HAMILTON -LANDIS 43.1 Kw Aur; Ant 3,850T/120G
LOUISIANA -MAINE Box 2906. Dickens 8-1491. TWX 504-926-3530. vp opns; Allen Jones, vp copy & sis svce; Mac 100 kw vis, 60 kw aur; ant 1,1401/1,151g. (CP Licensee: La. TV Bcstg Corp. Own: Baton Rouge Ward, vp, news dir; Robert Powell, vp,. sis. Wash 1,7800,800.5g.) Bcstg Co. (WJB0), 96 %; Charles P. Manship Jr., atty. Cohn & Marks. KNOE affil. 312 E. Kingshighway. 868.3644. TWX SH 92. Licensee: KTBS Inc. Own: E. Newton Wray, 1 %; Douglas L. Manship, less than 1% and KTVE (see El Dorado, Ark.) others. The Manships own WJBO -AM -FM Baton 331/2%; Geo. D. Wray Sr., 33'/1 %; .Geo. D. -Wray 16% Charles W. Wray, 161/2%. Rouge and Baton Rouge Advocate and State - NEW ORLEANS (504) Orleans parish Jr., %; Times. See Nwspr. Net: ABC -W. Rep: Katz. Rate: $600. Color: WDSU -TV ch Dec. 18, 1948. 100 kw vis, Net: NBC -TV, ABC -TV. Rep: Hollingbery. Rate: 6. Net. Video tape: RCA (1). $600. Color: Net. Video tape: Ampex (3). 50 kw aur; ant 930t/975g. Newton Wray, pres & gen mgr; Deane R. Flett, 520 Royal St., zone 16. 524 -4371. TWX 504- Douglas L. Manship, pres & gen mgr; Aubrey stn mgr & film buyer; Don Moore, prog dir; Ray -6166. Licensee: Royal Corp. Own: See .L. Moore, stn mgr; Jules L. Mayeux, sis mgr; 822 Street Spruell, prom mgr; Maurie Wayne, news dir; Royal Corp Stns. John E. Ferguson, prog mgr & film buyer; John T. Street Claude Scott, chief engr. Wash atty: Spearman & Rate: Color: Crowe, prod mgr; Bob Welch, prom mgr; Brooks Net: NBC -TV.
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