The Edinburgh Gazette, Issue 2804
( No. 2804 ) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. -W FROM FRIDAY, MAY 12, TO TUESDAY, MAT Ifl, 1820. ,By the KING. ;.• .• , . | our right trusty and entirely-beloved George' James dale} Thomas Lord Erskine; Charles Manners A PROCL NATION,, - . , Marquis of Cholmondeley, Lord Steward, of our Sutton, Esq.; Sir Arthur Paget, Knight; William bousehold; 'Francis Marquis of Hertford,; Lord Wellesley Pole, £sq.; John Trevor, Esq.; Sir Wil. his Majesty's Measure touching his Roy- Chamberlain of-our household; Charley Ingojdsby." liam Scott, Knight; George Canning, Esq.; Wil- .•^ til Coronation, -arid the Solemnity thereof. Marquis of 'Winchester, Groom of oiir Stole,;; liam Dundas, Esq.; Charles Philip Yorke, Esq. ; James Marquis of Salisbury; Richard Marquis Sir William Grant, Knight; Thomas Wallace, Esq.; GEORGE, &• :..->.;>• •..'-„:: ;, elleBlejrj -1Jonn~^efFreys^ Marquis Camden ; Charles'Bathurst, Esq. Chancellor of our Duchy ef "Whereas- we- have, resolved, by the -farour and our right trusty an'd right > ivdl-belovcd cousins Lancaster; Charles Long, Esq. Paymaster-General blessing of Almighty God, to celebrate the solera-. and counsellors -Geopge Earl 'of /Winchils'ea. .of our forces; Sir John Borlase Warren, Baronet ; mty of our Royal Coronation, upon Tuesday the 1st and Nottingham;; Frederick, Earl of Carlisle ; 'Sir Evan Nepean, Baronet; Charles Arbuthnot, day of August nextj at our palace, at Westminster j- Cropley.;Earl of Shaftdbury; James Earl of Lau- .Esq.;- John Hook-ham Frere, Esq.; Nicholas Van- and by ancient customs and usages, as derdale; George Earl of Maclesneld, Captain of sittart^Esq. Chancellorand Under Treasurer of our also in regard of divers, tenures of sundry manors, ,the Yeomen of-our guard; Charles Earl of Har- Exchequer; Reginald Pole Carew,' Esq.; John Sul- lands, and other hereditaments, many^of our loving rington * Philip Earl of Hardwicke ; Johh.Eaflof livan; Esq.; Richard -Ryder, Esq.; Sir John Ni- subjects do, claim and are bound to do -and perform Chatham ; He'nry Earl Bathurstj one of bur Princi- chdll, Knight -Frederick John.
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