
Name: Date: How Does Affect The of Objects? Unit 3: Aim 13

On , gravity pulls all objects to Earth’s center. The Law of Universal Gravitation states that all objects in the attract each other, therefore gravity acts on all objects in the universe.

Although gravity affects all things, the attraction between two objects depends on a few things. One is and the other is .

As the mass of an increases, the gravitational increases. Since Earth is an object with a lot of mass, objects fall toward the center of the Earth with a noticeable amount of force. This is why it is easier to a ping-pong ball over your head than a bowling ball because there is less gravitational pull to overcome. With distance as a factor, as the distance between two objects increases, the gravitational force between then decreases

Gravity acts on all equally, even though the effects on both masses may be different because gravity causes all objects to fall at the same constant rate of 9.8 m/s2. An object in means that the only force acting on the object is gravity.

If gravity acts on all masses equally, why do all objects have a different ? The mass of something is the amount of something is made of. The mass of an object ALWAYS stays the same. Your mass on Earth will be the same if you were on the . Weight however, is a of the force of gravity acting on an object at the surface of a . The weight can CHANGE depending on how much the planet is pulling on the object.

1. Define the following: a. gravity:

b. law of universal gravitation:

c. mass:

d. weight:

e. free fall:

2. What are the two things that affect the attraction between two objects

3. Why is it easier to lift your puppy than to try to lift your car?

4. As you travel away from Earth’s surface.

a. What happens to your mass?

b. What happens to the gravitational pull? Does it increase or decrease and why?!

c. What happens to your weight?

5. The pulls on a planet with 167,560,432 N of force.

a. What will happen to that force, if the sun decreases in mass.

b. What will happen to that force, if the planet moves closer to the sun.

6. Gravity is pulling down on a skydiver with 70 N of force, and air resistance is pushing up on the skydiver with 30 N of force. Draw a free-body diagram of this scenario. What is the on the skydiver?

7. What are acting on an object in free fall? If gravity is pulling on an object in free fall with 45,400 N of force, what is the net force on the object?

So as you travel away from the surface, your mass stays the same but your weight reduces as gravitational pull decreases Felix- jumped from a height of about 120,000 feet (mt Everest is only about 20,000 feet). The air is so thin at that altitude. Air decreases as altitude increases, since less pressure is pushing the air together, this change in makes it easier for objects to move through