THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1870. SEPTENNIAL INSTITUTE 19c; Middlings, 20c; Good FINANCE AND TRADE. come reduced in those countries where Middlings, EDUCATIONAL It baa bean sustained by "war do., 21Xc; Mobile, 20KC; Orleans, aic. LEVER POWER prices," and be continued and in- 11 :30 a.m. Cotton dull and lower, ask THE UTLEY IMPROVED September 17?ic. October xn. ' creased where most favored by natural lna for ltc. MISS J. McKAIN Daily 1 advantages. such a the November 16Kc Ordinary, 14o; Good Or MARY SEPTENNIAL Office of Amu, In competition, - Memphis, Septembertii 7, 1870. J United States, having everything in its dinary 164c; Middlings UMtc; ijp- TAEPiRfiB to announce to her Datrona and Monne, zu.v,c; to the public generally, that she has IMPORTANT FBOM IlCTSaXaX RBVKKCS favor, must outstrip all competitors and lands, isw: oood do., zi U hold a practical monopoly, aa of old. Orleans, 200. formed a coalition with Mrs. Emma Carioll MEDICAL ir.STITUTfc, adapted Tucker. This school will be taught at the muii brokers, With a soil and climate exactly New Yoax, September 7, 2:05 p.m. brick building. No. lis Court stieet, where The wholesale dealers, oattle to cotton growing, improved meth- ( otton o on soot. every arrangement for BDOthacaries. special taxes, lm with met nut steadv. sales has been made ths and other ods of with vast plantations di- 1000 balee. 2000 bales; Sep or ineir pupils, tney win oe assisted 42 North Court St., Memphis, TV, aot 30, culture, Contracts. roDion - posed under section of Jane vided into farms, and an adequate supply tember, 17K; October, 16K16)i; De- by Professor Tpe and Mrs. Dew, In ths ds- I'M, as amended., in force until May 1, a Music; by Professor Wltsman, of labor, it will be possible to turn out cember, 16H. fartmentof class, and by Mrs. V'lgns in the 1871: crop, within a few years, st least twice aa Sept. 7, 4 p.m. Cotton by OFKIOB i.M KEVRKVK. 1 New York, arts of Drawing and Fainting. With such a InstltuUon. mcorpoiaiesl tha kRNAL large as me heaviest ever prooaceo ai cue heavy; Ordinary, ISfto: Good ordinary, corps of educators, they hope to give entire THIrt or Teansssee, is a legal :x' J Washington, August 16, 1870. J favorable 20c; saiisiiicuon. will open on won or HelenUfle Phynelans and fia'K ' South. All Ihinirs now look lo;.,c; Low Middling, 19s; Middling, toe scnoci elation - W. H.Thompson, Esq., Assessor Eleventh a prosperity of Middling;. 22c;. to spinners, oay, rvpie inner am. sepj devoted to the treatment of patients, and n- for steady revival of the Good Sale tneory anu pnsrure o. District, Pennsylvania: tnst section, whose groat atapie is to tur- - 1612 bales; on speculation, 12) bales. Also structlems In tne or means maxing our 200 ISHc; 100 bales StrI reply to your letter the 12th nish the chief oi ior bales for September, Armour CHEMICAL SYSTEM OF MEBICifif--. inst., that the additional tax of (1 on each elgn exchanges and rebuilding our shat for October, 17X0 ; 800 bales, September, Institute commerce. me October, 16Xc; 4 0 FOR YOUNG LADIES, thousand dollars oi sales OI wnoiesaie tered Wltn recuperation l7Hc; 700 bales for It Is divided Into the foliowlns derser- t- dealers, in excess of 150,000 per annum ot the Southern planting Interest, too, bales for October, 16c ; X00 bales Decern- - 1171 Street, Vihili Dbpakthkht. In lhl dearm lit provided by section 79, paragraph 2, of the hss come a better economy. The pro her, 16HC ILL openMadisonTH UBSD Y, September 1, 1870. very com plaint known to woman Is treH'eU lir success. act oi June 8U, isui, as amended, is a spe-ci- ducer baa learned thst it is to nis advan COTTON IN LIVERPOOL. VV B18. EMli.l B. AKMUUK, with unvarTlng as from tage to market bis own crop, instead of sea Principal. Cakcr DmTATsT5T. Csneerstind Muira tax distinguished "the 7. 11 a. m. Cotton nlnety-fl- t' t .jioo of on on turning It over to miauie men, snu ma Liverpool. Sent. sre here rnred In uct several isxcs sales," repealed and 10,000 bales. Uplands every hundred. decidedly disadvantageous to niort- - Sales tVl 1 afn-- r 1st, le,.; such, for example. it is Suiet. MCd. GninoB Institute, aeaaaavx MBl-f- . &sLft"" UXPABTMIST roB La A KT Di? S4 - U 111 s gsge it before msturity. Tbe profits of department form'-oibl- disease 3 tr. w ! as tbe tax on sales imposed under the act Liverpool. September 7. 5 P.m. Cot MADI80N STREET, this of March 31, 1SGS, section 4, tax on auction planters, moreover, sre oegmmug to oe 109 with the most gratl ) log resu la. invested in new forms of productive ton dull and unchanged ; sales, 8000 b(es ; tlTILL open on tbe first Monday In Hep uSr Caw a I il I I' a ssaHaaBBaV UsPABTsimT rort Mti.v kasas I ri r sales, etc. bales, temocr. r or anuiy diseas-- permsiit-ti- y rn I as labor-savin- for export and speculation, 1000. tt cncu.sis, at uie in form of skin Tbe wholesale dealer's, cattle broker's power, such improved im sinute or oooa-storc- a. hers apothecaries', and e ther special taxes, as plements ana ieriinzers, me rec.aiuaiion COTTON STATEMENT. MiasV. D llll mil, CuMDKniO AJf U CATAKTta r t. above imposed, under the provisions of of tbe cboi est cotton lands, in railroads, Cn amber op Comeercb, ) anil MissM. W. noWKKri, Principals. Tne professors In this depart ment v. m .y oo aid various other employments which Memphis. 7, 1870. f many ,mpJ rtan discoveries lu lh t: e: i.i t section storesAi'l, should returned September ol lung, throat and noe diseases. assessed and collected as formerly, capital iaquiok to call into activity. Wi;h Stock, Sept. 1,1870 4,20 a until or ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, Eya aud Kab Depaktmsjet. The ays May 1, 1ITL, J. W. UUUUUASM, a eucesselon prosperous years, ol which Rec'd since last statement 89 ear most teniferTy and puantlj Ua t. Acting Comuuas oner. Hi.' preseut lorms the second, posce and Received previously t88 358 POPLAR STREET, t osrmaMTiAi. lie eACTMKsT.-I's,v.- .t, a t.j progress will attract capital and immi the exclusive treclaiecl w a tlats o! iu THE PRESENT AND FITCRE OF BSIT1SH si-- gration or me ngm Kind ; and a south 4.957 Mrs. MARY E. POPE, Principal dies, naii:el-- Ler. i y an pr ;. TRADE. 0atitCAi.DBrA:iTMa.NT. Wsuaily r''.. i ern Pacihc railroad will open the entire 180 kno--n Shipped since lsst sta'm'nt, twenty-nint- -- tbe most liuporiant ooe rAliooj, u to The London Bu'lioniat, in a recent arti- territory from ocean to ocean to tbe di 978 'CHE session of this School Shipped previously .798 X opens tne .Ses7isr sur cle on the effect of the war on British trade rer;, influence, of this moving age. The All aOalrs of a prlvsl char&clnr and manufactures, says: entire country has a deep Interest in the Stock at noon this day 3,979 First Monday Is September. gjlljJS. credly conndentlal. Although cut lamentably short. In its restoration ol the wealth or the southern V uaive hours rmm So'elork iu Ihe reduced proportions, is not unsound; the Slates, since it cannot fail to be largely imports. Circulars at the principal book-store- s, and at lng till o'clock in the evening. Opericvi i of Memphis and Charleston R. R 69 the School. Paients will please enter the rtandsT iorsnoon, fre-- V a.m. toLtra. loss lies in the diminution transactions, instrumental In hastening a restoration pll before the day or opening. jy J. H. BUtsHKl.L. M not in their quality, and every branch is of specie payments, in starting the