Accessible Natural Greenspace Assessment
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An analysis of Accessible Natural Greenspace provision in Sedgemoor Appendix B Data Tables Table 1. Accessible Natural Green Space sites larger than 2 Hectares in Sedgemoor Description Code Location Area_Ha Accessible Natural Comments Nature Conservation Area 2 - 20 Hectares Kingdown and Middledown SSSI 1.1.1 Cheddar 4.02155 Y Y Access land The Cheddar Complex SSSI 1.1.2 Cheddar 10.142 Y Y Visible from PROW Cheddar Complex SSSI (and NS&M Bat SAC) 1.1.3 Cheddar 10.6513 Y Y Includes GB Gruffy SWTS and incorporates the North Somerset and Mendips Bat SAC Greylake SSSI 1.1.4 Middlezoy 8.62931 Y Y Publicly accessible RSPB Nature Reserve Nature Conservation Area 20 - 100 Hectares Axbridge Hill and Fry's Hill SSSI 1.1.05 Axbridge 66.877 Y Y part Access land and remainder is visible from Access Land and PROW Mendip Limestone Grasslands SAC and Brean Down SSSI 1.1.06 Brean 66.0121 Y Y PROW crosses the site Draycott Sleights SSSI 1.1.07 Cheddar 62.1111 Y Y PROW crosses the site The Perch SSSI 1.1.08 Cheddar 73.0205 Y Y PROW crosses the site Cheddar Woods SSSI - Mendip Woodlands 1.1.09 Cheddar 85.1246 Y Y PROW crosses the site and incorporates Mendip Woodlands SAC Dolebury Warren SSSI 1.1.10 North Somerset 91.9918 Y Y part Access Land and visible from access land and PROW Langmead and Weston Level SSSI 1.1.11 Westonzoyland 81.166 Y Y PROW crosses the site Nature Conservation Areas 100 - 500 Hectares Berrow Dunes SSSI 1.1.13 Berrow 199.343 Y Y Visible from PROW Cheddar Reservoir SSSI 1.1.14 Cheddar 105.589 Y Y Cheddar Complex SSSI (and NS&M Bat SAC) 1.1.15 Cheddar 424.959 Y Y Access land and PROW and incorporates the North Somerset and Mendip Bats SAC Compton Crook Peak to Shute Shelve Hill SSSI and Mendip Limestone Grasslands SAC 1.1.16 Bishop 331.785 Y Y Access land and PROW crosses the site Burrington Combe SSSI 1.1.18 North Somerset 137.672 Y Y also Access Land Taunton Deane Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar, SPA and SSSI 1.1.19 District 196.472 Y Y PROW crosses site Taunton Deane Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar, SPA and SSSI 1.1.20 District 473.31 Y Y PROW crosses site Nature Conservation Areas 500+ Hectares Ramsar, SPA and SSSI's (Moors and Heath) 1.1.22 Burtle 2939.91 Y Y Mostly accessible or visible by PROW Ramsar, SPA and SSSI 1.1.24 Middlezoy 829.211 Y Y Visible from external PROW North North Moor SSSI 1.1.25 Petherton 669.569 Y Y Visible from external PROW and PROW crosses through site The Quantocks SSSI 1.1.26 Over Stowey 2467.12 Y Y Access land, extensive PROW network and includes the Exmoor and Quantock Oakwoods SAC Local Wildlife Sites 2 - 20 Hectares Great Huckham Bank - Unimproved calcareous grassland and orchard. 1.2.01 Ashcott 2.49 Y Y PROW crosses through the site South Hills Wood - Ancient semi-natural broadleaved woodland with species rich grassland. 1.2.05 Bawdrip 6.44 Y Y PROW traverses site Skylark Meadows - Unimproved Neutral Grassland. 1.2.06 Bawdrip 7.25 Y Y Accessible by PROW Ford Farm Slopes - Unimproved calcareous grassland with scrub and Tufa spring. 1.2.07 Bawdrip 12.49 Y Y PROW crosses through site Brean Dunes - A thin strip of coastal sand dunes, parts of which are suffering degredation or development. 1.2.08 Brean 9.64 Y Y PROWs cross through the site Orchard Croft Field - unimproved calcareous grassland and scrub. 1.2.09 Brent Knoll 2.03 Y Y PROW crosses through the site Wickwood Fields - Unimproved calcareous grassland. 1.2.10 Brent Knoll 2.32 Y Y Site visible from PROW Battleborough Fields - Steeply sloping unimproved grassland and gently sloping semi- improved grassland with scrub, ponds and a permanently wet ditch; Unimproved neutral grassland. 1.2.11 Brent Knoll 2.67 Y Y Site traversed by PROW Upper Battleborough Farm - Steeply sloping unimporved species rich calcareous grassland. 1.2.12 Brent Knoll 3.28 Y Y Site visible from Access Land Crooked Lane Fields - Unimproved fields and rhynes 1.2.13 Brent Knoll 3.47 Y Y Site visible from PROW Knoll Farm Field - Unimproved Calcareous grassland with semi-improved grassland. 1.2.14 Brent Knoll 4.86 Y Y Site within Access Land Steep Fields - Unimproved grassland on lower slopes of Brent Knoll. 1.2.15 Brent Knoll 8.35 Y Y Site traversed by PROW Burton Row Fields - Steep herb-rich slopes with areas of scrub and woodland. 1.2.16 Brent Knoll 8.67 Y Y Site traversed by PROW Cellophane Pits - Complex of water-filled gravel pits with surrounding grassland and Bridgwater scrub. 