A Virtual : Assays in Photogrammetric Three-Dimensional Modelling

T. Alexandra Sumner Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, 19 Russell Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2S2 CANADA; [email protected]

Andrew T.R . Riddle Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, 19 Russell Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2S2 CANADA; [email protected]

ABSTRACT Access to Paleolithic artifact collections is often constrained due to the cost of travel, governmental restrictions, and the rare nature of unique specimens. In the current high-tech climate, researchers are turning their attention to alternative ways of gaining information about and analysing these materials. The recent boom in three-dimension- al replication of cultural materials including , , and fossilized specimens, has provided researchers with an invaluable analytical with which to carry out new and innovative studies. In this paper, the authors review a cost-effective, photogrammetric-based three-dimensional modelling system that utilizes digital artifact images and commercial software. Requiring only a notebook computer and standard digital camera, this methodology allows for the production of digital computer models from which important morphological information can be ob- tained. The modelling process is exemplified through two case studies—the replication of an Acheulian handaxe and the ongoing modelling and analysis of Middle Paleolithic refitted cores from the site of Taramsa Hill, Egypt. In both cases, the forensic software package iWitnessTM was used to identify points on the artifact surface that were then converted into points in three-dimensions. The wireframe models produced from these points were then im- ported into 3DS Max 9TM where the model was skinned and subsequently manipulated to produce cross-sections and calculate morphometrics such as surface area, volume and center-of-mass. Aside from the analytic advantages it affords, three-dimensional modelling ultimately provides the opportunity for increased sharing of data, ideas, and results among members of the geographically distributed paleoarchaeological and paleoanthropological com- munity. Digital models can be sent electronically via the Internet without the restrictions typically associated with valuable archaeological specimens. Photogrammetric modelling methods are ideal for this purpose because the images required to create virtual models can be easily obtained from collaborators worldwide and subsequently processed in a location of the researcher’s choosing. Consequently, photogrammetric three-dimensional modelling represents a useful and accessible alternative to more expensive laser scanning .

Introduction he use of three-dimensional modelling in archaeologi- “In prehistoric , image acquisition often re- cal analyses has become increasingly popular over the quires a skilful technician able to adapt industrial surface T scanning techniques to archaeological soils or objects, last decade. At the recent 2007 of American Ar- the services of a computer technician, and the coopera- chaeology Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas, an entire pre- tion of the team in charge of the . The conference session was dedicated to the range and uses of level of technical complexity is such that no investigator three-dimensional scanning techniques in archaeology. The can have the full range of competency and yet each must growing interest in such approaches stems, at least in part, know and understand the roles of the other players”(1). from the increasing accessibility of modelling technologies. Not only have a wide range of commercial alternatives be- While this may be true in some circumstances, it is dem- come available in recent years, the declining cost of these onstrated here that the skills and knowledge required to technologies has made three-dimensional modelling more model archaeological specimens can, in fact, be acquired accessible to researchers. With technological literacy at an and applied within a reasonable period. all time high, archaeologists are more than ever taking ad- Three-dimensional modelling has been applied to a vantage of this promising analytical and illustrative tool. multitude of archaeological research programs at varying There are, however, challenges to integrating these kinds scales of analysis, from individual artifact reconstruction of methodological approaches into one’s research program. (Schurmans et al. 2001) to virtual site reproduction (Zabu- Mafart (2002) points out in his review of the extensive col- lis et al. 2003). The range of materials examined in these loquium concerning three-dimensional imaging in archae- studies include, but are not limited to, stone (Boehler et al. ology at the XIV UISPP Congress: 2003; Riel-Salvatore et al. 2002), bone (Mafart et al. 2004;

