

The harmonic oscillator is a model which has several important applications in both classical and quantum . It serves as a prototype in the mathematical treatment of such diverse phenomena as elasticity, , AC circuits, molecular and crystal , electromagnetic elds and optical properties of matter.

Classical Oscillator A simple realization of the harmonic oscillator in is a particle which is acted upon by a restoring proportional to its displace- ment from its equilibrium position. Considering in one dimension, this means F = k x (1)

Figure 1. obeying Hooke’s law.

Such a force might originate from a spring which obeys Hooke’s law, as shown in Fig. 1. According to Hooke’s law, which applies to real springs for suciently small displacements, the restoring force is proportional to the —either stretching or compression—from the equilibrium position. The force constant k is a measure of the stiness of the spring. The variable x is chosen equal to zero at the equilibrium position, positive for stretching, negative for compression. The negative sign in (1) reects the fact that F is a restoring force, always in the opposite sense to the displacement x.

1 Applying Newton’s second law to the force from Eq (1), we nd

d2x F = m = kx (2) dx2 where m is the of the body attached to the spring, which is itself assumed massless. This leads to a dierential equation of familiar form, although with dierent variables:

x(t) + ω2x(t) = 0, ω2 k/m (3) The dot notation (introduced by Newton himself) is used in place of primes when the independent variable is . The general solution to (3) is

x(t) = A sin ωt + B cos ωt (4) which represents periodic motion with a sinusoidal time dependence. This is known as and the corresponding system is known as a harmonic oscillator. The occurs with a constant angular k ω = radians per second (5) rm This is called the natural frequency of the oscillator. The correponding circular frequency in hertz (cycles per second) is

ω 1 k = = Hz (6) 2 2 r m The general relation between force and potential in a conservative system in one dimension is dV F = (7) dx Thus the of a harmonic oscillator is given by

1 2 V (x) = 2 k x (8) which has the shape of a parabola, as drawn in Fig. 2. A simple computa- tion shows that the oscillator moves between positive and negative turning

2 1 2 points xmax where the total energy E equals the potential energy 2 k xmax while the is momentarily zero. In contrast, when the oscilla- tor moves past x = 0, the kinetic energy reaches its maximum value while the potential energy equals zero.


7_ E3=2 h

5_ E2=2 h

_3 E1=2 h

1_ E0=2 h

0 x

Figure 2. Potential energy function and rst few energy levels for harmonic oscillator.

Harmonic Oscillator in Given the potential energy (8), we can write down the Schrodinger equation for the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator:

2 h 1 2 00(x) + kx (x) = E (x) (9) 2m 2 For the rst time we encounter a dierential equation with non-constant coecients, which is a much greater challenge to solve. We can combine the constants in (9) to two parameters

mk 2mE 2 = and = (10) h2 h2 3 and redene the independent variable as

= 1/2x (11)

This reduces the Schrodingerequation to

2 00() + ( )() = 0 (12) The range of the variable x (also ) must be taken from to + , there being no nite cuto as in the case of the particle in a box.∞ ∞ A useful rst step is to determine the asymptotic solution to (11), that is, the form of () as . For suciently large values of , 2 >> and the dierential equation→ ∞ is approximated by | |

2 00() () 0 (13) This suggests the folllowing manipulation:

d2 d d 2 () + () 0 (14) d2 d d The rst-order dierential equation

0() + () = 0 (15) can be solved exactly to give

2/2 () = const e (16)

Remarkably, this turns out to be an exact solution of the Schrodinger equa- tion (12) with = 1. Using (10), this corresponds to an energy

2 h 1 k 1 E = = 2 h = 2 h ω (17) 2m rm where ω is the natural frequency of the oscillator according to classical mechanics. The function (16) has the form of a gaussian, the bell-shaped curve so beloved in the social sciences. The function has no nodes, which leads us to conclude that this represents the ground state of the system.

4 The ground state is usually designated with the quantum number n = 0 (the particle in a box is a exception, with n = 1 labelling the ground state). Reverting to the original variable x, we write

x2/2 2 1/2 0(x) = const e , = (mk/h ) (18)

With help of the well-known denite integral (Laplace 1778)

2 1/2 ∞ e x dx = (19) Z∞ we nd the normalized eigenfunction

1/4 2 (x) = e x /2 (20) 0 with the corresponding eigenvalue

1 E0 = 2 h ω (21)

Drawing from our experience with the particle in a box, we might surmise that the rst excited state of the harmonic oscillator would be a function similar to (20), but with a node at x = 0, say,

x2/2 1(x) = const x e (22)

This is orthogonal to 0(x) by symmetry and is indeed an eigenfunction with the eigenvalue 3 E1 = 2 h ω (23) Continuing the process, we try a function with two nodes

2 x2/2 2(x) = const (x a) e (24) Using the integrals tabulated in the Supplement 5, on Gaussian Integrals, we determine that with a = 1/2 makes 2(x) orthogonal to 0(x) and 1(x). We verify that this is another eigenfunction, corresponding to

5 E2 = 2 h ω (25)

5 The general result, which follows from a more advanced mathematical analysis, gives the following formula for the normalized eigenfunctions:

1/2 √ x2/2 n(x) = Hn(√x) e (26) 2nn!√ where Hn() represents the Hermite polynomial of degree n. The rst few Hermite polynomials are H0() = 1

H1() = 2 2 H2() = 4 2 3 H3() = 8 12 (27) The four lowest harmonic-oscillator eigenfunctions are plotted in Fig. 3. Note the topological resemblance to the corresponding particle-in-a-box eigenfunctions.



Figure 3. Harmonic oscillator

1(x) eigenfunctions for n=0, 1, 2, 3.

0(x) 0 x

The eigenvalues are given by the simple formula

1 En = (n + 2 )hω (28)

6 These are drawn in Fig. 2, on the same scale as the potential energy. The 1 ground-state energy E0 = 2 hω is greater than the classical value of zero, again a consequence of the uncertainty principle. It is remarkable that the dierence between successive energy eigenval- ues has a constant value

E = En+1 En =hω = h (29) This is reminiscent of Planck’s formula for the energy of a photon. It comes as no surprise then that the quantum theory of radiation has the structure of an assembly of oscillators, with each oscillator representing a mode of electromagnetic waves of a specied frequency.