Anniversary Crew chief of year Motorcyclist 1st Marine Brigade Satisfaction is a job Leatherneck challenges begins 82nd year well done the trials Page B-1 Page A-2 Page B-2 HAWAII MARINE Voluntary payment for delivery to MCAS housing/$1 per four meek period.

VOL 12 NO. 3 KANEOHE RAY, HAWAII. JAN. 19, 1983 TWENTY PAGES Air station celebrates 31st

the Nuuanu by Sgt Inez J. Stoner Pali when Kameha- During World War I, Ulupau particularly pleased with the meha the Great forced the enemy Crater was again employed as a plain of Heeia. army over the Mokapu cliffs at the Pali. military base when the Kuwaaohe The largest weapons at Ft. Hase Peninsula is one of the Another prominent land feature most beautiful and most versatile Military Reservation was during World War II were 14-inch on the peninsula is Puu Hawaii- established there in 1918. guns from the battleship places on Oahu. It is also the home loa, site of Kansas Tower today. for more than 9,000 Marines who President Wilson signed an Pennsylvania. These were celebrated the 31st anniversary of Geologically, it is regarded as executive order that made it what emplaced in a position known as the commissioning of Marine being older than Ulupau, is now considered one of the oldest Penn Battery. In addition, French Diamond Head, Koko Head Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay and military bases on Oahu. Battery stood between the Hilltop the Punchbowl. It is believed to Jan. 15. area and North Beach. have been formed from a volcanic A number of 3-inch guns The Air Station covers the entire crater or vent. WITH WORLD WAR II Mokapu Peninsula, a land steeped approaching, the Kuwaaohe manned by Army Cannoneers were between the sand dunes in ancient Hawaiian legend. The Military Reservation was re- of IN THE 19TH CENTURY A Heleloa and the western base of very word "Mokapu" means great change began taking place established. Early in 1942, "sacred land." cannoneers Ulu Pau. Fifty caliber machine in Hawaii. Royalty began leaving began arriving to set guns were along the up coastal defenses on Mokapu North Beach Mokapu for the rapidly changing area from Pyramid Rock to IT IS HERE THAT, ACCORD- leeward side of Oahu where Peninsula. When commissioned Ulupau. ing to Hawaiian legend, three Waikiki was becoming the status in 1941, it was known as Camp Hawaiian gods shaped man's residential area for monarchs and Ulu Pau but was redesignated image from the sands of Heleloa Fort Hase, in honor of Major PRIOR TO AND DURING foreigners. As the royalty moved World War II, the Ft. HaSe Beach and gave him life. out, commoners moved in and General William T. Hase, in In the early days the peninsula February 1942. The post served as detachment grew from its humble paved the way for the "Great beginning as a defense battalion was considered a barren, desolate Mahele" or land reformation. headquarters for the harbor wasteland. This changed during defense of Kaneohe Bay. to a major unit of the Windward In 1848, the common people Coastal Artillery Command. With the 16th century when King were given the right of title to The Army was not alone in its Kamehameha the Great built his interest of Mokapu Peninsula. In its growing pains taxing the land, a right previously held by facilities, the Army acquired an royal palace near the Nuupia fish Hawaiian royalty. Farmers and 1939 Navy planners began eyeing ponds in the vicinity of the the area as a possible advance additional 474 acres (the present tradesmen came to Mokapu and Capehart housing area) of land present-day main gate. on the flatlands of this sacred naval base. Security on the The sands of Heleloa Beach face isolated peninsula could be easily from Harold Castle. peninsula, where royal pheasant By the end of the war, to the east where Ulupau Crater hunts once took place, cattle now maintained with only one road rises nearly 700 feet from the grazed. leading onto the land, and airfield Cont'd. on A-4 ocean. The first military use of planners and engineers were Mokapu may have been at Ulupau Crater during the mid-1700s. In legends it is said that Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire and ..ARIkt.1:1141 volcanoes, chose Ulupau for her e Oahu home , wandering around the islands. It was originally called Kuwaaohe, Sergeant Major J.R. McGurik meaning "stand and wait," and may have applied to sentries who stood watch for invaders from the New sergeant major other islands. ONE ACCOUNT HAS IT that Kahekili, the king of Maui takes brigade's helm and Molokai, sent spies to gather information about the army of by Sgt Corrina Martell Upon selection to sergeant major Oahu. With the information in 1976, he was transferred to gathered, the spies would use the Sergeant Major James R. Headquarters Battery, 12th sheer cliffs of Ulupau's northern McGuirk assumed duties as 1st Marines as battalion sergeant slopes as their signal post. They lit Marine Brigade Sergeant Major major, and later selected to be the large fires and torches to relay Jan. 10 at a change of sergeants 1st Brigade Schools Sergeant messages to lookouts on Molokai. major ceremony. Major. Their activities went unobserved Former brigade sergeant major, In 1978, he was transferred to behind the crater's rim. Sergeant Major John C. Lowery, Headquarters and Maintenance Kahekili undermined the power will be retiring from active duty Squadron-24, and then received of Kahana, king of 0 ahu, and won Feb. 28. orders for Manchester, New the kingdom in a bloddy battle. THEN - Ulupau Crater was a welcome site to Marines and sailors stationed at newly McGuirk enlisted in the Marine Hampshire as Recruiting Station When Kahekili died in 1794, his commissioned Kaneohe Naval Air Station in 1952. The gate, then the only access to Mokapu Corps in 1955. His early Sergeant Major for the North son came into power. This set the Peninsula, is now the rear gate. assignments included serving Eastern Section for recruiting. stage for the legendary battle at with the 3d Marine Division; 2nd Upon completion of his tour in Mar Div Camp Lejeune, N.C.; New England, McGuirk was Quantico, Va.; State Dept Duty in assigned here with 3d Battalion, Saudis Arabia and Cyprus; and 3d Marines. Brigade SgtMaj bids Corps farewell recruiting duty. From 1965 to 1966, McGuirk While on deployment in 1982, he served with 3d Battalion, was assigned as the first Marine 9th by Sgt Corrina Martell "I had always heard people say, 'If Marines in Vietnam, after which Amphibious Unit Sergeant Major I'd stayed in I could be retired by he returned to recruiting duty. In in the Corps, and then as the 31st "If I could do it all over again, I now,' " he said. "So I got out 1970 he returned to Vietnam and MAU and 9th Marine Amphibious wouldn't change anything," said specifically to see what was served with 2nd Battalion, 7th Brigade Sergeant Major during Sergeant Major John C. Lowery, happening on the outside. I think I'm Marines as a company gunnery operation Freedom Pennant, former 1st Marine Brigade Sergeant more at ease with myself because I sergeant. Western Australia. Major. Hevvill retire Feb. 28 after more know that I did get out. I knew the Following his second tour in than 27 years of Marine Corps Marine Corps was what I wanted to Vietnam, McGuirk served again McGuirk's personal decorations service. do." with the 2nd Mar Div, and then include two Bronze Stars, two Lowery, who enlisted in 1955, said Upon reenlisting, Lowery served as Marine Barracks, Boston, Mass. Combat Action ribbons, Purple that as early as he can remember, he a truck driver, unit diary clerk, and as the Barracks first sergeant Heart, Vietnamese Cross of always wanted to be a Marine. "The personnel chief at Camp Pendleton, before returning to Vietnam for a Gallantry with Silver Star, and Marine Corps always appealed to me Calif., which was followed by a tour on third tour. During this time he Vienamese Cross of Gallantry because of the leadership and the I-I Staff, 45th Rifle Company, 111 participated in the evacuation of with Bronze Star. confidence they had in themselves," Ogden, Utah. Cambodia and Saigon. he said. "I joined on my own. I sought Following I-I duty, Lowery served in In 1975, McGuirk was McGuirk is married to the them out, they didn't seek me out." what he feels was his most satisfying transferred to Marine Corps Air former Joanna McNultry and has From the start of his military career, tour - drill instructor duty. Station, Kaneohe Bay to two sons, James Patrick and Lowery said that he never reached a "On the drill field, you take people with 1st Battalion, 12th Marines. Patrick James. of throwing up his hands and from all walks of life and mold them saying it wasn't for him. into one precision, moving body called "In boot camp I had no problems a basic Marine," he said. "It's a Accident kills 1, until the last inspection," he said. "We personal satisfaction knowing that were pulling Irish pendants off each you as an individual have left your other and I didn't want to put them on mark on the Marine Corps." the deck, so I put them in my mouth. Lowery volunteered for assignment injures another My drill instructor thought I was to Vietnam following DI duty. lie chewing gum and I told him it was served there twice. One Marine was killed and another injured in a 3 a.m. motorcycle string. He said it was the same thing, "The first time I was there, 1967 to accident Thursday on Kaneohe Bay Drive, near the 11-3 on-ramp. and then he talked to me rather 1968, I was the Administrative Chief Corporal Edward P. Autry, 24, was killed and passenger Lance forcefully." for the 3d Marine Division," said Corporal Brian Dingman, 20, was injured when they were thrown from a During his first tour in the Marine Lowery. "And the second time I went, motorcycle. Preliminary reports indicate the vehicle veered off the road Corps, Lowery completed Infantry from 1971 to 1972, I was an advisor and struck a utility pole, said Officer Michael Tucker of the Honolulu Training at Camp Pendleton, Calif.; with the Vietnamese Marine Corps. Police Department. The motorcycle was the only vehicle involved. and Cold Weather Training at The biggest thing I remember about Both Marines, attached to Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron-463 Bridgeport, Calif. He was then Vietnam was not being able to brush here, were wearing safety helmets at the time of the accident. assigned to the 3d Medical Battalion your teeth on a regular basis. You Dingham is listed in satisfactory condition at Tripler Army Medical I REMEMBER WHEN . . . Sergeant Major John C. on Okinawa and Camp Fiji, Japan; couldn't take a shower or .bath other Center. Lowery, former brigade sergeant major, talks about his and the U.S. Department of State. He than out of your helmet or a mudhole, more than 27 years of duty in the Marine Corps. Lowery was discharged in 1959, but only Memorial service for Cpl Edward P. Autry were held Manday at the Cont'd. on A-5 Station Chapel. will be retiring Feb. 28. (Photo by Cpl T.J. Clark) stayed out 57 days.

Published by RFD Publications, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. Opinions expressed by publishers and writers herein are their own and not to be considered an expression of the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. The appearance of advertisements in this publication including inserts, does not constitute an endorsemerit by the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps of the firms, products or services advertised. Page A-2, Jan. 19, 1983 Biggest satisfaction comes from Crew chie the words, You did a good job"

by Sgt Corrina Martell fixed. leatherneck. "But you find out after "I'm also collateral duty inspector," you graduate or maybe 10 years later "The Marine Corps can give me all said Miller. "I inspect work done by that you do. It can be the same way in the awards they want," said Corporal basic helo mechanics." the Marine Corps. I don't like to see Christopher R. Miller, Marine Medium Miller explained that everyone in people throwing away what they can Helicopter Squadron-265. "But the his field must begin as a basic helo learn in the corps." biggest satisfaction is when someone mechanic. They then work up to plane Captain Robert Heller, flight line comes up to me and sincefely says, captain, and finally to crew chief. assistant officer in charge, said that `Hey, you did a good job.'" Miller flys in his aircraft Miller is demanding of both himself And doing a good job is what approximately 25 to 35 hours a month. and the people who work with him. Miller's philosophy is all about. "We have 12 CH-46's and a crew chief "He's willing to work long hours and Selected as HMM-265's 1982 Crew for a least each aircraft," said Miller. his aircraft is always in top shape," Chief of the Year, he attributes his "Each crew chief is also qualified as said Heller. success to hard work. an aerial gunner." Gunnery Sergeant Jim Frizzell, "I always try to do my job to the best Although his job may be difficult at flight line staff noncommissioned of my ability," he said. "If you don't times, Miller has his own way of officer in charge, also expressed favor like what you're doing, you shouldn't dealing with it. "A crew chiefs job for Miller. "He's outstanding," said do it. A large part of how you work is involves long hours, a lot of Frizzell. "The quality I especially experience and training. You can't just responsibility, and sometimes admire in him is his leadership." go out and be good. It comes with time. working when others aren't," he said. When he's not hard at work, Miller's If a trainer isn't doing his best, the "I find that if I try to make my job fun, interests include motorcycle racing. "I person he's teaching won't benefit. it can, in a sense, become easier. I do did a little motorcycle racing before I Miller, who has been a crew chief for this by pointing out anything exciting joined the corps," he said. "I didn't win almost two years, says that he came - especially to the new guys." any trophies - I just did it for the into the Marine Corps with a Miller said that he feels it's pleasure. But now I don't have much guarangee in the aviation field. important to get the most out of what time for it." DOUBLE CHECKING - Corporal pre-flight inspection. Miller was selected His job consists of daily inspections you're doing. Miller's plans for the future are short Christopher R. Miller, Marine Medium as HMM-265's 1982 Crew Chief of the to be sure his aircraft is safe for flight. "When you're in high school, you and simple. "When I get out of the Helicopter Squadron-265, checks the Year. (Photo by Cpl T.J. Clark) If it is not, he goes to the appropriate don't think you need to learn certain Marine Corps, I just want to keep strut (nosewheel) of his aircraft during a shops to ensure that the aircraft is things," said the 21-year-old learning," he said. "About anything." OVER- 10 O's: 14 mg."tar",1.0 mg. nicotine, KING: 15 mg."tar".1.1 mg. nicotine, ay. per cigarette, FTC Report DEC. '81. COME OVER- EATING

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The Hawaii Marine is an unofficial newspaper published every Wednesday by RFD Publications, Inc., 46-016 Al aloa St., Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744, in the interest of U.S. Marine corps personnel in Hawaii. All news copy is prepared in the Joint Public Affairs Office, Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii 96863, 257-2179. HAWAII MARINE Copy must be submitted no later than noon Thursday for the following Wednesday publication. Hawaii Marine solicits contributions of information and photographs from all Marine Corps organizations. However, it reserves the right to edit or rewrite material submitted. All advertising is arranged by the publisher, RFD Publications, Inc., telephone 235-5881. Circulation is 8,000. Everything advertised in this publication must be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, creed, color, national origin age or sex of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this policy of equal opportunities by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source. Jan. 19, 1983, Page A-3 Az

VA regulations and no earlier than nar" sponsored by the the Governor's Vete- 21, from 8:30 to 11:30 Armed Services YWCA 120 days prior to Chamber of Com- ran's Employment a.m. at the Hale Moku- Outreach Advanced payment Ilokulani office. registration. merce of Hawaii on Council, including Community Registration may be by the Veteran's The city, state and federal Center. To register, Administration for check will be Jan. 26, at the Prince done by mail or by mailed to the institu- Build- offices. FSC full time students will Kuhio Federal call the at 474- coming to the school's tion. floor Reservations are 1256 be authorized upon ing's fifth no later than office located in the Cafeteria from 5:30 to not necessary, dress is Feb. 1. Kalaheo the receipt of an Career Seminar casual and there's High Scholl Service 7:30 p.m. Administration Build- application endorsed men and business plenty of free parking Adult Education women who will be A panel of ing. For questions call by the educational in around the Federal Registration for retiring from military leaders different Ray Miyasato at 254- institution. industries will speak Building. For further 100 courses in duty within over 1534. The application the next and answer questions information, call Adult Education are no later year are invited to should he filed on a wide variety of Duke Pambrun, 531- being taken for the 60 to attend a free "Career Airline furlough than days prior career alternatives 4772. Term which date of registration Alternatives Semi- Spring fare and job possibilities in begins on Jan. 24. Trans World Air- Hawaii and the English speaking There are many lines will allow one mainland. Experts course tuition free courses in child under 18 to will explain how to set Do you know a academic courses as travel free when D. realistic goals, iden- foreign-born person well as short term accompanied by an tify the best job who might enjoy a tuition courses in adult paying the 50- If you have a prospects, make up class to brush up on general interest areas. percent furlough fare question or complaint resumes and be most his or her English- Courses leading to on any TWA domestic about the content of effective in inter- speaking skills? The GED high school route until March 26. the Hawaii Marine views. A free 20-page Family Service Center diplomas as well as Exceptions are: - or a suggestion or workbook will be at Pearl Harbor is in basic adult compliment please courses travel to/from Florida - provided each partici- sponsoring "English education are offered. must be completed by telephone our Om- pant by the Chamber Lan- budsman, Gunnery as a Second Courses for the Feb. 10; travel to/from Sergeant Don Gilbert, of Commerce. guage," a free course foreign born are also Colorado must be Mon- at 257-2178. Information about emphasizing daily life available. Brochures day through Thursday Gilbert, the Joint the upcoming sixth topics such as food, will full details as to and travel between Public. Affairs media annual Job Fair will be jobs, health, clothing, the schedules may be New York city and operations chief, will disseminated. Also housing and banking. picked up at the Los Angeles or San endeavor to answer your questions and provided will be a The 10-week course following locations at Francisco is permis- complaints through impartial investigations. complete list of will be held on Tues- KMCAS: Education sible on one stop or He will accept calls between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 sources for transition days and Thursdays, Center, Mokapu Ele- connecting flights p.m. assistance put out by Feb. 8 through April mentary School, The only.

SOFT FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CENTER INC. GUEST OF HONOR - General Kenneth Mclennan, former CONTACT Assistant Commandant ofthe Marine Corps, talks with (from left) LENSES ARE: KANEOHE 235-6677 Brigadier General J.W. Moore, commanding general of the 1st Marine Brigade and Colonel H.J.M. Radcliffe, commanding Soft, flexible and officer, 3d Marines. Gen Mclennan was the guest of honor at the comfortable 3d Marine's mess night, held Jan. 10, at the Officers' Club. Easy to wear from the start Worker's Compensation Do not pop out easily Auto accidents - No Fault Union Insurance Medicare , One Hou Athletic Injuries Family Care Plan Nutrition STANDARD SOFT LENSES $95 Applied Kinesiology Physiotherapy EX ' X-Ray Photo Systems - CONTINUOUS WEAR LENSES $ 195 Dr. George F. Clemens Or. Lawrence J. Connors B.S., D.C. M.A., D.C. BUY 2 Fees include lenses, care kit, follow up care CHIROPRACTIC ... A NATURAL SOLUTION TO HEALTH PROBLEMS ENLARGEMENTS by Dr. Dean and 90 DAY TRIAL PERIOD Effective until January 31, 1983 Headaches Neck Pain =Shoulder -Arm Pain GET THIRD FREE Bursitis Numbness In Hands & Feet . Pinched Nerves Also Available Whiplash OVERNIGHT BIFOCAL SOFT LENSES *Muscle Spasms Nercvkoaueshneess°8a & Tension (In by noon, back by 3:00 p.m. next day) COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL VISION SERVICES Open 6 Days a Week: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 65 X 7 03 X 10 *11 X 14 DEDICATED TO QUALITY AND SERVICE IN VISION CARE 2 3 Chiropractic Assistants (Free Enlargment Same Size or Smaller) Doctors KAILUA HONOLULU FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN BLDG. We guarantee all work 139 Hekili St Dr. Charles Dean 45-114 Kam Hwy.. Suites 200 & 200A Total Finishing Services Available Optometrist 261-9735 10% Off Processing & Printing Of Color Print Film With Military I.D. WINDWARD MALL Lower Level Kaneohe 247-6737 M-F 9:30-9:00 '' fora gm:Tree:IC. Sat. 9:30-5:30 Sun. 10:00-4:00 The Microwave Oven That Makes You a Genius! OLft Panasonic's NE-9930 adds a new dimension to microwave th01.1deof Saoce 9fias Cheese oven cooking ... its convection cooking for ex ellent baking PO f3tend or browning. Cook by microwave. convection or an automatic SpebatA000ioReat and combination of both. With the NE-9930, every meal you cook dsPvaa ohfh Sopeth will he a hit and make you a Genius, Pvas 95 ho area, Our SA es ft> Ctleese 95 5stIloet de cOeese SI e HO to 12: teady Pa.z.a doeese h litttiftf AE:;' 'yea dettc;fous Deii.ixe oi ot, doot s Price a yOttt at no WI the fdtlk1.0 Vochiod to( sotoofoliolosotolooloo.:0041,\is, ccTOCes,chasge. 5 Woos Ohfohs, 30 c1e0e04 012'0°14'6e addfhottat PePpton,fAushtooths,laeopts, Extra st.,tcee Green cOt $B.55 H321313,Fkih5e9a\Pee:::\9e\, 0.A. ton aid,, 813.15 01-1-a Oet0ee G1h6e,:ev;ecce,csauctcli Pe( AA6, 0e10 7361.8,.." Sat. cok.lpon eras r(30 05, One 2011 k\oh at ,./\ ,s11 toes' 001, o1112` .,,es, De1Nveti Free Free e0e00015.aGY. 0" ge, Fast, Oa° ' 9e, cs,s200* neap 9e,p9e oodoe Goodatfocatooststed,Isoc)'*5 feiSt°.. Green 2g)2- vv ogee, /fi\o`G\t(eto De GtotP e'Aca ec .90 9 \teo Olees 1-e SA COO o Ae'' #0. otos% e:21-61 se0ocli evaiierAe 050 61 A` \6261\ lix\soNsje. Pepsi ecotfocas 32. ca to teY- sole \NPOPla fes'' fro ito ScOoeke\d'aattac\cs) sOpjeckcarry TOO Nay Pffoes oje(s 100..." 1.00 any % ee okk 56.4433Karo Ok0 ds20.0°' ecl OP 50 ya-La. oaf, de`.1 koc, Si P\73.21..Q?( 98-593GM 01.0ke 0,06,91 or coopor Peat\ Or\ e 219)83 A.1;Pes. v Sk 119kYe se(`J\ c:111) et61:195BAca \-\eWkoso sta DeVpievy tad k\onsVs Fast, Free Y-oae,"toe coP ek od °Ga Go 55-BD 26025 11 9,33A, \kgs' L- \010 #01 NA0- .6101 ,tAng '" 53',040,\k-z-ox\so p,,F9 al-49e° H°Kam at Base vaetoo(144 11" 1.000.

