Wiltshire Branch, Kennet District Group Chairman: John Kirkman, Witcha Cottage, Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 2HQ Phone: 01672 520429; e-mail:
[email protected] Application No. 13/05244/FUL, Solar array at Poulshot Lodge Farm For the attention of Morgan Jones, Case Officer. “The introduction of the PV panels on aluminium frames up to 3m high will introduce a new form into the agricultural landscape that will jar." Simon Robertshaw, Inspector of Historic Buildings and Areas, English Heritage, Letter 26 November 2013 We have commented previously (9 December 2013 and 9 January 2014) that the undulating and sloping site at Poulshot Lodge Farmis unsuitable for a large-scale ground-mounted solar array. As far as we can see from the new landscape section map and indicative layout map, the revised scheme has not, by any means, removed all panels from the higher parts of the site. Many will still stand prominently in views. We therefore contend that the revised proposal at Poulshot Lodge Farm would still, in terms from the GLVIA1,"introduce new, non-characteristic or discordant or intrusive elements into the view (6.44)", which would have alike ly significant impact on the landscape and landscape character, and on visual amenity. Judgement of the magnitude of the visual effectsof a proposal needs to take into accountthe degree or contrast or integration of any new features or changes in the landscape with the existing or remaining landscape elements and characteristics in terms of form, scale and mass, line, height, colour, and texture (GLVIA 6.39). The LVIA submitted originally, and the Assessment of Cumulative Landscape and Visual Effect (ACLVE) in the additional material substantially understate and undervalue the magnitude of the proposed development's landscape and visual impacts and effects.