wheels Steamers 8 Consnltlng fhy.n!, 14 COTTOIN" , apparently affected in a similar manner. of commerce into active motion, in im Estimated per wagons J. C. Watsoi. Secretary. MADEPRESSON THIS PRESS d w . Very great depression exists in all those parting new life to industry, snd, in brief exports. GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, 0. C. THE LATE IMPROVEMENT K (i. Wssb.t.. Trejiurer vt which sup- : departments of manufactures terms, lu promoting a degree ol general H 175 complete success. We call particular attention to this pecul'arity tbe export trade, tbe cause of which ia Memphis aud Ohio R rpHE academic exercises of the college will Br Mr. UTLEY. the Patentee, makes it a ply prosperity never hitherto surpassed, it Steamers North 5 a. oe on tne LE6AL NMTKES. too plain to require statement. Cotton equaled. resunieu LEVERAGE ! and iron seem to suffer most. But with First Monday Is September. IT CONTROLS POWER OBTAINED BY AN IRRESISTIBLE respect to tbe former, truth compels the NEW TOBACCO REGULATIONS. Sale Real TRADE. The Lectures In the Medical and Law De we ask for a chanoe to demonstrate what it win ao. Trustee s of Estate. observation that the outbreak of the war A circular from the Internal Revenue To all wanting a Cotton Press, only Liverpool ex- $10 r0 per partments will commence In October. is not wholly to blame. In Bureau enumerates the seven unpardona- Ale and Beer .Sands' Ale, For further particulars, apply to the Presi- half-barre- l, ke?g, Efficiency, Durability, cessive speculation, not to ssy gambling, ble sins against Revenue Department porter, fll. Lager, per dent, fanll) REV. JOHN EARLV. H respectftilly solicited other Presses, as to Speed, in- the J. Competition is fom has been carried on, and In aouie which subject a dealer to a forfeiture of ?." 26. Ale, per dozen, MaX 26 fir qnarta ; Work ! Y virtue of a Deed of Trust exemt : worse gambl- do. Uenuiness Economy and Genera! Amount of Satisfactory e stances, rumor has it, than property. They are as follows: Tbe re- lor pints. Porter, MEMPHIS FEMALE C0LLE6E, B n. Lanpbler or Uie sb4ri:i ot it, ing. At any rata, the collapse in that E Young' Scotch Ale, in pints, 2 60 per countv, . s alternate Traaats moval of tobaooo from the manufactory u centre of afliirs has made Its reaction very dozen. These Presses are HOME-MAD- of tbe best (H AHANTEED WORK. We William r. the Ul du i cr place where il is worked, otherwise No. 282 Adaraa Street, you to call be re you win ouy. ruary. 1"8I. and duly receirdel ou London 'change by Kosendale ce where we we old reHpeciully recommend - distinctly fell the than in accordance with the law; Blmi.drrs Materials. at No. 6 West Court street, page 34B. Keeoads o- for-erg- n thesaleot rnZT ol the forced sales of securities. It is our tobacco or snuff without the proper ment, $4(u.l 5o ; Louisville cement, $2 75 WILLIAM CARROLL, A.M., PRINCIPAL, Arkansas, to seeure Ne .0 - loth. - trade of course infinitely the most stamp denoting the tax; (u,3. Cajsa lime fl '; Ohio river, Price, $210 Con plete Cash or City Acceptance. thslrsssijnees, ceraln lndeb'.cdne-- r inipsrtsnt and valuable to us that tbe tobacco or so utl without the payment of 1 50; 1'iica, 1 16; Alabatna,l MX2 00. by a full corps of competent ' mentioned; and tne said J. Bt L-- i it affects. Our manufacturing popula- . per bale, AH8ISTKD The next session of this Insti- m Trustee, having declined and ref,... war the special lax as manufacturer, or with I'laslerhair, ij fire nncks ueunnin ermi aucb Msas)siattSDat o. ., and enormous plant would find only $0 00. tution will begin ou the 6 , Tiustee, which tion out giving tbe bond required by law: E. W. LONG & BROTHER. No. WEST COURT STKtti wtwrHi. itwn said trust la duly recorded, iu stouk , p. : !(u,ij(!. wretched employment indeed in the bare making lalse or Iratidnlenl entries or the Be iter Choice ZvsxZoC good First Monday la September. , of ths records of said Is a'.s uutit Ar- supply of the home markets, but any con purchase or sale of loaf tobacco, tobacco Common is nominal. kansas; now, there'ore In purau eal ot s siderable interruption of our intercourse ; Baooino Heuip, 1 and 2;,' lbs, 30(3, V Circulars can be obtained at the book- LEGAL NOTICES. vested In ma by said iiusi stems or other material or the fixing of stores, or on application ta Principal. su4 KrUl, on i. with those abroad must be disastrous to any "false, forged, fraudulent, spurious 31c. Flsx, 2 aud 2H lbs, iUj33c. Iron the FIRST PREMIUM GEORGIA STATE FAIR. sa lssts, our industry. As long the wsr to ties, r, or counterfeit stamp" sny box or pack 5Ji7e. Chancery Sals of Real Estate Taesday, the 20tk dav ef Stpt ftb-- M 70, however, we fesr we may make up our age containing snun or tooaooo. The cir BRooMs AMI BROOM CORN. HroomS S3 MRS. MAY'S SCHOOL, minds to this. The shutting up by block- to$5perdoz. Broom corn is not in Tuesday, Sept- - 6, 1870, cular further directs that manufactured INCORPORATED by act of General Assem-- 1 0a Between the hours ot 8 o'clock am i of ports we have reen accustomed to -- ades topac-- i shall put up in leg! puck ago bly of , December 10,186V, will o'clock p.m. in front W Petersou's star to the rise freights as Prices weak. Sales Wo O. R. D Second '"hancery Court . i trade inevitable of only, and each package must have printed Coknmeal sre of hereafter be known nnder the style or m, vs. house door, at Kneiwiton's Lsndlne, a consequence high rates of worn reported at $4 25 on ! of ahelby eonnry, William Tuckor to be sold, lu avaaaai touutv, s a of insurance on ii, or on a securely attached label, the kilndried l.r34 Prltr-he- premises and increased ruks the obscurity and levee and delivered. Selling in a small Schofield's Patent Cotton Press sas, sell to tbe but best bidder, for sa maiiulacturer's name, together with the TURLEY virtoe of an order of sale In the above real estate situated In said Desha 10 which bang over con- regi-lere- way at 84 60fn4 75. By 1 doubt questions d number of tbe factory, and the cauae, will sell, st until le auction, to Arkansas, c nveyed by said 1:iut Heed. nected with contraband of Mar, and which he Cheese English O. osier, Its'; Ohio the highest bidder. In front of tue(!eik and : A t r district and State. If it a wooden pack ENGLISH AND FRENCH - as follows, to wit certain th- e'hancery I'ourt I our Government declares itself unable lo age must nave, manu- Western Reserve, 15(a150. Master's orflee of reeond psrcel of taud, situate, lying sn t clrcnm-stauce- it in amnion, the or helby connly, In the city of Memphis. elucidate these and twenty other s gross Coffee Steady. Common to choice couney of Desha and state Altai facturer's trade mark,the weight.tse - planters of the Southern Statss for Tennessee, on W o-- combine to restrict oar foreign Rio, 20fo24i- HIH PRESS must commend Itself to the cotton The i E qr. of the S W qr., the , tare and the net weight, "all neatly printed FEMALE INSTITUTE, durahllltv. simplicity of contrurtlon. and ease with which it can he operated by elin H. and the W of the N W t4' and unless be brought no. boo, - Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1870, S trade; hostilities on the package." Each packsge must have Cotton Yarns 4i", zic; hand, fuyrte, water or from power, the cha- ge Irom oue to the other being eDeeteo in aie No. ilj one. containing 20 a. r- - to rapid conclusion as to 600, 7u0, - ! ..,1 a