PaleoAnthropology 2008: 158−169. © 2008 PaleoAnthropology Society. All rights reserved. ISSN 1545-0031 A Virtual Paleolithic • 159 Rosenberger and Hogg 2007; Wood et al. 1998), ceramic measurement in three dimensions is also possible albeit (Kampel and Sablatnig 2001), and textiles and paper docu- with the use of more complex mathematics. Provided a suf- ments (Debevec 2003; Hawkins et al. 2001). Riel-Salvatore ficient number of images are available, one can determine et al. (2002) describe a computer-based methodology for the shape and relative size of the three-dimensional objects the automation of lithic refitting using a laser digitizer to depicted. Further, this information can be used to recreate scan flakes from a sample of previously refitted Ahmarian the form of an object in a virtual environment. The method cores. Surface morphologies of the digitized models could described here entails the calculation of three-dimensional then be compared to identify refitting fragments. Clarkson points on the exterior surface of an artifact. Points are iden- et al. (2006) present a method for quantitative evaluation tified from multiple digital images of the same object taken of flake scar patterns on an artifact by recording individual from a variety of incident angles. Surface points are situ- scar orientations in three dimensions using a stylus-based ated in three-dimensional space and can be connected to digitizer. In contrast to two-dimensional approaches for create a ‘skin’ that approximates the exterior surface of the studying surficial scar patterning, this and similar- meth object being modelled. odologies have great potential for exploring core reduction The hardware required for photogrammetric mod- strategies from a perspective that better represents the non- elling consists solely of a digital camera and a computer. planar of lithic artifacts. Matusik et al. (2002), As stated above, all calculations of artifact dimensions are and Műller et al. (2005) describe image-based modelling made from images, thus no specialized measuring equip- systems capable of replicating detailed objects and materi- ment is necessary. The digital camera is used to capture im- als. ages of the subject that are then uploaded to the computer At the macro-scale, three-dimensional modelling tech- for processing. High image quality is preferred, so a digital niques can be used to capture site information for the pro- camera with support for 1024 x 768 or greater pixel resolu- duction of visually informative images of archaeological tion is recommended. While SLRs provide superior control sites. Barceló et al. (2003) describe the creation of digital ter- over light and focus during image acquisition, a standard rain and elevation models for Shamakush VIII, a shell mid- point-and-shoot model is sufficient. Traditional film camer- den site in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. With their models as also may be used but typically offer lower resolution and it was possible to graphically represent and manipulate the resulting images are more difficult to transfer to digi- strata, providing a better understanding of formation pro- tal form. Although a notebook computer is recommended cesses that generated the stratigraphic sequences. Losier over a desktop model for ease of transport and overall con- et al. (2007) apply GPS data to the Gocad modelling tool venience, it is not a requirement. Both computers and digi- to produce three-dimensional reconstructions of excava- tal cameras are sufficiently commonplace today that their tion trenches at the Syrian site of Tell ‘Acharneh. Similarly, acquisition should come with minimal difficulty and cost a combination of photogrammetric and three-dimensional to most researchers. scanning techniques was applied to the mapping of the For processing the artifact images, one also requires Pinchango Alto site in Palpa, Peru (Lambers et al. 2007). two computer applications—one for photogrammetric In line with the work of Pollefeys et al. (2001), the au- measurement and one for three-dimensional modelling. thors here review their methodology for incorporating Several alternatives are readily available on the market. photogrammetry with three-dimensional computer model- The programs selected by the authors for use here are 3D ling to digitally reconstruct Paleolithic artifacts. A compre- Studio Max 9 (3DS)TM and iWitness TM. 3DS was chosen be- hensive explanation of the modelling process is provided cause of the authors’ familiarity with the program; how- first, detailing the equipment required and how it was used ever, other commercial applications would also be suitable, to create virtual artifacts. The process is further explained including CAD software that supports three-dimensional through two test-cases—the reconstruction of an Acheulian modelling, such as AutoCAD TM and SolidWorks TM. 3DS also handaxe and the more extensive application of the process was chosen for its robust animation features, useful for pre- to Sumner’s doctoral research on Middle Paleolithic (MP) sentations and other demonstrative purposes. iWitness is a reduction. In the final section, the potential for photogrammetric modelling program originally intended the proposed methodology in Paleolithic research is ex- for forensic site reconstruction. Although not designed pounded upon, and it is concluded that photogrammetric with archaeological applications in mind, iWitness is a ver- modelling is uniquely suited to Paleolithic research because satile tool that has proven exceptionally effective for these it allows one to create virtual models of specimens that may purposes. While one may choose to employ additional be inaccessible to the researcher using only digital images. equipment for convenience, speed, or other reasons, the aforementioned comprise the bare essentials and include Methodology technical resources many researchers can readily