. 'IH; .

New sad *a.cm Mat - e sson- erese a as1so*e Anesss'iIe AL.Tredoaeinwmu msans,L1UOEqo s, doing, the T , Oa~aan and soon- be I TEA OE ClBTT D.rTd 1' aTD prts. iioag wil tbtplr ht .u , I Vs` e.eand laid toet it those pOOpIThe aority emgr g h ai • of charge. Ordes. %sldt.ld %e 'No pr was are the b an sineweof the on , E .adedSE k c - _ Sw living eoudmeet- praseat-dw..oa".ats•ea".ineles being tut ealthy young people, m E. O R, ON CO. li atrIols dead. T rests left no andfeme from, seventeen to tweny-five 'here~, united bh last 4.droossubt, fhis ublished address years of age. 'The fihrgrants' passages are WHOLESALE GROCERS, pblic :: meny to the r of a aresitatt"advocate.te right chiefly pai by thbit friends-- on- the other ms whao ,I i his way on th•Iath side of the A$1antle.-JYorthers Whig. Commission Merchants and Dealeroain Weetern of pStb , though•and at everyhe step.asonQrh beset, e "edPasmes , Peot;-Theirustration neart: -g&h&--Oa -Lord Liffordis Carr of),lapposed Fenisa plot at Newcastle, estate, in this county, a tenant named by•si•gularly 'strong temptatlons-•..b sanounced in the papers, is thas reihrre John kM'ver farmed about seventeen acres Producoe, Wines and Liquors, T Moore estates assembled to iti Fridayd$vening's edition of the Nort1- at the yearly rent of 26, Being an aged a. y hearts to pay the Ist sad ers Daily Express, published at New- man pnd without help, he was unable to CORNER OP CANAL AND DELTA STREETS •cales, for they had lost a landlor whose castle: " The movement of the Fenian put in a crop, bt he got the liberty of-dip- oci7 ly AIR-TIGHT COOKING [STOVE, reslations with themselves had beea• ioftened sympathisers in this district- havearoused posing of hi' tanint right by proposals. W. MORAN. 3 .O3L0~. the infaueane of true humanlity on the suspicions of the authorities, Mr. McGusker wag the highest bieder, and WITH DUMPING GRATE. who have ORAN A NOBLE. of law and duty. The people, been on the alert for some time; and their his offer of 200 WaS aeeepted. He is now f their grief were there with Isuspicions Shirts Made to Order in every . are confirmed by the arrival ig in ssession, and the fact that he was d WHOLESALE GROCERS, The STEWART COOKING STOVE, which has bith iamsoureing. Por them the great Neweastle of a quantity of firearms, ad- fromanother estate"did not prevent the grtomeintt .- su facknowledged .uperIority overa George Her Moore ha tbrobbe compptitors, i now introduoced to the publio with the dressed to the keeper of a-public-house in landlord from giving it to him. The Carr And dalers in additlonof a DUMPINJPG GRLATB and ASH DRAW•R. and passion-for them his powerful the lower part of the town, who is estate is part of theBelmore property, .t I supposed sold n point of economy and general utility, it has been examig " strivea aungrudged labor~; in the Incumbered LIQUORS WESTE teonelded tha the T WART STOVE was ahead oa l he pro at - • Ftwo o ,had wi• to have Fenian proclivities. The police, Estates court a few WINSs, & -PRODUCE, others B• this addition of the NEW DUMPING myl5 l] 'm • • f Ca"a!n,rad mad now that he is here no more to feel the we understand, have seized the consign- years ago. Lord -Lifford imposed no in- GRTE the heating urfaOe of the Oven i greats in thob of hops r 'thepride of noble effort, ment, which came from -Birmingham, and crease of rent.-f•jrone Constitution. Corner of Canal andFront streets, creased, and the capacity of the fnes nearly double te esoine, the wild prayerful wail of Ire- of the dispatch of which, no doubt there and no dust can escape while cleaiung or dumpiog tha The Coercion Act in Kerry.-Traleee, selS1ly New Orleans. lad west a Ito-.heaven in token of their was some information. About two hundred April 18th, 1870. - When Mr. Barron, To get a genuine Stewat's Steve, see that P. P. a b l gri evf. Standing above rifles were found among the articles seized; Stewat's name s on the Hea -Platea. Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, was H. M. O'MEALLIE, ULLERr WARRENT & CO.. lis tofmb'i•,I5thful priest Who had stood and orders have. been issued for the police lately here on his circuit, he expressed as .s1 t4ni gbed executed the last tea- authorities to keep a strict watch upon the his opinion that For aleby . r . HOGA- LS Canal sat. this unusually quiet Magazine Where it am be seen in operation dally. few ly b eorge Henry Moore, and did proceedings of tie discontented Irish in connty would not be visited by the Poer- Street, Corner of Terpsichore, •'rJstlesd to his honor and his memory." this district. There is every reason to fear cion Bill. Yet, scarcely had the act ifeen my8 ly New Orleans. SUngbounded Sueses C7 S" men, if any," said Father Lavelle, that some movement, either in Newcastle passed into law when the authorities put CBESCENT GROCERY. Gulf Shrht Factory. ' -''b abetter right to know his soul than or elsewnere, has been contemplated; butt its most stringent clauses into force. The Ad from his knowledge he declared the activity of the police may frustrate the fir case was at Causeway, where, with WI-LIAX HART, tht i insanltof-their deep and long em- designs of the misguided men. regard to some threatening letters, Wholesale and Retail FAMILY GROCER. Choice wit- WINES, LIQUORS, and TEAS. .. upon the ills of was that Strange Affair di Birkenhead.- Saves nesses were brought before the magistrates itaionda autonomy was our great, our only Irishmen, name- O'Neil, Carroll, Rooney, and examined without any person being It is fittg that at thlosec of a Barke, M'Antee, O'Hare, and M'Connell formally indicted, but the result was' a Best Made 8birts i nobly spent in striving after that were4brought before the Birkenhead ma- miserable failure, nothing being elicited of drayage. CholoeGoshen BUTTES mo ly ltheaitbs record of this deep conic gistrates on Monday, charged from the witnesses as to the individuality KAtue e01nx. ALWEUDDAMARWI . Afold be solemnly made to inspire with drilling in a quarry near that town on Sunday last. of the cowardly culprit who wrote the G.. YNN & DA ARIN, i:ic '. ousarsge those who take up the sacred Early that morning the Rev. Mr. Morrow, letters. GW.•oheorgeHenry Moore, and not WHOI ESALE GROCERS vicar of a church near the quarry, saw men Election of a Bishop for the - isdem but many a brave and faithful Diocese of AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, collecting there, and heard shots fired, caphoe.-Letters have been sent to the 84mb...... Poydras maanl the by-past crises of our history, whilst men were stationed .as sentinels i•t- parish Street ...... 8 reingbed never titill he angel called, priest in the diocese of Raphoe by muhl 1v -- New Orlean. side the quarry. Subsei•uently meeting the Administrator, the Very Rev. Dean • hesr struggle ceased on the silent one A. W. Shardon. Wi. Woelper. of the grave. of the men in the town, Mr. Morrow Feely, convening a meeting for the purpose gave him into custody. This man .had a of electing a bishop to fill the vacant see, A. w* SKARDON .. aGROCER THE nHOTAIR B UPn C aRTEe OAR rHE GHeOsrS BT PREMIUMS AWiARDp TO FACTORY" ]er[ Prodeaalions.