Phone 9-5247 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1970 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Terrorists Kidnap Diplomat in Canada MONTREAL (AP/AFRTS) ---- The for the Quebec separatists be- believed responsible for Canadian government has pro- lieved to be responsible. A scores of bombings in Quebec for police spokesman says the man- since 1963. protection S sedreign extra diplomats, following hunt was called off after a A provincial official said the kidnaping of British Trade ransom note was received warn- the ransom note demanded a Commissioner James Cross. ing against police action. certain number of alleged po- But Montreal police have The kidnaping has been blam- litical prisoners and.one half temporarily halted search ed on a terrorist organization million dollars in gold be put on a plane for Cuba or Algeria by tomorrow morning. A Montreal newspaper---The Star---said the note listed 12 Assaults Eyed prisoners to be freed. Police said armed members of WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--The Senate Internal Securities Sub- the Quebec Liberation Front, a committee begins a four-day probe today into persons described French separatist organization as "organized urban guerrillas." that has been linked with ter- The so-called "guerrillas" are blamed for assaulting 300 po- rorism in the past, forced licemen in the past year and killing 20 of them. Chairman their way into Cross' home in James 0. Eastland, a Mississ- Montreal yesterday, handcuffed ippi Democrat, says the panel him, and kidnaped him in a ta- will hear policemen from more Satellite Now xicab. Police an a dozen cities. have set up road- spot checks at ma- The subcommittee blocks for is consi Can be Made Here jor arteries leading from the ering several proposed mea- city, including a number of sures to curb attacks on po- Personal telephone calls may the St. lice. now be made by base personnel bridges leading across One of them, sponsored by via communications satellite Lawrence River to the South. Eastland, would make it a fed- through facilities in Norfolk. eral crime to travel across Va., according to a message state lines to assault, kill flm RAdm. Brian NcCauley to or injure a policeman, all base cobbands. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, October 6, 1970 My Lai Trials Begin Today

News Gazetteer FORT HOOD, Tex. (AP/AFRTS)--The first trial of a soldier accused in connection with the alleged My Lai massacre begins today here. Attorneys for the defendant, Sergeant David Mitchell, are demanding a change in site. If Communist Sunners Have Killed Seven, South Viet- it's granted a new panel of officers would name e and wounded 52 in an attack on a gov- have to be named for the court martial. ernment refugee camp at Phu My 285 miles Mitchell has pleaded innocent to charges of northeast of Saigon. Two U.S. installations assault with intent to commit murder by shoot- also were as intensified enemy attacks a- ing at 30 civilians. long the central coast continued. U.S. casu- Seven other soldiers have been ordered alties are described as light. court-martialed in the My Lai case, including .Mitchell's Platoon Commander Lt. Calley. Secretary General U. Thant, Warning That the UN's financial outlook is worse than ever and dete- riorating, has proposed a record budget of nearly $200 million for 1971. He told the Safety Board Probes Plane Crash General Assembly Financial Committee that the WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--The National Trans- world organization needs nearly $17 million portation Safety Board plans to hold formal more than he estimated it would last August. hearings on last Friday's plane crash that took the lives of 30 persons bound for a foot- Army Officers In Bolivia Have Voted, overwhelmingly ball game. for the resignation of both President Alfredo The victims included 13 members of the Ovando Candia and the army chief of staff. Wichita State University team. The chief of staff had been involved in an at- There have been reports that the company tempted coup. Ovando, seeking to quell the that operated the plane may have done so in simmering military revolt, earlier announced violation of federal law. that he had dismissed the chief'ef staff. The plane was one of two operated by the Military planes piloted by forces loyal to the Golden Eagle Company making the flight from president flew over La Paz last night in a Wichita to Utah. The second plane landed show of. power. And the rebels say the planes safely. were ordered to bomb their headquarters. The FAA says Golden Eagle was not certified to operate planes of that weight. The owner Soldiers in Sweden's Army Soon May Got hair nets of the planes, Jack Richards Aircraft, says it instead of haircuts. New regulations allow leased the planes to the school, which suppli- soldiers to have long hair, but they'll have ed the crews and to his knowledge the Golden to wear a hair net when there is any danger Eagle pilots were certified to fly them. of their hair getting caught in equipment. 