access. At Photogrammetry involves the calculation of reliable mea- the time of writing, the software could be purchased for surements from photographs and digital images. Two com- 1500 USD, including a full version of iWitness and a student mon applications for photogrammetry are in the production license of 3DS Max. of maps from aerial photographs or satellite images and The first step to modelling artifacts in this fashion is the the forensic reconstruction of accident scenes. While map acquisition of subject images. Any object that can be photo- production largely involves working in two dimensions, graphed can be modelled. This includes exceptionally large 160 • PaleoAnthropology 2008 specimens like building architecture and objects as small as points have been identified, iWitness displays the resulting . Multiple images are taken of the subject clearly ‘cloud’ of points in three dimensions. At this point, the user showing all exterior artifact surfaces that one intends to can join adjacent points with connecting lines, creating a model (Figure 1). Care must be taken to ensure that images wireframe skin with the same overall morphology of the overlap to a small degree to allow for the connection of sur- artifact’s surface. The pattern created by connecting lines faces in the 3D model. Similarly, several images must be should create a network of non-overlapping triangles (Fig- taken of the same surface at different angles to increase the ure 4). The model wireframe can then be exported for fur- accuracy of surficial modelling (Figure 2). How this is ac- ther modification. complished, be it through a selective or systematic process, Once the data file has been exported from iWitness, it matters little so long as the above requirements have been can be loaded into 3D Studio Max. After being imported, met. Accordingly, the number of images needed depends it is vital that the wireframe be examined for flaws in the on the size and complexity of the subject. One should keep arrangement of its segments. Segments that do not connect in mind that, while a greater number of images affords properly with those adjacent must have their vertices moved greater model accuracy, it also increases the time required accordingly. The program makes it possible to connect ver- to process those same images. The authors have found tices at precisely the same point in space, thus ensuring a that, for most artifact types, having ten to twelve images closed wireframe. A common problem encountered in our is usually sufficient for basic modelling purposes. That -be initial modelling assays was the correction of holes in the ing said, as few as six images per specimen were used to model wireframe. When skinned, the model shows regions successfully reconstruct the sample of Middle Paleolithic with missing or erroneous spline connections as gaps in the cores used in Sumner’s research. Once acquired, images are surface. Minor defects or redundancies in spline arrange- transferred to the computer for photogrammetric analysis ment also can be identified in this way. Once all holes have in iWitness. been patched, the surface appears complete and resembles At the most basic level, iWitness allows the user to iden- that of the artifact being modelled. At this point one can tify points in the imported images that are common to two customize the look of the object’s virtual material to resem- or more images (Figure 3). When multiple points have been ble any substance, lithic or otherwise. Furthermore, artifact identified, the distances and angles between points in dif- photos can be mapped onto the model surface to give the ferent images allow iWitness to calculate the relative dis- appearance of the real object. tances and locations of points in three-dimensional space. Two important points regarding how representative This process of identifying and tagging points on images is the virtual artifact models produced by this method are completely dependent on the user, although the program need to be acknowledged. First, the surface that is pro- has built-in aids to make the process as accurate as pos- duced is a composite of several thousand flat faces created sible. The number of points needed to model an object var- from the spaces between wireframe segments. Minute de- ies depending on the level of detail one desires to achieve. tails of artifact topography, such as cracks, tiny flake scars, Identifying more points both increases photogrammetric and ripples, are not recorded using this method if they exist accuracy (the location of points in space) and provides within these spaces on the actual artifact. Similarly, mate- greater resolution of the artifact surface. Once all desired rial texture is not represented except at a very superficial

Figure 1. Side view of image capture angles. Oblique angles of approximately forty-five degrees were used. A Virtual Paleolithic • 161

Figure 2. A virtual representation of the directions of image capture for one side of the handaxe. Cameras indicate the position and angle of the captured digital images. level. How representative the model is of the real artifact a microblade core could be modelled using a few dozen depends on the features identified in the photogrammet- points, the topography of the removal faces and platform, ric stages. Second, the greater the number of points identi- including individual flake scars, could only be replicated fied on the artifact, the greater degree to which the model by identifying many more precisely chosen points. Increas- represents the actual artifact. While the overall form of ing the number of modelled points not only enhances how

