VOLUME IV. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 25, 1864 „ . — vvnujjijj NO. 665 __ _ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, EDUCATIONAL. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor, MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS I cards. ; hotels. published at No. 83* 1£SCHANGE STREET, by Casco HROCKMEPEICS PATENT Street Seminary. Life Insurance. PAPEK BOX M AN VFaCTOHY. BRADLEY, MOULTON milK Fill < f THE DAILY j N. A. A CO. Term this In. itulion will annum PRESS, dflloCERS I FOSTER Aon WlOlIULI JIOOilT ZIRCO.V lue.-ii.y gcpt. Gib.ind ccutinue ten week. Gas UI/.LiltE ia HO||»C, Regulator J. at ni itqni e ol the 1 rtucipal. tt R. Th» at *8.0(1 r°r'ur'“• |“®rP»,7,c“l»r* CALORIC POWER for the sale of the Libby, t'oLTLABD Dailt nutii published Lumberlaud bneet, alter Sept. 1st. THE MANHATTAN Agency Ren Haacraoruuka of per year. EXCLUSIVEulator iu Portland No. 102 juiudle street. u _ Flour, Grain and Oel brated 1ft Zircon Mineral ., .. MISS ti. HAVVKKS. Provisions * 8p*'cg*. Tub Famli Thurs- stairs, Edwanifihaw aole This UsW articl I ^ Maibi Statb published every Portland Aug, S3,1804 c3« Agent Paper M Oomma.-clU 'I iluto* riwtatiOH, Mt., ! lor favor wid Boxes, street, hen. a a day mornicg.at *8.o« per annum, in udvanoo; (3.36 Life Insurance public save 80 percent, to theoonsum Oi trery luch as iiotk. Company description, It no m * to tfc« aid mo er O'er burner now in BoaaBT 1 pen** public, p*ii a If pud within six months,- ul *2.50, if payment be JOB OF K K W r O A any pas use; 26,000 have bt-ci Shot I BUALiT, PRINTING R Boxes, Jewelry Boxes, *»il 6# spareu t-i* t u bibn*«ttbe nan dalnyad beyond the year. OFFICE, sold iu New f.u gland »iuce January .as This U no Druggist Boxes, a.M MOULT.,., * Portland Collar Boxes, Shelf B*>x,4s, Cofi I P'JRTLAAD.AM »kd rtuuer auu Academy. a regulator to be affi *ed to the meter, all >uch hav etiologicalBoxes, A. 9. BUOIlm.0. ) pi«**aut jurerwOif i«# Fall Term will 6th in Powder Boxes, Card Cases, 4«. itnj of Kucata. And mou n»aa. legin September failed, but is attached immediately uuder » acb burn Cigar Boxes. •uu TS*X Luiou Cash and Accumulation I A><f than Knteaof liall. Free Sc., opposite the (. hurch. I*u Capital er tip, and I* a part of. and an oruament toe 144 Middle _m cheaper any uthor auumt Advertising: to, ga St., (Cp Stairs) Me. Uou,. 4c Mew pile of both ftfxe? received. For additional infor- N. A. fixture itse’f. The u!ar Portland, tunvland. One Inch ofspaoe In of constitute, FOSTER k parti whiteness and sfeadi length oolnmn, mation inquire ut .1. ii. HANSON, 371 St. CO., ness of the juneldSm 1 ur*|*elMl». BldMT Grmr- n “sqUAnn.” Congress Over ! light produced -because of tb* exac a) -tu^eTn Complaint, 22—U2w #1,700,000 W. W. CARR & “ * ud .uutia I wat- Aug proper com oust ion—astonishes all who have seei CO., .der, Offer, *1.80 square dally flret week; 78 cents week OaTteg takas tbs knot more L “** “« of the per per it, while of the formerly occupied ere raw. op eta d ,e»u- alter; three Insertions or less, *1.00; eve- tbeporiOpf/aff obtaining improve *‘,h« "t*ort continuing HENRY Pbkridrjjt. nx a reauced n Dana & Co. “‘stnuoe ot hd. mlM other aft, r 8rst 80 cents. Proprietors, STOKES, light expense ed only be investigate! I con b^miinTL ry day week, at this O. 8ANVYKK. F*J •• « . bttmr- WESTBRO0K* SEMINARY, I'. Y. W EM I'LL, Necretmry. office to cnsu/e the confluence o-' the mos •and.mud liar**lfr RA*t?,<1 Urgent. Half square, three insertions or less. 76 oents; one and I'nria.ti to J. E. llALst-Y, Asst. Secretary, skeptical. The reg dato is a "tell talk’d lot Uivd Tr. ut week, *1.00; 60 oents per week after. -AI»D- perfect I¥o. 5 Fox 821-2 b. N. STEBBINH, the exact amount of u-ed Fish and EicIuuikc Street, piudm T«a£7Sm .5 Linder head of Avusbuents, 82.00 Block, Exchange St., Actuary. ga* No presume attaiur < Salt, Oa.tttoilM tluu-olmst 'a persqnnre per E. DWIGHT General the lias affects it 4r* e. making turn teem* real- seek; three insertions or KENDALL. Agt. by Company disadvmntageou ly it prepared to odor to the trad* a and W*1 er than to on other less, *1,50 Female C'ollegc. the largo i Moo.tMn *o"S, e< m h least; Gaa Companies all recommeud it beciu* •elected atook of ! I run nr on ’• Pond I>auT «•» first week, it Motion or.°l ,U ul UrmJ“l e -,8£,<1AL NoTUI“‘, per square fall term of this Institution will ME. This tha follow- gives entire satiafac on to consumers, lienee theii Lather Dana, Portland, to .be T*»»* *1.00 per square after; three insertions or coraiueuce PORTLAND, long-established Company offers , Kailwmy House. loss, *1 JS; number __ tUee 1U1KWednesday, Aug. 3int, aud continue twelve ing advai.ta*es to insurers, viz:* of consumers are increased. Retail pile. Woodbury Dana, J Pott Office mddie-s, Mt insertions, *1.00; one week, 80 ©cut* each. Tne and Domestic Fruit I Zncon. Me. *1 26* week?. A large and eecurely inverted; article will be adjusted for cou Johna.s.uana) . Foreign Increasing Capital, sumr * it said of Instruction aud rates of the Immediate of ivideuds, in caeh ; immediately inquiring but a few moment, M’. Zircon. inserted In the M AI as Statb tuition same availability the _Juneldtf Wholeaale and Retell July ^Advertisements as in the A loan ; time) aud it not suited will b* taken off of 53*^186*. f wbieb has a oiroulation in part. permanent cf one half of the premium free ex ^^,7S2!!?r large every part of Attention i* Druug**. the for 80 oents (i M 8TKVKN8, Sec raspaa fully invited to our unrivalled aud a feature ir to xhia by which pen*©. J. Sprue* Oaa, Loaeuga* State) per square In addition to the y. ptatli company, smith, cb Oo., Noii-Sido above rates, for each Insertion. Steven’s Plains, Aug. 16, 1861. augUM2w facilities for executing in insurers are protected against forfeiture of the poll EDWARD SHAW, rT"‘mm‘- J'uuury Seed, Cuudaea, from MANUFACTURERS OF House, Lboal Notioxb at nsnnl rates. cy circumstance* of adversity. 102 Middle Street srr“P. Haaay, 4 tip stairs. ,V*"e" BAUPSWEU The also issues non-forfeiting policies rr-“— Ftga. MACK, Tranalontadv.rtisement, must be paid forla ad- I'rytbnri; company We have this kdward 8haw yaaoe Acndnuij. THE BEST STYLE OF THE on th. Note# tueq., ,, July Brewer. (JnldSra) f. company W. W I homss. Esq Brest. Canal Buk. Messrs. Hull Jr Goodell:— The Directors of th< INTo. 11 Union ‘HOME INSTITUTE.” .!. B. Carroll, Merchant Dove* Gas afb a full and St., *>“ ««d After the feorlh Af JAly. Oar Establishment is f\irni*hed with all the Esq.. Lig^t Corny any, rLorougt It to ap- Jereini th examina ion and test of JOB % T. KOUEIIn& prepared faraiah Dow, Esq., Sou'y Dirigo Ins. Co. "Brooksieper Gas Kegula CO., Tbe Hoorn u to. largest ot ok tskmeat, eueeiruot- 1864. proved tor," have ordered me to ed Thursday Horning, Aug. 18, Wra Kimball. Esq Tri a*. 8. Packet Co purchase oi,e h.nurpt. Circulars containing terms, Ac., I And our collection of Parties are invited fo examine the merit* of this JoNAs D. TOWNSEND, liHfavi^Skafti*, FiBeji,t«. Nearly ,urrouudid by tbe MO and ohaxdoatlr adnros the Prir at 62 Dovor Gas Lt. No. 61 ('immercial Street, •boded tree,, the cipal Kre« bt., Portland, Me. company before c fleetiug insurance. Sup. Co. Lien Uocrei f, House turn . twa.- 19—d fcwlm Woaa of all description*, aad all titot verandob .pacluoTand IXTKKK8T1XG LETTER EKOM GEV. Aug HENRY U oTIChNEY. exundioo o er tkieO hundred mad SEYMOUR. Agent, klada of work required In .eel ou Moulton St. Certificate from the gas fitter of the Mills, etc., at POKTLAND, MK. baildiag tblriy Huee midst of the with wide Book and Office No. 13 cSSJ.B.n’ES. | Fobtipiuatiobi. ami building, North Fancy Types Lowell, Mass. tcoroujebij ttm i.aied bal.i and eothdon la tha Yarmouth ! S. II. Tkwksrury M. D., I Medical _juneldCin interior, ao that visitor* can Williamstown, Mash., Aug. 16,1804. Academy Lowell. Mass., July 11. 1864. (robStalra aad other enjoy the moat comnla a AT YAHStOUTH MA1SK. C. W. Tn ’Mas, M. D I Examiners. Architectural Work protects n Horn the *nu>m.i My Dear Sir: You ask for IFill bear fkvorable with establish- Messrs. 11 Ut k iioodtU:—An lienee of tit. my impres- comparison any expt many Tb, •teomboo' ohxri mud boot THE Fall T«*i ra will commence Aueust 30th. ment years in the gas business has often Wholesale and Retail. Honaee Store*, and other Ittad will Imnd'mnmre on the (loua <8 the present coudiliou of the South- The in the city. Gentlemen of and in tbe fitting suggested baildinge. Wesi X f energy responsibility to me the das aad Steaai in the beat manner. side, lot a fe* s.sp. fn m the Hoorn Annie ern ia-bic*, Modern Languages, Music, Drawing didercut of great value of an improvement Confederacy, and you shall have tlieui. cities and towns of Maine, detirous whereby fscilities ore ot band lor bootleg one Fainting. Fi nmsnrhip, aid TheNew tivmuastice rep-will thepn s*ure of gas might be regu ated at the Asking ou tbe the MiniaMan Life Insurance Co. poiu» Met Hoe is a < For the benetlt of our are a resenting of la line parol be.uk. whe-o the laxa cause I wish they taught by permanent Foard of teachers. consumption. Ma y aud fruitle s have H. connection with the above la an Iron t please address E DWIGIII KENDALL, General attempts Foundry seo-h* can be ed ot a.I tie imresscd A Tsachir*’ (i.ass is formed in fro b time to time t een «<»Hdo to 3LDAVIS, with a assortment of to hlng eijo, times ol tin lids. ■night upon every soul in the the spring and Box No t*51 1’. O., Portland. place regulators at large Patterns, which tie fall, ot the .Sciences Business and Professional Agent. the meter. attention of At a abort distann ou the northeast. merest m or c that the confidence of special a tentiou will begiv- Cards, 11.— codim Experience has shown that all such at- Machinists, MillwriahU.aad ohip-Batld laud, begollon my cu t> Aug era la of the sea Is Otr'e Imioud. eowb.aieu Mn C'UBhjHTRY the iall. tempts hav proved failmes 1 have also seeu at d Bookseller, invited—aad all klada ol by kee.u- three mouth's dum-g Slatiouer, Castings farauhcc er e.owe’c w, u observations in the interior of Board be bad witn t»»e used in mv at short notice. known xerel. may Teachers at "Rusaell |Of every and coat, bu iue*» nearly all the so-called improve- ARl> MAWCFiCTCRFR OF the be shared variety, style ments The km Side House i» occecrihie land Irtm South, might by every man wbo liall,"by making early applica ion KTATE OF MAINE. in our er*. whertiu that which yeu have ac- a#1 Orders lor by Machine Jobbing, Pattora* aai Brunswick, dftteu miiet diet ant ei has the least connection with the Add ms the Friucipal, E S liOVr.A M.or corap ished has been but fautd by eo the eet responsi- attempted, always Premium Forgings, promptly exeoated. ooldtl d Ives iu the JAMES PRINTED After a caieful ex Account Books. State, sad daily knab si fr. m bilities of this i am BATES, 8«cretarr. AT SHORTEST NOTICE. im natlou and a iliorough test of Paged b, struggle, sure that these 1 Po tiaud tbrougn the inside memo the armonth, August 3d, 1864. your Gas ItpgaVorn—which are attached immedi- PAPEK pmceegis 11 are not to lltNGINOS. lelauds of the Bay. opluions peculiar myself. Every- auglSisdfc w2w ately under each burner a* a part of the gas fixture— SIJUiEK’S one of Ko. 63 Exohinge Stre.t, Me. Visitors comiug fre* tbe Kenaekee and ether the fifty officers just exchanged will 1 am fully convinc d tha? your impiovement i a de- Portland, patuoi tbe inserter, cue lease ibs. rail reed mt Breus* the one of oiden *uroes*. the iighti* improved in and juneldtt say same—every them, whether brightness __ and ini s siem, proceed bs singe 'o well, or oontln- Gorham illuminating power, while the expense »aieu to SEWING MACHINES! ttarp. from the jails of Charleston, or the ol 8eminary. Bill-Headt Rated aad uc to Portland and take the which task peas Cot ia the Neat, th*- consumer is full 80 poreeot The combustion is CXAS J steamer, Macon and Fall Term of this Institution will commence SUHUMACHJiR, duwu and hack twi.e a Anderaoiivilie, will r-euot the day. confidently on 1 the &jih of perfect, mproveinenl must be Adopted as a tell the same THE uc?day August, and oontiunc eat Manner. matter of WOODMAN. TRUE 4k CO.. story. The rebel cause is eleven under economy as well as the luxury of a good JOHN T. fast weeks, the charge of Frisco and Banner 8JLLTM, Proprietor.* and -tcadv light. I recommend ir to the Fainter, failing front exhaustion. Their two grand W. u. A. cheerfully JyHf LORD, M. tra^e aud t > a 1 consumer* <>f AOENTS7 nines have be«n leiulorced this summer Inquiries re ative to the school should he addrwaa- Ka* No. 144 Middle Yours, Ac., 11 K. BARKER, Street, *4 aad ft«.Middle from ed to the Principal or t Street. BRADLEY'S the last resources of the South. From dtf Ga* Kitts'. 8 Central PORTLASD, MR. J. WATERMAN*. Street. HOTEL, corner ol the Sec’y Work in Needle, and Trimmings alwayi aa head, every laud, every old man aud (•urban, 16. 1964 — cfcwti BLANKS AND BANK executed overy part of the State Aug. CHECKS,' mahlttr every boy capable of bearing a rifle ha- beeu 126 Exchange Juneltf Amrrlraa Uu« Of executed in the best Street. 126 Lu.upCH Paw, impress* d, willingly or unwillingly, and hur- nvery description atyle. ried to the Ladies’ A CARD. Cor. of Commercial India front, Lee's army was the first so Young Seminary. RUFUS DUNHAM, ft Str. It was at the Fall Se* ion of this School M. Strengthened. expense of Hoods. open* Thursday xiugh IPhinney, MaauSaetur r «nd Wliolanit Thle floaee w ai THE J2, id Morion H&ilroad, and other (lone DR. S. C. ft Bated directly op Beetle wiu *ept Block, 8t. Corporation Work, viuiu wiui a Coogres* L.L) inf «rm hi? frlod* and former Dealer In FERNALD, • ■ piainuess In addition to with customers Uraud Traak ai roe Depot ice head the day tctiool,which has received so promptness and fidelity. thttLehiU •SaUfttl that was but it WOL" taken the .Vo 12*J Boeiun aso Portiiad c re very bitter, was none the less large a share of the patronage ot QUARTERS, \ Exchange jJftftSoi teas, Whirl * * lhecity, arrange- Street, where he intend? to cat rj on tl«** BRITAN NIA tonne ted wtta thlr ttoaeeh a the truth, t The a meiit* have now been made A CIUTAKT (jMKIUL’I Or PICK, ,B| tret eiaee following is let- to admit a few Boaroing • J WENT1ST, buholar*. 1, 1844. Stove unil Fur• —AMD— iJtaI1 »T«t»r and Diura* Ball. ter written by oue rebel to that ac- INSURANCE Augusta, August ) mcr Itminm, No. 175 M lddl •» another, For Circuitr* POLICIES. RILLS OF LADING, Street. 'HI' BKAulLV. Jr., 4 CO.. Proprieton. fell into the hands containing Terms, &c address lateral On* ft No. 28. In all it. t>r»ucbi>n. Slot of all J. cidentally of oue of my TIME TABLES, ftud all «irt« ol LEGAL G$, kind!, of the Sa»am*»oaa.Dr< Bradley, Jr. r. M. or dley. MI83ES8YMONDS, Fiincip.lt, I. I h of newest and most Plated Baooa and Baasua fallow prisoners, and for the of DOCUMENTS, at thort not tee. rty Companies Infantry for Regiments approved [•attorns. Ware, authenticity 18 brown 8t. u Portland, May At,ISM. __jawlWa which I 24— I the held.an i to be C'ejittd upon the present ctii, No. 213 Fort Portland tf vouch: Auz eodtd&w6w -- sirtst, I ,re autbo i/ed oy trie War Department to be raised Furnaces and few are Ranges, Malms. Atlantic “Very persons preparing to obey u this attts, from Volunteer*. for eitotrose,two or Dr. J. H. riEALB House, the late call of the br«e set vice, as the recrui Tin aud 1864. Governor. Ilis summons SeriMU, teprti, an! all kiki *f years' may elect. Hollow Ware. Portland, May 17th, maylTdti HCARHORO’ BEACH. PaapUeU, II. Enrolleu meu or their have oi his natira interest la hi. will meet with no here. ubsiltutts. the tIT-Second hand Stoves or taken in ex- dlpoeeu response The peo- Put np in bought, Office to Dr. 8.C woald superior style. I imi'ege of electing the company aud regiment change (or new. HAVING FKRNALD. cbeerfkllj ple are soul-sick and tired of this WANTS, LOST,FOUND reooommend him to hie TUI8 floaee been ealarred aad heartily n which they v\ill nstVf, b) luuteeiing ia these BURGESS. F0BE8, & CO., former patient* aad the peb- harta* haw Stoves, Ramoep. Itbnaces. and Tix Ware lld. Dr. from "tted will tor tha aea- ful, hopeless strife. They would end it < irganizatious; but ifdra ted, such liberty Is Dices- Pbbhalo, longexperieaoe, lipreiar throughout opea repair.d at short notice, in a faithful manner. MAKCFACTCHEB* Or »d to insert ArtiScia! I OB if they could; but our would-be rulers will Wanlrd. 1 arilvdenied tliem Teeth on the" Vulcanite Baae,’ Bronx« have served at l.a«t nine mouths RSTA RLIS/INS.X T. depletion “ L CLAHK- SPRING MOUNTAIN. IKHIGII. IIKZILTON The Baderaigueu bavin* Irared Sr tie n the Held, unless reasons exist ft_ enough of waut, of woe, enough of ! AV1<* qf very special li par- OOkcr 1 Snloroomn HO CoMairrcial Si., sugar Loaf, old coi iasv ij.uigu. lo peaces*'**on thle wet eeUbiVby-d Water la, cruelty AuiV-dlw icular cases. place, and OU8f MOUNTAIN ritnaltd a he cater eerie carnage, enough of and ctM% etc., etc., qf every and cost, J. GKrTX 1ST T (Thomah Bloom.) JOUNS. DIAMOND, WkBS ;*JALMcbarnun(ly yf cripples corpses. variety V hucu immediate action should be taken , rKR and BLACK II There is an by HATH. Thee** Coal* are of the foiuabetk. With uurival ed aedk abundance of bereaved Wanted. furnished at short notice. < :itixen* not liable to enrolInn-Lt. to avoid a Wbolcnl. Denkr in all kind, parents, deiiriug of very beet qualify, well *creeacd aad cac ,'piftvMoued fficer*. mar •»/1reiy cUuaiK% tkt SaU^tk. certainly proportion of Poitland. Aug 22, PyV4.—03t E. W. aisiug the.-*- compauus. (itge. ) the Southern people the declar- terms that caunot fall to satisfy. juuv'dtf HILL it JORDAN. 1’roprieton. (despite lying 1st Ao fee*, premium* or expeuse* will be paid Joliu FELT COMPOSITION, ations of their as we have had Wlimed the enlistment*. kiiiNiuan, Cap-- Eliiabcth, Juec 7, 1*04. dtf jonrnals, good liuimrdiutcly. por making -AMD- occasion to 2d. Each volunteer must be examined and learn,) that not only favors the A HOUSE situated near tbe center of the city._ ap- OAS JOHN LYNCH & CO., IX >rov«d a local who will b 25 cts. FITTER,• progress of our arms, but that that Kent BdOO or thereabouts. Addreae K. J., 77 THE DAILY PRESS by physician, paid —AMO— Q-ravol bay view daily pray Free St. tor bis tervic t; but the pbyriciau is not to sigu t ,* Hoofing house, this war soou be exterminating may brought Augao-dlw* Printing Office has one of Soper' Improved Calorie :e«-titfcat ol *u h exam.ha ieu upwn .he cuhs.ment Dealer in Gas Fixturee, Wholesale Grocers, FOR flat roofs. to a our that for the authorized su CAMDEN. finality by complete and perfect suc- Engine* lor motive power, and is furnished with ?