which he adixed and canceied a proper stamp, or I7gii8c; lb(sl7c; l314c. Memphis, Tennessee, UJiriuls. A Kit's l nuvnuMsr vmwm . uhj.up - - r .. m - Within legal honrs, tbe following described esat one-ha- and the W '4 would oe a bold wr ier who would ven- to indicate Cottonseed and Moies Cottonseed, space or lourteen feet square and msy be plnced nndoperaUd In a e thns aro ldtu real estate, t: Beginning 1 1 the i. t 12), containing Is acres; the nor :, naif stamps, the weight and class any l od.o i ture a prediclion we may be prepared for on levee, (12, or $12 fri delivered at mills, of the necessity or using couon out orthehonee lobepcked. It can be used In corner of a lot conveyed v William W. N of section eleven 111. contalno. . of tooacoo for which payment of tax is Corner Wellington and Linden. - as lstheeiasewiin JJ ... loss and suffering in this principil branch buyer rumiahiug sacks. Motes, i(s4c weather the Press being in the house, rainy da si; re Bond by said Pritchet (bj deed registered m acres; the N and ths north part made; and these stamps mast besfflxed Pr wooden screws. Another sdvastsze Is. when you El I Kenonenvs rress. rra the office or the Register o. Shelby county, and the north part of the southeast qr. of of great commerce. With respect to pound. A full and efficient corps or experienced ePS-- ay sere ars 1, a. our or canceled in tbe manner prescribed by all tune and one not liable lo or bres a, as is th case witn theiun..oid wotslen Tennessee, In book 41, part pases 3 nd sectle n twelve f Uj, containing 411 . teachers employed. -- screw m ron, W'".mg-to- u 1 the money marker, which is tbe heart and the in one oi nis innumer- Canned (oois ine market la dull and mot other Iron screws no piesses This Is evident from the fact thst the SM); thence north and parallel with In township No. ,. south, racge east. i I commissioner $14 '(a, The Fall Term tbe year 1870 com- of iron, and no part of the Press iishle Moure street to o N W apring of sctivity of business, a steady and inactive. Condensed milk, af will either wrouitht or. csst, snd the lraroes are wrouht , . , - street to extended lot south part ot the of see'lon able orders. The falureof a manufacturer . - k asL . m .1 ai iKu imi nf 'etf 14 1 $1 mence to toncn- s tne grounu. i mm inygses ms o-- iu r o, ' iii' rhanlan : 19J from the aoutbeast lnters.-tt';- w township seven south, rauae 3 observation will bring conviction of its 1 eomply with any these 60 per case. Cove oysters, lb, S5&2 dersv 'J box ol c in es". of require nMMh.u iti.r i,a ,irpu tiiol ?int stone and du: the frams and Wellington and Xod'O. atreeas; he srltk talnlna 10 70 HW acres: the W o! the . . . soundness. Capital, however, will proba- - perduz; 2 lbs, $2 85,3. Peaches, $2 4'Xg, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1870. put wooden ments win oe considered s rem vsi oth- wood to It themselves, or may purchne thescrew, nut and lrn frames, and the noill l Hireet eitcouruwi uuv wi of section 35, In township six sont.i. to to period of ,o. 50. $1 4;K'tl . II bly have submit another erwise than as provided by law," and sub- - rears, fs Tomatoes, t0. box lo It thtmstlves, or may purr lias the Pres- - complete, with screw, nnt, lion lramessnd elgn y snd one half feet to , i one east, contain lag BO acres. In a'i 1661 forced insciivity. Bnt better that than Cherries, $3iV 25. Pineapples $3 'J0(v W For circular snd fnrtber Information, box making the roost complete Press in use. Pre.-se- complete, aa last named, are In more the southern line of Mouioe - o e acres, or which about 500 acres e t t, jecla the 'offender to the forfeitures pro Mets. MAY, as - a cie. risky specula; ion. Tbe market, however, $4 75 j... 00. Brandy Cherries, $0 OOfutti 60. sddress LKTITIA use. and tlv itrest saUafaeUon,. to .lt partus using mem. win wsm said Bond's nortbeastcorne.'t t a known ss the Worfleid tract of land. vided Dy law tor the particular ortense of an 13 Principal V I , , i , . . in 1, Id rr-- ar , anil roil til furntsh r rn now quite clear from the tri- t per . 4 (o.j 2b; daw in my possession, lew oi whichl to satd Bond's notbeast ..i!.e The. tltie to said property la biievd t" is results, which he may be guilty. Manufactured ickles, hall .gallon, doz iuj i s; west with ssid Bond's line oi and good, 1 sail and cuvey only as rrui.;e. fling in ibemselves, of overdone engage-uieut- : $2 35542 50. Tomato thousands. - . ..-- ,, i ,,, ,,m i hut tobacco found outside of a factory or ex- uts. 3f0 pints, ,.ii if possible, and examine mine; tight and oue hall toss to the beg ..ning. JLOUliy e,r reeietlipiiou uierreo. and if goia : t in certain quanti- port bonded warehouse except such as catsup, $1 252 25; Pepperaauce,$l 25. WEST TENNESSEE COLLEGE or if thev shou d lavor me with their order, th-- y may rely upon getting a Pt.tss that is all 1 TcaKS or SALI.-U- D a cieelll oi 7 months, ALKRED a. EDIN44TON, Sheriff ties gone abroad, whether for loans or In may be in transit from tbe one to the I... .S - r inn, at in small pack- - purchaser executing lond. with good secur- tjrSO Desha county. Arkansas. Trustee. the purchases of securities. It is not to be ,' lalHavTuK'ihe most extensive Iron Works In the city. nn1 the greatest variety or patterns ity, and lien retained upon tuo land to seenre other, without the proper revenue JACKSON, TENNESSEE. . ' " of kinds, 1 am sble to furnisu parties w,u. .: a j 'I-- J short purchase money. Itqulty of redemption forgo: ten thai these securities remain in s affixed, will he forfeited, and the Feed The demand for corn was better all ''"' are v, barred. Chancery Sale of Reai Estate oar hands, and constantly drawing. p?rs: n having the same in bis jtossession and prices were firm and higher. XTEXT MBSjna begins September "th. Tnl- - Purchsser or purchasers must eomply with In shape of dividends, a golden tide to owing light stock. Yellow aud 110, i:si per safe days or thessld the or offering it for sale will be liable to to the lion, ir. I.e. i. ami session oi the terms of within ten ON- the ,. ., eve Be cre-tar- y resold, our shores. The complaint will most fines and penalties imposed by lsw. All White are held at on levee and in nonths. For catalogues, address property will be advertised and and likely be, not that money is not plentiful, lots. Oats are selling at with 50c of the Faculty. nn!2 Uie delinquent purchaser changed with the packages of tobacco short or insufficiently 49, AUaust 5, 870. , cannot meet jl-u- lo costs. This, Wedneatiay, September 28, 1870. bat that it adequate employ- stamped, or having counterfeit or pre- asked as a general thing. Bran, HAND POWER M. L. HrEWAKT, Clerk knd Master. All securities, including as to for 3VH t. ment. sound viously canceled stamps affixed ; and all Hay,?Jl92b quality. Orders O XT Clapp, Vance A Anderson, Pols, forcompl't. leading railways, may be anticipated feed all are H ied at higher rates. O L angs tbe packages that hsve been emptied or par- el kinds 4120-- In Rjeond by this, as offering safe ."rom By agreement of parties, the above sale Is No. tbe Chancery Coart ot to profit and solid tially emptied and afterward refilled as these are prices first hands. Shelby countv. Tenn Janus Wilde, jr., A investments. But tbe steady, continuous Cotton seed meal, $22!