Successes, Failures in Recent Slate of Bills Thanks to TU Members, We Saw Promising Results in the Last Legislative Session
Wisconsin Council of Trout Unlimited NONPROFIT ORG. 2515 Bigler Circle U.S. POSTAGE News and Views from Wisconsin Trout Unlimited Verona, WI 53593 PAID PERMIT NO. 1 MADISON, WI Wisconsin Trout Spring 2016 Council banquet an overwhelming success By Mike Kuhr, Council Vice Chair and execution. The Council is fortunate Banquet Chair to have Bill Heart, Heidi Oberstadt, Henry Koltz, Jim Wierzba, Kim Mc- The numbers are in, and any way Carthy, Linn Beck, and Todd Frank- you look at it, our 2016 State Coun- lin working on its behalf. cil Banquet was a huge success. Our donors really came though More than 200 people gathered this year, and the prize package was in Oshkosh to show support for our our most valuable in recent memo- coldwater resources. We handed ry. A big thank you to all the chap- out more than $23,000 in prizes. Af- ters that made prize and cash ter the bills were paid, Treasurer donations. Gary Stoychoff reported that we Also, a number of individuals raised more than $17,000. contributed prizes for the event. TU friends and members from Most notable were creations from every corner of the state came to- Randy Arnold and Virgil Beck, gether to honor a deserving group each of which raised a significant of WITU award winners. Their con- amount of funding for the Council. tributions will help the Council con- It would not be possible to assemble tinue to advocate for cold, clean, that kind of prize package without a fishable water in Wisconsin. huge amount of help from our The Oberstadts The most important number – chapters and the individuals who “One TU,” represents the volunteer care greatly for the work that we do.
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