«per, being ge. n. who And (iasiV KeroMMe the tioalexamiuati na the in m-ter in. Cooking Apparatus. K. ces-. hare had too much of r sae* AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HEUSEY. Agent, The Hubecribcr* tab# tm an* They despotism to Improved aud and Platen— The are invited pleaanre Wanted Kent. costly Presses—Cylinder lid. A Justice ot the l*cace will a train is-er the public to examine and test tbse uouueiuir o tl*«Jr —not enough of the al Janhl dtf No. 1« Union Street. inrHUPBiia ai> intoreeted triumph promised them. from the most celebrated maker*. We have in con- t >the aud till aud the certidcate new indentions, which are recommended for Granite Stores, Commere street, m part of a House, w ho or furn- >atu recruit, sign highly tiuUiLg a firm ciena ms-suie Howi aosom.* Southern ly partly summer use Many intelligent do, iu- for 11 1 stant use one >u the face of the enlistment. ai * gentlemen ROOMS.orished, jusekeepiag, hv a young couple of HUE’S LARGE CYLINDER head Wharf,) i_u.ooa. joue.t thru Lew aao ap.ctoua Do* without When the enlistment is for a le»a (Opposite Widgery te. a deed, express strong hopes of their ultimate lamiiy Highest reterenceagiven Address FREESES, of off 2500 Sheets 4th. period NO. Go UNION STREET. ALBERT WEBB A -...troop carl, la dun. it mutate, ail th. au.d* capable throwing the blank wi 1 b„ CO. era but such is not shared "b forge, at this oSico. dlw* hau 3years, changed to exhibit Portland. June 14—rod&n John Lmch, ) ioiproveiuente aud every couvmieuue tor Da independence, hope by a* hour one of Adam's Power Presses—the best he fact. Barker, PORTLAND, ML. — cauau IB — coiaiori ana accomaiodattoa ol th. the masses. Disappointed from the first at 1'eleg | trav.ijtu* ab- book in the world; Adsm’s and Potter's Fast nth. Each company must comprise one hundred Tlioe. ) Juneldtf •W. It w huely located, coiaiaa au not been House press provosi marshal*office, Lynch dm, uur.tao.d having acknowledged by foreign Wanted. md one « uiis ed m*.n, and as won as that uumber view of the Pvaobeuot t he adventure vi Me* Machine Job Fttsees; Haggles' superior Card Pres; Fir$t JJutrict Statr of Mnint, J Flour and Bay. powers—more bitterly in their Wanted by the advertiser, a convenient •t suitable person*, who are eligibd toSlllllfsit I Corn, Grain, bathing aud il« l.cllitie. lor d.btu, aud beatlu*. disappointed Adams' and Hand Staudiii* omtamu, July 13, lw>4 ) DOLE ▲ MOODI , centrally lovaied, and hoo-e for Union large Presses, jave each r-igLed three * nlistmeut paper-, one are ujjverpaeeeo. for it, beaauhu auo expectation that Northern cowardice or dis- pleasant n part VOIICEU hereby given (bat any p« r-ou rnru.ed HEAD or MKARILX1 MvKrj Oa. *mall fain wi:hont >f each enlistment with the names oi des- WHARF. dr.vee aad M ly, to Prosses. and all the necessary for a well persons A.* before Board ol OMNBRAL .i*btial walhr. I. amove t. aliaady Star* tension would secure their ends—but a sin- bch-d cuildreu—poaieaaiou machinery may appear tbe Fnrulmeut and as early a* the middle or soomr gnattd for the c mmis iouea officjrs o the com- aw nouwaaeonr ot the au« October, if offioe. claim to have hi» name stricken off the list, It be can Cemmerelal Street.. Me. aoeaedaible oeli.h gle chance remains, and that is the result or possi■ le. It mu*t have water appointed aud their residence, aud tin* of the ren- P.rllead, SI water.a* la >* w food conveniences pany, place shjw to ibe satis*factiou of tbe Board that he is not COMMISSION MERCHANTS, plaoee Leaned. Conaealrd our next Presidential a and be well flni hed The is believed to be as well Jezvous of the will be torwa^aed the wi.b tbe Betel ta a See election. If Demo- Press Job Office Company, euroled on account _ Livery Mxb.e, hurevt aud The Daily properly o! And \\ holwal* Dealer, la leMtf_ crat advertiser would lease such a house for a term Aojutant General who ’\v II arrange wi h Major 1 eariia*ea bay ta, been ye-ecteu with oar*. Tha succeeds Mr. Lincoln, to feel fhrnisbed as any similar establishment in the State. t— Alienage. great they profess of years, or if term* suited. A Gardiner, II. 8. Mi itary 6up« rin.eudent. for the carna.ee are Iron, tbe hen la sure ol purchase two-story 2d—Non- Residence. FLOUR. C jRH AND PRODUCE. EDWARD H. crlabi,,Lmeata tha negotiations, and sure of their con- cottage, small Those order from the on muster BURG1N, tire oorl lot, preferred. sending country may rely irampurtation, in, clothing, arming and 3d—Over Age. oouatiy.aaOoa appro wo .iyka ateas- believe a Democrat will hs Addresa F. at the the No. B Salt Commerci al St, WHOLE* ALB DlALII II boat lau ot aeora.; elramvr, toe. federacy. They Q., Fresafiffice, statinr loca- receiving prompt attention. ^uipiugof companv. 4th— 'ortna .ent Physical Disability.of such Block, mg- eauy kieaav- tioB. term*. Ac V If the is detained the degree day ia iba »ae*. elected. In Mr. Lincoln's re-election general ermtdcHtuUiv. company heyoed time, as to a ery lelegraph commaaioalSa they We execute a 1 orders in the shortest time render .he person not proper subject for en- Port laud, Aug 1.1964 —dll possible if which reasonable notice is giveu the Adjutant PORTLAND. UK. w th all part, uf (be ucBittry. 1L. •* b as* tee only for the war rolment under the Utn* and regulation*. } iebie, subjugatiou.auoibilatiou, and in the neatest snd beet manner. General that it will aa*>.mble at its rendezvous, to Coni. Mra\ and care ,iud room, w ill do arl. to *00a, a, must hat the examination n f. red to above n»av not JineldGm Flour, apply saay then continue, and continuance is their leave tor the of cent* a are a. d. Leu. We will do all kinds of printing a* well and as place muster, forty day per interfere with the daily routine oi office business, may tt/v* failure and ruin. Iu it an man will be allowed for boa d sui mr the Also. Oronnd Book Salt CLalilNi. h JudNSlON, military affairs, is \ ED Irom the lodging the hours for xam nation will be from 10 A. M. to Proprietary pasture of Mr Francis Rob- promptly, and as cheap as any other establishment of such detenticn and thetim- in LIVE A Camden. June*, lhl.—du excellent rule never to do what the ert.. Iasi period occjpied 12 M. aud fYoui 2 to 4 P. M. 7 LITTLE, enemy STRA Mestbrook, mouth, * three year o d In the or State. iu from the rendezvous. ConimiRMion Merchant desires—is it not small City, County coming com’any CHARLES H. Who'eoale in equally true in grey Colt, site; whoever wil* return him or of DOUGHTY. Dealer* politics? ▲11 orders for Job must he directed to VII. 8o much General Order Twenty-Seven aud l'lcueanl hubuilmu Hewort. it is that the g.veiulormmtion where lie may be will be Printing C*pt Provost Marshal. FOB rCtCHAIIAID IA LI OF Cerlaiuly only remaining toued, ot the20th ult a- prescribes rules governing enli-t- hope rewarded, .t No. i.8 the Prtst Job Ho. street, the rebels lies in Mr. suitably by calling Spring St. Unity OJfict, 831 Exchange ments aud credits tor itas and am >uut of boun- and Domestic of Lincoln's defeat. qu CITY OF PGR'LAND. \ Foreign Dry Goods, _ E. FRANCIS fcMEKV. Portland. He. ties aud en am-rate* tne entrled thereto ▲ -sow 1 am not enough of a politician to Portlaud, July 18,1864off persous Ua \oh'h Orrics, J MO Bariev, Bye and Oats. CLAUISIC The Job office Is under the ision and e igible to eulistmems, is to these HOUSE, know whether the of a personal superv applicable 18. election democrat can July 1864.) are loaded with Corn In balk fraa of of the senior who is the CITY PRINT- thirty companies The special attention of cue cittxeos is called to Woolens, charge. WEST BROOK. result as favorably to the south as it antici- proprietor, from War of quiet The 1 The largest daily paper east o! Poston, and having so as to form and t*- mustered iu as con and Civil ant ing to peace ou the basis of southern inde- Tune 8.—ti GEORGE BECK. complete Surveyor Engineer, furniture lurniebaug* are all new, ana there one a circulation than all the other dailies in the panic* beiore the aforesaid dates." Manufacturer, o *sy and be tablee are with would be larger For the Carriage strhtiy tapplied all pendence, promptly hung, by loyal • * • • • • » Island*. OFFICE, CODXAN BLOCK. tbe delacaetee ae well ae tbe «nb«tnniiels o* ihe*ea> to at combined, Is published at tho Office in Fox acclamation, the in trout ol his Bonrst. Order of ilia the On and after 13th Preble Stieet, Portland, Me. •on, and tbe ter vice ui one ol tLe brat cook* ta lamp post F. By Excellency Governor. June the steamer very of Rooms, with Board, can S10N. CAM O will uutil further no tier gland have beau secured. SUITSapplying immediately at 30 Danfortb street. Si uday at have Burnham’* for aud on hand and made to Latent.v shod* and a Hue table with roomy at alia he, if we are true to ourselves there cau be 11th. excepted, Adjutant-General. Wharf, lV-ak’i EV’Carriafoa Sleight May mayUdtf Aug 4-dlw aud Cush'ng's Io«ervat oa a screen and producing but little MERCHANDISE. June9-dtf A by boating beyond depreciating advwcx payments. Semi-annual and quarterly /AMES T. PATTEN CO., Smoking Artur* grace the banks or the Fund and our armies—but mbs—such as really consti- Insurance Co. of Me. invite tbe indulgence of the ascriptions pro reta. Less than three mouths, Portland, mi. O. H. RICH, Carriages and Sleighs, Bath. He. lounger. tute the state, and boast of being freemen and JPagK MopiUft fvi a snare of tbe i>uUm patron see tbe •»• TVinUlad and cents month, or lb cents a week. Single root * s sons of tree-men. If these tail to *ucar HIoIbiscf. xty per OFFICE NO. 38 EXCHANGE 8T. Preble street, (Near Treble Hou*e.) derstgaed | to spare no eflort lor iU r| er* support UdDd. Choice CopDi* 8 Cent*. **5M^8UBGE0N ITWi 80L18 SiwoMor UlauMd 1 tarementol hi* guests. OtO W Ml iU ki. tln-ir cause iu the hour of Muftcovado Sugar. dentist, M£. country’s her peril, TORTLAND. *>0 do A* pi rook. Mat 21.1S44. ma Jtfdif Cf Newsdealers at the rate of two and NO. 145 MIDDLE 4UU are of and 337 supplied ST., FOBTLAND. they unworthy continuing freemen, hhdit Che ice Muscovado Molanaes, Augjj d-^UOT; Arore^ one-tl Aril dollars per hundred. Authorized $500,000. ou -Wall do Kjrtrt AM lu I AjmkWmkk. should blush ever to exercise a freeman's 48 fierce* Choii*- Murcuvsde Moiaa***. Capital, (Opposite foot of Free Mrect,) Me Ah.MI, Ho t 11? .Su.flurg Si., Boato*. ICO Lon* 3UU do Kiho HALLOW ELL HOUSE CatgobrigJ. 1>. Lincoln, now Uudme and for tale juueltf N»vy I privileges. fitted up the abore named rooms, he woul«j _ by iloPUNl Eaton. Having Sotivond in Portland or Boaton. But it bounties must be let it beiu CAPITAL PAID IN *300,004). b« to v ait ou ail who wish for the ser paid, No. 1 Central Wharf happy may REO PEN’ E D i southern land not iu northern vicesofa ,-kil ful Dentl-t. Arcrp branch of • ca Bath. April*) UMI anlldM gold, and ar- Aug 19—dlw Invested as follows:— \ Safes tiifrv will receive careful attention, and perfect sat Safes mies of emigrants, whose sons may to THE MAINE STATE PRESS, HEW rURMlTORE 4 FIXTMIil aspire Loans ou Mortgages ot Real Estate at two- isfaction will te war* an ted. j>2*d3m FOB ft ALB AT even the rule ot the will cross ihe seas The in New is E M O V A. L nation, Limber. largest paper England, eight pages, third* i s value, ♦.Es:,300 ~FL to win the broad acres S. O. DENItiC Propi laser. disloyalty lias lorleited 0(1(1 ( K|( i FKET of merchantable, clear, publiahesd every Wednesday, containing all the Loans on phdge of S*-curitics, 51,8-0 Fa• •« lor hale. JAMES BAILEY & CO., to the slate. To every Inlelecluaisoldier who / and square edged it. line Board* news mail a d Loans on pledg ot City Scrip, 34 500 1 ofl -r for sale my Farm, situaier edv/v/Fyv4 by telegraph, important reading »K. NEWTON t&~ lhepablie are u»emllT iu'of .d that the and Dca Piank. lor *ale 8. I>. KEKD at hi* Loans ou pledge of Bank Stock*, 28 900 one mile from VV inthrop «>i has lought through all these indecisive caui- by matter llatine List, Ma*k.et Ac of the Village. rracioBa. convent* at and well Snow* Ualionail Mile at Father'* Head, Me. Alao Timber Reports, lyoaus ou of State ot Maim Bonds, 24,500 tbe road leading from Augusta re mo red hie residence to ¥#. 17 MiddU au almost numberless Bprmce pledge Hard-Ware llocaa. ia tbe c.nt« r of Hallowed. tee *.ihe treat psigns indecisive fields, and Piank. l>aily l*ro«i»,at the following prices, viz:— Loans ou of Bald tarmrou tan s about ooe huu Saddlery Dealer?, HA?*Htr»+t, oorner of franklin street. pledge Androscoggin County ~ AV 116 la Au*a*ta. and tear mi e* from Toga. Spring, ha* the question constantly arises, why we do not Parker'* Head, Aug. 15, 1864. Bonds, 4,000 dn*d acr ► il land, wttlia g*»< d >up Offlc* a* hereto tore. Itmchange frrent, augl6d2w* yeart 162 MIDDLE STREET, U.en refaraiehed. and ie for tie roe. a el overwhelm our enemies. Tens of 9laf[l"faspF«e*e Invariably ply ut w >uu aud %»ator. In. land is n* w aud iu Toble’s Block, up stairs. Office hours from V to 10 0.1X0 high tateot cultivation here’s on the s A M from ‘1 to 3, and from H to J o’clock P. M permanent of lives are lost because our of Hacktn<*tack p-emis* 1‘ORTLAXD,.MK. to the eomlert array strength Slip Timber* oil Dr. N will continue, in connection with gen era Rvery auealiua will he given el This is now to issue good baru, 36 by 85, aud lb Ml young thrift* is so less than that Fer afcx naentba. 1.00 Company prepared policies disprof«rtiouably against liackme'&ck, and Hard Wood Plank, Tree- trees. I «i.l .*«• I the w hole or I wil JylSSra jractir'v to give special atwntton to DiSMJ^KS OP gneeta. upon all kiuds of property iu the city or country, apple tog* tiler, which we battle. we meet OAK.uail* from 12 to 26 Treenail sell about '0 acirs the orcuaid and +KMALK8 ooJndtl Everywhere ou iuchea. Wedge*, Ac. Te rlnba ef four or more all to the liable to lo-y L. A Y Lott, taken of wood. nearly equal might have offioe, each. 1.7 6 by any ether office. 1 he patronage ot the 63 Removal. 63 ST ABLINO, june2Hd3m Galt * Wharf. Portland samq post Anv one a good farm and eon to one. cost to us of blood tnerchautsand citizens generally ot ort!a>.d and wanting pleasantly four The and loc well to and and aU the u*ual conreaieaeec */ a To elate of len or more, all to the is most res* ectfull oiicited veuiently t*d. will do ca*l e\*niiu WILLIAM A. popular betel, a vicinity, PEARCeT are of war, cau be tb« ab ive J. M. KNIGHT A treasure, prolonged hardly Treeauilft. A. li Mil Rl Lt.i F. President. property SOH, amply provided same post office, each.$ 1.60 1 also Hall w.1 ,Keb 1 ISM. -chttcodlf foieseen; the economy is iullnile ol such au JEREMIAH Du W, Sicretary. oth-r tor *ale a two story Dwelling l?ous< °AK for an t Lot, situated iu the known as the Commission .Umhanls, PLIT MBER! effort as the glorious north should put forth. «EENAIM. And a free copy to the getter up of the club. Vulsg Meg 100,000 ,!l^yrE guire ouse, aud »wo More* near’y opposite tbe Cot MAKES OF HOI Tne south w ill as as the is 81 solicited. »muted in directoks * nd dealer* in Produce, have moved to No. THE AJttJtliAA Sir, tight long struggle MONTON A KNIGHT. Subscriptions Agents every tou Factory Any or all o the above property wil Country it 48 to J. B. S. D W. 63 Co nmerclal street. Water equal; will imbmtt to such .... Commercial Wharf. How*. Postmasters requested act as agents. Brown, E. Bpring. Clark. be cold at 'air price*,and on rei ms to a•• it purchaser* Force and Closets, preponderance June Pumps Street .... as we Portland, 13.1861. J.B,Carroll, Joan H. 1. Robinson. For further ticular* a® to rices. call.»n th Portland, ilay loth. 1864. maylOdlf l&norer should show in every field. jenelbdtf N. A. FOSTER A Proprietor*. Lynch, i» \ Ac., Boetoa, Co., subscriber at hi* store In NO. 1*4 EXCII %Nd*E STREET, Glance at Ihe summer's Winthrop campaign. If 1**4. dtf TBUkTBlR Sugar anil Molasses. Portland Judo 1. Win'hrop. July 1*64. E W.KELCT. Law roar land. mb. .She rman had but 50,000 or more men St. John 11. J. H N Jose, ft*ar(ife«r»liip. Heat 75,000 UUD8' CHOICk Smith, J.ibbv, j;29dltfcw6w The U«MI Arranged Haul near, the south would be because Hood muscovado «U. H. M. 1’ay-on J N. Winslow, G.W. Woodman, lost, INTUK.VATIO.VAL Harm, CoM and Shower Baths Wash IS Ilf IIOL1ID, would 300 j Atulrew Spring, Alvali Conan t, II 1. Hobinsou. be auuibilated. If Meade had motel 10 TC8. GAR No oi' HOWARD Ss CLEAVES, j PhilipII. Brown, ('. 11. Ilaak. 11, S. C. Chase. ice Fort'rlofturc. Row liras* A Silver Plattd <'ocks9 iu the S| w ith reserves of 371 HUBS and LEWI* ring 75,000 to ltO,- 6ni»erior Mu*co*ado, JeremUh Dow, N. O Cram, Win Moulton. FAl LT having bo n made in the performano *1Ce7 Proprietor. 000 3 TC8 ed Mola*ae*. Fire Insurance & Counsellors at men, L«e would have been Cla> Company! of the conditions oi a « aiu conveyance ii Attorneys Law, of Water FUParee for Dwsl coldly hopelessly il BBL8 from nierra Morona. Portland, August 1, 1,804. -isdSro Dl description Even at this Qf Stro York, Ojflce 113 Broadway. >1 ntgage ot real e- ate iu the to*u ol Westbrook O0ice 91 Middle over Oaaeo Rouse*. Hotel*. Public RatHlufft, Shop*. moment a third column Now landiug and for sale Si., Batik, EVERT»ing ot to by County ol ('umberland and State ol Maiue, 'o b I kc arnoKitl and aet up in *be best manner. nod all 40,000 50,000 moved would THOMab asencio a CO., MR. rightly give exe cuted on the eighth da of April A. 1). 1859. b PORTLAND. >rdera ii» town faDhfu’lv executed. All blows to the fu-iom Uoum) Wharf. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. country (weorge XV. n**ws, unopposed confederacy from rakydtf CASH CAPITAL Gideon D Hamblin of Westbrook aforvsad.am I J HAIFA HOWARD. NATHAN CLHAVkJC ■dads «>f fobbing n**>nirtiv attended to C°i»"*e*tMr which she could nev. $1,000,000. KK r rise. What Id then which s id real estate is described in said Mori >n band aHKKF LKaD and ly I WM, E The terra of tho State Normal a LKAD PI PM. HJ ou in WARREN, President. opening School, as wit: a certain ot Jyl8dfcw"m ai^dff SOLD 4 to struggle this way, when we can send Klerra .Horenn nolasm- gage, follows, to piece )an< j Pt'MPS nf all .l. acrlptlon- SILVER PLATER, field Earmiugton, will commence ou with the buildiugs thereon situated ia WostOrooi to the five times the force there HMDS HAMILTON BRUCE, Vic* Breaideat. 74 hiddle Street, Port laud, already aforesaid and bounded thus: lining a» th ■ To and the Public! What weakness to think we OO'J CHOICE SIERRA MURENA UEOKtiE W. 8AVAUE, Secretary. WEDNESDAY, AHUlhT 24th. beg Carpenters cannot conquer I south westerly corner of Cbur es Hill's land, thruc J". T. Lewis & Clo., the south. Behind the 30 TIERCES I MOLASSES, A sUnrc of soLeFed and James and 1 Portland will be mad« as the law re- running ortherly a* said bill’s fence now staud A NEW ARTICLE. patronage rscpctfnlJy ouly boys 10 BBI.'