, Alverine with microSomes of human liver are: lactic, glutamic, N-acetylaspartic, N-acetylglutamic, ascor bic, malic, benzoic, nicotinic and acetic, while Alverine citrate and tartate have been used widely in Spasmolytic Metabolite 1: pharmaceutical preparations. OH 0020 Examples of esters on the hydroxy function are carboxylic acid esters having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms. N1 0021 Even though Alverine is known for its antispas modic activity and is utilised in the treatment of functional CHCH2CH2 abdominal manifestations, especially with meteorism, its action as antidepressant agent has never been described or CH3CHN Suggested. 0022 Alverine, its metabolites, its salts, and especially the citrate and the esters can be administered in a pharma ceutically acceptable form via one of the different ways known for this type active ingredient. 0023 Preferably, the object of the invention is the utili zation of Alverine or its metabolites in which the pharma ceutical composition is administered orally, Sublingually, buccally, Sub-cutaneously, transdermally, locally, rectally, intranasally, or injectabiy, in particular intraperitoneally, Metabolite 2: intravenously or intramuscularly. 0024 Preferably, the object of the invention is the utili Zation of Alverine or its metabolites for the preparation of a ^ pharmaceutical composition, which can be administered 2 orally, especially in the form of capsules or tablets. 0025 The active substances in the pharmaceutical com positions according to the present invention can be in any of 1N the usual oral galenic forms comprising tablets, capsules and liquid preparations Such as elixirs and Suspensions contain ing diverse masking Substances of dyes, flavour and Stabi lisation. 0026. To produce the oral galenic forms according to the present invention, especially capsules, the active Substance US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