1.2.20 Without 5.66 Y Y Visible from road but no access via PROW Bridgwater Dunwear Brick Pits - Open water ponds, reedbeds, scrub and path margin vegetation. 1.2.21 Without 14.34 Y Y Publicly accessible West Timbercombe - Ancient semi-natural broadleaved woodland with large area of conifer plantation. 1.2.22 Broomfield 2.04 Y Y Accessible by PROW Lydeard Farm - Herb rich unimproved neutral grassland and marshy grassland. 1.2.26 Broomfield 3.99 Y Y Accessible by PROW Fyne Court Reserve - Ancient plantation site, with broadleaf and conifer plantation, some semi-natural broadleaf stands, ornamental plantings, and three ponds. 1.2.29 Broomfield 7.76 Y Y Yes - National Trust site with public access Fyne Court Fields - Semi-improved fields with nationally rare fungi. 1.2.30 Broomfield 14.14 Y Y Partly National trust site with public access Burnham-on- Sea and Highbridge Pits - Disused brick pits now reed beds and open water. 1.2.33 Highbridge 8.95 Y Y Enveloped by PROW Burnham-on- Apex Gardens - Leisure park with reed fringed ponds providing habitat for protected Sea and and notable birds. 1.2.34 Highbridge 15.40 Y Y Public open space Furze Covert - Broadleaved semi-natural woodland, part ancient and mature hedgebanks. 1.2.37 Cannington 5.76 Y Y PROW crosses through the site Cannington Brook - Site with legally protected species. 1.2.38 Cannington 8.63 Y Y Mostly visible from PROW Cheddar Yeo River - Fast flowing river with species indicating high biological quality. 1.2.43 Cheddar 2.63 Y Y Yes - within urban area Round Oak Field - Unimproved neutral grassland. 1.2.44 Cheddar 2.64 Y Y Yes - within urban area Mascall's Wood Reserve - Ancient semi-natural broadleaved woodland. 1.2.46 Cheddar 5.41 Y Y Site enveloped by PROW Bradley Cross Fields - Unimproved calcareous grassland with limestone outcrops. 1.2.49 Cheddar 13.72 Y Y PROW crosses through the site and is Access Land Bradley Cross Farm - Unimproved calcareous grassland, scrub and limestone outcrops. 1.2.50 Cheddar 14.59 Y Y PROW crosses through the site The Mountain - Unimproved Limestone Grassland and Woodland with Spring, 23. 1.2.51 Cheddar 14.93 Y Y PROW crosses through the site Long Wood - Somerset Wildlife Trust Site 1.2.52 Cheddar 19.12 Y Y part of the Cheddar Complex, PROW crosses through site Brentwood Fields - Steep herb-rich fields and scrub. 1.2.55 East Brent 2.21 Y Y PROW crosses through the site Brent Knoll (National Trust ) - Unimproved calcareous grassland, scrub, and broadleaved woodland. 1.2.56 East Brent 13.22 Y Y PROW crosses through the site River Brue - Site with legally protected species. 1.2.57 East Huntspill 19.14 Y Y partly accessible by track and visible from lanes Durleigh Brook and Meadows - Three unimproved neutral meadows lying on either side of the Durleigh Brook. 1.2.59 Enmore 6.20 Y Y PROW crosses through the site Stook's Copse is a substantial area of ancient semi-natural woodland known from a local tithe map to date at least from 1826. 1.2.60 Enmore 6.53 Y Y PROW crosses through site Enmore Park - Parkland with an important assemblage of Veteran Trees. 1.2.61 Enmore 6.97 Y Y PROW crosses through the site Barford Park and Wood - consists essentially of a strip of mature amenity oak, ash and Scots pine woodland flanking the Durleigh Brook, interspersed with some fine old veteran forest trees and pollards (including also beech), and interpersed with more re 1.2.62 Enmore 13.38 Y Y PROW crosses through the site Chantry Wood is a 5. 1.2.63 Goathurst 5.77 Y Y Visible from PROW Draycott North - Species-rich calcareous grassland. 1.2.64 Mendip District 2.73 Y Y Visible from Access Land Velvet Bottom - Somerset Wildlife Trust Site 1.2.67 Mendip District 17.01 Y Y part of the Cheddar Complex, PROW crosses through site Knoll Hill - Unimproved calcareous grassland with recently planted broadleaved wood and scrub invasion. 1.2.68 Moorlinch 2.11 Y Y PROW rosses through site Bullstake and The Hill - Unimproved and semi-improved calcareous grassland on a south facing slope. 1.2.70 Moorlinch 4.11 Y Y Enveloped by PROW Billicombe Wood - Broadleaved semi-natural woodland and scrub with unimproved calcareous grassland. 1.2.71 Moorlinch 6.22 Y Y Accessible by PROW Willstock Farm - Group of ponds supporting legally protected species together with North hedgerows that link them. 1.2.72 Petherton 2.15 Y Y Form part of the Country Park North Fordgate Wetlands - Complex of ponds, swamps and willow carr.