* Board qf PrfertnctS: Every arrtngeuient Whok*ah* Dealer# in *a*t*facTi«>o old men are to lie while to two 1 undreu ladies to tin-cross road; thence Lorn these two bom *J Manufacturer* and g4v*n seen, here men Now from "C. H. Job* B Brown k A Co. quires, accommodate young I« buy lauding Brig Kennedy" Son, Hkrsky Fletcher nor h on *aid road and Or»‘ere from the con u try prompt sell as in the Lib»y A Co. aud gentlemen with board, a* reasonable rates, aud extending westerly oi SbafM and olden days of and THUS. ASENCIO * H. J. John Lynch k Co. \Viiiunorr'. Hnirnt Bliu*l I'nsient r tad Addrts* W. warson. 74 Middle street. quiet, CO., to furni»h the instruction needed in a one Wil-ou's I ne 'ar enough to include tweuty-tiv <»#korgv regiments of able-bodied citixeus May 3.-If C. U Wharf. The Specially Handle t'Minbiard. Kootn Vo 10. stairs, Portland. Me. crowd the undersigned having been appointed Agent school for the training oft ac «rs. Four teachers, acre* aud bei g the same premises occupied b READY-MADE CLOTHING, up strsets of our cities. is and Attorney for this is em- me a id on to a Juu* 14—43 n There but one course Compa y, now prepared besides lecturers and spi oi*I inctruc'ors, wi 1 te which I nowlh-V* 1 claim toreclos i» WYKIStJ thoroughly effVc ive fastcnitig, and ______on to issue Policies insurable at current tue in- said for breach of the conditions thereo 13 handsome, convenient handle,acd as can GOODS, censister.t with safety or honor, Let the peo- Property ployed at outset, ami the number will be Mortgage they AND FCBPriSHIJIG rates. if toe f the school it. Axurkw J. Lauuai:hK. not be opened »rora the outs do. are so awake to a sense of their and Maine Central Railioad creased neces.titius shall require tar, protec SHUBTLEFF t ple dignity Comp’y. EP“ Portland Of re, 166 Fore Street Candidates for attendance must be -istees For laud, A«g. 2,1864 w3w tion against thieve*: it* use tht dirtvii% Net. I ond 2 >Vr« Street Jttoek A. & S. CO., a few mouths of yeirs preventing Chamlti strength,and comparatively THEAPUBEK’R OFFICE. JOHN W. MIX; old. if females and sc-vente. n year.-, if males: and of hand-or breaking of finger uaile in opeuiug oi W n I Kit, Agent. H. J. NOS. M * DOLE STREET. of such effort as alone is 1*61. their loten-ion to h* come teacter* in closing blind*. They are and car (0*»r Libby k Co .) trifling exertion, Watervllle. Aug. 17, J Jan. 3. i364 -.tr must '©dare Noitpc. Japauted graeu. rOIT LA tho schools of the state. N«* will he be put ou old or new blind* an* »n tir« ID, worthy of the great work—and the rebellion HE Maine Central Kalroad Compauv will pay public pledge fllHE S’ockholders of the Westbrook Manulactu by pontoa e.l from to remain connected with the minute* Kor sale all Hard ware men. Whole MK. Manufacturer« and Dea'ere la w us. the Firat National Port- reqni pupils X Co. are untifl. I that their sunui J by PORTLAND. ill crumble before Fill this draft prompt- » J^eir Coupon*at Bank, ing hereby PARTICIPATION. school for riefini e h of time. -ale Depot 15 W'iuter street, Boato » j J'UJjJ; laud, lrom this date. any Vrg meeting for the choice of officers, and the transar and Youth’s ly and with good and true men; will be reouired to show a reasonable G. D. WaiTMORK j,lldtf Men'* Boys’ Thick. Xip willingly, J. NYE, Treasurer. Applicants tlon of any o'her business which mat come be»oi a Portland Fire and Store oi Brother*. aid Calf Boots. send lew spare thousands over rather than Aug 17—dim Mutual Insurance fatniliant with the principles ot Reading Spel- them, will be holder at the office oi th® su*scri»*e Whitney j«nelw3ui or niuir aud Hi-tor* ot Tilt* under the and the summer sun of 1805 ling. Arithmetic English in Fort laud on Tuesday 'he 23d d« v of Aug 186 ChcMpcsl Ayfiti) Women’* Hia-ea and Children1* Ooat. Kid call, i the to nt * * * Company. Uuited Htat s; and p e«ent testimonials at 8 O’clock F. M Kr.NsKI.LALR CRAM. fro® and lubber*. Bboa will shine upon a regenerated laud. to free after the ! Farm fitr Suit*. | E*OR collecting aUclasaet of claims arising Calf B«lm'»a>*. Tills Company will issue Polices be good charact: r and prospective aptitude for the work 2—dlawSw Clerk STORE Aug L the war ia that 01 the stook, Finding*. do It has been with a trust that reuewed hope fkNE in g1?. B®«k. t rpayment ol six, eight or ten Premiums at the option ol caching *^^M?lfiiinlly altuat d in Wl: .ham.or I and be Applyt0 H. T. 01 the insured and at rates as low as any other Person* attending the Normal School w:ll be per- the road I- adtug from tiray totlor vigor might given, when vigor ami apB dtf MACHIH, l ourtoperior focilitle* for atanefoctuiJn*. tuition. Fntrancr £1 00. tune to »c< ftnd trade for himself. 1 shall n< it woodland The buiidiug* ar< in which the expenses are oontro/led by please; jpaniee. charge for fee THIS ,, in, Bed t* call and a— Bow*. More oil osted Executive Committee. Dealere are rwepeetfolly and I am very yours, Offioe No. 102 Middle St. part eular information will he furnished on cia.m his wages or pav bis debt® a good alorv and a ball house with convenient 1 .,r,v truly letter. toi*M>Kl. B F. amine oar atrei before par, haalag °*u be sooommodsted et CHARLES HOLDEN, Pres. application to Professor A. P. K* hey, at Farming- A P WHITE, Gray, Me. Tei in* vary. For further particlara ap Apply in person, or by T. Seymour, Brig. Gen. U. S. VoU. T3 Danfortli B"*rdfr' building*. ! Post Otfioe, M story. Order* bv mall promptly attended to, street,two doorsebove Brackett. EDWARD See. ton EDW4J1U* WESTON Witaf ss, Paris **• |*wmi»»*afii. KMKUY. over the Portland MT" To W. E. Dodok. New York. 8IIAW, Simpson. piv to. A- dawiy Portland, Sk, ISSd. Jr., Esq., Apply soon. juiys t Feb 19 dfcwtf. Gorham, Juue 30,1804 J)24dUwA*9w Aug. 11, 1*64 33 w3W I augSwtw* Ea.tWI«(l»tt. j April war soon to a final- OIUGMNAJ, AND Tares Jo dan James C 87S 43 Randall ft nlnatiug may be brought SELECTED. for 1804- JIcAl- bask stock ok non kesiden i &< The of a Representative. JordanWuill hiira 1«ij66 lister 1*400 PHILADELPHIA—Ar 22d, sch A Duty our and success. He Jordan 1 I P Oiamberlaiu 2S3.62 John F * »r. Hear York. ME DAILY PRESS. deinc- ity by complete perfect The i h Jiat of the WinthropS 8*4 88 Randall & 374'*1 ! Barley ‘ir,9!& The soul and essence ol the to9ow*u»j individuals, Woodtfgy •dm 419 Savinn f*ld very that y The New York He raid lias raised its sub- Rea Albus wid of 384 5> I Frothingham 51 Exeter Rk 2d. brig Ma/ailan. Vaidock.-, Glace Bay < B, rays the men of tbc South feel ^ Inns and {«•" Jjtor,V t ,*■“#* W * slut Fair POMTLANO, MAINE. is that the people intelligent pabnU1', which huvn bsun assessed Joro Horatio A KWBm *0 'raukliu Fierce 113 39 Horton U Wat. Dealer. Coombs, CtsttM, s K Jameson, cralic form of government ion to Ktdlon Nmthl 120 ! a remains, script $14 per >ear. Jote Mark h. oatof 4oj oo 1 euj Wil'i- 1 VS TO “on 10*19 anMeon, New Bedford. their ‘but single chance (for success] ivtr ona hundred d the Reave* mn Mare'rt 274 ij« shall he and, through 1 .liars, present year, Keaze. David 114181 knnu O Warren 116 Jo* 3 Adan.s 13H 46 Ar VA Juslow. Y’ork, Ktnwa; O C represented, Rev. J. W. Huunicutt is Reviiolds L (J 100 32 «3 EM, baique brig of and that is the result of our next election fur y lecturing in Lin- ritli tlm amount Kea/nr James H3W Tlfiimanet 114 40 Lieklel Whitman lo312 arv. P.*'ker, Matanza#. from 1864. a voice in the affairs the j assessed to each : Rice Kehentmh C 2*9* 1 \ Henry Leeds, Smith, Aug. 18, have 1 \\ 1 Cock and. Thursday Morning, spokesmen, President." He further loin county. Kollojr Ralph 1!>* US Rim eanil s 116 48 lean 1UU 246 S4 of New says; 332 8* nation. The manufacturers England, kbbottTbosS 11 >40 Donne I JuJui £ 2466 6) Kendal! A WhltneT lttehar.l- u Oias irde-i,, J new theater in is com- i If a Democrat succeeds Mr. Lincoln, they Syi’he Augusta nearly id Hu;* Cja# It 'JvM&.j Douit-v Keul.ardhkbald W 137 20 Richardson Rrndlaii Matter aa all Faar Putt. of the West, the capitalists of Andr w 114 2 bnael 3.004 00 ’aluation of Beal Estate 814,73>),!200 Jjr* the farmers and sure ted. iuaxtn E L U'rste 21-4J Dow Kent lit ubm 492 88 ilk-hard-,,n profess to feel sure of negotiations, pie Frederick N 101 8*1 j Joshua 1 the slaveholders of the Demo- Wdauui John tk08 0 now KilbotuWmT 1ST. 44 est. ’aluation of Personal Estate 12,223,739 the great cities, South, their They believe a Butter Jtr-imah 17■* <>i 698 50 of Confederacy. y in Philadelphia i« seventy c*iits a uud uric ID* 48 l>o.% K lb iruWitiT ft Co 249 00 Richardson X 4* Gouaivea; lh( * U*tu, s re-elec- \d»ni# Jot-itDi 4- Son 553 23 I 44a 20 I Cupid, of the Plains, and the miners cf crat will be elected. In Mr. Lincoln schs the pioneers VitcbisunWm 12172 I *ow oaJah t«t of 29 Klmba'l era* 1* 1*2 10 Richardson M'ft c,, 374 41. Rosatte. Ha I. Ilarber Maud; GD annihilation, pound. 52 Total *36.963.939 feurita^ ( Pacific States, ail send tion they see only subjugation, tl eu tVraestate 229 2* Dmv Ne*i l&Wb'i Kimball James M '*9112 Kichards'n Whfeo 1,4.0; ,s, Wot. K.ckl.nd the great represent*- j The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Im Ar J-Unhip TtiomM for the war then must continue, and continu- ■y receives i llleuWm hW 40 Drake u Devin 31821 I Kiuibali J 41 g Co S17S0 Ricker Jos .8 927.0 rate per cent is per 8100, w hich Lo,d. I’roblr. fra Boltisoro: ineu to the congress of the nation. It is hu c*t 13d 12 Mary I **' l^n«.o. 8U1 < I., m live and ruin. In S a in or its »nJ Drake 1. Ml' I.'w5rt4 Kimbfllt Wil,:Hoi 11a® 44 Robbins 111 *2; «*n tin total lBri jrltp; ance is ilieir unitary 100,000 year gold equivalent. grand produce 8'»41 93 | nou, Hayo. Glace CB: failure 4mi**r*oti John *>'49 Hinder Aaiid M />SD *>4 Robinson t IV ft eo 2902s Bay Adatine t Adame, Da- not the duty of these to be servile advocates rule never to do what KingButleiATbur- otal number of »V222. IH. Uraud Turk. allairs it is an excellent Vu-Jcr on Win 10s H Dresser Edward K low 410(31 Robin-.,11 David 12-: -s.. poll-, bn*. Maracaibo. Scoedr- la. I.a- 3T The Lewiston Journal thiuks that is 15720 I '•ia*ru I'af'ca Ko-e sit true in city VU tux < Gardena*; of the mere local interests of their constitu- I the desire s-f not equally Ji hn 068 84 Dro ver Ju.lu-A 1 K 10s 40 Robins..11 4 W 100 O $2,119 each. 1 otal tax sub Geary3 l'erkius, enemy %pp!otOo 120 56 King.l |>oU 1-.U4.U) j Cow Ba> CB. it is that. THL ONLY LL nearly out of a draft. :o TbOi&Co 418 0J Dr uk vater Samuel It 112 *4 Ri.lunson liosea I *893 Hgrins. small often be oolitic*? Certain Uueac David king Uve for must *• Cld23d. ships Oak. San eucy; advantages OKTUE SOUTH LIES of the 21st whose Mkui-1 Joshua 13* 1 » tate 212 16 1 hingsburv 14*i.J jr 12*'50 Kobbisnn llobt 1 578 1 Aldea. Frarcb-ro; MA1N1XG HOPE lyCapt. Bartlett, Maine, S578.0« 03 trcote. Bon bam. New UrKau. r uta. sacrificed to the welfare: hut when R Babb C yi us h 106 00 Dili kwater Phir.fa- h tispp ( i.arles 1 1*8(6 Rogers (has 1.97112 ta*que OIIr« ( general DEFEAT.” is a at ri.icii i» the amount Br) Shanghai: brig Maria W h eler. Wh. eler. IN MU. LINCOLN’S death has been reported, prisoner Rich- baboock Geo II 8l4«0 trial© 13104 > Knapp Kt.inuud II 118 48 Rogers < has ft co 1,45300 orihmi hr the C ity Council, in- Kay. idea is cherished a where a ; j 1 9 ha Hattie Baker. Giowcll Gibraltar: Nfd great by i>eople, read this valuable and [tic u slid lire .• Ha 174 71 Drown k Jonathan JI 10,8.8 110 40 I lading overlaying,. Of UiU »um r IctOtt; Let no one fall to pa- mond. Joepli Knapp KogoraJT B174,#;0 44 i- f in Davi-i W 852 72 wro Ivnislit 80 fft co Ssut-m niter. M*a»l 'ing. Portsmouth; Windward, P^rt- truth is their Bacon 133104 (inorge 178 l:,.g.r*J 1 *»•< I «4."34 45 f. Giibeit L 1*184 Dunn L 1 aimer 1 4 id Knight Jabez M 103 30 R*..--ft Sturdivant 43050 ion of 1853, i» *biladel;>bia; Oiegou,Pifttt lame is their it should always HM 2*1. sch Panova Fu lei ton. New Y ork. special pride, aud of the men of tire South. A Read field. liaiiev J** 382 61 Duran Willi iu <24 40 ; knight lot.u 14 2.0 I.) Ro-s Win l.V. !*2 I t**al l-.-tat.* expectations fyH) NEWPORT- Aj :3J. tuba American < be in the central min to Bailey audNoyea 3K4* Du'giu OOadiab K 12214 Lancey Warren II »i*j(«;* ltounds Sami 213 78 hte’.Prcescy, represented deputed few months since he was ami carried Rt. Rev. of Vr-<»nal Estate j *i i H K Dunton. captured y Bishop Hopkins, , Ba u Jas 118 48 Dwight Wm 1 26200 I.ane Jt bn W 790 40 Rum. TV ft litirn'in 1 ,(> S. 48 I 535 *585 adelpbia; Ellzateibpon in the Lane the above and ba qoe feve'yn. Patters n. deliver the voice of his constituency to and there with others lie was has been selected to open the Chicago Conven- [jjM.r * I a# 353 62 T> tr Abta F fcF.m 4r l J tie 3*809 Kinnerv Sand V*. *1 liiport. Charleston, ce for aclM Haleb, fin the .,ak* Ja 11 1«0 An mi F 24128 Laeg* Delano 512(0 Rue-ell John 517 8; ’rovidei Stockton; Paragon. council of the nation. Thus in tion with I,>*43.736 I for Pert- grand conl'.ued to that part of the city most exposed prajer. Wm 241 20 Dye Ana. 1 L 31192 Larral'ee I4i nj 155 92 Ru«rell John jr 413*4 Hgliton Philadelphia; T P Abell, Bragg, j Ualuwiu In- cent, taxation in * with Larrabec 2d Russell Jos *_ per 1S93 w&« j it a'd for New York. early days of Ihe Republic there was, to the shells from the U. S. Steamer has sailed from ba khain Johr.AiMi 176 8>* DyerArthur II* 40 llrnj 108 08 1*9 federal batteries. iy Mcrriinac e ! SOMERSET—Ar Crimea, Patterson, fm one Dyr Bst-ey eat tM97 2 Lar.ab 14cnj2d livan Wa-Uingtoti 1;,. 4,8 uerrase in number <*f p.»llj* over IMS 2,221 23d, brig a lew hot NOMINATIONS. the of localities, On the in of the 74*8 Chari * 120 gnardiau 147(8) Salford Wm I i’ictou UNION exception way from ltichnioml to Charleston Bath, probably pursuit Tallahassee.— Canal 72 Dyer 40 , ^4-;41 he total valuation in IS 32 wa- 823 30tJ.70u Law.) nee (ieo W 70 *0 ( ha- HOLMES 8 DOLE— Ar 22d. Atlantic, Jchn- on the of slavery. Liberty < bS’H-O Over Owr/ llg*2ft Sag. 44'.iM brig opinion subject | himself attd associates were to the She laid in there several he total valuation in 1863 ua* on. iruiu Na»*au NP for Halifax. subjected idly port days. •• 1 ud 2*D0) I-rhc * Hi- Leach H Robinson 137 2" Mlcah 1,401 25.111,3)4 I he ■ Cura Dyer Sampson the 36 -V ( is* Sailed, brig-t >, Hutnball, from Port Ewen for FOR PBESIDWTT, was the rule, slavery exception. most tutd were often I.m-ri atio* a 128 Dyer J tinea 22248 I,rathe Ivor '17‘. Sanborn nl, ft co 72* Dirig outrageous indignities, HTThe Congregational in 11; 4o*tun; tdawav tm lor institution Society Augusta Ma & Irader** 19)62 Dyer Jo?** 540 ,2 Leavitt mrs r, A W 102 Sargoni Ilia 4. .2 4* ftjp- Atherton, Philadelphia removal ot the disgraceful j worst fel- saw earah New Y'ork ?or speedy couflned in common jails, with the will occupy Mconian Hall until their new church M.'C’anic* 112.32 Dy-r Joseph W 16>4 2 1. a.it Janos W 430 73 yea-Ah.*! 1912* 8 P KC1A I. VO TICKS. Portland; BCroMiy. Crosby, and Leavitt 2Ut'6n ('l.u.* litece Bay CB; sciis liaise*. Grifliu, St Domingo tor ol human bondage was Imped expected loes. At were kl*-rjhanti 578 24 Dyer Lemuel 11214 Joseph Sawyer 13,9 ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Charleston, although they is saw v. ; Abbie. for do; Cbnl, the country divided. | completed. 15a ks Elia# 160 08 DeiL-i.ue cstofiD 32 Loavitt W. lam 210 *8 rl has I. ,4-12 ko:ght. Philadelphia one. Liter, de- list II 11274 Semi H It- ng the nrt not liodfrey. lo (or Rockland; Mary Louis*, OF ILLINOIS. by every nominally piaced under tire, they were Barb ur ( Ins J 24)66 Dy or A ailun cat of 4tl 4 Lewi* J sawyer van itrritr$of D<f f*rti$ a'.loicnl Goptill, was sent to y The Fort Popliam celebration occurs in Leal* Co 388 90 Tho* 1 15170 Bo-ton for Ntw York; Mou.r/umn. Mavo, and Those to whom slavery precious ! Barbour J A C J 01 lu D.crft Pierce Dyer ft Sawyer o *tf? on tkoir rontri. treated. the six weeks he w as 3.4 11 sawv. rft psipera Abuco, lVndletoa. Bangor fordo; France*, cently During Bath on next. Ken- < barker Jac*»b 1 10184 D>er Uobrrtaon 17n 72 Lew *1,00 9 Whitney 2204* Mary defend it. Those to whom Monday Judge Bourne,of do lor fra do tor men to < Leuis Jacob T 40; 92 Saw yer Wm 124 ,2 Arey. Di^btcn. Algom.t. Pears >u, congress one shell came near them, aud that Bar. e 111> ri# < 276 66 Dy.r Willi in W 2 4 88 there, only nehunk, will the address. J ,, Baltimore; Jas Garoi. or lor FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, seut men give h a 16592 Eaten hnl 13928 Low!?Kataell 2*901 scolt beat Of hi, karri ! Hatterthwaite, Lotg. it was a matter of indifference who BaineaPbin ho. ••top, lo; Daniel did 42*5 8s Lewis a-Smith 11144 Senter Win 2.'.' 44 Brittain, Yauzhan, do lor Washington : nodamage. The ivariett ( ha# K Eaton JeiuniahS an Italian their views. Those to whom lit- y foundation stone of the national 103 n) Shactford llufn- 12b,S' I fil'ESAS/.A, preparation to destroy Anita Dimon Torrsy, Calai* or do carried out j B.. r.tr Cha# W 119 «0 estate 1 id 88 Libby Alphou* •e The Troy Times says: Shaw Aimer 528 24 1 appetite tor Jn!oxicatiur Eri|Uo *». It can be Ar 23d, i or an a, Pbilade for ANDREW monument to Daniel O’Connell was laid in Dub- ari-tow Geo 8 260 92 Edmund* lex and or 17 56 Libby I'll SOI 14 brig llappenuy. phia JOHNSON, was in of interest, tradition or kdtnii i-tcicd with Frite One Dollar IL-Un; tclu ► erty still, spite Geu. Set tuour was stationed at Charleston b dwards Calvin Libby H J (07 20 Shaw Alplwtis lol 3s perfect tftitty. Aleora. Foster, and F Lewis L-e, lin ou 8th Bartelli mrs Sarah 158 OP ,>“»r box. OF TBNNHSSKK. oue cou- I the instant, with much enthusiasm. II J 4 Co 1755 02 sl aw Leo C 1 -* 40 io for Portland. James 11 dm. Dari*, Newcast.e lor authority, the precious jewel of the some two or three before the war com- K 208 00 Eiw a* ds C A US l.ibby j years Shaw. Haskell ft THOMAS (i. LORIXfi, Druggi* Providence, It is Ann ©it JOhd 4 t o 31100 Libby James 44 43(48 were alio sincere ; menced. had many influen- said*other Tallahassee* are fit- ! Bao!e or E F tial and to them be was ted out at N. soon be 1 1 2 SI.aw Join. C 2101«) Agcut* Knine. Lewi*. Jait fiden For Eleotors. and earnest meu. acquaintances there, | Wilmington, C., and may Bi emeu John F 147 Aj 1 Jder George M 13 2i LbbyJoephl- I 8d Shaw NathI 2o5 *1 ortland. Aug 23—<13* BOSTON -Ar 23-1. brig* .1 Means, Walls Philad •>!- indebted for generous courtesies timing his out. BaxtrJaaP 126 60 Eiucr John »t of 145 L bbv Major 8 4 Co 121 expected s Abner Gullilvr. New JOHN B. BROWN, of Portland. Although as a rule the people of New 236 96 Ell wood M l.ibl.v M.v hiav 2.2 („S shaw I h, 251 •'«> |ihi; Tay ur. burg; Kciersou, late slay among them. He con- 15 xicrWral! lug aHM8l200 schs involuntary Gen. Gantt will address the citizens of 126 Libtn H (bias est 151*4 Shea Wm l'.l ,0 IS !