
632 : S. BOURNE PROC. N. A. S. It follows that O(u, x) satisfies the equation

0(u, X) = 1 + F1 ee(l/u+l/v)(x-8) X(y) (u, y) 0(v, y) dyl . (3.9)

This leads to a feasible computational solution which we shall discuss in further detail subsequently. 1 V. A. Ambarzumian, "On the Scattering of Light by a Diffuse Medium," Compt. rend. Doklady Acad. sci. U.R.S.S., 38, 257, 1943. 2 S. Chandrasekhar, Radiative Transfer (London: Oxford University Press, 1950). 3 R. Bellman and T. E. Harris, "On Age-dependent Binary Branching Processes," Ann. Math., 55, 280-295, 1952; "On Age-dependent Branching Processes," these PROCEEDINGS, 34, 601-604, 1948. 4 S. Janossy, Cosmic Rays (London: Oxford University Press, 1950). 6 J. Hadamard, "Le Principe de Huygens," Bull. Soc. Math. France, 52, 610-640, 1924. 6 E. Hille, "Functional Analysis and Semi-groups," Am. Math. Soc., 1948. 7 R. Bellman, "The Theory of Dynamic Programming," Bull. Am. Math. Soc., 60, 503-516, 1954. 8 G. G. Stokes, Mathematical and Physical Papers, Cambridge, 1904, Vol. IV: On the Intensity of the Light Reflected from or Transmitted through a Pile of Plates, pp. 145-156. Stokes' method was rediscovered independently by R. K. Luneberg (The Propagation of Electromagnetic Plane Waves in Plane Parallel Layers [Research Report No. 172-3, June, 1947, New York University, Washington College]), and R. M. Redheffer ("Novel Uses of Functional Equations," J. Rat. Mech. Anal., 3, No. 2, 271-279, 1954).

ON MULTIPLIcATIVE IDEMPOTENTS OF A POTENT * BY SAMUEL BOURNE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Communicated by H. S. Vandiver, June 26, 1956 1. INTRODUCTION A semiring is a system consisting of a S and two binary operations in S called addition and multiplication such that (a) S together with addition is a ; (b) S together with multiplication is a semigroup; (c) the left- and right-hand distributive laws a(b + c) = ab + ac and (b + c)a = ba + ca hold. Semigroup is used in the sense of a closed associative system. R. Brauer men- tioned to Vandiver' that Dedekind concerned himself with such an algebraic sys- tem without giving the semiring a formal definition. The latter was first intro- duced by Vandiver.2 The simplest example of a semiring is the system of count- ing numbers relative to ordinary addition and multiplication. Vandiver also gave an example' of a semiring which cannot be imbedded in a ring. Another sig- nificant example is the semiring of finite and infinite cardinal numbers' which cannot be imbedded in a ring. Independently, this system came to us4 naturally as the totality of endomorphisms e of an arbitrary additive semigroup S." A nonimbeddable semiring arises naturally when we take the totality of endomor- Downloaded by guest on October 5, 2021 Vot, 42,4MAT19356 HEMA TICS: S. BOUlRlNE (633:

phisms e of a nonimbeddable additive semigroup. If both of a semi- ring are commutative, we say that the semiring is commutative. An important example of a commutative semiring is a distributive lattice.6 In particular, the set of ideals of a commutative ring forms a commutative semiring relative to the operations sum and product.' Our main purpose in this paper is to obtain an analogue for of the fundamental lemma of structure theory in rings, that, if the left I of a ring T) with minimum condition is non-nilpotent, then f contains a multiplicative idem- potent.8 Clifford9 proved that in a semigroup e without nilpotent ideals (0) and in which every two-sided ideal contains at least one left and at least one right minimal ideal of 5, every left ideal L # (0) of e contains an idempotent element $ (0). We now show that this theorem remains true for semirings. This paper has benefited materially from discussion and correspondence with A. H. Clifford, of Tulane University, and H. Zassenhaus, of McGill University.

