Revised C O D E Heads Toward Trustees Negot
Youngstown State TTniversity Youngstown, Ohio March X, 1983 Vol. 64 - Ho. 38 Council passed a motion that could be pinned down are that Monday designating its Discipline there have been complaints bv Committee to "investigate whether some Council members that Beckes or not there are grounds to impeach should not be absent from Council the president and/or vice president meetings and that she was not of Student Government," so that. accessible enough during the any rumors of impeachment could University's working hours.. be "dispelled." Beckes who was not at the "This is not an attack on the Council meeting but contacted president (Cynthia Beckes) orjhe later, said; that she had riot received vice president (Jordan Dentscheff), any complaints , from Council but rumors are floating. I am not members personally and , that- saying that I do support this or yesterday's motion came as quite a that I don't support this," said surprise. ' James Hook, sophomore, engin- "When I want to reach a Council, eering, who made the motion, member, I usually leave a note in. Jeff Hall, senior, A&S, who their mailbbx. If they have indeed seconded the motion, said, "I'd wanted to reach me, they might like to see the air cleared. • These have left a note in my mailbox,"- are very untrue rumors — rumors said Beckes. Shawn Damicb, senior, business; Kassy Vogel, junior, F&PA;and Todd IIJIIIMK-K, freshman, F&PA conspire and that 1 have been trying to push Pat Beckes said that she had talked eventually come up with a number of capers to help save the heroine in "The Red Mill" to run at 8 p.m., Sorenson, vice chairman of Council, to all three of her secretaries to March 3-5 in Ford Auditorium, Bliss Hall.
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