FEATURE 2021 How might we be inspired by the resiliency of our horses to gallop beyond conventional boundaries to reach new heights of success?

United We Stand Divided We Fall Resiliency: Horses are united as they stand steady and gallop forward as one Horses stand steady, their hooves on the earth, aware of each other and their surroundings, ready to move as one should the need arise. Watching a herd of horses in the field on a peaceful morning it is common to see several horses napping on the ground with one or more horses standing guard over them. We might notice them touching Horses, Heart and Kentucky's each other in friendship or nipping to get one another moving. One horse discovers sweeter grass or shade on a Unbridled Spirit: hot day and the herd moves together to the next best place to be. If the herd is quietly grazing “United We Stand Divided We Fall” and one horse senses danger, maybe a coyote slinking Galloping Toward a Better World through the field or a loud unexpected noise, the message is passed instantly through by Jackie Stevenson, Kentucky culture and daily resilient realm of nature. the herd from one horse to MSSA, LISW, BCC life as a symbol of strength, Masters of resiliency, horses the other and they all move as dreams, resiliency, and forward trace their lineage back over one. Watching over and out And Spirit grasped a movement. 65 million years. Horses for one another and by moving handful of southerly wind, Change is all around us and have embodied resilience for together, the herd escapes Blew breath over it and for many of us within us, as generations, thriving inherently danger and moves safely. The created the horse...Virtue well. Now, more than ever, we through changing life survival of each horse in the bound in the hair of the need the ability to be resilient. conditions by: herd depends on them uniting forelock, What is Resiliency? • Being united as they stand into a strong resilient herd A gaze from the depths “Resilience is that ineffable steady and galloping and the well-being of the herd of dream, quality that allows some people forward as one depends on the resiliency of Given the power of to be knocked down by life • Responding with a big each individual horse. flight without wings and come back stronger than heart and brave sense-ability The great state of Kentucky — Bedouin Tale ever. Rather than letting failure • Being optimistic and motto, “United we stand, divided overcome them and drain their present to the moment we fall”, captures this resilient What does “Kentucky resolve, they find a way to rise • Adapting effectively and spirit of the horse. The seal of Unbridled Spirit” mean? from the ashes.” Psychology efficiently to change Kentucky depicts two men, one “Kentucky is a place Today • Seeking safety, belonging, in buckskin, and the other in where spirits are free to soar Resilience is born in the and connecting as a herd more formal dress. The men are and big dreams can be fulfilled. heart and we all have it. How might we learn from facing each other and clasping We relish competition and It involves behaviors, the unbridled spirit of the hands. The outer ring of the cherish our champions for their thoughts, and actions that can Kentucky horse (and all our seal is adorned with the words, willingness to push beyond be learned, developed, and horses) about developing “Commonwealth of Kentucky”, conventional boundaries to practiced by anyone. One of resiliency and come galloping and within the inner circle is reach new heights of success.” the ways we can cultivate and through unprecedented the state motto, “United we The horse is the central experience our natural internal personal and global changes stand, divided we fall.” image in the Kentucky brand resiliency is in relationship stronger, better, and more How might we be and is at the very heart of with our horses and within the resilient? better prepared and able to

58 Kentucky EQUESTRIAN DIRECTORY 2021 Photos courtesy of Spirit of Leadership

successfully navigate our “coherence”, where the mind challenges if we lived more like and heart are connected, and the resilient Kentucky horse the intelligence of the heart and according to the Kentucky takes the lead. Horse hearts motto? and human hearts have more Resiliency: Horses have a big neurons than our brains and heart take in essential information This is literally true – an from our senses. However, average horse heart is about unlike horses, who listen seven times as large as a human primarily from the intelligence heart and weighs (on the of their heart, we humans average) seven to nine pounds override our heart intelligence compared to a half pound in favor of our mind. Horses, harmony of their big hearts, human heart. in their most natural state, live Resiliency: Horses live in we can feel the compassion of horses’ hearts in heartfelt calm and harmony the present moment rather than our heart towards ourselves weigh an average of nine to with themselves, their herd the past or future and others, and a sense of inner eleven pounds, while the mates and their environment, Horses’ natural state is calm and well-being. “wonder horse”, , allowing for resiliency, agility, always in the present moment, How might our human had a heart that weighed 22 and adaptability. not looking over their shoulder relationships and relationships pounds. Most of us can remember with to the past, or out with our horses be more The scientific research of a time hanging out with our beyond the present to fears satisfying - if we lived like the Heartmath Institute has horse in the pasture, riding of the future, but optimistic our horse buddies with their measured the electromagnetic comfortably along a trail, or that there is always a way out compassionate big hearts - not field from a horse’s heart sitting curled up in the stall of a difficult situation. Being judging or criticizing, but extending out to a range of with them while they munched present-centered and aware simply accepting ourselves 40 - 50 feet or more, while the hay. Magically, any stress of the world around them and others as we are? Can human heart was measured and worry melted away, our prepares them to be resilient; we create, in our human and extending out only 8-10 feet. negative thoughts and anxiety their choices and actions horse herds, resilient heartfelt Heartmath research has disappeared. relevant to the moment, and relationships of respect, trust, demonstrated that a horse’s In the presence of the and maybe even love? Continued on page 60 most natural state is one of horse, and the coherence and 2021 Kentucky EQUESTRIAN DIRECTORY 59 Photos courtesy of Spirit of Leadership

