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Press Herald Romance Brightens Holiday: LINDA BKTHL RKM DIANK de NKVERS JUDY HAGEMANN . Future Bride .. Troth Announced . Accepts Ring KATHLEEN SLUDER iSecman Photo) ... April Bride Holiday Couple Set Hagemanns Engagement Engagement Jan. 23 for Announce Revealed At Announced Nuptial Day Engagement Open House loimng the ranks of Ihr Mr. an (| Mrs. Maurice de Miss Judy Hagrmann will Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. holiday brides-elect today is \evcrs. 134716 Madison, Tor- become the bride of Steve Sludrr. 1306 W. 213th St. LAYING THE GROUNDWORK . .. First plans for the Mdrocco's orrhc-tra will play. Chairmen, from left. Miss Linda Rethurem, ranee, announce the en­ Volm at a nuptial mass at entertained at an open annual Valentine Ball, staged by the Torrance Memor­ Mrs. Kmest G. Bull, president: Mrs. Lawrence Brown, gagement of their daughter, Church as whose engagement to Rruce the Nativity Catholic house at their home on Sat­ ial Hospital Auxiliary, were formed this week and Mrt. Robert Sleeth, Jr.. general chairman, at back Diane, to .Jerome LeRoy in June. the event, Lee, is announced by her chairmen gathered at a coffee to talk over of the bar. talk over the invitation lists and other de­ C. White, son of Mrs. Roy C. The announcement of urday Dec. 2fi. during which affairs of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. which 11 one of the most brilliant social tail* as Mr.«. Joseph Helphand, at the right, on the 2H0202 Athena. White of Apple Valley and their daughter's engage­ they announced the engage* Hotel will be the setting for Kethurem. season. Airport Marina phone, lines up the ticket campaign. Harbor City. the late Mr. White. ment and marriage plans is ment of their daughter, the 'hearts and flowers" benefit on Feb. 20. Frank Photo! (Press-Herald The future bridegroom is The wedding will be sol­ made today h Mr. and Mrs. Kathleen, to Torld Alien on Jan. 23 at the Airport Marina Hotel .,.,.. the son of Mr. and Mrs. emnized Warren Hagemann, 1005 Lower. At 1015 W. 228th Wayfarer's Chapel in Portu­ Felbar Ave. Robert Ix>e. be sol- St, Torrance guese Rend. The future bride is an Kl The marriage will Roth Miss Bcthurem and Miss de Ncvers was grad­ Camino College graduate, emmzed at a nuptial mass her fiance are 1062 gradu­ uated from Tnrrance High after which she received at the Nativity Catholic ates of Narbonne High School in 1957 and the Uni­ her degree in dental hy­ Church in Torrance at 11 Valentine Ball of California at Los School. versity giene from Marquette Uni­ o'clock on April 24. was also Angeles in 1963. versity in Milwaukee. At The bride-elect The future bride wa§ graduated from the UCLA Mr. White, a 1950 engi­ Marquette. Miss Hagemann Dcnta I Assistants school neering graduate of the pledged Kappa Rcta Gam­ graduated in June 1964 20 and is employed by a Tor­ University of California at ma sorority. She is em­ from Rishop Montgomery «» Set For Feb. Berkeley, is associated with III. rance dentist. ployed in Skokic. High School and is em­ will stage Mr. Lee is serving with Space Technology Labora­ Her fiance received his ployed by the Pacific Tele­ Torrance Memorial Hospital Auxiliary tories in Redondo Beach. mechanical engineering de­ the United States Air Force, phone Co. in Gardcna. its 14th annual Valentine Ball Saturday evening. stationed in San Francisco. gree at Marquette where he Feb. 20 at the Airport Niarlna Hotel in Los Angeles. No date has been set for Visit Friends also was affiliated with the Her fiance, son of Mr. A festive "Mardi Gras" theme will prevail in the the wedding. Visiting old friends over Triangle fraternity. and Mrs. Ross K. Lower, decorations for the ball for which the Frank Marocco the New Year holidays were Mr. Volm, son of Mr. and 21813 Rcdbeam Ave. was orchestra will furnish the music. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Harder Mrs. Paul Volm of Quincy. graduated from Bishop Rcbekahs Set of Napa, former Torrance 111. is employed by the In­ Montgomery in 1963. and is Mrs. Robert Sleeth, Jr. is serving as general residents, who were visiting ternational Harvester Co. in employed by the General chairman for this year's event. Installation Mr and Mrs. Harry Dolley. Chicago. Telephone Co. in Redondo. Mrs. William Crooker and Mrs. Ben Smith are in charge of the decorations with Mrs. James K. Lees For Jan. 13 and Mrs. Leon Warne making the dinner arrange­ Torrancc Rcbckah lodge t ments. .147. Independent Order in charge of the major of Odd Fellows, will hold Mrs. Lawrence Brown is public installation at the door prize and Mrs Leonard Ensmlnger is handling Torrance Masonic Tem­ the many other prizes to be awarded during the eve­ ple, 2326 Cabrillo Ave. ning. MR.. MRS. E. L SNODGRASS on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Gilbert Deroum Is publicity director. Leave Torrance After 36 Years Jan. 13. at 8 p.m. Sally Rcasonnr and staff of South Gate will con­ For 10th Consecutive Year duct the installation Farewell Party Fetes Vcrna Bartlcson, noble grand, will conduct a bus­ iness meeting at 7 p.m Junior Club Assists Mr., Mrs. Snodgrass Members and friends of the lodge are invited to Edna Clo\d, Editor Mr. and Mrs. E. L Snodgrass. who have lived at attend. Mrs. Bartleson and her committee will be in th March of Dimes 1614 Beech Ave. for the past 36 years, have purchased 6, 1943 D-1 their charge. JANUARY Again