Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17785-7 — The Politics of Technology in Africa Iginio Gagliardone Index More Information


African Information Society Initiative Eskinder Nega, 123 (AISI), 26 Ethiomedia, 47, 122 African studies, 9 Commodity Exchange (ECX), 2, All Amhara People’s Organization (AAPO), 136, 143 60 Ethiopian Diaspora, 45, 122 All-Ethiopia Socialist Movement Ethiopian ICT Development Agency (MEISON), 47 (EICTDA), 30, 85 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, 135, 137, Ethiopian Information Technology 151 Professional Association (EITPA), 42 Arab Spring, 2, 126 Ethiopian People Revolutionary Party Associative clusters, 19, 126 (EPRP), 47 Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Blogs, 121–4 Democratic Front (EPRDF) Bringing Internet to Ethiopia (BITE), 42 Rise to power, 5, 53 Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), 61 Ethiopian Peoples’ Democratic Movement (EPDM), 53 Censorship, 124 Ethiopian Review, 47, 122 Charities and Societies Proclamation, 137 Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation China (ETC), 40 Aid policy, 146 Ethio-Telecom, 141 As a model for Ethiopia, 142 Ethio-Zagol, 122 Investments in ICT, 1, 136 Ethnic federalism, 51 China Development Bank, 142 Influence on ICTs, 65, 90 Civil war, 50, 52 Origin, 53 Culture of communication, 71, 77 Resistance to, 54 Export-Import Bank of China (EXIM Debretsion Gebremichael, 35, 39 Bank), 142 Decentralization, 63 Extraversion, 134 Declared policy and enacted policy, 107 Democratization, 28 Free and Open Source Software, 44 in Ethiopia, 37 De-politicization of technology, 23 Globalization, 28 , 55 in Ethiopia, 34 Developmental state, 77, 82 Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), 120 Elections 1992, 60 History of ICTs in Ethiopia, 32 1995, 60 History of technology, 8 2005, 122 Huawei, 141 Enset, 122 Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), ICT Assisted Development (ICTAD), 119 52 ICT for development (ICT4D), 9, 24


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17785-7 — The Politics of Technology in Africa Iginio Gagliardone Index More Information

Index 179

Information Network Security Agency State building, 59 (INSA), 137 Strategies and tactics, 21, 83 Information systems theory, 8 Sustainable Development and Poverty International Relations theory, 8 Reduction Program (SDPRP), 120 Internet Resistance to, 103 Techno-determinism, 4 Technology for development, 23 Large technical systems, 16 Technopolitical regime Definition, 13 Marxism-Leninism, 66 Developmental, 80 Media relay, 123 International, 115 , 36, 38, 79 Oppositional, 121 Ministry of Capacity Building, 85 Sovereign, 105 Modernization, 28 Technopolitics, 156 in Ethiopia, 31–4 Definition, 17 Monopoly of telecommunications, 105 TED, 143 Telecentres, 43 Nation building, 59 Telecom Fraud Offences Proclamation, Resistance to, 128 137 National Capacity Building Programme TeleCourt, 98 (NCBP), 61 The Ethiopian Herald, 55 National Information and Communication Tigreyan People’s Liberation Front Infrastructure (NICI), 29 (TPLF), 34, 52 Nazret, 47, 122 Split, 82 Network organizations, 19, 85 Tobiya, 55, 56 New media, 47 Noah Samara, 46 United Ethiopian Democratic Forces (UEDF), 65 Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), 60 United Nations Development Programme Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (UNDP), 116 (OPDO), 53 United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), 24, 48 Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty Voice of America, 35 (PASDEP), 120 Political polarization, 75 Woreda, 60 Politics of emulation, 31 Woredanet, 2 Power, 20 Conception and development, 80 Public Sector Capacity Building Program National data centre, 87 (PSCAP), 62 Remote sites, 88 Satellite, 86 Radio Voice of Woyane, 34 Workers Party of Ethiopia (WPE), 70 Revolutionary democracy, 37 World Bank, 25, 119 Influence on ICTs, 95 World Summit on Information Society Mass mobilization, 68 (WSIS), 115 Origins, 66 Woyane, 52

Schoolnet, 2, 99 Yemane Kidane, 65, 67 Conception and development, 80 Resistance to, 116 Zone9 bloggers, 135, 150 Surveillance, 2 ZTE, 1, 10, 139–42, 148–9

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