2. ADDITIVE AND MULTIPLICATIVE IDEMPOTENTS Definition 1: An additive identity, called zero, is an element 0, such that 0 + s = s + 0 = s for all s in S. Definition 2: An additive idempotent of a semiring S is an element a such that a + a = a and a multiplicative idempotent is an element m such that m2 = m, m 5 0. A distributive lattice is an example'0 of a commutative semiring in which each element is both an additive and a multiplicative idempotent. If S possesses a zero, then aO = a(0 + 0) = 2aO and Oa = 20a are additive idem- potents which are not necessarily equal. Example 1: Let 52 be the noncommutative additive semigroup of order 2 with elements 0, 1 whose additive table is + 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 Let e be the totality of endomorphisms of 52. Then e = O, I, A, B}, where (0, 1)0 = (0, 0), (0, 1)I = (0, 1), (0, 1)A = (1, 1), and (0, 1)B = (1, 0). The addition and multiplication tables in the semiring A, are, respectively,

+ O I A B la O I A B 0 O I AB 0 OO AA I O I A B I O I A B A O I A B A O A A O B O I A B B O B A I

Since OA = A 5 0 = AO, we have two distinct additive idempotents. Example 2: Let S2 be the semiring of order 2 with elements 0, 1 whose addition and multiplication tables are, respectively, + 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 I1 1 11 Downloaded by guest on October 5, 2021 634 MATHEMATICS: S. BOURNE PROC. N. A. S.

In this example S2 possesses a zero element 0 in which 02 $ 0. We shall assume that S possesses a zero element 0 and Os = sO = 0, for all s in S. Definition 3: A division semiring is a semiring in which the elements $0 form a multiplicative group.

3. TWO-SIDED IDEALS CONTAINING MINIMAL RIGHT IDEALS For the sake of completeness, we repeat the definition of right ideal given else- where.4 Definition 4: A right ideal S is a R of S containing zero such that if ri and r2 are in R, then r1 + r2 is in R, and if r is in R and s is any element of S, then rs is in R. Definition 5: The sum over a given set A of right ideals R1 is the smallest right ideal containing all the given right ideals. It consists of all finite sums En, where each ri belongs to one of the right ideals Ri. We denote this right ideal by ERj. This addition is both commutative and associative in the widest sense. In the case addition, in the semiring S, is commutative, our definition of the sum of right ideals becomes identical with the standard definition in ring theory; hence R1 + R2 is the set of sums ri + r2 with ri in R1 and r2 in R2. Definition 6: The product R1R2 of the right ideals R1 and R2 of a semiring S is the set of all finite sums Eriir2i with rjj in R1 and r2i in R2. This multiplication of ideals is associative but not necessarily commutative. Also, the general distributive law ZREZQj = ZRiQj holds. i,j Let us mention the fact that the intersection of any number of ideals of the same kind is again an ideal of the same kind. Definition 7: A right ideal N is said to be nilpotent if a power NP is equal to the zero ideal (0). Definition 8: A semiring S is said to be potent if it contains no nonzero nilpotent right ideals and left ideals. LEMMA 1. If R is a minimal right ideal of a semiring S, then tR, where t is in S, is either a minimal right ideal S or tR = (0). Proof: tR is a right ideal. Let A be a right ideal contained in tR $ (0) and R1 the set of all elements ri of R such that tr1 is in A. Since t(rlk + rie) = trlk + trie and t(rlk)S = t(rlk)S are in A, we have that ruk + rne and rlkS are in R1. This implies that R1 $ (0) is a right ideal contained in R. Therefore, R1 = R, tRi = tR C A, and A = tR. This proves that tR is minimal. THEOREM 1. IfI is a two-sided ideal containing a minimal right ideal of S, the sum J of all minimal right ideals of S contained in I is a two-sided ideal of S. If I is minimal, then it is a sum of minimal right ideals of S. Proof: Since J is the sum of right ideals Ri, it is a right ideal. We show that it is also a left ideal. Let j e J and s e S; then sj = sEri = Esri, where rj belongs to some minimal right ideal Ri contained in I. Now sri e sRi, and sR1 is, by Lemma 1, a minimal right ideal contained in I, or sRj = (0). Hence, in either case, sj e J and J is a left ideal. Obviously, if I is minimal, I = J. THEOREM 2. If M is a minimal two-sided ideal of a potent semiring S, containing a minimal right ideal of S, then every minimal right ideal of S contained in M is a minimal right ideal of Al. Downloaded by guest on October 5, 2021 VOL. 42, 1956 MATHEMATICS: S. BOURNE 635