Figure 3. Detail of iWitness window illustrating point-to-point matching between two images of differing visual orientation. 162 • PaleoAnthropology 2008

Figure 4. Handaxe replicated in point-cloud form with added triangular mesh surface construction. representative it is, but also increases the time and effort The ferrocrete sandstone from which the handaxe was required to identify, map, and link those same points. This made has developed a fairly uniform dark brown patina. is a subjective process and, consequently, one must decide Thus, in preparation for the initial acquisition of artifact what level of detail is required and choose the number of images, it was decided that points on the handaxe would points to be used accordingly. be marked using water-based white gouache paint to facili- tate easier point identification. Minute dots were painted onto the entire surface of handaxe in linear format and at Case Studies regular intervals. Ultimately, treatment of this kind is not necessary and it was not applied to Sumner’s Middle Paleo- Handaxe Reconstruction lithic materials. In the vast majority of cases, the existing In 1961, construction began of the High Dam at Aswan in surficial patterning of an artifact is more than sufficient for Egypt. The construction of the dam was to result in the per- point identification. Notable exceptions, however, include manent flooding of a great region of the Nubian frontier and quartz crystal, materials whose homogenous, south of the proposed project region. Consequently, the high-luster, and translucent appearances make the accu- United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Or- rate identification of surficial points difficult. Of course, ganization (UNESCO) called for the immediate salvage of there are many kinds of artifacts, especially those of rare or those historic and prehistoric sites under threat of flood- delicate nature, which could and should not be treated in ing in the region. Working under the name ‘Yale University this manner. Prehistoric Expedition to Nubia’ (YUPEN), a diverse group The artifact was positioned on a flat surface supported of researchers including, among others, Charles A. Reed of by a clay block. A standard laboratory desk lamp was used Yale University, Philip E.L. Smith from the National Mu- in conjunction with ambient fluorescent light to illuminate seum of Canada, Maxine Kleindienst from the University the specimen. A total of sixteen digital images of the han- of Toronto, and Robert Geigengack from the University of daxe were obtained using an Olympus C8080WZ Digital Pennsylvania surveyed the lower Nile River Valley over SLR camera. Images were taken at a uniform distance of three field seasons between 1962 and 1965. Portions of the two feet capturing both faces of the handaxe from normal YUPEN collection are now housed at Yale University in and oblique angles as indicated in Figures 1 and 2. Once New Haven, and the University of Toronto. From the lat- the first face was digitally recorded, the artifact was rotated ter collection, the authors selected an Acheulian handaxe on the clay stand to display the opposing face. The images recovered from the Dihmit region, south of Aswan, to serve were then downloaded onto the laboratory laptop and im- as their initial test subject. The specimen is a standard ported into the photogrammetry program. marker for both the Paleolithic period and lithic studies in The next step of the process was the most time inten- general and is therefore recognizable to researchers work- sive. Rectification of the images with one another, followed ing in most geographic regions of the world. by manual triangular meshing of 3D point-clouds as seen A Virtual Paleolithic • 163 in Figure 3, required approximately ten hours to complete. terials. Nevertheless, it is encouraging that a high degree of Several factors contributed to this. First, the use of gouache morphological accuracy can be obtained with such relative surface indicators allowed for the identification of over ease. four hundred points, all of which had to be identified and While we remain satisfied with the outcome of the han - matched on at least three, and often more, images. Sec- daxe model, the process has revealed a number of modifi- ond, these same points must then be connected to adjacent cations that would improve our methodology. The first is points to complete the wireframe mesh, an operation that the systematic identification of multiple points on promi- is likewise slowed by the great number of surficial points. nent surficial features. Arrises, hinge scars, and other such Third, and perhaps most significant, was the authors’ unfa- features require several points, often situated on adjacent miliarity with the software, which became less problematic surfaces, to be accurately represented in digital models. as work progressed. When Sumner applied this method to This holds especially true for artifact edges that, if mod- her research samples (described below), the average time elled with insufficient points along the intersecting- sur of artifact reproduction—beginning with the