Available at your military exchange. Panasonic just slightly ahe,ic: Page A-4, Jan. 19, 1983 Station celebrates 31st cont. from Page A-1 IN A SMALL WOODEN thousands of troops were shack at a desk made from an stationed at Ft. Hase, or had apple crate, CDR Martin began received the training given there. planning and executing the orders In late 1945, the 98th Army that would transform Kaneohe Division departed Ft. Hase bound Bay into a sprawling, multi- for occupation duty in Japan. million-dollar military installa- They had just completed their tion. Work continued at a rapid training in preparation for the pace during the next few months invasion of Japan, which never and included the construction of occurred. Baker Towers, known today as On April 1, 1947, Ft. Hase, Kansas Tower. By late 1941, the which had once based elements of major portion of construction was three divisions, became a skeleton nearing completion. outpost of the. Army's Ft. Ruger. The mission of the Air Station was expanded to include the A MESSAGE WAS SENT TO administration of the Kaneohe the Department of the Navy and Bay Naval Defense Sea Area and on Aug. 5, 1939 the contract was the Kaneohe Naval Air Space signed that started the work at the Reservation. With the added Naval Air Station Kaneohe Bay responsibilities came more and also gave birth to Naval aircraft. For the men stationed installations on Palmyra, here, life was one seaplane patrol Johnson and Midway islands, in after another, including a patrol Alaska and at other Oahu that was launched early one locations. In all, the U.S. December morning. Just before 8 government paid a total of a.m., as the sailors waited for the $1,097,736.04 for nearly 500 acres patrol to return, the drone of of Mokapu Peninsula. approaching aircraft could be During September 1939 heard. It was Dec. 7, 1941. engineers started work on a dike to create more acreage and began ON THAT FATEFUL "DAY digging into the waters of the bay of Infamy" the Air Station at to fill in the diked area. This Kaneohe Bay was the first place dredging and filling continued on Oahu to be attacked by the until 1943 when a total of 280 acres Japanese- In addition, the first was added to the original land Japanese aircraft to be shot down acquisition. crashed into the hill at Kansas Marines file into an R-34 preparing for an airlift. Tower. A Kaneohe-based sailor, at Pyramid Rock. IN John Finn, earned the Medal of ground team. with the completion of the back unit to the 31st Marine AUGUST 1940 THE and Hollywood came to Navy decided to even Honor for his actions that Working parties began clearing nine holes Amphibious Unit on a six-month expand 1958 when by acquiring all of Mokapu morning. The ancient burial the jungle growth and Jan. 15, Kaneohe in September rotating tour basis. This program NINETEEN-EIGHTY WAS more filming on the motion also Peninsula except for Fort Hase, grounds of Heleloa again became 1952, Colonel Frank G. Dailey, the began allows Marines to work "in the the year of the Iranian Crisis a grave site, this time for 18 first commanding officer, took picture "South Pacific." Several field" with allied countries as well and in February of that year the which was still controlled by the of MAU Army. This new acquisition was sailors, one civilian and Japanese part in commissioning ceremonies Marines the Brigade's First as enjoy liberty in such countries 31st deployed to the Persian the Nuupia area where the pilot Fusata Iida killed during the for the new Marine Corps Air Amphibious Tractor Company as Japan, Korea and the Republic Gulf to help protect American peninsula joins Oahu and was attack. Station. were given roles in the musical. of the Philippines. interests in that area. Navy's During 1981 by Ancient Hawaiians had divided That same month the the Air Station purchased the United States Missile Range Facility, IN SEPTEMBER 1977 AS supported athletics and communi- for $90,000. The attack placed Kaneohe on a the land between chiefs, World Pacific forward area wartime basis. In War II leaders had portioned the Hawaiian Area, became a tenant HMM-265 arrived, VMFA-235 ty relations with a number of With most of their land of the Air Station. Another tenant deployed to Iwakuni, Japan as the special events. In March the solved, workers began early 1942 the Air Station became peninsula out to the Army and the Na problems first in unit, the First Composite Radio first F-4 squadron selected to Opio High School outrigger canoe arriving at Kaneohe to build the the base for Fleet Activities, Navy. Now, for the time important history, Mokapu Peninsula was Company, arrived at Kaneohe in implement the new Unit Develop- racing championships were held advance Naval base that was serving as an part of was ment program. Battalion Landing the supply line and as host to under one command. 1959 from Camp Smith and aboard the Air Station with destined at the time to be only a as the First Radio Team 2d Battalion, 3d Marines approximately seaplane base. Quonset visiting units. Early in 1952 Marine Aircraft redesignated 2,500 people small 1964. returned to Hawaii in July 1978 attending. In June, huts, designed to house the Group-13 began moving in. The Battalion in the Air Station NEW PILOTS STATIONED Station's brig, located next to from the first deployment to the once again opened its gates to host civilian workers, were the first Western Pacific under the new the running of peninsula's here learned the latest flying Messhall One, was opened and BY THE END OF 1964, the first Windward structures to dot the program. June 30, 1978 HMM-165 Marathon. skyline. Within a matter of techniques in more than 50 mobile had three registered guests. The major units from the lst Marine "Link" trainers and first issue of the Windward Brigade included the 4th Marine became the newest air unit to join months supply warehouses, two complete the Brigade team. The Air Station was also the communications facilities and mock-up aircraft frames. There Marine newspaper hit the streets Regiment; the 3d Battalion 12th were March 28, 1952, reporting that Marine Regiment; MAG-13 and a While the Brigade was host for several ceremonies seaplane hangars began making also schools for celestial surrounding the 40th anniversary navigation, sonar, gun turret Station Sergeant Major I.F. service battalion composed of a participating in the Unit Deploy- their appearance. Waldvogel and Disbursing number of separate supporting ment program, the Air Station of the Dec. 7, 1941 attack by the operation and aircraft recogni- Japanese. During December tion. Many Navy and Marine Sergeant J. Remis both received a companies. was being commended by the PLATOON SERGEANT were case of their favorite beer for The increased U.S. involvement Hawaii State Senate for its approximately 30 surviving George Spence reported aboard aviators trained and members of Navy familiarized in flight operations winning the "name the news- in Vietnam in 1965 meant the environmental efforts. The Air Patrol the base early in November 1940 here paper" contest. deployment of the Brigade's Station was also the recipient of Squadron-11 (VP-11) who were with 30 other Marines. They were before being assigned to stationed at Kaneohe at the time forward combat areas. ground units. Once in Vietnam the the 1978 Commandant of the the first military unit to occupy Also during 1953 the Air units were detached from the Marine Corps Environmental of the attack placed a plaque on the Naval Air Station. As the At the end of the war in 1945, Station's Commissary opened for Brigade. In July of that year the Quality Award and the Secretary Hangar 102 as a memorial to senior military man present, Sgt thousands of military personnel business, the Windward Marine 1st Battalion, 5th Marine of the Navy Environmental squadron members who died Spence could be considered the passed through Kaneohe on their became a regular weekly Regiment arrived here to replace Protection Award. during the attack. first commander of the Air way back to the mainland. newspaper and in November, the the 4th Marines and in December, Station. His command was short- first women Marines arrived. Marine Fighter Attack Squadron- IN ADDITION TO ENVIRON- A monument to all Americans lived however, because a few The 4th Marine Regiment 212 became the first Brigade unit mental protection, the Air Station who died at Naval Air Station weeks later Marine Major J.C. Aircraft control from Kansas Kaneohe during the attack, was Tower ceased in April 1946 and arrived in 1955 and in 1956 nearly to return to Kaneohe from is also concerned with good Donehoo, Jr. arrived to become the 2,000 spectators witnessed the Vietnam. relations with the surrounding unveiled during ceremonies Dec. first Commanding Officer of the was handled through the newly completed control rebirth of the 1st Marine Brigade. The 5th Marines were ordered to civilian communities. Exhibitions 2. The monument stands near the Marine Barracks at Kaneohe tower above flag pole in front of the Air Hangar 105. In June 1946 the Marine Helicopter Squadron- Vietnam in 1966 and left the are presented during frequent Naval Air Station. 161, Marine Composite Squadron- Brigade with no ground units tours of the Air Station by outside Station's headquarters building. remains of the 19 Americans Also, the "eternal sweetheart" of The Marines were primarily killed during the Dec. 7, 1941 1 and Marine Attack Squadron- until June of that year when the civic groups and Marines here April Japanese pilot Fusata Iida who concerned with protecting attack were returned to the 212 joined MAG-13 during 1st Battalion, 27th Marine often volunteer their time to work and mainland. 1955. With the addition of the fast- Regiment was reactivted. In with charitable organizations in lost his life during the attack at construction materials The remains of the Kaneohe, visited the site of the policing the area. This mission Japanese pilot killed during the landing FJ3 Fury jets and the December 1969 their colors were the community. crash Dec. 6. was accomplished, in part, using attack, were returned to Japan in extra roll-out needed for them, retired and the Kaneohe-based horses which were stabled in 1948. In 1949, Naval construction began in March 1956 units were redesignated as the 1st The Station and the Brigade June the Air The Air Station now stands on Building 713 just west of the Station Kaneohe was decommis- to lengthen the existing runways. Battalion, 3d Marines. were recipients in 1979 of an runway. sioned. During August of that year the ancient poi pounder, presented by the threshold of a new year. As women Marines left for duties at IN APRIL 1968, AFTER a direct descendant of the military Marines here gather to celebrate BY JUNE 1950, THE AIR Camp H.M. Smith. being stationed at Cherry Point instructor to King Kamehameha the 31st anniversary of the Air The Naval Air Station's first Station had been stripped of all for 20 years, MAG-24 moved to the Great. And in July 1980 a Station they car pause to reflect Commanding Officer, Command. valuables and personnel strength IN 1957 A NEW MIRROR MCAS Kaneohe to fill the billet on Hawaiian cultural religious on the lessons of the Air Station er Harold Martin, arrived at was limited to a small security landing system to aid the fast- the air side of the Brigade. group, headed by the "Kahuna" they have learned through the Kaneohe Bay on Dec. 7, 1940. detail and a Federal Communica- landing jets and a 10 lane bowling Two air units, VMFA-235 and Sam Lono, held a conference at years. The Marine Corps Air Exactly one year later his tions Center. Then in 1951 the alley were completed, and plans Marine Medium Helicopter Kansas Tower. Lono and his Station, Kaneohe Bay, under the command was the first on the Marine Corps decided that the idle were made for construction of Squadron-262 joined the Brigade religious group returned to the Air command of Colonel C.D. island to be attacked by the airfield would make an ideal 1,000 Capebart homes. The Golf in September 1968 and May 1971, Station in October of that year to Robinson, is 31 years young, and Japanese. training site for a combined air- Course doubled its size in 1958 respectively. hold a Hawaiian religious festival still growing strong. On June 4, 1971, the 1st Battalion, 12th Marines became part of the Brigade followed by the remainder of the 3d Marines June 9.

In 1974, VMFA-122 left Hawaii to retire its colors, leaving the Brigade with only two fixed-wing squadrons, VMFA-235 and -212. The Brigades' Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron-463, who had become part of the Brigade in May 1971, was called on to remove Americans from Cambodia in March 1975. No sooner had the dust settled from that mission then they were directed to fly into Saigon to evacuate Vietnamese and Americans there.

HMH-463 WAS NAMED THE 1975 "Outstanding Helicopter Squadron of the Year" by the Marine Corps Aviation Associa- tion for their role in those two operations, "Frequent Wind" and "Eagle Pull."

Personnel strength increased by over 1,500 Marines during 1975 and 1976 and resulted in the re- construction of the 3d Battalion, 3d Marines and the formation of Battery "C", 1st Battalion, 12th Marines. Reorganization con- tinued with plans for the restructuring of the Brigade Provisional Service Battalion into the Brigade Service Support Group. In 1977 the Unit Development program was initiated and the Brigade was tasked with providing a battalion landing Four aircraft from Marine Attack Squadron-212 fly over Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay team, a composite helicopter NOW -A modern-day military policeman stands guard at the in 1968 (approximately). squadron and a logistic support Marine Corps Air Station's main (H-3) gate. Jan. 19, 1983, Page A-5 "Today's Marines are better A 1 cont. from Page bids farewell educated and more informed of the 0..41,0°44494" and then you had to be careful of the world situation than when I came in," we to do over he said. "But they have the same K-BAY OFFICERS' CLUB p.m. Dinner special jumbo stuffed shrimp or leeches. But had a job and we did it. The Marine Corps aspirations and desires that I had over TODAY Lunch in the Pacific Room from 11 a.m. shrimp with prime or prime. $1000 Dance contest there - paid us every two weeks, even 20 years ago. to 1 p.m. features special, hot carved sandwiches, starts at 9 p.m. still soup and salads. Mongolian barbecue on the Lanai SATURDAY - 1/inner special same as Friday though we had no place to spend it." "If I could have my rathers, I'd from 6 to 8:30 p.m. night. "Lukes Pineapple Store" plays from 9 p.m. Lowery had the opportunity to meet rather be coming in the Marine Corps THURSDAY - Lunch in the Pacific Room. to 1 a.m. Lieutenant General Lewis B. Puller today, because I believe the next 20 to Beefeaters buffet from 6 to 8:30 p.m. featuring SUNDAY - Champagne Brunch from 9:30 p.m. to many times during his Marine Corps 30 years will be the best time for the steamship round, seafood item, rice or potatoes, 1 a.mFamily smorgasbord from 5 to 8 p.m. A clown career. Marine Corps. There's better the keikis while mom and vegetable and a salad bar. will be there to entertain "Once I was in the hospital with that he was promoted to sergeant equipment, and we're entering into the FRIDAY - Lunch in the Pacific Room. Happy hour dad enjoy that after dinner cup of coffee. Chesty Puller in Feb. 1970 at Little major. "Buck Rogers Syndrome," such as ray 6:30 p.m. Mongolian MONDAY Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 in the Tapa Bar from 4:30 to - Creek, Va.," said Lowery. "Chesty was "Recruiting is probably one of the guns, satellites, and telephone lines barbecue on the Lower Lanai from 6 to 9 p.m. p.m. Macho burritos is the special. Build your own I most with glass wires. I feel we're entering "Friends" plays in the Tapa Bar from 6:30 to 12:30 hoagie from 5 to 7 p.m. being checked out for something, and important jobs in the Marine Corps," into a good era of a.m. Officers' appreciation night featuring an 18-foot TUESDAY - Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to was there because of, shrapnel in my said Lowery. "It's the point training and sandwich from 5 to 6:30 p.m. 1 p.m. Liver and onions is the special. Bingo starts at hack, which I got in Vietnam. We were where we start. It's a hard, thankless professionalism." of beef and Alaskan 6:30. "Shawn Von Bull" plays from 8:30 to 11 p.m. together more than 20 days." job that has to be done by our SATURDAY - Hotel round best When asked if he has any king crab buffet in the Pacific Room from 6 to 8:30 WINDWARD ENLISTED CLUB In 1972, Lowery served with the 7th caliber Marines. DI duty is the same advice to p.m. pass on to other Marines, Lowery TODAY Lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dining Marines at Camp Pendleton, Calif. as way." - simply said, "How do you tell a Marine SUNDAY - Champagne Brunch in the Pacific room opens from 5 to 9 p.m. Every Wednesday night first sergeant of the elite Presidential Lowery was assigned to Marine 1 to be a Marine? It has to he Room from 10 a.m. to p.m. featuring a mini buffet, D.J. plays rock and roll in the Moongate Lounge from Security Element for then President Medium Helicopter Squadron-265 in a heartfelt champagne you thing. Dressing menu orders, and all the juice and 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. M. Nixon. 1980, aryl took over up like a Marine desire. In the evening prime rib peel your own Richard as brigade and THURSDAY Lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. doesn't make a Marine." shrimp. - After completing the Sergeant sergeant major in Jan. 1982. Dining room opens from 5 to 9 p.m. with all the beef Major Academy in El Paso, Texas, Although he's seen a lot of changes MONDAY - Lunch in the Pacific Room from 11 night is country and Lowery's ribs you can eat. Every Thursday Lowery was assigned to Marine Corps in the Corps, Lowery feelings concerning his a.m. to 1 p.m. Join us Monday through Friday for western night featuring this month "Cactus Jack" said that one Recruiting Tenn. It thing never last job in the Marine Corps are those lunch specials, hot carved sandwiches, soup and from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Station, Nashville, that changes is the of pride and salads. Monday evening the club is closed. was while serving on recruiting duty individual Marine. satisfaction. FRIDAY - Lunch from 11 to 1 p.m. Dining room TUESDAY - Lunch in the Pacific Room from 11 opens from 5 to 9 p.m. The dinner special is prime rib to 1 p.m. The Tapa Bar open from 4 to 10 p.m. Happy and lobster tail, prime rib or just lobster tail. just your job wait- hour from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. "Obsessions" in the ballroom at 7:30 p.m. As a Marine, you know you'll have you Monday. Lots of civilian companies SNCO CLUB SATURDAY - Dining room opens from 5 to 9 ing for p.m. with our lobster and prime rib, just lobster tail or are faced with strikes and layoffs. They don't TODAY - Lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Featuring there We Is security. "beef kabobs and fried rice." Open menu dining from just prime rib. Dance contest tonight. have that guarantee ... that 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY - Club opens at 11 a.m. Breezy Inn opens at 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. In the Breezy Inn this month THURSDAY - Lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Marine. Mongolian barbecue from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. we have a dinner plate special. Barbecue ribs, after the Corps? Stay corn on the FRIDAY - Lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. featuring Southern fried chicken, baked ham, and mahi mahi or teri chicken. Happy hour from 4:30 to cob. Tonight is Soul Night with a guest D.J. MONDAY - Lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dining room opens from 5 to 9 p.m. with all the spaghetti you INCOME TAX RETURN can eat on Italiano Night. Happy hour from 5 to 6 p.m. TUESDAY - Lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dining ebi.4.4044 room opens from 5 to 9 p.m. with smorgasbord every PREPARATION WTFSSMT Tuesday night. In the Moongate Lounge D.J. plays MCAS Theater 1 2 3 4 5 6 _7 rock and roll from 7:30 to 11:30 MM. Individual - Partnership - Corporation 1. THE SOLDIER - Ken Wahl, Alberta Watson, R, action drama. 2. JUPITER'S THIGH - Annie Girardot, tab3 of Pepper:Tree( Phillippe Noiret, PG, mystery. Mali APARTMENT HOTEL GARY A. CLARK 3. FIREFOX - Clint Eastwood, Freddie Jones, PG, action drama. NOAH D. FIDDLER 2 & 1 Bedrooms Children Welcome WAY Jeff Bridges, John Heard, R, Tax Consulting 4. CUTTER'S - General Practice of Law TV, Pool, Laundromat drama. Ma id 's Sen. ice, Free Michelle Including Divorce, Phone Financial Planning 5. SAVAGE HARVEST - Tom Skerrit, Close to most bases with Phillips, PG, action drama. Bankruptcy, Real Estate transportation available Bookkeeping 6. CONTINENTAL DIVIDE - John Belushi, No Charge For Initial Consultation PEARLRiDGE Blair Brown, PG, romantic drama. SHOPPING TLA APPROVED Pali Palms Plaza A314 Century Center Suite 2801 Henry Winkler, Michael CENTER 7. NIGHTSHIFT - 970 No. Kalaheo Ave. 1750 Kalakaua Ave. Keaton, R, comedy. 261-3233 _ 488-1993 Kailua - 254-5818 Honolulu - 944-8079 Contact Camp Smith Special Services at 477-6467 415-A Uluniu St., Kailua or 477-6382 for listings of scheduled movies.

OR SERVICEMEN: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Are you in the dark about what to do FURNITURE LIQUIDATION now? Is civilian life what you thought it ADULT EDUCATION would be? Or have you been MAJOR WAIKIKI HOTEL RENOVATION OFFERS You thinking about the service QUALITY FURNISHINGS AT BARGAIN PRICES. again? If you have. the United SPRING SEMESTER CLASSES FOR ADULTS Slates Air Force has openings for prior service personnel. Find out TO BEGIN JANUARY 24, 1983 BEDS 3900-89" TABLE LAMP 1800 RATTAN OCC. CHAIR 4500 today it you're qualified for one of these positions. If you are. your BED BASES 400-500 FLOOR LAMP 1 9°° AT LANAI OCC. TABLE . 12°° former rank. a bigger paycheck. HEADBOARDS 900-12" DESK /DRESSER 89" and the chance to work toward a SHEER DRAPERY 12°° COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ON OAHU MIRROR 1200 2-year associate degree may BEDSPREADS 1400-1900 be waiting for you in the Air NIGHTSTAND 29" RATTAN SIDE CHAIR 29°° CARPET 11 x17 22°° ADULT BASIC EDUCATION Force. That's right. the pay has Increased and the benefits are HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION even better. :UY HALF A ROOMFULL AND GET THE CARPETING OR DRAPERIES FREE! See what the Air BUY A ROOMFULL AND GET THE CARPETING AND DRAPERIES FREE! CITIZENSHIP Force can offer you. HOME AND PARENT EDUCATION It's worth a call. And OFFER GOOD WHILE INVENTORY LASTS it may shed some CALL 847-1361 FOR DETAILS FREE CLASSES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS light on your future. MON. THRU SAT. 9 am to 5 pm (Funds Provided By The Executive Office On Aging) For information contact TRADING, INC. REGISTRATION DATES: - ISLAND Honolulu 546-2100 JANUARY 10 TO 21, 1983 Waipahu - 671-3304 717 MOOWAA STREET BACK OF KAPALAMA SHOPPING CENTER CALL THE FOLLOWING SCHOOLS FOR MORE INFORMATION COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ADDRESS PHONE AIEA 98-1276 ULUNE ST. 487-3657 FARRINGTON 1101 KALIHI ST. 841-8855 KAIMUKI 2705 KAIMUKI AVE. 737-3282 tiniumitua Pakitti McKINLEY 1039 S. KING ST. 538-6250 WAHIAWA 1515 CALIFORNIA AVE. 622-1634 WAIPAHU 94-1211 FARRINGTON HWY. 671-7322 WHAT A BARGAIN WINDWARD 730 ILIAINA ST. 254-1534 NO DISCRIMINATION ON THE GROUNDS OF RACE. COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, AGE, NATIONAL ORIGIN, PHYSICAL OR MENTAL HANDICAPS SHALL EXIST IN FROM US DIRECT TO YOU ANY OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE DOE."

Valuable Coupon - Clip & Save 311/1Z11101101C/C111:1111C3/44 EXTERIOR PAINTS CARPETS STEAM CLEANED© ALKYD GLOSS HOUSE & TRIM eiowNowwwwg, #3500 Series 7 Carpet dyeing now White & Pastel Colors available in 11 different Reg. $21.99 We Recommend t Commercial 14.79 colors. ^ --9R,ZED APPLICATOR Rates nIVERSAL ALKYD GLOSS RUST INHIBITIVE Scotchgard #3600 Series CARPET PROTECTOR Available! Iir firif White & Pastel Colors ANY ACRYLIC Reg. $21.95 14.79 HOUSE PAI. WHY DO MORE SIZE exceprioydi LATEX SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL Our Work #4900 Series CUSTOMERS SELECT ROOM White & Pastel Colors HAWAII CARPET CLINIC Normally '34.95 Includes: Reg. $21.40 14.39 * Certified Firm & Operators NOW , Workmanship Providing Professional Service VINYL ACRYLIC FLAT WALL ONLY 95 Since 1976 PER ROOM Guaranteed #4100 Series * We Pre- Vacuum ,.- Day White & Pastel Colors 3 ROOMS Furniture OIVERSAL Reg. $15.86 10.69 * Move OR MORE, Service Avail. *Expert Spotting Color 1111r INTERIOR-EXTERIOR LATEX FLAT * Brushed or Raked Brighteners Acraic #999 Series * Hand Edging HOUSE OW White & Off-Whites Only Quick Drying Reg. $8.99 exceoonal 5.99 Pet Deodorizers (No Charge For Mixing Pastel Colors) SERVICES AVAILABLE , Controls Fleas Pre-Conditioning Licensed and Flood, Mud, and Water Damage MANY MORE ITEMS SA400/0 Insured Control. Ask for TO CHOOSE FROM! 100/o t° HAWAII CARPET CLINIC References WE AIM TO PLEASE - MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. PERSONAL CHECKS - MASTERCARD - VISA - WE WELCOME CHARGE ACCOUNTS