for the tenth consecutive year, the Torrance a mobile homc and will leave Torrance to make stuffed mail-out envelopes for home at Lake Cachuma near Santa Barbara. Return to Ohio Memphis Guests Junior Woman's Club Oil for Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ma­ th« March of Dimes in the Torrance area, of which Mrs. Mr Snodgrass retired Dec. 26 from Shell iu Wedding Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gecar whom he had worked dur-' jor and daughters, Carol and daughter. Paula, left Clan Conner*, Torrance postmaster is district chair- Ing his 36 years here. Torrance First Methodist and Susan, left New Year's Church. Day for their homc in Monday for their home in nun' "the long "fight against polio The couple have one Church Memphis. Tcnn, after This year with 100% and now is marching on to daughter. Mrs. Seal Silence, On Sunday evening, Dec. At Neighborhood Youngstown, U., after spend­ club participation. 39,000 reduce the staggering num- 22317 Usage ft and two 27, from 6 to 8 p.m., Mr. ing the holidays here with spending the holidays her* ber of babies born with se- grandchildren. Michael and and Mrs. Snodgrass were Neighborhood Church in taffeta fashioned with a their niece and husband, Mr. as guests of the Gccari* envelopes were stuffed and daughter and husband, Mr. will be mailed out during nous birth defects Roxannc Silence. honored at a farewell parly Palos Vcrdcs was the set* scalloped neckline, trimmed and Mrs. David Shepherd, given by Mrs. R. K. Moffitt. 1534 W. 252nd St., Harbor and Mrs. Richard Champion, 1 the month. Mrs. William More than 300.000 babies. Mrs. Snodgrass is a long­ ting of an afternoon wed­ with sequins, a tiered ruf­ one out of 16, are born time member of the Tor­ Mrs. R. A. Bingham and 5204 Maricopa Ave. Faulds, health chairman for Mrs. Emma Roberts at the ding on Dec. 12, when Miss fled skirt and chapel train. -v the Torrance Junior Wo- yearly in this nation with rance Woman's Club and Her elbow-length veil was birth defects. the Arts and Crafts Club. Moffitt home, 2724 Arling­ Jane Ellan Pcltz, daughter man's club, was in charge significant ton Ave. held by a lace cap and the of the project. Special love for the birth Roth she and Mr. Snod- of Mr. and Mrs. Vernal D. bridal bouquet was of white won (Continued on Page D-2» :rn.«s are members of the The poinscttia and holly 25227 Uytan St.. The March of Dimes theme was effectively car­ Pcllz, orchids, roses and stcpha- ried out in the parly dec­ Torrancc, became the bride notis. orations. of Thomas James Venneau Miss ' ' <ndra Kay Hobbs, Holiday punch was served of Hennosa Beach. Parents as maid of honor, wore a from three bowls arranged of the bridegroom are Mr. gold satin gown and carried Talisman roses. Brides- on a table covered with a George Venneau poinscttia cloth. and Mrs. maids, Misses Janna I.ynn Guests enjoyed a buffet of Tacoma, Wash. Richardson and Karen Kid- supper served from the din­ The bride came to the al­ ridge, wore floor length ing table, which was also tar on the arm of her fa­ gowns of willow green sat­ covered with a poinscttia ther. Her traditional wed­ in and carried Talisman cloth and centered by an ding gown was of hue over roses. arrangement of poinsctlias Janicc Rcncc Peltz, in flanked by tall red Christ­ gold satin, dropped petals mas candles. Thomsen Son from a white basket in the Calling to bid their old path of the bride and her friends farewell w ere Arrives in father. Messrs and Mmes Delbcrt Curt Jcsscn stood as best Thomsen, James McMullen, $ajpon Dec 28 man and ushers were Neil Silence, James Stavert, Charles R. Hobbs and Dar- A K. R. Ewalt. Ike McTee, Word comes from Sai­ roll D. Gray. James Buielicit, Gordon Dr. C. King, pastor, offi­ V. E Ben- gon <>f the birth of a son Northington, Mis Sam ciated at the marriage serv­ Fred Ucvcr, Fay to Mr and stead, 'Ihomsen, who arc on a ice as Mrs.
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    AMERICAN ACCORDIONISTS’ ASSOCIATION Newsletter A bi-monthly publication of the American Accordionists’ Association MAY 2013 Here’s What’s From the Editor Welcome to the May 2013 edition of the AAA Newsletter. Happening at The excitement builds as we rapidly approach the AAA’s Gala 75th Anniversary, a milestone for any organization! You’ll find plenty of information on the many guests AAA in 2013 and activities in this and the July edition of the AAA Newsletter, as well as online at Our 75th Anniversary Competition and Festival to be held MAY 14, 2013 in the heart of New York City has already attracted participants from around the globe AAA Board Meeting Villa Mosconi and will truly be one to remember! 69 MacDougal Street, NYC Once again my sincere thanks to the AAA President Linda Reed and Board of Director Rita David- son for their kind assistance with the AAA Newsletter. Items for the July Newsletter can be sent to JULY 26-28, 2013 me at [email protected] or to the official AAA e-mail address at: Master Class and Concert [email protected] . Please include ‘AAA Newsletter’ in the subject box, so that we don’t Series - The Seminars miss any items that come in. Text should be sent within the e-mail or as a Word .doc (not docx) at- The Accordion is 3D tachment. Pictures should be sent as a high quality .jpg file, and the larger the file size the better. We Tenri Cultural Institute can always reduce/crop the picture if necessary.
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