the untedn ons educational, scientifi* c abdus s salam and cultural organization international centre for theoretical physics international atomic energy agency SMR: 1343/2 EU ADVANCED COURSE IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE An IBRO Neuroscience School ( 30 July - 24 August 2001) "Advanced Statistics presented by: Martin STETTER Siemens AG, Corporate Technology CT IC 4, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 81739 Miinchen GERMANY These are preliminary lecture notes, intended only for distribution to participants. strada costiera, I I - 34014 trieste italy - tel.+39 04022401 I I fax +39 040224163 -
[email protected] - Statistics Tutorial - Martin Stetter Statistics - Short Intro Martin Stetter Siemens AG, Corporate Technology CT IC 4, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 81739 Munchen, Germany
[email protected] Statistics Tutorial - Martin Stetter Why Statistics in CNS? • Analysis of biological neural data. • Statistical characterization of sensory data. • Modeling the brain as a statistical inference machine... - Statistical characterization of optimal codes. - Description of brain dynamics at a population level. - Statistical biophysical models (reaction kinetics). • You name it... Statistics Tutorial - Martin Stetter 3 A Topics to be Addressed • Introduction and Definitions. • Moments and Cumulants. • Some Basic Concepts of Information Theory. • Point Processes. • Statistical Modeling - Basic Concepts. • Statistical Modeling - Examples. Statistics Tutorial- Martin Stetter Introduction and Definitions One Discrete Random Variable Consider a discrete random variable X. If sampled ("trial"), it randomly assumes one of the values Probability for event X = x(i): Prob(X = x(i)) =: p*. Properties: • 0 < pi < 1. pi = 0 : x(i) does'nt ever occur; pt = 1: o;(i) occurs in every trial (=*• no other x(j) ever observed).