>■ Your Sia Mayo, Piovidince; Abbie, Ki.ight, Pbiladel- Abner ol Damnrtoeotta. have never wavered from their w ar. ST Beul hiiara so Elsworth Na h‘l 158 34 ion-ry Pm-kngtH STETSON, England origi- versed w ith them about the He eo Mechanic, Lord, sullBau: Jobs freely SamnelN 274 56 E awoith Ka‘h’1 Lit l.v Samuel 122 4 shepherd ft 249'81 plus; Haggle#. ofBiddeford. Bangor, in on even- lion Dodge. Bnngor Ut out -RICHARD II.CIIAPKAN nal devotion to there have been among told them tbe North would never yield; that Noroinbega Hall, Friday 8F4 Ho and Son Li d y Union H 19128 Sin pliaril Uich'd LW !►* \t Urp.i, *r'*,-f»0 lixolirma** Htreot, Auburn. liberty, B* keltCha-E 208 00 Pid 23d. seb* P W Elwell, Hirt, Richmond.to load iM OUt.-MORAS A D KKsK.NL>KNof deteimiuation of tbe was to R2"24 I lwc-il & Pickard 80 Libby Zeua* i*t 104(0 She; ley Kther 1,4(544 fittud ld. some a the people wipe ing. B c. H ersey. Tremont: Oar, bth DUt —JOHNS dW»/fcY Buetrport. great been nominated ns Associate Justice of the Su- Jehu 103 »*2 & Fox n*9 44 Li tic Krai cs D 2'C00 Shirley 170 48 1 Henry Jasper Surry: | tt rry Emory and.Me.Box 132. Telegram, Woodward, and li« FM*- our earnest and loyal devotion to the princi- vulve. Their chief was based a A 243 Lisle Hall J li S9 *4 short Win I. 147 •*' Dorris, ert, hojte upon Bibber V4 arren 28 EmeiyGeoF 1 184 tn^Riiw woi ta. preme Judicial Court of , iu place Little J 8<*t0f 3-4 80 Short lejr A K 1,54120 universal human before Ciod. reaction in the States, by which K lim a# Leonard 274 48 Emery 1 >;ec 8*75 20 Cld 14th FOR GOVERNOR, ple of equality political loyal Lit'l.-tield Perak Hw40 Klturilefl Aro'as 137 20. ship* Maverick, INh>, Valparaiso; A)* \- suc- of Hon. Pliny Merrick, resigned. Bir » Hubert A 106 00 Emery Joshua T 12* 72 a Democrat should be elected to ShortleifA ft sft co 4Ki«i acdriLe, iHr; Titceoib. Bangor, lo load lor With these ineu our Puritau ancestors have peace < ba# 00" 28 Mai k P to LittleK-1. .v Wi Son 12«(;i A. New Perfume for the Handker- Ixispe; told Blake E-nery 199 LttHa#, Toot baker Ptetou* ceed Mr. Lincoln as President. He At the Democratic District A Co 601 60 NichoU# Ch rles 828 li Slmrtleirsimoii 124 72 barque brig NirgU.li, SAMUEL CONY j y Convention, Blake Jones Eraeiy Litikjohu Nictels, Fortress Monroe, #cbs ( for ever beeu objects of detestation. To dwell to ace. S II hinnmtonfc knight no4* chief* Halhou, lav, them that event w»9 not likely occur, but, held at Auburn S. C. Blanchard Nat hi 434*4 estate of 13*4 06 JJfITo* OF AVOUSTA. j Hall Tuesday, Andrews, irainngeut 11140 Small (>eo s 121*-- Frankfurt; itard-crabbie, Gregory, Ruck laid to upon the unlovely side of their character, to if it did, it would be the result of a monstrous Blanc! ard Sam**el D2 96 Em ry A Water- lo d for New Bedford was as Lockc4 Co 249 «) small sguil 237 04 Ph&lon’* Cerent." _ of Duckfield, nominate ! the democratic Hood > inr> Marv B 80081 house 1647 36 "Night Blooming steru to the tbe aud smith t has W 17,1 Sid 23d *hipi Spark the Ooeaa, Rainbow recall their fanaticism, repeat deception practiced upon people, Bo#worth Geo W k Evens George 224 06 Lo.g Wharf l'ro 70 barque# such a as candidate for to Congress. Smith Krancis A 1892b Fhalon’s Sin ian. EHingwcod. For Members of Congress. stories their witch their black they would never submit to peace Representative wile 147 6') Evans ICobeit 164 24 prietora 81200 "Night Blooming Cerent." of burnings, 4 01 smith Ko J 100 40; BATH—Sid 23d. barque# Lamplighter, for Port the South there would be J**l»i» F 771 60 Evans Sarah B PJ- U > Lord Ctawfoid 2*7 required; general W. Field, the of Boyd sniiili Mary Wilder, for Matainoraa, Ta blinder,for lit Di*t.—JOHN LYNCH, of Portland. their interference with domestic y* Cyrus Esq., projector t L nd John D IOupO L«o 1.8 Flialou’t Cerent." Royal: laws, rigid When the intel- .Su-un C cst 40 j 72 au* Wm eat of 243 36 1 "Night Blooming revolution aud chaos first. Boyd 101 84 Smith Jona ft co M i-\ Sew Orleans; brig Vinca» t, *or do. *1 DUL—SIDNEY PERU AM, of Paris. the Atlantic passed upon the Grand Wm 361 w4 Evar s Win 11 12H00 Lord Major affairs has been the chief delight of these | came that President Lincoln bad Telegraph, Boyd Smith Jos 1. 128 80. l'halon't " 1 of I'geuce ; Brackett M 141 36 t as mer James D 9.0 44 Lord William c«t 12b t,4 "Night Blooming Cerent 3d Ditt.—JAMES G. BLAINE, Augusta. more” Trunk road on Tuesday, on his way to Mt. Wash- Henry smith Mauawuh II «bS4» FOREIGN FORTH. lovers of W'itU ineonsis- made a call for‘‘live hand ed thousand Brackett Jas W 122 61 Ftriipatm Iru P 121*1 60 I.oringLeo *08 78 U. of oligarchy. strange Smith M John Phalou’t 4l/t /list.—JOHN RICE, Foxcrofl. lea c Loring The* (» 199 80 6,742s. Night Blooming Cereut." At llong K< ng Jane 23. ship Cornelia, for New lannu fliatr t.sr«rot I lift t till* I’.irit *I1«4 kvllttm were much aud manifested ington. Bradbury 187 04 F.rnald ]4ft»2 ol I they depressed Henry I.oulaL 128 0 Smith St John ft J York. 6tA Dist.—FREDERICK A. PIKE, Calais. B adtoid Freeman 19# AO Fcrnald Jain*# E 208 01 Lougee iiumistakalde indications ol ei-couragement y The North Kennebec ^ '■ 9 1’halon’t C !d at Marseilles *i»h inst. affect so to were the founders of Agricultural Society Bradford Jehu 22249 V maid Nath'l S 10808 LoveittJ.hu 186 04 "Nig! t B.ooming Cerent." barqae BuranJe, Tay- they despise We have to onward Mt*1* lor. New Y ork; C F Eaten. opily got press rfght will hold their Annual Show and Fair at Water- Ja# 126 **0 Fcrri# William P.*l 23 biig Carry, do Senators. the scheme of aud Bradley snow .ludr & wifi; 3 >; i'halon't "Nicht Rloominff Cerrua •* Ar at month K, John Wwlsy, No® only practicable Democracy against the cohorts oftreasou, spare not, Bradley Robert 214 lb F« studen JameeD251 (9) Lo'vwou Juhnauu Ply Bangor. Cumberland—OEOKG K W. WOOD MAN, Portland ville on Tuesday and Wednesday, 27th and 28th )r*4 CO >.«■«>)' Denj 1 143 44 1 Id at Loudon *tb lost, skip Martha's the world has ever that founded a a id the rebellion will inevitably collapse, aud Bradley. Meulton ft Fe^#eL«ien Satnuc! 1<4 64 Vineyard, SAMUEL A HOLKBOQK. seen, they Low 4- Plummer Is; 31 Southard ft Wood- A m ist Ex^aisite Delicate an I ! ragraut I»i k man Bremen. Freeport believe. of September, instead of as stated. Koaeifl 728 tt) F >>cndeu Wm P Iu66t6 Perfume, GEORGE PlbKCK, Harrison that much sooner than many ptrsous Augusta l.owell Abner 4tn s-i burr 414 (u •iiitiiitrd from the llart-aud ikautiiul kloatr frou: Ar a Falmouth K Mb inst, Montebello, state of which intelligent, educated individual nriaie »» ni k, at Manufactured PffALOlV SnX, N Y. At Bristol B lot 11 in.-t. Ada. for Portland. 1> g. AridrotcOggin—JEKEM1 Bradley Jaajr 272 40 FiekettGeorgo 170 48 li.ua only by f id J HALE, Foxcroft. Knowlton, Esq., will ad Ireas Union Mass Meet- 533 hi spring A ft .» I. 2,nsn:.i tK He tear e of Ask for Photon's— Ar at Trinidad 10th inst, brig buwacne, MeCobb. P.scataquie—ELI the swamps of the South and the prairies of Letter from tho State Capital. UriUley John 12*.’ 01 K ckelthaao S3ll2« Lauwlatardrer Counterfeits. fork—ESRKrF H. BAVKi, Btldotoid, 1. t 3- s e, spring Sami I. m 72 Take no Other. Sold Key West ings in several towns in .Somerset county Breed & I ukc-jr 895 20 Field er*w*l 11010 Lira ft Ma-re by Druggist.' generally. EL11 HA H. JEWETT, Sooth Berwick, with uu aud 1804. during 18.050 Lufua 2100) Ar at < ienfaego* 7th. S W 11 alb the West enterprising thrifty pop Augusta, Aug 24th, Itreshu I lioe 11 8s-. .'0 e lilebrown A Bur* Lyman .syhauusR Stanley | june3l*04dSni barque rook,.Small, LUTHER SAN MORN. Parson iisld. the present and week. Jo n 104 00 suuwood 1.1, 106 00 New York; brig Marine. C\ok. St J ago covered the sea with 7\> eke Mditor the Press: succeeding ? A 270 40 toi 2**800 Lynch Xonr R. LND WIG. Thoira«ion. u'ation, that they ships, of Brig, Creescy ®1 sUuwondOWeoa L Ml Id Sid *th. barque J C Nickels, Nickels, Boston; 10!h Brooks iliratu 2G4 00 FBeb Lather 449 2* I,inch John ft Co 14*1 JOHN B. WALK* •* Union The commissions were issued yes- 33T Mrs. Caroline M. of Castle 24 »'»P < ha» 110 10 Portland brig Centaur. Stewart, lor New York; bitl». bound together the States with hands of iron following Thompson, iGooksJoh C 1062 40 Fitch Aimon that SO M.Kenney 1. l,i»»> Photographic Gallery, Larqae McKcnnot K ft ro 720 no Staplca t lias ft Son **!on Limcri k Lass. Bouahae do. Shenflk. viz Hill, Aroostook county, recently lost her ham, Brow n I as O lit 00 Me-tehvr Jonath in HO illDULR and circled the world with electric nerves. terday, C ft co .v.'.t 7', Staple-. Jam* it 1 11 si ST..POUTLAND, Ue., At Ma sanilla 3d in*t, brig l uorclia, Wallace, for Cumberland— GEORG►. *V. PARKER. Gorham. Bro» u John B 99" 05 U 232 88 Mrlmiiftlilin ten tons of hay and a fire occasioned 1 Mrs A 2"S W »rr Us, I n 24 A. *i. II V New Y'ork 10 da>a. Pier Eu W AIID J All this Regiment Infantry.—Henry Boyn- hog, by by itrowu J B It £ on.-* I 4$ lt» & Drew 41*5 00 McLellan VIS, I'ropriPlor, Uaquie— fcWEIT, bangerville. they forget. Eighth Hiog l'-4 24 *<*• Ebe» Ar at do 3d. brig J West. W» bster, N**w Y’ork H a little with matches. Brown Levi 8 1:0 M *ieury .'114(0 Mcl ellan Le.iryo l2:i''ni Fie*-RICHARD GOING, Acton. haters of are of William M. McAr- boy playing fling 854 so Steele ft Haves 374 4" Portland, May 12,18CI. mj Ar at Havana 13th, biig bclma, Larsen, from New These ton, Detroit, Colonel; * < hides McLellan Jacob Unox—STEPHEN W. LANUHTON. mostly Brow n l*hi ip 11 4 *7 6 Kobe* 10 6 6 A Mcl ellau .1 ft als 1C. <*> Meplienaou ft AB240ol Y'ork. of Lieutenant John S3T There is to be a Grand Mass Union Con- \ Brow n riioa eat 849 44 e 6uamar 825 61 to be found among the leaders of the Demo- thur, Liiniugton, Colouel; ogg 2*7 '4 Scphetwm Alex B 392 01 T HUM \s <;. f, >: 1 *i <;. I) Hit. (. Id 17th. trig Yfat'ai <>ny Wj man, Ba’timore. Treasurers. IGown Warren 418 0* F. >di«*k Ann J 176 8*) McLellan Luc* GIST, vcntion at on ■ U Stephenson Wm II Hu 02 Ar a* Matauiaa 10th, barque Norton Mo.er, Stor* cratic have out from E. Bryaui,of Fayette, Major. Skowhegan, Thursday, August Wm 314 00 Foster Go F .26 80 McLellan Tho.,e»t 112 -ASD- I'umberland—rK1 ER It. 1IA LL, Windham. party. They sought Brow n 11 * oft Steve,,. A 4. ft co «14'„, cr. Portland 1 Means I lion, a- 1 A tC which will be addressed W. *• 855 60 Foster k Ltak 38280 ulroecogam—liK G. CURTIS. the the aud Official notice has been received of the fol- 25th, by Gen. £. Bu-g Alexander < 36 L 119 PRACTICAL JTtUSS Mi Mli, b ig J Polledo, Palmer, foe Cork. among aristocratic, purse-proud €-»* Mioiiuicr lleai U« Au* 0; FITTER, Plscataqoti—C’>ARLES E. KIMBALL. Bnrgess.F besa Co tf‘*l 1'oMcf k'cadi 4 jReteu.S • >en» Sid 13:ii. O C Gantt, of Arkansas, Hon. J. £5. Hon. Merrill t buries SIS 16 BefiJ Jr Kilo bug Clcry. Parker. Philadelphia, York—ALBI >N K. gIlK. Allred. the suobs of New for standard bear- lowing discharges: Tenney, Kurgin istra'i W 106 40 k Co 208 00 < Corn.rolKithiMijr^ FedrralSl’a. b d fm Cardeuaa England Menill t liarles 11 12.. SO sie'ent kis i. ,• 270 5, 13tb, brig itaaca. Ri* for Xcw Anox-ALDKN D. i>. Stewart and Hon. G. Joalah 272 40 Fox Daub I 2*915*1 1 SPRAGUE some J. Blaine. Bu.‘Irish '*73 111 Stevens Joshua 12.1 A York. ers; and they have found so to Discharged for physical disability.—Capt. 86 Fox Kowaid *» Merrill Henry porlcct d! (taai AE'oed. The pcurlitx rally cob- foreign Burnham Geo 849 lUI<» Meveiw Josh ft co li4s> Ar at Sagra2d inst. The e of Merrill J widow of 1*>S 10 •idered. mch26dtl brig Antilles. trap, from Judg* Probate. our so false 14th The Lewiston Journal has increased its Buri hum Geo 2 4 OH Fo* F rederick £**88 sailed traditionary character, to the spi- Charles Barnard,Co. A, Kegiment; Capt. jr Merrill William P 1*1 9u Sle.eu. Nathl U, Havana, (and 13’it .or Philadelphia ) York—EOWAKir r. ooofcNL, fconuvbunk. Ba ns John 160 04 Fox Unary 193 36 rick I. jot 2n smart ( has II 1 ol>2 At G'ace Bay CB llth last, alien rit of so to the intelli- Andrew F. F. Hall, Co. C,14th Regiment. price to $2 for three months to mail subscribers, 4 ri 16 1 x John r«*t of KJ*2 ... ! red. “I*, F* Atwood’* ITiiUi*, l*r ce 3« (’b brig Bernard, Knox-K. T. TALBOT. liberty, uucongeniai Butter Moses M 00 siewart k 16 771 jo* arrived. Fox J Miller JnLikS II" Id lOmothy and tcith- and to those furnished 75 ct*. B.zxellJohn.D) 0600 Lucy 19t 34 ■ ■ Thors i-k. sea 2*. jwyj. Ar et 1* eton Registers of Probate. gent masses, as to join with them heart and Discharged fur disability absence $2.25 by carriers; Miller X J ir p« 00 Stewart wmH 3,1 April 16th Inst, brigs Triad. Pltimmer, fYem HuzzeliJohititiaii 111 32 Kiank in WhfCo 936 00 Dear Sir. — \ of actmaiu’scce was 1 1.131 14 Stieknev llcnrv K 114 33 iady my Bo*, a: Kadorua, Haskell, Portland; Kb H ram 0 1*5 Frunturuugt C IS.* 20 wan troubled w.th attack# oi atvere Ar land out of the Lieut. R. Co. 1,10th it ! good things sent us by contributors; so if any Mllllken W ft < R 7to 4. .suwallt i26*o 3Iy daughter at 8t John XB Ib.U. sch Campbell, scale, Phil- Commissioners. Union. Fernando Wood ha*- George Palmer, gl- Curcm-U j( hti 106 60 Frcs* Pbebe C 124 80 struuj headache anti vomiting. which hare b en cured Amml K 31® 10 Sturdivant A r 1347 76 adelphla. one fails to find Samuel I. Froat Phiuea> M Mitchell t nberlmd—CALEB ». often such a desire. Gov. who was for and his favors in these columns it is 1 Carleton 47208 14« GO stunlivant 02 by t Mac I it ter J hav. t eubled Cid lffth. Hatch, CHAPMAN, Bridgton. expressed Seymour meot, discharged disability Mitchell KP trustee tW4 72 Cyrus 250 1 ship Sapphire, Liverpool; 20th, LEE Cano I John B 181*48 ro‘l iognam with which his t*en relieved ba Cardiff 4*udroscoggin— STRICKLAND, the not necessary to suppose were declined sim- ; Mitchell Nath l I 20. 24 Sturdivant Isaac P l,m«I P2 dyspepsia, already by qi»*- Y’olant, Snow, more than hinted at such a Demo- absence without leave, having furnished they CsrrathettJJ PS 40 Frederick ISO 28 th s I ket i* ou a» i* icataquu—BERLIN BRAN. design. tliarles 106 00 oweutair Bethuvl 174 ,4 remedy» always j» hand, 1 believe « *r 644 ?2 Moody Y-k— i.bMbNT L for lack of merit. ader fczra Frorhingliam Ste« s. it to be a core for ali d-rau cements of the MULURAM, Wells. cratic politicians in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois Department satisfactory evidence that he was ply Moody Km cli est H*i "s Sweetslr John lw, speedy tPer steamship Chita, at New Y ork.) Ku R. < rterJa-AC ♦ ••''•53 phep e*t Of 37624 at macb and liver ; and f r I iua!e whan j—RICHARD WALL. franklin f 122 64 swiwtsir Major l| ;;ii„i cmpiaiLl* Ar at 10th, of ttin have advocated measures to absent the order, dis- There are few railroads in New « » hi 114 t» Fu*l« i A p a. wife ii‘j 12 Moody flrvtn oi the Liverpool Bpiiit Bay, Waller Olerks of Courts. long tending by proper authority, ;3T England as-ddy Ip ill 32 Sw.-tt John V, bill ari-ir.g liability digestive organa. New York. ln29«Jt» Furrith Da* 2d Moor* .lames5 s. as omit in better Centra WxrfCo lei go sweat I. D M 2. Yours truly, Cm* WuiTaav. >11 Excc Fori—CALEB C. LOUD A ired. such a result. The most common means him, has been so amended to order or better managed than the Me. Morgan Andrew 1* ,305 12 511 llth. sior, Pendleton, tad charging < h dbourn Wm G 210 0 Faiblsh He* ry ii 341.4 svinond-Jos r.9»l and base in sirni- Antarctic, Unox—GEOKGE THORNDIKE. Morris I liarles J 11" III Counterfeitt imitations, Moirieou. New York) laiverte, Hot ten, wid FB is a of ab* leave. Central—from Danville to its Chad ou n & Kit- Furbish JamtsCMltd40 ■ adopted wholesale viliflcalion of New tbe charge uce without Bangor—under Morris, Lreea ft Taylor Josh heirs of 12k '.' lir bottle and Ubcl are iu the market and sold by t uuing. Ma orcy do dall 24900 Forbid) JuliiM >14 -0 County Attorney. A board of to consist of Surgeon present management. The new sawnr 20® 00 leivkshury Saral II loll,* unprincipUd dealers. C d I'Jth VauguArd. Ruse II. New Y’ork. and her l’uritan founders- An elab- officers, Superintendent, Chaaw'ck Geo IT 1-*-7 20 Gale 8 37640 s. ••> England tphen Morrison .1 W t I"1 s| Thayer | heirs of 15*1 The I: Chase 126 8* KiiiahW //. //. Bartlett, Begtster no drones in his hive. Gui^bprt MkcdonaM Most* 1-7*12 j'homas 1.4252s HA 1\ Druggist, Portland, Me., sole stsuerai Singapore and Akvab is iu tha of S. S. Cox of Ohio before 1st U. S. and J. Cbadw'ck Samuel 53912 Gerri h tfdiro P 13et>4 iO"»oas ni W l.luioi PITMAN. speech Dunkelberger, Cavalry, Capt. Maciiin *1 1’ la. 60 U Agent. Aral London llth. New Pieeataquis—MARK rhad * i-’k That c*-t 584 48 Gcni-h Ana 17" 56 Southampton Whitney of to Mary Ma>r ft ’I me p 6 4 * Inomna l ha« L 110 lo Jhfd by dealers in medicine York. the Democratic Club in New York in 18(13. H. Metcalf, Assistant Adjutant General of QT The city Bath offers volunteers or Wm F A G-.riish Oliver 245 respectable generally Chadwick 86 A 274 48 Thompson David .770 1 lGecdik w3 Aral •> MaricltCdwiu fan) l*t) mouth lltb, Juke Potter. Iroua ordered tbe Secre- substitutes of enlisted who have been or als trustees 1 8 *0 Gerr^h k Prarson 9» 8 0 We.lcy, A few instances of his eloquence will suffice. YolunUyers, has been by men, Martetl.l’oorftCo 47s n> Tnonij-on Jo. U 1S7 12 Pa -tor 230 80 U<*ni Klbridee 378 4 8 S UNION MEETINGS. be mustered Chapman Hbndgc MaraickAtwcodeatljl Si Innv-her I! 1*»3, Sld l*tth, l Pink He said: of War to assemble at Portland on the may into the U. S. service under the hose Abel 12264 Ainbroct 180 96 flight fold," roughs ranla. ham. (trem 8h?cldr) for AN tary (.idoing* Msiwick kJwatd A 18236 Thurston kdw 21517 exa.Orrtu call for Bro- k Co 12a 2 *6 bo t Joslfh J 118 48 are aware o* the o‘ 2ith of or as soon thereafter as 500,000 men, $400 for cue yeans*, $500 Chase pi 14 TSukhan. 1 raiialiu Few imparlance chiding a b u Ba dry August, * Ms. 4,1-urd 1-»:mouth llth, Lawrence Brown, GEM. Ks GAN of “Puritanism is the reptile which has been Chase ha-* H 288 68 Gl!k*y Alpbouxo L lOi 84 wul "l MTS* 4- or “slight COL'*" i’i its first mat ! Piaree, FT, Arkantta*, for two and for three Matl.ews ft rhomas*18 oo Cough stage; t^iorr lor Loudou. into the which is the constitu- to all enlisted men in the years', $6tW years* men, Cha e DarioT 557 36 Giili-1.it* Ltiw tt 172 Vi tlnkbam laiulsa D 12914. which iu the would ield ♦(* a culti reme- Akyab) WILL APEAK AH rOLLOWS ; AT boring mouud, practicable, inspect Ma\w*l Ji-lua 7rl»>, b—iuning > Ar Ni a lugroad 10tn Balia, Patron, St John NB in addition to Ch!> Granville M JOSfg Uiiiuau **sirahC Bit, *8 Tlnkham Martha K IMS* dy, if swi. attacki ••fl-vrn > tion; and this civil war comes iu like the de- this State. The board is to make Government bounties. Mct'otbllenn 1>e4t3H"0 neglected, induing- lor Bristol. < won d watt S for rise tine Rruaawick ..... 