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María G. Hernández, Ph.D.

2454 Cameron Drive, Union City CA 94587 510.550.7182 [email protected]

Overview Senior executive with 20 years’ experience in talent optimization strategies and operations. Leading project teams on large scale change initiatives within corporate, nonprofit, and educational settings that involve process improvement, strategy, and culture shift. Emphasis on working within healthcare, public health and technology sector. Experienced in strategic planning, process improvement, and large scale change management facilitation.

Key Skills Content Areas  Needs Assessment  Strategic Planning  Executive, Leadership and  Diversity and Inclusion  Competency Model  Integrated Learning Management Development  Team Development Development Solutions  Performance Management  Change Management  Presentation Skills  Meeting Design and  New Employee On-boarding  Corporate Culture and  On-line collaboration Facilitation and Orientation Value Alignment platforms  360 Degree Feedback  Latino Employee and  Media Relations Consumer Behavior

Experience 2010 – Current: Practice Leader, Global Consulting Services InclusionINC  Major clients include: US Bank, ACT, Hospital Council of Central (in partnership with Leap Solutions, LLC) Caterpillar Paving, PetSmart, JM Smuckers  Responsible for developing assessment and consulting strategy using the InclusionSCORECARD™ and provide oversight to consulting engagements  Support executive team with marketing, social media, and sales strategy for consulting engagements.

2012 – Current: President, Impact4Health A Joint Venture of InclusionINC and Visions INC  Design and developed The Healing Edge™—a training initiative designed to improve health care team coordination, inclusive communications and collaboration for use by hospital clinical staff  Currently creating Alameda County’s first Pay For Success Initiative addressing asthma related healthcare costs by focusing on the upstream social determinants of health.

2009 -2010: Managing Director-Western Region, Global Novations, LLC Cincinnati OH . Major clients include: Proctor and Gamble, Google, Montefiore Hospital, Limited Brands, Disney Interactive Media Group, Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, PG&E, CarQuest, and Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems . Consulting work involved designing and delivering new employee on-boarding programs, designing workshops focused on promoting and retaining women, delivering diversity and inclusion training, designing and delivering employee engagement programs with Employee Resource Groups and strategies for Inclusive Recruiting . Management responsibilities involved coordinating sales and business development and creating branding opportunities for the firm on the West coast.

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1999–2009 Managing Principal, MGH CONSULTING, LLC Oakland, CA

. Major clients include: Waste Management, Eureka Bank, MCI/Verizon Business, St. Luke’s Hospital/Sutter Health, National Economic and Development and Law Center, and Hewlett Foundation, The US Peace Corp, and Chiron Pharmaceuticals . Provided executive development to Executive Directors, Vice Presidents of Divisions and Board of Directors Chairs. Primary focus areas: Communication, Executive Presence, Collaboration, Stakeholder Engagement and Project Planning . Responsible for overall financial, marketing and legal obligations of the firm.

1986 – 1994 Assistant Dean for Special Programs Saint Mary’s College of Moraga California . Responsible for campus-wide outreach programs fostering multicultural awareness and sensitivity among students, faculty and administration . Supervise equal educational opportunity program designed for students of color or low-income students . Liaison with other campus student services utilized by ethnic minority students to sustain cultural sensitivity in services and program outreach . Evaluate campus policies and programs that impact students of color . Coordinate fund raising for unique program “Latinas in the 1990’s” featuring Dolores Huerta, Isabel Allende, Anna Chavez, Ellen Ochoa, and others

1992 – 1999 “Perspectives Series” Commentator KQED Radio FM 88.5 Record local and national interest commentaries to air within 2 minute format every month. Topics focused on entrepreneurship, Latinos, education, and corporate social responsibility

1988 – 1991 Lecturer, Woodrow Wilson Summer Institute in Public Policy and International Affairs, University of California at Berkeley, School of Public Policy Course: Communication Skills for Policy Analysis Education 2010 Authentic Leadership Seminar, Korn Ferry and Stanford University