can be mixed in with various conventional materials. Such as depressant would enable the doses administered to be Starch, calcium carbonate, lactose, Sucrose and dicalcic divided by 3 to obtain the same antidepressant effect. phosphate to facilitate the process of encapsulation. Mag nesium Stearate, as additive, provides a useful function as 0036 Preferably, ratios of active ingredients by weight of lubricant, if necessary. between 1/4 and 4/1 between Alverine and the antidepres 0027. In certain cases it can be interesting to provide Sant will be used, which should allow the administered doses forms with controlled release and especially prolonged of each compound to be divided at least by 2. release via known galenic forms. 0037. The compounds according to the present invention 0028. Similarly, the object of the invention is the utili are administered Simultaneously, Separately or Staggered Zation of Alverine or its metabolites for the preparation of a over time. pharmaceutical composition, which can be administered by injection. 0038 According to a second aspect, the object of the present invention is also a pharmaceutical composition, 0029. The active substances of the pharmaceutical com positions according to the present invention can be dissolved characterised in that it is a combination product comprising or placed in Suspension in a pharmaceutically acceptable at least the Alverine compound or its metabolites, Salts or Sterile injectable liquid, Such as Sterile water, a Sterile esters and at least one compound for organic Solvent or a mixture of these two liquids for intra Simultaneous use, Separately or Staggered over time for venous administration. Other ways of administration can treating depression. comprise, though are not limited to, Sub-cutaneous implants, 0039 Preferably, the pharmaceutical composition as well as buccal, Sublingual, transdermic, topical, intranasal according to the present invention is characterised in that it or rectal administrations. Biodegradable and non-biodegrad comprises ratioS of doses by weight of Alverine and tricyclic able administration Systems can also be employed here. antidepressant of between 1/10 and 10/1. More preferably, 0.030. According to a particular embodiment, the object the ratios of doses by weight are between 1/4 and 4/1. of the invention is the utilization of Alverine or its metabo lites, Salts or esters for the preparation of a pharmaceutical 0040. The tricyclic antidepressant compound is prefer composition administrable according to one of the preceding ably imipramine. ways in a dose from 1 to 1000 mg of active ingredient for a composition formulated in the form of capsules or tablets, 0041. Other tricyclic antidepressants can be used, espe or from 0.1 to 500 mg of active ingredient for a composition cially , amitriptyline, , , formulated in the form of Suppositories, pomades, creams, , , demexiptaine, dibenzepine, gels or aerosol preparations, administered in human therapy doSulepine, doxepine, , , , in one or more daily doses for an adult of an average weight , , and . of 60 to 70 kg. 0042. According to a third aspect, another object of the 0031. Within the scope of use for animals, the daily dose present invention is a pharmaceutical composition, charac is between 0.01 and 100 mg per kg. terised in that it is a combination product comprising at least 0.032 Alverine, or its metabolites, salts or esters can also the Alverine compound or its metabolites, Salts or esters and be used according to the object of the present invention in at least a specific Serotonin reuptake inhibitor for Simulta combination with a tricyclic antidepressant compound. Pref neous use, Separately or Staggered over time for treating erably, the tricyclic antidepressant compound is imipramine. depression. Alverine, or its metabolites, Salts or esters can likewise be 0043 Preferably, the pharmaceutical composition utilised according to the object of the present invention in according to the present invention is characterised in that it combination with a specific Serotonin reuptake inhibitor. comprises ratioS of doses by weight of Alverine and Specific 0.033 Also preferably, the specific serotonin reuptake antidepressant inhibitor of Serotonin recapture of between inhibitor is fiuoxetine. 1/10 and 10/1. More preferably, the ratios of doses by weight 0034. Within the scope of the present invention, it is are between 1/4 and 4/1. possible to provide administration of mixtures of the pre 0044 Preferably, the specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor ceding compounds, but in the majority of cases, considering is fluoxetine. the requisites of health authorities, administration will be done in the form of coprescription. The products could be 0045. Other inhibitors of serotonin reuptake can be uti administered simultaneously or Separately over time in lised, especially , , , Ser consideration of their particularities and especially of their traline. bioavailability. 0046 Treatment of depression is understood to mean 0035) The ratios of the doses of the different products treatment of all the phenomena of depressive type, as well naturally depend on the products used, but preliminary trials as the treatment of unique depressive episodes and recurrent have shown that the 1/1 associations of Alverine and anti depressive episodes or major depressions, but also the US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005 treatment of depressive episodes of bipolar or cyclothymic of Serotonin recapture, the ratioS of doses by weight are from disorders, and apparent disorders. 1/10 to 10/1 and preferably from 1/4 to 4/1. 0047 The present invention also relates to a method of 0050. The processes for preparing Alverine from phenyl treating depression comprising administration of a compo propyl chloride and ethylaznine, in an alkaline medium are Sition according to the present invention to a patient having described in Killz et al., Report 72,2165 (1939) and its need of Such treatment. galenic is also known. 0.048 Said composition comprises Alverine or its 0051. The pathway for synthesising metabolites 1, 2 and metabolites, alone or in combination with a tricyclic anti 3 of Alverine are illustrated by diagrams 1, 2 and 3. The depressant or a specific inhibitor antidepressant of Serotonin experimental protocols for the Synthesis of metabolites 1 recapture. para-OH and ortho-OH are described in the patent WO92/ 0049) In the case of a combination of Alverine and a 02488 by W. J. Horgan and illustrated by diagram 1. tricyclic antidepressant or a specific inhibitor antidepressant Diagrams 1, 2 and 3 are presented hereinbelow:

Diagram 1 O O


4. 5


NS%. OH sÁ. OH HO 21 2 2 N-XOH DCC, CH2Cl2

LIAIH4 EtO Cr l O Metabolite 1

Diagram 2

O O AcO i. CICOCOCl, CH, Cl "y. N Ac2O, DMAP \ N OH ii. S, TEAl, CH2, Cl2 to-f OH Pyridine AcO-i -- 21 2

7 US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005 5


O 3. N Aco-f N 21

8 NaOH, MeOH

HO OH *1S Á. HO yOH 21 LIAIH4 2 EtO

9 Metabolite 2

0052 The present invention will be better understood by means of the following description, which refers to examples of antidepressive activity tests on Alverine, alone or in combination with other antidepressants, administered y H to mice according to the present invention. 0053. It goes without saying all the same that these examples are given purely by way of illustration of the object of the invention, whereof they would in no way be construed as a limitation. s. 21.C FIGURES Dioxoiane, HCl N 90° C. 0054 FIG. 1 is a presentation histogram of the results obtained from an antidepressive activity test on Alverine or administered intraperitoneally to mice, presented in Table 1 and described in example 1. 0055 FIG. 2 is a presentation histogram of the results obtained from an antidepressive activity test on Alverine administered orally to mice, presented in Table 2 and described in Example 2. 0056 FIG. 3 is a presentation histogram of the results obtained from an antidepressive activity test on Alverine and imipramine administered intraperitoneally to mice, pre sented in Table 3 and described in Example 3. l 0057 FIG. 4 is a presentation histogram of the results Metabolite 3 obtained from an antidepressive activity test on Alverine and fluoxetine administered intraperitoneally to mice, presented in Table 4 and described in Example 3. US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

