2021 Clean Energy Implementation Plan Advisory Group Meeting No. 1 Agenda Thursday, May 20, 2021, 1:00 – 3:30 pm PST Virtual Meeting on Zoom Topic Time Staff Welcome and Introductions 1:00 Lyons Avista Overview 1:15 Kinney Clean Energy Transformation Act Overview 1:45 Bonfield Break 2:05 2020 – 2025 Clean Energy Actuals & Forecasts 2:15 Gall Named Communities Presentation 2:45 Gall Public Participation Overview & Discussion 3:15 Brandon/Lyons Adjourn 3:30 Topic: Avista Clean Energy Implementation Plan Time: May 20, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4388235730?pwd=T2pVVGpWOEhIZGkwWGNQTEpQY2tK QT09 Meeting ID: 438 823 5730 Passcode: Avista One tap mobile +12532158782,,4388235730#,,,,*354529# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,4388235730#,,,,*354529# US (Houston) Meeting ID: 438 823 5730 Passcode: 354529 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kkRSqQIfK 2021 Clean Energy Implementation Plan Introduction John Lyons, Ph.D. First Advisory Committee Meeting May 20, 2021 Meeting Guidelines • Avista CEIP team is still working remotely for a few more months, but is available by email (
[email protected]) and phone for questions and comments • Some processes are taking longer remotely • Virtual IRP meetings will continue until we are back in the office and able to hold large group meetings • CEIP information available at my webpage myavista.com/ceta 2 Virtual Meeting Reminders • Please mute mics unless speaking or asking a question • Use the Zoom chat box to write questions or comments or let