Hope and a Tool: The History women. As late as 1975 in high schools across the country, the average budget for boys' of Title IX of the Education sports was five times more than that for girls'. Amendments of 1972 At the college level, the proportion rose to 30 By Margaret Nash © times more money for men's athletics than for December 1993 women's.1 (
[email protected]) Scholarships to colleges could be awarded only to men, and financial aid, including Twenty-one years ago Congress passed the loans, could be denied to women who were first legislation ever to prohibit sex married, pregnant, or had children. Colleges discrimination in public education. Title IX of and universities had quota systems limiting the Education Amendments of 1972 banned the number of women who could attend and sex discrimination in all schools that receive had different standards for admission. For federal funds. As a result of Title IX, the example, in the 1970s Cornell admitted number and proportion of women enrolled in women only if they had SAT scores 30-40 postsecondary institutions increased, and points higher than the male average, and at educational and employment opportunities Pennsylvania State University men were five for females became more equitable. In spite of times more likely to be admitted than women. the significance of this legislation, historians High schools and colleges expelled pregnant largely have ignored Title IX. When Title IX is students, married or not, and elementary and discussed at all, it usually is solely in terms of secondary school systems fired pregnant athletics.