$?4 per ton. postpoued rntil the Slth dsy of September e st. vs. H. Wsggener. destruction of stamps, 1K70. can be at my Co John price wheat is grave without the the are scarce A plat of sal J laud Etta order or In tl , rise in tbe of alart of and t..e affixing of new ones; and all Kr.l ir Apples and choice offlce. This Auira-- t B, ltTJe. BY virlae ofan sale made Import which annul lm lost sight of. On would sMI at 5) per bbl. Peaches I,, w KT, ' ana I will set!, at nubile: auction, to tbe packages having attached to them tbe $33 II. I. s a iers issrer 1 i the whole, our coniin0Mal and monetary ami pears are scarce and bring fancy The above cut shows the Presi pnt up si h'gbest saadaf, lront of the Ink aod stamped portions of s package previously work- Master's orflee of ths second Chancery ctmrt prospects must be described as of a mixed used, are to be forfeited to tho Govern- prices, drapes 810c per lb. Lemons, complete st wchofleld's Iron Works, for Ad ministrator Sale or Ral Estates' of St.elby county In theel'y ot Meaaph., character. A restricted trade and forced ment, The wilfal neglect of persons $16 per box. ing by four hands. These sre sll that are ne- Tennessee, on Wednevday.Seotember28, I1 , cessation of employment for labor and KLorR. The demand m i tir and prices cessary to operate it, aud have packed as nY vbrtuer.r a decree of the Chancery Court, within legal boars, the following descrilivei emptying stamped packages to destroy silting lu and lor lie county oi estate, Lying being .h-e capital, though no Vault of our own, is are steady. We quote : Super, $6 00 HOC Lt lowikio real and in tbe stamps or stamped portion; or the much as pounds lu also of ordinary kale. and Htate or , made at the July county o Shelby, state of Tennessee, lo a thing to contemplate. On $rW5i25; 5C(a)7; nnder-.lgneo- . ani not pleasant giving away, selling or accepting a g6C0; X, XX, $6 XXX When put up na shown above, it may b Term. A D. 1K70. thereol. ine tbe city of Memphis, and bounded and de- hand, $76$8 60. of the other aalisfariion cann't but stamped package which has been once and Fancy, taken ilown any time and placed on a admlulatrator de bonis nou of ths estate scribed ss lollows: xleglnniag ou ihe north be felt with the fact that our business af- ytemt quarters; at Hans. m il by m, deceased, will side or Jefferson street at iron sinks en the used and emptied; or the putting of fish tsarainoa.JDKaazi lu lie. If nn hour, and pnt up again in fairs are in so sound a condition, our out- 354i36c for halve, White tish, $ 50 per waoii the I6tb Day of Dcceaber 1870, east bank of bayou Oeyoso; running tbeucn manufactured tobacco into such a pack- little over that time. 0i eastwsrdiy wltn the norm side of Jell- - standing engagements so lew and trilling, of- hair bbl. Itoe Herring, per ball bbl., fma) prescribed bv age once before used, subjects the Tic..- - Wright: Next, between the hours law In street sixty so, feel to a slake: them e norm that ibis country is well prepared to pass H 60. court-hous- e door ol the county of fender to the fines and penalties pre- Wrought-lro- n Screw Press, lront of the wardty at right angles with JeHsisou Bates again througb a period of commercial in- Upnnies Good No. 1 seconds 15 or Mississippi, expose rortar-- e scribed by law. complete 1177 UO SJHM Tunica, in said State one hundred and feet six inches FEMALE INSTITUTE, ror at pun.ic 10 me uigue.t oiu-de- r. a westwardly to activity should tbe continuance of the 16c and firm. Wronsht-l- r n Hcrew, with sal", aaciion, to stke; thence sixty feet a tor one-thir- d crsti. and the balance In one war force it on us. But our hopes tend Hides. Furs and Tallow Hides and Iron Frames Li! 00 1,000 stake; thenes south wardlv ounred .ml W SO oue and two years, with six percent. Interest forty-eigh- t reel six inches to the begiuniu , all the other way. Furs are steady. Drv Flint, 16c: Dry Maury Countv. Tenn. Wrought-Iro- Hcrew 75" lollowing estate, FINANCE. Iron Screw - 75 50 from dale, toe described real being paitol original couutr lotnli. FOREIQJW ANIi DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Salt, 13c; Oreen, 0c; Green Salt, 7fei7)ic. fast located, lying and being In aatd countv or or Sale.-o- n a credit of tw,i QuintardTB. Freight to Memphis, yi oents per 100 pounds. Txaats The condition of the money market is Tallow, 9c. Deer Skins, 1616c; Beaver, Rt. Rev. C. T. D. , S T O., Tunica, as follows, to will Fractional section montha, purchaser executing note with gnod New York Lull- - Mon- ; Visitor. 510 17. From tbe 'in, of unchanged. The very best paper Is 50 each; $1 00I&4 00 ea-m- - hi. oonia nm. acres: fractional section aecurity. and lien retained until purehsso still Otter, 450 or day, we extract the following in reference 12 Rev. George Beckett, Rector. containing acres; south half fractional money hi fuily paid. Equity of redemptioti taken by the banks at per cent., but on Mink, 40efa?l: fox, 30c: coon, IS, '' to tbe condition of the domestic and BmP1 N section containing acres; sections Nos. barred. the s.reet it goes at S per cent, per month. Leather Hen lock Sole. 33(36c; Mrs. M. Martin, Principal. 2J and 21. and east Tislf ol section 27 (west goods Bri-die- Purchaser or purchasers mnstcomp'y with foreign dry market of that city on Exchange ia bought at par, sold at Oak Sole, Saddle, 4043c; s, quarter 21); frac- (Saturday last: and 4246c; Assisted by a full and effective corps of IF'o half aud souttieast section tbe terms ot sale wl hln ten days, or the r ld premium. Already there is a gather- $4469 per dozen; Uppers, 4060c; experienced teachers. Horse HAND POWER PRESS. tional south half section 23: sections Hand property will be advertised and resold, snd Djmrttic Dry i.ootl. The market ing in ol resources by the hanks in order Calfskins, French, $4570c; American PRICES SAME AS 29; all In township I, range IL lbs delinquent purchaser chaiged w:tb the y 24. qimrter section LI. 1870. opened with au active trade in all means incom- $3O(cu50. Also section southeast coats. This August S, to furnish tho of moving the do., northeast quarter section to, south fractional M. D. L. STEWART, departments. Tbe movements durioglhe : Fall 1870 Clerk and Vaster. ing cotton crop. Wo need twice the Live Stock we quote as iohows The Term of the Year hall of section 26, wel half of section Jo; all Kortreeht A Oaft. Sols, for corn pit's. snSe part of day were heavy. d, early the quite banking capital used 1 corn-fe- d grass-fe- 3, range 12. war news amount of in this No. Beeves, ifMtt COMMENCE In township Later, however, the startling city, and it is very strange that other Vab Uc: No. 1 Texas. $40ta,45 per head ; No. WILL Fractional section !. townshlo 1. ranee 12: attracted tbe attention of dealers, and so moneyed are not organized $2b(jt35; No. 3, Milch Cowa, southwest quarter section 2; east half of Sale. In institutions 1 $18f22. quarter, east nan oi sou.ueasi Trustee. great was the interest manifea'ed tbe we have are prosperous to an ex- $.S.va5u. 1 Sheep, $3 00)4 00 and dull. 1Q. northeast reports, that trade was comparatively All that No. Monday, Sopt. quarter, and southwest qu.rter of southeast tent not known e'aewbere in tbe United Molasses ouimou boc; uooa je; SV For circulars and further Information, quarter of section i; west hair section , neglected. S inie dealers, over sanguine Western cities us 25. address Kr.V. OLO BECKETT, quarter of section 8, southeast States. Can't furnish syrups 60&$1 southwest virtue of a Deed of Trust eTf cuted to perhaps, predict the immediate cessation with money enough to bring down the air aemanu at oussa yju Colambla, Tennessee. Quarte r ol sei'lion J. soute.we.t quarter oi sec. BY hostilities, and an early of Kliu ' Hon hi. west hair of section ll.e.tsl half of on the 10th dsy of Msy. 1870, by of declaration beBt paper to 1 2 per cent, per Prlt-hst- t, 1 or month? rates. pa u. m a asel duly recorde-- In thj peace. This they believe will be accom- section il: mi ol secuoDS tin: wesi -- That's enough for an houeat man to pay. Naval Stores Tar. in kegs. $5 25 MACON MASONIC COLLEGE, half ot section 20 soutuuesi yusrter or sec Register's ofil. e ol st. jlhy county. Trne-- s panied by tbe revival ol Continental Scrips S 40 $Bfg,10; In nook No. 72, page 537. and for the purueisei ( are unchanged. 