29. of 29*20 tiittr an Dr Jf !:n T *.91 ‘.6 daya of ) .Monday bven.ug.Aug hospitals t lia.-c ■ol'U 012 01 .raaft wife *s,S Bronchi it Trodnes'’ gb* sure flud ulinoat imme- IV M vouring sea. Its tide of McCobb Jap T A rat < srdifT llth. K U acker. I Havre. Fraayort.Tubwby Aug. 3* rushing devastation The Boston *’»-dt*tJohn W 178 80 Gi man k 104 0** Jodd" relief. Mi rs and lark, a of each hospital, and on TiT Advertiser prefers grave Phiuct-y Jaa B 137 20 diate ifary OJlc- Soldiers should S' l Yarmou h.I'ueaday fcveuiog Aug. 3). Witt not oe until ttao crushed thorough inspection A t HcitowtJ. llth, L.lJia-i Kimball. New lork stopped rst-iiiou Olive. Ll tleSeld G»v>n has A 347 28 -j h ire as con be in a ,u them, they carried t»e pocket A at 1 Wiuuham.. .Wcdutwday IV M.Aug. 31. its order all men lit charges against some of our Maine 80 Maonvcry.■ Byai.fc S’* Newport 9th. lumbul. Callum. and the mouud rebuilt." completion immediately railroads, Co 228 Goddard tuury M 0 92 8* Tolfor.l llmolhv It 2®o .2 tak nci occasion rt au -2 daw lm Antwerp. &»ccar*ppa Weducaday Kvouiug.Auj. 31. 68 Davis 836 quins, At Bristol llth, Ada. for Poitland; J X those fit and says must look out for their laurels.— CitaoFaml 752 go ing 8 N a k 16*) 16 TUmau * k *■ * Mtiipby, Gray.... Tliura r. M 1. for field duly to their regiments, aud they McOPnchy .In 852 72 Mlrtlss. Crosby, for Boston. lay .**ept. He then goes on to say that the hatred of Chas Bewail C 752 88 G alder Jac bit 116 4** John es of I,1**':4 Uj ua 1. | We k Md fm Greeuock Glad u.lhur^day K.cuiug .$cpt. for >n fortifications to Vash- hope the accusations are overstated, hut at l.ak ra cst 3 8 24 Met. inctiyJaines 1T^rnan ni"*1 »*-♦ Tf, lltb, Tidings, Nelson, for the of duty Washington, Pair ck ?49 60 Martha of *«l ’*4 New York. Brilgton. .Fnd.yP. 2. i politics New England is wile 9 .«* Boston Mock lUi. M..s*8 0i 23712 Trowbridge I lit- 199 29 American I demand a new military they belong. Moulton W in, guar 4(04 liold. Ar at Queenstown 13th. Alma. confederacy ot their own. Ch«»at Kb n 1) 44'» 72 G« ul Daniel 247 44 t* vwn ** Staple*. Bangor. LEWIS B ARKER. ESQ., of Stetaou. We learn a letter in this Moiilion W,u a.,Ms ei I .wo .do.»] Yours, Uki.ios. ^* by received city ha-chdl 4dwin lioulj Kdranl lGtKk) 1 •. truly, klsmeror 4" .. Here are a few more choice bits: Mountfort 3V.OO TU) ..do.,. .. 26- Ar at W ili apeak aa follows; at ! riiurchihl>l«iuA( o7H«-00 (.cold »-dwca»-bi* J*. Calcutta, (no date) 8ebastian Cabot. Steele, that, in the engagement at Deep Bottom, Capf. ft Wife81006 rotbiug m 416«• 1 0 «) U 8 Sixes (!&S1) i4» rit* L 101 92 u-esto* Mulnix And f Coupon 10k*l Bombay. Kentoebunk,.Tim red 25. “Their as written Cl.area.]i GouldF M 00 tiould « 8 os Cape Verd* ) *7. | wounded in the right lung, and that his brother, Churchill »►!'> W K It 122,4 mo.lnna i. 4 5 0 United States 7 3 luths July JLlmiugcou.Saturday.Aug. ast off the and the rotten writes us that a tornado over j Maeaua ( ha* >' (Aug).Ill Ar at fiiwtc 6th inst. Kareka. Turner. Ancona. rubbing lacquer ‘•Fuller”, passed Clapp A W li 81n7 3t> (ioneli ^ ijorrjll 1OI60 eo Sgftj,» James Law was wounded in the face. The Mus~o lh.nl 13 28 7 000 do (April) .11 Ar at SevMeSlst alt. Scioto Mice. Cai'ao WALCOTT of M. rami-work of their ethics aud is be- reuse, Clapp Chi (J 28*9 84 (irs tfim 14/. >«) ft MdlUen 312, HAMLIN, Eeq., 11., politics the town of Fairfield Tuesday evening, 2IJd Joseph Muxse. John 2.B«76 1 60) Unia-d s aaa 5 3u ». bid fm Marseille* 9th C ^ A W tar. i">* ltgj inst, F Paten, Curry, New Will ae> follows; at m company lost ten men in the Rf p C (4 IT.in Peter 191 24 saral ft 120 5 :-•) do.. apeak ginning appear." trees and and de- engagement. UtrlrkMolnuion 55,36 &14P fi21 .. 1121 Y'ork. iust., tearing up orchards, li tiusuea 5913) Ura«.t Jett ltw M) 4,W> Weat ... were iu America the M\rick 874 40 .do. HlI Cid9th. N*w Y’ork. Lebanon, .Tburaday.Aug. 25 “They cruel zealots of C (> k A W e.-t of i/.*r- M bul.fuar TuckerJ««er D i.-,'-' Burnside, several houses aud barns. The rail- J3T0n Tuesday afternoon last, says the Ban- Cla.jp Gra> Joseph Nash 11 M l.DI'i vul 10000 United States Currency Certiflcat«s_96 > A rat Cadis Acton.Friday...Aug 26 oltter the more odious because molishing U trustees i l»f 5th jn«t Union. Ulm-r. New York, persecution: Wood* Gi^y iu» 1.96*j n J hr 616 .*i United Sate* 27 son of Andrew Wjl Nash \| I> W l;ip> 2<‘ *uk4whar> 12,009 Coupon*. bid tin Helvoet 9th in t. for bhApieiwh..Saturday. .Aug over Martin ou gor Times, Charles, v <.a*ilda. Stafford, so road Stream, the Som. Wiggin, bury hens 41GO0 Gre ir r ,,n 1 uktishurv J k co .IMUU 2W .hey professed differently.” bridge tpha'at nisi'* i* in*,; 2 OlO Ogcenabnrg ltd M-rtg g.> Honda,.. Kfjl New cast! E. Hrwttetd.M.iuday.Aug. There is iu New was almost killed the Clap James 10 50 t*« ate < f 1144 no * Mo. Faraonatfeld,.Tue** ay.a up 80 jet Euglaud the Brail Si Ken. road, was struck by and Esq., instantly by discharge CiijoUu r^tch.-U fiiainp- 1,000flgdeiuibnrg 2d Mortgage Bca*)a.82j Ar at Antwerp 10th last. K A Sunder, iXnaia, New lightning <'lark Lyras ii G*-550 Greyly J'hil p est 946 40 1 W Puilr.A 31 min and the bools Caste. There is no oiJ of a Ncuhall mi>- Su>iu» 7 J e.tvru «. 170 Yo'k. Cornish,.Wednesday. Aug. gun. He had been out with oth- Clark DenuU W a1 *W tieo HI ,,n* r f' Limerick blown down. gunning Creep VV 86 New l.all WatiMkii 24 24,44 i Boston au*i Maine Laiiruad. Md Corner,.Thursday 1 .aw that inert * |-v 188; 10th. Eliza Youhg. Hatfield, New York. .Sept. I might be ers a l .rk Kl.p« alct i'AMW Green K b."t F Gi) •* * whipped forty lashes, iu skiff, aud on the shore, drew 147 NiwholH Jan,* \ 141 44 > Brown A Son* < Ar at Watorboro’ Center...Friday. bept. 2 reaching (' 22*2 48 V1? lBy Stephen Flushing 10th lost, Logan. Mar-h, Callao. out tjenllemth never in rk Kill tF (jicen. ugh Byron **-9i.C r Klfi* k State .Nicki*r*4iu M li Hi.iV) b New *ixrs ... except very flagrant his the muzzle towards W 16 Irf^OO 1,8U8 Hampshire (1Wt) 0*; gun by him. ( ark FroJerick 471 Greei.enghB ron lvlff Sain! I.. _ 4 »4 Hen. MARK II. DINNELL and Hon. eases." \tirtmi fiiiinniin 2.1M) Augusta C.ty Sixes (1870).. I’d. c a a At hsae 1(8 00 1 SPOKEN. kK and Co 873 68 kC0 3^200 “w'rmooa ueei !»• GEO. F. itausaca msiory iroin me aeaill oi A Dei lo UY TKLE(iKAPH ar who was arrested in " JaH»,UHMn 34 TALBOT, Eugene Davenport, Norton !• A 1.177 TO '*r r» W. «kIp Xa-aloa, from the aud will dud no such lCH tP in Fg» ;55W Iiluemei for Hue Krai cocu Will as follows: at present, you cruel- S»e6 on aud taken to was good Grifliifcs k 9!$40 ■ l"»'“ ''l" k <* speak -TO TB1- Saturday Boston, up NuUKUnfaftlct 137 31 HARRIET), Jui. ties as those Cunm-nt Edwin 137 2*1 GruntU Hermann 1 K l. A «,n {«M>. 40 29. off .Si Nicolai Hole, R II Raymond 29 practised liy the dysceptic ptcj- l28$o ; plan harquo Morrar, .Monday Evening Aug before the I’olice Court of that oil • 6 023 It Noalwk from New Yolk lor Port >u Prlnct C udiced Puritans." city Monday -Iitord Hgtl)xa Guynn IjUnnah 112:2 Never. How'rd ft eo ’ll ♦ h»» it 131 asco, ( Webb's Mills) lucsday Evening.Aug. 80. 1 14 }yw> £ 1 lat tu loa 3 KVUjllNtt PAPUH* afternoon ou Cl -u iraau 3lcve«i fl&ggett Samuel JF 124 72 lu Uu< city. Aug 23. al Uw* 3d i’lrith Church, bv Ana stiip Amencao Conprem. from Oeistt id. .Wed- '-day Evening Au*. 31. complaint of having burglarious Nuin-J..' 413 84 >*»«“, 2i?r tor This is & Co 2-901 fin* ie. Aj!-«i 40136 Rev J E Walton, Wm N Prince aud MBs Annie C Liverpool New 1 ork. Tlarri'on .Tttum lay I* ftl. 1 The is made al- — Sept. enough. speech up tools in his possession, and ordered to sure- Cobb Lemuel 463 70 *ux C «\*vri«ud. bom ol »hi# Ana14. lat & *). loa €93). G Iff Maples .Thursday 1. give Hale Joseph L» ! rilri.I XV W1 3> ?•* ** city barque Itoeoelt, Evening Sept. most of similar stuff. It Is au elabo- J^ha \V Hall C 86144 Fdiv .***.1. lu tl.iaeitv. AuC.;; sltL ru.i’c'i cw-ot R 11 Leon- front New ioik for Carden a*. Se 1* M.Sept. 2. entirely ty for his appearance on in default of Cp'cord CtmrVs Ocean In* I o :mL'1 'JCi iago.Friday Itcbel Attack on — Xarrotr Friday, airo’r 124 80 lUHUivi iviiovor(2> » ««'r Jus > *> this city. Aug 2‘J by R. llet rv D Mate. Wm rawed-hip Shoot- by Memphis, Tenu., 21. Maine Farmer irdwav Hon. HAVNIBAL Aug. HTTb« learns by a private let- Co! igkn Wiu adra’r ila!l mrv Jpel 11*104 Henry Brown of Mdo, and Mlu Mary Lu/iu Wia- l“« Star, Drinkwater. from Cardiff for New York. HAMLIN choice fear who was attacked OrftoojcH 1.MU32 J}.^kl-r “HI *?* -; among us, glory in their Memphis at four o’clock this' ter of Mat’ 32 lull imeoii 268 24 Vl * '■•*•" well. f thi>* citv. Will as follow#: at that the loss in the 19th Maine on the 14th $34 uwenndioii i.nxo speak u «|K"r H<*2)f In thi*ei?v Ju**c 2* br D is well known. But did ever morning by the rebel Genera! Forrest, with Codm J bn C U64* iiall Stephen D 2 7J 76 I*r M Graham. Goo F shame, it occur was 25. inst., in » «U»TO Tra«k ami >11*# Abide I* alt ol Acton.Thursday Evening Aug. thiee of rebel about twenty-five killed, wounded and Coa Alvah 107830 il m'li/i hdtrarj 584 40 Oxnard (ft K 1’ 145 « W®”! ***“' Tim-wots tfcb city. N E VV to the of this brigades cavalry, 4,009 In this > Bast Parson-field.Friday Evening...... Ang. 2«. people district that their repre- of the Couantlisojr 11016 11* l»-h James U 817 2* Oxnard 1.13' 5M4n W»,d-Vlanaiaali cat l.Jl<2 c.ty. Aug by l>r Wright. Lewis J Bryant, ADVERTISEMENTS! ilis lbrces left Smith’s front at Ox- missing regiment. The only names that * Water boro’ Corner 27. strong, < onaic I -bard 16170 li u l Tb s 2*114 48 ">•""> fTeo 2 of Brain-Usd, < nuada, and Mrs of Saturday Evening Aug. sentative in their chosen servant () Oxnard .lofTn TOn id Scphii st§n!i#, Congress, in ford on the eve of the ami made a lorced have come to hand are the SPJ24 18.It, following wounded: Conan. K O k Co H%'«»ieoi:d I bosjr 122'-4 oxnard Wm 977 52 Warm, katfcl (at JMTO Offer! Hon. D. W. GOOCH XX In At. the national councils is so faithless to his con- march to this city. Tucy drove in our pickets Austin Geo. Coo no Jvhu lii timutid l^iFiain 5 i 4* Packard Hei 122,4 arreu lb,., ert 121 h, Auburn. 20. Jo*i«h P Hatch, of A. ard Miss Will Cunningham, Marsden, Samuel L. | wliouae Mr* Martha A K« bit * Pauline Cushman speak as follows: at aud da-bed into the of bfira el 222 TO lliini'miid William Paine 11 1. ft t o lot TO heo 40 son, ot enrord, N II. Major so of their so re- directly headquarters }'a" ;2U Ai Kendall'# stituents, forgetful origin, Robertson, D. Beau, L. L. Lincoln. Cook Kaiiri* )33 0i 136 20 1 1-3 s4 aterhou.«eJoah XV 122H4 Mid#. Aug 21, Pre-ton Emery and -AT- Kittery .Thursday 25. Gen. who made a narrow gLardian 1'aimer " Even'ng Aug. Wasbburne, escape. • •'"Some Pawl 2TO Mlaa Ann 8 Ke‘l#»\. both of Kai. fi* id rardless of their in their Co lidge JelTcrron H 11:1*9 jMer 4*-*7 4 I aimer Ml. ft w Ife Xkt W just pride deriviug then made a rush These are war lu They iuto Buckland’s jy times, and a newspaper is a ami Co 249 69 liam« A•« 114 32 Parri- X K .e-tot *73 93 V'-rti'Wae Pcwall »14 «. 8ace. Au* 20. Geo W Lewi#. Jr ol Bi Jdefoid, LANCASTER descent from a noble JJ HALL, ancestry, so blind to the hut he also succeeded Merritt H'Cn r Gadnir F 524 rt and Mr# Eli/a 'miih. cf Kencebu; headquarters, iu making fortification, a battery, or at least a guard Co li tee 4" Patt-il Stephen ."ill 62 {}.'L'l''I n* 5**^ kjo-t. A Shameful picket 2 9 k In I’ortMiTw utb, U 11. t onrv G Paul and Mis# \u- Imposition. true of the In which he bis then attacked the and Co 60 11 am 011 L 1) eat of 2"8 *0 Pullen P ft ro4 249 TO 49. feelings community escape. They prison for the of our {{ *• w-"1* II Uoud*} Evening, Ang. | protection dearest rights against Corry C a* F 27‘- 4" lian-on ^ara’I eat 10 9 2" 11 M 117240 * »ir* ffiete Wttham. both of hrtery, but were Payroll J}.'"'*>• J**'” ■ A lo this the Ar- then vi-ited the Ill mi.—I— T.. copperhead paper city—not was so recreant to the repulsed. They < «l»>t» r I iij ——fc-i m 'll him born, proper spirit, and the attacks of a ore, Ebon 847 24 H.i *211 V«iamis C 13096 lVuven (iroeduf 312<*» use to vigilant and dangerous enemy. 1 ouce a week Gay Uuu-e, expecting capture General Jobu II k Co 457 60 I lii -on V l’ a t2»s* 00 Pearx. n ft Pmilli " 72 invitation ct tb* citizens of go*—about regales It* readers so lost to the of a Cotey Co l;,' V" Portland, tbn proper self-respect New- We shall for a few 1 W «*ka Jwahua f *£18% ii'w llurlbut, hut he was stopping at a friend’s therefore, weeks, till the great Corey Mar*’ 135 ll irlow i mwiu *4 Fennell T M 49 BVHr ami Brant*/tl Scent and Spy of ike with what to be Cor- * ( purport* “Washington I England man, as to work, vote and associate ao the rebel* did not is ourch.vf 1 o e/ W ".ter 5 120 Harmon / K l*#>0o Perkin* j h ft in 7P2 no «■ ®*‘ i HMhtrlanU. will rel»: 1 110 getting ('crier Sol >mon T Harri* Alb.ou K 162 16 .1 “O' -« aud while iu the d at *87 20 Per lev 11 K ert Jit to # < auileimga limit ©talc# be-, *er- respondence"—letters dated at with this vile traducer of our him. ,J.l }"'• co lu tli city. Aar *3. barlo’ «. daughter of Washington, honored ances- mon cause of the country. Co veil Hiram eat of 295 .‘JO lUrri- kt* <**)•! & ( o -3 «*» PerlevJbna.il 4 92 «<-««» 1 11 ft 4TO TO i'sley, vice. Our Htlwi d 1 at d Loui-c U rinkhai.t, ol Chicago, 1 1, and signed “Dion.” These letter* are Ailed and to herd with the troops notv attacked the rebels aud soon Cr im ( ha.- FI 184 60 Harris Bro to* » 3"4 88 Perlex ft Itn«*ell 4M« *-■» ncket* 25 Cent*. Do:rs oj4 I’eterron Manuel 2 24 J.jh' lu It l l capital ever founded ed thirty of our men and horses. termination on the of the hitman Mart I »«»; export. Aug 22, up Ambrose la.Uo’. ag»d forty They part loyal jieople to C nro Ron-* llaer 300 H» Hart Lai ffi M 14.6 52 lettenpill AJ 247 44 h most the did have {* ImnU, P*»> 91 years month*. Edwiu l. Owen A profound satisfaction, provided reb- a nation? Would any one imagine that he not time to obtain much furnish the * rawferd Frank!" 12 56 llarv'y Horace 124 72 1 etteiiKill Haul 24 '*«'».• y €#., plunder.— President with the men and money whi!tit*rM'«D!j 22249 In Chins, Aui 1$. Mr- Pt.Ua. union of ths late els themselves Our loss iu killed aud it (Nooker Jia estate 2G80 uli lla-keil AHnd 22*48 \Y r 27*> 4<* Wholeeale and Kttai did not know their aud voted S. b. Vox wounded about the ri.tihi* 1-ewir Stef hen UfttllPU, el P»:»x?ot\ l?fd OB tear# Dealers in falsity, actually for for Speaker of for, and never a doubt but < iHiker m.oc 1 lta kod ( Larks il i*5t*$ I kdmund 7., same as that of the rebels. c-tlj.Nl express that hlnney iv M'yhl H>£> lu 2., Mr Bible. R that their at the Xorth it 126 va 4-1 Bangor, Aug lliucklty, aged paternity too well the Uoiuu} Yet it is true. Let the the rebellion is to be rstr-f Hitch Walter Jr 1*0 I limit*’.* fc Jackson 507 62 2.1 64 people Gen. Wasbburne is now out a put down, slavery annihi- «?,?,,**£«an Kn A"*,‘ ch 1. *S68^ years. carrying plan Croekci: Lc mard 2u3 70 Huy llmry li !u0 fti Pierce iirr X I. '2uxXX In and Domestic understood to allow of their con- see to that this Ml ard XX ,,, id w, Licconvido, Aug 8. WaMo Y. eldest son of Jcs Foreign exerting auy it stain is no affixed to which will result iu the of a lated, aud the restored to and C ock< D Richard 128 88 Have Abler i> k«200 I ,x Fruits, longer capluie large government unity ienej.eiahjr F Hall, aged !h car# T months. Couleciionet siderable influence. * riM • It onaid 42*; 31 John (i 2 8 28 Pierce I>« !«2 jr. Nuts,C Ac., our fair name. Let us electa man who has at part of the attacking party. increased Hay* Urn. 'J* !*“*’I S“*‘ ,11V-*7 In Wa do. July 24. Mr SlillBJn Webstar. »g*d til prosperity. on 168*0 Ha\eaThos K 1M* *0 Pierce Stual A i*> «, One of these letter* was LATKlt. C«&a Gregory thi el"1’ Iu Sea rape rt. Aug 3. Mr Peter Manure, aged 86. Vi» 25 K ck*tnat St..Portland. on the heart * * published not only the interests, but the honor ro#a*«.!l*atidA*-.-t 1«;4 110 llealii Franklin J£3('4 Pluiuni-r ar M :f« 2* »! In * Mem 22.—The rebel raid 3T The person most seriously injured by the luj!*"11; l liarlotie 189124 Gleuburn, ug 30, Mr Jonathan Grover, aged 24th and is phi*, Aug. into this 1 art her J ho W r. 8 It.- .'.i J >5 git l. I luniinerft Marr 114 5, Mfi 68 11 Orange*, in»t, mainly—almost exclusively aud ol the he *•ll, ,r' •*' years months. reputation constituency repre- city yesterday was a and Is raiii oad accident at Vassalboroa short time Gumming’* Annie N II- am G^orgo CO Plummer SI, re> 1 297 :*i <>f. Lemon Limes, —devoted to slanderous complete failure, since, {’8 }'■1 2 ",u{ J*[ abuse of Gen. 1 104 0' U bertlt #6 I'rircilla N 15392 rarna in .i, Cit- Giant, sents. admitted to he so Forrest Our was U C. guardia Heary 1H3 l'opjrov J).1! n Priu*es, by troops be- ilph Johnson, Esq.,of Milwaukie, Wig., ,11 XX dwm l-l» u r nx a < utnmlngiA»’gust«-2:*J 52 Her Fletcher Join. 11 1.4., IMPORTS. ron Kaiaus. Nut* of all and to prove him blunderer aud his ing without the rebels carried ty Pope a;t tig# campaign leaders, off who with his wife and child had been ou a visit < ummingi A Br r»56o2l & <’0 1144 r0 l'.irtliuid l.larx C" 124*) liiidi, U!.vw, St'ditv*. D>ui a some v‘l"''T, /«*» of ON /pp.vr, a failure. lu prefatory editorial com- Gen. Letter. plunder and captured a number of Ctt um Frt’tuiau Horsey T< Per land Mniiinl XVlnS,lo j 1,10 Pairs, re*cbe*. Fn served Oum Dr* cote, Seymour's quite to bis relatives in and were on tug* 76952 g» Fruits, p*. Augusta, their Hi a«!« • * HILLSBORO Mt beb Lark -9n ton# to of this prisoners, including two officers, several clerks G 822 82 IIig-ins KlBha Jr lime | in- In- eo S72 coal, Lozetig'#, Cai i.ei*. Iloney. >i nice cuni. Tobacco, mendatory treasonable it is Too careful attention cannot be bestowed » S to- •»» )« Ker *ene Oil Co. diatribe, aud way to He bad his arm broken ( ummingi Henry 1*4 24 lliggiu* John 155 02 Pert land Kuysr co :'.d Cigars, Fiction. bauea, etc., e c. telegraph operators. Numerous acts of Bangor. right A1U r-' 'l {*804**•» Pupper said “Xo other like information reaches the upon the letter of Cuiu "iug-JiitneaM 218 32 lijgfitA i*yer 124 M» p. rtland lit* 1.1 co«.tl« The F. ade Geu. Seymour which ap- were the near the elbow, anti receive ! a severe contusion XX I", oo He. 3:0 f*44 0“ supplied on the moat liberal term*. cruelty perpetrated by rebels. t. umm rga John B 341"4 lli born Iig 114 :2 pen. :mI Pham State.” "• s people of this pears elsewhere in this < •»•••"'• 5C Aug 25- lm paper. Gen.S., It will ou one leg. He was taken to Augusta anti we uinmiugeTSati a-A kilborn Seth B 18612 I acted eo 4.73-I K MlVUTlTn ALMANAC. It has for weeks been he wile 709 20 IIindie James 114 732 Portland eo 4.34 24 suspected by intelli- remembered, was iu command of the ex- learn is doing well. S»‘"»{d»■>«* '• * Thnradur. Uga«l25. From — ('u utulncs Mrs *xc* Ditchings Uco F 15176 Portland ,0 3(4 40 «!»'