Agnes Scott College Bulletin
AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE BULLETIN CATALOGUE NUMBER January 1950 DECATUR, GEORGIA AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE BULLETIN SERIES 47 JANUARY 1950 NUMBER 1 Published quarterly by Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia, entered at second-class matter at the Pott Office at Decatur, Georgia, acceptance for mailing at the special rate of pottage provided for in teetiom 1103 of October 3, 1917, mithorixed on July 18. 1918. AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE BULLETIN Catalogue Number 1949-1950 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1950-1951 CONTENTS College Calendar 5 Board of Trustees 6 Officers of Instruction and Administration 7 Agnes Scott College 16 Location and History, Purpose, Financial Resources, Educational Affiliations Admission of Students 18 Admission to the Freshman Class, Admission to Advanced Standing, Admission of Special Students Administration of the Curriculum 25 Registration, Selection of Courses, Class Attendance, Examinations, Credit Hours, Limitation of Hours, Grad- ing System, Honors Program, Summer Courses, Required Residence, Automatic Exclusion The Bachelor of Arts Degree 30 Requirements for the Degree, Freshman Program, Classi- fication of Students Courses of Instruction 35 Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment 97 Community Activities 100 Extra-Curricular Program, Religious Life, Health Serv- ice, Counseling, Placement Service Financial Information 104 General Fees, Special Fees, Terms, Personal Accounts, Financial Assistance, Special Endowment Funds, Scholar- ships and Awards, Forms of Bequests Alumnae Association 117 Commencement Awards 1949 118 Register of Students 1949-1950
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