EXAMPLES 0072 The statistical significance between the treated groupS and the control group is determined by a Dunnett test 0.058. The examples given hereinbelow illustrate the using the residual variation according to analysis of the invention without limiting it in any way: variance (P<0.05). The data are analysed using <> Software. Example 1 0073. The results obtained are presented in the form of Antidepressive Activity Test on Alverine the following table, and in the form of a histogram, in FIG. Administered Intraperitoneally to Mice 1. 0059) To establish the advantages according to the TABLE 1. present invention a study was carried out to 50 mice. They were divided into 5 groups of 10 mice each. These are Swiss results obtained by an antidepressive activity test of Alverine mice CD1 (CD-1(R) (ICR) IGS (Charles River France) administered intraperitoneally to mice. weighing between 25 and 35 g. Sub- Excipient stances (1% Alverine Alverine Alverine 0060. They were placed in a room at a temperature of Doses methyl citrate citrate citrate Imipramine between 19.5 and 24.5° C. and a relative humidity of 45 to mg/kg cellulose) 3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 65% with a light/dark cycle of 12 h, ad libitum access to im- 97 118 3 12 65 filtered water and pellets of laboratory-standard food. mobility 107 128 29 97 67 time 144 82 86 3 70 0061 They are placed 15 to 20 per cage, over an accli (sec) 171 151 28 66 1. matising period of at least 5 days prior to the tests. They are 144 132 3O 36 89 identified by marking on the fur. 136 127 90 O 3 79 88 99 15 9 0062) The substance to be tested is Alverine citrate 128 85 65 7 38 132 99 129 16 99 (Sigma, in the form of dry powder, with a Salt/base ratio of 160 93 57 7 53 1.68) comparatively to imipramine chlorhydrate (Sigma, in Mean 129.8 110.3 61.6 25.9 49.4 the form of dry powder, with a salt/base ratio of 1.13). SEM 9.O 7.6 12.5 1.O.O 11.2 Dunnett P & O.OS S : : : 0.063. The first group is the control group: it is treated test only by excipient. % of -15 -53 -80 -62 0064. The second group is treated with Alverine at a dose variation of 3 mg/kg Administration is 30 minutes prior to the test. N = 10 animals per group 0065. The third group is treated with Alverine at a dose * indicates a significant difference for p < 0.05 (Dunnett test) of 10 mg/kg ns indicates an insignificant result 0.066 The fourth group is treated with Alverine at a dose 0074. It is observed that as the dose of Alverine admin of 30 mg/kg istered increases, the immobility time of the mice dimin 0067. The fifth group is treated with imipramine (tricyclic ishes, indicating an antidepressant effect related to the dose antidepressant) at a dose of 10 mg/kg (FIG. 1). 0068 The doses are expressed in terms of free active 0075). In addition, it is observed that the mice of the third Substances. The Substances are prepared extemporaneously group treated at 10 mg/kg. Alverine exhibit an immobility in the excipient. The treatments are administered 30 minutes time comparable to that of the mice of the fifth group treated prior to the test in a coded and random order intraperito at 10 mg/kg of imipramine. neally with a volume of 10 ml/kg. 0076. It can thus be concluded that Alverine, injected 0069. Thirty minutes following administration the five intraperitoneally has a significant antidepressant effect in groups of mice are Subjected to the forced Swim test, in a mice and equal to that of Imipramine, at comparable doses. vertical Plexiglas cylinder (height 24 cm, diameter 9 cm) Example 2 containing water (height 6 cm, temperature 18-22 C.). The total duration of immobility is measured over the last four Antidepressive Activity Test on Alverine minutes of the test, Six minutes in total. A mouse is deemed Administered Orally to Mice immobile when it ceases Struggling and floats in the water 0077. To establish the advantages according to the without movements Superfluous to those allowing it to keep present invention a Study was carried out on a batch of 50 its head above water. A drop in immobility time is the mice. They were divided into 5 groups of 10 mice each. reflection of an antidepressant effect. These are Swiss mice CD1 (CD-1(R) (ICR) IGS (Charles 0070 The forced Swim test is a pre-clinical behavioural River France) weighing between 25 and 35 g. model, which has good predictive validity and is widely 0078. They were placed in a room at a temperature of employed for determining the efficacy of antidepressant between 19.5 and 24.5° C. and a relative humidity of 45 to (Borsini and Meli, 1988). 65% with a light/dark cycle of 12 h, ad libitum access to 0071. The results are expressed in total duration of immo filtered water and pellets of laboratory-standard food. bility in Seconds and as a percentage of variation of the total 0079 They are placed 15 to 20 per cage, over an accli duration of immobility calculated from the average value of matising period of at least 5 days prior to the tests. They are the control group. identified by marking on the fur. US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