photogram- faces, become unrealistically ‘sharp’ in their digital form. matic rebuilding—was reduced from the handaxe case We see this problem in the handaxe model and have ad- study time of ten hours to approximately five hours. Put justed our method accordingly to avoid future problems. another way, a good morning’s or afternoon’s work would Similarly, the modelling process could benefit from multi- supply the researcher with a digital replica of the required stage mapping where surface, edges, and surficial specimen. features are modelled separately and are then integrated It is also important to point out that the requirements using common datum points into a single model. Although of the researcher, specifically in terms of the level of surfi- more complicated and time intensive, this method would cial resolution desired, will dictate the time needed to rep- result in fewer errors during the framing process because licate the specimen. If minute or otherwise highly-detailed extraneous points would not be present to confuse the user. characteristics of an object’s surface are desired, a lengthier Also, mounting artifacts on a rotating stand would allow replication process is to be expected. On the other hand, for object reorientation while keeping the camera station- if the overall morphology and general appearance of the ary and thus maintaining focal distance. Finally, it was not- specimen is of interest, processing time will be notably re- ed that a systematic rule-set was needed to remove as much duced. Also, one might not need to model the entire arti- subjectivity from the point-connection process as possible. fact. Significant time and effort can be saved by modelling Such a process is currently in development. only those portions of a specimen that are of interest or, alternatively, by modelling portions of interest in high- Reproduction of Middle Paleolithic resolution and the rest in lower resolution. The researcher Refitted Cores can decide on her/his priorities for a particular study, while The analysis of a sample of Middle Paleolithic (MP) refitted knowing that the artifact can be modelled any number of cores from the site of Taramsa Hill, Egypt, has benefited times from the same set of images. from the present methodological approach. The aim of this Once the photogrammetric stage was completed, the research is to track morphological characteristics of 29 re- data file fromiWitness was exported to 3DS as a wireframe. constructed cores at various stages of reduction. The origi- Here, the virtual artifact is given a surface using the built- nal refitting of these cores reflects the impressive work of in ‘skin’ modifier. Errors in the construction of the spline Philip van Peer of the Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven, wireframe become evident in the model as gaps in the Belgium, who generously granted Sumner access to the col- surface skin (Figure 5). These are easily rectified by add- lection and, more importantly, gave permission to decon- ing, adjusting, or removing segments as necessary. When struct the refits in order to better understand the dynamic finished, the model was given a surface texture- andap process of reduction. Analysis of this collection naturally pearance resembling stone. Figure 6 shows the completed required travel to Belgium from Canada to access the ar- model alongside an image of the actual handaxe. tifacts in question. Time constraints on visitation, howev- Overall, our handaxe model approximates the form er, proved problematic and did not allow for the detailed of the actual artifact exceptionally . Measurements of analyses required on location. Consequently, all 29 Taram- length, width, and thickness at various of cross-sec- sa cores were photographed by Sumner in Leuven, from tion, as well as the form of surficial features such as flake which a sample of 10 cores were selected for the specific scars, revealed an astonishing low margin of error of ap- intention of three-dimensional replication. A series of high- proximately 0.1mm based on manual measurements with resolution images were taken of the cores in varying stages dial callipers. In all cases, the manual measurement was of reduction. Upon return to Toronto, these images were recorded first and served as a comparator for the more pre- used to reconstruct the surface of each of the 10 cores using cise and reliable computer-based measurements. These re- iWitness. Following the same procedure as for the previ- sults exceeded our initial expectations, specifically because ous case study, excluding painted surface markers, digital our focus for this trial was evaluating the feasibility of the replicas of the cores from Taramsa Hill were created in the method. A follow-up study is currently in progress to more University of Toronto lithics lab (Figure 7). thoroughly evaluate the potential accuracy of our photo- From three-dimensional models, a series of informa- grammetric method for modelling a variety of cultural ma- tive analyses can be conducted without physical access to 164 • PaleoAnthropology 2008