-Anextra Gasette, revolver upon him and gave a false name. which will take place on the morning of Corner J•ck•on and eousseau streets, Fotrth Distrlct, ---OUR SHIRT issued last evening, contains a number of After he had been lockebsup, some of his AND OGETLEMENr IU:W. aI TOB:~I Wednesday, the 11th May, in the Catholic New Orleans. THE BEST BREAD BAKING IN ulamstioans underthe Peace Preservation friends, from the quarry, surrounded STOVE L.EIQHTON & 00., , the Chureh of Stranorlar. The Most Rev. Dr. _ Goods delivered free of charge. J.e ly Ina addition to those which appeared bridewell, as though reconpoitering pre Lynch, Coadjuter Bishop of Kildbre, in ab- THE UNITED STATES.T Coner Canal sad St. Charses s. . dlc asette of Tuesday others are now paratory to an attempt sence p POURSIeN a CO., at. rescue, sad t of thebishop ofthe province, at Rome, Always on hand a large steok of Re5MGAhN, 1, dated the 28th instant, extend- were then apprehended, their names being as been appointed by the Propaganda to Wholesale Coffee Dealers. PRIZE BREAD of 11i6 Baked in CHARTERo OAR I Es dis alrming provisions of the act to given above. They all had loaded revol- preside -5Natohes PRIZE R•igA of 18G Baked in a CHARTER OAe' 1i on the occasion. Street. P•a-thfsBl Made. or•d pto In ~tbop•evious proclamation, and which vers in their. possession. At the hearing Applgisg the Coercion PRIZE BREAD of 16 Bakred in a CHARTER OASI are Act.-At a very ReliginouCoesmunltese: The Jesuits; the' eLies of the to take edroton before the magistrates Major Creig, Head- t O. BNNET ...... e CANAL STERET. and after Tuesday fall meeting of the Irish Privy Council, ood Hdeliveredthe Macs the Daughtersof o. the Css. The CHARTERI O was awarded' the GOLD P constable of Liverpool, sad Superintendent held this week in Dublin Castle, the MEDAL over the Brilliant and all ether stoves g t the 34 of May., Another batch of Ride of the same force, identified some of pro- at NEW STORE! NEW OD0000 visions of the Coercion Act were partially the Louisiana State Fair of 1866. pudl am stions is also promulgated, in ac- the prisoners as notorious Fenians. On the put in pTHANOS. AND FAMILYGROCER.ANS. odalsee with Part II. of the act. These force over the entire extent of the Having removed The CHARTER OAK again defeated the Brillisat at application of their advocate they were re- counties of Meath, Westmeath from my old stand No. 171Peydras All Purchased Since the Late Decline in Gold, ae to take effect from to-day the 30th manded for seven days. and Mayo, street, to the Cornera of CoPIonne otaAd Roberon streets. the Texas State Fair, 1l6, receiving therefor a Secend and in certain specified districts of Cavan I will keep constantly on hand Choice TEAS. WINES Gold Medal over that Stove. and Bought at Gold Prices. Instant, and apply to County of Longford- Confound their Tory Tricks 1-Rich in King's and LIQUORS; also Choice 00GSKN BUTTER.- Parlles of Ardagh, Rathreagh, Mostrim, County, Longford, Roscommon and Goods delivered free to all parts of the city. fOO ly strategy and unscrupulous as to means, the . The singularpartof the transaction READ TRHE FOLLOWING : and Agharra. County of Cavan-Barfnies Tories have never hesitated '`*e Oauzls April 9•1e8. and Clonkee, to carry their is, that one of the morning papers not only 35 pieees French ORGANDIESB, worth 3a.,ealy0l.p.r of Caslerahan and Clonkee, and parishes tricks into operation by " dodges" MUSIC, PIANOS, ETC. I '"hereby ertify that I purhased freom Rie Bros. of Ball miahugh,. Dramlumman, and that and man- announced the intended move itself, but Co., in the year 185• the first Charter Ok Stove thOe yard. oeuvres alike actually ever sold. This Stove has been in daily use in my family 25 dozen French CORSETS, worth $350 a piece, at s.. part of Kilbridge situated in the of reprehensible and con- stated quite correctly the number C'ECK NAINSOOK worth 400 per 2l550. temptible. Their last effort in this PIANOS. AND ORGANS. u date. OVER THIRTEEN YEARS, and I cheer 500oboxes PAPER Clsmahon. County of 81igo-Baronies of line is of counties to which the act would be ap- l and the Charter Oak Steve to all house CxLLAS. worth 930. Sez only simple and unique, and plausible. A me- plied I kconfident s tlt Istheno best other Baking-Stove--ever Steve could have made, proved feeling mre and . County of Roscom- morial to Government LINEN LAWN. worth 35e per yard, only 93. , on several subjects, The Bep.pl Movement.