Dankay Cleverly Pond Cottage 60 The Green Poulshot SN10 1RT For the attention of: Mr Morgan Jones Development Management Case Officer County Hall Bythesea Road Wiltshire BA14 8JN 17th February 2014

Dear Mr Jones,

Re: Objection to Planning Application 13/05244/FUL. The Proposed Development of Poulshot Lodge Solar Park and the Amended Plans for this Application.

I wish to object strongly to the development of the Solar Park in this location and the amended plans, with regard to the access for construction traffic from Devizes Road, opposite Poulshot Lodge Farm Shop. This is not acceptable.

The access site proposed for the use by a large number of HGVs, will have a negative visual impact and pose a real threat to Poulshot and its residents. This narrow rural road with no pavement is the pedestrian route from the village to the bus stop on the A361; also parents walk along with pushchairs/prams, dog walkers and the elderly enjoying their customary stroll. It is evident that the development of a Solar Park in this locality will prevent the achievement of human activities of daily living and will have a disastrous effect on the people of Poulshot and beyond

The development will generate an increased level of dust, noise, pollution and will be intrusive to the village, resulting in risk to the health of the people of Poulshot.

The proposed access for operational and maintenance purposes through the very narrow Barley Hill Lane / Corn Close is totally unacceptable.

I believe that the development of a Solar Park in this locality, to be very detrimental to Poulshot and its residents. Therefore I ask Wiltshire Council to refuse this planning application.

Yours sincerely Dankay Cleverly (Mrs)