2 e" Mideast- o bushed an army bus and two of their men were wounded in the action. Meanwhile, Egypt's only political party named Anwar Sadat to succeed late Pres. Nasser. Tuesday, October 6, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 Bayh Seeks Compromise on Electoral Reform WASHINGTON (AP/APRTS)--Sen. office of Majority Leader Mike who has been working closely Birch Bayh conceded defeat Mansfield, D-Mont., was ar- with him for the amendment, is yesterday in his efforts to ranged to determine if this willing to take the compromise get Senate approval now of a proposal would be generally and it could be approved by constitutional amendment for acceptable and break the Sen- the Senate today. direct election of the Presi- ate impasse over electoral The Senate is to vote today dent, and has offered a com- reform. on a third petition to cut off' promise to opponents. Bayh said he did not yet the debate on electoral reform, The Indiana Democrat told know the reaction of Sen. Sam but Bayh said that, with so reporters that he is willing J. Ervin, D-N.C., and others many Senators absent, this to take an amendment under opposed to the House-approved "will be a fruitless gesture." which a Presidential candi- amendment to abolish the elec- Under the compromise he ad- date with a majority of the toral college and provide for vanced, the office of Presi- electoral votes would Lca the the election of the President dential elector would be abbl- winner if he also had polled by direct, popular vote. ished and each state's elec- the most popular votes. However, he said that Sen. toral votes would be cast the Howard H. Baker Tr., D-Tenn., automatically for the candi- meeting in * An afternoon date who was the popular vote winner in the state. MANSON: 'Someone Should Cut Your Head Off If a candidate won a major- ity of the electoral votes, he LOS ANGELES (AP/PRTS)-Cha les Manson lunged across the would be elected provided he counsel table at the judge in the Sharon Tate murder trial also got more popular votes Mon., then screamed "someone should cut your head off." than any of his opponents. He was pounced on by a bail- In other congressional newa if f, wrestled to the floor ing to do to me?" leaders met yesterday to sound and half-carried] from court. Manson said, "I'm going to out the possibility of early The outburst came after Man- fight for my life one way or adjournment, reached no con- son and three women co-defend- another. You should let me do clusions, but left the impres- ants were led into court for it with words.I'm going to sion that congress will be the start of a delayed morning have you removed. I have my back after the November elec- session. Attorneys said the own system, you know." tions. judge was giving them another The leaders will meet again chance to behave following today, after separate meetings their ejection twice last week Agnew Attacks Goodell of Senate Democrats and Rep- for singing and shouting in NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)-Vice ublicans to discuss the pros- *court. President Spiro T. Agnew, con- pects of disposing of remain- The defendants sat quietly tinuing his attacks on Sen. ing legislation. for a few seconds, then Manson Charles E. Goodell, Republican Senate Democratic Leader Mike shouted insults at the judge seeking re-election here, Mansfield of Montana, who said and flung himself across the yesterday lumped him together earlier he dreads a post-elec- table in the direction of the with his Democratic opponent Rep. Richard Ottinger. page 4 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, October 6, 1970 Autopsy Ordered in Janis Joplin's Death HOLLYWOOD (AP/AFRTS)--Police ordered an autopsy after say- 'Maybe they can enjoy my music more if they think ing they found needle marks on I'm destroying myself.' the left arm of Janis Joplin, --- JANIS JOPLIN whose writhing, wailing and sometimes profane performances inside." Her galvanic style at the 1967 Monterey ?op Fes- electrified the music world. brought her the title "the Ju- tival. She had been singing in She was found dead in her dy Garland of Rock." She bore small clubs in San Francisco apartment Sunday at the age a resemblance to the previous and Los Angeles, developing a of 27. star in her full-voiced style, mournful blues style that "It didn't look like foul her complete openness with an harked back to her early idols, play," said an ambulance at- audience, and talk of self- Huddie "Leadbelly" Ledbetter tendant who removed the night- destruction. Miss Garland and Bessie Smith. gown-clad body Sunday night. died in a London apartment in "It looked like she had just 1969, apparently from a drug fallen over." overdose. VIOLENCE! miss Joplin had come here Born