76 tor Pine; in gallon bbis, tion 21, east half and south west quarter of trade, and an advance in raw cotton !: is o ofpayluglhe debts cured there by , 1 a , o u New York, September 7, 2:25 p.m Fitch, $6 per bbl; , OjkuiuXo 00(gr3 00 per Situated at Macon, Fayette Co., section 22; all or section 2a; west nair sec would naturally cause an advance in cot- are a fraction Teai., tlO:i la. west half of eeetlou 2i: all of section Governments better, with bale. or 27. quarter Saturday, 24th Day of September, 1870, ton roods, and among such of tbe holders ordinary demands. Coal. 30(31c; Linseed raw, $1 15 26; south hall section northeast of these fabrics as see such encouraging Oils MILES esat of Memphis, and 7 miles ol section 28, southeast quarter ot tectum a, Sterling steady at Gold loaning 1 26; do. boiled, (1 400.1 45; I.erd. $1 40 Of Mem- 77, 1. 10 a -- - ' : in news received to day, a 9?; tJVS north of lAfayette Depot, ou the sections s aud 38; all in township range Between the hours of o'clock n. r indications the flat; buyers are somewhat apart in their 50; Lubricating C al oil, 35&y0c; phis and Charleston Railroad, Also, lots S. 4. 5.F.9. 1U. 11. 12. 13. II Snd l.i. In o' lock m., on the south west coiner of I he in feeling exists. 2, .1, 4, 5. better views, and prices irregular at for 1 rain Oil. 1 30s Crude Cottonseed section 15. township 2S, range 2; also, tersectlon of Third aud Jeffersrn a'-- ceu a.. a was 67 23,1 Will Re opened an. A Foreign Good. The market active money. Oil, 52ra55c. be September 5th, 1870. a, 7 aud 8, lu section 22 townsmp r.nge a In front of the office of MeCaltnm Kirn;. early in the day , but toward the close, as To be sold lu parcels not to exoeewl one hun- Memphis. Tennessee, sell, at public sun The' steamer Java took $315,000 specie. Poultry Chickens aro firm. Selling FACULTY: dred and sixty seres In euy on. irscf. for ca h. to tne highest bidder, a certain lot noted in the domestic msrket, business per doz for young and old. wsa apparently forgotten in the excite- Bonds of 1881 .114' at $4a6 Rxv. Q. W. Johnstok, A.M., President, Pro- - w. w. atsriiniF.1, ja, or parcel of ground, eituale lu the clly 5 20 Bonds 18S2 .112? t oieioes scarce at ? per or Mines. Admlnistiator de bonis cou ot Kunsom H Semi his. Tennessee, and bounded, ss d. ment created by lbs foreign war news. of I'rodlce lessor Oreek and scrlbed. ss follows, Beglnntns nt VI . 5-- 1864 bbl. from wagons loose. Onions 60 Q A. HcNTxa, A.M., 1'rofesKir of Latin and Byrns. The general opinion among dealers is, " UIM $33 By order of tbe Court. fct. J. Pattillo's northwest corner ou the t 2 1886 .111 W per bbL as to condition, with few good In French. i - that whatever tbe result may be whether " R. E. MrHKii.1., A.M., Professor or Mathe- au25 h.vUi.Y HESDRICK, Clerk. aide of Mooroe street extended; rtiiio tr 0 canuaee, per iou. the war is continued or peace declared, " 1886, new .110 market, jiufi matics ami Natural Philosophy. thence east with Monroe street eleituetl " 1887 " 110H Provisions There is no change In W. M. A.B., of English fifty-fo- leet; thence south at right au.i is no danger of a decline in French RinmcK, Teacher Sheriff 's Sale of Real Estate one-bun- there llo-- , prioes. We quote from store as follows : - with said street about a and de- 1868 " Htnaies. two-hor- or cast or wrought-lro- screws; wronght- or German goods, as long as an active .so This Press, of rjower. mav be either six feet to M. L. Meachsm's north hountl.i: -- 10-- qioz. mess TUITION: mand eon; inuea. There a e no excessive Bonds .106' Mess pork is soiling ai oeei. lron acrewa being cut with three-Inc- pilch for Horse Power. It may be put up either witn TjY virtue ol a venditioni exponas to me Hue; thence wat with said bound. ry Has $16 50j(17. Clear bscon sides, HHIIKa; year, preparatory, 140, 550 or an lemhle, as caunot break, ana win ne.oi JL rrom el r stocks in at present, and only Pacific Sixes .1111, Per scholastic without Iron Irames-- iron Irarae belmr pri lt dlrectesc lue t irst circuit court oi and par-ll- with said Mooroe sUeet.fltv-rou- the market clear rib sides, 1SV4(1S; no, iawieytc; ssmI Mk need repairs, as is tbe case with wood, in pntllng them up complete at my estaDiisnmii, Shelby county, I will, on therce north wl h aald paiti'io'a moderate quantities are in transit, while GOLD AND STOCKS IN NEW YORK. shoulders, 1"V.15 breakfast bacon, Per scholastic year, collegiate, feu. fro '.hey do not differ from the Hand Power only in pitch of thread of screw, and different kina east tound try Hue and at right acgieswito no event oonld fresh goods be shipped 7, v: and 8a or lever, working. One can pack Ave to e;glu hundred pounds oa this rress. Saturday, the 13th August Next Monro- - in New Yore, September 11:15 a.m. liHtj sugar cured cams, ;io c. f for horse T u II ssld street about ens hundred aud :?.:; 115 per -i , Prnlirl- x from the other side so sa to reach here be- There is some to sell at Board, room rnrnlshed. and fuel. u. a. r i Proceed to sen, to the highest bidder, for cash, flfrv-sl- rest to tree beginning. disp anion this Lard, in tierces, 17Xc; kegs, 1819c. raoni::. u. T. M u m v.. ac ot redemption Is waived by said fore the drat of October, by which time re- r That planters mav get Presses in time, will take in payment warehouse wltlitn legal hours, lu rrout of the Hhe'llTs Equity board, and a heavy feeling prevailed, Louisiana, lltolbc, as to qual President or the Board or Trustees. their rjeeond la be: gooo, bulk of tbe trade in first bands is over. ceptance, 1, 1870, as above. office, ou street. In the Qreenlaw Trust. Deed. The title betieved to tbe sulting in a marked decline from tbe ; clarified, do., J. O, Mckkfi i.. Rsq.. Secretary. anW due October at cost prices, foliow-ini- r I convey as uoods are governe! more by tbe ity yellow 1515Jc; white opera Building, elty of Memphis, tbe but sell and only ttuslee. B. ilish opening prices this morning. We quote: crushed and powdered, 15! described real estate, t: A certain BOtJI W. D. Met ALLLM, a course of tbe gold premium, though 15H(16c; ircst Canton 61 lbc: coffee A. 14'(ai5c; B, 14a14Jc; ex Schofield's Cotton Press received the First Premium at the Georoja lot or parcel of land lying aud beta in the should peace be declared and the Conti- Park Avenue Academy, Patent county Ol fcueioy, anu sisie ot kuusim nental markets opened at an early day, Western 0 nion Telegraph Co 84K tra C, 13X14c; Demarara, 1415c. State Fair for 1869. hpine s nart of subdivision of Block .10 i7 Trustee's Sale. (Quicksilver 6 d barrels, az 30(g 4b; 140 on of there would doubtless be an advance in Salt for plantation cotton packing on the ground. It Is frontalis reel the north side Jessa Pacific Mail dairy, $3 25da3 60. -2 It was proved superior to anything street extending back north lie.1 goods, UX S Miles from Memphis. Is slmpie and eJEcleiit than any cotton press iu use, There mine and staple Adams Express 68s HPiRiTe High wines, Hoeojw;; prooi Sut up more substantially, more twenty ysara, feet, immediately east 01 mi lopps rest get out of order about lt. aud afler being used -- CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF nothing oompllcsted or to ii 11 "iii--- . . 