1985 The University of Texas Austin, Texas Doctor of Philosophy, Community Psychology 1980 California State University Long Beach, California Bachelor of Arts, Major: Psychology Minor: Communications Graduated With Distinction Professional Honors 1994 Outstanding Member, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce -Contra Costa County 1987 – 1988 Kellogg Foundation Leadership Fellow for Minority Women in Mental Health Administration 1980 – 1984 Danforth Fellow 1980 – 1984 American Psychological Association Minority Fellow

Past & Current American Psychological Association Memberships Division 27 Community Psychology Division 45 Ethnic Minority Issues American Society for Training and Development Northern California Human Resource Association Forum for Women Entrepreneurs, Silicon Valley EPIC-Empowered Partners in Consulting-Silicon Valley Page 3 of 4

Additional My personal website is at Body of Work A Sampling of Consultations in Public, NonProfit and Corporate Settings Technical Support for Comprehensive Community Initiative, East San Jose Mayfair Neighborhood Hewlett Foundation, Palo Alto, CA

The Hewlett Foundation’s Comprehensive Community Initiative targeted one neighborhood in East San Jose with a $7M investment to revitalize the neighborhood. The effort established a neighborhood council to assess needs, aligned existing agencies around those needs and developed grass roots leadership. MGH CONSULTING provided technical support to facilitate sessions and build capacity among existing nonprofits. When the lead agency, left the project, MGH CONSULTING was asked to assume additional responsibilities to support the project’s overall success. This work included board development, strategic planning, and program design over a 2 year period.

Development of a Community Advisory Council St. Luke’s Hospital Foundation, CA

St. Luke’s Hospital and St. Luke’s Hospital Foundation retained MGH CONSULTING, LLC to support the development of a new community advisory council. The council was to be comprised of local residents, business owners, civic leaders and health advocates who would provide the Hospital with advice about improving community outreach efforts and feedback on patient relations among the unique populations that the Hospital serves. Working with both the Hospital executives and Foundation Board of Trustees, the firm facilitated several important internal processes to clarify the role of the council, establish its protocols and procedures, and then identify potential members. As a function of these efforts, MGH CONSULTING, LLC was also asked to review the Board of Trustees roles and responsibilities and to develop best practices that would improve board governance.

Strategic Planning and Community Relations During Bankruptcy MCI, Ashburn VA

MCI, formerly MCI/WorldCom emerged from bankruptcy on April 24, 2004 after two years of internal reorganization and restructuring. As part of its new corporate strategy and philosophy, MCI placed a high priority on ethics in corporate governance. Part of this effort required that all of its officers and senior executives cultivate and develop in others a strong value for diversity among employees, customers and suppliers. In California alone the company worked to fulfill this directive as part of a unique agreement developed with the Greenlining Institute, a grass roots organization focused on fair treatment of underserved communities, ethnic groups and the disabled. MGH CONSULTING, LLC provided guidance to MCI’s Office of Business Ethics, Law and Public Policy Department, and Mass Markets on a coordinated plan to establish a National Minority Consumer Affairs Council. It also provided technical advice on the process of developing, coordinating, and evaluating an enterprise-wide process for creating diversity awareness programs aimed at supplier diversity, workforce diversity, and targeted philanthropy.

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Latino Employee On-Boarding Sessions Proctor and Gamble, Cincinnati OH

Global Lead has designed and facilitated a series of retreats for new employees joining Proctor and Gamble for the past 10 years. These sessions are designed to retain African American, Latino, Asian employees in the early stages of their careers available to participants for phone/on-line coaching. As a Managing Director, Dr. Hernandez co-facilitated four of these intensive sessions in 2010 within P&G’s marketing, research and development and product distribution divisions. Since their inception, these “boot camps” have successfully raised the retention rates for these targeted employees because they are designed to increase the awareness of unwritten rules of success within the corporate culture, create skills for navigating the performance evaluation system and encourage connections with senior leaders within their employee resource groups.