!"» Harper'* Ferry Volition of Affair* pier « {*' Sun rises.5 li* i water '» 2** T. J. Til Kit.% V, gent men that these letters were an in cu?or ol will of 1360 32 Hobbs 1 bane A Co 166 4" Portland ft l or.wt L" High (p m). imposi- pedition Florida, which resulted so disas- in Gen. Sheridan'* Front. The some «»{" Sun « of 18 !?' Argus, imbecilities I V " * «K*t ol “2h lb set*. 43 ! Length davs. 24 that never saw reprinting Cummings St*p -n Hobson AI men I. 16692 KK 1 «-*»' 1‘> tion ; they Washington or em- at Oulatre. It will WtK'd J»:hu il 1,16224 trously be remembered Philadelphia, 24. uttered one llutz, of il 1819* Doha; 0 11 I’ortlaml l iiiiin Aug. by Caspar Chicago, speaks Jv£Cpl<{J Wood -Nail.a.t 111 3d of Distilkd anated from that capital; that the; were writ- that his aud The Bulletin has the ( nm mines Thomas 863 (0 liantlen ag»*n») Join) l.adwav ft lick Inspector Spirits, antecedents, status in telation to following special dis- of Butz as *‘a and citizen XXo.al Roftmli 20 wealthy prominent of Cumin ngrf T Ac J B 54 *" ilnlbrcok Elisabeth It,i. Ia.it,|co mu,, 1.125 X K Vv S Coal Oil, Tob icco ami C'igaio, ten no where else than in l'ortland, aud were the w»r were patch: b j> UoodWm 2lb,»> MARIXK pretty thoroughly ventilated at Chicago.” Said llutz is of a ( nr is John 116 40 sta’eot 93’ 04 rx»*« >aml ij,)T 24.—The of proprietor lager «<■ 11 » May be found at tha c the* rf Hon. N. t* Marshall. Altered the brain of the and that that Harper'* Ferry, Aug. position Cnrtls John BA Son 291 So Holden Charles 971 2s l oiter Itarretl .711 TO through presiding time, and it appeared reason- our beer saloon on Wells street in The W ‘{{'"fS' I 7P4 w A**e»«vr tor li e lirii District oi Maine. No. 22 Lx- he-youd army is still A liue of Chicago. on- » urti* William 122 64 liolvokt-C ». U 2e2H8 Pr. hle Mart .vt of4.l«*7 TO oodbury unchanged. strong fOKT OF PORTLAND. M t of the in whose col- able V 8 • XX 31 W'."> mo N I eba ge orvUiul. Me. controling genius paper cpuesllou that he had beeu not entrenchments has been thrown office he ever held is that o. Cushing It r-jairin 8 Hood Daniel (-32 84 Pn hie widow P II _4d * only up. Desul- ly public third clerk m H pretty » W .r.2TO Aug 26— dfcwgw •nus men < ash wan Ge H 405 52 HopkHs Itetscy 1 retile Xi i„ P 1.3 I 'cdbttry they appear. Few are sufficiently strongly Undated with tory skirmishiiig could lie heard all of the Court of XX....dinau Allred U«4o ?|, copperhead sympa- day yes- Superior Chicago, which he only Cushman John S ->tj 72 estate of 17680 Proctor .loin, * Wrdncadoy...Augn-t and this it Woodman ” «t to all sense of to write such thies, Lut that his terday, morning broke out with re- obtained alter Ills Cushman Kufu 524 "8 Horton Rufus* *23 "2 I tir.ntitoi, M. ft eo lie. m ARRIVED Wood. patriotism feelings towards the admin- chief competitor bud been dis- Woodman.I < JU », lor doubled in front of the I'us om House wlif Huwo Edward i2«’>bO XV II 1«2 •»' Steamer Montreal. Knight. Boston. Fropo*nl* 1 istration strength 19th corps, 1 Purlnfttt.il tiers, hut the genius referred to is well and the manner in which posed of and no cared to contest 214 4tt Woodman ft Utile- 8 tea tin r Ko»x. A*a*t tyuAnranw ystbu * Otri* n, I the war which is holding the centre. of im- longer it, and ( u 1040 00 Howe arnes L 12’>8o (jniiihy l.iiwi.lot Lady Lang. Bangor. Nothing F s a.in.'r Steamer Kuuba Augusta. Mo., Aug-23,1 K0I'05AL8 'or tb# delivery of oro tc«u and of the most two trial of his xx XV.H.dmart ft I rue 1,5)7 44 disloyalty against the Goverment which employment of negro troops, were not of ceased. spars' beer-fogged ability. He 1)-na JoliuWA wife 43 So llos.-U Auui H 11**; (.«» llaeklelf Jar 192 Brig Irentoti. Athciton. Albany. MTi lu»0) Ciirda of m rehan*atle bard wo d. will bo s **rl* A shelters 12 o'clock is neither rich nor a Dai a I utiier 147 ».<> UuMi* Ah-xgodcr i, 80 liadford BmJ ert of ITO Id Sch eora. Fetter. 1 oiived at •id* office unit! Wednotduy, him, and whose laws his a very cordiai character. A Midnight.—No evidence of the gentleman. W i.im A U. 20 hiladelpUa Augaii 31, protect per- try grave accusa- an * Woodl ury S 172 6 Ituds* u Mrnui-I 11 1*16 00 Hand John :tS'24 rial,I Sch R Leach. Sherman, New York. at >2 o'clock M sonal enemy being iu our immediate front has been nft Hale ii, liberty. tions were made hiui Danie's Eber*sanl**!s 1621*1 S lls344 Jobjleirr < Flora, Thompson. Frye,’’ yte," Augu-ta. M iue, issue of these letters there is un- Evening 1 ost for his treatment of to 'ork hat 01 our colored tempt cross the river, although our Ja'est Falsehood. Datliug mis is M k Hunt & Jrvrelt 160 16 Kaudull John 27MX ,1.1m Sch lieu y Prescott. 1 pt n Bo.- on an the *am* may bere«iwmd for use of troops en- answerable and news Unblushing 318 54 William A Kamiull J<»hua K if '1 '*2 Sch Little ublic. K< Gioacester. ther* at overwhelming internal evi- soldiers in the Department of lire and from Sheridan’s front says they had not AC llyde 253 68 Re| adail, camped South, h 1 Sell Blue I. I will bo received for cue ball r dence of their yet crossed the Potomac. The Argus, true to its instinct, says ‘•lie Havels (’Em 726 24 s ev All e 224 NON KE>1 DENIS. Sea, snow, Har»»-we t>!> Mala tho whole imposture, and that are though a friend of Gen. S. undertook his Davis* ha l«*s 1'4 82 I slev l-aarestof 282S Si) 1 >4 bb Mr Mitnniu Ar 33d, Aohora. Parker. Boston. I the uunib« ot co*d». they de- Guns c is for Barn*l >uhim«! Iiirhtrd 16i 'HI barque mid bu heard yesterday up the [Jell'. Davis) willing settlement on the is Ed wd li 3 *8 • 4 J •' t he ubeciibcr reftno* the to concocted much nearer the office fense the Post in river, Dav* boph 110$ 8 Boy(t 1 lav i:>#n they the dale line indicate*. -helling Union, rights of the Steamer Che*apeake, York—Kmevy WM For on the friendliness and unfairness towards that arm the direction of Davis Charles M I** 4 » Us ey Hot< rt IPO s8 larlitlo K Motm* clow S S D »DGB. example: of Sharpshttrg. to Mar> ling k Fox. South self-government, for which he Davis F*edf r ek 237 < 4 bar es 96 ( 114 * 1 apt C- a. and A a. o. M. 21st lust.,there was a battle in the Gen. Stoueiuau now aloue, lugiahiml I*64*i Inrk Joims 4‘» Mouutfbrl Elias l»» 1H 8ch Set ermerhorn, Lamport-master. Shenaudoah the service. commands at Harper's Js.641 Sympathy 26—dlw says are are DavisGeoK Iugraham Charles <4»U*cyrus 11**48 N»*l>li* Jos C»£362 Vug about fifteen miles they fighting, guaranteed to t W 1 7 20 * Valley, beyond Wo refer to these facts now and in this con- Ferry. Hails ge guaidrsu 1C|«X (itiliiis W 1^7 lift l*ulm r A'U 195 52 DISASTERS. Harper's t, 96 them.” Davts Hall 494 Di-.rul am F.d -\ard 6136s ( o) I*- John B j'fi «»8 1’ori & Kou K K * o »722 24 ^erry, in which Torbet’s cavalry were 1 ho hell of a vessel apparently of about 26> ten*. The Portland Match engag- nection to show the reader that, iu the Davis Faniuel G lii 80 lug-ahaiu 6 1‘esf 158 40 Loniu»*l 312 MO Fort Saco Ik l'»(rts* Company only — rushing • "T Frier It, bet* Abandoned Jell. Davis lias no such Dear!v new. was lying »' Amity ville, LI, 18th !»«•'. ed and suffered Bear in T,n ‘'le" thing expressed IlivisTwi cheii k Jut* rnaiiciial$leam- lVakt rho> ft wife 86228 m L be to Nino Hnudrel miud he II el — williug- >utli 1C U #b 1 460 l*; ebi'ged pay Dol.ars heavily. this views Gen. in tbe let- I,,,, ituitroad F, tleral Force* trith- jr. m*.»! brosen of! attool live fret above dick, expressed by Seymour "* lives. No one has done so for him. < Impma > 7C4 Id Co 8744 00 Harriot £»7 IT2 I'ottor.loha " l*\ day after the A *t ot was On the the 1 >ro Mile* the, On the ►hip lHvring 3 *1 the other below deck She was waterlogged Wi» per beptetnber. and earliest tele- of City. Jjsiaii V 318 16 imi 4 twenty-first, ter is no I>ftx Jaekron (jf;» K B Mary L 1*) hi * 12 rax on »iatch «i be One Dollar u .d F published to-day, he governed by has said Heering Ouinhy Mosoa» cal lv itid lying ou her *ide, tnd oi hir mum*, only rty New contrary, he emphatically that inde- Deane He'irv I* l«o 88 guardian l*a oe J as os t 5.626 £»> pirtly T uts <>ub c.'ut on graphic dispatchut relating to the affair, bear „, York, Aug. 24. Birring lUng.lv .las KMO he word •saralt," c*uM bo made cut. She had pro* pvrlinae.or every little torch of long-standing political for the ad- I be Post s Deane Mrs Kebecoa 16640 h* ir- I*:* 76 Dr- r Koh 120 04 >n# hui dr« matches sympathies special or extermination the South will Kav i.oorgiann W bee n iu a ^alc, a- her sails » ei e tor u ofl'. date at the Washington dispatch pendence Dt-nrborn Jackson Geo 11 B mb!y l'oi Harper’s Ferry twenty-second— ministration ami no states that Gen. has Hrsdbury Hunliuin Kufus 24^60 Richard-.un rha* D7 2«» Brig Wiliam k Mary, from Bridgeport NB for tlaud. Aug. 25 l«6d—d2w* by overweening regaid Warren made a reconnois- have. The kuotvs this and tate 80 trustee K Bi’riiici* 1"1 92 the next Argus still con- 124 Durgin Joshua }24 80 Robin*.>n IMvhI jr 137 5W York, was wrecked \: lust, near B. day ofLei- the battle-, and yet this for the manner Bauee towards Sew totally in which the war is conducted Petersburg with important re- I>eb'« Is Tbomaa A 713 6 Jack-cti Geo E B »* Wm H in 4 * Neil W 2*»1 sults. ceals still falsifies still a de- Ruhilisoni* r-wr saved. BoartU Washington to be written or He louud that the rebels it; it; imposes D elia J ejrsoll"s 08 t 5£3 28 MuontJohnM 3016*) I Spruce khippluK letter, purporting hostility towards thoso whom it is had falieu ufteeDay’shelrr lt«»*s Naif; agaiust luck towards and falsehood its Dc’rii’g H W k A 62* 32 Jac non <>*uF) B & Fox H. rati * 308(0 E/ra D D at the federal the Petersburg, abandoning their ception upon rentiers. Vamni-.u DOMESTIC PORTS. 8,rttc* capital, gives unfavorable waged. Such the Dee- ng Nat an* 1 16840 EP* i akertrusteeB J10 24 Ball AlexT 1.; nahuii J <*i bert being man to whose leller etlorts to retake the 1,878 V-^T. — 7 details of this Weldon Railroad. is it the copperhead programme to Na'ICl F' 62*• 16 Joc-em K B 147 6 l> o*0 24 NEW ORLEANS Ar Sth Lit, ecli Bucentaur, L50,OIK)XSufZlx?"-*.!. U. battle on the tery it teas attention is persist D eni'g Geo DouM l ilw Ij 122 72 Sewall Luon.uia HAMLLN, tlo'son’s Warf, day we trust The Commercial s ► • tieKarland, Uraros autiago. Invited, our democratic special Washington dis- Do editors Dee ing H*’f 17$ 8 Jack.-on I saa 806 68 ( d Trunk R R To 7,273 76 Smith FOJ ”fi. Fortlaud, Me or one earlier inlying? copperhead expect to •'''.* Towed to ra 7 h. pawnee, Genesee; 10th, fought, day than the earliest friends those who have patch says an has De-r.ne W*| ium 02^00 Jac bfJos uallea‘416 0 Haiuos 2^4 (d s-.ulc I'h*ni»Hit II *k» barques Aug 2f—d4w not given themselves expedition destroyed bridg- \uguvtiu** K. Hamilton news es and succeed, for the uext two aud a half Dda d Daniil I 8n 92 Jacobs W’ lliam V 8*9 84 lianuou l.nm, ltr.' .W hip forwarded by and the to the pnlled up rails forty miles down the months, IVn X lul« 4ouJe AL b J II telegraph! letter up manipulation of * 13* 1W Jt rr e William 11 143 44 smile K»*oa 4 I,* Hi* 1< »Rf ROY SC—CM 15?h, ig# Kennedy, traiiors-wil! consider to Delano i%ulnn Ilnvis Donnis nido'i thus to Weldon Railroad, within two in their readers in ignorance, aud to " in 2 imith. PhlHdc ia: Moses Bay. do; 16th. Liverpool Salt Afloat. purporting be written at well its statement*. miles of Pe- keepiug DennettO-'iv re*tof4JI84 Jc-wett GeorgO PV6 48 oj- 156 U) Southanl E 1 11*0 p: staflbrd, Washington, Gen. Seymour has It is also rumored ah p FI i. oft, Devireaux. do. been tersburg. that the make the baldest falsehoods for D niiii J"hTi & Co 2^*8lg> Jeweti Harak 37" 16 Hillard T heirs ot lmi Hontligate Horatio 14560 W< ,1,,Us LIVERPOOL SALT, o«r*o of is published in cavalry pass truth ? sld Utit. brig John P W there' 1. | |i I Portland—having forced the of events” have made a dash on the Danville Di Chas T 11 2* Jones Fen} W 118 40 Jr 1.162 72 Swascy Horatio J 14560 Thump-on, for 1 rTVrV* ling Janet Crow, now and ostensibly by “logic and by his own Railroad. llngham Hobson Joa 14th. Lind- uiechargiug travelled six hundred miles Do they believo a lie persisted in will stand I> 'Ckray Jam-s C jo*’. >0 Jon a r'arolice k 11n«e 124 80 lihU>tslra 128 88 I ’hi adelphla: batqua u. Norton, do or eale by by mail—in the observations of men and Albert LI OWN—Cla things at the booth Dodge tlerekiah 141 3*: Marv 4-36 91 Halav Fmil cal of 1 8 'JO Whitman Harrison 1*4 UO GEORG 20ib, liigCai ima, Marshal, .ujfijiiiw Dan a a co. same that the them for t. ulh ? ll such is their calculation J isl'inoro. paper gives earliest account to which he Moses 1"$ -0 J Andrew T 220 40 Jones John ^ n Robt 28920 Willis 270 40 portion Aug. are to >le inxlow 1"4 leflahti Jr Henry fools, nor they so lost ail that is rational 20 Wilson Ain ot» BALTIMORE—C d teh 8a ml N f 3L now I humbuggery practiced upon the readers of ern Gen. Hooker was for Do w A T guardian 2si 81 Jones Tbomaa K $8*08 Eihov Ebenezer 2vl Ad 156 Slat, Smith, Are* Store o-cnple tn E. E. Little under people who not only favor the progress of telegraphed to-day, j \\ 80 * y. New York. and is to aud true that a falsehood Dole A Moody 1 4 3 » Jordan Charles 18408 jjtde Ji .*lah Jr 187 20 Ibj6o\v Nathan 2d 176 14 Mechmulo Hell. Enquire or that paper. have an important* command in the deceptive cau long Ar 33d. Elisa j our arms, but who that this exter- I Dole Sophia A )24 80 Jordan Eli/ab th V 174 li Longfellow Sam'1 L'8 44 Wood Win 500 7*2 barquo While. Fort res# Mosr vt; brig C- P. KIXBaLL. dally pray Held. staud the J » fountain „„ test of their scrutiny. Donnell Charlef A 10184 Jordan Gardner 318 1*3 Mains Wwdbury S 112 32 Kag e, Arne*, New York. ‘“t*6 Preble Street. ■ ] PORTLAND AND VICINITY. Messrs. Editors Why is there such Letter from a Gallant Officer. Ml 1 and our au- 3CELLAN EPPS. MISCELLANEOUS. apathy on the part of our citiaon* Col. Thomas, the writer of the following let- entertainments APCTIOM A>w Juhttrfimttnenf* To-Day. draft. Is Port- SalEET thorities on the subject of the ter—not intruded lor publication—is well Salt Afloat—Dana & Co. Live-poo' land to b" outdone little town in the To Let—Store. by every TOTH! known in this city. He is a son of Hon. W KE-OPENED.’ Attention ! B.ih-m-iiM Ottodi at Auction. Au .tlou 3a A Co. some acliou taken to U. S. 7-30 LOAN. e—Henry Bailey count) ? Why Is not \\. luomas. Tee letter was lor 1 T- *« -kth.B* Mi’ll tk A M. at Ro Intended only Tbe "ttbscribera would tfullr n-,r.c:;nc« to I OVi !d • Match Company respe tot ol “ »a> to secure such men as are * excvithio.il Pri it ties : oou- *r Mali. raise money read) the uuuicruui iririide audthr e'Vi-‘*K0i,‘cV" Mi-* MaJ u i.man—Lancaster private pet Usui of his family frit«3s, t< TheS.c of ihj publicthut thry "•«oie of da bn «tary Treasury gives notice thnt u o « go, u*fat Boar la—J H liamleu. for a liberal ? I am in- Portland Presa. have thoroughly r’„l. to volunteer bounty Daily whom it was addressed. At PropoaaUt r Wood. our solicluitioi subscript! n?« wLi. be THs SIEaMER of men are receded lor Coupon Treasury lefa’ •. b seen. a tun unbi a b 4 l>ru k*V —ihf*. G. formed that scores being obtained we are R fi.ted and Refurnt hed Htop. Lortofr. --—-- permitted to lay It belore the readers Voics, Repiired- a *■*— r—*d. Frait -LJwiu C. o euk' o. payable three yea s from August 15, 18d* —at,. in the to on the of towns 1 city apply quota f Bress. Col. T. Is now in of a The and oeut: loca;ei Ivlarsena Johnscn iLS/cctor ol Liquori. Ac—T. J. Murray. command with semi annua! popular ally -a'LET a ami I believe it lobe From WtM»hi»mton. j interest at the rate of seven and Aug t Col., Auctioneer#. paying large bounties, and wi 1 be hrave- fw'“ the note to “dla** j briga.V’, remembered for his hree-toiith* cujn ,**“ Uaip.- To certaiu Washington. Aug. 24. | percent per am. and in- ll" •««> “■< tiation ol 11 true. my knowledge three tuen i and noble urn.—principal u, ion na»ii5 l' ne it, dh%. rZ o package money, for each inau o, her one of Sound maturity, into six cent, *'* * or y Tbouuo Vs°t"* V rr1 8‘ quota. Every j Bay and Puget Agricultural Company, ol per gold bearing u.ar>o... WATEBl^8E. two -mall upon—i*.£2d'‘00<, d,d|„,,t7** lot lor man—Mis. who lives ou Cumberland Petitions are circulating in Alexandria and courage by leaving board,„rtoE Agent. bouse Sheitun, city, and the of to No. 77 Middle stigma being compelled nail •weiity yiarj from their date, as the Governmen Street, J 8 Atu.o’cucs, m-i-e liat. af «r Place. in beyond its limits for signatures, addressed to their number either dead or dying, or cap- JOaSSuN- ly the .w.,.o There was about $400 in all—$3S0 avoided (FOT BLOCKj Aug a_,f Proprioior. we «ojJ a.lia two «o«y double drajt by prompt and vigorous action I Military Gov. Slough, asking for the substitu- tured elect. 1 hey wil! be teemed in denoatinatlonnoi le-eaUa Vi* iln a small by overwhelming lorcc. bank notes, a $20 and on the Which wiij be ou and afte* gold piece pait of our citiiens. It is not tion of the military for the civil patver as iu j one open ®E!,RT BAaEI * wealthy ift)', hundred, five hur.urtd, one thousand, an Co., Aasttoaeszv amount of sliver. the recent case of Norfolk. Should the too late now to obtain men who are prayer Ukad 2n I many QirARTfiits, Brigade, ive thousand ai d all • miuidu jiily aath. be Gov. as dollars, subaciiptioi must About 8 o’clock—two hours after the paper ►till j granted Pierpoiut will, a conse- •ll U DlV. Uru LORI’S, 04.) Waiting lor some action ia this direction. Ang. 17, bo for n. A I quence, be In bis and flfiy dollars, or some cf do J. E. FERNALO & Wf»«A C’rt** hkt d. city, visit. When he are j chance of judging than ever betore. Troops iginal Certificates of Deposit as cau b ing lie held our wealthy citixsns who the ate men of while the they I CONFECTIONARY, Ac., by petitioners standing, are Gent's BAU-EI * Cu.,A.