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2 Vol. XXXI, Issue 2 | Wednesday, September 30, 2009 news Obama, Paterson, Makin’ War Not Love In a shock - tempt to verbally one up their opponent. ing turn of “So that’s how it’s going to be, huh? Brother against By Nick Statt events involv - brother?” Paterson said after being told that Obama ing the recent wouldn’t be opposed to “socking him once or twice in the controversy mouth.” Paterson finished out the surprisingly emotional over New York Governor David Paterson’s decision to run interview with NBC’s David Gregory by saying, “That for governor, President Obama called Gov. Paterson a “jack - grey-haired grandpa couldn’t touch me. I’m like Dare - ass on Monday, September 21. devil. My acute hearing would carry me all day.” “I mean, sometimes I just wonder what he’s doing up The back and forth from the President and New there. He’s certainly not winning any popularity awards and York’s heavily disliked governor has created an enormous then just decides to totally ignore my request for him to pull buzz on the commentator circuit. Jelly donut-human hy - out,” Obama said casually after the first portion of his inter - brid Rush Limbaugh, famous for getting his start on the view with Terry Moran of NBC. “So does that count as the Food Network by questioning Rachel Ray’s sexuality, has first question?” Moran responded. “I, I hear you – I agree called Paterson’s comments in the Gregory interview as with you. He’s a jackass. He’s also legally blind and in all hon - pulling the “competitive race/physical disability card.” The esty I just can’t have that anymore,” Obama whispered, term, recently coined by Limbaugh himself, accuses Pa - As the week wraps up, President Obama has voiced fur - thinking that his off the record comments would stay terson of feeling both that he has to compete with Obama ther frustration.
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