Pay for Success Initiative to Reduce Asthma Related Health Care Costs Impact4Health, Oakland, CA

Pay for Success or Health Impact Bonds reflect a new avenue to fund social interventions with private investors who invest in evidenced based interventions that address social conditions. Dr. Hernandez has been involved in this nascent field of work and has focused on developing a Pay for Success project with the Alameda County Healthy Homes Department to address Asthma related emergencies in Alameda County. She recently was invited to participate in the White House Office of Social Innovation Convening on Advancing Pay For Success Initiatives in the US.

Main Steam  Hernandez, Maria Assessing Corporate Culture Latina Style Magazine, Vol 9, Publications No 4 July/August 2003  Hernandez, Maria Crucial Connections Latina Style Magazine, Vol 9, No 5, 2003  Hernandez, Maria Corporate Cultural Affinity Groups: Promoting Savvy Networking and Workplace Diversity for Latinos Latina Style Magazine, October 2003  Hernandez, Maria A Latina Technology Trailblazer (Featuring Maria Martinez Corporate Vice President, Communications and Mobile Solutions Unit, Microsoft) Latina Style Magazine, Vol 10, No 4, 2004  Hernandez, Maria and Kathleen Chavez-Rege Latina Entrepreneur—Trail Blazing Small Business Growth Part 1 Latina Style Magazine Vol 13. No 1, 2007  Hernandez, Maria and Kathleen Chavez-Rege Latina Entrepreneur—Leading the Way to Economic Empowerment Part 2 Latina Style Magazine Vol 13. No 2, 2007  LATINA CUBICLE CONFIDENTIAL™ A bi-monthly syndicated blog appearing in New Latina and Latina Lista since 2012

JAMES POTTER 21 Drury Court Berkeley, California 94705 (415) 601-3262 [email protected]

Experience Summary

General Counsel with comprehensive experience advising public and private companies as well as boards, audit, compensation and governance committees in several industries; broad-based experience with multi-location law department management; extensive knowledge of corporate, finance, and federal securities law; comprehensive transactional experience, including mergers/acquisitions, joint ventures, asset purchases and sales; thorough understanding of Federal Sentencing Guidelines and effective compliance programs; significant experience with class action litigation; executive management experience and strategic involvement, especially with turn-around operations; frequent speaker on compliance, corporate governance, diversity, law department structure/operations and securities law. University of Chicago/Harvard Law.

Recent Activity: During sabbatical served as first Chairman of the Board of newly-formed East Bay Performing Arts (EBPA). Specifically elected by the Board to oversee and implement the structural and operational integration of the Oakland East Bay Symphony, the Oakland Symphony Chorus and the Oakland Youth Orchestra into the EBPA – (2012-2013)

Professional Background

DEL MONTE CORPORATION (one of the world’s largest producers, distributors and marketers of premium quality, branded food and pet products – (2001-2011))

Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

Board of Directors.  Supported the operation of the Board of Directors and its Committees, including facilitating collegial, strategic dialogue amongst the directors within the structures and processes required by federal securities laws, listing requirements and emerging governance practices.  Provided advice to the Chairs of the Board’s Committees regarding audit, compensation and governance developments, processes and policy matters.  Provided strategic analyses of emerging board and governance practices.  Communicated with shareholder advocacy groups and the media with respect to corporate and securities matters.

Executive Management/Transactions/Litigation.  Participated as a key member of the senior management team in the resolution of a broad range of general management and strategic issues  Served as the company’s lead negotiator on major financings, contracts and domestic and international acquisitions and divestitures, including multi-billion dollar acquisitions and divestitures of cpg businesses.  Made the strategy decisions with respect to the company’s class actions and other critical litigation, and oversaw the company’s sensitive international regulatory and environmental matters, including FCPA compliance.

Enterprise Risk Management.  Thoroughly versed in the COSO framework and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines  Designed and implemented Audit Committee policies and processes that have been used as models by the Practicing Law Institute and others.  Formulated the operating guidelines pursuant to which the company reviewed and approved certain financial, operational and organizational projects and transactions, and developed and implemented the company’s code of conduct and compliance program which covered anti-trust, customs, FCPA, federal securities laws, government contracts, intellectual property, labor/employment, product liability, etc.