-The vitality And all other goods i this liee, too numereus 't msae mon-Parshesof KeltuUllagh, Kilveeitn and and requesting of durable nd sat isctory for such along nmber of years Tibohine. County of Meath-The entire. the writ for Dublin, to be the repeal principle in the hearts of Irish- We haveinjt receIved a fine lot of PIANOS, offthe SI - MS. L. F... tion, at greatly reduced prices. issued forthwith, lies for signature celebrated manufacture of coiety is placed under the act. County of in the men is at present being demponstrated in S124 Washington street, New d lead; Ladles wouldrdo wen by giving•ol• eal. Commercial Buildings. At first sight the mys lm. .t' A•AX. PSt . Westmeath-The entire of this county is affair appears an unmistakeable and very gratifying man- PLEYEL, HALLET & CUMSTON, also placed under the provisions of the legitimate enough, and per- ner. The repeal questionr is no longer one AThirteen ears' Teft of the Charter Oakt fectly harmless; but examined it reveals and GEO.STECK & CO., act,. iCotaty of Mayo-This county is also a for the newspapers merely, it RICE BROS & CO., Tory trick of the first magnitude. has become planed Fearing a part of the practical politics that we have marked down to Gold Prices. Our friends SGret Southern Agents, n its entirity under the act. King's the forthcoming report of the Freemen of the coun- Col •-The parish of Croghan and that try; it is being made a test question for ndl the publio in general are invited to give us a cll 8 iand91 Camload 505 Magaslne streets. Cqmmission will deal, wllh that precious before rchat.purchaslng elsewhere, and convince themselves Dealers in Hardwre, Nails, Cutlery and Cooking Stoves stsf the parish of Castlegordon which is franchise as it parliamentary candidates on the hustings. of the merits, the Tories have sud- At the present moment four candidates We have also secured the Aney of S D. & H. W. mhtl 3am ia *e barony of Warrenstown. Part II. denly become most solicitous for the Par- have addressed Irish constituencies, and Smith's AMERICAN ORGANS, than which there are of the act which is now put in force-for the liamentary representation of the metropolis, no better reed lurumentd. They are beautifully fn. FIRS' PREMIUM AND 'ACERTUATE Srst timp, applies specially to the `revooe- each one of them declares in favor of home ished. aud are adapted alike to Churchee, Sunday and they, intocently, seek to-induce the rule for Ireland.-Nation. tion of irms licebces, to the arrest of per- Governmentgto ssue the writ while the re- Also enhand, seral good second-hand PIANOB. sons out at night under susepioious circum- Threatening Notice.-The other day a no- doubtable freemen are still in existence. tice, threatening the life of a gatekeeper ap3 3m ZORN & BREMER, 98 Camp street. stasies, to closing public houses, and to the To a certain extent-hedodge has been suc- on arrest of strangers. the Dublin and Belfast Junction Railway 12 CANAL STREET. ceseful, inasmuch as several Liberals have line, was found posted in the townland of LOUIS GRUNEWALD..... 2*e Cork Town Council and the Convent unwittingly signed it. It is time, therefore The largest Music Establishment in the South. Di. fely Question.--Jhe Cork Town Council adopted Faughiletra, near Jonesborough, in the rect importation. Below New York prices. that the "trick" should be exposed, and county of Louth. Constable Conroy has DA.AUPHIN...... 