1. , virtue, and In aecordanea with tbe pro- Till Wells, Fargo Co.'s Express 12 spirits, $1 10&1 16; rectified whisky, will be as good as new. Lever piesses w- l- not do, they will get out of order, and In a lew ueuw 1H.1. .,1.'. - . being the same lot conveyed to John S. Kiynn BY ox a deed made by aa MAKE KT. American 41 b59,)6c ..- k u 1. . A an.l a I ,n.,Ml he a KITPW IIIMK visions trust l Express "VJ EAR Memphis and Charleston railroad 600 by Kouertaun Topp by deed dated May XI, co and W. U. Qreenlaw. to me, as tr- following Express. 41 If per lb. , J'hia cotton press Is fast displacing the old wood seaew and otber presses, and of over We give the quotations from United States Starch 5H(8c A IDBBrTrutn bcbpiiiu uicuh mi. i one; ou contrary, am 1SS2. Also, a certain lot or parcel of ground the !0th day of February, lrW, duly record d M. x Son's tobacco circular, dated New York Central 9bJ Soap Mottled, vollow, 7Mfi$ 1X70. Students preosred for the Universitytj ol presses sold last season, I have not heard a complaint from hot the lying and being in county 01 Restisier's office of Shelby eottnty. in Bider 9C10Hc; plant-r-e of certifying to their situated, ths in the e 1: Scrip 92 HJic; common, Candles, 15(924c. Virginia or any college. Twenty boarders dally in receipt of letters from the first ail the Coitou Slates Shelby and Bute of Tennessee, situated on Book No. 7 1, on pases 80, 81, 6i auti 08, tosre-jr- new York, Kep;ember New York tt7o. emcacy, anu js m ou r Kurope has exercised a very Erie 23?, lear, light can oe accomssnsasam expressing tneir opinion iu.i i. auuiwi uuicib. St. Martin street. In the city of Memphis, and the payment of tertain iudebtedness, ih The war in tobacco frlme natural For apply to H. A Co., 0 38 on street, run- ssld L. Kocco to 70c(gil 10; fancy 90e(g4l ; circulars, Wade and fronting feet at. Martin and ln lully described, from ihe damaging influence on tbe value of most Beading ViH pressed, fine Va., Taylor, Had lord A Co., Memphis. JPowor, ning hack east to the bayou 72 reel, a more the said W. U. Qreenlaw, I will, ou elsples, and as it could not be ex- Michigan Central 116 tine bright pounds, 80faJ90c ; medium w l,. .mi i.L.t,rt, a., Wiloo: Ixnpz'ovocl Uorao or Is given In s of oar )a si. Also WORKS, complete description which pected that tobacco should make an ex- Michigan Sou. hern Vi't bright ponnds, 70f0e; common bright SuDerlor to anv in use for Oinnlua Cotton. Made only ol 8CHOF1 ELD S 1XON ad certain deed of trust executed by John L. The 1st day of October. 1870, unwillingness of receivers to Illinois Central 1S5 pounds, 6270c; medium bright half joining Passenger Depot, MACON, OA. Morgan to Thomas H. Logwood, dated Jan- ception, the EMMA MERCER is 1814. Also, a certs 10 piece or parcel submit to prices much below those ruling Cleveland and Pittsburg 105K pounds, sound, 6270c; smoking, fine INSTITUTE, uary within legal honrs, proceed to sail, in and common of land situated, lying aud being In the premises, on Shelby t, the previously, which tbe few buyers dis- Chicago A Northwestern 82 X and fancy, buXsthOc: medium county 01 Shelby, 8tie of Tennessee, front- front of tbe Ire' (preferred) .. 8 35((v50c Grenada, Mississippi. liai feet on street, Memphis, Ten- following described property, to tbe highest posed to operate offered, caused great ". ing Walnut I: . . Common 16(u nessee, ai.d running .back 150 lest In depth off bidder for cash, The south ' dullness, which continued until within a Rock Island U3H Vihkoar and Pickling, (7), , , rpHK next session of this Institution will of soutnern part of six teres 01 land pur- lots Nos. six (8j, seven and eight ,t. fow days, when both sides coming to St. Paul 63 30. the block No. 11 (11) according lo Ihe plan of X commence on Wednesday, ths list of PRESSES, chased st chancery sale by Robert S. Smith, s somewhat understanding, greater St. Paul (preferred) 80K Mississippi COTTON P. Sooth Memphis, lying on the west de ot better and Tennessee Railroad septemoer. A lull corps oi instructors in and translerred by said smith to Samuel prevailed. every department, ot experience being a portion ol tbe same Shelby street, fronting on ssid street reveDty-flve.75- ) activity In bonds tbe market is unsettled and Manifest ok Freiuht Received at and the Walker, and feet, and running back westwsreltr The sales reach 3600 hods. Kentucky, Memphis, September 1670. highest professional talent. The bouse Is be L. land vested In Charles Joues by a decree of irregular in prises. We quota: 7th, Morris, auu renew ea nom E. MORSE'S PATENT. of Memphis rendered In beiween parallel lines, a d right atg s 21.0 hbds. for export to ing renitea lop to uotiom the Chancery Court ! of which about OldTenneaaaaa 63 beadt Co., lObaleaootton; Rosnraei ana case of Ford, Adm r of Thomas with Shelby street to an alley, with silt Kngland A. ouLsiae in. the Newion e.r France, Belgium, Spain, and tbe New Tenneseeea 60 K 1 do.; N. Ford Co., 4 balee cotton anu For terms and Information apply to Manufactured at 203 Madison Street, MEMPHIS, TENN. Mull, deceased, at aL vs. John S. Clayton et rights and privileges thereunto belongiUa Mediterranean, and 1500 bbds. U t 3 packages Rosch Co., Mrs. Dr. B T. HoLvXiMBE. on sth day ot April. 163, levied on as in anywise appertaining. New York, September 7, 1:30 p.m sundries; A. J. al., the The equity ot redemption Is expresslv bales cotton ; Jones, Brown A Co., 3 do; sn20 eersnnda. Mis extra the property of defendant. James li Logan, to Cantor. 62 can be operated by steam, horse or hand power, as tbe planter seas lit. without o! II. Robert- walved ln said deed ol trustand tha title H We cannot expect a full revival of S. M Webb A Co., 12 do; Treadwell Bros., AND box. Press Is more satisfy an execution In favor K Western Union Telegrspb Company 34H No labor required to tramp cotton in the This son, surviving partner, etc, for U,16J US, believed to be perfect. I convey ou:y s. in Kurope cease, 1 ; Cria-ui- ui MKS-- H trade until tbe troubles uuicksiiver 2 do; Busby, Johnson 4 Co., do. HOLLOWAY S VERMIFUGE CONFECTIONS with Interest and costs of suit. trna ee. (sell M. K. Tnie- t- even the question arises, how 1 ; 8 and then 1'acifie Mail 41X A Co., do Hugh Torrenoe, do; i rvWMSrTI years experience has proved this POWERFUL, ECONOMICAL and DURABLE The above sale Is postponed until long will the consequences of such a ter- T. H. Allen A Co., 3 do., 2 pkgs sundries; Adams Express 68 J the most popular remedy with physi- first-Ma- ss In respects, 14. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. war wit it-- a healthy and 4 ; Than any now sold in the Mississippi valley; guaranteed to be all Friday, October 1870. rible interfere Wells, Fsrgn ,t Co.'s Express 12 H. H. Coleman, bales cotton Stratton, cians and parents lor those pasts of child less rress In re- 1 nd to make a ponnd bale in les ilme.and with labor, than ay MARCUS A Corv-cxo- n TO regular trade. We therefore have to Goyer A Co., 2 do. ; B. car load hood Worms. They are pleasaut to take flrat-elas- s, J. WB1UHT. Pbtvatb American Express 41 J. Stark, market. Ha price Is about one-thir- d Uss than any other Press called and county. PESinniMQWIliRRIiCP U those about gret that we cannot see ny thing very lumber, 2 pkgs sundries; Cubbins, Gunn and always effective In expelling the Worms ths Sheriff of Shelby ths AJUtiKDor United States Express 41 and toning the system up to lis normal hut a trifle more than the cheapest. . J. K Htaiow. A't'V tnr phttnttff ryS to marry, oo the physlologl- - prospects. 1 CI iirtF as favorable in our New York Central 96 ct Cover, car load lumber; Conaway dt condition. BeTare or counterfeits and imi- All orders addressed to ciara, r.iy jea mini now, or w a.n,auii,wi Ulut, cai mysteries aud reveb.-tio- crop la now housed, ( 1 ; ee, meet sucnuon. The new getting New York Scrip 1J Co., 3 pkgs sundries; George si r, do tations. The genuine have the signature ol street, Memphis, Tenn will with proini Attachment Notice. of the sexual system, with the latest and will no doubt furnish a pretty large Fowlkes A Motley, l'do. ; Edmonds, Pelti-gre- w the proprietors on the wrapper of each dlswverlas ln producing and preventing Erie 23J, - E. L. MORSE. vs. J. W. Drwln. eta. Owing to a great deal of rain la A- Co.', 2 A 1 car paeaage. daw H. J. Ensell preserving the complexion, yield. Reading 98 do.; Pargason Clay, Jam as Justice of the Peace work of two hundred some of the West, tbe crop is not Co., 250 JOHNSTON, MOLLOWAY A COWliEN, BEFORE Hill, This is an Interesting parts Michigan Central 1 load lumber; Harria, Cochran A Philadelphia, county, affidav it having been and twenty-fou-r pages, with numerous en- considered a fine one. 92,'t tails iron ties; Burkle A Frey, 46 bead of made ln this cause, and attachment Issued gravings, and contains valuable luformalluu Michigan Southern levied, etc. : Tor Havana Tobacco. This article has met 36V. cattle. and returned, those who are married or contemplate demand, especially for fine qual- Illinois 'entrat It la therefore ordered. That publication marriage: still lt is a book that ought to . a good Cleveland and Pittsburg 6H Memphis Dally A and which No Cure A'o Pay! HictkeWt Titter Ointmeru three-stor- Brick-hous- e be made ln the a under lock and key, and aot laid carelessly ity, which is scarce, for better 6U SALE Tne newspaper published Mem- - The Chicago and Northwestern...- - FOR lot. No. 44 Washington street. Terms lu the city of about the house. prices are asked and obtained. balk Chicago preferred 88S THK SYMPTOMS 1T1IJ, positively cure Tetter, Erysipelas his, for lour successive weeks, commandlug Sent to any one (free of postage) for SC cants. and Northwestern v asy; or will less on long time. of the stock being of medium quality, . Liver Complaint an v sail Hneum, is&roer s itcn, lmpies 5le said J. W. Irwin to appear before me al Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary, No. U B. Koek island is. f SALE or lease on long time, Lot No. 70 14th Mo. moves slowly. aneaslneas and pain Blotches ana all forms oi Skin Disease: also - 1S4 Bt,. my office, clly ol Memphis, lu the Civil Eighth atreet, St. Louis, St. Panl awJi SIMMONS' Eyes F'UR street, and No. 183 Madison st. WILDE. COLLINS CO., Main 20th : parcels of new crop have been re- in side. Bon Sore aud Eye Lids, Discharges from the lot wholMaale. agents for SV.nth. stl District of said county, on the day ol sir Nommt at the AfHeted and Onnrtunale Borne preferred 80 the two-stor- y Brick-hous- e sive ths 10 showing a decided im- St. Psul lunies the pain Is in tit, and Old Sores, no matter of how long BALK The and September, 170, at o'clock a.m., and make Before anplylng to the notorious iluacxs ceived, and while landing, or money by pro- - FUB 163 him, or It will be advertise papers, any old, also being well In bonds the market is unsettled and J; he shoulder, and U the returned the No. Main street. defense to said suit against who ln public or using provement over the le prierois. Seventy-thre- e YOUR CHILDREN. proceeded with ex parte. Quack Rxkbdixs, peruse Dr. Butts' work, no irregular In prices. ulstMken ior rheamatlam. The stomach BALE seres of flne LOOK TO r advanced, still it ia too early for Immedi- JOlLNBTON, HOLLOWAY A COWDEN, FOR JAMES HALL, ma-.te- what your is, or deplora- a flee ted with loss or appetite and sickness land within IS miles of Senatobta county, disease how ate use, and we have no sales to report. bowels la general costive, sometimes alter. Philadelphia. Mississippi. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. Justice Peaee for Shelby ble your ooaditun. liVOO consump- Bold 50 cents per box by ail druggists. Sent Walter Coleman. Attorney for Flt'ff. aaB Lr. Butts cam be consulted, personally or by The sales are bales for UkUllWlUllU. 1U, eaj Inquire No. R4 Main street, between th COTTON. Dy man ior cents. at i mail, on the diseases mentioned ln his works. tion, and am bales were transhipped. Lead is trou riled with hows of 13 m. and 3 p-- an!4 Lans vvue anu iti inua ay facill- - Office, No. UN. Eighth street, bat. Market and Sales to-d- were 200 bales at slightly ln the Bowels, and nt Notice. Vara Tobacco The transactions in this palu. and dull, beary - Chestnut. t, Loaia. Ma. daw pur- figures LIVER Kenaatlon, considers tales the process of Teeth- T sort sre confined strictly to jobMBg sasler than ruled yesterday. Wht' No. 3800. in the Second Chancery Court ol 18 18',c, low loss OI einory Cbntumplton PnrtXvcly Vpham' '$ - A Thorn peon , chases. One hundred balsa w era disposed ware taken at to ! pie Currdt frith Bnbdnes Convulsions and Shelby county, Tennessee. nn or- kccompanled with JBSSS vs. J. W. Thompson at al. SIOOO of at from SI W'i to $1 07. middling at 17c, good ordinary 16c, twi mifTt.k: overcomes all diseases ln- - "2? by next irlend, For any ease mt Band.Hwvra.Bleeding or Jtehmg 14c, and trashy, stained, mixed painful sensation or having left undone core Bronchitis, Consumption, all cldent to Infanta and appearing from affidavit ln this cause fails te Manufactured Tubaecu. Transact ions dinary - CenU IT V. B. WaddelL ia a PILES' that DsBING'SPlLa RxMnv 11 to 13c Several buy WILL Diseases snd Sntttins of Blood. wHr"VP- Children, that the defendant, eases or years atandlug. nave been limited owing to the holding and low irrades at something which ought to have been dona Peabody Hotel - of the State ef Tennessee: oure. It has eured were on market, and the Inquiry debility and strengthen and build up the system to Cures Diarrhea. Dysen- aw Try it, and get rid of the most troublesome back ot exporters, who, under present ers ths Often complaining of weakness, aud Its healthy condition. This has been tsstsd y1, tery and Bummer Com- - lt Is ther fore ordered. That be make his to. Sold by ail druggists active, though the prioes at court-hous- e in disease flash is heir circumstances, expect to fill orders at was moderately low spirits, sometimes some or ths above oy rroi. xTossean in l wo i nouaanu cases in SaS cleansed, repaired eTMp? pl"nt ,n cmUaren of appearance herein, the the given yester- . n. ,n I I Is being thoroughly Cssata city of Me mpbls, Tenn.. on or before the first ScOdsva tuna ior peuupiuc lower Drioea. Some few