0080. The substance to be tested is Alverine citrate (Sigma, in the form of dry powder, with a Salt/base ratio of TABLE 2-continued 1.68) comparatively to imipramine chlorhydrate (Sigma, in the form of dry powder, with a salt/base ratio of 1.13). results obtained by an antidepressive activity test of Alverine administered orally to mice. 0081. The first group is the control group: it is treated only by excipient. Sub stances Excipient Alverine Alverine Alverine 0082 The second group is treated with Alverine at a dose Doses (saline citrate citrate citrate Imipramine of 10 mg/kg mg/kg solution) 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg 100 mg/kg 30 mg/kg 147 78 105 81 70 0.083. The third group is treated with Alverine at a dose 149 115 41 5 89 of 30 mg/kg 179 106 63 37 45 Mean 148.0 104.2 85.O 58.9 61.9 0084. The fourth group is treated with Alverine at a dose SEM 6.O 4.5 7.8 12.8 8.1 of 100 mg/kg Dunnett P & O.OS S : : : test 0085 The fifth group is treated with imipramine (tricyclic % of -30 -43 -60 -58 antidepressant) at a dose of 30 mg/kg variation 0.086 The doses are expressed in terms of free active Administration is 60 minutes prior to the test. Substances. The Substances are prepared extemporaneously N = 10 animals per group in the excipient. The treatments are administered 1 hour * indicates a significant difference for p < 0.05 (Dunnett test) prior to the test in a coded and random order intraperito ns indicates an insignificant result neally with a volume of 10 ml/kg. 0087. One hour following administration the five groups 0092. It is observed that as the dose of Alverine admin of mice are Subjected to the forced Swim test, in a vertical istered increases, the immobility time of the mice dimin Plexiglas cylinder (height 24 cm, diameter 9 cm) containing ishes, indicating an antidepressant effect related to the dose water (height 6 cm, temperature 18-22 C.). The total FIG. 2). duration of immobility is measured over the last four min 0093. In addition, it is observed that the mice of the fifth utes of the test, Six minutes in total. A mouse is deemed group treated at 30 mg/kg Imipramine exhibit an immobility immobile when it ceases Struggling and floats in the water time less than that of the mice of the third group treated at without movements Superfluous to those allowing it to keep 30 mg/kg of Alverine, but comparable to the mice of the its head above water. A drop in immobility time is the fourth group treated at 100 mg/kg of Alverine. reflection of an antidepressant effect. 0088. The forced Swim test is a pre-clinical behavioural 0094. In addition, no secondary effect was observed in model, which has good predictive validity and is widely the mice treated orally with Alverine, using the above doses. employed for determining the efficacy of antidepressant 0095. It can thus be concluded that Alverine, adminis medications (Borsini and Meli, 1988). tered orally has a significant antidepressant effect in mice, 0089. The results are expressed in total duration of immo even though this effect is comparable to that of Imipramine bility in Seconds and as a percentage of variation of the total only in larger doses, and also without generating Secondary duration of immobility calculated from the average value of effects. the control group. Example 3 0090 The statistical significance between the treated groupS and the control group is determined by a Dunnett test Antidepressive Activity Test on Alverine ASSociated using the residual variation according to analysis of the with Imipramine or Fluoxetine Administered variance (P<0.05). The data are analysed using <> Software. 0096. To establish the advantages of a composition com 0.091 The results obtained are presented in the form of prising Alverine and imipramine or Alverine and fluoxetine the following table, and in the form of a histogram, in FIG. a study was carried out on a batch of 120 mice. These are 2. Swiss mice CD1 (CD-1(R) (ICR) IGS (Charles River France) TABLE 2 weighing between 25 and 35 g. 0097. They were placed in a room at a temperature of results obtained by an antidepressive activity test of Alverine between 19.5 and 24.5° C. and a relative humidity of 45 to administered orally to mice. 65% with a light/dark cycle of 12 h, ad libitum access to Sub filtered water and pellets of laboratory-standard food. stances Excipient Alverine Alverine Alverine Doses (saline citrate citrate citrate Imipramine 0098. They are placed 15 to 20 per cage, over an accli mg/kg solution) 10 mg/kg 30 mg/kg 100 mg/kg 30 mg/kg matising period of at least 5 days prior to the tests. They are im- 167 113 113 32 96 identified by marking on the fur. mobility 128 86 104 52 52 time 123 95 8O 129 64 0099. The Substances to be tested are Alverine citrate (sec) 126 104 64 67 55 (Sigma, in the form of dry powder, with a Salt/base ratio of 139 111 70 6 5 1.68) imipramine chlorhydrate (Sigma, in the form of dry 159 126 105 105 75 powder, with a salt/base ratio of 1.13) and fluoxetine chlo 163 108 105 75 67 rhydrate (Sigma, in the form of dry powder, with a salt/base ratio of 1.12). US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