150 CANAL STREET. a petition on Monday against the proposed the Liberals cautioned against this little parliamentary inquiry respecting convents, arrested two parties on suspicion-of having Continued Accessions of bit of pettyfoggery. been the writers and invited the co-operation of the other of the notice, and they PARIS 1ILLINERY GOODS, Irish corporations. Mr. Newdegate's mo- Great Meeting in Dublin-Speeeh of lfr. have been remanded for trial at next Fork- Communion and Bridal WREATHS and Brial eturn tion waddenounced by several members. Butt.-Probably one of the largest demon- hill petty sessions.-.Neewrr 1clegraph. Councillor Daly, at one having relations strations that has taken place in Dublin .Mountain eFires.-During the past few ing Goods, Artiicmal FLOWERS and Materials in the convents, said the proposed inspec- for many years (says the Irish Times) was days large fires were seen blazing at inter- FancyCrepe and Silk Straw RIBBONS. Goods, Milliners' Materials, tion should be resisted by every means that which was organized on Friday night vals along the top of Slievenamon and other in the which constitutional actioS permitted, and Mechanics' Institute, and was carried mountains in this and the county of Wa er- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. out on PRICES REDUCED. l]e would be among the first to resist it. Sunday. Not' less than 20,000 ford. Speculation was busy as to the ob- PHIM. MCCABE, oc24 ly Formerly 66 Custombhouse people LIBERAL street. He expressed great dissatisfaction with the assembled-on Harold's Cross Green, ject of these fires; but it lhan been ascer- TERMS. Copper Ti and Sheet-Iron Worker, course of English legislation, and believed to testify their sympathy with the family tained that the burning of the heather was And dealer inStoves, Grates, SLATERS--MARBLE if this of the late Mr. George Henry Moore, M.P., for nlshing Goajs Agent for the greatTinware American and House Cooking Fur. YARDS, FTC. ---- Bill, themeasure time would were comeaddedto when, the forgetfulCoercion the purpose of improving the scanty R DOV•a...... sIaTI , for the irreparable loss which they, in com- pasturage.-Clonbel Chronicle. Stove,more tsatfactionw h ie warrantedthan any other to bake, stove roast now inor boilthis withmar. of everything, they should make a deter- mon with the country, have sustained by the John Lyddy, a native of Clare, recently ket. Bompetent Workmen are sent out to put up each /eiepd step for, their own protection. sudden demise of so distinguished an stov,and" instruct the parties how to use it. Every 306 Dryades street, New Orleans. ?,.wrmdap, Dwyer spoke of the fidelity .of Irishman. The whole of the Green was returned from Australia, has been com- ste et up and need acording to the printed instruc. mitted to Ennis Jail'upon a warrant charg- Agency for the best Piano Factories: Steinway & thetons money accompanying refunded, eachif they stove, do notwill givebe takenentire satisfac•aclk and LEAKY ROOFS RE AIRED AND WARRANTED. '-the Catholics to the liberal party for the peopled, and as far as the eye could wan- Orders from the iantry ing him with avowing himself astaunch Sons, W. Knabe & Co., Pleyel,Jeaspert, EGshbler,and promptly attended to. last thirty years, and said if the motion der, from the waggonettes from which the other first clashs makers. delt em and resolute Justreceived and for sale, a large assortment of Man. was carried Catholics should abandon the speakers delivered their atlresses, nothing Fenian-that he came home Ceatlogues of Music and Price Lists of P•anes, Ogns to aid his country, and eta., sent free on application. 