Value-add Law Department Management.  Created value through the Law Department by constant communication with the business units and a focus on being commercially sensitive, fully responsive, and dedicated to supporting and advancing the company’s business.  Developed and implemented a scalable Outside Counsel Planning, Budgeting and Billing Policy, which emphasized strategic planning and quarterly budgeting/reporting, and which has been included as a model by the American Bar Association.  Increased cost-effectiveness by installing a formal RFP process for all legal projects over a certain dollar threshold and by placing all outside counsel on an electronic project management and invoicing system.

Honors/Speaking.  Named one of the “20 Most Influential General Counsel in America” by the National Law Journal.  Frequent speaker on law department management, corporate governance, compliance, diversity, internal investigations, litigation management, professional ethics and securities disclosure at the American Bar Association, National Bar Association, State Bar of California, New York Bar Association, Harvard Law School and a host of other bar associations and law-related organizations.  Completed a three-year term on the ABA’s Corporate Laws Committee which considered, among other things, majority voting for directors.  Served on the boards of the Association of Corporate Counsel, the California Minority Counsel Program, the Institute for Inclusion in the Legal Profession, the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, and the Project for Attorney Retention.

PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (held fifth largest share of U.S. variable life insurance market; composed of an insurance company, a broker/dealer, a registered investment advisor and an affiliated family of mutual funds-- (1997-2001))


Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary/Executive Management Committee

 Served as Counsel to the Board of Directors and its Committees  Managed the Law, Compliance, Human Resources and Corporate Secretary Departments for the insurance company, and the Compliance Departments of the broker/dealer and the investment advisor.  Recruited primarily to guide the company through a corporate reorganization. o Built or re-built the departments targeted by the CEO; o Redesigned the company’s corporate governance, advertising review and customer complaint handling processes; o Designed a company-wide, integrated compliance process; o Negotiated and settled billion-dollar class actions while redesigning the company’s litigation management system; and o Managed the company’s regulatory examinations.  Worked with the Executive Management Team to redefine the company’s business model; o Developed and implemented strategies to expand and diversify distribution; o Enhanced product offerings; o Increased the speed and efficiency of customer/producer service; o Optimized the use of technology; and o Evaluated corporate opportunities.

THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY/PRUDENTIAL BANKS (banks were direct marketers of credit cards, home equity loans and deposit accounts on a nationwide basis; banks provided personal and institutional trust services as well as commercial loans -- (1989-1997))

Chief Legal Officer/Management Committee

 Managed the Law Department  Handled directly legal issues of major consequence to the Banks, such as asset securitizations, capital management, significant portfolio acquisitions and dispositions, co-branded card agreements, brokered deposit agreements, regulatory examinations, and major contracts  Served on the Banks' Management Committee  Served as counsel to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, the Trust Committee, and the Asset/Liability Committee of the Board.


THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY/PRUDENTIAL DIRECT (marketed banking, insurance (variable annuities and term products) and mutual fund services directly to consumers -- (1993-1995))

Chief Legal Officer/Steering Group

 Managed the multi-location legal function for the Business Unit (composed of The Prudential Banks, Prudential Direct, Inc., Prudential Direct Investment Advisers and Prudential Direct Broker Dealer).  Provided direct support in areas of transactional, banking, corporate, insurance and securities law expertise  Managed a staff of attorneys and paralegals, including coordinating support from within The Prudential's 1000-person law department and finding and managing outside expertise.  Provided strategic direction regarding the development of the Business Unit's business plans and budgets.


 Negotiated and documented the first commercial paper offering by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Represented investment bankers in leveraged buy-outs of manufacturing and retail concerns.  Represented underwriters in public offerings and did extensive work converting mutual savings and loans to stock form.  Authored opinions in connection with issues on interstate bank and thrift acquisitions, equal credit, electronic funds transfer, bank holding companies and consumer protection.  Negotiated and drafted revolving and term loan credit agreements with multi-pricing mechanisms, collateralized by receivables, inventory, equipment and/or real estate.  Represented trustee banks in several public financings as well as in a public bond default situation.

