The Daily Egyptian, June 24, 1982

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The Daily Egyptian, June 24, 1982 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 6-24-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 24, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 67, Issue 161 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 24, 1982." (Jun 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact By Steve Metleh Staff Writer 11IE OLD MAIN, located on THE THREE-WEEK trial the Student Center's second period leads up to the tbree-day UNLESS 11IE OLD Main floor, needs $250 in daily sales to Fourth of July weebnd, when Room restaurant starts malting break even, according to the restaurant is scheduled to more mooey, it will close its Corker. He said that's the close for renovations. It would doors for the summer. minimum amount of money remain closed until July 11. Poor sales Inay Student Center Director John needed to pay for labor and "My feeling is lhet our ser­ Corker said. Wednesday that cover costs. vice is too important to be shut sales in the Old Main Room are The break~ven mark lor a down," be said. "I fell we down compared to last summer, five-day week is $1,250. The Old ~~~ appeal to the people for close Old Main and 1f they don't improve, the Main Room made just $641 in restaurant may be forced to three operatin" days last week. ~rker said the handbill close. Corker didn t want to close campaign, which started June Interstate United, a private the restaurant and came up 14, bas proven successful. Sales ROOIn for SUInIner company handling the Student with his own idea. He suggested went up from $180 on of Center's annual budget, which giving the Old Main Room three last week to $290 on W-= Y is then subject to Corker's weeks to "prove itself," and, in be said. ' approval, has suggested closing the meantime, started a cross­ "Sales have been up in the the Old Main Room this sum­ ca~pus handbill campaign last six or seven days. II we mer to save money. urgmg people to eat there. See OLD MAIN, Page 3 'Daily 'Egyptian ~~~:_ veale.' l8i:atiOD, handy Thursday. JUlIe M, 19B2-VoL r7, No. 161 Southern Illinois University r.1~~D: :a~~e ~~e:. Maia Is haviag &roubles. Naming spies is crime under new law WASHINGTON (AP).. President Reagan, calling CIA agents the "heroes of a grim twilight struggle," signed into law Wed:n~y a bill maJdng it a crime to disclose the names of American spies. The ink was barely dry on the controversial1egislatioo before civil righm officials denounced it as bfatantly unconstitutional .. ~l~f::! .. Reagan new by helicopter to ·Ute lIpni_ling cIA complex in IIIPilrby wR8leY, Va .• to sign the bill before an audience 01 &.?Vera} thousand agency em­ ployes sitting on a SWl-dreoched laWn. The biD makes it a crime - for the first time - to disclose the name of a covert in­ telligence agent even if the information is obtained from public records. It provides penalties of up to 10 years in jail and $50,000 in fines for government employees who expose the identities of covert U.S. intelligence agents living in foreign countries. Those outside government. including reporters and scholars, could be imprisoned up to four years and fined 'Whew, what working weather' $15,000 for revealing names 01. spies if there was I'NSOIl to Gene GDIoeIy. left, heMaD)' grftlllIoaIe ..anapr, takes a bruk. believe such actions would Above. Ted Frey. bails Ia-aw for &be SlU farm. wIlDe Elden Shaff­ disrupt American intelligence aer. farm ...ager. drives. TIIunday weatltu wiD lie mostly Haay operations. Rl:fening to the arguments witll 40 percell' ell.. " of ram wilia • high ia die JDid..8Gs. CM!l'the bill's constitutionality, Reagan said, "The Congress bas carefully drafted this bill so that it focuses only OIl those who would transgress the bouIYA of decency - not those wha would Record deficit budget OK'd exercisP. their legitimate right of dissent. WA~HINGTON (AP) showed "00 care, 00 CODCtml, improve the economy. Medicare, Medicaid, food "This careful1:-J drawn act," Congress gave final approval hard-heartedness aU along the Republicans embraced it stamps and welfare. be said, ''ree.,gni.%es that the Wednesday to a GOP-drafted line." reluctantly, conceding the The tax·writing committees revelation of the aames of budget for 1983 with the biggest It projects eye-catching deficits are bigher than they are required to produce secret agents adds nothing to deficit ever approved - $103.9 deficits - $103.9 billion next woold like. But, said Sen. Slade legislation raisir.g tues by $20.9 legitimate public: debate over billion - and a mandate for $21 year. followed by $83.9 in 1!J8.i Gorton, R·Wash., "The alter­ billion for the next fiscal year. intelligence policy. billion in higher taxes and and SOO billiOD in 1985 - that the native is chaos and Here are the major com­ "It is also a signal to the billions in social program nOD-partisan Congressional di.