Walter Benjamin and the Architecture of Modernity

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Walter Benjamin and the Architecture of Modernity Open Access Statement – Please Read This book is Open Access. This work is not simply an electronic book; it is the open access version of a work that exists in a number of forms, the traditional printed form being one of them. Copyright Notice This work is ‘Open Access’, published under a creative commons license which means that you are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work as long as you clearly attribute the work to the authors, that you do not use this work for any commercial gain in any form and that you in no way alter, transform or build on the work outside of its use in normal aca- demic scholarship without express permission of the author and the publisher of this volume. Furthermore, for any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. For more information see the details of the creative commons licence at this website: This means that you can: • read and store this document free of charge • distribute it for personal use free of charge • print sections of the work for personal use • read or perform parts of the work in a context where no financial transactions take place However, you cannot: • gain financially from the work in anyway • sell the work or seek monies in relation to the distribution of the work • use the work in any commercial activity of any kind • profit a third party indirectly via use or distribution of the work • distribute in or through a commercial body (with the exception of academic usage within educational institutions such as schools and universities) • reproduce, distribute or store the cover image outside of its function as a cover of this work • alter or build on the work outside of normal academic scholarship Cover Art The artwork on the cover of this book is not open access and falls under traditional copyright provisions and thus cannot be reproduced in any way without written permission of the artists and their agents. The cover can be displayed as a complete cover image for the purposes of publicizing this work; however, the artwork cannot be extracted from the context of the cover of this specific work without breaching the artist’s copyright. Support / Purchasing Books The PDF you are reading is an electronic version of a physical book that can be purchased through any bookseller (including on-line stores), through the normal book supply channels, or directly. Please support this open access publication by requesting that your uni- versity purchase a physical printed copy of this book, or by purchasing a copy yourself. If you have any questions please contact the publisher: PO Box 40 Prahran, 3181 Victoria Australia [email protected] Walter Benjamin and the Architecture of Modernity Andrew Benjamin & Charles Rice Walter Benjamin and the Architecture of Modernity Anamnesis Anamnesis means remembrance or reminiscence, the collection and re-collection of what has been lost, forgotten, or eff aced. It is therefore a matter of the very old, of what has made us who we are. But anamnesis is also a work that transforms its subject, always producing something new. To recollect the old, to produce the new: that is the task of Anamnesis. a series Walter Benjamin and the Architecture of Modernity Edited by Andrew Benjamin and Charles Rice Melbourne 2009 PO Box 40, Prahran, 3181, Melbourne, Australia © 2009 This work is ‘Open Access’, published under a creative commons license which means that you are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work as long as you clearly attribute the work to the authors, that you do not use this work for any commercial gain in any form whatsoever and that you in no way alter, transform or build on the work outside of its use in normal academic scholarship without express permission of the author (or their executors) and the publisher of this volume. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. For more information see the details of the creative commons licence at this website: British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Walter Benjamin and the architecture of modernity / editors Andrew Benjamin, Charles Rice. ISBN: 9780980544022 (pbk.) ISBN: 9780980544091 (ebook) Series: Anamnesis. Notes: Bibliography. Subjects: Benjamin, Walter, 1892-1940—Infl uence. Architecture—Philosophy. Architecture, Modern. Interior architecture. Other Authors/Contributors: Benjamin, Andrew E. Rice, Charles. Dewey Number: 720.1 Designed and Typeset by A&R This book is produced sustainably using plantation timber, and printed in the destination market reducing wastage and excess transport. Contents INTRODUCTION Walter Benjamin and the Architecture of Modernity 3 Andrew Benjamin and Charles Rice AESTHETICS AND PHILOSOPHY 1 Booking Benjamin: The Fate of a Medium 9 Henry Sussman 2 