Proof: Let R $ (0) be a minimal right ideal of S contained in M, and A a right ideal $ (0) of M contained in R. Now AM is a right ideal of S, and AM c RM c R. Since R is minimal, this implies that R = AM c A and R = A or AM = (0). Suppose that AM = (0); then AS c RS c R, and either AS = (0) or AS = R. Now AS = (0) says that A is a right ideal of S and A = R. If AS = R, then R2 c ASAS c ASMS c AM = (0), which contradicts the potency of S. Hence AM cannot be (0). It follows that R = A; hence we have shown that a minimal right ideal of S contained in M is a minimal right ideal of M. However, it is unlikely that the hypothesis of Theorem 2 will imply that every right ideal of M is a right ideal of S. As yet we have not found a counterexample. If we are willing to restrict ourselves to semirings in which the lattice of right ideals is modular, then every right ideal of M is a right ideal of S. The modu- larity of the lattice of right ideals implies that this lattice satisfies the exchange lemma. "I THEOREM 3. If S is a potent semiring in which the lattice of right ideals is modular and M is a minimal two-sided ideal containing a minimal right ideal of S, then every right ideal of M is a right ideal of S. Proof: We show that xM = xS for x e M. By Theorem 1, M = ZRj, where Ri e a, the set of minimal right ideals'of S contained in M. Therefore, x = xi + x2 + ... + x, n finite, and Ri eA. xS C XIS + X25 + . . . + XnSCS R + R2 + ... + Rn. By the exchange lemma, we can renumber R,, R2, .. , R. so that R, + R2 + . . . + Rn = R', + ... + R/' + Rj+1 + . + Rny where R,' + R2t +... + R/' = xS, holds. We replace Rj' by R , for i = 1, 2, . . . , j, so that xS = R, + R2 +... + Rj. Since S is potent, we have (0) c R,2 c Ri. The mini- mality of Ri implies R,2 = Ri. Hence xS v xM n xSM = (R, + R2 +... + R,)M v R12 + R22 + ...+ Rj2 = R1 + R2 + Rj = xS. We have xM = xS. Let R be a right ideal of M. Then RS = RM c R, and R is a right ideal of S. We give an example of a potent semiring which is not modular. Example 3: Let S4 be the semiring of order 4 with elements 0, a, b, c whose addi- tion and multiplication tables are, respectively, + O a b c O a b c O O a b c 0 000 0 a a a a a a 0 a a a b b a b b b O b b b c c a b c c 0 b b b Then R = 10, al, R1 = {O, b, c)}, R2 = {0, b} are right ideals which fail to satisfy the modular identity, i.e., f1 n (R2 + R) $ R2 + R n R.

