Bristol Water plc: A reference under section 12(3)(a) of the Water Industry Act 1991 Appendices 5.1 – 11.1 and glossary Appendix 5.1: Aqua Consultants Technical Support, Report of Findings – June 2015 Appendix 5.2: Supporting analysis for the review of base expenditure in Bristol Water’s business plan Appendix 6.1: Smaller enhancement schemes Appendix 6.2: Cheddar Water Treatment Works – Notified Item Appendix 8.1: Reconciliation of Bristol Water performance Appendix 9.1: Outcome delivery incentives Appendix 10.1: Cost of capital Appendix 11.1: PAYG, financeability and total allowed Bristol Water revenue Glossary APPENDIX 5.1 Aqua Consultants Technical Support, Report of Findings – June 2015 A5(1)-1 Bristol Water Price Determination – Technical Support For Competition and Markets Authority Technical Support, Report of Findings – June 2015 Foreword This document has been produced after considering written information provided to us, answers to questions, statements made in a meeting with Bristol Water and responses received as a result of questions posed at the meeting. The data has been assessed by a team that has a large amount of experience in various aspects of the water industry whose skills include civil engineering, process engineering, asset management and quantity surveying. Together we believe we have the ability to understand all technical aspects of Bristol Water’s Business Plan, Statement of Case and the large volume of supporting information provided. Trevor Perry Associate Director
[email protected] This Report has been amended following the receipt of two responses from Bristol Water; a letter from Greenberg Traurig Maher LLP (GTM) dated 18 June 2015 and a more comprehensive list of “the major errors of fact and understanding” dated 22 June 2015.