Horses, Heart her authentic presence and her relationship with her pony, three basic needs: the need Continued from page 59 influence in the herds of her Lucky, and her “pony coach”, for safety, the need to belong, life. Tess, can be traced back to and the need for connection. In the good company of ancient drawings captured on Resiliency ensures that horses prepared for challenge, change, Tess and the open space of cave walls 25,000 years ago and humans have the capacity and opportunity. the pasture, Margo was able in France, and to the legends to meet these basic needs, In the presence of the horse to think more clearly, listen and stories of ancient tribal especially in times of challenge we can slow up, calm down, to her heart, and tap into her cultures throughout the world. and change. and come to our senses - being intuition - all ingredients found Today, in our hearts, the horse Horses ensure their safety present to our inner resources in resilience. Margo reflected still prances and our love by paying attention and being and what really matters to us. to me: affair with horses continues. aware of what is happening There are many things horses “Surprisingly, in the presence Horses inspire our dreams around them, moment to can teach us about living of Tess, the questions that and creativity, carry us farther moment. Calm, relaxed, and in the truth and honesty of emerged from within me were and faster than we can travel alert - they are ready and the present moment. In this not the ones I came with. alone, and bring us closer to prepared to take appropriate way, being fully present with Initially, my questions to Tess our instinctual and authentic action as needed. My heart is the horse, we can feel deeply were, how can I be more effective nature. warmed watching our herd connected and tuned in to our in my work, have less stress, and Horses carry us over the when one or two of the horses horse and we can also tune how can I be a more effective rough terrain of life and enable “stand guard” over the other into what is happening within and smarter boss in my law us to explore and move beyond horses out napping or relaxing ourselves as well. department? our previous limitations. They in the field on a sunny day. Margo, a well-respected But looking into Tess’s operate from an authentic, In our herd, no horse is attorney and executive vice compassionate eyes and inherent, and collective left behind. One of the herd president of a successful global stroking her soft body, I found intelligence, and they can guide members (usually our zebra) company, was in love with myself asking deeper and more us to that place of wisdom waits for the slower horse horses as a girl. She spent long personal questions, What do I within ourselves. to join the herd, or safely hours playing, talking, and want my life to be about, what Resiliency, adapting accompanies a horse returning hanging out with her pony. makes me happy, and how can I effectively and efficiently to to the trough for water. She intuitively knew her most best use my talents for good? expected and unexpected Horses are gifted with innate precious secrets were safe with Tess seemed to know when change, is more than bouncing emotional wisdom, and listen her pony, Lucky, as his were I was being ‘authentically me’ back - it is galloping forward to to language beyond words. with her. even before I did… the next best place to be. The language of the horse is Margo came to our ranch I sometimes forget who I Like resilient horses in their “body”, and free from a rational for executive coaching and to am - moving too fast, losing herds we can tap into our thought process - they can think through some important myself in the future, or moving resiliency, moving beyond our directly perceive reality and professional life choices. She too slow - dragging my feet in current reality, creating the respond honestly. came seeking my guidance as the past. conditions for our best possible The herd responds to the a coach, but knew that she was Tess, in her horse sense way, future to emerge, and then be messages carried by the scents most clear thinking and feeling reminded me to stay present there to greet it. in the wind and also vibrations around horses, and so chose now, listen with more patience Resiliency: Seeking safety, of movement from the earth Tess, our Shetland pony, as her and empathy, and move slowly belonging, and connection as - through their hooves and coach to support her through and balanced in complex and a herd jaw bones. They read the her dilemma. sensitive situations.” subtle and not-so-subtle body Margo, like Tess, the pony, Human relationship Seeking safety language of each other and is small in height but big in with horses, like Margo’s We share with our horses the other creatures that come

