
Solving the Oscillator Equation

Morgan Root NCSU Department of Math - System

† Consider a mass attached to a wall by means of a spring. Define y=0 to be the equilibrium position of the block. y(t) will be a measure of the from this equilibrium at a given . Take dy(0) y(0) = y0 and dt = v0. Basic Physical Laws

† Newton’s Second Law of states tells us that the of an object due to an applied is in the direction of the force and inversely proportional to the mass being moved. † This can be stated in the familiar form:

Fnet = ma

† In the one dimensional case this can be written as:

Fnet = m&y& Relevant

† Hooke’s Law (k is FH = −ky called Hooke’s constant)

† is a force that FF = −cy& opposes motion. We assume a friction proportional to . Assuming there are no other forces acting on the system we have what is known as a Harmonic Oscillator or also known as the Spring-Mass- Dashpot.

Fnet = FH + FF or m&y&(t) = −ky(t) − cy&(t) Solving the Simple Harmonic System

m&y&(t) + cy&(t) + ky(t) = 0

If there is no friction, c=0, then we have an “Undamped System”, or a Simple Harmonic Oscillator. We will solve this first.

m&y&(t) + ky(t) = 0 Simple Harmonic Oscillator

k Notice that we can take K = m and look at the system: &y&(t) = −Ky(t)

We know at least two functions that will solve this equation. y(t) = sin( Kt) and y(t) = cos( Kt) Simple Harmonic Oscillator

The general solution is a linear combination of sin and cos.

y(t) = Acos(ω0t) + Bsin(ω0t) k Where ω0 = m . Simple Harmonic Oscillator

We can rewrite the solution as

y(t) = Αsin(ω0t +φ)

k where ω0 = m and

2 2 −1 Α = y + (v0 ) and φ = tan ()y0ω0 0 ω0 v0 Visualizing the System

Undamped SHO

2 m=2 c=0 1.5 k=3


0.5 t n e m e

c 0 a l p s Di -0.5




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time Alternate Method: The Characteristic Equation

k Again we take ω0 = m and look at the system:

2 &y&(t) +ω0 y(t) = 0 Assume an exponential solution, y(t) = ert .

rt 2 rt ⇒ y&(t) = re and &y&(t) = r e Subbing this into the equation we have:

2 rt 2 rt r e +ω0 e = 0 Alternate Method: The Characteristic Equation

To have a solution we require that

2 2 r = −ω0

⇒ r = ±iω0 Thus we have two solutions

y(t) = eiω0 and y(t) = e−iω0 Alternate Method: The Characteristic Equation

† As before, any linear combination of solutions is a solution, giving the general solution:

y(t) = A*eiω0t + B*e−iω0t Euler’s Identity

† Recall that we have a iω0t relationship between e e = cos(ω0t)+ isin(ω0t) and and cosine, and known as the Euler −iω0t identity. e = cos()ω0t − isin()ω0t † Thus our two solutions are equivalent Rewrite the solution

We now have two solutions to : m&y&(t)+ ky(t) = 0 One with complex exponentials y(t) = A*eiω0t + A*e−iω0t and one with sine y(t) = Αsin(ω0t +φ) Damped Systems

† If friction is not zero then we cannot used the same solution. Again, we find the characteristic equation.

Assume y(t) = ert then,

rt 2 rt y&(t) = re and &y&(t) = r e Damped Systems

Remember that we are now looking for a solution to :

&y&(t) + Cy&(t) + Ky(t) = 0 Subbing in &y&, y& and y we have, r 2ert + Crert + Kert = 0 Which can only if r 2 + Cr + K = 0 Damped Systems

This gives us that :

2 2 −C± C −4ω0 k r = 2 where ω0 = m

2 2 Let α = C − 4ω0 We have three options

1. α > 0 overdamped

2. α = 0 critically damped 3. α < 0 underdamped Underdamped Systems

† The case that we are interested in is the 2 2 C − 4ω0 < 0 underdamped system.

The solution is

−C+i α −C−i α y(t) = Ae 2 + Be 2 or

y(t) = e−C / 2 (Acos(ωt) + Bsin(ωt)),

1 2 4mk−c2 ω = 2 4K − C = 2m Underdamped Systems

We can rewrite this in a more intuitive form,

−c t y(t) = Αe 2m sin(ωt +φ)

4mk − c2 Where ω = , 2m

2 2 −1 A Α = A + B , φ = tan ( B),

c v0 + 2m y0 A = y0 and B = ω Visualizing Underdamped Systems

Underdamped System 2

1.5 m=2 c=0.5 k=3


t 0.5 n e m ce a l sp i 0 D



-1.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time Visualizing Underdamped Systems

Underdamped Harmonic Oscillator 2

m=2 1.5 y(t)=Ae-(c/2m)t c=0.5 k=3


0.5 t n e m e

c 0 a l p s Di -0.5


-(c/2m)t -1.5 y(t)=-Ae

-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time Visualizing Underdamped Systems

Another Underdamped System 2

m=2 c=2 1.5 k=3

1 t n e m ce a l sp i D 0.5


-0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time Visualizing Underdamped Systems

Underdamped Harmonic Oscillator 2.5

2 m=2 c=2 1.5 k=3 y(t)=Ae-(c/2m)t 1

0.5 t n e m

ce 0 a l sp i D -0.5

-1 y(t)=-Ae-(c/2m)t



-2.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time Will this work for the beam?

† The beam seems to fit the harmonic conditions. „ Force is zero when displacement is zero „ Restoring force increases with displacement „ appears periodic † The key assumptions are „ Restoring force is linear in displacement „ Friction is linear in velocity Writing as a First Order System

† Matlab does not work with second order equations † However, we can always rewrite a second order ODE as a system of first order equations † We can then have Matlab find a numerical solution to this system Writing as a First Order System

Given this second order ODE

&y&(t) + Cy&(t) + Ky(t) = 0, with y(0) = y0 and y&(0) = v0

We can let z1(t) = y(t) and z2 (t) = y&(t). Clearly,

z&1(t) = z2 (t) and

z&2 (t) = −Kz1(t) − Cz2 (t) Writing as a First Order System

Now we can rewrite the equation in matrix - vector form

⎡z&1 ⎤ ⎡ 0 1 ⎤⎡z1 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥(t) = ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥(t) ⎣z&2 ⎦ ⎣− K − C⎦⎣z2 ⎦ or ⎡ 0 1 ⎤ z(t) = Az(t) where A = ⎢ ⎥ ⎣− K − C⎦ with

⎡y0 ⎤ z(0) = ⎢ ⎥ ⎣v0 ⎦ This is now in a form that will work in Matlab. Constants Are Not Independent

† Notice that in all our solutions we never have c, m, or k alone. We always have c/m or k/m. † The solution for y(t) given (m,c,k) is the same as y(t) given (αm, αc, αk). † Very important for the inverse problem Summary

† We can used Matlab to generate solutions to the harmonic oscillator † At first glance, it seems reasonable to model a vibrating beam † We don’t know the values of m, c, or k † Need the inverse problem