MAIN BRANCH - 1409 Colburn AIEA BRANCH 98-023 Hekaha 922-2222 Ph 847-5744 Ph 487-8739 EXPIRES FEB. 12TH, 1983 STORE HOURS. STORE HOURS Page A-6, Jan. 19, 1983 Do you receive housing, All personnel residing on the allowance or rent plus? Are you islands of Kauai, Molokai, Maui C 04,444- frim/U4i living in off base housing in Survey influences and Hawaii who meet the' Hawaii'? Is the rent plus housing following criteria, single or EDITOR'S NOTE: The McCullough, Station Operations allowance you receive sufficient? married, must complete the and Maintenance Squadron, Are utilities higher than you survey: not living in government' information contained in Courts- anticipated? quarters and drawing housing Martial Report is compiled by the MCAS Kaneohe Bay, was This article housing subsidy allowance or rent plus. Center and is convicted at trial by special court- addresses the upcoming cost of Joint Legal Services living survey and This year's survey will be published as a source of martial of unauthorized absence the impact that from 7:15 a.m. Oct. 24 to 7:30 a.m. the survey will have on this Hawaiian quarters. This forms by all Hawaii commands, conducted from Jan. 3-31. information for all Marines. of service will be published and Oct. 25; and of the wrongful allowance. information is vital in assisting and the cooperation all Information Private Ralph G. Jackson, possession of drug paraphernalia, The Joint Travel Regulations the Committee in determining the members is needed in this effort. forms distributed by local The 1st Battalion 12th Marines, 1st i.e. cigarette rolling papers. requires that a cost of housing and amount of supplementary commands in the near future. Marine Brigade, was convicted at He was sentenced to one month a cost of living survey be allowances Auch as rent plus that Who must complete the survey detailed instructions provided trial by general court-martial of confinement at hard labor, conducted annually to aid the Per members should receive. forms? It depends on where you with the form must be followed to the premeditated murder, on Sept forfeiture of $150 pay per month Diem Travel and Transportation Unfortunately, surveys conducted reside. All personnel residing on the letter. Since the results of this 2, 1982, of Corporal Chris R. for one month and reduction to Allowance Committee. The survey in recent years have had a poor the island of Oahu who meet the survey will have such an Brown, USMC, by stabbing him private. is to determine to what degree record of number completed forms following criteria must complete immediate influence on the numerous times with a sharp housing costs exceed BAQ by turned in and a high record of th survey: not living in allowance ceilings established by of the rejection for improperly the Committee in June of this instrument. Corporal Terry T. Gest, analysis latest month's completed government quarters; drawing He was sentenced to confine- rent, total cost of utilities each and inaccurate reporting. A housing allowance or rent plus; year, accuracy is of the utmost Marine Air Control Squadron-2, everyone's ment at hard labor for the term of Marine Aircraft Group-24, 1st month for the prior year, and total strong emphasis is being placed are stationed and have command importance and his natural life, total forfeiture of Marine Brigade, expenses incurred-by individuals this year on improving the sponsored dependents residing on assistance is solicited throughout was convicted at the survey month of January. all pay and allowances and a trial by special court-martial of in moving into and out of accuracy and rate of return of the Oahu. dishonorable discharge from the the wrongful use of marijuana on U.S. Marine Corps. Aug. 6, 1982; and the wrongful Don't get caught The Corps takes care of your medical needs. possession of marijuana on Sept. Your family's too. And you never pay an insur- RENT-TO-OWN Private Martin C. Tubb, ance premium. No civilian job offers you that. 13, 1982. NO CREDITORS CHECKED! Detachment A, 3d Assault He was sentenced to two months You can count on the Corps. Amphibian Battalion, lst Marine confinement at hard labor, and uncovere APPLIANCES OR Brigade, was convicted at trial by reduction to private first class. TELEVISIONS! special court-martial of unautho- CORRECTION CALL TODAY rized absences from April 1 to Private First Class Brian A. RFD Publications, Inc. inadvertently published incorrect April 7, 1982, from April 8 to April Reece, 3d Battalion, 3d Marines information in the Malolo Beverage advertisement appear- DOWN-IN-THE-DUMPS AND RENT THE 10, 1982, from April 30 to May 2, 1st Marine Brigade, was ing in the Castle Tab published on January 12, 1983. APPLIANCE convicted Address information was printed in error and should have ABOUT BIG BILLS? YOU NEED! 1982, from July 8 to July 9, 1982 at trial by special court-martial of read Malolo Beverage, 2815 Koapaka. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT and from Sept. 17 to Nov. 3, 1982. unauthorized absence from 6:01 RFD Publications. Inc. regrets this error and any incon- .NO LONG TERM He was sentenced to two months a.m. 2 p.m. Aug. 12,1982; venience it may have caused. OBLIGATION to and of 1/4 DELIVERY 8 SERVICE confinement at hard labor, missing a movement through INCLUDED RENT BY PHONE forfeiture of $380 pay per month neglect on Aug. 15, 1982. for two months and a bad-conduct He was sentenced to four F. BROCK HOPKINS, D.V.M. discharge from the U.S. Marine months confinement at hard Enchanted Lake Animal Clinic ce 8 Largest TV/Auto/Appliance Rental System Corps. labor, forfeiture of $200 pay per Aikahi Park Animal Clinic month for four months and Proudly Announces Expanded Hours Lance Corporal Ross A. .!:DIRTYME reduction to private. Mon.-Fri. 8:00 A.M.-8:00 P.M. P.M. If you II use Classified ads to buy TV RENTAL Saturday 8:00 A.M.-5:00 or sett items regularly. you WILL hay* more money to pay you, Mel Budget-minded shoppers Ors. Ho urs By Appointment look to our columns .eery day for Stadium Mall )across from Castle Park) moneyAsylng purchases. And Classified 262-8141 254-1548 smart folks with items to sell call Advertising 4510 Salt Lake Blvd. U3 first because they know our Enchanted Lake Aikahi Park Shopping Center tow-cost ads pull quick response. 235-5881 or 10-7 Mon.-Sat. 487-6421 Stay You'll feel "up" when you save Marine. 1090 Keolu Dr. Kaneohe Bay Drive money using Claeillds! 622-3966 (next to 7-111 (behind Firestone) WE BUY F". SILVER PLATINUM GOLD Introducing! New 1983 GREAT SOUND TURN YOUR TV INTO DIAMONDS -WATCHES Zenith Color Television! QUALITY, TOO A TELEPHONE U.S. & FOREIGN COINS Console and Table models! Listen to the dramatic sound of And now for an incredible the new Zenith TVs and you'll difference in remote controls HONOLULU KANEOHE Watch for the difference when M6 KAPAHULU realge 46.216 KAHUHIPA you turn on a new Zenith Color hear the difference. On some only Zenith can offer: Computer 735 2365 247 8477 compact models like the Space Command with Ad- . TV. In NIA OPEN 9.5041, . the Custom Series = or in Zenith System 3 models where SY1961W, for example, speakers vanced Space Phone !fl Model you will see the sharpest picture on both sides of the cabinet SY2541X. Lets you make and Zenith ever created. surround you with sound. receive phone calls through your Zenith TV Even lets you store That's due to our Tri-Focus pic- two 13-digit telephone numbers ture tube and patented EFL~ gun SY1323W for automatic dialing any time! GET OUT OF DEBT for pinpoint focus,plus the crisp detail provided by Zenith's PRP now program models like the through Chapter 13 circuitry. That same PRP circuit SY1323W, SY1961W and A federal law which helps to pay off that assures your Zenith System SY2541X to go on and off like a your debts without borrowing and in 3 TV receives all the picture clock radio and display the payments you can afford, stops detail a TV station transmits. time and channel on the screen creditor harassment and law suits, like a computer. protects your job, co-signers and property. Information packet without obligation. Please call: 011111=1111111 HOWARD Y. TANAKA SY2541X Attorney versed in Chapter 13 filings And, of course, all the other Suite 703. Alit Bishop Bldg. REMOTE CONTROL remote control functions are 1136 Union Mall. Honolulu FROM THE yours with the SY2541X. Phone: 526-1544 WORLD LEADER In addition to the normal re- Y1926W STAY AT HOME TV mote control functions. you can Finally. there's the reliability of Zenith's 100% modular chassis THEATRES with snap-in modules. Selected CONSOLIDATED models 112 CHANNEL TUNING are at your PX now... KAM DRIVE-IN "SUPER" SWAP MEET NEW 1983 or available thru your Special EVERY WED.. THUR.. SAT. 3 SUN 7 AM to 3 PM 488-5022 CAPABILITY Order Desk! WAIKIKI 1=232]:=ND There's a difference in channel Seaside nr Kelakaua 923-2394 Moen/flue rw Kam Hwy 488-3835 tuning capability with these new O ENDS TOMORROW' 0 STARTS FRIDAY, ZENITH COLOR TV! ROY SCHEIDER Zenith TVs, too. Most are ca- NO MERYL STREEP 'HOMEWORK'. (R) over 100 PASSES "STILL OF "PRIVATE LESSONS" (R) pable of receiving THE NIGHT" (PG) Gates Open al 5:45 PM channels. That's every VHF and 12:45 2:30 4:30 6:30 8:30 8 10:30 PM Show Starts at 445 PM UHF channel in the country - Now at your PX or THE QUALITY GOES IN STARTS FRIDAY el 'DARK CRYS lAL" (PG) BEFORE THE NAME GOES ON." ) 5 GOLDEN GLOBE '-'' 13:45 8 10:45 PM plus cable. NOMINATIONS "GANDHI" SORRY "1941" (PG) (PG) 8:30 70mm/Stereo NO PM ONLY Call Theatre For Show Times PASSES Gales Open at 5:30 ....-- available thru your WAIKIKI #3 PEARLRIDGE e. slake se nr 923-5353 Pe...age Center 487-5581 STARTS FRIDAY! JOAN COLLINS "HOMEWORK" (R) Order Desk! Theatre For Show Times MOVES OVER FRIDAY Special Call "STILL OF THE NIGHT- (PG) KUHIO Call Theatre 95 Kuhic, 941 -4422 For Show Times O '"), THE LAST 0 AMERICAN VIRGIN'. (RI GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINEE TONIGHT ,., SALLY FIELDS 815 8:15 8 10:00 PM "KISS IWE GOODBYE" (PG) Tonight Plus Friday 5:458:00 10:00 PM "LADY CHATTERLY'S LOVER" (R)

: 5 GOLDEN GLOBE MOVES OVER FRIDAY 0 NOMINATIONS RICHARD PFIYOF "THE TOY" (PG) "E.T." (PG) Call Theatre For 5:30 8:00 10:15 PM Show Times SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT 11.112=±101=0 SORRY NO PASSES Keg nr Katakimie 941-5291 0 MOVES OVER FRIDAY In 7brnm Dolby Stereo 2 GOLDEN GLOBE 'NARK CRYSTAL- (PG) NOMINATIONS Tonight "SIX WEEKS" (PG) 6:00 8:00 10:00 PM Call Theatre SORRY NO PASSES For Show Times VARSITY AIKAHI University nr Beretanie 946.4144 Aiken! Park Shopping Cntr 254-1330 STARTS FRIDAY! All Sears 95C 3 GOLDEN GLOBE STARTS FRIDAY NOMINATIONS .1-IONKYTONK MAN" (PG) 'SOPHIE'S CHOICE" (R) "SHARKEY'S MACHINE. (13) Call Theater For Show Times Call Theatre For Show Times KAPIOLANI 1646 Kelpolani 955-5115 41111MMINAMOEM 5 GOLDEN GLOBE 0,7 .811 Htghway 261-6032 NOMINATIONS "TOOTSIE" (PG) DUSTIN HOFFMAN SORRY, 6:30 5 10:30 PM "NEIGHBORS" (R) ''TOOTSIE" (PG) NO PASSES! 6:00* 8:15 10:45 PM 8:45 PM ONLY SORRY. NO PASSES! Gates Open at 5,45 ASIAN CINEMA LIBERTY melanin at Keenumoku 1179 Nouank. 537 -1686 944-9644 STARTS TOMORROW ALL NEW "SHADOW CHASER" STARTS FRIDAY 'MYSTERIOUS HEROES" '10 CHALLENGES" Call Theatre PART 3 8 4 For Show Times Call Theatre For Show Times TOY ,2.10 Cobeyr WI. 538 1654

STARTS FRIDAY STARTS FRIDAY ALL NEW ''JAGUAR" ''LULLABYE OF DEATH' 'NAPOLEAN AGAR" Call Theatre Call Theatre For Show Tunes For Show Times "WARLORDS OF THE HAWAII 21ST CENTURY- (R) 1130 Bow 536-6300 "DEADLY BLESSING- (R) Alf S.I. Sr SO Call Theatre FRIDAY-SUNDAY For Show TimelLi Jan. 19, 19a,


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8 ORANGE 39 PAT Each 1/2 Gallon Reg $2.19 Reg $2.79 Reg. $3.25 The One Place Where Freedom and Super Prices M Page A-8, .Jan. 19, 1983 Recon Marines prepare for deployment

The final trial was a 3,000-meter It was not all hard play and Inez the first trial, the Marines built by Sergeant J. Stoner rope bridges across a small inflatable boat race. At the competition. Following the retrievable the inflatable Take a few and the proud, throw 30-foot ravine. Once across the 1,500-meter mark, olympics, The Recon Marines in the swift, silent and deadly and stream, the proceeded to an area boats were broached, then enjoyed a Viking feast, eaten in it can add up to only one thing; the where an RC-292 antenna was returned to an upright position the traditional Viking way, prestigious, the mysterious, the erected and a 'solid copy' message before the Marines could continue without utinsels. The 10-finger notorious Reconnaissance via AN/PRC-77 with the race. Headquarters/3d method was used to down the was transmitted with Marine. radio, back to the umpires. The Platoon won their only event hamburgers, hot dogs, beans and And, the Marines of Company timed event, with penalties for a superb time of 5:37. even a roast. A, 3d Reconnaissance Battalion gear or "It's not just good fun." said "I understand that when the dropping unnecessary Lewis didn't disappoint anyone as they Marines into the water, was won Lewis, "it's good training." Vikings went out on voyages, they up to their many titles during Platoon with has been with Recon for the past would have a send-off similar to lived by the 2nd Team, 1st the their Viking Olympics Jan. 6, at of 21:25. year and is leaving to attend this," explained the Company's a time Major Academy Bellows Air Force Station. A mere 3,000-meter, team-relay, Army Sergeants Commanding Officer, Captain a new twist for in El Paso, Texas. Robert Crabb. "It was to wish The olympics were ocean swim was not enough an to the Viking tradition that the tough Recon Marines' second "I've never really had them good luck and good hunting. preceeds each Western Pacific event. They added a run through appreciation for the Recon We want the 1st Platoon to know came to this deployment, according to out- a wooded area and literally hit the Marines until I that just because they're leaving going First Sergeant Jam es Lewis. beach for a low-crawl to the company." said the first on deployment, we're not going to the 2nd Platoon left last out on sergeant. "It's more than just a forget them. Before shoreline before heading he August, the Recon Marines went the swim. The 1st Platoon won the run, dive and jump club," "This has accomplished on a four-day patrol followed by grueling event in an untimed continued. "A lot of them will go everything we wanted it to the Viking Night celebration. This finish against very tough for 24 hours solid and then beg for accomplish," said Crabb, more. You just can't put them in building moral." time, Viking Olympics were held competition from Headquarters/ "including ( I to honor the 1st Platoon as they 3d Platoon. the dirt." "It's good for the company to get prepare for their deployment. "The trust and confidence is together like this," said Corporal "It's a great tradition for greatly increased by this type of "This has given them the Scott Elliott. The 23-year-old Marines to compete against each said Corporal N.R. opportunity to not only compete assistant team leader is from competition," Cresskill, N.J. other," said Lance Corporal Hugo Gomez, 19, assistant radio/tele- against each other, but to use the Ballestas, a 20-year-old assistant phone operator. "I would trust any training they have received," Recon Marines go by many radio/telephone operator from one of these men with my life," explained Gunnery Sergeant Bill hard-earned names and they Chicago. said the Marine from East Hancock, a first sergeant selectee continue to live up to them. They Competition was held in three Conn. "These guys are and the company's new first are the swift, silent and deadly of Hartford, Marines. major areas of Recon training. In good!" sergeant. the few, the proud, the

ANTENNA UP - Marines from the 1st Team, 1st Platoon erect an RC-292 antenna at Bellows Air Force Station. Vikin,, Olympics were held Jan. 6 to honor the 1st Platoon, Company 1, 3d Reconnaissance Battalion as they prepare for a West Pacific deployment. (Photo by Sgt Inez J. Stoner)

TEAMWORK - Company A, 3d Reconnaissance Marines from 1st Team, 1st Platoon, work together to get AMPHIBIOUS LANDING - Lance Corporal Gary Urbahn, le fi HEADING OUT - Recon Marines run for Company A, 3d Reconnaissance communications equipment across a and Lance Corporal Richard Scilabro, Jr., a team from the water to participate in the small Battalion's Viking Olympics held Jan. 6. retrievable rope bridge. (Photo by Sgt Inez Headquarters/3d Platoon, hit the beach for a low crawl aft( r inflatable boat race. The race was part of (Photo by Sgt Inez J. Stoner) J. Stoner) swimming 3,000 meters. (Photo by Sgt Inez Stoner) 1/3 sponsors family day picnic

Approximately 450 people turned out for the 1st Battalion, 3d Marines' Family Day Picnic at Platt Field, Jan. 8. The picnic was just one aspect of the battalion's Family Support Program, designed to prepare families for upcoming Western Pacific Deployments. It was a chance for the families of 1/3 Marines to see what their husbands and fathers do on the job. "It was also a good time for the families to get acquainted," said First Lieutenant J.E. Lyons, 1/3 adjutant. The battalion leaves this month for their six-month deployment. The highlight of the picnic was an appearance by Mr. Magic (Hal Clark) and Squeaky Clown (Jill Clark). The pair performed various magic tricks and stunts to delight the children. According to Lyons, the Family Day Picnic was a success.

HELLO - Kenny Miller, son of First Sergeant Kennith D. Miller, 1st Battalion, 3d Marines, talks on a field phone while Corporal James Roberts, 1st Bn, 3d Mar, observes during the unit's Family Day Picnic.

Photos by Cpl T.J. Clark. EYEFUL - Christopher Walters looks through the scope of an 81mm Mortar with the help of his father, Staff Sergeant Randy Walters. Jeff Walters and Lance Corporal Jim Delbaugh look on during the 1st Battalion, 3d Marines' Family Day Picnic.

LENDING MULE RIDE - Children ride on a mule during the 1st HOWITZER CHECKS OUT - Tim Lehockui, son of Captain John AN ARM - Grady Galvin, son of Chief Warra Battalion, 3d Marines Family Day Picnic. Lance Corporal Leon Lehockui, checks out a 105 Howitzer with Corporal Larry Officer-4 Donald Galvin, lends an arm to Mr. Magic (Hal Clarkill Siders drives while Lance Corporal Guillermo Galvez makes Middleton during the 1st Battalion, 3d Marines' Family Day while Squeaky Clown (Jill Clark) points a finger at the triclo:ters sure it's a safe ride. Picnic. during the 1st Battalion, 3d Marines' Family Day Picnic. Jan. 19, 1983, Page A-9. HQ14ie Ne44/4 may travel free when accompanied by an adult paying Pistol firing returns TWA's 50 percent furlough fare. The program offers discounts of up to 65 percent on standard air fares for WASHINGTON, D.C. - More Marines will fire their .45- military personnel and their dependents traveling at their caliber pistols this year because additional ammunition own expense. will be available. Since 1979, most pistol marksmanship The "kids fly free" program begins Jan. 10, and travel training has been curtailed due to constraints on must be completed by March 26. Most TWA flights to ammunition procurement. domestic cities are included with the following exceptions: That situation has improved, say Training officials here, - travel to and from Florida must be completed by Feb. to the point where most pre-1979 training programs and 10, 1983; requirements can be re-established. Initial qualification - travel to an from Colorado must be completed between firing will remain unchanged. Monday and Thursday; and Effective Jan. 1, 1983, those Marines who are required to - travel between New York City, Los Angeles or San be armed with the .45 caliber pistol in the performance of Francisco is permitted on one-stop or connecting flights their duties should fire for initial qualification and only. requalification: CARPET SALE GOING ON NOW! - annually if they are sergeants or below; - once every two years if they are Staff NCOs; and Legal helps with Thick Plush . . . Excellent Value $11.50 sq. yd. once every two years if they are lieutenant colonels or taxes - Plush . . below in ground specialties. Velvet Ultron $8.99 sq. yd. WASHINGTON, D.C. Marines will soon be receiving All Marines assigned to Military Occupational Specialty - Durable Cut Pile . . Scotchgarded their Wage and. Tax statements (Form W-2) to he used in $7.99 sq. yd. 8151 (Guard) and Military Police specialties will fire for filing federal and state tax returns for the 1982 tax year. Excellent Commercial . . Wear Warranty $7.29 sq. yd. requalification and shoot the Close Combat Pistol Course, Most commands participate in the Volunteer Income Tax . . All annually. Assistance (VITA) program, designed to provide free tax Commercial Remnants sizes $4.50 sq. yd. For more information. see ALMAR 289/82. assistance to persons who cannot afford professional tax Many others on sale help. VITA volunteers are trained to offer assistance in Free travel available preparing forms 1040, 1040A, and the new simplified form, 1040EZ. H. Heen Carpeting Various booklets, forms and IRS publications WASHINGTON, D.C. - Military dependents under 18 instruction Sales - Ihstallation - Repairs may fly free on Trans World Airlines (TWA) with adults may be obtained at the legal assistance office. Although participating in the Military Traffic Management legal assistance lawyers do not prepare individual forms, 167 Hamakua Drive Command's (MTMC) furlough fare program, airline they are available to answer specific tax questions. Ph. 261-3963 officials announced recently. Contact your legal assistance officer for information on According to an airline spokesman, one child under 18 the tax services provided. gni YOZA Chiropractic TLA SPECIAL Office per night for a family of four when occupying $3900 the same room. Come In For Your HAWAII At the FREE IN-ROOM MOVIES ECONOMICAL and extensive Children's FREE Factory menu. Spinal Analysis PAYMENT arranged to ssit your require- and Outlet. ments - first night's deposit, then charge 50% room and meals till your Temporary Consultation You can buy world- Living Allowance payment comes in. Call today for an Appointment To famous Crazy Shirts" CONVENIENTLY located to all military at super discounted bases on Oahu. prices. Thousands of Additional Features: 488-6330 screen first quality Air Conditioned Whaler's Port Chiropractic Care prints and factory Rooms Restaurant A Natural Method of Health Care seconds with minor Color TV Red Whalers Lounge Specializing In: Room Service Meeting & Banquet 90% flaws at 1/2 price Swimming Pool Facihties Whiplash and less! Free Guest Parking Gift Shop Arm & Leg Pains OFF Guest Laundromat Barber & Beauty Shop Neck & Back Pains Weekends Only. On-Premises Car Headache & Tension Rental Numbness & Tingling Sat. & Sun. RAMADA Dr. Raymond K. Yoza CRAZY 8am-2pm Our Staff Can Handle: Chiropractor Worker's Comp Upstairs at 470 INN Auto Accidents North Nimitz Hwy. "Call Us A Family Hotel" Insurance Claims SHIRTS (Near City Mill) 3253 N. Nimitz Hwy. Pearlridge Bank of Hawaii Bldg. - Suite #526 Honolulu, HI 96819 Phone (808) 836-3636 98-211 Pali Momi Street An IRONWOOD Resort Next to Pearlridge Theatres - Free Parking


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Aloha and Mahalo from all of us for yOur loyal suport through the last 11 years. We look forward to serving the Windward Community again in the near future.

January 21st-29th 660 Kailua Road Kailua Page A-10, Jan. 19, 1983 Navy Relief holds graduation by Sgt Corrina Martell interviewer and on the Speakers Society "takes care of our own.- Bureau at Navy Relief, was one of the "We want to get the word out to Navy Relief volunteers are not only graduates. supervisory personnel so that they can givers of their time, but qualified for During the ceremonies, hour awards refer people to us and to clear up any ;he job, thanks to the annual Navy were given out to volunteers whc had misunderstandings concerning Navy Relief Training Course. completed anywhere from 100 to 2,000 Relief'," said Diver, The course, which was held Jan. 10 hours of volunteer work at Navy Chaplain Max Dunks, 3d Marines through 14, graduated 14 volunteers. Relief. Chaplain, who was present at the The week-long course was given by In addition, Col Robinson presented workshop, said that he felt he had Louise Diver, field representative with Diver with a Certificate of learned from the presentation. the Navy Relief society. Appreciation from the air station for "I didn't know that the exceptions Graduation ceremonies took place her work here with the Navy Relief (for assistance) at Navy Relief were as Jan. 14 at the Officers' Club. Colonel program. strong as they were," he said. C.D. Robinson, commanding officer of "I'm impressed with the volunteers Diver explained some of these the air station, participated in the I've met here," said Robinson. "I think exceptions by stressing that Navy event with congratulations and the you personally and for the Society for Relief assists clients with a genuine draping of a lei for each graduate. all you do." need. According to Chris Washabaugh, According to a recent station "Navy Relief gives loans, but we are Chairman of Publicity at Navy Relief, message, the primary objective of the not a loan agency," she said. "We NAVY RELIEF GRADUATES - Gradu- Robinson, Louise Diver, Gail Moore, some of the graduates are newcomers workshop was to acquaint various cannot help with wants, video games, ates of the annual Navy Relief Training Yolanda Palomo, Patricia Rutter, Jan and some are already Navy Relief attendees, both military and civilian, rest and relaxation, tape decks, legal Course pose with Colonel C.D. Robinson, Morrison, and Sharon Fjerstad. In the volunteers. with the resources with which Navy matters, unauthorized absences, commanding officer of the air station; second row (from left) are: Wayne Washabaugh, who is also an Relief works and how the Navy Relief business natures or fines." Louise Diver, field representative with Yakuma, Margaret Fitch, Randi 7, r. Gy Navy Relief; and Gail Moore, wife of Creamer, Dee Wood, Chris Washabaugh, Brigadier General Jacob W. Moore, Peggy Hower, Karen Warner, Bronna commanding general of 1st Marine Watson, and Kathie Terhune. (Photo by Brigade. They are, in the first row (from Cpl T.J. Clark) left): Verna Constante, Colonel C.D. EDITOR'S NOTE: Sgt G.W. Jackson LCp1 F.J. Jubis Cpl S.P. Garneau Salutes is designed to LCpI G.E. Williams Good Conduct Award Good Conduct Award recognize individuals LCp1 J.L. Rivera Sgt M.T. Johnston for their achieve- 1/12 Metal Detection Hawaii A NEW ONE HOUR pearlridge ments and exception- Welcome aboard: MABS-24 MACS-2 "The Gold Rush is Back!' PHOTO LAB al performance of Cpl T.D. Cardosa Welcome aboard: duty as well as to Welcome aboard: Cpl D.R. Inman Sgt D.S. Davis SSgt D.N. Amspaclter IS NOW OPEN welcome new arrivals Sgt J.R. Turner to Hawaii. Promotion: Metal Detectors - All Brands BSSG LCpI F. Meza LtCol R.F. Williams UnderwaterLandBeach The information is LCpI J.S. Soliz GRAND compiled from Fleet Welcome aboard: Sgt W.R. Lucas RentalsMagazines LCp1 R.C. South Meritorious Mast: Home Town News 2ndLt J.N. FloWers BooksAccessories GySgt B. Donaldson PFC J.A. Dincher Sgt D.A. Bates OPENING IHI UR releases submitted to Pipe LocatorsMining Eqpmt. the Joint Public Sgt P.E. Little Pvt B.J. Hicks Good Conduct Award: Sgt J. Peppers Pvt R.S. Kline Sgt S.R. Sightler MasterCard & Visa Welcome SPECIAL Affairs Office by unit Letter of Apprecia- information officers. LCpI M.D. Garvin Reenlistment: LCpI T.A. Lewis tion: GySgt H.R. Gray.Jr. Open 7 days -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. !Fin HqCo, Bde PFC L.D. Hover "FREE" extra set of prints Pvt C.C. Banks Welcome aboard: K.J. 955-4385 with each roll processed Pearlridge Pvt Dressel 1718 Anapuni St., Suite 203, 96822 Sgt S.A. Gore Pvt J.L. Feather We develop Shopping Center Sgt J.R Young Pvt R.J. Johnson and print 110, Aiea, Hawaii 96701 PFC B.T. Davis Pvt S.A. Maze 126, 135mm color print (across Shirokiya) PFC K.D. Holmes Pvt S.L. Taylor 488-8688 PFC B.A. Vanarsdell Pvt C.A. Tolentino film in ONE HOUR. Promotion: Pvt S.L. Walls OFF Cpl F.L. Easterling Promotion: CUSTOM QUALITY LCpI R.A. Wand ling LtCol R.B. Newlin PFC B.T. Davis DUTY? LtCol J.C. Sanborn OPEN 7 DAYS PFC W.J. McKinzy Sgt K.D. Boyce AT NO Letter of Apprecia- Cpl C.V. Anderson AIM FOR THE A WEEK tion: EXTRA Cpl G.L. Chapman A HALE KOA. COST LCpI C.G. Meade Cpl J.H. Jerig Jr. STORE HOURS: LCp1 C.F. Tashjian Cpl E.H. Johnson Jr. Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Good Conduct Award: Banyan Tree Show Room [SPECIAL SERVICES LCpI N.W. Hentges entertainment. Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Cpl R.C. Tucker Buffet dining and spectacular *Disc *Black and White LCpI A.M. McDonald Hale Koa Room Sunday 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. LCpI J.D. Walker Meritorious promo- FMFLANT, Norfolk, Va. - In a private Elegant dining inside or on the terrace. *Slides *Prints From Slides tion: ceremony Rhonda Reagan receives Mauka Lounge Magnaprints *Contact Sheets 3/3 Cpl P.R. Broadnax decorations awarded posthumously to The military's happy retreat. *Enlargements (B & W Color) PRICE LIST Welcome aboard: Meritorious Mast: her husband Corporal David Reagan Warrior Lounge *Glossy Prints *Copying Services First class entertainment nightly. K.R Russell from Lieutenant Colonel Robert 12 exp 4 63 Capt LCp1 W.J. Church Johnston. Reagan, who was serving Barefoot Bar Sgt T.S. Ratke More than a swimsuit and overdressed. 6 39 Letter of Com- with the 32d Marine Amphibious Unit you're 20 exp Sgt R.C. Villanueva mendation: Catering 24 exp 7 27 Cpl T.L. Hoots Pvt K.R. Josemaria as part of the multi-national peace- Those private events where you give the orders. keeping force, was fatally wounded 9 91 Cpl S.M. Lesley Letter of Apprecia- Territorial Coffee House We use 36 exp Oct. 30 when a mine he was defusing Very affordable dining with a feel- Cpl C.L. Ross tion: ing of Hawaii's yesteryear. Kodak paper... Reprints 354 each LCpI C.T. Curner SSgt J.F. Gore exploded in Beirut, Lebanon. Awards fora good look. LCpI K.M. Jarnagin Sgt H.L. Brookin earned by Cpl Reagan were: the Purple Heart Medal; Good Conduct Medal; T/ Offer expires LCpI G.L. Kinney Sgt J.L. Brown Jr. 1110it January 31, 1983 HN C.A. Sanchez II Sgt J.E. Burns Navy Unit Commendation Medal; Sea Service Deployment Ribbon; and two 2055 KALIA ROAD /HONOLULU PFC A.R. Crichton Cpl R.D. Ames HAWAII 96815 / 180E0955-0555 PFC T.M. Shively' Cpl C.A. Heidkamp Lebanese awards: the Order of Merit, Certificate of Com- Cpl R.A. Mavis Lebanon; and the War Medal, Lebanon. by mendation: Cpl M.P. Taliaferro (Photo SSgt G.L. Brunkhorst) lstLt S.P. Martinson Cpl T.L. Ward