1 y tel Gratees; also, odd Fenders. Baskets, Blowers, etc. M.. WALSH, could be seen but one dark mass of human brought plenty of Roofing, Guttering andJobbing ioeirnmentand seei for Repeal. The arms and done as usual. Stoves beings, anxiously pressing forward to evi- ammunition with him, and that NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH / Stted up. grates rest. etc. 8-LATER, or said he had relations in convents, would have MUSIC. if his daughter chose to enter a re- dence by their presence the sorrow which he little difficulty-in blinking PHIL. MCCABE, 104...... oumn m smrr"...... ". 104 was universal. The bands of several the Dublin detectives. REGENTLY PUBLISHED BY FISCHER & BRO., jar3'm 100 Camp street. one door from Poydres. 3etwen M•inuo and Cesstameo. ligious life be would offer no objection. He trades DAYTON. OHIO. New Orleans r regarded the motion as an outrage. The attended, and during the day played the The Mayo Election. - The writ for the IRON PIPE, BRASS COCKS, VALVES, ETC Dead March propomd• inspeetion could only be enfoirced and some national airs. Their election of a representative for the county EcoePants Eb, Duet-Bordese...... 95 Hardware, Mechanice' Tools and Supplies. as the point of the bayonet in Cork, and as bannerettes were also displayed, draped of Mayo, in the place of the late Mr. George Ave Vernm Eb.. DI)uet-Borde...... 3cc with crale. The entire proceedings were Henry Moore, reached the Hanaper Office Tantum Ergo Eb., for three,'olcea-Bordese...... 5 To Merchants, Foundrymen, Ia!lroads, Steamboats, .d mmlitrate he would have the city rise in O alutarie, a celobratedb. Trio for soprano, Plnters, etc., etc. galTlio against the. ispectors. Mr. characterized by the utmost order and de- on the 29th, and was despatched by last teuor and bsso, by nls...... g4e Tanetun Ergo. for Sve/olcea--Cherobin .. . o GOoDS AT. NEW YORK P•ICES. Boobe as a tLiberal Conservative, assured corum. night's post to the High Sheriff of the Ch.ralesMe in F. f one voice.. .-...... 73c vJc'•ncil that none were more strongly Another Orange Display.--On Monday county, who will fix a day within the THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE SOUE. statutable period for holding the election. S.osed to the motion than the Liberal night serious apprehensions were enter- Asperges Me. C. four voices-Kollroee...... Se Weeall :pecal attention to our toek of Iron Pipe ,nservatives of Ireland. " tained of a collision at Newtonards, owing Coming E~ents.-Lord Talbot de Mala- We wrould also call the attention of Organists to the and Fittings, both plain and galvsnied Brase Valves. nT. Orlena m Y ,i8 y to a rampant spirit of Oringeism hide has placed upon the journal of followin beautiful Mass, which will be published in a Cocks, etc., of eve-y descrlptlon; 8tem, Water and gOcnserewce.-Two Lives Iost. in that the Vacuum Gaugesa Bblts and Nutes Hot Pressed Nuta; a m has it been our duty to inform our town, and the local an*horities very wisely House of Peers a notice to the effect that KEMPTER'S MASS IN D for Four Voices, with Washers; Rivets; Bar, Red Sheet and Boiler Iron; •eaders of as melancholy an accident as pro*ided beforehand the meacs of quelling on an early day he will present a petition Organ Aeoompnmaent, by Prof. eiselbrecht, I 50. Cistern, Well and Fores Punpa; Rubber Packing; 246 CARAL SIRtre, eTw 24 any disturbance that The vocalpar of this Ias willbe printed separaste. Rubber Hoes; HmempPacking, Lnbrictlng, La Lin took place on Tuesday between Oranmore might arise, by draft- from the Board of Guardians of the North ly, and furnished at 95eeach. Itis a eompoition with. seed and Boiled Oils; Turpentine, White head, Patne- mad Hare Island, an accident resulting in ing into the town a considerable force of Dublin Union for the Repeal of the In the reach of hoest bchoirs, and needs no recommendu Cotton Waste, Cotton Packing. Gas Fitters and MahIbn.