parcels were dis offered were 5c below those disease, and at other times very Ilunl,.l. whi.k Ji Prankila auaet. reported sales was a attend the nearly every ease, and in this country by the and refitted, and Is now open to the travel- the freat and Chlldrsn'i Monday in October. IsTO. and plead, an- R.letmce. Vrt poned of for Southern trsde, ba. at the day. Among the ; Is generally It is Infant's to complainant's middling few of them but the liver the spprooeiion oi we pnyaiciau many nopei ing public. No trouble or expense will be Soothing Remedy In all disorders brought en swer or demur bill, or the close prices were lower miu aew aa accu list of strict to good at organ Involved. Care the liver with have been restored to health. One bot or any cause. asms will be taken lux con leased sa to him, lots of clean stained atio14c most spared to make this equal to any betel In the by Teething ether exparte; copy WANTED SELL THE mulating. and several tle will prove Its efficacy. Bold II 00 par bot- OOODLOE, Prepared by the URAPTQtT kWDICINs and set for bearing and that a AGENTS 10 M iiaIi l lta rem aiuimr stock is of the low ror S6 00. South. PAUL H. er order be pubiiaoed once a week, OBOWINO COTTON CROP, rt tle, or six CO., St. Louis, Mo. this ior THE trashy and atalned grades, of which there Or. Simmons' Liver Regulattr, JOHNSTON , HOLLOWAY A OOWDIK, anSl Proprietor. Hold by druggists and dealers rn medicine lour successive weeks. In the Memphis Dally The Oomtnerciil of New York has my'jnsnd Philadelphia- - svsrywnere. Appeal. This August IS, 1870. l.ut is more ottering than nna puranwa A copy attest: the following, which we transfer to our closed easier ai 18J4e for mid- Medical altogether indorsing its Tbe market A ra k p a aATio V or Roots akd Hxbbs, wabs M. D. L. STEWART, Clerk and Master. columns without dling. a A.NTKD to be strictly vegetable, and can do Trustee's Sale. By Geo. Malhry, Deputy C. and M. figures for the new crop: The season is The New York market opened easy and no Injury to any one. JlLJksStJ HALLS KITE CORWitiE Oeo. Washingt .n, Sol, lor eompl'nt. an 19 now so far advanced, without serious dis- following quotations: It has bean used by hundreds, and known dosed at the ihlrty-nv- e years ss one or Adviser. cotton crop, that, 16WC; for tbe last ths aster to tbe growing Ordinary at 13c: cood ordinary, eflloaclous and harmless prep JOB Bill for Divorce. a reasonably good autumn for pick- most reliable, PRINTERS, Deed to me with low middling. 19c; middling, 20c; good ever offered to safBSrlne. 11 virtue of a of Trust D.-- mtinni the BI" 25th day ot September, No. 811, R. In the Second Circuit Court ol BY DR. REZIN THOMPSON, ing, there is little doubt thst tbe popular Also, 2O0 bales for regularly reiaistnUy. It la ou the 1S, county-Estk- middling, 22a taken and -- sort speci- Shelby iel T. Keel vs. Martha of a yield of three and a hall 100 ' i cure dvaoaiosla to secure the payment of notes therein Of Nashville, Tennessee. estimate September at 18c; bales for October fied, elne. to Mcfcluuey, Bryson A Co., which C, Keel. bales will be realised. Thai lv'-ic- ; (headache, 14 Union Appeal Building. A having been filed ln this million of at 800 Dales ior epiemoer at ktjc; Jaondics St, said Deel or Trut was recorded ln the Reg-l- a BILL lor divorce Anthvr " Thompson oatsar," Juc grant enemy of the nation plan, the at 400 Icobilveneaa.alcJthead- - Ia the best article known to preserve Uie county, J case, and It appearing ;rom affidavit that of 700 bales for October MKtJ bales for lar'a orfioe ol Shelby Tenn., In Beak nt on Lawsof REGULATOR. c.he, - hfe last hair. It will positively restore the detendant, Martha 0. Keel Is a FULL and Plain Treatise the army worm, has not made its appaBTanee October at 16)40; 200 bales for December chronle diar- o. K, page 181. on ths ssnnnil day of October, Dtsaasa, aad tare Uie or y and year In sufficient foroe to create trhea, affections of the I will, on taa or the state ol Tennessee; A Health and this at lfHc. Sales to spinners mix nates Gray Hair to Us Original Celor tafl Prianto say-- W pleasure stating; to our pa- It la therefore ordered. That ahe make her sracUce ol Medielne,assaally adaataJ ior on seems take In court-hous- e Vs a household medical work it alarm, ami the plant, the whole, Speculation. bales. Its brewth. e herein, at the ln the uvxollvuse, 1S tery, affections ot tLs kidnsys, lavas', ner- trons ws have our Prlntla Is indorsed by I be moat em to have sustained fewer oaauaUtiaa than The Liverpool market opened quiet at of the skin, Impu- that removed Job 12th Day of September, 1870, 3tv of Meraptoia, Ten-n- on or before the third haa no rival. It vousness, chills, diseasss It Is an entirely new scientific discovery, 14 1870. plead, DhTsleians ln the country, North Xc.ul h. average of seasons. Not only are fi'-- Establishment to No. Union street, Appsa Monday in September, and answer in tbe d for UDlanda. and 9'd for Orleans rity of the blood, melancholy or depression combining many Ok the most powerful and West. Its merit ana reliability are we likely to have an increased crop at tbe "spirits, heartburn, colic, or pains in th Building, where we horpe to aee our old Within legal hoars, at the billiard saloon or demur to complainant's bill, or the same East At the close of the dsv it was dull ar.d ol ague restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. knrwn as - Cadmus' Saloon," Avrsa Block, will cs taken for confessed as to bar, and thus Disced beyond question. South, bat the yield all over the world 9W and 0 bowels, pain in tbe head, fever and tomers and aa many new ones aa will exam- exparte: and a copy This work is needed ln every hooasbohl. lower at to 9Hd for uplands, back and limbs, asthma, It MkM the Hair smath and glossy, tad second si rem, Memphis, proceed to sell, to set for hearing that ol economy for even promises to be s full average. Tbe pros- pares. dropsy, bolls, sain In now pr SB be published once a week, for fear Is sound the poorest to ror Orleans, naif, w,uw erysipelas, female affections, and bilious di does act stain tb skis I ine oar work and prices. We are the highest bidder, for eaah. all articles this order It to bay It. No book offers gres pect, then, is thst production will hsve 9d Bind described ln said Deed of T, ust, constating mini seam weeks, ln the Memphis Appeal. family tr www pared to do kinds of Printing and i 1870. to agents. Send for circulars, when the cotton m tork. ' IT 18 RECOMMENDED AND USED E? THE ln part of rnrniture, chairs, carpets and gas-fi-x Done at office, this 9th day f August, overtaken consumption, latter MEDICAL AUTHORITY. lng on tne moatiu reasonable P. D. BOYLE. Clark. with terras aad teattmonlsjo, to Natio.sai. by a fall prices September 7, 10:20 a. m. Druggists, Macon. Ga. PlHtsT lures, or a sufficient amount to satisfy XTt will be increased in again, Nw Yore, rtyb Pa-pa- rs Co., S7t aad Boaoml sire, t, Deputy unohanged respect. Or- a Mam aale by ail drnaadsta. Price 00. Oar stock of Cards., Billheads and Cap said Used ol Trust, W. Ijnris Wbabtobi, Clark Pcbushiso auto and this will bring into permanent opera- Cotton in every For sals by all In phis. For Jl D. not. auxv Memphis, Isun, dw ; H, . M., oomplst". sua BBYBON. Jarnagan, tar tion tbe rule, that the culture will be dinary, lie; Good Ordinary, 1mos Low Prtca, 11 by mall, IlkV apt Y. iUU A OO, Raanna, Proprlssors ia iwum