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TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW AT ALL STAR OUTLETS INCLUDING DJ'S ALA MOANA AND PEARLRIDGE; THE BLOCH ARENA; HUNGRY EAR RECORDS, KAILUA First Marine Brigade begins 82nd year compiled by Sgt Inez J. Stoner The Brigade was reorganized was headquartered on Guadal- the Task Force was greatly elements to provide a complete Air support for the Brigade is from 1939 to 1941 at Marine canal. expanded with the arrival of the force in readiness. The 1st Marine provided by MAG-24 comprised of The 1st Marine Brigade, unique Barracks, Quantico, Va. where During the Korean War the 1st 4th Marine Regiment and Brigade is made up of three three fixed wing fighter attack in that it is the only permament Brigade Marines studied the Provisional Marine Brigade was additional squadrons from the battalions of the 3d Marine squadrons, VMFA-212, 232 and brigade in the Marine Corps, techniques of amphibious land- comprised of the 5th Marine Far East to reinforce the MAG. In Regiment. With more than 4,000 235; and four helicopter celebrated its 82nd anniversary ings. Regiment, 1st Marine Division addition, the Task Force and its Marines it is the largest infantry squadrons, Marine Medium Jan. 1. In June 1941 the 1st Provisional from Marine Corps Base, Camp attached units were homeported regiment in the Marine Corps. Helicopter Squadron-165, 265 and The 1st Marine Brigade was Marine Brigade was assembled in Pendleton, Calif., and was known here, ending their six-month Included within the reinforced 262, and Marine Heavy Helicopter formed Jan. 1, 1901 in the Charleston, S.C. and in July as the "Fire Brigade." Although rotation schedule. regiment are the 1st Battalion, Squadron-463. Support is pro- Philippines and was made up of landed in Iceland. For the first active less than 40 days, the Amphibious tractors and 12th Marine Regiment, providing vided by Headquarters and Marines stationed there plus time during World War II, Brigade traveled nearly 400 miles, helicopters soon began arriving artillery support; Detachment, Maintenance Squadron-24; and about 1,000 Marines from China Marines had been sent into what mostly on foot, and took up many from Korea and by 1956 the Task Company A, 3d Assault Amphibi- Marine Air Control Squadron-2. who had been participating in the was considered a war zone. important battle positions. Force had been renamed the 1st ous Battalion and Company A, AT 82 YEARS OF AGE, Boxer Rebellion. Marine Brigade and was ready to 3d Reconnaissance Battalion. this unique air-ground team At that time the Brigade was participate in live fire air-ground Logistical support and supplies known as the 1st Marine Brigade often referred to as the "Philippine exercises on many of the neighbor are provided by the Brigade is constantly training and ever Brigade." Its mission was to HAWAII islands. Service Support Group. ready for amphibious warfare. guard Naval bases in the During the 1960s major units of Philippines and to administer the MARINE the Brigade deployed to Okinawa military government. In 1914 the- and served in a number of Brigade was disbanded. Jan. 19, 1983 campaigns in Vietnam including the Tet Offensive in 1968. Also in JUST A YEAR LATER THE 1968, some elements of MAG-24 Marine Brigade was began arriving here from the 1streorganized and sent to Haiti to Shortly after the Japanese In 1953 President Harry S MCAS Cherry Point, N.C. In 1969 restore law and order and protect attacked Oahu in December 1941, Truman commissioned the 1st the Brigade's 1st Battalion, 27th American interests in the the Brigade was pulled out off Provisional Marine Brigade as the Marine Regiment was redesignat- revolution-torn country. The Iceland, disbanded and the 1st Provisional Marine Air- ed as the 1st Battalion, 3d Marine Brigade was disbanded again in Marines were sent to parent Ground Task Force and based it at Regiment. 1934 after nearly 20 years of organizations, mostly in the the newly established Marine service in Haiti. During its stay in Pacific Theater. Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay. DURING 1970 THE URI- Haiti the Brigade was at one time For a very brief time, the Task gade's strength increased with the commanded by Major Smedley D. THE 1ST PROVISIONAL Force was comprised of the 3d arrival of a company of Butler. Gunnery Sergeant Dan Marine Brigade was again Marine Regiment and Marine amphibious tractors, a company Daly also earned his Medal of revived in March 1944, this time at Aircraft Group-13. of engineers and the activation of Honor while serving there. Pearl Harbor. Shortly after that it IN 1955 THE SCOPE OF a Provisional Service Battalion. By 1971 the Brigade had three fighter attack squadrons equipped with the F-4 Phantom aircraft and medium and heavy helicopter squadrons. The 1st Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment arrived in early June and the remainder of the 3d Marine Regiment joined the Brigade June 9. Since 1977 the Brigade has exercised its combat readiness by providing battalion landing teams for the Unit Deployment Program. Units of the 1st Marine Brigade make regular deploy- ments to Japan and the Western Pacific in six-month increments, providing international security and engaging in a number of various training exercises. During the early months of 1980 the Brigade's 31st Marine Amphibi- ous Unit sailed from Oahu to the Arabian Sea to support U.S. policy. TODAY, THE 1ST MARINE Brigade is the only permanent brigade in the Marine Corps. It combines both air and ground --- Telephone numbers you need to know

The clip-n-save chart provided below Samoan Services Pearl Harbor 471-8455 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-3575 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-3583 includes phone numbers and hours of MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257.3506 Bellows 259-5915 Pearl Harbor 471-3586 Camp Smith 477-6348 operation to most military affiliated Sunday Worship 1 p.m. Ford Island 472-8317 Nights and weekends 449-1488 Barbers Point 684-5217 EMERGENCY outlets across Oahu. SNCO /CPO NAVY RELIEF CHILD CARE Kaneohe Bay 257-2592 MCAS Military Information 471-7411 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-2608 Camp Smith 477-5056 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 254-1328 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 423-1314 BANKS Ages 3 months and older/hourly care Barbers Point 684-5222 Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor 474-3147 Fire 471-7117 Barbers Point 682-4422 Hours: Mon.-Thur. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Provost Marshal .. 257-2123/2134/2125 Bank of Hawaii Fri. 7-1 a.m. Ford Island 472-8317 PRESCHOOLS Ambulance 257.2505 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 254-1551 9-1 a.m. Enlisted Sat. Control Center 941-4411 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-2253 Mon.-Thur. 8:30 a m.-3 p.m. Barbers Point 684-7192 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-2873 Poison Facilities Trouble Desk 257-2380 Fri. 8:30 a m.-4 p.m. Ages 3 months and older/hourly care Camp Smith 477-6360 Pearl Harbor Area Camp Smith 422-9742 474-8183 Explosive Ordnance Ford Island 472-8731 Hours: Mon.-Thur. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Marine Barracks (AWH) 000-0000 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 471-0841 Disposal Hale Keiki Makalapa 423-1778 Fri. 7-1 a.m. Pearl Harbor (DWH) 257-3560 Ford Island 456-4205 Sat. 9-1 a.m. Barbers Point 684-7133 Kalola Ke Montessori 471-8101 Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Station OOD 257-2378 Pearl Harbor 422-7133 All Barbers Point 682-5846 Barbers Point 681-3116 Ranks Brigade OOD 257-3408 Ages: 6 months-12 years Koa 955-0555 Mon.-Thur. 8:30 a m.-3 p.m. Hale HOT LINE 257-2066 SPECIAL SERVICES Hours: Mon 6 a.m.-8 p.m. (Counseling and Assistance Center) Fri. 8:30 a m.-4 p.m. Tue & Wed 6 a.m.-9 p.m. COMMISSARIES MCAS Bay 257-3108 ' Pearl Harbor 422-0591 Kaneohe Thu 6 a.m.-10 p.m. Camp Smith Officer 257-3520 Mon.-Thur. 8:30 a m.-3 p.m. Bay 257-2643 Special Services Fri & Sat 6 a.m.-midnight MCAS Kaneohe Military Police Athletic Officer 257-3108 Fri. 9:30 a.m -6:30 p.m. BEACH COTTAGES Sun 1-6 p.m. Tues., Wed., Desk Sergeant 477-6330 257-2219 Thur. 9:30 a.m -5:30 p.m. 477-6892 Boat House CLINICS Fire Golf Course 257-2914 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-2808 Sat. 8:30 a.m -4:30 p.m. Medical Emergency Line 477-6171 Naval Magazine 686-3381 Hobby Shop 257-2983 Bellows Air Force Station .. 259-7271-E MCAS Kaneohe Bay Lualualei Fire Marshal 477-6353 257-3185 Tues.-Fri. 10 a m.-4 p.m. Warehouse 259-9474-0 Ambulance 257-2505 Public Works Center Pool 257-2922 Sat. 10 a m.-2 p.m. Swimming Barbers Point NAS 684-8281 Adult Care 257-2132 PWC 24-Hour Theater 257-3668 257-2131 Barbers Point 684-3213 Emergency Maint 477-6274 Appointments p.m. Mini Gym 257-2723 CAMPING Immunization 257-3321 Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. 9 a m.-5 FMFPac Duty Officer 477-6241 Camp Smith 477-6467 9 a m.-7 p.m. Information 257-2145 Thur. Camp Smith Duty Officer 477-6353 Marine Barracks 474-8191 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-3520 Optical Clinic 257-3428 Ft. Shaffer 438-1367 Hotline Against Crime 477-6368 NavMag 684-9127 Sat., Mon. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Lualualei Camp Smith 477-6468 Pediatric Clinic 257-2155 Marine Barracks Guard Companies Barbers Point 684-8281 Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Bellows Air Force Station 259-9474 Pharmacy 257-3395 Barbers Point 684-8207 Ford 472 -8588 Ford 472-8591 Island Sick Call 257-3126 Island Lualualei 668-3507 Pearl Harbor 474-9163 CHAPELS Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m -4:30 p.m. Pearl Harbor 474-9246 Barbers Point NAS Sat. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. THEATERS Ambulance 684-3133 Wahiawa 653-537I3 Protestant Services Hickam Air Force Base 449-9660 West Loch/Waikele 684-7193 Appointments 684-6201 Tues., Wed., Fri. 9:30 a.m -6:30 p.m. MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257.3668 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-3506 EXCHANGES 477-6908 Emergency Room/Sick Call 684-8245 Thur. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Camp Smith Sunday Worship 11 a.m. 471-0726 Immunization Clinic 684-8245 Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Marine Barracks Sunday School 9:15 a.m. MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-2111 Barbers Point 684-4243 Information 684-8245 Pearl Harbor 471-0087 Smith 477-6380 Camp Smith 477-6461 Optical Clinic 684-3138 Camp Sunday Worship 11:30 a.m. Wed., Fri. 9 a.m -5:30 p.m. Marine Barracks 474-7168 THRIFT SHOPS Pediatric Clinic 684-6245 Tues., Thur. 9 a.m-8 p.m. NavMag 668-3448 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Pharmacy 684-3110 Lualualei Barbers Point 684-3188 Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Wahiawa 653-5364 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-3168 Pearl Harbor NS 684-6271 Thrift Shop near fire station. Sunday Worship 10 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. CREDIT UNIONS Barbers Point Sunday School 8:45 a.m. Ambulance 474-2233 Bellows 259-5913 Tues., Thur. & Pearl Harbor 471-3971 Adult Dependent Clinic 471-8328 Ford Island 422-9449 Sat. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. MCAS 254-3566 Thur. 6:30-8:30 p.m: Sunday Worship 8.30 & 11 a.m. Immunization Clinic 471-9541 Ft DeRussy/Hale Koa 955-0060 Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Barbers Point (No Phone) Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 24-Hour Information 471-9541 Camp Smith 488-4633 Ft. Shaffer 848-0410 OB/GYN Clinic 471-3908 422-5312 Thrift Shop Near Treasure and Evening Worship 7 p.m. Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Hickam AFB Pediatric 471-3048 Trivia Shop in Commissary area. Jewish Services Clinic Lualualei Naval Magazine 668-2225 Pearl Harbor 422-9449 Pharmacy 471-9541 622-1773 Hours: Thur. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Jewish Chapel 471-3684 Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Schofield Barracks Sick Call 471-9541 Subase 422-9449 Barbers Point Friday 8 p.m. Barbers Point 682-4511 Pearl Harbor Ford Island Tripler AMC 833-1267 Treasure and Trivia Shops ... 682-4093 Torah Study and Mon-Wed & Fri 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 20D near the commissary Ambulance 472-8555 Wheeler AFB 624-3151 Bldg. Saturday Service 9:30 a.m. Thu 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Tues., Thur., Fri. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Information 472-8345 FAMILY SERVICE CENTERS Catholic Services Pearl Harbor 423-1331 Ft. Shafter 841-0860 Sick Call 472-8345 Mon, Tue, Thu, & Fri 8 a.m -4:15 p.m. MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-3506 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-3168/ Bldg. 430 near Commissary Annex Daily Mass 11:45 a.m. Wahiawa NavCAMS EastPac Wed 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Tues., Fri. 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Ambulance 653-5340 2119/2228 Saturday Mass 6 p.m. DENTAL Helpling Line 254-2689 Hickam AFB 449-6603 Sunday Mass 8 & 9:30 a.m. Physical Examinations 653-5340 Bldg. T-1240 Sick Call 653-5340. Pearl Harbor 474-1256 Camp Smith 477-6461 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-2620 Wahiawa NavCAMS 653-5539 across from Base Exchange Stiollay MAW* a. ink West-Lodfrigs-melhogrilil, Camp Smith 477-6416 Camp Smith 477-5102 Mon., Wed., Fri. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Point 684-3111 429-6662 Barbers Ambulance 684-7316 Lualualei NavMag 668-3318 GOLF Pearl Harbor Daily Mass noon Sick Call 684-7316 Barbers Point 684-7317 Near Nimitz Gate next to beauty shop a.m. Saturday Mass 5 p.m. CLUBS Ford Island 472-8396 MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-2914 Mon., Wed. 9-11:30 Sunday Mass 8 & 9:45 a.m. NRDC CincPac Fleet Branch 471-9997 Navy-Marine 471-0142 Fri. 9 a.m.-1 2:3() p.m. Pearl Harbor 471-3971 Officers' Wahiawa 653-5475 Barbers Point 684-3234 Schofield Barracks 624-325-1 Daily Mass 11:30 a.m. MCAS Kaneohe Bay 257-2081 West Loch 684-4115 Ford Island 472-8395 Bldg. :376 Saturday Mass 6 p.m. Camp Smith 477-6491 RED CROSS LIBRARIES Area 0, across from post office Sunday Mass 7:45 & 9 a.m. Barbers Point 684-4171 Hours: Tues., Wed. 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m L Page B-2, Jan. 19, 1983 SPORTS Trials and tribulations Marine challenges the slopes with cycle by Cpl Charlie Marshall in action, their mouths would drop The trials (called sections) are A rider can score a maximum of down to their gas tanks. loaded with obstacles including three points for a section unless Bill Meeks is not your normal Once a month, Meeks and the mud holes, rocks, trees and the motorcycle stops forward biker. Hawaii Motorcycle Trials grades, some expert sections may motion, then five points are Association camp out in the be as steep as 75 degrees. awarded. In fact, most motorcycle gangs Kahuku Mountains and ride their The 28-year-old cycle enthusiast The sections are marked by would laugh at him as he rode up bikes on trials (no trails) so steep tries to practice every weekend but colored flags. If the rider misses a on his TY .175 Yamaha, but after and treacherous they can't even be circumstances sometimes make flag, rides off the course or runs they witnessed the staff sergeant walked. this impossible. "I seriously train over a flag, he is awarded five in the mountains about two points. weekends a month. It's very Before the riders ride through a restricted as to the places you can section, they walk it to choose practice because the only their "line" of approach. "Every- authorized place is the land the body gives each other different club leases in the Kahukus," he views on which line to take when said. "There is no legal place to we walk the section," Meeks practice in Kaneohe." explained. "We collectively choose Meeks first started riding dirt a line, but things totally change bikes while stationed in Iwakuni, when riding the section." Japan. "My gunny invited me out It's almost an art to watch a to go dirt bike riding with him trial rider negotiate a section. The back in 1974," he recalls, "and we union of man and machine while just started riding together every trial riding is similar ROCKY ROAD - Staff Sergeant Bill Meeks negotiates the rocks to ballet. in a section the trials meet. (Photo weekend. I started trials riding After years of experience an his path while riding during by Davis) with the Japanese. After I was expert can climb a 3-foot rock as Sgt Pepper transferred here, I picked it up easily as the beginner can dump. again. "Constantly asking each other After he left Japan he was for advice is a big factor," said inactive because "nothing was Meeks. "If he (another rider) available while I was stationed in makes a mistake negotiating an Louisville, Ky. and Richmond, obstacle, I offer corrective Va." But after his arrival to the air criticism and vice versa." SCHEDULED AIRLINES TICKET OFFICE station, Meeks learned of the trials When he's not playing in the (SATO) club and has been an active dirt, Meeks is a "grunt supply- member for the past year and a man." He refers to his MOS as half. that so Marines don't confuse his Staffed by full time Airline personnel "There's a big difference job with aviation supply. To assist in your travel requirements between trials riding and moto- Although he works for Marine cross riding," he said. "In moto- Aircraft Group-24, Meeks issues Individual leave cross riding the object is speed as combat equipment. opposed to trial riding which takes He believes trial riding would Family travel to the Mainland balance and throddle control. eliminate a lot of frustrations Neighbor Island Also, the bikes are built Marines develop in the barracks. international differently. Trial bikes have "Ten years ago there was a trials Dependent travel to West-PAC shorter wheel bases so they can course which is now hilltop turn easier and they have more housing. Marines would get off Fares maneuverability. work and do a little riding before Flight Information "The trials bike is geared lower the sunset. and because of the slowness, the "There are a lot of Marines on contact SATO for reservations and airline tickets at any motorcycle is not revved up and this base interested, but they have ine of our three convenient on base locations the noise factor is reduced no way of transporting their bikes considerably," he added. to the mountains," he continued. Pearl Harbor Bldg 487 -.Tele 422-0571 The object in trials riding is to Meeks is due to leave the island hours - Mon thru Fri 0730-1600 ride through a section without in August, but his interestin trials dapping or touching the ground riding will not stop here. He says Camp Smith - Bldg 2D - Tele: 487-1567 with your feet. Every time a rider he will continue to ride on the Office hours - Mon. thru Fn. 0800-1600 touches the ground, he is awarded mainland. "On the mainland OVER THE TOP - Staff Sergeant Bill Meeks passes through the a point and the lowest number of there is more interest and the Kaneohe MCAS - Bldg 209 - Tele 254-1564 finishing gate. He tied for fifth place during the trials meet points wins the section. competition is better." Office hours - Mon thru Fri 0730-1530 I Sunday. (Photo by Sgt Pepper Davis) Results of Sunday's meet:

Expert Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Place 1/1 Travel Auther Higgins 5/3 1/2 5/3 5/1 5/2 34 1st Two different short John Domke 5/2 5/3 5/2 5/3 1/2 5/2 40 2nd rFREE Bill Barnsfield 5/5 5/5 2/2 5/5 5/3 5/3 50 3rd Robert Trinies 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 60 4th areer? forms this year. Amateur Class TRAVEL AGENT BIRTHDAY CAKE RESERVATIONIST Stewart Whitney 5/5 0/0 1/0 D/0 5/5 21 1st H&R Block can when you have a birth- Don Roth 0/2 0/0 5/5 1/2 5/5 25 2nd COMPUTER TRAINING day party for 10 or more at Chuck E. Novice Class uncomplicate NEW CLASSES BEGIN Cheese Pizza Time Nyle Fung 5/2 1/1 5/2 1/0 3/2 22 1st Feb.8 Pan Am Bldg. Theatre. This offer Jay Osbouren 1/5 0/1 5/0 5/1 3/5 26 2nd them for you. March 8 Kailua thru Thurs. Steve Hamber 3/2 1/0 5/5 2/3 5/5 31 3rd good Mon. & reservations must -s Vance Fung 5/3 5/0 1/5 3/1 5/5 33 4th 955-0030 262-8121 Two different short forms and new deductions make Bill Meeks 5/3 5/0 5/1 3/3 5/5 35 5th be made two weeks short form filing more complicated this year. Our prior to date of party. Don Mattice 2/5 0/0 5/5 5/3 5/5 35 5th 262-7749 eves./wkends. preparers know the new tax laws and forms. We've Bob Bates 3/5 1/0 2/5 5/5 5/5 36 6th studied them for months. This coupon is good for one 111 FREE Birthday Cake with Birthday Party Endro Class KOTTNER of 10 or mere. Coupon valid through April 1. 1983. Curtis Lurder 5/2 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 47 1st Coupon must be redeemed on day of party and may not be used In con- TRAVEL INSTITUTE H&R BLOCK junction with any other offer or coupon. Only one Ill coupon per pur- a . = Each rider rode section twice. The experts rode six sections. each different and more difficult The new tax laws chase. than the sections rode by the amateurs, novices and enduro. Affiliated Red Carpet Travel This year's number one reason to go to H&R Block. COUPON DOWNTOWN-537-9945 LEEWARD-487-8531 111.91111.111111111,11111,111191111,111,1111111IPMW*111/1111,11 662 Ala Moans Blvd. 98-1268 Kaahumanu St. DOUBLE TOKEN DAYS WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU UNCONTESTED KALIHI Waiakamilo Shp. Cntr Pearl City CHANGED YOUR ANTI-FREEZE? KAIMUKI _ 3185 Waialae Ave. AIEA_ 99-295 Moanalua Rd. MON. thru THURS. DIVORCE - $144.00* With purchase of Food Items! (Except Holidays) (fair terns to which both parties agree) KAIMUKI Kaimuki Shp. Ctr. EWA BEACH_ Prol Ctr. Bldg. (no f hildren of Ma marriage. & no real property interesr) ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR CHILDREN s281* KAPAHULU __ 465 Kapahulu MILILANI _Mililani Shp. Ctr. PEARL CITY \ ADDITIONAL CHARGE. FOR REAL PROPERTY s4a. 98-1258 Kaahumanu St. Times Square-Waimalu NAPA Coolant with MAKIKI _ 1231 Wilder Ave. PEARL CITY_ 953 Lehua Ave DIVORCE (Next to Times Supermarket) Phone 488-84.87 MANOA _ Manoa Market Place WAHIAWA 538 California Ave Minors must be Accompanied by Adult. Alugard'340-2 CONSULTATION S48* HOURS: - MOILIILI_ 1831 So. King St WAIANAE_ Waianae Shp Mall 11 A.M.-11 P.M.--MON.-THURS. S6 ZS" Suggested UNCONTESTED Regular Retail KALAKAUA _1307 Kalakaua WAIPAHU_ Waipahu Shp Vill. 1 1 A.M.-1 2 MIDNITE-FRI. CALL OUR "PARTY TUNE- gallon pet ADOPTIONS 5240* 10 A.M.- 1 2 MIDNITE -FRI. Ti/ N(Limo supplies 1AR) - MTIF(4,1,00,NT AINA HAINA_ 487-2562 $499 SIMPLE WILLS 53846* Shopping Ctr. WAIPAHU_ Tropicana Square 10 A.M.-1 2 MIDNITE-SAT. 10 A.M.-1 1 P.M.-SUN. for Info. & res. for WITH THIS COUPON OTHER FEES UPON REQUEST Special 262-7626 -WINDWARD- 235-2647 OPEN AT 10 A AA on Holidays Birthday Parties (Every 18 months is recommended) BARBARA LEE KAILUA -146 Hekili Street KANEOHE-46-018 Kam Hwy. AIKAHI AUTO PARTS MELVIN OPEN 9 a.m.-9 p.m.. Weekdays: 9-5 Sat. & Sun. Aikahi Shopping Center 254-3535 National Secretary - National Association -APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE- of Women Law.rers MasterCard and VISA accepled al the above area locations KAILUA AUTO PARTS 521-7496 14151 Also in most major ISears1 during regular 119 Hekili evenings and vceekends by appointment store hours Pizza Time Theatre Street 262-8146 Ples tax 110PrnillillnIVNI1011W111/111111h11111,11111naphiMirtilarnilari

Washington, D.C. Bound? IF SO . . . Deluxe Room at the Pacific Marina Inn $48.00 PER DAY YOU ARE INVITED TO THE Rental Car Available $30. - ROOM HOLIDAY INN $18. - CAR All rooms are air conditioned. Honolulu Airport Swimming Pool (Ekahi Room) Kitchenettes. 3401 North Nimitz Highway Honolulu Laundry Room. 24-Hour Courtesy Car Service to FOR AN INDIVIDUALIZED COUNSELING PROGRAM INCLUDING HOUS- and from Honolulu Intl Airport. PACIFIC ING DISPLAYS AND INFORMATION ON COMMUNITIES, SCHOOLS, T.L.A. Approved. FINANCING AND OTHER ASPECTS OF LIVING IN THE WASHINGTON, Waikiki Beach just 20-minutes away D.C. AREA. from Pearl Harbor just 10-minute from hotel. REPRESENTATIVES OF TOWN & COUNTRY REALTORS ONE OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL AREA'S LEADING REAL. ESTATE COMPANIES, WILL BE PRESENT TO 2628 Waiwai Loop AT THE AIRPORT ANSWER YOUR SPECIFIC QUESTIONS. AIRPORT HOLIDAY INN Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 836-1131 F-17 JANUARY 14th - 23rd STARTING AT 10:00 A.M. DAILY °unto! PHONE: 839-5573 REALTORS' (APPOINTMENTS SUGGESTED)

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1 2 3 4 T James Celestine led the scoring with Kaneohe 6 4 10 8 -28 16 points and Tony Bennett's Kalakaua 2 4 2 3 -11 rebounding strength and 12 points kept Kaneohe well ahead of the Fort Shafter Bombers as the Midgets Termites edge opened their season with a 33-24 victory. Bulldogs Kaneohe's Midget Hawks started off a little sloppy but settled into a good In the closest and most exciting game pace in the second quarter to pull game of the afternoon, Kalakaua's away from Fort Shafter. Termite Monarchs edged out the The Hawks outscored the Bombers Kaneohe Bulldogs 12-11 to win their 9-4 in the second quarter as they had no problem winning the game 33- Fort Shatter (24) season opener. started to pull away. 24. Rodney George 10, Eric Alabanza 4, Kit Milian 4, Paul Joe Parks Martin 2 At the end of the first quarter, They returned in the third quarter to 2. Bill Crouch 2, Michael Kaneohe had control of the game and outscore the Bombers 10-6. Kaneohe (33) 1 2 3 4 T Kaneohe 9 9 10 5 -33 the winning end of a 6-2 score. Kaneohe simply outplayed the James Celestine 16, Tony Bennett 12, Larry Kalakaua fought back hard, Bombers the entire second half and Grove 5 Fort Shafter 8 4 6 6 -24 Soccer - the European sport gaining popularity in the U.S.