On the ‘Vital Signifi cance’ of Kitsch: Walter Benjamin’s Politics of ‘Bad Taste’ 39 Winfried Menninghaus 3 Modernity as an Unfi nished Project: Benjamin and Political Romanticism 59 Michael Mack 4 Violence, Deconstruction, and Sovereignty: Derrida and Agamben on Benjamin’s ‘Critique of Violence’ 77 Robert Sinnerbrink 5 Graves, Pits and Murderous Plots: Walter Benjamin, Alois Riegl, and the German Mourning Play’s Dreary Tone of Intrigue 93 Joel Morris 6 Benjamin’s Critique of Aesthetic Autonomy 111 George Markus 7 Framing Pictures, Transcending Marks: Walter Benjamin’s ‘Paintings, or Signs and Marks’ 129 Andrew Benjamin CITIES AND IMAGES 8 Interiority, Exteriority and Spatial Politics in Benjamin’s Cityscapes 147 Peter Schmiedgen 9 Time Without End: Exploring the Temporal Experience of Wong Kar-Wai’s 2046 Through Walter Benjamin 159 Jo Law v vi Walter Benjamin and the Architecture of Modernity 10 Experience and Play: Walter Benjamin and the Prelapsarian Child 175 Carlo Salzani 11 Experimental Set-ups: Benjamin on History and Film 201 Tara Forrest Bibliography 213 Contributors 223 Abbreviations AP Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project. Trans. Howard S. Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1999. GS Benjamin, Walter. Gesammelte Schriften. Ed. Rolf Tiede- mann, Hermann Schweppenhäuser, Hella Tiedemann- Bartels and Tillman Rexroth. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Ver- lag, 1972–89. 7 vols. SW Benjamin, Walter. Selected Writings. Ed. Marcus Bullock, Michael W. Jennings, Howard Eiland and Gary Smith. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1996–2003. 4 vols. vii introduction Introduction Walter Benjamin and the Architecture of Modernity Andrew Benjamin and Charles Rice Walter Benjamin’s writings continue to play a fundamental role in the at- tempt to understand, evaluate and critique the complex interrelation of ele- ments from which the architecture of modernity is constructed. To suggest that modernity has an architecture is to make the claim that its elements have points of connection and coherence. Amassing those points and thus allowing modernity to emerge as a genuine object of study necessitates that philosophical considerations work in and with studies of art, fi lm, litera- ture, and urbanism. Modernity demands a necessary interdisciplinarity. Responding to that demand does not mean the eff acing of disciplines. Such a move would mute serious study by failing to grasp the multi-faceted na- ture of modernity. Interdisciplinarity is the construction of an affi nity be- tween disciplines in which it is in holding to their diff erences that there then can be points of accord. There is therefore an important relation between the nature of modernity and what is demanded in order that its architecture emerge as a genuine object of study. The project of this collection is to continue to approach modernity through the interplay of its specifi c elements. Within that project Benjamin’s work is provided with important moments of contextualization. At the same time that work is used to analyse specifi c moments within the modern. In this context emphasis has been given to aesthetics, the urban and the con- struction of images. These terms have real signifi cance. Not only do they endure as central to Benjamin’s own writings, they both name and capture an essential element of modernity. This is not to suggest that art has a privi- leged status within attempts to understand the modern. It is rather a materi- alist aesthetics, a position which, while not developed by Benjamin, is none- 3 4 Walter Benjamin and the Architecture of Modernity theless compatible both with his writings and their legacy. This necessitates the interconnection between a historically orientated conception of experi- ence and the material presence of aesthetic objects. To assert the importance of material presence is to insist on techniques and practices that are opera- tive within and also essential to the he way art works, and thus also to the way art it is experienced. The centrality of experience is twofold. In the fi rst instance it allows for the introduction of a conception of history that is compatible with moderni- ty. Modernity necessitates forms of interruption. Benjamin will refer to these interruptions in a number of ways. One of the most emphatic occurs in the use of the term ‘caesura’.11 The other aspect that accounts for experience’s centrality has to do with the implicit critique, within Benjamin’s writings, of Kant’s account of experience. While Kant is correct to argue that expe- riences must have their conditions of possibility, the account that is given in the Critique of Pure Reason is such that it cannot take up the possibility that comes to defi ne the modern, namely that space and time are already sites of historical confl ict.
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