-- THE POLICY, ORGANIZATION, AND RULES OF THE GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION (Incorporated by Royal Charter) JULY 1961 With all amendments brought into effect since the 1960 edition, including those pub- lished in THE GUIDER of 1st July, 1961: all revision of Policy, Organization, or Rules takes effect as from the date of Pub- lication in THE GUIDER of January and July in each year. LONDON THE GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION Commonwealth Headquarters Two Shillings and Sixpence © Girl Guides Association First Edition, 1916 Twenty-eighth Edition, 1957 Twenty-ninth Edition, 1960 Thirtieth Edition, 1961 A THE GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION Commonwealth Headquarters P.O. Box 269, 17-19 Buckingham Palace Road London, S.W.1, England. Telephone: VICtoria 6001 (4 lines) • GIRL GUIDES H.. TAM" 11A. Made and Printed in England by STAPLES PRINTERS LIMITED at their Rochester, Kent, establishment CONTENTS PAGE THE FOUNDER'S FOREWORD iV PROMISE, LAW, AND MOTTO v EXPLANATIONS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND SYMBOLS Vi GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION 5 OVERSEAS 16 THE BROWNIE BRANCH 18 THE GUIDE BRANCH 29 THE SENIOR BRANCH 62 RANGERS . 62 CADETS . 99 GUIDING IN SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, AND UNIVERSITIES 103 THE LONE SECTION . 106 THE EXTENSION SECTION 109 THE TREFOIL GUILD 115 UNIFORM 118 TRAINING . 134 CAMPING 139 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 150 PUBLIC RELATIONS 153 BOY SCOUTS . 155 TESTING . 156 BATHING, BOATING, AND Am SAFETY 158 THE ASSOCIATION AWARDS 166 MISCELLANEOUS RULES • 169 BOOK LIST • 171 BRANCH SHOPS • 174 REGISTERED GOODS • 175 INDEX . 176 iii THE FOUNDER'S FOREWORD MAY I draw your attention to the fact that the following pages contain RULES, not REGULATIONS. There is a world of difference between the two.
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