A new sport is being kicked around alleviate this roadblock to enjoyment only A player is offside if he has less than the team that last touched the ball before foot or head to stop the ball to gain control America and Hawaii is no exception. The a few simple specifics need be known. two opponents (including the goalkeeper) it went out of play by crossing the of it. sport itself is not new but the explosion of The duration of the game is two 45- between him and his opponents' goal line touchline. HEADING - hitting the ball with the interest and enthusiasm among young minute halfs separated by a short rest at the moment the ball is last played. The throw-in must be made evenly with head. and old alike make it appear that way. period. There are no time-outs and Exceptions to this rule are if the player is both hands coming from behind and over TACKLING - taking the ball away The sport? Association football, or, as it substitutions are only made when there is in his own half of the field, if the ball was the head, with both feet on the ground. from a dribbling opponent with the foot. is more commonly called . . . soccer. a halt in play. last touched by an opponent or if he The feet must either be on or outside of the CHIP - to kick the ball over an While seeming a newcomer to the The field, often referred to as the pitch, received the ball directly from a corner touchline at the moment of release. opponent's head. American sports scene, soccer is the can be 100 to 120 yards long; from 50 to 80 kick, throw-in, drop ball or opposition's A dropball occurs when the referee - to kick the ball just before largest spectator sport in the world. yards wide. This large playing area goal kick. drops the ball between two players to it hits the ground. European countries virtually worship the combined with the fast action of the game A direct free kick is a kick awarded to a restart play after he has stopped it for HALF-VOLLEY - to kick the ball as game which, even on its bad attendance demands that a player be well- team in which a player may kick the ball reasons other than the ball going out of soon as it hits the ground. days, rivals the number of fans attending conditioned. Many experts agree that in and score a goal without the ball touching play or a foul, While the complete rules of the game are a World Series baseball game. an average game a player might run as far another player. All opponents must stay The following is a list of terms common complex and can expand into numerous Soccer has been traced back to the as six to eight miles. Area youth teams at least 10 yards away from the kicker to American sports but with a different volumes, one of the niceties of soccer is Chinese in 400 B.C. The English play on fields 100 yards by 50 yards. until the ball is kicked. meaning in soccer: that a basic understanding is all you need developed the game as we know it today in The field's configuration confuses some A direct free kick is awarded to an PASSING - giving the ball to a to enjoy the game. the early 1800's. new spectators. But it is really quite offended team for any of the following teammate by using some part of the body In today's fast paced world, the game of The game quickly found its way to simple. fouls: tripping, kicking, charging a player (except the hands) to tap it to him. soccer seems appropriate. As one young America. In fact, it was the only form of Goals are marked by poles at each end from behind, holding, pushing, handling DRIBBLING - moving the ball player put it, "Sometimes it's rough, but football played here until the 1870's when of the pitch. The poles are centered, eight the ball and striking. Spitting at a player gently tapping it with the foot. even if you lose, it's fun just playing American-style football became popular. yards apart and have a crossbar eight feet or throwing the hall at him is considered TRAPPING - using the chest, thigh, soccer." At this point soccer started to face in high. The goals are usually backed with a striking. popularity and had become almost extinct net to prevent arguments about whether An indirect free kick is the same as a by the early 1900's. or not the ball actually crossed the goal. direct free kick except that it must touch Then came the 1960's. Soccer started its A goal is scored when the ball passes another player before entering the goal. comeback. European players and a between the two side poles and under the This kick is awarded an offended team for Brazilian player called Tele' came to the crossbar. fouls that do not call for a direct free kick. United States to promote the game. Their The endline is the line at each end of the A corner kick is a direct free kick made efforts and expertise on the field renewed field marking the end boundaries. by an attacking team when the defenders interest. The touchline is the line along each side were the last to touch the ball before it Today the North American Soccer of the field marking the side boundaries. went out of play by crossing the end line. League has 25 teams. Network television The goal area is the part of the field The kick is made from the corner of the coverage of professional games is directly in front of each goal that is 20 field on the side that the ball went out of expanding each season and includes yards wide and 6 yards long. It is from play. several international tournaments. within this marked off area that a goal Youth soccer is also more popular than kick is taken. A goal kick is an indirect free kick taken ever. Many children would rather play The penalty area is a section of the field by a member of the defending team after soccer than American football. One youth at each end of the field 44 yards wide and the attackers were the last to touch the oriented association, the American Youth 18 yard long. The goalkeeper, the only ball before it went out of play by crossing Soccer Organization, boasts almost 8,000 player of the 11-person team allowed to the end line. The ball must be kicked from young participants on Oahu alone. use his hands, may catch or carry the ball any point within the goal area as long as it within the penalty area for no more than is in the same half of the field as the ball While the action-filled game is four steps before releasing it. when it went out of play. sometimes a contact sport, soccer also After the ball has touched the ground or A penalty kick is awarded a team fouled teaches skill, agility, physical an opponent, the keeper may repeat this in the defender's penalty area. The kick is conditioning and stresses sportsmanlike action up to three times after which he can made from a line, called the goal spot, 12 conduct by all members, including throw or kick the ball. He is only allowed yards in front of the goal. Players other spectators. Home teams are responsible to do this in the penalty area. than the kicker and the goalkeeper must for the behavior of the fans. If a viewer's The rapid change of events during a remain outside of the penalty area and 10 conduct becomes disruptive or offensive game can cause a spectator to get lost yards away until the ball has been kicked. they can be made to leave the playing trying to keep up if he doesn't understand The only player who can block a penalty Which ball coach? area. the reasons certain calls are made. A brief kick is the goalkeeper. His feet must he on Gunnery Sergeant Lee Webb dives for the ball during low ball drills at In spite of the increased attention soccer conception of rule infractions and their the end line and he cannot move them Hangar 103. The regional teams are currently conducting practices for the has drawn, some Americans find the penalties can make the game more until the ball has been kicked. upcoming tournament in March. (Photo by T.J. Clark) game foreign and confusing. To help enjoyable. A throw-in is taken by the opponent of Suta 5604 That is your favorite professional football team and why?

LCpI Michael Block, Co. B 1/3 PFC Mancy N. Thompson,lst James W. Wilson SSgt. James Carr, 1st Radio LCpI Timothy Taylor, Post LCpI James Walker, Hq Co. 3d "Chicago Bears because that's Plt, Co. I, 3/3 "Tampa Bay Buccaneers Bn. Office Mar where I live." "Steelers, they won four super because of civic pride and their "St. Louis Cardinals because "Cincinnati Bengals. When "I like the passing game of San bowls." orange colors." they play with heart stopping they played the Chargers they Diego: It adds more excitement excitement which is why they really looked good. I think they than just running the ball." were nicknamed the Cardiac will go to the Super Bowl." Kids." Jan. 19, 1983, Page B-5



The Hawaii Marine Men's and Women's Roadrace and Marathon Calendar are Shotguns, 12 and 20 gauge, are available and 1(3.5A17- Regional Volleyball Teams need players to available in the Athletic Office. interested parties are urged to Alos register with Jan ." 4 compete in their upcoming tournament. The Young at the Athletic Office. AGAIN! DAN "'BACK ROOM" OBE S regionals are scheduled to be played in the new The I anuali Open Military and Civilian DISCO The Marine Outrigger Canoe Club is Skeet "MAIN ROOM" BARRIE CUNNINGHAM AND THE -BLACK SLACKS- BAND gym in March. For more information contact looking for beginners and experienced paddlers Tournament will be held Jan. 29 and 30 starting Staff Sergeant Patrick Spencer at 477-5054 for both male and female for their upcoming at 11 a.m. at the Station Skeet Range. BAR DRINKS 51.75 NO ff,g, the men's team and Master Sergeant Wayne season. Interested persons should contact SPECIAL ATTRACTION MEN Enos at 477-6087 for the women's team. Captain Bob Basham at 257-3241/2012 or show Tryouts for the State Champion Hawaii LADIES Practices are held Tuesday and Thursday up at the Marina Feb. 5. Marines softball team will be conducted Jan. LEG'S ONLY ONLY FEATURING evenings. 1 N 23 starting at p.m. at Risely Field. For more FEATURING ZENDRE'S A track and field team is being organized to information contact the coach, Master Gunnery DANCIN DAVE'S THINGS INTERNATIONAL BEEF CAKE REVUE BEAUTIES Upcoming Running Events: SEGREGATED AUDIENCES compete in university and city meets. Practices Sergeant Dave Burnett at 257-2714. SHOW TIME 8 D.M. FOR SHOWTIME 8 P.M. A.U.S.A. 10K (Schofield) Jan. 22 are conducted at 4:30 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. "HER ROOM" FREE PARKING "HIS ROOM" Kilauea Volcano Marathon on Saturdays at Pop Warner Field. For more The intramural soccer season starts Feb. 5. NIRI TO RAMADA INC PHONE 836-7883 and Rim Runs Jan. 29 information contact the coaches, Gunnery The deadline to enter a team is Jan. 28. Varsity DUNES AGAIN- 3251 N. NIMITZ Healani Biathlon Jan. 29 Sergeant Horace Thomas at 257-2457 of Staff try-outs are being conducted on Wednesdays 11111011141110111111041411011111101110 15th Annual Oahu Sergeant Robert Lewis at 257-2496. and Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. at the Station Perimeter Relay Feb. 5-6 Training Field. For more information contact Max Telford Couples Run Feb. 12 An organizational meeting for skeet will be the coach, Captain John Charles at 477- 6th Annual Hawaii conducted at noon today in the Station Theater 6345/6352. Women's Run 10K Feb. 20 lobby. Topics to be discussed will include the Walk for the Whales Feb. 26 formation of a station team to compete against A chess club meeting will he conducted by Maui Marathon March 6 other on-island teams, a yearly calendar of Private First Class Robert Bennett at 1:30 p.m. BEDROOM EYES These and other entry forms plus the 1983 events and establishing an intramural league. in the Station Library Feb. 6. NEW! Two Week Sleep-In Lens! Bible Call 262-2317 PAINFUL Vicar up to 2 %eeks without rEnaning. Special Introductory Price WHAT IS BIBLE CALL? Samples of Topics: FOOT PROBLEMS? nii)a% lens

Bible Call is a free public service Religious 14-Why God Allows Trouble health screening Cooper% ision Information Library consisting FREE foot during of hundreds 22-Faith and Works 1.265 of different five minute tape recorded messages on a wide variety of Bible sub- 48-Authority In Religion January and February. jects. 194-How To Pray ingrown toenails Inquire also about sandard soft lenses$85 To use it simply call 262-2317 and ask for sports injuries Of Your Lite N(1111111111 ta,r. [(dim% tip the tape of your choice to be played. To get 69-Making The Most calluses warts 1ri,1,_ 11.11,1... rare kit. R III III, a t Same in complete list of tapes ask for a free Bible 168-Does It Matter What We Believe It It s sore heels *bunions II required fIa nice titt,t Call brochure when you call. Honest? properly balanced orthotics hammertoes MUST BRING THIS AD IN FOR THE SPECIAL!!! Would you like help in studying your 3-Strengthening Your Marriage A Doctor of Podiatric Bible? Call Medicine is the specialist concerned with the 262-2317 to arrange for a free diagnosis, prevention and treatment personal Bible study at your convenience. 94-Bible As Evidence of foot disorders by medical and DR. TIM TOGIKAWA PEARL CITY surgical means. Sponsored by Kailua Church of Christ. 510-Weakness Of Evolution Op lin-m.16,0 Dr, Ethin Emlo Theodore G. York. DPM Kailua Podiatry Clinic David A. Heaton, DPM DM\ 98.1238 RaahumanII SI. Your tape requests answered daily between 6:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Suite 1401 Suite 301 Suite 137 1 1 16 I Stein. 301 515 PlIkol SI. 407 lllunlu 98211 Pali Momi St riion For complete listing refer to Dec. 22 edition Honolulu Kailua Pearlridge 538-6226 187-7907 538-1831 282.6961 4E17-9949