0100. The mice were divided into two test comprising six 0115 The doses are expressed in terms of free active groups of 10 mice each. Substances. The test Substances are prepared extemporane 0101 For the first test: ously in a Saline Solution. The treatments are co-adminis tered 30 minutes prior to the test in a coded and random 0102) The first group is the control group: it is treated order intraperitoneally with a volume of 10 ml/kg (5 ml/kg only by excipient. for each administration). 0103) The second group is treated with imipramine at a dose of 3 mg/kg 0116. Thirty minutes following administration the six groups of mice are Subjected to the forced Swim test, in a 0104. The third group is treated with Alverine at a dose vertical Plexiglas cylinder (height 24 cm, diameter 9 cm) of 3 mg/kg containing water (height 6 cm, temperature 18-22 C.). The 0105 The fourth group is treated with Alverine at a dose total duration of immobility is measured over the last four of 3 mg/kg and imipramine at a dose of 3 mg/kg minutes of the test, Six minutes in total. A mouse is deemed immobile when it ceases Struggling and floats in the water 0106 The fifth group is treated with imipramine at a dose without movements Superfluous to those allowing it to keep of 10 mg/kg its head above water. A drop in immobility time is the 0107 The sixth group is treated with Alverine at 10 reflection of an antidepressant effect. mg/kg 0117 The forced Swim test is a pre-clinical behavioural 0108) For the second test: model, which has good predictive validity and is widely 0109 The first group is the control group: it is treated employed for determining the efficacy of antidepressant only by excipient. medications (Borsini and Meli, 1988). 0110. The second group is treated with fluoxetine at a 0118. The results are expressed in total duration of immo dose of 3 mg/kg bility in Seconds and as a percentage of variation of the total 0111. The third group is treated with Alverine at a dose of duration of immobility calculated from the average value of 3 mg/kg the control group. 0112 The fourth group is treated with Alverine at a dose 0119) The statistical significance between two treated of 3 mg/kg and fluoxetine at a dose of 3 mg/kg groups is determined by using a Student test (P<0.05) The 0113. The fifth group is treated with fluoxetine at a dose data are analysed using <> Software. of 10 mg/kg 0120) The results obtained are presented in the form of 0114. The sixth group is treated with Alverine at 10 the following table, and in the form of a histogram, in FIGS. mg/kg 3 and 4.

