Mental Institutions º
- - - -- - - ------ -- - - - -- * - - ºr . º: - º - - - - - * -- º lºv - - MENTAL INSTITUTIONS 1962 A LISTING OF STATE AND COUNTY MENTAL HOSPITALS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service PATIENTS IN MENTAL INSTITUTIONS 1962 A LISTING OF STATE AND COUNTY MENTAL HOSPITALS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED Prepared by: The National Institute of Mental Health - Biometrics Branch Hospital Studies Section Bethesda, Maryland 20014 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE Public Health Service National Institutes of Health £4 442 A 3.2, /522 Ape & REFERENJ. St. "As, v 4, # *,§ º * * > * * * Public Health Service Publication No. 1143, Listing Washington, D. C. - 1964 LISTING OF STATE AND COUNTY MENTAL HOSPITALS, AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED The purpose of this publication is to provide, by state and type of facility, a listing of state and county mental hospitals and public institutions for the mentally retarded. These facilities have been classified according to their function rather than by the authority under which they operate. This listing contains only those facilities from which the National Institute of Mental Health requested data for the fiscal year 1962. The 1962 data obtained from these facilities may be found in the following publica tions: Patients in Mental Institutions, 1962 Part I (Public Institutions for the Mentally Retarded) and Part II (State and County Mental Hospitals) U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, PHS No. 1143. In these publications, basic census data are provided on the move ment of the patient population, the numbers and characteristics of first admissions (for the public institutions for the mentally retarded) and admissions with no prior psychiatric inpatient experience (for the state and county mental hospitals); the number and characteristics of the resident patients; personnel by occupation; and maintenance expenditures.
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