- military and police, but fortunately their Legislative Union of Great Britain and lon to esuch that are familiar with the sathor's reput, ist Stocks ed Dies, PipeCuttereand Tongs. Wrenbche, VINEGAR the drowning of two men, and the very tion s a composer of Church Musie in Europe. anda complete assortment of Machinist Tools Tinnors marrow escape of a woman and a boy. It services were not required. It appears ireland. All the abo•e named empositlons wlt be sent free of that poatgson appea•s that at ebb tide on Taesday an old on the day in question a band belong- The Protestof Kilkenny.-A meeting of reeeiptof the markedprle BO. man, a peasont, named Small, with his ing to the Catholics of the town had gone the Catholics of Kilkenny, convened on a Musalo Publishers, Lock box 919, Sgood supply of Shellf Hrdwar , F slt• . in the morning nan SmnDayton, Obo: Agents for O Co.'s Wire Brushes-It founer a, two seas and the wife of one of his sons, to Downpatrick to be very brief notice, was held in the Town boiler dues anaL sweeegpin5 por ses. present at a bazaar in wm lroeeeding from a village near Oran- aid of the building of Hall on the 29th to protest against thle re- ROOT'S SCHOOL Anent for . J3, Mltcahl's and Wsett presmiu m iowards Hatre Ibland, with the intent the Memorial Catholic Cathedral latended cent vote of the House of Commons with Lightning Ros.d a be built in that town, and it was ascer- reference to Government Agents for Chadler's Patmet Dreoe Well to gather seaweed, for the purpose, we insepection of con- FOR THE CABINET ORGAN. Iron Pipe out and fit to Uay length or sbqse. preslusme, of manunring bis land; the only tained to be tle intention of the Orange- vents. BOSTICK & SEYMOY , men to waylay and attack the at the rail- jelS ly Cor. Common. Frnt and Fulton ae. LOUISIANA FLEOUR, CORN AND RICE MU, road whereby RHare Island can be reache4 way station on their return m Tipperary Election Petition.-The sum of a dangsruws one, like an isthmus-it lies in the evening. B. r. nBRKERY, is 500 was lodged by the petitioners, as 6s8 and 27.Tohp•pitonlaa street.ed9 adednt betweam, on each side, a deep and rapid In fact they were seen to congregate in large numbers for the purpose, but the portion of the security for costs in this Contalinig Progressive Leasons, Studies and BSales; COOPBRAGE, stream. As the small family were drivng matter, in lieu of the two sureties rejected Songs, Duets, Tries and Quartets; Voluntaries, In. members of the band and their friends most 21,5•, end 33 Front Street betwe n av lle and Cati. od anthpoutss,p. le, aad s• n their ereel along this marroW psssage we on appeal by Judge Morris. terludee and B•eeretive Pieces, for the Parlor and lear that'the horse, diverging tfrom the judiciously got out of thie train at the sta- tion next to Newtownards, and thereby The Waterford Election Petition.-An in- Choir. marrow road, upset the creel into the deep A work of eatabllahed popularity. Annadl sale 19,000. stream. A struggle ensued on the part of foiled their expectant assailants. tense feeling of indignation has been in- the. New Orleee. ear nfortunate peasants, and nubhappily cited by the result of the petition. Legal By GEORGE F. BOOT. Good Nenas.-A letter in one of the daily gentlemen assert that the petitioners es- Spild man and his elder son were draown- journals describes the rapid spread of Re- Price 6SO. Sent, pigpai,pag on reoeipt of price. Molasse Borrels, HltBarels, ad Irem Bound Work puIOLE AND PHORTAlE. 'GASLIGE, . pt e wife of the latter was saved by tablished their case. OLIVER DITSON & CO., onstantly on hand. peal principles among all classes of people 77 Washington street, Borton. Particular attention pild to Trimmlng. dEl Iy isnging to the creel and youngest Small The Dublin Freeman Commission.