Figure 5. Incomplete three-dimensional reconstruction of a Taramsa core. Gaps in artifact surface are a result of incomplete wireframe construction in iWitness. the artifacts themselves, several of which are difficult if not convexity. Convexity is here measured as the slope of the impossible to accomplish by traditional methods. One of arc that most closely approximates the superior core sur- the most pertinent analyses to Sumner’ research is the cal- face. Bulbous surfaces result in slopes approaching a value culation of surficial convexity, or the curvature of the core of one (spherical), whereas near-flat surfaces have slopes surface. Using the 3DS program, one is able to section the approaching zero. The cross-sections produced from the replicated cores as needed; in this case, multiple cross-sec- model make possible the calculation of a convexity index tions were taken from predetermined points along the long that can be used to compare upper surficial core convexity axis (Figure 8). In doing so, ‘thin sections’ of the cores are while controlling for variability in core size. Convexity is produced allowing for the measurement of upper surface believed to be a significant feature of these cores because A Virtual Paleolithic • 165 Figure 6. Comparison of actual Dihmit handaxe (right) with 3DS replica (left). 166 • PaleoAnthropology 2008

Figure 7. Detail of 3DS window showing successful replication of one surface of Taramsa core 28.10. this aspect of upper surface core morphology plays a cen- Significance for tral role in determining both the shape and number of Paleolithic Studies products removed from the prepared surface. Generating While the methodology presented here can be applied to artifact cross-sections on any axis, quickly and accurately, many archaeological contexts, our concern here is how it without physically damaging the artifact under study, is can be profitably used to facilitate, expand, and further Pa- clearly of great value for morphological analyses. leolithic research. Speaking of three-dimensional models in In addition to the virtual dissection of the Taramsa general, the most significant benefits are these: 1) the abil- cores, automatic metrical values of surface area, core vol- ity to manipulate virtual artifacts in ways that would be ume. and center of mass were produced for export to an destructive to real artifacts; 2) the facile calculation of com- SPSS spreadsheet for further statistical analysis. An addi- plex metrics; and, 3) improved accessibility to artifact spec- tional illustrative function of the 3DS software is the facile imens. Beginning with artifact manipulation, it must first production of customized video. One can produce simple be said that Paleolithic artifacts, particularly those dating to or complex animations, such as model rotation, sectioning, the very earliest periods of the , often are or morphing. This is an invaluable tool for illustrating as- rare. Not surprisingly, destructive forms of analysis, such pects of artifact morphology not easily conveyed by two- as sectioning, are simply not realistic options for research- dimensional images alone. ers. Virtual models, on the other hand, are infinitely repli- On a practical level, the methodology used by Sumner cable and can be analysed in ways that would otherwise provided the freedom to continue analysis of the sample damage a real artifact. Sumner’s analysis of the Taramsa in Canada. Research expenditures for residency in Belgium cores exemplifies the utility of this application. were significantly reduced. For researchers with limited re- The second benefit of digital modelling is the ease with search funds, the reduction in costs is an important consid- which one can perform the calculation of measurements eration. At a procedural level, three weeks were required that are difficult by traditional means. 3DS offers built-in to reconstruct the sample of twelve cores in three stages, that automatically calculate the volume, surface area, totalling thirty-six surfaces. The resulting models provided and center-of-mass of a model, the last two being notori- a range of essential morphological data. Because all infor- ously difficult to determine even for objects with simplistic mation was contained on a notebook computer, the ability morphologies. Point-to-point measurements can be made to access these data, at any time and in in any place, ex- anywhere on the model and the reliability of such mea- pedited the analysis. Additionally, having access to these surements is assured. Also, CAD-based software packages digital models opens up the possibility for future exploita- can offer even more options for morphological analyses of tion of the same cores. virtual artifacts, expanding the possibilities for technologi- A Virtual Paleolithic • 167

Figure 8. Five cross-sections of Taramsa core 28.10 taken at equidistant points along artifact length. cally-based research while maintaining a high degree of ac- the archaeological community via the internet. Alternative- curacy and reliability. ly, models and related data could be distributed from one The third benefit that three-dimensional modelling af- researcher to another directly by request. Regardless of the fords Paleolithic research, and arguably the most exciting form it takes, the widespread availability of digital artifact one, is the opportunity for digital sharing of virtual arti- assemblages would represent an invaluable resource for facts and even entire assemblages. Paleolithic artifacts are Paleolithic researchers, both in terms of acquiring addition- housed in research institutions throughout the world. Due al data and sharing cultural materials with those unable to