LOVE ALWAYS…LOVE IS NOT SELFISH Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:6 Preached by Charlie Dunn Feb
LOVE ALWAYS…LOVE IS NOT SELFISH Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:6 Preached by Charlie Dunn Feb. 10, 2019 Hey man, God's promises never fail and it's good that you did not fail to be here this morning on a cold and rainy Sunday morning. If you're joining us on the live stream curled up on the coach, I don't blame you, but we're glad that you will worship with us as well. So, a husband and a wife sit down one night to watch a TV show together. On most nights, they're pretty differentia with a “honey what do you want to watch.” But, on this night each spouse has a particular show in mind and neither one wants to budge. The tension starts to build, and eventually they're arguing. They're going back and forth with each other until finally the wife that takes the higher ground, as is often the case, and she says to the husband, "Look honey, this is ridiculous, we're arguing, we're fighting over what show we're going to watch on TV. The loving thing for me to do would be to let you choose, so you can pick the show." The husband says, "Honey, I am so sorry, you are right as usual, so I want to let you choose to do the loving thing." It's amazing how clever we can be about advancing, even masking our self-interest. Here's a woman who wants a job as a teacher, she gets interviewed by a school a little bit before summer, they give her the job as a 5th grade teacher, she signs a contract for the upcoming year.
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