TABLE 3 results obtained by an antidepressive activity test of Alverine and imipramine administered intraperitoneally to mice. Alverine Substances 3 mg/kg + Doses Imipramine Alverine imipramine Imipramine Alverine mg/kg Excipient 3 mg/kg 3 mg/kg 3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg im 125 123 140 77 4 57 mobility 94 121 108 21 O 28 time 163 121 134 32 62 1O (sec) 143 70 113 68 38 1. 147 74 65 86 54 74 130 122 85 37 45 22 169 93 73 66 92 70 156 94 79 88 26 69 147 141 125 5 77 67 169 133 95 O 8O 42 Mean 144.3 109.2 101.7 48.0 47.8 44.0 SEM 7.3 7.8 8.3 10.5 9.9 8.6 Dunnett P & O.05 S S : : : test % of -24 -30 -67 -67 -70 variation The compounds to be tested or the vehicle are co-administered intraperitoneally 30 minutes prior to the test (10 ml/kg) Vehicle: physiological serum n = 10 animals per group * indicates a significant difference for p < 0.05 (Dunnett test) ns indicates an insignificant result # in FIG. 3 indicates a significant difference for P < 0.05 (Student test). US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005


TABLE 4 results obtained from an antidepressive activity test of Alverine and fluoxetine administered intraperitoneally to mice. Alverine 3 mg/kg + Substances Fluoxetine Alverine fluoxetine Fluoxetine Alverine Doses mg/kg Excipient 3 mg/kg 3 mg/kg 3 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg immobility 197 125 32 133 122 75 time (sec) 172 149 119 8 76 63 130 127 138 82 83 75 115 18 117 90 76 77 175 101 110 2 105 46 160 99 73 32 90 6 151 1O 117 34 28 113 143 1OO 47 3 88 89 171 103 124 106 34 104 1OO 134 72 32 125 125 Mean SEM 151.4 105.6 94.9 52.2 82.7 77.3 9.4 11.2 11.4 14.8 10.2 10.9 Dunnett P & O.OS : : : : : test % of variation -30 -37 -66 -45 -49 The compounds to be tested or the vehicle are co-administered intraperitoneally 30 min utes prior to the test (10 ml/kg) Vehicle: physiological serum n = 10 animals per group * indicates a significant difference for p < 0.05 (Dunnett test) ns indicates an insignificant result # in FIG. 4 indicates a significant difference for P < 0.05 (Student test).

0122) In test no. 1 (Table 3, FIG. 3), imipramine and Alverine tested alone at 3 mg/kg produce a Statistically insignificant decrease, in the duration of immobilisation as compared to the control group. FIG. 1 Temps d' immobilisation Immobility time (seconds) 0123 Co-administration of Alverine and imipramine at 3 Excipients(secondes) (1% Excipients (1% methyl mg/kg induces a significant antidepressive effect by com- methylcellulose) cellulose) parison to the control group. This effect is significantly Alverine citrate 3 mg/kg Alverine citrate 3 mg/kg greater than the effect produced by each of the compounds Alverine citrate 3010 mg/kg Alverine citrate 3010 mg/kg alone and is comparable to what is obtained much higher Imipramine 10 mg/kg Imipramine 10 mg/kg with doses of each compound (10 mg/kg). 0124. In test no. 2 (Table 4, FIG. 4), fluoxetine and 0128 Alverine tested alone at 3 mg/kg produce a Statistically Significant decrease, in the duration of immobilisation as compared to the control group. FIG. 2 0.125 Co-administration of Alverine and imipramine at 3 TATEim d'i bilisatiSaC Iimmobility bility timeti (seconds)d mg/kg induces a significant antidepressive effect by com- Excipients (solution saline) Excipients (saline solution) parison to the control group. This effect is significantly Alverine citrate 3 mg/kg Alverine citrate 3 mg/kg Alverine citrate 10 mg/kg Alverine citrate 10 mg/kg greater than the effect produced by each of the compounds Alverine citrate 30 mg/kg Alverine citrate 30 mg/kg alone and is comparable to what is obtained much higher Imipramine 10 mg/kg Imipramine 10 mg/kg with doses of each compound (10 mg/kg). 0126. It can thus be concluded that co-administration of 0129 Alverine citrate with imipramine or fluoxetine produces a Synergic antidepressant effect in the forced Swim test in mice. FIG. 3 0127. In the two associations proposed the doses of each Vehicule + vehicule Vehicle + vehicle product utilised enables Similar results to Strongly decrease Vehicule + Imipramine 3 mg/kg Vehicle + Imipramine 3 mg/kg the administered doses and thus reduce the Secondary Alverine 3 mg/kg + vehicule Alverine 3 mg/kg + vehicle effect(s) of the compounds used. Alverine 3 mg/kg + Imipramine Alverine 3 mg/kg + Imipramine US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005 10