~anizatiOll that would have ponents of the proposed budget: world and this spending cuts. Budget Office said wiD be even extremely adverse impacts OIl -It reduction of $7.6 billion in tbat while we The vote to approve the $769.8 higher. the the proposed defense buildup democratic nation remain eeonornv." tmerant and flexible, we also billion spending plan was 54-45 The CBO, saying Republic:ans The budget itself sets tax and for 1983 and $216.4 OYer. three in the Republican-dominated overestimated revenue and ~ ..";lng guidelines for JUers. Even so, V".e Pentagon retain our good sense and our resolve our own Senate. an outcome officials underestimated required congress committees to follow, budget will grt'Ar by 14 pereent to protect security and that of the brave claimed was sealed by last­ spending. says red ink wiD run but also triggers the next step in next year OV'$ 1982. minute telephone lobbying by to $116.4 biUion next year under a year-long congressional men and women who serve us in President Reagan. the plan, falling only to $9I.t.7 struggle over economic policy. -Cuts in domestic programs difficult and dangerous in­ The Democratic~trolJed billion in I~. Under its terms, House and such as education, parks, telligence asiiignments," he House okayed the plan Tuesday Senate Democrats also in­ Senate committees are required energy and jobs training of $U said • on • roll caD 01. 216-208. Wed­ sisted the actUal deficits would to produce legis!atiOD by Aug. 1 billion in 1983 and $35.1 billion lli8l'ldt!y, Speaker Thomas P. be billions 01. c'Aollan higher, and with specUl$: social program over three years. Many Jerry Berman, legislative o I"'IeiU Jr., D-Mass. •• stea:iy attacked the budget as • plan budget cuts totaling $6.7 billioo programs 'IfOUld be roughly COUDIJeI to the Ameriea~ Civil critic: of Reagan's economic: that is both Wifair to millions 01. next year and $2'1.2 billion OVf!l" frozen at 1982 levels far three Liberties Uniul, said the law policies, said the blueprint Americans ami wiD '.,all to ~ yean in aucb areas u yeats. was "clearly unconstitutional:' ews GRoundup-- B~i!"n.t fighting ra.ges; House adopts f]oting rights extension WASHINGTON (AP) - The ROOB'! adopted and -:ent 10 President Reagan on Wednesday a 25-~ear .extension of car bomb kills five critical enforcement sections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that would make it easier for m;.oority voters to prove racial BEIRUT, I..ebanon (AP) - The U.S. and other Western Lebanon. • Israeli jets, tanks and artillery embassies earlier urged their In a letter to U.S. Rep. Paul dis:u:::l:aus voice vote efli1s a I5-month drive for renewal blasted Syrian and Palestinian citizens to p.vacuate Beirut. The Findley, R-m., Arafat renewed of the landmark civil rights law under which more than a batteries near Beirut airport U.S. spokelilll8D said only a few accusations that the invasion million blaclta and other minority voters have registered to and to the east Wednesday, and of the estimated 300 American bad the backing of the Reagan vote. a u.s. transport ship prepared passport bolders still in west administration, and added: Important parts of the voting rights law enacted at the to evacuate Americans from Beirut bad reported for "'!be one man capable of height of the l000s civil rigbts mnvement;;;d signed into law lA!banon. evacuation. stopping :Jressors is the by the late President LyndOn B. Johnson, \i.ould expire August In Israeli-encircled west Israel Radio said U.S. 6 without the extension. Beirut, an explosion apparently prt"Sidential envoy Pbilip C. ~ do sou::n:'~tH: caused by a car bomb wrecked Habib would bold talks with approves of the Israeli a five-story apartment building Prime Minister Menachem aggression, and indeed must le Court favors public access to ~rials and started ¥ buge fire next ~ Thursday. There was no considered as ~iving en­ door to the Phoenicia Hotel official confirmation of the couragement to it.' WASHINGTON AP - The Supreme Court, favoring open shortly before nigbtfaU. courts over the privacy of young rape victims, ruled Wed­ The Cbristian Voice of ~~ invaded Lebanon June 'In New York, addressing the nesday that the public and press cannot automatically be Lebanon radio station said the 6 to crush the guerrillas and special U.N.
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