«t'«. found the package in Park street he was ac- here hum Louisiana, Florida, North Car prepsr d. Furni.hing Goods, Aug S-4,f“l“N,“ not law to military duty, hut who others are mere squatters o! known Constantly ou hand. subject by disloyalty. oliuu, South Carolina, aud from every part oi companied by another lad, few years The official of the debt As the uotes draw younger, are bound obligations no less facred, to do recapitulation public tin West. A Iree of sentiment nterest from August 16, persoi f ©7 by to interchange 30DA Xo. Nfi«l»ll** Street. *ule «■ • uaimd Elolxk C. son of up shows it to be WATER, i , Heal Mate. Williams, Capt. tHeir towards the Government to yesterday #1.859,274,000, making deposits pubst^ueut to that date must part helping or prevails. pa am .am #0,501,000 more than the previous week’s Drawn from r*ow'a Pa en» ice Cream (Soda) Foul Co*M ®» C. F. Williams, of this city. FI very and almost every man, the iuterest accxued wi h F nit B ral-o men. Hut a few remain, and what- statement. organization from date of note to date of de- tain, Syrups. cu«t^ia!;i!t;,“,r"!heV’<'b't:Miwila > a days | The unpaid requisitions are neat j Our 1 the lot ol I*! u, «ithTh ablia.aat,. The was returned lias his particular lieio oi a General, aud rides flrllftiet for tttpphiog tnr customers with Vi.I' package without the ev< r is done uiu»t be done Call Iy The debt no intenst posit. lb cot us r o> ’« I»'tuui.uu« quickly. upon $$0,<>00,000. bearing his own of a die best lawTfift*• *•' hobby theme about way PARTIES SUPBJEd Af SHORT NOTItE ! romptncM and eh ire 0 I’uiiiat.u sal., lot iAM ao-eahsd slightest diminution or tic lias been reduced while die debi Cart lea fidelity detpa unexcelled. eo tn. ilV? spoliation, anj tho authorities for u statement of Just the #0.632,000, of the war. thousand •a Pel'i *1A (a«» carry mgou We are, howevci, depositing twenty-five dollar i Oar Stock i* aireataaartl noble fellows bearing interest in lawful money lias been in- largo ant dust, able, ail I h * k,,ek declined everything in the number to till our than re- very as a class ami ou one and for We shall to«ceallour uM frier* da an preovuting Lane.and eln,; tile bow.. ,u!!“• Vi *!* shape required quota, 1 bopelui agreed point upwards these uotos at any one time will t« Loharpy e-l “■« “ e„oi.o A»- creased $17,000,000, ami the debt iu J n*k» » ho** new ae NuvJiie-x of I. noise.. of the consciousness oi bearing —mat is, that there is no doubt ol of ones and t.-uat that aunt* wxi the voaeon. reward, done solve to mau a than successfully allowed a Iheau.t on having pay every bounty higher terest in coiu c jib illusion ot ot save can e fur Wi'l take plane si $2,000,000. the and the oi this one-quarter oce pt-x complaint. ** a act and ol a terminating wai; campaign j TKHIId NfcT CASH." fba.suay », pit o.be 1 H righteous having lifted load other town ia the Slate, and the men will cent which will 1Pet I* any the ol one or more ol our three be paid by the ^’eteY"**** 1 year by capture Treasury Depart CMi Z. AND Tot Hand, k’ ® Irom a sufleicr all the reward j SEE US ! Aug lo, 1*4 —ii.f ah ebtrater. deserving being soon be found. Q. / n I tt cress fit l Attack of .Uosby oh (it itnntltt Ic. viz : Mobile auu naent tue IIESKY^H i*y W*’ objective points, Atlanta, upon receipt ot a bill for the eti- which coveted. | ann.uut, | Portland, July 21, 18 4 ihey Tbe owner of the money 24. Iticbmond, provided die Noiili our los- tifled iodbTp Art Washington, Aug. repair to by the officer with whom tha kTKINSON & INGEESJLL. Fttirr and Confection art.—Messrs. Ed- ■es. deposit wa- j IlKWtS aV > ?! I « || was willing and even anxious to make some Mosby's men appeared in die vicinity ot Two hundred thousand men pul imothe | j , j made. >io dxduwtioa* for Jy*__u Vcr» Itabirubht tt-al win C. Owen Jfc wholesale and retail Kails Church last and this at ield at once, never mind bow green, il sent to comruissujDs must be ! Man ifae orere aid Ca-jau- at return for the recovery of the small savings ol Co., night morning Lain THE bealeisla Auction. live o’clock. c uld cut the Weldon mar at 2 toil, The garrison of the stockade at Annandale. heir last hope,and give us iuas tori CLO T II I Wednesday. pt 7. o>J««l t- Moeiba Xo. ?o are Petersburg BR0CK3l£P£R GAS REGULATOR \o, OSpremises, w« 1st aU a little fellows to leward Ac., Exchange Street, 1 luic rabubie prt p. ne , forbid them leceive receiving of 275 men ol the 10;h N. V. Cav- wuuGUit tue lue>4 ot u iiiau. Special if ee i. w„ »2 consisting Advaatsges ihi* loan. A No. 171 Fore street, Uou elut a.a Hta.i, b, aud in SO HA y& YoL'ii GAS. be «"-ta , .1 for such an farther than n small memento ! regularly, large quantities, all the vuti- were attacked tlie under Mo- Tne airny is iu better coudiiiou Daaao Ulus aan a. a Mile act, | airy, by enemy physical It i, a A'u bmal (11111,1 B p..s,i», 2 ous hau it Las beeu Haul, ITo'iug a by her Aug 3- dim PORTLAND. tillage, coatklkt »k« k fri ht icr*-- in the of fruits of the season, which are by, who had with him two pieces of belore lua U circulating medium if ALV-cfKTISEMENI Army Custmiitce .dauee o< it Also a large awt ot their own which is made heur, when the garrison still out Mos- all sorts of Vegetables. in ho country, and it cannot r.w. iai to the owner, for which he received a ly manulacluring. holding Sanitary supplies ueb asLrspes.t urasis, gener- vast are OV THE • Loos"£ *iV* withdrew. Annandale is about ten miles quantities given lur the pay in any fir is o *n ot the best of workmen of tly everywhere hiug better, asseU are either cubAcrlbers havit:^ ou the 7th of Mat ous “thank ye” and a slam of the door in his material, by large and often unasked. day from Alexandria. asking in TWKformed a under the uamt- of The senior member of the Government securities or in nolea or bond. copartnership j r face! Aud at another lime he found a rich experience. firm, The army would be in but for pay C. S. Christian capital spirits ab> in Commission. Government 4 • on the teturn of which Mr. Owen, has been in the business iu this one the imho id and discontented p ipor. A-‘“- bracelet, thetair owner city From the Richmond. th’ug: pet McCarthy & Army brfore Berry,• 7 tone ol of the of the North. It is c forced him to ten about soveu years, which time his many journals equally vnveuicut as a temprarv or Chalruau, I. K. lieges, receives Store, at 119 tiki- accept dollars reward. during Fortress Monroe, Aug. 24. perma- For the purpose of carrying ou th« They fear that by the misrepresentations oi nent lie ei re. t. CUHbAHU n. business has been constantly and regularly in- The Weldon railroad is iuvetlment. The notei cau always be sod lor FA1 T A lb. It is pleasant to record such deeds, held in safety by copperheads aud their lying publications their BOOT AND SHOE Treasurer Cyras Sturdivant. rveeires Money et 71 Boys within a JBU8INES8 C<>mui«*icial stnet. 1 creasing. Mr. Harbor, the junior partner, is our forces. hard fraction ol their face aud accumulated in. ComaiiMkM krrchabi who are thus who restore fought victories, their deadly struggles In all i;.i k Ak«ti(»rrr honest, always New 24. branches, end !miug all tbe facilities foi Secretary, decry II. Bargee., receives Letters ni with the es- York, Aug. lor the now wilt have beeu tcreet, are the < thoroughly acquainted business, ground they hold, *nd best security wilh banks as collat- iet leg up nrst class work r»r gcntlenieu and lad es 'O ominprcixl street. Baa ramoved to the .pi clcua la to the rightful owner thus de- On all was ,ton property found, Tuesday morning quiet with Inn little use il this and these intluences IC»., are now r.ad. to execute all o.-ier. with Andrew J. Cumae, Dr. W. K. Johnson. pecially the making of confectionary, at which spirit erals for discounts. near Kiobanis Stre< t, four door, below clining all reward, from those who ! Gen. Grant’s army, but another battle was ex hinder the i«e and ui'patch Our work will be made of tin ; unelSdtl especially he served prompt reinforcement cl the army, Merchant'a a seven years' The on that the rebels still de- edorimporiod.tock.br iheucuofwo-lme ene tichauta. can ill atjord to need have no fear el apprenticeship. pected day, bring riiey fancy see a indifference to pay it, they growing Convertible into a 6 cent. 6-20 warranted to give per cot iatisfaetk.s. Iti. uorstn i Will raaai.a busiuess ol this establishment is of sucli a na- sirous of Gen. Grant's on tin per Gold Bind. aoutaaaMBta at shaking gra«p the soldier on the of a as if we were bat ur wor.' tball Prompt Collection of BUI.. Uarahaadba ai failure iu the world. Iu the ruusuch in- part clti**, uot be second to any .u tbe Unit* tor -' loug | Weldon railroad. She utmost confidence wa« aeaty de-cripiion public or pil\a.t .a.. ture as to constant and close looked as an incubus rather than a bul- In adJitloa to d State,. o. will win tequire applica- upon the very liberal iotarest on the I'hyjichn*. M chluic. and all Kcai Estate VeeecT.. • tegiity success'and extort coinmen- elt by our lorces in iheir to bold it. Wo hue also a atgow’bt^i.Me V2 ability wark. see a dislike completed stock of ready mad ME-CHANiS,o b r- e -lire Ion ol.thtir ebaadtaa witched (ash t on to eusure success, combined with They fancy they growing notes for three this work ol wishing prompt bill.. adtaaew ill, which, years, p irilrg* of conversion is tbe lb it lor •Ill receive sale, and as daliou from those who have not the moral | >n *h» war because it raises the price of beef quality, prompt and ei> -.a; attention, and uroopt retar f»ir dealing, will iu the future, as in the ut w worth about three ipeedy retU'D, from JACOB KBOST, oabka'y to act to so a past, lartsai Items. and bread. per cent per a -num, for the Ladle*. Oen \bi cKuali a C ola the & Club of of tho most consistent the From Sorth Carolina. Taxntiou. >n\ aver is this Call \ I he tales for d are lowi Hurt Ian a and (formerly Rough Beady) philanthropists; believe that 50,(JOO men thrown in liem this thing got up city and see it .charging WML tlckiiy. that be baa ly • mi a than at Boston and ther* are cm r facil* t,f always on baud ai th, o:ds*tnd of M. M y located lathi, city. Uuria* the alas m Portland, resulted in tbe defeat of the former sworn enemy of lorm of and N’mv York. 21. o otitli would us Itichm >nd in a But Vos lu every oppression Aug. give fortnight. aside from all lh« ad au* a we & Hie.. to or ad is.. bat »e have been m town get have enow- Carthjr. Jicau, Apply we hate cut. a as a,* d By the arrival of the steamer ilszen from The VVJI K.COFF1V k t O be worst loruu tbe _ extent of the success or of .Boston. ol by score : inhumanity; the friend of the and the failure this disease Is pcisohs who ■... following poor orated, a special Act of McCarthy a kerky. Als a k»i a North we learn that the new Congress exempts all lor.its few Vessel, wanted to bring Coal tu other other torrna ol treat a., st in and Carolina, pirate summer campaign dep-uds entirely on our tain, at a aorta, na KAI1BAUAN8KTT ttl'B. down-trodden, during the long years of and No. OB E c por.. tianu In so short a time tbit the steamer Coquette, which is one of the num- e en y\ mcnever side turows tr-usury notes from local tajstiem. On Up hnug.. Street. uuestioa b sin. rccupt-ratr rgy. July 16i.2in isked. do thwr earedr On**. Ban*. watching and for the “better time ber now iu harbor their Juooldu stay lo aailww ihw awcaUra waiting Wilmington receiving its new levi.-a into the Held tirst lias ad- average, this is »• J t». Kaand* every exemption worth about two per will say that ail that do avt, lay oi ad. wa wiu catcher,.8 1 in this armament, is considi red the most formidable “* coming" country, wheu every j vantage. What double traitors then are tsK THE nun 19 lootor the second tiw -or »*. 1. t'titpmau, pitcher,.% 2 yoke dyed cent, er luuim, to taxation in 1 II C T I K aotilsg of them all. She will be the drat according various Dr. D. ecs been a J. Uo by. l*t bane,.4 0 shall he broken and the should be to leave that the temporizers. We want nothing hot troops. pracucz: -scnSas hriwwaty I*. oppressed if not parts of tho c TO USB TUB --ne jaan, aun U tiw a rtf lar grt4kkted eI>»aLa ; A. *o*'er, 2d ba*e. 8 0 port she is already out. Our Generals are on the average. >untry. BROCKSIIPER GAS REGULATOR, II. bidden to go he has never wavered in his good enough, aJBkKricitw m L*n*cUy kkkLtod to ekioaie A- 8. Woodman, 8d baae,.8 0 tree, It is Our army is as I have said iu excellent condi- believe ! that no securities offer so >■ me lorm ci nervous or sick « n Katoii, e. • 2 2 treat in- iand SAie roi-R has. BROCESIEPRRSGAS REGULATOR baauacLe, neurals* top.. good will towards ti6; lias never ceased to tion. is la the heed, neek.or F. W. Smith. r. field.8 1 Pturn I hi' I'p/tor Potamnc. It excellently appointed. The Quar- ducements ezuemitloe; eoaaampttoa w£a to lenders as those issue 1 by the Govern- Ao* 3—dim ahetetkelaan A. Way, c. field.8 1 look the results of this Medical and HOWARD SHAW, iBtkeaaatestagMor at* acS teiy hopefully upon great Baltimouu. 24. termasters, Commissary Depart- Aunt. .aval red; aeute orebroute It. G Koe, 1 field,.4 0 Aug. ment. In ail other forms of ihcamaiTim. iniuluU hit of Democratic ments are admirably managed. All foreign indebtedness, tie I white experiment government. Reliable information from the Upper I'oto- Iteeaaea, swellings. spinal dteeuaeu. oarvwti s officers of with whom I have talk- fa th or of Sewing Machine ot the contracted Tola!.27 mac shows that the of the rebels cross- intelligence ability private parties, or stock catapar Improvements. spins, maaclea. dtetorted Iwnlf, 1 report j or ed confess that have never seen 4 TL owner* of are palsy paralysis, at. Vitas' Irenes, Fall of a morn- the Potomac is they an army or 1 approved Sewing Machine* O tt na 1 Bank.. o-eint*e,*iem' OSCEOLA CLUB. Building.—Yesterday ing incorrect. Nothing be- separate communities only, i, i for 2V i-vi ed to call at * rfac or of so well or the of all pledge pa j heeitnacy speech, dyspepsia, tedif-m. while has It supplied, arrangements tft and lirer on ia Geo. 2 ing, workmen were engaged in remov- yond picket flriug trauspiied to-day. mint, while the whole a, ooaaiipatloD plaint pitee—Ir• gar* Iboinpeon, crtdber,.8 the administrative of the p-o,erty oft;.? is ca-c that eau be «*. 1.. McAl is belived that the rebels are departments army louutry NO. li CUPP’S -ftr* presented. a-ti-ma. Irani) pater, pjtchcr,. .& 1 to the rear by many I'alliuc BLOCK, — ing of the lot the wooden build- belter carried ou. We are row he d Gjvernmcot 7 3-10 t ol the sheet, and all forme «. Hacaitr, |.t baae 1 2 for the llrst tosceare the disc’jargi of alt the < oi i Loan. of fkaa *a back. obligation md see the eperati *n of two oi the most important *on, 34 ta*c,.4 2 Heaven from tho House to Brown’s nothing under but nwji to make suc- Thi« Ba*»k |i prepared to receive subscriptions to Wm. Armttroug. *. a passage way Sugar Financial. While toe Government step,.4 cess as cei tain as the rising of the amt. Don't offers the most liberal terms William's Flint Crank lot on. is4 HiV, liurb«f*t. Uy Hleotrloity Wm. F.. .McAl eater, 1. 3 ’be tew 7 3 10 loan la sum* of laO and upwards. Held,.2 Wharl, one of the screws canted and over 24. The tehenmatic the the I*. * t»' c. Washington, Ang. doubt it. I.end us a few of well dressed or Iu loans it bjlievet that the patv, Itau and the la a k, iit-ld.3 2 your very strong? t sp rh«* former th-* control of the math tying int© eat from date cl to August 1 The to the place* ik it- subscription '*P with joy. end mov- » nh the ana A. Evan*, r. 4 2 went the building—there to subscriptions 7 30 loan to-day, at home who are to agility elaei \ field,. being nothing ) young gentlemen trying peai Will be to the irei) undert coo itrol 01 tu- feet ot ih« ooeratot. 15 h. th date of the tew loan. of loath, th* heated braia It as at the loyalty and patriotism of the peo- ty eocled; tkr from the rear ol as reported Treasury Department, manufacture to and let them •reventing all i-ackward motion of the * h a itton umbe tea lc support it, the brick wall had something do, vi, The notes are convertablo a* the end of thne red. the aneoalh Ce tors ittee a Total .27 18 amounted to ple. lowing the freedom ot loth bauds to tb* $600,000. us <>'•• fruits of this haiulV loved, fhlatneitconverted to vigor.-1- a been taken down. The fall of the help reap great campaign. *o a d toe br .ears into spec'H pakiaA 6 p r cent 5-30 bond*. SCOIIE ltY lNMMift. building The to the 10-40 k, -aving caking ot needle* hlU ire tree gib: the blind mad* to see. the subscriptions loan to-day Ac. will be received deal to tear ai d was Yours, Subscriptions by the Trra-urer ol nt*n» »• g **f 'hethread. One eighth per oent will beal owed oa allamouul* •be term to Club*. 123456789 so gradual that all of the workmen but amounted to $213,000. palsied move upright; th* btenmt w .1 H. G. Tuomar. the The lat er wil ado w^ie free u* of linen ihrerd are United States, at Washington, the several As- of slOUOsac. over, B. C. SOME BBT, yoath obliterated; the acctdrate of mater* I * two wue entdied to ol the or of int r.or c *ttou stud does wit* 0‘ccola.7 3 0 3 0 4 0 1 0 getout way. Two eutirely away revented: th* calamities or old ana ibltelid —a 1 3 1 ■is aut Treasurers the* aplcg or the cloth Cashier. JJ»>r*„an*etT.0 1 1 0 0 0 of the men were buried iu the From Urn. Shrrmnn'a and de iynated Depositaries, and ta aatlva ciroalation maiatalaad. ’•»««* .18. ruius, hut they Army. a.l utul *eeai d vou will not fsil to have them Portland. Aug. 1, —dtf fo:al— *ia. the ap TaxeH for by to m *. Narra#an»ett. 7. soon crept cut, oue of them not at all, Washington. Aug. 24. lS*G-4. plied your chin JOHN TORl*KK, Agart. LADIES injured Mr Porter v ill u.acl iue* Latest advices from Atiauta show uo active put iu order a:.a tc»c* and the oilier hut First Uowd’ifn Ct'llt ge. ■Vho bare odd haadr aad fees; weak Mr. W. S. of Bowdoiu slightly. The upper part of NatlotiHl linnk ol .Maine. he op<*ra?oip how to u-»e them, so that th y vul stomaeke Umpire, Lowell, on and that COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. Porynud, am* and aeak operations going there, Gen. hare no tronbV Annua Examinaticn of ean kUte* for ad- backs; Rereoat aad tiak keadaahat the a of E. o! Nar building contained of Sherman is to remain until and b mission to Bowdoin t wilt •laziness and swimming la th* hired with Club, Boston; Scorer*, A&cencio, large quantity quiet events trans- al National Beuka ahi.h ate Diposilaries iVrtULd, Aug 10 1801. dt! TUE ©liege take piacroa luoigee- F *ho If h of -on an-t of the In which must have been a iu other The Assessors of the of Idsy day Aogns* r©»’, at 8 ©’elo* k l» constipation bowels; pain the ado rag ;u*vtt and Win. C. of Osceola moulds, Injured great pire quarters. City Portland, o Club, Lowell, publle money, and til rsspectabio Hanks and Kt for? oo in tire new Moilcal Hall sod ai«<> o< tad baeh; leoeorrhem. (a* white*); ihlUng or'la deal. « comb with internal eanoers. Club. The building is a complete wreck. liavig com to in'*, with a wa-rait for the col- USE '1 T urtday t» e twenty tilt, day f Aa u*t next, in tamors, poly pm aad Banker- throughout the will further HE U1 that train or disease* will Maine lection of the *amc, the coent-y give he same pise*-, aud at the sat* e hour long had la >J*ctrio> Telegraph Company. a rare mean* of car*, f or Infoi'mat on, aut! afford fac LKdMkD WOOL'S. Ity palatal maaatraatica Fink Enguavimgs.