KECK, MAHIN & CATE (1982-1984)

 Corporate and securities associate focusing primarily on 34 Act reporting and mergers and acquisitions.



Patricia Scates 26 Oak Hill Circle Oakland, CA 94605 510‐207‐6193 [email protected]

Patricia “Pat” Scates, a native and life time resident of Oakland, California, retired from Wells Fargo as a Senior Vice President effective December 2, 2013. During her 40 year tenure with Wells Fargo, the contribution most significant to her is the number of employees she hired, coached, and mentored.

Pat joined Wells Fargo retail banking in 1973. After various lending, community involvement and management positions, Pat was named Senior Vice President and Regional Manager for the East Bay Regional Commercial Banking Office in Oakland serving Alameda and West Contra Costa counties. In that role, Pat and her team provided credit facilities and treasury management services to middle market and corporate companies with annual revenue between $20 and $500 Million.

In April 2010, Pat assumed her final role with Wells Fargo in Human Resources leading Diversity Outreach Strategies, including managing the Wholesale Banking Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity program, to incorporate Wells Fargo’s commitment to embracing and promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the business.

Educational Background:  Graduate School of Credit & Finance Management program at Dartmouth University Tuck School of Business ‐ completion in 1988  BA degree in business from California State University Hayward in 1978

Former Boards and Commissions: Previously active in many organizations, including but not limited to: o Member and past board chair of the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce o ‐ Appointed by Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, as a port commissioner from July 2000 to October 2008 ‐past president of the seven‐member board o Permanent member and four year Chair of the Audit, Budget Finance Committee; rotating member of the Executive, Commercial Real Estate & Maritime Committees o Executive Advisory Board member of the East Bay Economic Development Alliance for Business o Board Member of the East Oakland Youth Development Corporation Foundation o Corporate Advisory Board Member of the California Black Chamber of Commerce o Member of the Bay Area Small Business Development Corporation Loan Committee o Corporate Advisory Board Member of the Urban Financial Services Coalition o Board Member & past President of the Urban Financial Services Coalition Foundation Board

Corporate Awards:  President’s Award – Urban Financial Services Coalition  Madame C. J. Walker Business Community Recognition Award ‐ National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Oakland Bay Area Chapter and Wells Fargo  Corporate Advisory Board Support Award – California Black Chamber of Commerce

James D. Falaschi

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Partner Jack London Square Partners, Master Developer of Jack London Square

CEO Bay Area Regional Center, Oakland, California A Federally approved EB-5 Fund that invests in Real Estate Lender

President Transbay Holding Company, Oakland, California Principal in charge of property development of this real estate holding company which owns office buildings, and office parks in the East Bay and San Francisco Bay Area.

Partner Vista Real Estate Partners LLC Partner in Real Estate Consulting firm providing full service commercial real estate solutions

President Falaschi Improvements, Oakland, California Developed industrial parks and residential housing projects in Northern California. Master Developer Downtown San Leandro, California

Partner Bay View Development Company, Oakland, California Co-Managing partner of this construction and development company that built 2,500 homes in Contra Costa and Alameda counties.

MEMBERSHIPS AND AFFILIATIONS  Current: · Secretary Treasurer and Board Member of the California In-fill Builders Federation· Vice Chairperson, Alameda County Economic Development Alliance for Business · Former President and current Board Member, Summit Bank Foundation· Chairman of the Board of Trustees Holy Names University · Member City Administrator’s Economic Advisory Committee City of Oakland, Chairman Jobs and Housing Coalition,