60 Kentucky EQUESTRIAN DIRECTORY 2021 into their world, including uneasy and often will walk challenges us - in relationships behaviorally in a variety of ways humans. Horses are affected away from us. When we and in organizational life - is that allows them to survive by our moods and emotions, remove the mask of incongruity beyond words and rational and thrive. Our modern form our stress, nervousness, - when we are who we say thought. Embodied language of humanity has evolved for anger, or calm - as well as our we are, and do what we say beyond verbal communication about 200,000 years and we peacefulness and joyfulness. we will do - the horse visibly and the space of silence are have had relationships with Horses have an amazing ability calms, relaxes, and often moves key factors when engaging in a horses going back a mere 6,000 to resonate with our true toward us. In this way, horses direct meeting with horses and years. emotions and reflect to us our mirror our authentic selves with people. Adaption is an evolutionary authentic self. This transparent, and provide in-the-moment In silent encounters with process, in our horses and honest, and unbiased response feedback about our thoughts, our horses, the quiet frees us in us, to be able to live and feedback offers us the body language, and actions. from the chatter of inner and successfully within our

opportunity to experience Emotion is information outer voices, the sounds of changing environment. The ourselves with more clarity, and which registers through computers, and telephones. As process of adapting occurs adjust our thoughts, feelings, their entire bodies. A horse we enter silent dialogue with over many generations - and and behavior to be better horse maintains its integrity - using horses, we also enter quiet the better the horse and the and human partners. only as much force and energy dialogue with ourselves. human adapts - the better the Horses register as necessary in the moment. Resiliency: Adapting chance for survival. Adaption incongruence; it is one of the When there is conflict within effectively and efficiently to might be physical or behavioral skills they use to stay safe. the herd it is appropriate to the change traits learned from experience, When we are not congruent time, place, and situation - and Horses have evolved over more instinct, or inherited from past (not authentic) with ourselves when it is over, it is over. than 65 million years and generations. or with them, they become As humans, much of what have adapted physically and Continued on page 62

2021 Kentucky EQUESTRIAN DIRECTORY 61 Photos courtesy of Spirit of Leadership Horses, Heart All of these physical uncertain and unpredictable She would go to the Continued from page 61 adaptations allow horses to changing conditions of our edge of the culture and identify danger and run from it, personal lives and world. wait for an invitation from Research has shown that rather than confront and fight. a member of the culture horses have adapted to climate Instinct and intuition Belonging to enter. She would set up change by getting smaller. are essential for the horse’s A sense of belonging is the camp and patiently wait for During extreme periods of survival. They have a direct feeling of being connected the invitation, that might global warming, it appears that perception of reality in the and accepted within one’s take weeks or months, and some horses decreased in size present moment, independent family, community, and one’s when it came they would be by about 44 percent, but gained of rational process. Horses are herd. Belonging asks us to invited into the heart of the back approximately 76 percent invaluable because they help us accept ourselves just as we are culture and there would be an of their size after the end of the develop and trust our intuition, - and others as they are. exchange of gifts of value. global warming era. an internal resource that can Horses are social animals Generally, with horses In addition to size, guide us in adapting effectively with a strong instinct to bond the process unfolds in the the horse has adapted by and efficiently within a and “herd” together. moment, if the engagement changing physically in many changing social and physical In a herd everyone belongs, is with sense-ability, respect, ways: environment. everyone is essential, and and a genuine and willing • elongating its legs to run Many of the behavioral everyone matters. Being curiosity to engage. from predators problems we attribute to our left out of the herd is a core Lisa attended a workshop • altering its molars to live on horses are behaviors that survival issue. on horses and teambuilding scrub grass have helped them survive for Most often, people bring at our Ranch. After spending • hair length that changes millions of years. horses into the human world. time with the horses in the according to season Some of the behaviors of Entering the world of “horse herd at natural liberty, all • large eyes on the side of horses which cause in and herd” as their guests choosing when to engage and their head to see a wide their relationship with us - like is a unique opportunity with whom to engage, Lisa perspective quick reactions and running to experience a culture of said it was one of the few • ears to hear everything first and thinking later, are shared leadership, relational times she felt she belonged, around it simply the horses’ adapting responsibility, and more than and the first time she felt that • a long neck to raise its head over generations to its natural verbal communication. We she belonged on her team. high to be aware of what is environment - even though can then reflect on the human The teambuilding activity coming our horses may not live in the cultures we create with more that Lisa did with the horse • nostrils to smell danger environment. awareness and intention. and her human herd we call, • developing hooves that can Maybe, we too, like our Margaret Mead approached Finding Your Place of Belonging dig for water horses, are doing our best to visiting a culture as a in the Herd. • the ability to sleep standing up adapt, survive, and thrive in the respectful guest. We ask people to explore