to governmental regulations and guidelines concerning access it firsthand. Furthermore, unique artifacts or those the management and conservation of archaeological mate- originating from the earliest stages of rials, the removal and transport of artifacts from the host are often in great demand, and thus access to these rare country to a one’s base of study can be difficult, costly, and specimens can be restricted. The ability to digitally replicate time intensive. Researchers must occasionally rely on pho- these artifacts would provide more researchers with access tographs and hand-drawn illustrations of specimens for to these exceptional finds. As three-dimensional modelling future examination, media limited in how well they repre- techniques become more commonplace in research institu- sent the actual object, and analytical versatility. The ideal tions, the archaeological community can only benefit from situation, of course, would be to have unlimited access to the new sources of information that will emerge. collections stored anywhere. Digital modelling makes this What role, then, does photogrammetry play in the possible. The establishment of databases such as proposed development of a ‘Virtual Paleolithic’? The photogram- by Boehler et al.(2003), and the Internet-based Digital Ar- metric approach described in this paper affords the above chive Network for Anthropology (DANA) outlined by mentioned advantages as well as one other—the opportu- Clark et al. (2001) would provide the framework through nity to create models without requiring direct access to the which data could be distributed, openly or selectively, to specimen. As yet, digital artifact libraries are practically 168 • PaleoAnthropology 2008 non-existent. Until such a time that they are made widely historic sites and artifacts. It has become apparent that no available, researchers must begin building datasets that can one methodology is suitable for all contexts. Consequently, be distributed and integrated into research programs. Yet, researchers must choose the approach that best suits their we are once again faced with the problem of geographic financial resources, time limitations, and research require- separation from cultural materials of research interest. Pho- ments. Following the results of our preliminary modelling togrammetry bridges this divide by making it possible to assays, it is clear that photogrammetric modelling is a vi- construct virtual artifacts ‘at home’ using only digital im- able alternative to laser scanning technologies for many ages. This is perhaps the most significant feature of the ap- research programs. Regardless of the specific methods proach; that a colleague in a distant location, perhaps even researchers employ, three-dimensional modelling has the halfway around the world, can request digital images of potential to open valuable avenues of information sharing a unique artifact or paleoanthropological specimen in the and collaboration within the paleoarchaeological and pa- morning and by the end of day the recipient of the images leoanthropological communities. can be ‘rebuilding’ the object for virtual analysis or simple observation. The relatively low cost, portability, and over- Acknowledgements all ubiquity of digital cameras ensures that the requisite This research was made possible through funding images can be easily obtained. Consequently, photogram- from General Motors Women in Science (AS), and also the metry represents a convenient, cost-effective alternative to University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies Fellow- digital laser scanners for researchers interested in exploring ship and the Department of Anthropology Research Travel three-dimensional artifact modelling and analysis. Never- Grant (AS/AR). In Belgium, thank you to Philip Van Peer theless, the authors wish to emphasize that the methodol- for generously providing access to and assisting with the ogy reviewed here is best suited for the reproduction of Taramsa collection. The authors would also like to thank unique or otherwise singular finds and not for whole col- two anonymous reviewers for their valued comments. lections. Large scale replication of assemblages numbering in the hundreds or more would best be accomplished with References digital scanning equipment, which provides superior reso- Barcelo, J. A., O. de Castro, D. Travet, and O. Vincinte. 2003. lution and reduced procedural subjectivity in far less time A 3D Model of an Archaeological Excavation. In The per specimen. Photogrammetry is not a replacement for 3D Digital Heritage of Archaeology, Computer Applications scanners, but rather a robust tool that can be employed in and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Proceedings of diverse contexts, and, in particular, those where use of the the 30th Conference, Heraklion, Crete, edited by M. Doerr latter is not feasible. and A. Sarris. Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Heraklion, Crete. Conclusion Boehler, W ., K. Boehm, G. Heinz, A. Justus, C. Schwarz and The significance of photogrammetric modelling to aspects M. Siebold. 2003. Documentation of Arti- of Paleolithic research is reviewed in this paper. The initial facts. Paper presented at the XIXth CIPA Symposium, case study modelling the Acheulian handaxe demonstrated Antalya, Turkey. 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