Past: President, San Francisco Bar Pilots Commission· Chairperson, Board of Directors, Oakland Ballet · Chairperson, Board of Directors, Summit Medical Center · Regent, Samuel Merritt College · Chairperson, Board of Directors, Merritt Peralta Medical Center · Chairperson, Board of Directors, Merritt Peralta Fund · Chairperson, Health Committee, Alameda County Economic Development Alliance for Business · Board Member, East Oakland Youth Development Corporation · Chairperson, Greater Broadway-580 Business Association · National Board of Directors, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America · President, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America, Region 12 · Board of Directors, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties · Chairperson, Board of Directors, Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce · Board Member, New Oakland Committee · Member UCSF Round Table of Nonprofit Chairpersons · Honorary Board Member, Ethnic Health Institute · Chairperson, Mayor’s Summer Jobs Program · Board Member, Junior Achievement of Bay Area · Executive Committee and Chairperson, Cultural Arts Division, Reorganization Committee, City of Oakland · Cabinet Member, United Way Campaign · Co-Chairperson, Advisory Committee, East Bay Business Journal

APPOINTMENTS  May 2000 - Appointed to Board of Pilot Commissioners for the bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, Suisun  by Governor Gray Davis  Feb 2003 – Re-Appointed to Board of Pilot Commissioners for the bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, Suisun by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

AWARDS  East Bay “Vision Award” given by East Bay Economic Development Alliance “Leadership and Vision in Building the East Bay Economy”, , 2009  East Bay “Vision Award” given by The East Bay Development Alliance, 2008  Oakland on the Map Award given by Oakland Chamber of Commerce, 2005 38 Webster St. Second Floor Oakland CA 94607 510 625 1510 office, 510 625 1502 fax  Excellence in Leadership Award given by Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, Asian Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Black Chamber of Commerce and Korean Chamber of Commerce of Oakland, 1999  “Citizen of the Year” award by the Oakland Tribune and New Oakland Committee, 1998  “The Living Example” award by the Bay Area Tumor Institute, 1997  Trustee of the Year, Hospital Council of California excellence in governance Award, 1994  “Legacy Award” given by Jobs and Housing Coalition for proven leadership and vision for the city of Oakland “A person who has made it happen” 2011

Resolutions- Proclamations  California Assembly resolution number 1844, September 21, 2011, Special Recognition, James Falaschi personifies that which is the very best in professional and community leadership, and as a result of his dedication and unwavering commitment to excellence, he has made a lasting impression on those individuals with whom he has been associated; now, therefore it be resolved for the significant contributions made to the people of Oakland and throughout the state of California.  The Board of Supervisors of Contra Costa County, California Resolution number 2011/392, dated September 20th 2011 contra Costa Board of Supervisors honors, “Jim Falaschi has always been a committed leader in the community as demonstrated by his past services as Board Chairman of Summit Medical Center, Board Chairperson at the Merrit Peralta Medical Center and President of the San Francisco Bar Pilots Commission while currently serving as the chairperson of the Alameda County Office of Education, Board Member of the Summit Bank Foundation and Trustee of Holy Names University, Jim Falaschi for his exemplary dedication to the Greater Bay Area for his leadership in the community.  Mayors Proclamation by Mayor Jean Quan honors James D. Falaschi for his vision, commitment, and inspiration in Job Creation, Economic Stimulus, Mentoring and Philanthropy.

38 Webster St. Second Floor Oakland CA 94607 510 625 1510 office, 510 625 1502 fax TRACY JENSEN 3112 Gibbons Drive Alameda, CA 94501 510/521-2630 [email protected]

SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS I bring more than 20 years of experience as an appointed and elected federal, state and local administrator. My exceptional skills in policy analysis, staff supervision, budget oversight and fund development ensure effective program operations. On public boards and in local government I have improved access to services for vulnerable populations by identifying and implementing partnerships. I have been recognized by supervisors and legislators for my ability to address community needs.

BOARD EXPERIENCE Director – ALAMEDA HEALTH CARE DISTRICT. Appointed February 2013. Serve as a director of the public community hospital. Responsibilities include strategic planning, ensuring quality patient care, regulatory compliance, budgetary oversight, and employee relations. Oversee collection and distribution of a $6 million parcel tax.