-continued II. OH FIG. 3 2/ 3 mg/kg 3 mg/kg N Vehicule + Imipramine Vehicle + Imipramine 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg CHCH2CH2 Alverine 10 mg/kg + vehicule Alverine 10 mg/kg + vehicle CH3CHN


FIG. 4 III. Vehicule + vehicule Vehicle + vehicle Vehicule + Fluoxetine 3 mg/kg Vehicle + Fluoxetine 3 mg/kg Alverine 3 mg/kg + vehicule Alverine 3 mg/kg + vehicle OH Alverine 3 mg/kg + Fluoxetine Alverine 3 mg/kg + Fluoxetine 21 3 mg/kg 3 mg/kg Vehicule + Fluoxetine Vehicle + Fluoxetine 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg Alverine 10 mg/kg + vehicule Alverine 10 mg/kg + vehicle Sr.

1-18 (Canceled) IV. 19. A method of treating depression comprising admin istering a pharmaceutical composition comprising at least one compound Selected from:


CHCH2CH2 CHCHN 21. The method of claim 19, wherein the pharmaceutical CHCH2CH2 composition is administered orally, Sublingually, buccally, Subcutaneously, transdermally, locally, rectally, intranasally, or injectably, in particular intraperitoneally, intravenously, or intramuscularly. 22. The method of claim 21, wherein the pharmaceutical composition is administered in a dosage form comprising 0.1 to 1000 mg of the compound of formula I. 23. The method of claim 21, wherein the pharmaceutical composition is administered to a human in one or more daily metabolites, Salts, and esters thereof, to a patient in need doses. thereof. 24. The method of claim 19, further comprising admin 20. The method of claim 19, wherein the metabolites are istering at least one additional tricyclic antidepressant com Selected from: pound. US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

25. The method of claim 24, wherein the at least one 35. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 30, wherein additional antidepressant compound is administered as part wherein the metabolites are selected from: of the Same pharmaceutical composition. II. 26. The method of claim 24, wherein the tricyclic anti 21 : depressant compound is imipramine. 27. The method of claim 19, further comprising admin istering at least one additional Specific Serotonin reuptake CHCH2CH2C inhibitor antidepressant compound. CH3CHN 28. The method of claim 27, wherein the specific seroto nin reuptake inhibitor is fluoxetine. 29. The method of any of claims 24 or 27, wherein the at least one additional antidepressant compound and the phar maceutical composition are administered Simultaneously, III. Separately, or staggered Over time. H 30. A pharmaceutical composition comprising OH at least one compound Selected from: r21



metabolites, Salts, and esters thereof, and at least one tricyclic antidepressant. 31. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 30, wherein the at least one compound is the compound of formula I and 36. A pharmaceutical composition comprising: the ratio by weight of the compound of formula I to the at at least one compound Selected from: least one tricyclic antidepressant is between 1 to 10 and 10 to 1. 32. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 30, wherein the at least one compound is the compound of formula I and O the ratio by weight of the compound of formula I to the at least one tricyclic antidepressant is between 1 to 4 and 4 to CHCHN 1. 33. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 30, wherein the tricyclic antidepressant is imipramine. 34. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 30, wherein the composition is in two galenic forms, each galenic form O containing at least one compound Selected from compound of formula I, its metabolites, its Salts, its esters and tricyclic metabolites, Salts, and esters thereof, and antidepressant. at least one Specific Serotonin reuptake inhibitor. US 2005/0065218 A1 Mar. 24, 2005 12

37. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 36, wherein the at least one compound is the compound of formula I and -continued the ratio by weight of the compound of formula I to the at least one specific Serotonin reuptake inhibitor is between 1 to 10 and 10 to 1. III. 38. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 36, wherein OH the at least one compound is the compound of formula I and Sé, the ratio by weight of the compound of formula I to the at --OH least one specific Serotonin reuptake inhibitor is between 1 21 to 4 and 4 to 1. 39. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 36, wherein the at least one Specific Serotonin reuptake inhibitor is 1n N fluoxetine. 40. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 36, wherein the composition is in two galenic forms, each galenic form , and containing at least one compound Selected from compound of formula I, its metabolites, its Salts, its esters, and Serotonin reuptake inhibitor. 41. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 36, wherein wherein the metabolites are selected from: IV. OH 21 4 II. 24OH N N CHCH2C=O CHCHN hatch, richch, CHCHN CH2CH2CH2