4. POTENT SEMIRINGS IN WHICH TWO-SIDED IDEALS CONTAIN A MINIMAL RIGHT IDEAL AND A MINIMAL LEFT IDEAL LEMMA 2. If M is a minimal two-sided ideal of a potent semiring S and if M con- tains a minimal right ideal and a minimal left ideal of S and if R is a minimal right ideal of S contained in M, then there exists a minimal left ideal L of S contained in M such that LR M and RL $ (0). Downloaded by guest on October 5, 2021 636 MATHEMATICS: S. BOURNE PRoc. N. A. S. Proof: Since the right ideal RM c R. RM = R or RM = (0). If RM = (0), then R2 c RM = (0), which contradicts the potency of S. We have RM = R. Since the two-sided ideal MR c M, MR = M or MR = (0). As before, the potency of S excludes MR = (0). We have MR = M. Theorem 1 implies that M is the sum of all minimal left ideals L of S which are contained in M. If LR = (O), for all such L of S, then also MR = (0), contra- dicting MR = M. Thus there exists a minimal left ideal L of S contained in M such that LR # (0). Since the two-sided ideal LR c M, LR = 'M. If RL = (0), then R = RM = RLR = (0). Hence RL $ (0). In the following of lemmas we let M be a minimal two-sided ideal of a potent semiring S which contains a minimal right ideal and a minimal left ideal of S, and R be a minimal right ideal and L be a minimal left ideal contained in M, such that LR = M and RL # (0). Then LEMMA 3. The equations six = 82 and ysi = 82 are solvable in RL, where s, $ 0 is in R n L ands2 is in RL. Proof: Since si is in L, Ms1 is a left ideal of S contained in M. Therefore, Ms, = L or Ms, = (0). If Ms, = (0), si $ 0, then the set X of all elements x of M for which Mx (0) contains an element $0. Moreover, X is a two-sided ideal of S. X is evidently closed under addition. Now (0) = Mx n (MS)x = M(Sx). This implies that Sx c X. Similarly, M(xS) = (Mx)S = (0) and xS c X. Thus X2 C MX = (0) and X = (0) and s1 = 0. We have Ms, = L. Since si is in R, sjR is a right ideal of S contained in R. Therefore, s1R = R or s1R = (0). If s1R = (0), then M = LR = Ms1R = (0). We have s1R = R. Finally, sjRL = RL, and the equation six -82 is solvable in RL. In exactly the same manner we prove that the equation ys, = s2 is solvable in PL. LEMMA 4. RL is a division semiring. LEMMA 5. L = Se, R = eS, and R n L = eSe, where e is the identity of the di- vision semiring. LEMMA 6. R n L = RL. LEMMA 7. The e of the division semiring RL is a primitive idem- potent. The proofs of Lemmas 4-7 are straightforward and analogous to those given by Clifford,9 and they are therefore omitted. If each two-sided ideal $ (0) in a potent semiring contains a minimal right ideal and a minimal left ideal of S, then LEMMA 8. Each two-sided ideal $ (0) of S contains a minimal two-sided ideal of S (the smallest two-sided ideal containing a minimal right ideal R of S that is contained in the given two-sided ideal). Proof: Let A be a two-sided ideal of S, and R a minimal right ideal of S which is contained in A. Then SR is a two-sided ideal of S contained in A. Since R2 = R $ (0), then SR $ (0). We prove that SR is minimal. Let B be a two-sided ideal $ (0) such that B c SR. Then RB is a right ideal of S such that (0) c RB c R. Since R is a minimal right ideal of S, then either RB = R or RB = (0). If RB = (0), then SRB = (0) and B2 = (0). The potency of S requires B = (0), which leads to a contradiction. Hence R = RB c SB c B and SR c SB c B. Previously, B c SR. We have then B = SR. LEMMA 9. Each minimal right ideal of S is contained in a minimal two-sided ideal of S. Downloaded by guest on October 5, 2021 VOL. 42, 1956- MATHEMATICS: S. BOURNE 637 Proof: Immediate consequence of the previous lemma. LEMMA 10. Each right ideal $ (0) of S contains a minimal right ideal of S. Proof: If R is a right ideal 0 (0) of S, then SR 0 (0), because there are no right annihilators $ (0) of S. By assumption, SR, a two-sided ideal of S, contains a minimal right ideal R1 $ (0). As before, the set X of all elements x e SR which are right annihilators of SR is a two-sided ideal of S. Now X2 c SRX = (0). The potency of S requires that X = (0). This implies that SRR1 # (0) and RR1 0 (0). Therefore, there exists an element t in R such that tRi 0 (0). By Lemma 1, tRj is a minimal right ideal 0 (0) of S contained in R. We are now ready to prove the main result of this paper. THEOREM 4. If S is a potent semiring in which each two-sided ideal contains a mini- mal right ideal and a minimal left ideal of S, then any right ideal R # (0) contains a multiplicative idempotent. Proof: Lemma 10 yields a minimal right ideal R2 in R. This minimal right ideal is contained in a mnimal two-sided ideal M of S, by Lemma 9. Lemma 2 gives a minimal left ideal L of S such that LR2 = M and R2L 0 (0). R2L is a division semiring, by Lemma 4. Its multiplicative identity e $ 0 is the multiplicative idem- potent 00 contained in R. Lemma 5 states that R2 = eS. We conclude this paper with the following observations. Using Euler's argu- ment, we can show that if S is a semiring and if R is a minimal right ideal of S con- sisting of finitely many elements, then either R2 = (0) or R contains an idempotent element. Hence the fundamental lemma of structure theory in rings remains true in finite semirings with minimum condition. However, this lemma does not remain true in any semiring with minimum condition. For, when we change the order of multiplication, the semigroup e given by Baer and Levi12 is an example of a semigroup with right division but containing no idempotent element. We imbed e into a semiring S as follows: S = {0, e},S with 8152 as in S if s1 $ Oands2 $ 0, 8182 = 0 otherwise, s1 + s2 = s2 if s2in A, and 81 + 82 = s1 if 82 = 0. Then S is a potent semiring without an idempotent element and one in which there is no right ideal different from S and 0. The question whether the condition, in Theorem 4, that S be a potent semiring is necessary remains unanswered. * Presented to the American Mathematical Society, December 28, 1954. 1 H. S. Vandiver, "On Some Simple Types of Semi-rings," Am. Math. Monthly, 46, 22-26, 1939. 2 H. S. Vandiver, "Note on a Simple Type of in Which Cancellation Law of Addition Does Not Hold," Bull. Am. Math. Soc., 40, 920, 1934. 3 G. Birkhoff and S. Mac Lane, A Survey of Modern Algebra (New York: Macmillan Co., 1941), pp. 342-344. 4S. Bourne, "The Jacobson Radical of a Semiring," these PROCEEDINGS, 37, 163-170, 1951. 6 N. Jacobson, Theory of Rings (Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 1943), p. 2. 6 G. Birkhoff, Lattice Theory (Providence, R. I.: American Mathematical Society, 1948), p. 27. 7 B. L. Van der Waerden, Modern Algebra, 2 (New York: Frederick Ungar Pub. Co., 1952), 22-23. 8 E. Artin, C. J. Nesbitt, and R. M. Thrall, Rings with Minimum Condition ("University of Michigan Publications in Mathematics," Vol. 1 [Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1944]), pp. 15-16. 9 A. H. Clifford, "Semigroups without Nilpotent Ideals," Am. J. Math., 71, 834-841, 1949. 10 N. Jacobson, Lectures in Abstract Algebra, 1,(New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1951), 189- 195. Downloaded by guest on October 5, 2021 638 MATHEMATICS: E. A. CODDINGTON PROC. N. A. S.