-It is COMPAY,O in the County Limerick and the County understood that C. H. DITSON & CO., J S AITKENS & 8ONSON also ecaped. We are grieved indeed to Clare. This c"eering work of political the Dublin Freeman Com- fe. ly 11 Broadway, New York. ibe obliges to chronicle so painful an acci- progress is as clearly visible athwart our misaiouera report in favor of the Freeman No. 54 Camp street New Orleans. franchise, and that corruption has not MUSIC TEACHERS, 8EMINARIES, ETC. dent; wlearn the. Smalls were most in- troubled sky to the eye unfilmed by ex- Impolers adn Dealers in dlastrioas, respectable people, apd we sin- tensively prevailed. HARDWARE y commisserate with the survivors of prejudice, as the Cross in whose sign he Will Save Forty Per Oent. -or Buildings. Foundries. Railramds. Steamboats, and Sole proprietors of the colebretod U marched to conquer was visible to thie The WVaterford Petition.-Baron Hughles COtton Presses. im on their irretrievable misfortune.- eye of Constantine of old. Political germia- gnmv.tjudgmucunt in tlhis cae o Monday last, BY ORDEIBRNG THEIR SHBREET MUST' FROM Abo--PninS, Oils, Varnishes. and Winc',w OGus GOUCH'a PORTABLE GAS LIGHTS, 1315' 1 alwuup Visdieator. tion is rapidly proceeding in the frunitfnl cttullt'mitig the election of Mr. Osborne, and NON-EXPLOSIVE PURIOLINE FLUID. Of the sira existing vacancies in Irish con- ansil of Ireland; but iu charging the petitioners with all ike coats. A. E. BLACKMAR, Limerick tihe G. PITARD, atituensele, thre, rei-three a bhich may con- courageous and well-timed action of both Whoale dser.relel PIre.Tet CesJ Ci and Oaatsar tinue for some time longer, and I|r.c otherre clergymen and laymen, who are now, 164...... Canab Street...... 164 Builders' Hardiware, Grates and Mantels, Lamps. lIrtsbl esLaupe, lsuterPS and Cbsdei ib for PERSEVERANCR that are likely to be filled up without de- thie first time, in true agreement SAnil, BLIND AND Doon NW oRLEAWo. ~i•N'TS. OILS. VARNI.II. TIRPRNTINE. ers FI,,id. Itruggsiat' Frvete Irild Belsaes.N-to as to tihe SrTEAMPAreOnY.-The pnwprietor of this fctory. Mr. WINDOW tLASS and WALL PAPL. lay. Ati•,-rThe three remainina vacancies, means of lifting Ireland from hlier mnsery, Gtn)ea Pu sv weall known t, tbns conmanuity not only andal the Jn*eiovts of Pera,. a writ is for Mallow, and the usual or ho public spirit and enel.', but fuo the escullenue Ceomplete eatsalognes of toe LA HAYE MUSIC aent 349...... Comnoo Street...... '149 ordered has piossessed the movement' with a specian! a. a"lurtcles which he tnMano tur,. Urs, a,.g.ne t,o to any ai dreas gratis. my8 Im myl Sm Near Clalborne Market eoarse is likely to be followed in regard to strength of iqflueuce. A Repeal Conulnittee the beat nuatorilss and %hst is wetll srmused; gihin hil pelreollnl a.ndi4.ures r Lngfod and is in course of formation selyp.r•rvtien.o aliketbas detJll otb bistlalsr; SAM'L M. TODD & CO.l saswi Mayo. It cannot but be re- there, and a pomnpt lu tillaig skiotaJar, anid tatbthfo In thbeir eaxe. -rs. CROlIAW would Jnferm hbr lady friends that as a mbst cheering that that real course of public meetings is contemplated. toi,-- tiflentea alatisiecno is given to ll who do bors. Paiuts, Oils, Varni,h, Glassm, Brushes, etc., she is now ready to meet atl demands f. Latest Spring 2@oesanAmdt didates are before the eltetors Our hearts are with the gallant men of neea wtta•nM-e-Ur•es, 1i4 price, too. are ot..on rut- 75 Mygsioe streekt. onemdar above Poydras. Faoshns at her nilileery Esybllhnennt, of each of these three conatituenoies. In Limerick. whos city is associated in "r''n ao wrl wbeee tnv eecini a nerua! st at New thleams Moss, Woor, Hideas, BeewaS Taleow, te., our ertacle with ":usza ,oustedl wkleb witlil i:sad in No. #O-GuquntStreet so, 9 Jsesrem.'uee . @vin'N*s Otsres tL. Jaflowe, Colonel Hickie says "he is pro- sad history wlh acts of bright example. 1the cOlonl,.. vse. eae andkm•Tuel ,1 6ly Satisaetsa glue sas eeeeaiosa. i