62 Kentucky EQUESTRIAN DIRECTORY 2021 the question, move toward relationship. work relationships. References: Where are your places of Being left out of the herd In the good companyDISPLAY of our "Could Climate Change AD PROOF belonging? is a core survival issue. horses we can find our hooves, Impact Horse Size? It's We invited people to As members of the herd as united we stand with [email protected]" Posted by Christa • 440-668-2812 explore a variety of places of they do not blindly follow, courage, opening our hearts Leste-Lasserre, MA/Jun 22, belonging - or not belongingThis proofbut is manifest submitted their tounique give you thewith opportunity compassion - andto check finding for 2019/Welfareany possible and errors Industry and to make any necessary - within the now “humancorrections. and positions Enso and individualityMedia Group cannotour place be of held belonging. responsible for (thehorse.com)errors appearing in the final printed piece horse herd” wandering around and fulfill their special For generations horses have the field. position in the herd. Whenwhich a arecarried not us brought farther and to ourfaster attention "When at thethis Herd time. Moves, The suggestion was to: horse knows its position and than we could travel alone. Who Leads and Who Please reply to this email asap and let us knowFollows?" if your {Posted ad that by Robin will be in the: Wander around in the field is supported by the herd in Today, horses can guide us Foster, PhD, CHBC, Cert. of the horse herd and human maintaining its place, anxiety to find our way through the AAB, IAABC/Jul 20, 2017/ herd in the individual horse and in challenging terrain of our Behavior Commentary, Pause where you sense or the herd is low or nonexistent, lives. Equine BehaviorCcommentary feel you belong or your place while uncertainty of position Horses, Heartand/or and the Series, Horse Industry News of belonging. creates high anxiety. There Resilience of Kentucky (thehorse.com) Get the feel of where you is generally one lead mare Unbridled Spirit: “United are. What do you notice about that has been entrusted with We Stand Divided We Fall” Wikipedia - Seal of Kentucky the external landscape and leadership by the herd, who Galloping Toward a Better internal landscape? will follow her absolutely, and World Kentucky.govNOT APPROVED - Kentucky IS APPROVED AS IS! Brand Make a change, wander 1.challenge her continually. Horse hoofor prints and 2. Please reply ASAP to this email to around in the field of the Horse personality is usually human footprints--- together Jackie Stevenson is the horses, and pause. Get friendly and generous, so they we gallop forward. In the let us know what changes are needed founder and CEO of Spirit of the feel of where you are. make a lot of both horse and awesome presence of these Leadership, LLC, providing What do you notice about human friends. majestic beings, we meet coaching, leadership, and the external landscape and Horses do not care what ourselves in an expanded team building training and internal landscape? kind of car we drive, how sense of freedom and awe. In seminars for corporations and Make a third change, much money we make, or relationship with horses we non-profit organizations. For wandering around in the field how many university degrees can discover our legacy and more information: spirit-of- of the horses, and pause. we hold. They want only to experience the grace of being leadership.com Get the feel of where you know how you will be with human.  are. What do you notice about them. Are you fair and just? the external landscape and Kind and compassionate? internal landscape? Are you lively and fun, clear, Where did you feel most purposeful, honest, and at home, comfortable, and trustworthy? Will you listen authentically you? What place to their needs and forgive was a “stretch” and why? their honest mistakes? What can you take with What does it take to belong you from this experience to in your horse’s life or in your your home and work field? horse herd You might want to try this Just ask your horse. with your horses and herd. Engaging with horses Where do you feel most like challenges us to learn how you belong? to think rather than what to Relationship is primary think. The awesome beauty in the herd; a non- and inherent power of horses adversarial, harmonious influences people in incredible relationship based on shared ways. Horses have maintained trust, communication, much of their wild nature. understanding, and a They are large and powerful, complete acceptance of the so their presence creates importance of each member’s a natural opportunity to place in the herd. There is face challenge and develop care, compassion, and respect confidence. In relationship for all, and everyone is valued with horses, we learn to for their unique abilities. summon our own moment- The survival of each herd to-moment calm, strength, member is dependent on the focus, respect, and trust. We well-being of the herd, and can explore and move beyond the survival of the herd is our previous limitations dependent on the well-being into freedom of choice. of each of its members. This experience is directly They live in groupings, and transferable to our family and