11 S. Mac Lane, "A Lattice Form for Transcendence Degrees and P-Bases," Duke Math. J., 4, 4-468; 1938. 12 R. Baer and F. Levi, "Vollstandiger irreduzibele System von Gruppenaxiomen," Sitzber. Heidelberg. Akad. Wiss., Math.-naturw. Ki., Beitrdge Zur Algebra, 18, 7, 1932.

GENERALIZED RESOLUTIONS OF THE IDENTITY FOR CLOSED SYMMETRIC ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS BY EARL A. CODDINGTON* MATHEMATICS INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN, AND UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES Communicated by Einar Hille, June 7, 1956 1. Introduction.-It is the purpose of this note to outline how any generalized resolution of the identity for a closed symmetric ordinary may be expressed in terms of a basis of solutions of a differential equation and a certain spectral matrix. This result implies a corresponding expansion theorem and isometry with a transform . The proof includes the case of a self-adjoint operator, and the results reduce in this case to the known ones, except that, of course, the isometry involved in the self-adjoint case is a unitary mapping. We consider a formal ordinary differential operator L = poDn + pjDn-1 + . . . + Pn, where D = d/dx, the p, are complex-valued functions of class Cn-k on an open real interval a < x < b (a = - o or b = + c, or both, are allowed), and po(x) $ 0 on (a, b). We also assume that L is formally self-adjoint, i.e., L coincides with its Lagrange adjoint L+= (-1)nDo + (-1)n-1Dn-1p + ... + Pn Let 5C be the Hilbert space of all complex-valued functions on (a, b) whose magni- tudes are square summable on (a, b). We denote by 2O the set of all u e 3C which have continuous up to order n - 1 on (a, b), u(n-1) is absolutely con- tinuous on every closed subinterval of (a, b), and Lu e S. Let T be the operator in 5C with domain X, and Tu = Lu, u e D. For u, v e 2D we have Green's formula, f, (tLu - uLv) = [uv](x) - [uv](y), where [uv](x) is a certain form in (u, u', . .., u(n- )) and (v, v', .. ., v()). it follows from Green's formula that [uv](x) tends to a limit as x tends to a or b. These limits are denoted by [uv] (a) and [uv](b), respectively, and we let (uv) = [uv](b) -- [uv](a). Therefore, (uv) = (Lu, v) - (u, Lv), where ( , ) is the inner product in ac. Let D0 be the set of all u e aD satisfying (uv) = 0 for all v e OD, and define the operator To by prescribing its domain as Do, and Tou = Lu, u e Jo Then To is closed, symmetric, its adjoint To* is T, and T* = To. In a sense, To is the smallest closed symmetric operator in 3C which is associated with L. If T1 is any closed symmetric operator in JC with domain °1 which contains Downloaded by guest on October 5, 2021