See your Career Planner You'll get straight talk. Answers to your questions. And a fair look at all the Corps nas to offer. You can count on the Corps. 1/3 SSgt Holland 257-2673 3d AAV Sgt Drye 257-2694/3537 H&MS-24 Last year 5,000 Marines SSgt Bumgarner got new jobs...right here in 257-2486 the Corps. HMM-262 If you've considered looking for a job outside the Corps, GySgt Miller see your career planner. Because the job, skill and training you're looking for are probably right here. All 257-2489/3248 you have to do is make a lateral move. Your career planner can tell you if you qualify and he'll start the VMFA-235 ball rolling. If you qualify, there are over 150 enlisted un- GySgt Mitchell dermanned skills into which you could make a 257-2630/2904 lateral move. Many of the openings are within occupational fields like: Ordnance; Data Communications and Maintenance; Motor SOMS Transport and Aircraft Maintenance and SSgt SSgt Eischen Avionics. And by making a lateral move you won't be losing rank. 257-3439 Nor your many benefits...bene- fits you may have to pay for in a civilian job. 2/3 You'll keep your low cost SSgt Swain medical coverage which takes care of the whole 257-2142 family. You'll keep your educational benefits and retirement plan, which 3d Recon pays 50% of your base pay when you retire SSgt Alldredge after 20 years... 75% 257-2758 after 30. And you'll keep a job you're truly proud of. See your career MABS-24 planner. There're a lot of Sgt Mabunay good reasons to... 257-3693 Stay Marine. HMM-265 SSgt Sult 257-2777 1st Radio Bn GySgt Fairbanks 257-2725 HMH-463 GySgt DeVore 257-2208 Stay Marine. Jan. 19, 1983 Classified fattezis4,41 DOWN-IN-THE-DUMPS f ABOUT BIG BILLS? The MIG-21 air superiority fighter was developed on the basis of experience of jet-to-jet combat between MIG-15's and the U.S. aircraft sell your unwanted treasures! during the war in Korea. The emphasis was placed on good transonic and Phone 235-5881 or 622-3966 supersonic handling, high rate of climb, small size and light weight, using a turbo-jet engine of medium power. The first versions of the MIG- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 45 SCHOOLS & TRAINING 60 HELP WANTED M/F 60 HELP WANTED M/F 21 were day fighters of limited range with comparatively light armament 10 CEMETERY PLOTS 35 35 and limited avionics. The MIG-21 fighter made RETIREE WORKING Woman? Reliable LOST your Tri-Chem instruc- its public debut on June VALLEY Of the Temples, 2 Dependable Yard Service GOOD JOBS ARE tor? Services. classes. new choice plots, back of Admin. housecleaner with ref. avail. SEA CAREER 24, 1956. The initial production version was built in limited numbers with Call 262-7588 Call 261-0258 anytime. AVAILABLE! spring catalog: 247-1997, 624- bldg. Call 621-1092. 4930, 839-6197, 487-1723, 235- a turbojet engine with afterburning and armament of two 30-mm NR-30 SPOT LES COURSES Professional resumes open doors F/part time jobs. QUALITY sewing work done. Military Specialists 6365. cannons. plots-Valley of General housecleaning, free Register - TWO Adjoining Alterations to zippers. Custom now Free Consultation PART time cleaning person $4 the Temples; for information est. 235-6704. CHARACTERISTICS: MIG-21 (FISHBED) machine embroidery, cos- for February PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE hr., car required. Call call Jan at 247-9209 9 to 5 tumes, quilts, dolls, slip 735 Bishop St 4238 521-7001 239- Wing Span: 51/2 Diesel Mechanics - Busybodies 537-4658, 23 ft. in. 7.15 m weekdays. covers, and much more. Ph. "Established 1977" "Busybodies" Celestial Navigation 9447. Length: 44 ft. 2 in. 13.46 m DO 622-3783 MILILANI Cemetery: 16 plots, -LET US IT!- Ocean & Motorboat Operators - PRE-School teacher's aide for NEED A Resume? Call Mr. Maximum level speed above 36000 ft. (11,000 m): 1,203 knots Gardenia section at 50 °/a Rent A Housewife Able Seamen Christian Preschool. Call 239- Pool 9 a.m./9 p.m. 235-5112 or 5456. (1,385 mph: (2,230 Km/h) discount from current price. Cleaning water plants. feed Approved for Veterans Call Bea 536-6983 or 847-1040. dogs. tutor. painting. wash 595-4908 Mobile Resume MODEL Types for demo. work, Services. Range, internal fuel only: 593nm (683 miles; 1,100 Km) windows, shopping. visit Call 537-5715 $5 hour. Call Beverly Brook Armament: Twin barrel 23mm cannon in lower fuselage. Four underwing elderly, parties, etc.. etc MAN Or woman for super- 942-0555. 13 AIRCRAFT FOR SALE Pacific Martime pylons for weapons or drop-tanks, including two K-13 (Atoll) air-to- 537-4658, 261-4966 visory asst. Full time, $900 mo. I FR Instruction Basic/Ad- From Belly Dancers Kokua Employment, 767 air missiles on inner pylons and UV-16-57 rocket packs, each with vance, Low Simulator Rates. PROFESSIONAL Yard Ser- Academy Kailua Rd. 2nd fl. #237 RN'S Ph. to Marching Bands & 57 Call 833-6255 or 521-3574 vices, we depend on you. Pan lime deck & engineering sixteen mm rockets. on outer pylons. evenings. officer instructor positions open. eves 239-6267, Everything OUTSIDE Salesperson for LPN'S 15 ANNOUNCEMENTS HANDYMAN: Painting; minor in between. travel agency. Travel Nurse Aides repairs, misc. work. Neat PIANO & Violin lessons given experience helpful. Call Jerry Call Ken 262-9233 Exposure Ratings: by Honolulu Symphony 262-6908 Home Health Aides PENNY STOCKS worker. area. Offers great invest- Decent member in Windward 254-5474 INTERNATIONAL Cosmetic Personal Care Aides ments and opportunity. AIEA OPTICAL Nearly Decent firm opening in this area. Chore Workers For free brochures call Soft contact and Barely Decent PRIVATE tutoring in English Beauty consultants & top 523-0938 eyewear specialists. as a Second Language, management positions avail. Companions Etc.. Etc. . . Windard area. Call 262-0030 Company Ask for G. Kobayashi Bring in this ad for professional training provided. Company Top pay. great benefits eves. 735-3774 CALL 638-9511 $10 OFF 50 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES car, paid vacation. For Chesley & Dunn, Inc. HOME Improvement Ceramic interview call Sylvia 247-0538, NO FEES NEED 5 Call 487-7487 Tile, countertops/ floors/ investors w/$5000 456-9502. each to invest in our mobile 20 LOST & FOUND for prices lanais, concrete slabs, hollow tile, fences, remodeling, grocery stores & mobile meat KAILUA/KANEOHE JOBS Call LOST: 1/11, Large black CARPENTRY, home repairs. painting, Free est. Charles cars. We pay the highest of Supervisor Ass't. $900 mo. shepherd "Keala," Enchanted Call Nick 261-7176 or 261- 488-3340 BC7828. interest, plus 3% own net Gen. clerk, typist $690 mo. Lake Safeway, REWARD 261- 7496. profit, Ph. 262-8259. Computer input $700 mo. 955-1102 4850 AGAPE HEALTHCARE help Store mng. good wages DON'S ROOF REPAIRS most WANTED: Handcrafted items Sales/Reception $4 hr. + corn LOST: orange 3 mo. old kitten, repairs under $100. Free for back/neck/headache. stress, pain, depres- for children to be sold in a kid's Ins. salesperson $20,000 yr. Medical white collar, red ID tag, estimates. Ph. 456-2491. fatigue, Iroquois Pt. REWARD. 499- sion, injuries-try Massage boutique. Must be willing to Waitress $3.50 hr., good tips 2741 HOUSECLEANING, $200 per Therapy by Barbara Ruth- sell on consignment. Please Food counter help $3.35 hr. Personnel house, including yard. strom (tic.) Family rates, call for appointment 941-6889. Many other jobs to pick from. Pacirie Employment niropractic Apply Kokua FOUND: female black Scottish inspection gtd. Ph. 689-5315 accident cases (no-fault/ Pool terrier, silver choke chain, at eves. workmen's comp.) 262-7254 MULTI-Level business, earn 767 Kailua Rd. 2nd fl. 0207 Sandy Beach 1/13. 395-5139 extra $$, lose pounds safely w/new Hawaii diet. Ph. 247- Dr. Jeanne C. Michaels / Dr. Jeffery B. Ronning DIVORCE MILITARY BROKE? 62 HELP WANTED DOMESTIC 25 PERSONALS Serving Oahu 2865, 261-5096. VIDEO TAPE EVEN UN PAY DAY RESPONSIBLE baby sitter Since 1977 NEED 5 Investors w/$5000 Earn extra money part time needed. Wed. & Thurs. YOUR evenings for a few hours to each to invest in our mobile 5'30 to 10 p.m.. Mon. thru Fri. CHIROPRACTORS $110" watch 2 children in our home Wedding-Anniver- grocery stores & mobile meat Workers needed in discount Aikahi Park. Call 254-5076. Vor the finest in Chiropractic Care" 533-4533 saries carts. We pay the highest of outlets specializing in stereos, - Roomy Gene Bridges 3°/o in my Stall Parties-Luaus interest, plus on net profit. televisions. microwave ovens BABYSITTER Needed Ph. Aiea home, April 1. 10 yr old & A Public Service Project 262-8259 Graduations-Proms & many more appliances. Also 6 mo. old, salary open. 261-0831 buying service for furniture. F&S Reunions IMPERIAL Diamond Enter- references. 487-7031. J B Ronning, B A . MOBILE Sound Systems. music for all occasions. Light Sporting Events prises offers you a way to clothing. sporting goods. etc. EXPERIENCED Babysitter your annual income. Following areas available. show. Call 623-2557. Lectures-seminars increase wanted in Pearl City area for 7 X-Ray Facilities, Physical Wholesale/retail name brand Hono.. Pearl Harbor. Salt Lake. Therapy, Nutrition RESIDENTIAL Painting, Hawaii Video mo. old baby. Mon -Fri. Full items. You ought to see this Wahiawa. Barbers Point & time. Call Terri 455-9708. free estimates. thing!! 395-6464 Auto and Industrial Accidents- Call 456-9181 Productions KMCAS. WEEKEND mothers helper, S6/hr. or incentive pay. babysitting & light house- COMPLETE Lawn Service, -.4175 60 HELP WANTED M/F No Charge For Consultation Call 487-3651 keeping, Fri. eves. to Sun. small and big jobs, clean-up. CALL: eves. Japanese speaking Reg. Mo. maintenance. Ph. MANAGER speak to Mary helpful but not necessary, 247-3525. 955-7121 for prefer female. 262-9455 8 a.m. Wremco Bldg., #207, 602 Kailua Rd., Kailua 1 3! GREAT Opportunity for 1 APARTMENT aggresive individuals no to 9 p.m. :IF you want to drink, that's caper. necessary. ENHANCE Yard and Houseclean- HOTEL Earn as FULL TIME babysitter needed. your business. If you want to FELIPE much as $300 a week, part or ing. Call 261-5050 between in Mon.-Fri. Hickam-Pearl area stop, that's ours. Alcoholics YOUR YARD full time. For more informa- Call 839-4446. Anonymous. Ph. 946-1438 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. PEARLRIDGE tion, please PATIO OR CONDO LANAI call 262-0358 or AREA 261-532.1. EXPERIENCED Housecleaner COST of gas traffic got you Tropical & rock garden. HEALING massage, corrective needed, 1 day per week, Aiea- down? Vanpool $12.50 wk. from lawns & sprinklers, bodywork. Relieve back & 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. GARDENER, 1/2 day twice Pearl City area, dependable Windward Mall to Hickam AFB monthly, must have weed car needed. Call 456-2258. 449- masonry. walls & fences. neck pain, headaches & sports Knowledgeable in Home 235-4170, work injuries. Relax in the Spa eater, Kaneohe. Ph. 235-8292, 5218. C11117 military's current BABYSITTER needed for 4- Elizabeth Reveley 261-9439. Russ. month -old, begin 2/18, Tues.- 422-9556 temporary housing URGENT - Carpool with eves./wkends. WANTED, COCKTAIL Fri. 2-5 p.m. 239-7290 another UH-Manoa studio, program. Over 35. WAITRESSES, Kang's Lounge. hrs. 4-6:30 M-F, my car or H. fling, 36 RESUMES CHRISTIAN babysitter, my Jr. Salary commensurate Ph 621-9877 after 4 p.m. yours. 235-6258 Kaneohe home, M-F, morn- with experience. ings, call after 1 p.m. 235-3231 LAWNKEEPERS HAWAII Dorothy PRESCHOOL teacher & 946-1145 assistant teacher. Apply 8 BABYSITTER available on The ProfRssional Landscape short notice at different times. Gardener, commercial and a.m.-12 noon Church of God Hazzard NEED extra income?? Earn it Memorial Christian Center, Kainalu area 261-7791 residential. Landscaping, Resumes & Business in your spare time. Call 488- systems, tree 98-1022 Komo Mai Drive, Aiea. 63 SITUATIONS WANTED M/F [1111:11:11 sprinkler Writing 5667 for appl. 488-1951 trimming, plant pest & disease Gloria Career Counseling SENIOR Citizen convalescent control, weeding, and other care for 1 Rycrolt SI. 4101 Ph. 947&422 DENTAL Assistant, ex- Former AMWAY Distributors day care providing phases of maintenance. Call 1550 person in my home. TOP 10 COUNTRY SONGS Honolulu, HI 96814 perienced in 4 handed WANTED for NEW PROFIT- elderly for consultation and estimate, TLC. 262-9455 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. free of course. 536-6677 or dentistry for busy Kaneohe ABLE Market Plan. 239-7267 office. 235-0018. Iv. msg. 671-5996 45 SCHOOLS & TRAINING WILL babysit, my home, Radford Terrace, any age. 12, 1983 HAVE Van, will haul! LEI'S School of Gymnastics. PART time play morning SHAKEY'S now auditioning Ph. 836-7924. JANUARY coordinator for community for musical group entertainers December Negotiable rates. fast/ Classes for boys 2 to 6 yrs., V consisting of 3 4 26, THIS dependable service. I am girls 2 to 16 yrs., women - program for preschoolers. or persons. gym. 262-6647 Education and experience in Hawaiian/Contemporary ADVERTISING 1982 WEEK TITLE experienced and will haul exercise /beg. ARTIST rain or shine, w/without Early Childhood Development Please contact manager at STANDARDS NEED Ride from Kalaheo High your help-you decide! PIANO Lessons by exper. required. Send resume to: 247-0405 ASYMCA. NAS Barbers Point. 7 1 Like Nothing Ever Happened Sylvia School to Enchanted Lake, Call Mike at 638-7784. teacher in Hawaii Kai. For Advertising puolishea in the will pay. Ph. 261- children & adults. 395-1706 Bldg. 52. Barbers Point, Hi. Sun Press, Waianae 2 2 Going Where The Lonely Go afternoons. all Sun Merle Haggard 5931 CARPENTRY, Plumbing, '96862 Call 682-5554 for Times. Waipahu Sun News, & repair. New suc- REAL ESTATE 14 3 Talk To Me Mickey types maintenance PIANO Lessons. information. Hawaii Navy News, Hawaii Gilley IN CASH prizes! Poetry & Ph. & $600 Licensed. Free estimate. cessful methods for all ages Marine and the Hawaiian 11 4 Lost His Love On Our Last Date Emmylou contest send $1 DEVELOPER Harris short story 235-4002 Jacques. styles. 262-2085. SALES Educational-Your Falcon and SASE for rules to: P & L is accepted on he 18 5 Inside Ronnie Milsap opportunity to become a premise that Productions, Box 1216, BUTCH'S Roof repair. for in expanded Windward the merchandise 6 Thank God For Kids All types of roofs. JAPANESE conversational training representative and services offered are - The Oakridge Boys Waianae, 96792. small office needs: 3 Full time Reasonable. References lessons, private and Cleveland Institute of accurately described and 17 7 With You group, evenings in your home. Over 909/0 of our Charly McClain IS Mormonism Christian? Call Butch, 235-4002 Electronics. sell reliant realtors or willingly said to customers at 19 8 Native speaker with over 6 first year reps earn $30,000 + Hard Candy Christmas Dolly Parton A new recorded message associates. Any sales the advertised price - each week. 293-9495 YARD Service, Waipahu-Pearl years teaching experience in Representatives needed at Advertisers 1 9 persons with interior are aware of these A Love Song Kenny Rogers City-Aiea. Ph. 671-3043 after Japan, presently at the Hawaii Schofield Barracks & KMCAS. decorating. Architectual conditions Advertising that 5 10 I Wonder Roseann Cash 30 INCOME TAX SERVICE 4:30 p.m. Japanese School. Call 235- Sales experience preferred. does not conform to these or bookkeeping hack - INCOME Tax Preparation 2895 evenings. Ph. Mr. Thompson 524-6262 standards or that is deceptive Prompt, professional & PREGNANT AND ground would be or misleading is never AVON. Turn your spare time knowingly accepted. .11 any Hear the Top Country Songs In the Nation on the WEEKLY reasonable. Call 395-0197. WORRIED? PIANO & ORGAN LESSONS. welcome. Excellent COUNTRY Successful method for adults into spare cash. Sell Avon, commission schedule far reader encounters non- 35 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WE'LL HELP Earn $6-$10/hr. Set your own compliance with MUSIC COUNTDOWN SUNDAY MORNINGS at 9 A.M. on AM94 at and teenagers. Studio in those who quality. All these CABINETS & Counters Kaneohe or A few hours. Ph. 261-4555 standards. we ask that you KDEO Country Radio. FREE P.G. TEST downtown. inquiries be kept falling apart need home-lessons. will inform. - 9:00-3:00 slots open for shelves or custom work? MON.-WED. -FRI Call John Schouten at 247- DENTAL assistant experience confidential. Free Estimates 395-8336 487-7087.538-3577, 6010 preferred - 4-handed dentistry CALL Sun Press Creative Woodwork & Design 262-2171,622-1532 Kailua 261-4694, a.m. only for appointment at 235-5881 GUITAR & piano lessons in 235-6020 HOUSECLEANING, depen- MILITARY Quarters cleaned, your home by exper. teacher, HOME Visitors, Human Walter Zane Realty, Inc. Better Business dable hard working couple. guaranteed, husband & wife Kailua only Ph. Brian 262- services background w/know- Bureau at reasonable rates. 235-0228. Kaneohe Business & $130. Call 677-4817. 6057 ledge maternal & child health 531-8131 practices, familiar w/Military Professional Center. GIVE Yourself a new lease on 677 PIANO TUNING CERAMIC CLASSES, "Begin- structure, mature persons suite 208 Ala Moana Blvd. studio & concert health. Swedish, Shiatsu, Los Angeles ners welcome" Tues. & Thurs. preferred, Hawaii drivers Kaneohe, HI 96744 96813 all areas. Ph. 955- Trager body massage. Senior tuner, $40 evenings, 7-9 p.m., Weds. license required. Send 0941. citizen rates. Proven results! resumes to Armed Services Helena Lubrecht 941-0372 morning 10-12 p.m. Classes "WE do windows!" And begin Jan. 18, 1983. Please call YMCA, Wheeler AFB, 96854. general housecleaning. WORD Processor $6-$8 hr Kaneohe Ceramics 235-6116 No later than 2/1/83. No phone Area Manager needed for Windward only. Reasonable with operator/sect. ONLY calls please Call 239-5054 $11/hr 24 hours 521-9746 BASIC Ground School Circulation Department of Barbers Pt. Navy Flying PROPERTY Management - we MILITARY BATHROOM cleaning let us Club, private pilot class Growing Weekly Newspaper. - are small, but personalized 31 Jan. Registration Fee WIVES make them sparkle again for as Income & res. CRC 521-9746 Spend Easter with little as $20 including floors. B $55.00. Call 684-8221 Part Time Position. & J Ent 696-7885 mom and dad. We need parttime workers im- Openings in Kahaluu, Kaneohe, Kailua, Lanikai, FURNITURE Refinishing& OHANA HOMES SECURITY OFFICER mediately to train for our Iroquois Point, Hickam, Pearl Harbor, Mililani, Repairs, Estimates, pick-up & by TRAINING SCHOOL newly established Wahiawa, Waipahu, KMCAS, and Pearl delivery. Serving all Oahu. discount outlets. Now is 261-9705 ans. serv. Certificate program DOE lic. City/Aiea areas. Work well with children. Must the lime to start making have van, truck or station wagon. Good salary, gas Approved for VA benefits ter your STORM Damage? Roofs, extra money allowance and bonus. fence-repairs, painting, Lic. C- Classes begin Jan, 25 holiday trip home or to 08523. Pat 254-4896, eves. Job Placement Assistance bring Grandma over for a Call Pat Meador, Circulation Director, 261-2170. Call 523-6106 Hawaiian vacation. 5:30 247-8755 for interview. TOWN & COUNTRY p.m.-9 p.m. 56.00 per Professional hour /incentive plan. For BUILDERS CHt.FILES DYSART Security Services interview ask for Judy. Remodel - repair - CONSTRUCTION OBI Auahr SI #201 Honolulu. Hawaii 486-0173 custom homes. Fast Contain Homes built to Call professional service. suit your requirements. GRADUATE TO A WEIGHED DOWN BY BC-1 17 6 8. Free Esti- From $24,500 mate. 523 -6093 488-3340 8C-7828 ROUTE $5000 BONUS. INFLATION? ************************** * REDUCED RATES SERVICER MTV WE HELP! WE OFFER * 4- AT CAN * DENTAL CARE - EYE CARE * Military retiree welcome. Must have If you join today's Army for four years INSTANT CREDIT TO ALL E -1'S AND * * on *. We supply Military Personnel and their * car. Service local sports magazine and qualify for certain specialties, we'll ABOVE, ON NAME BRAND T.V.'S, * dependents with very low rates on a variety of * established routes. Sign up new stores. give you a $5000 enlistment bonus. STEREOS AND FURNITURE. * services from Eye and Dental Care to Real 4- Part-time, mornings 9-1. $500 month. * Estate and Family Protection Plans. 4- In fact, 57 different Army skills offer * * Call AFTER 4 p.m. ONLY any day NO CREDIT CHECK! * Serving the Military community * bonuses ranging from $1500 to $5000. * since 1960. * * 531L5400, 523-1002 That includes all sorts of things, from LOW DOWN PAYMENT! * Top quality professional care at low cost * learning to repair a Pershing Missile to * thru the Armed Forces Benefit * operating a laser in a tank. * and Aid Association * 5 YEAR WARRANTY! * f- * Call 455-9222 for more information * FULL/PART Plus, there's the personal satisfaction ************************* * TIME HELP that comes with doing a tough job well. The added maturity and self-confidence INSTANT CREDIT 0000000000000000000000C Armadillo Pizza is currently accepting you'll enjoy, PEARL CITY' applications for full/ FOR ALL MILITARY HEALTH SPA part time employ- To find out about all the benefits of French, Swedish, ment for delivery serving your country as you serve your- Shiatsu massages drivers. Must have self, visit your local Army Recruiter. COME BY car, insurance, * auail. at this location. and MILITARY OR CALL ... be at least 18 years or Pearl City Business Plaza older. ifA 803 Kam Highway ARMY. * * * TV & STEREO 622-3995 455-2585 Apply in person 177 S. Kam Hwy. 2810 Paa St. 88 S. Kam Hwy. Serving The Nation's Armed Forces From Coast To Coast Wahiawa $5 OFF Lic. Therapist BE ALL YOU CAN BE. t9t3oonneloonoc5ocionoonno 2203 Young St. Jan. 19, J93 (Iassifkd H .63SITUATIONS_WANTEOM/F .76 RENTALS TO SHARE RUITAIS 14 REAL ESTATEFOR SALE ijfióN 1 .114 REAL ESTATE FORSALE FURNITURE .120 FURNITURE .120 FURNITURE .120 FURNITURF (,F41 \ I icend Oy KANEOIE bLJ!JIl(&,I wcw ASSUMABLE VA Iw know wh YOUr (OF Ft L reji TItJrI,k .______L F 1jbe 3 BAR StOOlS w/papersfrom E CFI %II lernic program NT . DINING room neal bus & iioppiuiy. t.iily Condo near nterest' 3-bdrrn townhorne. loday? Call in. PARADISE II property is worth top kidney shaped. 50x29" Inkeboll ci yrs o ri,rq Liop Wrok Hand-carved oak, table w/4 chars . w uJS F month quiet tropical ravinetocition URE roim $200 Bitt (RAI & kathy (H) Linaker j. i U j ii leather seats OOSItiOfl. I. 2, $350 Call 262 261 9952 i.ii)fl 5t6 Clubview Gardens Fee a an a. rm. set, old stye. .; 5j1il,eforeiioou,)! atLtt Mike McCormack puntirug.t,arriod40x20iii.947 ---. ( . . 395-1026. 60 ----. rattan love . p m. weukeiiiJs antii 1l9.500 j Waltz (RA) 262- aIlors S750, seat St2.; 5 LONG sota. ., 48 r,s..' . . 1 -.-_ mo old Seaty Posturpedic V/ft ,t chitci, my __ MUI.UKA Wae Ciost. sleeps I38 Miko McCorrnack Realr TWIN beds (2). extra Ion frame. black yiri1l KAILUA eit:ile . 17 Broyhitl i. t1(ire, weekd.iys looking fo t,ic.h. $30 day S90 MLS 31 TAT NIMITZ bed. $250, queen wjwicker headboards. $i0O wllarge matchuriçj cult...... i4- '115 REAL I I'i qq2S student or woman w child to k 95 bdrm set likeriew $1 100 7dr n08 LOWdown&rerfl Iiiswillbu ANNOUNMELTQ USED FURNITURE each Call 487 1343 $350/best Offer II ' . . Drexel desks. $145 ea

PI'oji . ?35-4311 '---- ftiiihcJ pt no pets. Lill mat $15. Ph 262-2658, eves. ri se1an?rs seats , $175 baby crib $95, lmps. Mako 13539 otIi, ROACH Free house share 2 39 HAIKU Hate s ) 1 v n , ih fly to best hdrm queen sleeper/couch itrinQ Iii real estate needs ca a White wrought iron glass table $200 5 RATTAN couch w/oltoman near stadium, wistiei dryer. i bath. highly w iFIjAJ Lfl1C. iøtpscional can heIn outo Pt 222566 quiet adults orly 1 block to S9 5 pc. patio set $175, 7dr. pes. $195. Ph. 2354435 Furniture. sorno riFt . Call 487-2638. buy or sell your house fast tables $25 deskstrom $45and beach dressers $130 . $195'week. Daymoath Rod Vatverde (RA) Liz Bentori up: dressers. beds any size ea.. syleni. 524 .... OIIALF'TYDavcareinrny SherwoodIRA)422 7 fwtN beds $45; glass-topped f orne Calt Sherry 261 ApeardTra leinale 7646 ERA San, ln3Raftors 487 "961 or 422 ahersdrYerrOfrieratOr5 patiotable&chaurs $95 261 HOuEKAAAwA DaiyfleaRy anviike5 rocker $1 50 - irrip5, raLLies mucn ,-'-,-- ,,,,,..,..,, remale $35' per week MAILI, 4 biirm.. 2 bath. fenced 3165 North Nimitz, near '""'- lLL Etahysitinmy ownroornwith more. 261-8492, 320 Uluniu MEDITERRANEAN5tyIeIurn., like new, 1 yr reId, ii'45 'tot, 2,1. Cel 261-4332 yard. nr beach, by owner Ramada Inn and Airport VW ',c1e fr)r children 2 yrs bed. Available $250 86- St.. Kaitua 2 piece hutch, $100. dining $800 Call 499-1132 0850 open everyday 834-1080 , .jjrder HAFB423-1545 table, 4 chairS. $125; 2 lamps, . .. - ______room ------$c.t, weekly, 1 75; monthly YACHT Club rerrace 3-hdrm., GIANT FURNITURE SALE: set,bed& $50 ea.; love seat/sleep sofa BUNKBedS,$125.dnijbli' Cain nr children,2½-5 - '------.-- .- . W RKIN fernle unly. three- $150. f1oit walktobeach 2bath, ocean view, all appl.. bedroom set, color TV. stereo, $100 Call 235-1639 $20; hide-a-bed, 'JnjliI' yr . ti ijttired program Call Featuring 2 master bedroom evenings house 250 * beautifully upgraded, $120.tXlO. Kirby vacuum, tables & chest new, $175. Ph ./ LI pi qressive environment, ir; 262-935q 262-2506 sets. complete w/beds; etwOen 6 & 01 drawers & other household .. . t157 8 c#1,i1 Maytag dryer. like new, color .--.---.-bed snI, $/', l,jLF K,.a '6 98RENJALS WANTED misc. 505 Kailua Rd. A-105 SINGLE ;2.80 TV console; large selections of set, $1so: night',l,iii't S Ii ill ..lLL WATERFRONT fee simple, 1 261-3047 $$$ CASH $SS BibYSit my Mililani 262-8090 SPON LE Emp oy..d sofas, love seats and chairs p ni h "c wtdays. bdrm. complete furnished i53566,_12.2 fenced yard Cuuple seek 1-2bdrn housu. Single, double & queen beds for used fUrflitUrC -1orle away from homei 81 HOUSES FURN. Call 235-1801 DINING Rm. lahio, 4 ailue ri Lanukar close to ------Dresser w/mirror. chests, NEED a bed for i.::' P1i ii ' & 2 BORM. Katia. in Waikiki, bed S captains chairs, S I(j'j ri . __L_ . __ KANEOHE Bay Di , large beach. ned of rain in nightstands; china cabinet; 7 _ 51 the holidays? $15. 261 24.1' mower, c;0NSC'ENTIOUs entertainment home. 4 bdrrn Kaireotie Call 235-1390 $83000 25.000, Great tiving PC dinette, king size water Rattan & Wicker - Or investment' Terms! 3 bdrrri. Weekly/ntonfhly rates infiabie huosecleaning 2 bath, patio, den, private ------__ . bed; recliner; Crib w/matlress, RATTAN Art (3allr ' ' - . i'", EIIJSINESS couple wants Clubview in Kaneohe. irnmod, sizw Delivery Fl. iatahle t,isa 247-6916 gardens, hotfub,S37S-pron hotel dresser,'desk combo, & Pickup 834- 1 080 Pacrfica group a,iliil'I.' .' uitijrntshed house'cottage OCCUnCVVA FNAOr A/S coD FNcrousaner 1853595 3618 Iargeseiection f_,na,: phone urdersacceptert ______$1800. 262-7909 > 0F 1horough excI 'v" vLL,,, ,ivPiy DUStS flCflhilI KAAAWA 2hdrrn 'off I is 312 262 9653 or 942 3i86 much more, 488-1985. Behind ;-: e u ang now .it'w Sales Hawaii ... pool. ocean rnoiillairI ii r rrr rn ------. ii i 40 ACRES - small - Cutter Ford Aiea. to ' in rt_run stream openings $559 cr0 call 237-7091 __ .... COLORAp9I Ph. 677-3939 K - Near moon- ,.i'...-r e only. 254- i

8 . rn 163 PoyalPaIm D .84 HOUSESITTING Beflfuf spen beam. Pi .e 621 -8100 -.----- .i'-c ;7' ' '.,. ;R( CLEAN, neat, responsible. Excellent Allowances. k''\- ...--.,tJTI Salefolding chairs, . . - . ... . brother & sister . . -. .5 . tOOFt. lots of 900dies. 1007 Islurterilsl. WALTER ZANE e' '-'. ' ' " -s- b,, -, ..- . .c .. desire hougesifting poSition \2- Mainawli Poe' . Sal ' .: t-'- .4.; 41 Ph. 396-0677 REALTY, INC. .uuep GARA3E 6 everything goesi Lge 2-piece IflOOS ktwa SI., Kaneohe rour home/pets.- plants tender ser.tonal sofa. $4 0: dining care white you are PH. 235-6020 room b*l. SlOB: Teak & brass aw1, It so call Bobbi 531- silver - rhe*, Cost $300 make 12 after 5 p.m '108 BIJSINESS PROPERTY Offer. te rfrgeser, $75, Buridy .. FOR SALE OR RENT Oboe hardly ueed, $500 new - '85 CONOOS/TQWNHQLJSES ----- RENT OR L- mIlie cite,; baskets, hOuSO- PART. FUAN. LEASE 1çarlvoie industrial hold $ citcnen Items, hooks, area Some wicker, Some antiques, KUILIMA, 1 bdrin. on golf Warehouse - 5.300 sq. ft. course, pool, tennis courts. Open yard - 24 000 sq ft Sat 1/22. 1 I 0-rn,, 95-595 1,1:;: $450 Fi47-0631 Kariamee St. v322, Mililani. Call 247.0743. By orre Call 623-4460 or 623-1554 .88 ROOMS FOR RENT '1 14 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 'vi Sat. 1/22, .... 9-4 KIÜKIn iico house MAKIKI. 3 bdrm., 2 bath S P1 , ...., ,- . ,'.,. . 0 714 Sanitar (ir Hateav e,.r a... fi'race.Nv Housing', "ii) I i,d!i iiJiUU, 'audi, Juui, becuilLy. -shopping ctr. Ph. . real beauty of this homc. -.- Honolulu. Call 89-9770. --____-__-_--._ ----- 396-0622 eves. & weekends ROOM, board, laurrdry, . -.-- is what you don't se everything ufilify, ------phone, 1 person, $350 a S83,000 2 bdrm., 1 bath. 1st s! v8!uO 91 /1:' Kitcenware, waterhe monfh. Makekilo. 672-3659 floor end unit in Mililani close " It's extraordinary . 1,22 & 123, 121 Kihapal to pym MLS15039 Fee, Glen affordable pIli,ri' Si, Kailus RO)M nearbualine,coupleor Fontiltas (RAI 456-1 346 Beautify GARAiialeSofa,loveseat, single,00children.$200 235- Tarrngaflealty488-7769 2368 Like all pre-cut BUCKALLEW HOMES this new model was created lamos, 15" . . toys galore, color ... kVAIANAE. 2.984 acres fee, your home telovisin, stereo, clothes, LANIf Al: large bedroom for standards $120,000 Good soil good . to give you maximum savings without sacrificing our high more' 10-4 pm. Saturday rent. br mature & mellow tC,s Cathorine(R)6à- 220. with one of ' 1024 Kwnui [Jr , Kailua util -.. --.-.-- singte/couple. $350 Neil for quality and design. It has the same exclusive BUCKALLEW MOVING- Must sell immed. 682-5800/261-1370 BY OWNEft Nob Hill Ill, these exotic 1 '75 VW bus, kneoboard, bikes, For lownhse, Mililani 3 Bdrra, features that save you money on building, energy and maintenance costs ROOM rent, Single, for bath, quality upgrades plants. Ph. 395-9640 mature employed person. 2o - woods. SliOk PS calf 941-1362 wood product 730.PTSFULLY FURN. Master bedroom w.priafe Top grade natural bath, telephone ext., kitchen 44-FOCT boat slip, 2-bdrm. '18½" sIdewall overhang provides dead air space for Insulation ____i7. i bdrrn. apt. privileges, $225 per month yacht harbor view, furnished. Iaborcosts (you C8fl do much ofthe wo,k $353 plus. adults only. incls, utils. Ph. 254-2817 sacrifice $169,000 lease Judy tented time-saving fruss system cuts CafI 923 --.- -.------Anderson R) 235-0506 yourself and save even morel) ROOM For rent, view of - Lumber O_ E.NFflör.a' studio, privafe . mountain &ocean, pool, HSIkri ',osia H,rQr5 Popiar Plywood Contemporary styling suited to any area or development ben,:h VaN parking. On Prpieher, Plantations, ref & dep req M A RGAHET A.,sr.c Iroko 'Roomy floor plan features large master bedroom suite with walk-In closet, bus c'aei w-'Dption available, Pvucie BuaO - Military officersor prolession- Aoiong iiOnba Rosewooct and more. $295 '. r.Is 235-041 4. LOCKRIDOE Sepeli- Mariie Plywood private bath, large kitchen with breakfast nook much evcri,,gs at person preferred. $300 mo Ash Jeiciong ______incld. utils. 247-6804 Heal Eslate Service t Baisu Sheduo Brch Outslde deck, solar system, 1 or 2 car garage optional. You Show Spruce Fir 74AP'TS.UNFURN. \NAI-IIAWA roomgforrent Biisa Mahogany We Beech Mvnnoria rea 1(05 1 bdrm. studio, singles only, $160-$185. irtcl Transact Y2% BirCP Mapie VC1iiiOfl Manogan1, $4_$ . privite entrance & bath, utils utils., 550 California Ave 623- YOU Save Wainur Cak 45 p r sq . ft tu rn key incl.single$325 235-8896 6745or622-2857 Bihr'g5 Oak 262-5403or262-5307 Leda' Obache Wenge FiOwOOd ;,= itii;isny .. . ,,.,... TD2k Affordable attractive. enerav efficient. built to last ,i,nria.rnn,.runn... Lner,v PauPer,.) " "-' .--.. ------.-.- '.1 .- Daai Poe ZebrawooO Walni, KAHALU!j 2 bctrm apt $400 and you can start planning your new BUCKALLEW HOME Today per "ni'h pci water, call 262- eves LUMBER MAKPNI

