Dorsey Brothers!
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c/7&O$£ Sxyia/yuj DORSEY BROTHERS! by LOR RAI NE THOMAS a big house?" Jimmy would say* "It's form a "swing" band oí their own. eraiyi" Jimmy played a wicked clarinet, and And Tommy would answer, "Life is Tommy could make a trombone stand here to enjoy, I'm going to live while op and do the "s:;akn-hips." When I can." the3" had worked ror other musicians Sensible Jimmy. Ufe-loving Tommy. .such as Wliiteman. 1Í ay ton and Fred- Take two people like that, throw die Rich, they were tractable enough them together in the most nerre- because they took cirders from others. rack inc business in ;hi> world, where But when they become bosses—as they have the added strain of travel- co-leaders of the Diu'sey Droihers Or- ing together in one-nisht stands, and e-lustra—the situation changed. The you have a diíplay oí fireworks lhat first two years were a oixvji struggle, makes the Fourth oí July 5ook like with neither making very much money. Eastet Sunday. In order to "break in" their band so Both had been top-notch musicians that they could build up a box-office before they decided to join forees and (Continued OK Page IS) Because Tommy Dorsey; He doesn't look tike Í1 scrapper. Eut that's v/hat he Is! the Little Brother Tommy Wouldn't Listen to Bit/ Brother Jimmy, There Was Trouble in the Dorsey Brothers' Orchestra„ Jimmy Doreey: He arad Tommy couIcl never agree. They parted—enemies The inside Story of the Feud Thai Started Then Is Revealed O MUCK been written about the benign brotherly Jove that Completely! Nourishes in the radie halls— the Lombardos and the War- ings, Íoí instance—thai the Sease oí the scrappy, feuding Dorsey Brothers has been hush-hushed until only a handful k»n>w Hits real story. Jimmy Dorsey is tho orchestra steady, dependable, with none oí the leader on the Thursday evening King ili£;itiness that is supposed to mark a Crosby program, lie specializes in musician. Tommy—well. Tommy is "s win?'' muvie. Tommy Dorsey is an the headstrong Kid Brother. Tommy ocL-hotia iL-adtr wlii) is playing one- is a pnl to everyone. Tommy calls night stands right now. He, too. Spe- you by your first name five minutes cialises tn "¡swing" mu.<ic. Jimmy and after he meets you, and you're eiiher Tommy arc brothers. But Jimmy crazy about the guy—or else you bate and Tommy don't talk to L-SLII other. him. They arc ihi> biilorest of rivals. There is rin middle course. Tommy No wonder their story rmver has can think of gcofy things to entertain been told. Talking about feuding his friend*. Like the limes when he brothers may be Interestin*- but it:s u.scd to rush Into the Onyx Club, hat- not the most pleasant subject. less and breathless, after a night of What makes '.wo brothers, who have blaring a wo >' In an orchestra, and every reason in the wortd to be tht> then hi* place in the Or.yx band closest buddies, dislike each other so? and wc'l-tcrtii nn his trombone all They had the samp upbringing, nigh I, juM for ¡.he iun of it. Only three years. separate them iJim- my, the older, is ¿1). They have the T WAS Tommy who spent a small ¿ame tastes, the same friends, the I fortune on a magnificent twenty- .«ame interests, the same brand of acrc estate in Mew Jersey, and then talent. realized that ho could never afford the Maybe we'll understand as we ae? amy of servants he would need to iurlher along jus: what makes them take care or ;hc big twenty-eight room tick—like l:rnc: bombs* house on the place. .Meanwhile Jimmy The nía in reason, oí course, could be lived in a small apartment in town, the fact that, even though they have saving his money for the future. the same mother and father, one is as Many arguments between the broth- different from the other as the tortoise ers started over that big house oí in from the hare. To mm y V. Jimmy is the tortoise. Serious, ''Why throw all your money in such .