Director – ALAMEDA COUNTY COMMUNITY FOOD BANK. Appointed February 2009. Direct the operations of the Food Bank and ensure accountability of the $16 million budget. Focus on expanding produce distribution. Board Secretary 2009-11.

School Board Trustee – ALAMEDA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. 2002 – 2010. Elected to the School Board for the first time in 2002, led all candidates when reelected in 2006. Oversee an $85 million budget with programs serving 9,000 students and employing 500 teachers at 16 school sites. Board President 2007-08.

Addition board service with Alameda Soccer Club and Alameda Youth Basketball club.

RECOGNIZED SKILLS Program and Employee Management Manage $2 million budget for programs at 4 facilities serving 10,000 senior residents. Administer annual grant programs of $100,000 and $300,000 supporting low-income residents’ access to housing, health, and transportation services. Supervise 5 FTEs; manage evaluation, discipline, and grievances of 16 additional FTE. Recruited, hired and negotiated contracts with two superintendents of a 10,000 student public school district. Program and Policy Development During my tenure with Vice President Al Gore’s National Partnership for Reinventing Government I expanded health care access for low-income families. Developed policies and regulations to implement sections of the Balanced Budget Act of 1998 and was awarded HHS Secretary Shalala’s Distinguished Service Award. Recognized by HHS Inspector General June Gibbs Brown for my Medicare fraud work. Established industry and government workgroups to draft, amend, and finalize two Federal Register regulations to codify health care program participation requirements. Received Public Health Department “Partner 2005 Award” for my work to improve access to nutrition and physical activity for vulnerable seniors and youth. Strategic Planning and Organization Change Directed the transition of Alameda’s public community hospital from local oversight to a partnership with county-wide Alameda Health System. Developed and implemented the “Network of Care” website for seniors and caregivers. Developed the Oakland Senior Shuttle to serve low-income isolated seniors, using local and state funding sources. Led the implementation of School District’s anti-bullying lessons to teach elementary students to value all families regardless of race, sexual orientation or disability. Communication Identified barriers and developed neighborhood coalitions to pass a bond measure to build a new elementary school to consolidate 3 aging neighborhood schools. Represented controversial school district issues on PBS “KQED Forum” program. Drafted federal regulations, position papers for legislators, city council resolutions, newspaper editorials, and articles for online and print media. Recruited public and private providers to obtain recognition for the City of Alameda as one of “American’s 100 Best Cities for Youth” by the America’s Promise Alliance.

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY CITY OF OAKLAND. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, Oakland CA 94612. Employed since July 2000. Program Analyst II / Senior Services Administrator. Engaged as the first executive- level Senior Services Administrator to represent the City’s senior residents. Focus on identifying legislative and policy changes to improve senior services. Develop- ed the Oakland Senior Shuttle program, administered $300,000 per year to senior service organizations, received annual $100,000 SCAN community grant to keep low income Oakland seniors independent and in their homes.

U.S. DEPT. OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, Baltimore MD. 1992 – 2000. Policy Analyst/Program Coordinator. Directed staff and divisions to develop policy options and alternatives for CMS Administrator, HHS Secretary, Congressional staff and other governmental decision makers. Drafted and edited health policy documents and regulations; staffed interdepartmental and interagency teams. Developed rules to address how HMOs and hospitals implemented Stark antitrust and Advance Directives.

Research Analyst – MARYLAND GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Annapolis, MD. 1992 session. Staff to the Maryland Legislature’s Healthcare Committee. Analyzed health policy and social issues, drafted testimony, reviewed legislation, served as liaison to interest groups, responded to public inquiries, briefed Members, and assisted at legislative hearings.

EDUCATION M.B.A. & M.P.H. EMORY UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, GA. First student to complete Business and Public Health programs in 2 years. Prepared case studies and moderated CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL "Medical Ethics" conference.

B.A. & A.S. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY EAST BAY, Hayward, CA. Political/Science Public Administration concentration, Business Administration minor, A.S. Biology. Legislative intern to ASSEMBLYMEMBERS JOHAN KLEHS & DELAINE EASTIN.