in Port Arthur, Tex., A bar operator, his wife and from her San Francisco home in 1943, Janis Joplin was a a patron were shot dead early to record for Colpmbia, which rebel at an early age. She yesterday in execution-type had sold millions of her sin- left home at 17, drifted a- slayings at rural Byron, Cal- gles "Piece of my Heart," cross the country, taking odd if. after a $50 ransom at- "Maybe," "One Good Man" and jobs and occasional college tempt. albums "Cheap Thrills," "I courses. She came to admire And a state trooper was shot Got Them 01' Kozmic Blues A- beatniks because they "believe and killed near Swandale, W. gain, Mama." things aren't going to get Va. yesterday and at least a Her body was found by her better and say the hell with score of troopers were con- guitarist, John Cook, who won- it, stay stoned and have a verging on the scene to con- dered why the singer had not good time." Fame overtook her duct a large-scale manhunt. emerged from her hotel apart- ment all day Sunday, and bor- --- NATIONAL NEWS BRIEFS--- rowed a key to enter. He sum- moned police. Rebellious Inmates. She had been dead approxi- NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)--Prisoners at the last of the city jails mately 12 hours, police said. in the hands of rebellious inmates bowed to an ultimatum by Bottles of tequila, vodka and Mayor John V. Lindsay yesterday and released three hostages wine were found in the apart- they had held since the disturbances broke out there Thursday. ment, but no drugs. The hostages at the Long Island city jail in Queens were Miss Joplin followed in released 13 minutes after a deadline set by Lindsay in a broad death another member of the cast in which he threatened the prisoners with "other courses rock pantheon, Jimi Hendrix, of action" if they hesitated. Supreme Court Opens. WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--The Supreme Court opened its 1970-71 term yesterday with an uneventful 20-minute session. After the Tuesday, October 6, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 5 Eggs Mar Nixon's Dublin Visit a little DUBLIN, Ireland (AP/AFRTS)-- world. With thousands cheer- sitting next to him, but the Tired but buoyant President ing him in the Irish capital, motorcade picked up speed. Nixon brought his nine-day Eu- the President didn't appear White House aids and Irish ropean tour to a close yester- bothered by a few brief incid- security officials said they day after paying tribute to ents in which dissenters hurl- regarded the incidents as his Irish forebears and pledg- ed eggs and unidentified ob- insignificant. ing the United States to a po- jects at his car. Two eggs splattered against licy of peace for all the None hit Nixon or his wife the windshield of the limou- sine as the motorcade entered Dublin after a swing through --- WORLD NEWS BREIFS--- the Irish countryside. Another Was squashed against Automatic Devices. the window next to Which Mrs. KONSTANZ, Germany (AP/AFRTS)--A leading Soviet scientist Nixon was sitting. Irish po- said yesterday the recent success of Luna 16 showed that auto- lice arrested a woman and two matic devices can do many jobs in space. But he said the brain is needed for what he termed the space challenge men. human had been of this decade: the study of earth's natural environment. The President standing up in the open car waving vigorously to the Middle East. crowds, but quickly sat down TEL AVIV (AP/AFRTS)--Israeli military sources reported yes- when he saw the egg throwers. the first full week without shooting along the Israeli- terday Later, as the Presidential Jordan frontier since the 1967 Middle East war. They said the motorcade headed for the air- line has been quiet for 10 days. But a new Israeli cease-fire port, dissenters emerged again United Nations truce supervision organization protest to the from an applauding and cheer- construction of its ground to air charged Egypt is continuing ing crowd and hurled objects network within the Suez Canal cease-fire zone. missile at the car. One was an egg thrown apparently from an up- Depression. per story of a business build- The tropical depression in the Carib- SAN JUAN (AP/AFRTS) -- ing. It missed its target and heavy rains over the Antilles. The mete- bean area is causing splattered on the street. orological bulletin said that satellite information and ship While Nixon did not seem. indicate the apparent center of the depression was reports disturbed, the incidents ap- miles south of Santo Domingo City -in the Dominican about 200 parently discouraged him from Republic. It continues to move westerly at about nine miles his usual practice of stopping per hour. The area affected by the depression is growing the motorcade to shake hands with clouds and rain across all the islands to the larger with people in the crowd. north of the system and some rain still falling in the Wind- ward Islands over 500 miles to the east. Highest winds are 30 to 35 miles per hour near the center am bodians Quell squalls to 50 with gusts in government m.p.h. to the north and east. SAIGCN (AP/AFRS)--Canbodian Page 6, Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, October 6, 1970