Phone Numbar . . . 1O. v

''-r. _ . .. . _-_,__. _ r - ,, . - - - .- ' 147 1427 CldsNltioation Number For Fast Resulta . . . 3 Llnei 14.A5 1.55 15.31 for only ..i'nf lii Ulid P$ call 235-5881 To Piece

. 4bO1 . AIAInA NI NARHOhP. NI 0h744 -,. - -- - -.--- . ______Your SetvIc Dlrctory Ad 'fA n MIO'1'rCA9 Na ip al@ Ph 2354881 or 1224961 . , % , _.i a vQ - a - - e a s a a s £ a '. ,za , ,c w. 1. a t se fla S S 'a 'p f , Classified III Jan. 19, 1983

124 BABY FURNISHINGS 126 MISCELLANEOUS 126 MISCELLANEOUS 127 APPLIANCES 131 WIKI WIKI FREEBEE 146 BOATS SUPPLIES & SERV. 151 PET SUPPLIES 166 TRUCKS & PICKUPS SALES & SERVICE CRIB $40. chest-of-drawers. CERAMIC molds for sale. "NAUTILUS Real Fitness" WASHER and/or dryer $100 FREE: one-year-old dog 2 MAN Avon raft, $300; Alcort '69 DATSUN Pick-up, good LEX rocking chair, high chair, etc. Some seldom-used molds and Center, Life membership. ea. Delivery available. to a good home. sailfish. all accessories except LOVABLE Akita pups condition, newly overhauled. 262-7042, 6-8 p.m. utility shelves, reasonably Call Pat, 262-7923 p.m.s Guaranteed. Call 624-2565. Call 247-3574 sail. $150. Ph. 254-1463. for sale. good tires. $1500/best offer. priced, for more information, Sell cheap. Call soon. Call 455-9983, after 4 p.m. 625-0986 BRODIE'S FREE: 1 Persian kitten, 2 TRAILER easy loader for 20'- MISCELLANEOUS 261-5911 and 126 call evenings PING Pong FREEZER, chest type months old, part Persian and 24' boat, elec. wench. $1500. ONLY SELLS weekends. table, 555, ONE United first class round play back feature. $85. Siamese to good home. Ph. Ph. 261 -1111. PIT Bull pups for sale, $45 1966 CHEVROLET '4-ton each. Phone 845-8583, John or pickup, new 350 engine. new QUALITY TIRES! trip plus 1 companion Call 262-5370 eves. 254-2216 262-8396 plants, 3 to 5 17' upgrade to anywhere in U.S MACADAMIA nut MCKEE Craft w/seats & Molly. transmission, many extras! NO STOCK! in LIME green seat, FREE. 5 adorable 6 week old 85, OLD in Mexico 3.11 ft., tall bag. S2 each. Call love console, Mercury trailer, all $5500/best offer. 422-4706 or United cities good condition, 575. SIDE-by-side refrigerator kittens, must go. Please Help! Canada. Good Jan. 15th 373-9515. freezer $275, refrigerator 5175; rebuilt ready to go, $4000. Call AKC BOXER at stud. NO BLEMS! MililaniIV111110111 6230330 261-0932 235-6614. through June 15th. S750 di stove $175: freezer $175. Good fawn w/black mask-feet 171 MOTORCYCLES CHER Vera & SERVICE NO SECONDS! best offer. Call 262-5141 Bell Aloe WOODEN Child slide, 535, condition. 625-2355 Delivery FREE to good home. 3 yr. old !iO'31E 16 Mast. cheap If you 624-3944 after 6 p.m. and SALES Products, Close Out Sale. p.m. SEE US! 6 p.m.-9 p.m only. gym balance beam, 540; available, guaranteed. affectionate dog. Spayed, 455- have 5700 of 1,2pIrC, before 8 '74 HONDA 550CB, $700/of- COME Entire stock 50-70% OFF! All also doll house. 395-4262 5024 meat. After 5:30 or weekend., PLAY IT SAFE! MARY Kay Cosmetics for Free sales final. Call 235-8395 9-5 YELLOW neck Minialut fer. Excellent condition. Call AMANA Refrigerator. 25 cu. Phil 261-6964. 423-1715 anytime. tire prices Facial and reorder call P.m. BOYS red 20-inch wheel FREE mostly persian, refugee Macaw $300 for cage and bird. The following ft., SxS, $750; GE gold washer, male kitten, wants cat lover HOBIE 14, Mast 261-0002. include full service which is Elizabeth 262-0463 bicycle. Good condition. cond. $250; sail Call '81 YAMAHA 250 Exciter, less $225; dryer, $175; excl. roommate, no Ayatollahs. Ph. 5100; 10 spd. bike. 26" $45. Ph. worth $10 plus (mounting, MARY KAY For MEN'S 10-spd. Schwinn $35. Phone 624-9173 BREEDING Pair of green wing than 1500 miles. $1200 inclds. COSMETICS 254-3923. 254-2840 261-3189. balancing, weights, valve re-orders & FREE facials, call Varsity, $75/best offer; SCHWINN 20 inch boys Macaws, $1800 extras. 623-8914 after 5 p.m. stem, alignment inspection Yolanda 259 9021 women's bike, 3 spd., $45/best bicycle, $45. 624-5752 SEARS Frostfree refrig. FREE: Shipping boxes, Call 847-0006 '78 THE BEST HONDA Roadpal, and back-up service). Taxes otter, minor work needed on after 5 p.m. w/icemaker, 17 Cu. ft. good all sizes. PRICE r0,4 \I N iusidont COCKATIELS, young, good cond.. $150 must be added. Prices firm each. Call 235-3880. cond. $175. Ph. 261-8863 after Call 373-1567 Call 254-1463. sacrifice fur:M.410- 12.0 CU. Ft. Kenmore 6:30 p.m. New Sails; Racing & healthy, reasonable. until Sat., Jan. 22, 1983, t) Post LA/SF airline ticket, 10% off. frost/free refrig. $250; interior/ FREE: Male poi dog, lovable & Call 261-3103 One way or round trip. Phone Cruising: Repair & Recut of Sew, si3,111 wl exterior doors $20 a pc.; Zenith REFRIGERATOR. G.E. No- smart, playful. to a good home 671-1175. Ph. 621-3690, Sails: Awnings & Covers 156 AUTO PARTS & SERVICE to %, service contract. Bookshelves. Chromacolor TV $350. 262- frost, avocado, excellent eves. BIG AL'S SAVE 35 21- ""; For Boats & Homes any long box SIMMONS queen size box 4148 eves. except Sat. & Sun. condition, $215. Ph. 396-0667. FREE: Wall rock or fill, CANOPY for full NATIONAL FIRST QUALITY 9 Li- IL spring & mattress, extra firm, you haul. size pick-up, insulated, ART NELSON windows on all sides $400. APPROX. 15,000 MILES* ,.:111J iirs,cino ie $50. Call 395-3385 eves. SEARS canister vacuum Ph. 247-2710 CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONERS; 235-0610. WHITEWALL BIAS PLY T ibl 2 0:1.1 cleaner w/attachments $225; CRIB w/mattress $50, Singer New & used for sale- 136 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED SAILMAKER, INC. CYCLE PARTS Eureka electric broom $40, DISMANTLING 1978 Pontiac FULL sewing machine $25 - both with warranty. TIRE sel,, Nit_ iL1,1 good cond. 262-8390 both in good condition. 373- CASH for Lawn Mowers 537-9959 537-9950 Firebird for parts. Call 623- SERVICE .1.1 11... ItS. 111-1L11 ;st hog Service & repair on all 1766 & Outboard Motors Windward 2187. SIZE PRICE oall 111111.. laS MOVING projector 16mm Any Condition. 671-9584 makes & models of room COMMERCIAL gas dryers, 3 262-6236 262-6654 GREG'S auto repair, your (Tea Jec )1.-iti -ie., Imo Kodak-Pageant, Excl. cond., Ph. 259-5927 600.12 31.25 $450/offer. 262-6860/262-6673 air conditioners. We pay months old, slight water place or mine. Reasonable 94 -147Q Leokane St. pc lc c'1311 II 1V, 2 148 LAWN & GARDENING A78-13 32.50 broken damage. Phone 671-1175 KAMA'AINA rates. Guaranteed. Ph. 677- P') 395 FOR Sale, cash for used & WAIPAHU Kenmore sewing USED FURNITURE 12 HP Sears lawn tractoi, 6624. B78-13 33.50 s. air conditioners. KENMORE washer & dryer, machine, 40 stitches, portable Now buying all types of grader blade. cart, rote 36.00 with case, excellent cond. 488- good cond., $400 for pair. Ph. TOYOTA Reclining seats, $75 078-14 '3 I OR Y, 7 IC :I!' filly CALL AIEA furniture. Top cash. 488-1985 tiller, 51200. Ph. 235-2500 Our Prices Are 5468 263-4022 each; Toyota twin cam engine, E78-14 37.00 turwshed hula dal; Way house. 254 1902. AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGE freezer Gibson WANTED To buy: used $1150. Phone 235-6026 Below Retail' 41.00 5350. C.111 GAS lawn mowers for sale. 151 PET SUPPLIES F78-14 Frostfree green 10 trampoline or rebounder, Come See Us! Reel & rotary. CHEAP. Call cubic foot SALES & SERVICE FLATBED (w/pipe rack) for G78-14 42.50 AT LAST! Drop by and pickup 487-7479 food 2'.. cubic foot freezer call after 5:30 235-5546 Monty at 623-7074 small truck, $200 or offer. Call H78-14 45.00 any of NEO-LIFE excl. health _; - dogs & cats. 14 MISC. ()Melia' wad.; $125. 254-3903 WE BUY used furniture. We GROOMING 261-8109 products. Mon.-Fri. 9-1. 333 SCUBA tank, $50; backpacks; redwood ply. After 5:30 of years experience. Large, small 560.15 38.50 Auwinala, Kailua. Ph. 261- bumper pool table Early 129 TVS. STEREOS pay cash and pickup. Call 261- FOUR White spoke rims & $50; weekends Phil, 261 -6961. 8492 or 247-1937. or poi breeds. Introductory 600-158 33.00 8937 ' American desk $100. 262-7953 Contact Sandy at tires, VW 4 lug, $300. Ph. 262- SONY Betamax video cassette 1983 SANSUI stereo w/amp, offer: 1/2 off. 42.50 Dogpatch 945- 7778/254- 8504 mornings SUZUKI G78-15 LOSE Weight/not your health. GE sauna heater $295; air recorder, SL 5400, $400, Baby turntable, tape deck in glass NEED wheelchair The in good H78-15 44.75 Phone 261-8937 or drop by 333 conditioner 6000 BTU $125; case, less than 5 mos. old, condition, 2311 161 AUTOS WANTED "WE HANDLE crib $100. 396-0622 Call 48,25 Auwinala. Kailua, 9-1 kamada cooker $60; black brand-new $1500, asking 235-3350 AKC Yorkshire Terrier, 2 178.15 KIRBY Vacuum, like new. cost HAWAII" vinyl recliner $95. 262-4802. $800. Call 262-7731 141 BUILDING SUPPLIES female puppies. After 5 p.m. FIRST QUALITY* $900, must sell $300. Call 941- call: 422-8627 DESPERATE AURORA ROY'S CEILING fans, new & used, 1784, 455-5841 130 ANTIQUES NORFOLK Pine for sale, DEMONSTRATOR AND APPROX. 30,000 MILES* sale. PART beagle puppies, multi- WE NEED YOUR CAR LAWNMOWER REPAIR $49, clearance Tool box 30 "x15 ". $30 or best offer for STEEL RADIALS for small pickup. 942-3600. VACUUM CLEANERS with ANTIQUE Barrel-top desk, colored, already wormed, $35 PAID 160 OR NOT USED MOTORCYCLE BLACK 'Free Estimate" guarantee, Call old, Victorian era, each. Ph. 235-4206 $24.95 & up. 120 years Grace 254-2264 eves. & IMMEDIATELY!! CLEARANCE (SR-800, SR-807) Lawn mowers lor sale WASHER, $135; 13" color TV, 456-4211 excellent condition, very large 144 MUSIC SALES AND weekends GIVEN at 155-12 $36.00 Rotary $75. Reel SI25 $285; hand mower, $25. RAINBOW storage drawers. Must see to TOP DOLLAR Vacuum, cost $800, SERVICE CUTE, lovable, 6 wk old '82 GS75QT #1763 Guaranteed. Phone 262-0324 must sell $295. Call 923-7943, appreciate, $1000/offer. Ph. WHOLESALE MOTORS 155.13 37.75 eves. FUN Machine Organ iry poi dogs, $10 ea. 4 cyl.. 5 speed 259.5927 LARGE Rattan bar w/2 stools, 456-4213 237-8030 2999 N Nimit2 Hwy. 1361222 165.13 42.75 recorder, brand new, $800 or Call 622-1831 only beer keg refrigerator, both for SURFBOARDS, 6'5", 5150' 131 WIKI WIKI FREEBEE $2499 185-14 50.50 $400. Ph 262-6833 best offer. Call 696-7124. DINING & 8 5'1" $180; 5'2" $120; 5'7" $100. Table, w/3 leaves FREE. Pitt bull/bull terrier, YAMAHA Electone 165-15 45.25 5300, glass bathtub 262-8504 mornings. organ. like '82 GS650GL chairs, female. black. 11/2 years, good new w/too many features to #6993 175/70-13 42.25 door, $50, toy chest, $8. Ph. FREE PICKUP RAINBOW Bag's new w/children. Ph. 696-3442. extras, Shaftdrive 261-8479 list. $2500 inclds. 623- Surgery 185/70.13 49.75 S CASH S luxury chair, $99 each. FREE 40 gal. hot water heater, 8914 after 5 p.m. DSO's Auto cruiser. 185/70.14 48.25 AMERICAN Airlines 1st class - Phone 456-5737 excl. cond., changing to solar. only for good used furniture 146 BOATS SUPPLIES & SERV. $2399 anywhere American flies. SEARS Plush carpet 27" U-Haul. Call 254-3461. 1711 SILVA STREET TOYO Offer. 536-0442 Rattan, wicker & beds long, $150; 25" color pic- FREE: Dachshund/Pomerian 14' HOBIE Cat, trailer and ali SEMI-PREMIUM QUALITY* or ture tube, never $10. accessories--good '82 SP250Z #2884 THREE Roman window 261-8492 used. mix, 1 yr. old, neutered, 1 adult condition Major Collision Repair - Insurance Work APPROX. 40,000 MILES* 499-2881 Call 261-4941 On/off road shades, 5 ft. wide; golf cart; 247-1937 male tabby; 1 part Persian & - BLACK STEEL RADIALS male kitten. Ph. 395-9640 Quality Paint Body Mechanical Enduro electric blanket. 262-4113 AQUARIUM for sale! (Z-12, Z-25) Call Lynn Air Brush Work - Restorations only $1399 ORNAMENTAL wrought iron KIRBY Vacuum cleaner w/rug FREE: Cats. Many to choose 155-12 44.00 landing, stair railing, shampooer, handi-butler 262-0446 from! Healthy, good mousers Going to OREGON to Prices 145-13 45.00 gate, $145/offer. 625-0865 attachments, buffer, rug rake, CORONAMATIC 2500 Pupukea Kitty Farm. 638-8198. buy a new car or Guaranteed Work at Discount '81 GS250TX #6583 $350. Call 671-1488. 46.00 Elec. 1 yr. old 155.13 '79 PUCH 2-speed, 30 MPH typewriter, FREE: Spayed kitty, mouse pickup? 2 cyl.. elec. start, excl. cond. $210. 422-7303 165.13 51.00 plus. Lock, extras. Like MICROWAVE oven, Sears. catcher, needs home w/atten- -contact- DAN WIGHTMAN- JOE SANTARONE, Owners choice. 5 Best, 3-stage memory, $650 tion & love. Ph. 254-5712 175.13 52.00 new. 395-2200 after p.m. PORTABLE hot tub/spa ROBERTS & REDFIELD only $799 new, $350; vinyl-padded bar, 1 yr. old, like new. Not FREE: Full grown cat to good 847-5212 175.14 57.25 YOUTHBED crib combo, no brown oval rug, 9x12, PORTLAND mattress, good cond. wal $35; exposed to weather. Good home, just spayed, loving 165-15 57.00 fringed, $35. Call 263-4029 deal at $2500. Consider Write for price lists and '80 GS450L #8628 child carft. Call 422-6577 nature, call 523-5730 WHITEWALLS (Z-12,2-25) anytime. trade. 456-9594 full information One owner SCHWINN bicycle, 26 inch FREE: Adorable black male ANY MAKE - ANY MODEL 155.13 50.75 WHEELCHAIR. Ph. 261- machine. men's, 10 speed. excellent kitten, 6 six weeks old Delivered road rested at condition, $75. 623-2093 excellent condition. 5264. only s966 165.13 56.00 $95. Call 235-2619. HEATHKIT Portland international Airport CUTTER FORD 175-13 57.00 CRIB, mattress. bumper FOUND near Pali Golf Course, ROBERTS & REDFIELD EXTRA Large 4 drawer roll kitten, TRUCKS & TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 175-14 63.00 pads. Good condition, $75. Automatic adorable black male Suite '4102 '78 TS250 #8320 Call 623-6269 after 5 p.m. away tool box, good' cond approximately 6 weeks old. '68 TOYOTA '74 DASHER 185.14 64.75 6629 N.E. 82nd 51799 5650 2 stroke Enduro. $195 /best offer Call 254-1657 Garage Door Ph. 261-5264 51899 '395 Parts only, 165.15 62.75 DELUXE dinette set with four Portland. Oregon only $599 heavily-upholstered chairs WEIGHTS 300+ lbs. $225; 10 Openers FREE: German Shepherd pair 74 LINCOLN 79 TOYOTA BLACKWALLS 70 SERIES 97220 01995 4 51805 51650 $125! 235-0714 speed bike $35. Call Kenny need good home together 11/2 51898 dr., 247-6962 evenings. yr. old. 262-6285. 15031 257-0551 '81 PE250X #0243 (Z-709, Z-718) THE Bower Bird Consignment Conveniently located Just '64 PLYMOUTH VALIANT '79 FAIRMONT double 6 drawer CLOSEOUT A super dirt 165/70.13 55.50 Gallery, golf clubs from $25 & CONTEMPO. FREE to good home, healthy 1891 '395 CLINC111121 '995 & bottom 3 minutes from Airport! bike. only... 51 I 175/70.13 56.75 up; dbl. dressers from $50; dresser, $75; top Puppies. 6 weeks old, Golden OU table, $75. Ph. 456- $149 '73 MUSTANG '76 MUSTANG GHIA trundle bed, $150; dinette set coffee Retriever/mix. Ph. 261-2887 185/70-13 61.75 3421. 2 dr., :41890 11995 51793 $850 from $95. queen size bed $150; Amateur Radio MANY MORE SUPER 185/70.14 64.25 drop-in oven & range $225; BABY QUILTS, '69 VW BUG 78 BOBCAT S/W VALUES TO CHOOSE 195/70-14 67.75 Port. dishwasher $125, organ, a nice gift. Equipment 51875 1957 51773 $750 $100: we have all sorts of Ph. 235-2360. FROM. CALL NOW. WHITEWALLS Floor Samples '79 PINTO 76 PINTO gadgets to help lose weight, P METRIC SERIES ENTERTAINMENT Center - HAWAII CYCLE, INC. 3 dr., 51855 1995 3 dr., 51768 ... '1250 COME IN TODAY .. plus stereos, antiques, Receiver, cassette deck, (Z-6, Z-751) surfboards & many, many 10% OFF '77 LTD 11 '68 DODGE DART turntable, speakers, New and Used Parts zrais 1350 DOWNTOWN SUZUKI 185/80.13 61.50 other items. Ph. 261-4811 set, $500. 262-6627 2 dr., 51820 '1450 Shop Early For Ph. 536-7023 175/75.14 60.25 TAN. nylon shag carpet, 160 10 a.m -8 p.m. Accessories PRI Towing '72 MARK IV '77 VEGA S/W 1759 51697 1995 WAHIAWA SUZUKI 65.25 sq. yards. 3 yrs. old, $100. Ph ONE Unopened can Billy Beer. Best Selection P1897 185/75-14 623-1610. Storage Ins. Est. Ph. 621-5543 195/75-14 69.25 excl. condition, Make offer 73 PLYMOUTH '74 NOVA TYPEWRITER Smith Corona, 1020 Aoloa Pl. #409-B, Kailua, bisi3 1295 41696 lagElA KANEOHE SUZUKI 205/75-14 73.25 electric portable $100. Call HI 96734. HEATHKIT We Service & Repair Oiler good Ian. 59 to 23 Ph. 254-3343 215/75-14 81.00 422-5968. HOME Computer, Atari 400, 98-1254 Kaahumanu All Makes of Motorcycles 98.015 Kam Hwy., AIEA * Ph. 487-3811 'Montgomery Motors' 195/75-15 72.50 GLASS Bricks. 8"x8" brand new, never opened, 205/75-15 77.75 $4.00 each. warranty intact, $250 422- St., Times Square 81.25 Phone 262-6860 or 262-6673 1587. 215/75-15 Shopping Center 225/75-15 88.75 OLYMPIC QUEEN bed, incl. spread, Firing kiln, 2010 Democrat 847-1553 80.75 271/2" x331/2", $450. sheets, bed sack, frame, $225. HR78-14 696-9672. Hardly used. Phonemate, $95. Ph. 623-0618. 487-0029 LR78-15 91.75 N We're Looking for MICHELIN PREMIUM QUALITY* TOYOTA CITY :\--',-,PeopleWho Need APPROX. 50,000 MILES* BLACK STEEL RADIALS 231U Kam Hwy. 848-1811 GOOD USED CAR! 4- (ZX, -XZX) 145.10 45.50 DATSUN ( ANYONE CAN AFFORD OUR DEALS! '77 PLYMOUTH '77 -. 155-12 56.75 VOLARE 8210 USED CAR SPECIALS 155-12W 70.00 '74 PLY. S/W '77 MAZDA GLC '76 DODGE ASPEN 145-13 52.25 Custom, Auto.. p/s. Auto.. Auto.. p/s. 55.50 H/B 155-13 000 '77 OLDS '74 OLDS #8007 $888 #7932 sl 1 86 #8006 $1421 165.14 72.00 BND617 I 000 ABB902 $2488 Cutlass Cutlass 175.14 78.00 2 dr.. auto 2 dr.. auto. 84.25 '75 VW RABBIT '76 DATSUN '77 VW RABBIT 185.14 AAA066 51810 A00659 $1425 155-15 69.00 '75 LINCOLN '80 GLC 4 spit . 4 sod.. Auto.. Sunroof. #7833 °1441 #7998 °1661 #7982 s1881 165-15 75.25 I MARK IV '76 MONTE '76 CHRYSLER 175-15W 109.50 3 dr CARLO Cordoba STEEL RADIAL 2 dr., auto. AUDI FOX '80 TOYOTA TERCEL '78 TR SPITFIRE WHITEWALL P SERIES B0D093 BNS389 $3088 2 dr.. auto.. /6 I 52388 BNJ433 1133U AX13966 51350 Auto.. 4 spd . 4 spd.. (XIX) #8012 $2001 tam s3001 #8004 '3001 155/80.13B 55.50 TOYOTA '78 FAIRMONT 165/75-13 65.75 '79 LTD '75 CAMARO '79 '78 CADILLAC 165/80-13B 60.50 Corolla 4 dr., auto. '80 CITATION '78 TOYOTA CELICA 175/75-13 68.50 AOT339 ELDORADO 2 dr., auto. 51900 Auto.. p/s. 4 dr.. auto.. p /s. 175/75-14 75.25 WAGON $41 clic Aulo . p/S. air.. KBN787 #7525 $3495 #7822 $2950 ... #8001 54561. STEEL RADIAL BAW782 BF4167 $2188 '76 HONDA BLACKWALL METRIC 70 $3088 81 CHEV. TOYOTA cucc S/W '81 AMC CONCORD 80 DATSUN 200 SX SERIES (XIX) '80 MONTE CARLO Tercel auto. 5/W. auto.. pis. air. 5 spd.. Auto.. p/s. air.. 165/70-13 66.50 1 '81 SUBARU '80 MAZDA ARF976 $1735 #7879 s4705 #7983 54801 3 dr.. H/B. #7812 $6795 175/70-13 74.25 auto. WINA $3525 .1 DELUXE S/W RX7 185/70-14 88.00 I 4 W 71 TOYOTA STEEL RADIAL drive '80 FAIRMONT Corona WINDWARD TOYOTA WHITEWALLS P SERIES 1 4 dr. 2 dr.. auto. (X, XA) A4V831 MCW289 $7488 auto. Corner of Kam &Prices good till Jan. 25, 1983Subject To Prior Sale. $4988 6 cyl. 730 BBG734 5735 Likelike Hwys. PH. 235-0068 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 185/80-13 8025 185/75-14 82.50 *en. WAIPAHU'S SHELLY MAZDA Subject to prior sale. Offer good till Jan. 25. 1983 195/75-14 95.00 NIP 94-212 Leoku St., Waipahu 677-0761 205/75.14 101.50' AP Urots Subiecr to Poor Safe Aer 215/75.14 105.75 Finance Available On Approved Credit. imiimIllimmummnimm====m1P 225/75.14 106.25 BUY THESE CARS AT 205/75.15 100.25 101111111M111111111111INIIIIM MEN 111111111111 ICoupon 111111111111111111M111111N11111=11111111N1111 215/75.15 107.50 225/75-15 111.25 BELOW 235/75-15 116.75 $1000 STEEL RADIAL DOE EMEglIONDAYDRIMEM U BLACKWALLS HI KELLY RETAIL BLUE BOOK PERFORMANCE 1 METRIC SERIES (TRX) U 165,/70R365 99.00 '62 COUGAR STATION I U WAGONS 190/65R390 110.50 1979 RE-7 220/55R390W 110.50 toe I 2.1 Sharp & below wholesale blue book