thaplai r Calls to States by the local telephone exchange on a daily ba- sis, the message said. The list will be limited to 25 names on week days and 50 names on weekend days and holidays. A Faith Without Words Is Dead. Personnel should call 95432 to list personal calls. The message said incoming calls are prohibr- From Calvary's Cross, Jesus said to His ited. mother "Woman, behold thy son." "Then saith He Official telephone calls to the states, em- to the disciple,'Behold thy mother'." ergency calls, and calls to detailers require Jesus knew so well the human heart, knew the a telephone authorization form filled out by anguish that was rending His mother. What the individual's command. Personnel making could he say to ease her pain? How could he such calls should dial 0. explain to her that the Cross is central to God's plan of salvation? He knew that it was not a time for theology, however rather, in typical kindness, He took care of His mother's present, immediate need. Overseas Christmas Mail Deadlines The first word from the Cross concerned our WASHINGTON, D.C. (HAVNEWS)- Christmas-may Lordsaenemiesl "Father, forgive them for they seem a long time away, but the deadline for know not what they do." The second word was sending Christmas mail overseas has little to to a stranger whom He welcomed into His friend- do with the holiday season. ship. "Today, thou shalt be with me in Para- Packages sent by surface mail should be mail- dise." The third word showed Jesus' love for ed between Oct. 12 and November 7. Space A- one who had always loved him, His mother. vailable Mail (SAM) mailing dates are between It's so easy for us as Christians toshow October 19 and Nov. 21. Those going airmail concern for people who are in the Congo, or in should be mailed between Nov. 30 and Dec. 12. some other far-flung place, and to pray fer- Parcel Air Lift (PAL) mailing dates are from vently for the souls of those 10,000 miles October 26 to November 28. Parcels, letters, away, but, at the same time, deny our services and cards bearing airmail postage should be and our concern for-those at our foot step. mailed November 30 through December 12. Global love is vast and important, but danger- ously impersonal. It can never take the place of kindness to the individual., It is our task as Christians to care for people one at a time, to think about their needs, and to translate /- - I-- our thoughts into action. On the cross our Saviour died for the sins of the world. Yet, as we listen to His voice from the croso, calling down through the ages, we hear Him pray for those who crucified Him, accept a thief into the kingdom of faith, and express His practical concern for a lonely, Tuesday, October 6, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 7

THE Beeline- - '95551 YN1 Bill Walker, Beeline Editor

Agenda For Sale Scooter, $175. 90270 AWH. Interested in a little R & R? The USS GRENADIER (SS-525) Playpen, $10. Motor will visit Cape Haitian, Haiti this weekend and it will Mitchell 302 accomodate 3 officers and 10 enlisted-no women. The 2 Fishing rods and tackle box. 1 Garica Shakespear rod. Penn- USS RICH (DD-820) will visit Montego Bay, Jamaica this salt water spin reel. 8 ft reel and rod. Complete and it will accommodate 4 officers and 8 enlisted Senator 4-0 special levelwind weekend offer.* Bob Francis 64345. no women. Sign up at your personnel office before Salt water tackle box. Best noon October 8th. 4 X 8 Ping Pong Table top. New Worldbook encyclopedia. There will be-anOfficer's Wives Club Board meeting for 95186. out-going and in-coming board members at the OMO Club Ladies golf clubs with Wednesday at 9:30 AM. Two baby cribs with mattresses. bag and cart, used 3 times. Bassinet. 96125 AT. All Nursery School parents are invited to attend an bag, $150. Size 9 1/2 open meeting of the Nursery School Board at 7:30 PM, Registered ladies golf clubs and (ladies), $5. 99198 AT. October 8th, at the Nursery Hut Number 2. Elections shoes, worn twice will be held tochoose two alternate board members. cabinet 5' X 2' X 1'. $5. 90147 AT. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. White metal storage

The weekly Bible study of the Protestant Women of the Chapel will be held Thursday morning at 9:30 at the Services day or week. 64570 T McCalla Chapel. The nursery will be open. All Ladies Will baby sit in my home by the are welcome and invited to attend. Will do ironing in my home. 95204 AT. There will be a meeting of the Navy Wives Club of advertise in the Gazette on Mondays, Tuesdays and America, Ellis and Fields Number 131, Wednesday night Will Call working days from 8 until 11:30 AM at 7:30, at the Club Hut. All wives of enlisted men Thursdays. 3 PM the day before the ad is to appear. are invited to attend. Nursery service will be and from 1 until to the point. 95551 provided. Please make your ad short and The Navy Exchange Optical shop is now open. It is Lost and Found located at theoppositeend from the barber shop and Bifocal glasses in brown case, brown the hours of operation are Thursdays 1 to 5 PM, Saturdays LOST: Child's 9 AM until 3 PM and Sundays Noon until 3 PM. frames. 99297 AT. COME IN AND ORDER THAT NEW LOOK. Page 8 Guantanaao Gazette Tuesday, October 6, 1970 Orioles, Reds To M et In BALTIMORE (AP/AFRTS)--The and Cin- Cincinnati battled its way into the World Series by winnati Reds meet in the first game of the World Series edging the Pirates 3-2. The Reds took a 2-1 lead after this Saturday in Cincinnati. Both clubs swept their re- the first on back-to-back homers by Tony Perez spective league playoffs in three straight games. and . Baltimore eliminated Minnesota yesterday 6-1 to win The Pirates tied up the game in the fifth on Matty its second Pennant in a row. It's also Alou's , a and 's sin- the second straight year that Minnesota has lost to the gle. The game remained deadlocked until the last of Orioles in the playoffs. the eighth inning when Ty Cline walked, fol- For Cincinnati, it's.the first Pen- lowed with a single and Bobby Tolan drove in the win- nant since 1961. The Reds edged the ning with a single to left. yesterday 3-2. The Pirates made a final bid in the ninth with two In beating Minnesota, Baltimore pitcher out when Roberto Clemente and Willie Stargell hit back- went the distance and held the Twins to seven hits. In to-back singles. But Don Gullett got Al the second inning, a line drive off the bat of Paul Rat- Oliver to hit a routine bouncer back to second baseman liff hit Palmer on his left instep. The Baltimore . trainer sprayed ethyl chloride on the injury and Palmer Cincinnati winning pitcher Milt Wilcox found it all was able to continue. He cut down 12 Minnesota batters hard to believe. In his words. ."I was in Indianapolis with strikeouts. a month playing for the club there. If someone had Don Buford drove in two runs and scored one for the told me I'd be the winning pitcher in the playoffs I winners. Boog Powell had one RBI, Dave Johnson hit a wouldn't have paid any attention to him." Wilcox came solo and collected three hits on in relief for starter Tony Cloninger in the sixth for the Orioles. inning. Wilcox pitched three masterful and was Minnesota manager Bill Rigney decided to start veter- lifted for pinch-hitter Ty Cline in the ninth. Gullett an pitcher Jim Kaat instead of rookie Bert Blyleven. worked the final inning. Rigney said he wanted a more experienced pitcher to As would be expected, both pennant winners were ex- start the crucial game. His gamble backfired as Kaat tremely happy. Champagne corks were flying in both gave up two runs in two innings. dressing rooms. The Orioles seemed to. be holding back their enthusiasm. As some of the players put it. "We're waiting for the big one.the Series." Last year Lions Rally To Beat Bears Baltimore also won the pennant but DETROIT (UPI/AFRTS)--The Detroit Lions rallied for thr ee third quarter then was upset in the World Series by touchdowns last night to defeat the Chicago Bears 28-14 i n the final game the in five games. of the third weekend of regular season play in the Nation al Football Lea- gue. Chicago controlled most of the first half and held a 7 -0 lead starting Cards Trade Allen the third quarter. The Lions got rolling early in the th ird period. They were sparked by the running of Mel Farr who scored two to uchdowns. ST. LOUIS (UPI/AFRTS)--For the se- Altie Taylor put Detroit ahead cond year in a row, Richie Allen has on a seven-yard run. The-New York Je ts have coaxed been traded. Yesterday, St. Louis Early in the fourth quarter the running back Bill M this out of re- general manager Bing Devine announc- Bears cut the deficit to 21-14 on a tirement in an att tpt to fill the ed that Allen has been traded to the 61-yard Jack Concannon to Dick Gor- gap left by the los s of Matt Snell. for infielder don pass for a touchdown. Sell tore his right achilles and rookie Bob Stinson. Two pass interceptions by Dick tendon Sunday in th e Jets 34-31 loss The controversial Allen came to LeBeau stopped the Bears from get- to the Buffalo Bill s, and will be the Cares a year ago from the Phila- ting back in the game. out for the remained er of the season. delphia Phillies for St. Louis out- Farr's second touchdown of the Mathis retired last summer after fielder . game came in the final period on a playing for ten yea 's in the American At Philadelphia Allen was unpopu- 21-yard dash. Football League. lar, but he became an instant cele- Th Lirn with the do Anthe Snell nirkied un 695 yards in 191 brity with St. Louis fans.