$5825 COOPER PREMIUM U U 1978 CORVETTE QUALITY* DOMESTIC U U ,36o7 II silver wired solemn Stop BIAS 4 PLY WHITEWALLS $9685 Bill Long Terry Uyehara Alan Kiyonaga A78-13 40.00 1978 DATSUN 8-210 878-13 41.25 I Director Parts & Service Service Supervisor Parts Supervisor U 12621.21085 miser C78-14 43.00 U $2450 E78.14 44.75 U U F78.14 46.25 116s COUGAR G78-14 48.75 U Don Lucas Honda 1 4-011. Presents H78-14 51.50 I Electrical System Test Cooling System Service 1 078-15 49.00 U U 1982 CAMARO 2 -DR H78-15 52.00 1. Pressure test cooling system for leaks L78-15 56.25 U 1. Scope engine-includes minor 2. Inspect & tighten all hoses. $9175 3. Inspect cap, radiator, water U adjustments 45-671 Kamehameha Hwy. radiator U 'Les Brodie Duality Designation 2. Starting system test-includes testing pump, thermostat Mlleage expected on smaIlet cars U alternator, regulator, starter & battery Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 4. Refill with anti freezer U under average Newell driving U U condition. Ph. 247-8544 MOST CARS COME WITH AIR, POWER STEERING, RADIOS AND MORE. plus tax $22.50 plus tax $15.95 OF FROM. LEX BRODIE'S We also service all WIDE SELECTION OTHER USED CARS TO CHOOSE domestic and foreign automobiles. TIRE CO. U U Honolulu 701 Queen St. Coupon must be presented -41.ii--"P 836-0033 Open Mon.-Sat. 8-5 Ph. 536.9381 Expires Jan. 31, 1983 C= PFLU EGER FRI. 9. 9SAT. 9 7 SUN. 10 6 U 2901 N. NIMITZ HWY. MCM _AUMIHONDAIVOLUV12,11 LINCOLN MERCURY Waipahu near Gem Stoic. U "Jr Open Tues.-Sat. 8 5 lad 671.4561 / 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111CouPon111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MMIll Jan. 19, 1983 Classified IV 171 MOTORCYCLES SALES & SERVICE DODGE FIAT FORD MERCUR Y OLDSMOBILE TOYOTA TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN '78 HONDA Hawk 400cc, good '70 FORD Cony., needs '64 DODGE 4-dr. Polara, 318 3. F IAT body '80 TOYOTA '70 CORONA Deluxe 4 '81 RABBIT Diesel, A-1 cond., cond., $500 or best offer. Call work, runs good. MUS r SELL. ' /4 Mercury, runs '78 CUTLASS Supreme, T-top, ton longbed dr 836-7885 engine, good running cond. Ext.:011,mit eu:.(116,.ps Make offer. pickup, w/black plastic sedan, auto., good tires, good 45 mpg, 4-dr.. 27,000 ml., cloth Ph. 239-9303 good, looks good, no rust, loaded with extras. Ph. 546- bed Family transportation, i oold. ,11110agii, $11,300 to mainland, first 7229 or 623-5556 6 guard, new white paint & tires, cond., low mileage, $815. 395- interior, $5000/best otter. 625- '77 KZ1000, Faring, rack, going after $350/of ter. 239-9878 Call 455-2/48 eve.s. it. 254-2686 chrome bumper & hubs, 2142 0986. mags, low mileage, $2200. Ph. '73 TORINO, all power, 2-door, $700 /utter takes anytime. AM/FM cassette, $4900. Russ 948-6474; 734-8418, Pat. good condition, $500. 1970 DODGE Swinger, engine Ph. 262-6145 PLYMOUTH 235-8292 '77 TOYOTA Corona, '75 HONDA CB 250, new tires, recently rebuilt, asking $600 or FORD 2 dr., 4 spd., $1800. VOLVO battery, recent tune. safety best offer. 235-1493 '79 CELICA GT. 5 spd. low mi., Ph. 623-3670 inspection, mains. manuals HONDA MG '72 PLYMOUTH Valiant, slant excl. cond. sunroof, p/s p/b, '67 VOLVO, 122 station.wagon, Ph. 235-1818, incl.. $500/of ter. 672-8073 74 LTD $200. '70 & '71 Van six, excl. mech cond , auto., AM/FM. 373-4764. 923-6233. parts/whole '78 HONDA Civic, 5 spd., air. power steering, well maintain- 235-1390 $150 each. 75 MG Midget, excellent TRIUMPII AUTO ANNOUNCEMENTS DATSUN AM/FM cassette stereo, good ed, $650 '72 TOYOTA Corona, new 173 Charles 949-5261 mornings condition, $2400. Phone 257- fresh tune-up /otter. cond., $2895/offer. 262-7669 Call 621-8244 eves. transmission, needs paint, '79 SPITFIRE, $3950. Call Glen '70 VOLVO, 4 dr. sedan, WILL lease 82 Chrysler Le '80 DATSUN 810 wagon, low 6348, days. or 254-5633 eves. auto.. very good cond. '75 GRAN Torino, 4 dr., auto., $650. Call 261-3047. DWH 257-2284, AWH 263- Baron convertible. Leather mileage, immaculate cond. '78 ACCORD LX, white, air, 4248 Call 395-3385 interior, Dolby stereo. Less fully loaded, $6950. Call 623- needs some work, $600/offer. '77 MGB, excl. cond., AM/FM '81 TOYOTA Tercel, 5 spd. Call 263-4061 Michelins. $4400 Call 261- than 10,000 miles - well kept. In 7633. 1111. cassette. new Michelin, new PONTIAC excl. cond. 1 owner, 17,000 top shape. Call Ken 235-5883 '76 PIN TO Wagon, exhaust, must sell $3700/ miles. best offer. 734-4286. VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO Friday. '80 HONDA Accord 4-door, HAWAII or 261-4854 after '76 280Z. sunroof, Alpine $1000 or offer. offer. Call 261-4069 after 5 69 PONT. Tempest excl. leaving, fully loaded, auto., excellent pan. '71 TOYOTA Corolla, excel- '73 VW SUPER Beetle. 174 RENT A CAR stereo, Porsche red, Phone 235-3013 running cond. & interior, new 487-7974 Ph. condition, $5900. 422-7646 lent transportation car new paint, new clutch, make offer. 922-3754. tires, $850. 395-9632 HAWAII Discount Rent A Car '76 FORD Mustang, '79 MGB, AM/FM cass.. $750/best offer. 262-2707 $2195. Call 487-7031 98075 KAM HWY. $12 a day, $47 a week, $120 a '78 DATSUN 8210, 1 owner, hardtop, new brakes, excl. 8 cyl., air, best offer '74 TOYOTA. 2 dr.. standard, VW Scirocco '79, air, stereo, '63 CORVETTE ROAD- mo., 12 to 15 seater vans, no rust, new radials. 1750 Phone 235-0381 MAZDA cond., $4995. Call 625-1860. '80 GRAND Prix SJ, fully $450/cash only. Call days, cassette, alarm, $5700/best . wagons. Collision waiver 30 MPG excl cond. 247-4836 loaded, all leather interior, 254-4739. Save C1 op Ohrnrpdlde tedleyorestoree extra. Call 526-9100. 81 4 offer. 261-3227 hard '75 PINTO, MAZDA 626, dr.. AM/FM, '77 MG MIDGET, red, new excl. cond. Ph. 262-2852 . _ tires, new air, perfect condition, 16,000 paint, interior & running cond. '80 TERCEL, good condition, 13 112 WAGON, 175 VANS. CAMPERS & JEEPS '77 280Z. Michelin good engine, needs some good ik.) 1/. '79 TRANS AM CON- struts, good cond.. $5500 or Ph. 262-2872. miles. $6900 262-0494. excl. low mileage, $3100 262- $3000. Call 262-5634 after 4:15 engine needs w',rk '1600 '78 Van, work. $300. DODGE good engine, best offer. 624-6564, 449-9490. 8083. p.rn. offer. Ph. 188-0323 VERT,shRTa.rpHard to lind. body work complete, you '80 PINTO 3-door Runabout, TOYOTA '5995 paint. Best offer over $1500. 37,000 miles, excellent MERCEDES '77 MGB, maroon/silver, excl. Call 262-7669. $2750. Ph. condition. New clutch, fuel '79 RX7 FIAT condition Moving. TOYOTA Coronas, 2, 60, '70 262-4579. '67 MERCEDES 200. auto., and water pump, rustproofed. a/c. stereo. auto '77 DODGE 12 passenger van, 4 dr. autos., 3RC engines BRITISH SPECIALISTS, INC. 30 FIAT Spider 2000, 0 ,:pd.. excellent condition, $2900/ Tonneau cover, lots of TLC. tow miles propane powered. $2500 or '66 MUSTANG convert., 6-cyl., offer. Must sell. 262-8986 $3500. Ph. 926-3936. $325 both 235-4002 best offer. Ph. 262-5227 fuel injected, low mileage, AM/FM stereo cassette, auto., power, lacquer paint '76 JAGUAR XJC Coupe. 176 AUTOS FOR SALE 56300:offer. Ph. 671-2020. $3950/offer. 235-1034 low miles. MG Triumph. British hardd find m '8595 Austin. Jag does not BUICK have Is R XJ12Silver equal low mites. a /c. '82 BUICK Regal Diesel, 2-dr., broken stereo. immac. '7595 a/c, cc, stereo, tilt wh.. dual CUTTER DODGE a:t.' mirror, split seats, reclines, DATSUN n spd., a/c. wire wh., rustproofed, 11,000 stereo. cons mi., $9000 firm. 293-1930 ur '70 DODGE Dart 1912 Wilikina Dr., Ph. 621.0761 293-5055 OF WAHIAWA '80 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2 dr.. BJN125 Cutter Dodge Sale $495 FLTI200. low miles. fully dressed. '78 BUICK Skyhawk, V6, 4 46 026 Alaloa St. big saving spd., p/s, p/b, AM/FM, air '76 DATSUN B210 compared to new =4795 cond. $2500. Call 499-1494. 2 dr., BJS596 eurt, Dodge Sale $595 KANEOHE a'h7g4ineT.-.Brkl.RdhpadNeeds a little '77 BUICK Skyhawk, excl. NEW & USED CARS Behind Sears cond. asking $2800. Call 624- '69 DATSUN 510 5832. transportation. only =495 4 dr. wagon. AUE913 Cutter Dodge SaleS 695 Discount To Military all cars will have an 18 month CHEVROLET '73 PLYMOUTH Scamp warranty available. Military BAJ007 Cuiter Dodge Sale s695 235-1818 linancinq welcome '67 CHEV. Corvair, automatic, $450. Pls. call 235-0955 eves. & PLYMOUTH Valiant weekends. '72 si In= 4 dr.. A0X906 Cutter Dodge Sate' I IG u... LOW WAIPAHU AUTO '55 CHEVY 2-dr. coupe, 4-spd. AS AS 350. center lines, needs paint. '80 HONDA CN400T Motorcycle CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE As is $3000 /offer. 637-6946 DOWN '69 CHEVY Impala, 2-door, 18BXBN wt.' Dodge 5.1, $ 1 595 Division of Servco PRICES 6000 671-2871 Pacific excellent running condition, Inc. Jan. 19 Ihru Jan. 23 great body, 8-track stereo. '78 AMC Pacer Wagon s i mem $600. 261-0634 ARF5UR Cutter Dodge Sate 1 iJOIJI '73 PLYMOUTH S/W TOWN '76 EL Camino, sports classic, '77 TOYOTA Corolla 58. auto.. p/s. ATW770 5895 fully equip., excl. cond. extras BJV665 '74 FURY $4800. 621-7486. Cutter Dodge Sate $ 1 695 s895 4 dr., VB. auto.. pis. 401894 '75 CAMARO, auto. 8 cyl., '77 DODGE Aspen mags, good cond., $1100. Call BRE764 Cutter Dodge Sele$ 1 695 '74 MALIBU HONDA 254-1323, ask for Kevin, 2 dr hardtop. V8, auto.. p/s. BAE391 5895 evenings. '76 BUICK Custom Wagon BEIV413 Cutter Dodge Sat. 9795 '76 SUNBIRD auto.. pls. 88,1001 s1295 CLASSICS Offer good Jan. 19 to 23 USED CARS & ANTIQUES Vehicles Subject to Prior Sale 8 Sold As Is '76 CELICA GT Military Financing Our Specially Coupe. 5 sod_ ERC068 s1395 1915 T-Bucket Kit car, willing First Hawaiian Bank/Bank of Hawaii Financing Plus Tax 8 Lic. to make trade for Toyota or CHEVETTE truck plus 922 Kam Hwy.. Pearl City (Across Pearl City Tavern) '78 WAIPAHU Datsun Pickup 455-1071 4 dr.. auto.. 80E679 cash. Ph. 235-2471 Mon.-Sat. 8:30-9, Sun. 8:30-6 $1995 '77 CAMARO auto.. p/s. 890682 $2095 677-9167 '77 MONTE CARLO If& auto p/s p/w, a/c. 968325 $2195 DOWN '74 PONTIAC '81 DATSUN B210 ME13 341 $2895 CATALINA 4dr. Good transportation. '80 TERCEL $495 COMING UP TO 60 MONTHS FINANCING OAC 2 dr . auto. 688822 '3095 05307.2 '80 FORD FAIRMONT '73 DATSUN 4 dr.. 38. auto.. p/s. BA11425 $3295 P/UP TRUCK NEW HONDAS NOW WITH CLA.NIPC... FINANCING '80 DATSUN 8210 S/W Old work hand truck. 83 auto 101F376 $3395 tf5526-2 £795 PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY '80 CITATION AND RECEIVE SPECIALIZE IN MILITARY FINANCING 2 dr., coupe. auto.. 4. p/s. APS537 53495 '75 FORD YOU CAN ALSO TAKE CAR TO THE MAINLAND '81 DATSUN B210 TORINO 4 dr auto M00320 s3495 4-dr. Good transportation. PAID FOR OR NOT OAC stereo. new tires. '80 FORD FAIRMONT 09-1285 $895 $1500* S/W, auto.. 6 cyl.. p/s. a/c. AYU582 $4595 ON DELIVERY 0- 1980 DATSUN 210 WAGON '78 HONDA 750 Si* '81 AMC CONCORD D/L TO SPEND AS YOU WANT! auto., a/c, Sale Price $4580.80 auto.. p/s. a/c. 890101 $4595 MOTORCYCLE $230 cash down incl. tax & Iic. Faring EVEN APPLY IT TO YOUR DOWN PAYMENT! Many More to Choose From Corvettes. Cutlass Supreme. Windjammer. $124.76 60 month financing saddlebags Sp. Accord H/B & 5 Sp. Accord LX Grand Prix, Trucks, 94729 Farrington Hwy. 5 23 8f , A P R 95570-2 S895 DON'T WAIT SUPPLY LIMITED '72 DATSUN OFFER ENDS SUNDAY JAN. 23 4:00 P.M. 1200 Tranf portalion Special. #9.1190.1 THE PUBLIC $995 NOTICE '80 YAMAHA MOTORCYCLE 400-SPECIAL. Tony Honda of Waipahu n4752.1 authorized soles. service. ports You don't really hove a Honda 'tit you hove a Tony Hondo Honda" '72 TOYOTA 94.081 Farrington Highway Phone: 671-1761 CORONA 2-dr. Classically CREDIT UNION clean. 0567B $1295 MaZ.Da 1983 '72 VOLVO S/W: Nice family car. ME ERS good on gas. RX7 it' 05018-2 $12a5: di P '71 BUICK 2-dr.. brown. GS.s 295: on nice sporty car 1 BUDGET CAR SALES IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE NEGOTIATED A VERY '74 HONDA N ow SPECIAL CREDIT UNION MEMBER DISCOUNT PROGRAM WITH MOST OF -.04--- '9875 CIVIC \;\ HAWAII'S CREDIT UNIONS. White 05252 $1 595 '79 DODGE


s--- 1464S VOLARE kAt. bib-- TYPES OF CARS AVAILABLE: 4-dr., clean. new$, 895 'V paint. 08-1286 I '9875 5% _ Chevy Cavalier Mazda 626 f),\ -k- ''''''\14 ICkV '78 PLYMOUTH Chevy Chevette Plymouth Champ VOLARE Chevy Monte Carlo Renault Le Car 4dr.. blue. 95426-1111 Chevy Citation Ford Mustang fat wholesale Blue Book USED CAR SPECIALS Chevy Camaro Ford T-Bird price] $ 1900 Ford Escort S/W Olds. Cutlass '71 OLDS low mi.. auto.. Olds. Omega Ford Futura SAVE GRAND PRIX stereo. air.. IA1188371 '82 Dodge Aries Merc. Lynx 5 Drs. & S/W CUTLASS 2 dr.. to_ stereo. 2-dr.. cleanest In town. $5475 '80 GRAND PRIX I Datsun 210 & 310 Merc. Zephyr low miles. new tires. looks Convlble. 4 !pd.. stereo. luggage Datsun 200 SX Merc. Cougar 4 Dr. & S/W $4475 '79 MGB rack. IAPW6301 09new.-1313 Datsun Merc. Capri 3 Dr. & 2 r.. stereo. power windows 210 S/W G.T. $2975 '79 CORDOBA t MdrER.. Iai291 Toyota Tercel Volks. Rabbit Convt. '77 DODGE Satan wagon. auto. air. stereo. Toy. Corolla S/W Merc. Marquis 4 Dr. & S/W P/U TRUCK $4375 '79 LE MANS 18.1F3491 Honda Accord Lincoln Continental air.. 10-t1121T $1995 $3375 '78 MONTE CARLO 18auto..1419081 Honda Civic 3 & 4 Dr. Lincoln Town Car Fairmord. 4dr.. auto.. Honda Prelude Lincoln Mark VI '72 TRIUMPH . $2575 '78 FORD air. glAW7691 . 2 dr.. auto.. air.. Mazda G.L.C. 3 Dr. & S/W SPITFIRE Si G#rge&rrt. 675 '77 MONARCH stereo. 19011308 $1995 Wagon. auto. stereo. $1675 '76 MAZDA [2.PY3321 '75 OLDS Civic 2 dr.. 4 sod.. $1975 '75 HONDA stereo. IAAF456I STARFIRE $575 '75 FORD Torino 2 dr . auto.. air_ IATR1251 1:251-art. s 2195 $2075 '74 VW BUt 4 spd.. stereo. laEJ1421 .. Budget $975 '74 MUSTANG auto.. radio.latiV8321 '76 FIAT X-19 Sunroof. fresh paint. Mach I Fastback. S 1675 '71 MUSTANG super sharp. 1BTX857! shr, 09-a11p92.1 $2595 NuS fax a UCINSI 9 A.M.-7 P.M. HAWAII'S OLDEST MAZDA DEALER Weekdays CAR SALES '74 VOLVO S/W Cleanest in [own. green witan 836-1707 leather interior. 448 KALE WA 09-1244 9-5 Tars Subject To Prior Sales WHOLESALE MOTORS '77 MG MIDGET dbo Airport Mazda Sat. and Sun. (off Lagoon Dr. by Airport) New paint. cleans N. Nimitz Hwy. Ph. 836-1222 / 2999 \ 09-1289 Page B-10, Jan. 19, 1983 Free P44444e degree. WITHIN THE GATES - "English Education For Learner's Permit" classes visitation, exceeding the one million visitor program Tuesdays through Sundays from 8 Speaking Classes for Foreign Born beginning Jan. 21. The free classes will be held mark for the first time. Park Superintendent a.m. until 3 p.m. Although the Navy shuttle The Marine Corps gives Wives" will begin Jan. 24. Classes will be held in Building 455 on consecutive Fridays from Gary Cummins reported that 1,039,050 persons boats are not now operating on Mondays, the you plenty of educational If you can on Mondays and Thursdays from 1-3:30 p.m. in 9:30-11:30 a.m. participated in the National Park Service inter- National Park Service is making plans to opportunities. qualify, you could earn a Building 455 for 10 weeks. All levels are Transportation and child care is available at pretive program and were transported by U.S. develop a special interpretive program for that college degree free! welcome. The course fee is $1. Child care and a minimal fee. To register, or for more Navy shuttle boats to the Arizona Memorial day of the week. Tuesdays and Sundays are the transportation is available. To register, or for information, call Armed Services YMCA last year. An additional 109,511 persons most crowded days of the week, especially more information, call Armed Services YMCA Outreach at 254-4719 or 254-4965. entered the visitor center and museum, but did during the summer months. Stay Marine Outreach at 254-4719 or 254-4965. not go to the memorial. The daily average visitor count during 1982 was 3,164. The National Park Service encourages 0 Armed Services YMCA Outreach will BEYOND THE GATES - During 1982 the visitors to avoid Tuesdays and Sundays and to sponsor a new six week session of "Driver's USS Arizona Memorial set a new record for The USS Arizona Memorial operates a full plan their arrival as early in the day as possible. 7 Special events presented at Hale Koa Hotel `1? PL.t+1"' SATURDAY DINNER BUFFET & SHOW unlimited standard drinks, entertainment, This special Mardi Gras drink will be sold Starring AL HARRINGTON - THE party favors, and gratuities. through the Mardi Gras on Feb. 12. SPRING TOURS SOUTH PACIFIC MAN Banyan Tree Show Room doors open at 6:30 All buyers will also receive a special "I Every Saturday (except Feb. 12) through p.m. Survived the Mardi Gras Hurricane!" button Apr. 3-9 April Tickets on sale from January 24 at the Hale KOREA $756 Air, Hotel, Breakfast, Tours $19.95 for adults & $14.95 for children under Koa Activities Desk and all Military Ticket WESTERN NIGHT SPAGHETTI (Military, 12 includes dinner buffet, show, & gratuity Outlets. Old-time Western Movies plus an all-you-can- dependents, DOD only) Buffet: 6-7:30 p.m.; Show: 8 p.m.; Banyan Tree HALE KOA DINNER THEATRE eat pasta & pizza buffet! Only $7.50 for adults Mar. 24-27 $250 (+) Show Room N. Richard Nash's THE RAINMAKER, SKI HAWAII and $4.95 for children under 12 Banyan Tree Car, Skiing, Tickets on sale two weeks in advance at the produced by the Army Hawaii Theatre Guild Show Room every Tuesday Condo, Equipment Hale Koa Activities Desk and all Military Feb. 23, 24 & 25 No reservations required CHINA May 12-29 $2399 Ticket Outlets. $15.95 includes Prime Rib dinner with Peach Movies for February: Melba dessert, play, and gratuity Hotels, Air, Tours, Half of Meals MARDI GRAS '83! Feb. 1. - CAHILL, U.S. MARSHALL One night only - Feb. 12 Tickets on sale beginning Feb. 2 at the Hale Starring John Wayne *Deadline for all tours - Mar. 1 The biggest bash of 1983 features live Koa Activities Desk and all Military Ticket Feb. 8 - THE WESTERNER dixieland music by Ken Alford and the Outlets. Starring Gary Cooper Dixiecats, an all-you-can-eat Louisiana style SPECIAL DRINK SALE Feb. 15 - THE MARK OF ZORRO Special Services buffet dinner, plus all-the-drinks-you-can drink Buy "Hurricanes" in the Mauka Lounge Starring Tyrone Power all night long! every night from 5 p.m. until Midnight for just Feb. 22 - STAGECOACH Pearl Harbor 422-9444 Just $24.95 per person includes buffet, $1.25! Starring John Wayne

You can count on the Corps.

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