—Messrs. U. J. D. Lar- every iity to subscribe. aaOCREII PER GAS REGULATOR, -o Taxes. South Boston, Aug. 24. Tax List for the Present j Brunswick. July 8, If04. juh 7did t profuse menstruation. aadall of those tea* lit# ralwe & Year, Sit—dkv-2tn at trim blot with ytuur ladies, Elect; id hi a Co.. Exchauge Street, have just re- The American Telegraph Company have Aug AND 3 A V R r O C It n A3 ry seriate I our columns this wo the -pealac. aad will, -u a -hurt tire*, teeter* the rage: morning publish this an office at 146 Noticei* that on all Taxe* within a* Ceivi d an invoice of and colored opened day No. Broad- hereby given, paid L. 1. 1111.1. dr lOM •i) the ot tedth. list of tax in this whose taxis splendid plain A«(t «—dim vigor payers city, way, South Boston, connecting with all Hu- Wt krser an .yiectro-rv i*a; Steel which are the at- FI KM YVnoYlL Wholesale Dealers in tar~ fjpurwem* tat Engravings, worthy Hues IttAK in amo unt to upward* of one hundred dollars. East, West, North and South. miirty Dnys -xtraetsan mineral Polaoa m *he mha, each a* tention of all w ho love tine These the date M. PEARSON. Antimony. Arsenic, Ac. liundreo Tli number of this pictures. From thisiht being of the a<**e*sun«»nt dercniy who cla*.« is more than double Jlotes fat Cream Tartar, Coffee and ire ..-unbled wtti.rtitf )*iata. weak aad art. are irom the house of Seven-Thirty Sala. Spices, tauks, engravings William Mew York Market. FIVE PEH CENT. DISCOl 3il v o x* I* t m nthordiffcattles, the direct caaet t-f what it ever was before. There are eighty- NT, Inter, which. In Publisher and New Maw Yori, Aug 24. No. aa YORK 8TKKKT, ains ease* oat ol ten, ;• Ike riher ol Schntis, Importer, York, Or within Interest A.SD MAiCFAClVElB or | bush; mixed W-s err 106. •mil over. —M——— «* O’ 0®AL8 iredoiii‘1 for of *1 e fo’ on«*—asl ale firmer; sales Canada at To th8 Electors of Ward cargo** Bicliardson, $3,094 SlO. besides a number whose 94tel'5o. five, W. E. w * d». v :-Wl i*e «»r a«iau P a Beef—dull. (iOULI>, Cashier. Pi owing Co* mio.lia-wo. d. or ABtr.e.u L dm He*«k. taxes amouut to between two nod three thou- 2d Mk. Pork—ower aol steady at the lu tilt* City of Poriismtl. IIkadvuabtkks, Cav. You. 1 c'osing decline; Portland, July Jttih. 19T4 —dA wtf Yellow nircb.and W.|s «r s«i tin* and \\ .t •ales 550 bb •; new ines* 59 76. sand dollars, and of whose taxes Greenville, La., Aug. 7, 1S0L 60^39 i* li*rebv given,: hat iapu *ua. ca< fa war 4pruc—all bt- »ou> d ard nu n. h a a si le upward sixty j I.ara—firm; -ales 26<>» bb<* at re D.ed at Thibodaux. June Grin- 24g?4c. Noticer-lil fr> IU the M:o< r u id Ai e m* u t ihe t It b*tca»f fwtu ms > b) tic co*d. vrii exceed ouo thousand dollars each. Lx., Zolb, Rutter—higher; Oniv43a49; C A SCO U A .V k. | Mae60ft57c pi Fort and the iubtbitaitUot W ard Five n * id "t v*! o n Ti-rld k*» t Kat, isa 4 inch • n villeH.; July O h, Erastus C., and at N»w Whiskey-firmer ; *a.es 26,000 bbis at i 85. The aufied according to law to vot* *u ibeeieo* lia >1, t<» U*d« li.toeo oi> »*> igaciv w »*er uumber of poll taxes largely exceed Charles E. Rice—cull it),q^ npwi Orleans, Aug. 31, Band, sons of ti»uvl City t'thcor, will meet i the Ward Koon*. »r Voss- Is drawing wb-ti i, adrd iue tret. | art » of Sugar—firm ; sales 700 8hds; Muscovado that any former year. Mr. John Itsnd of and members ol 221 S*-£8jC; corner «*f Spri * auo South STeetf. iu m d Wurd. GOVERNMENT 7 Iras fate ih»* k< d of wood, and the aisovm »br\ Staudish, 700 buxii (isiaut at 3-10 LOAN. .tie. it I hut. ay th* rir-t dav oi b* ftl uil> r n \!.a 10 ■so ‘urnish, when* t»«* wish to del ver f We are Indebted to S. B. the 2d Me. Cavalry Baud. Cuff e—dull. y ship- i Beckett, Esq •/.dock iu th* to in ► tor » ue lorcuoiu, give their vot teat, si d wh n r wi I b« urlive *d 'htrr aud tl. 'I Casco is AT K.N L-lAi A *4- S Us* P or.d aid lee* had God iu liis all wise Molasses—dulU em ol Canly pr« | *.ed to received chairman of the Board of lor the HVicreas, has Aldermau. ro*i. •‘•id Ward, for the r» maindtr eubsciip- •wee ca-*h price or ltlUi fort a iht y deir* * Assessors, providence tioi.s to the i.ew 7 8-0 .oan i ptreoid VPlynaiitit-i than say t * ama a in a-e toi boas* Naval stores—dull and t Muu THE sums of MO »ur taken these brothers from us, it is meet that droopiug. or tue pr~ c» oipal) ear, iu place of Al truiau o contract ell*. be or* 46a3 n t r< st on same fr ui dat- Doe laii to ice It ; oe ay aay III list. Spirits luipentine—3 60; crude nominal. Steven* d icaMd upwards, pay or sub- »*<»r further or p we should this last tribute Smith, particulars, seudt. g prof orals, ruraaci aow I u»e It w. iki to easily pay of respect to Peiro cum-quiet; crude 65j&56c ; refined iu t*oud set ipticu to August 15 h, the rlateof the uovernmeu’ ia-t a The pod* to rema n open until four o c ock iu tie please ad*. r*«s bild ole w w their refined tree 90c uott s. Ight yerr»' cun dr. to it. it Is h w memory; therelore 87&8Hj af en oon wh u tfcev aha 1 he closed. B BIFUM The Tallahassee’s All $50 and ,*ric* d; t tea-1* nuir 1 g in th.- w t*r to li late It; Work. That 1 allow—prices nominally unchanged. o persons having upwards now have a ilunsou .Vo. 161 Besotted, In the death of our And the Aideiueu of said City will bft i" en. Block, JllddleM., Tn c>urer Amtiic.u to cou P. f er ■ does aot frn brothers, of I > Company, m; It I* .In. ole it Is aot to Freights to i.iverptol—dull good oppor unity »d:ug a helping *nd to theii l’io.id* I. lllely The follow addressed to the we have met with a severe loss and de- *n iu the W<»rd oora* in New Huildii g. uc j. a el i-ut of order ihe heck* hie io ing note, Light deeply Wool—hardly so firm. City Oov rntueut b> pufccrihing i.beraily to this loan. Scholarships good in any part of the Ckited State* *e!-t aad (eut>auce ou Myrtle St ,)ftcm nme o’clock in the Au,1 23 -ci3m iiaell. Vo* bar* t our well all or so*, it. Always houest, laitblui and The note* are conveititle at the ol three M Principal haw had 2»> yea** experience; ia alway aipiiet open house at this no doubt refers plore upright, idreuo ju to oa o’clo k i ou e eh ol epd year* | r. Inspector port, lln* afternoon ju the and attends to his and d at nil is just u-ha simple flatur* sg at entive to endeared themselves * iotospe ie. paying 6per ceut 6-30 bonds. spot, bonnes*, prom* pieenre. duty, they the three *-cutar dar* text mch day of area net da who velme* aaler Air f to the of the hereto- Stock Market. pr.-cedirg Loans taken on as favorab e ter ins as at •os, as during the past 12 years, no pains shall t* '-'ry |ur* mily operations Tallahassee, to member ot the fmnd and to all their election, and f.c in three o c oik »o five o'c oek iu any other every Bank. Iu the future. Five hundred references • ■is*. fore N«w York, Aug 24. theafterLoou of the la*t oi raid three ecular *. -pared The Cabinet Town aad reporttd: acipiaiiitar.ee. Although suffering from ill E. P. (jKKltLSil. Cashier he tlr*’ alas* Koines* men, with many others of thi* Organs Z¥~Drawais and Coaaty Bight* tot a Second Board.—Stocks steady. ♦or the pttrpoae j>3ir 1864 I tees aud completeuetM of my ryatema and manner BOYNTON ft UU.OlN *. Lighthouse, Aug. 18, ) they always their to the ut- United .States 6*s 1881 ed on he li*t of *d voter* said Ward | performed duty coupons.1091 qualili iu and for >f teaching, and citizens oi other cities have teat idee IS aud liWtiru narkrt. crtlazd. Silt:—I have to report to you that ou the most of their and United States 6*s 1881 registered.106} ai d fo- *»i list. MASON & HAMLIN ability ; correcting B. fTh AM ILTON & CO. o the sumo. Diplomas will be awarded for ihor- JrlMSm 16tU United States 6-20 Per Ord;r or he Ma. or a id ♦ -_— lust., about 4 o’clock A. M., saw a steam- That we coupons.1121 Aldermen. course*. Able Assistants secured. Bartlett’* the instruments of their dao he world Besotted, deeply sympathize with United States 4*s If-40 •ugh Are best ip J. 11. life ATM C Clerk. 1 er to the s jutbward of this station their lamil.es, in their sore bonds.109$ ity Bucceaaor* to *lan, the founder of Commercial College*, NeirU all the most proiu'nm attics in tt e o« uoir> s’audiug ulHietion,aud may treasury 7 3-l0th«.ill Portland, 23 18o4. dtd strictly (7. S. MarthaPm sale. back and about five miles ug idhered to as regards not Certain tim*: have given writteu tertion.uy to this effect, and thes* forth, distant, ap- He, wbese will it was to take the deceased , Unite State* one year certificates new.. 94 copying. will be devoted to Commercial Law alucidatiour- lastrutm-n's are iu constant use iu th** concerts o- O* AW w ith vessel* iu the our Missouri 6’*. C. W. Robinson L’BITTD STiTI* SICA, I parently communicating from number, give them comfort and 6»i & Co. 'ome all who have faded to bo taught a busine* the most d sti* guished artists—as tiottachalk ant* Oh>o fc Certificates- ... 4S BRADFORD & HARMON. Pi-TBicTotkI-inB.no. I Soon alter saw three schooncis ou I Mississippi land-w an 1 ! will to *« coear. a* well as u the rss iu cit- vicinity. strength. « riting guarantee you t others- the priuc pal anton Company. 34 OL’LI> v KHL AN 1 to n Vord: to me /treated Arc. oue of w hich near this \Y7 very respect full Invite all former pa- lor Accountants. in ie« hmever s*cb ins,rsm**ti,i sr*- r->- a r*-d. Prie* k-po drifting station, 81 Pension and Claim * * tpplicatioursoUctt^d Separata h.igued, quicksilver Mining Co. Agents, tious to the house, auu th* o truetiou Student* foa* c PLfrom the II-n A.bn*-te-r- Je t*ef the* nlt- alter to the water’s was t.i be.l. * harlr* ki. public generally given. can enter any time. Set **.*» to $00 each. These tost am* n*s may fe burning edge, towed Knioi) York, <;um;*r.aud Coal Company preferred *6i a free examination ot our at ail times. With rd Stans Pl-itiei f'oart. withii art oe he Plat not 1 kufac Is. Wi William M in go”wis irate rooms for Ladies. Tuition rcivouaMe. Intn- st the Muse *»oom* of the subscriber. where the) ashore here by a boat’s crew. She to dor, l’iuinmer, Pacific Mail.266 (Established 1851.) long ami clo-e afeution o the wants of f Ms e I rh*'- rzprrer and re II at !*■ hire Vtmdaa proved K. Frank experience •ate accounts adjusted. Ladies aud Otutlemen that will te*>old at the manufacture*»’ prices. I Benjamin Barrow-, Gilbert, anc to to the higi * t t-id< * ter 'or ;>» fo 1orn, .Jamea S. J ck, Brie preferred.1094 Navigation. Lire'riel a* o low*, v re- CASH SYSTEM, Law. Phonography, iilghor MathematicM, Civil Eu- dtewart’s dt. the eastward. the Au.eiican with W U low II, William M .Brisk, \ No.PAfe Block. Congress al the ctToai ill'l • Urn ew For* Hying Hag, tiudeon.127 PriiftionM, Hoiimits, ArieaiH of Pay and /ineeriug, Native Budues* niwo. steret W. Surveying, Writing, lyrUlti > which we salutes John Warren, Heading.132 m* living n to do Dcitr r ior tne Duvcr a* well as the | in / vr-ifreed. n .If w tjcvertmtnt, h W cheap Text Book* will be avoided t lease call, or addret* Keeper Malinieus Rock Lighthouse. Mi bigan Soathern. lor fa* rarm-aan • losa* Hj! iug been oulv Been* d tber- f< r. ►he Principal. KN. BROWN ,/T 8tsam**r “CLIPPU** will Isaev To L. H. I’ortlaud, Me. Michigan Southern guaranteed.144 I K. ) « fvtn naa> • La is- Laaai* awn Inspector, CJT* All advice tree. Term* a* lo* a« at an’ otli N W O O O T Portland. Oot.2.1862. c.c2» eodfceoa Is arc Wla f. Sac. tot tt* Franklin Nominations. It lj j/t-«77SCFactory • t* * Count; Cleveland • u Two tuo-iiu as Pittsburg.1»0J or Acency, and no pay ic<;mieu until the clinft.a.*rt I. every da*. her a d- c- ed loro it to the tte re- The Union Convention of Franklin acrip,...)27 obtained. Trince, together employee* v*»d*»r e Krt irning t*-n*e the Poo» at II a 1 Count] Chicago It Noith Weatern.. la the store are to he re aioed and will ad pis ee la in- |i ile- Coer. I»r red M -noi. as Beautiful Phenomenon. 63; Othee 88 Exchange street, Jo«e Block. be happy to 1/ U A B K K sudor w arriving la time for the evvaiug Irate 4 met at on the 23d Chicago k North Western 87" see all customers ax for** rdered la be sola and the Wd of Farmington inst., and madi preferred E BRADFORD, the’r trly. for Port'an4. peace.d- dwp- eo- Last Port & Chicago.11 B. F li killL» ON 4 res*-1 to !*• evening at a little past 10 o’clock— Pittsburg, Wayne lj /. K. It AhMON. 00 us«i h» L g the nominations: Carolina Ftrt /riet Sn< u t%> tk* Port 50 ct«. ibis of following June21.—dtf Corner Congress aud Treble street#. Lumber Company. Poled at fusil ask IMh day Aagaat ft. D that “calm, still hour”—those who were for- Excu'snms Ticket- fare* hod to pa ties • Fl tv ** For Senator—Cornelius junelTeoftti itas tunate to be in Stone, Jay. t'r .from ortland «• b* I'-m aud b.ek, ky rol CIUUI t LABE. enough the streets were de- — Clerk of Court Simeon U. **r>ab* a* M r-t *. For Lowell > The Harmonious J. H. TIPPLE, appointed by the abut* road ana a*, l .». ki'-M oDe Democracy. small m RI’II API. ins, r area llg ited with of the rarest ai d most beau- Fa> mlngton. C. *•> trout, TklLuuder*ifi:c«2ha*beonCoalman S I** Agent lor, t ho n*leo or toV'ge <>f * Tl ( oMMdaiK Portitoa I • • of all the varied For of M. Stubbs The Chicago Times, in aa article upon the Dealer in the Mate New York aud all o-t* a* d pi *ct no th Sllltttt tiful phenomena of the heav- Judge Probate—Philip late Arm of k j ami I»*4 4*i Of the lie ward Strout. | of New York, iiiropar d o fort I h oard ptre Ang &fl. Strong. approaching Convention, says: iimbc* in anv r. ens. A luuar tain how, distinct as though it NEW AN1) SECOND-HAND | qa*nfi>i by the c^ryo. -awed loan For Commissioner—Calvin Id. Sewell, Chet I desired d meu*i ne.at theshcruwt u tice:also H*a wood, Me I’ntM) * rotai mt a«i iu the of the Democratic ami JOR A. true <*op«rur>»hti krf on aiM'lir *•*«<*» | Aurora and as principles partv, TIRNKR. l)i«riirfo» Mo in mb i splendid Borealis, Heeling For Sheriff— Seward Dili, Pbiliip*. FirRNITUREI 105 Middle Street, 1 > at t»4 « UftiH •• Atto< *> to Law • ito* the only power which can legitimately dvclart No M Washington St., lloeton. Max* eaM- uim-a ruM-laPa*. Art* from horizon to in t For Treasurer—Leonard 10.'$64. tM'^ito lay emeelted toy mawal c-««r* t Ttor il*U»*l tto* dipsm, stretched horizon Keith, Faitnin; the means which these shall lx Aug Ware. th li-lla IM X BH.ll 0*4, by principles Internationa! Bank. Portland. la'* to tn mil] be idjn* r4 to* *i»toe* party. Plusl.kafJadgeul ton. 4.‘l. 4 5 and 47 I nion Street, Opposite Hk tlBdMtn^bNrt • f lil*r. I hrrotjr | i»* line tunning due east and west. For a lev | carried into efleet. Kvery member of tin M Swt-al vtllenfttlr* mtoi4icv ai «Am Na Aug 1?—d&aSn ■a be a im t w the f. in a lag Utelkaa kaea 81*d The c< invention was very addressed b ■' will be bound ils 117 M J 'k 4mt. M*~r> -ito » it shouc with bu ably parly by action. Alter i POET im < oori til — moments LAND, Mai**. *at«HI1 Ml* W N scarce bad it reached its maximum, when i Enp, party H. II Mii »> atr*»t. wtr t aac* Hash *«■ a.* -ffPkc. OSGOOD, TH. >m» Ju»»ra • t*a« a d ajvarxwaetea. there can be no such tinny a U" M HtrLAT. fade In Hi,(heat prices paid lor 2ud hand Fimitur* m Ihe Olaearai tbe 1 <•’ **»■ »•»«»*■ began to gradually away. light pelf- crator a Peace Democrat. can hi N A 1 HAS 1 L* * Vrj Tlieie (f lb af OH ‘"•‘.at Haagar la «ud Sentence of Gen. Hammond. Old Furniture Rerairetl and made to look like new '///cylfc*» Augl3-eod2u‘ nfr a breach of thal aanfibe scattered before a hut unstable breezi lIVtaAinyfon, Aug. 20.—Brigadier (it ueri 1 —to xti/i/>orf Jhe action of the Contention NEW IIATlt'NHIRE So. 8 Market kg'T-k ..abit gentle Clapp's Block, Square, IM THK a. i- »o'ti. «r. and ,-d n appear ifauy Utence, milky ay. pile lengthy charges by endeavoring l, Concord, -•in-a1 end nl t>u l it caatfr bate. All n* worroaf- A§nt. ,h r- e-e 'be uteretd fur Hit the government out of l«re r dissension In its ranks. We do uot belief 5 Fall term ofthia Institution will commune op*ratx g*r« SHAW, r.omeua aie ol rare occurrence, and we doul L defrauding rpilE rilUK mod aud extensive Commercia rea idiigir) w. on 1 n thorough aauafacuoa, jabe&*xxiiel)'64 •‘—dim Kddbiuaoda‘ amounts of in the of contracts > X uceday, heyt l"*d. AdX if money way any such will be found." X i*» .awvr pre-cuts u i^ualie* I>utrd at P'rt'aud ihl. tap ijra-roed 4-t of la one hundred persons in the had tli ! TIlOcJ. il. MEAD. S9: y. College «,nglat.d, city divers for flannels, medical * ci it p* »or t*» rueu and ladies •o-l. A. l> -I. r A «l llkMT. persons supplii Aug 8—cod&wtd imparting y ung Provui*»n h|®ie for Mule*. PUinixiiiHt. of stores. *1 lie That is to say thu War Democrats and th bu»lue «-duca*;on B. 8. l*ep»'y Mar »al, pleasure witnessing this. anil hospital decision of it complete d Send ior a ci cular fm’l lrtormaf.cn- Stock and fix’arc* of a Provi»« a 0* Dennis l*art51’ succeeds, the other to nbmdo Expo* rea *«uall, rent y|» dre dollar* a Mr. Ilowar will c »ntluue to occupy oddH Mulbaley, for druukenucss and db eminent i.i the United State*. This seuteie ■e tuiiug Aug. 19, and «»ct I.i*»»o *ix cent, bond capital per tn Will be sol Mow lor o t u#i- I'aaco Hank. all those utL c*»h—cli age ile *tr*e o\#r ML.... OFFICE. 1 Its* to tl ie principle* which It has hitherto hcl 1 n its Middle •treat, VROVOST WAKSBAL'S turhance, was lined $.1 and costs. the President approved. [Dispatch of t. iu ail the denomination* in which the LAW SCHOOL •toM cao«e of aale. Preeent of the town to be Mr ‘jtrout wl occupy office 10o Cominittei so quota «r«f Orrirlft. 221. sacred and essential to the and th 8 euliatiueiit*. tt'l on o~ add*o»* iuuaeoi head of Plumb *.reet. .V«/I.f.w«a;- } wart I* via: and 0*. — —— tilled 11 h WW William H. Evening papers, nation, .aid, MO, *100. SfOP. PV or I by oppo«i:tvr llowanto, !*or find. Ab|8»' J Dyer pleaded guilty to a scare at« O. W. UIKM1AM. joa.ru conquering faction is to dictate the course t [> W E CiOULD, Caahie -. 1> WALL C. STEOCT. autd eta e >. aro ad and Inte’ua loual Mtu e 8 a C-D all ertiiaar- and seizure procer«, paid the statute tli s Portland. Me. FSQCIHlKA UabHIe be Portland, IS 'A —eodtf IIA It V Alt II ( OLLEHE ! dtf 27. 1484.—dim I altbtbr en.olme-t. dr.it, aa.aiftb.ua pursued by the One side will i> July 80, Aug 2R. 1$64 Portland..Juno ■** of $20 and cost*. WKsiitiSisTKH He view.—The table of co j. minority. git to d B't ftBriLtt nd •©court* Mirshil?*v' peace, aud wl ha Y*AR Two T.rw o dto JKrov.^l of tte tents lor t'lis ft r upallhrpesof uuiulalu OGce of the Atlantic aid xt. Latrrence H ’■'«* Lmiib.riitiin. should Ucirfrfrf^i popular English Quarterly »• Udilci*. e»d lu ca-a bub art abla io this 1* 30. 4. VCADVS1ICW.11 tf. n e»ch c jmin-ucing Sent. 6th i° ugre.-io.al Dnt-let. theirstreugth wicked, inland, July 1 PERM AN a at m* two ton*. aek ialkr». Ur» t the I rarre* < •. the oftii e unholy, cruel, at T* 4. and \tn ch 1666 ENT ait Ion wanton aacberr.ml 1 Eire to K. J. and l’hat The xcursion yesteidsy of the Irish Auu- July, received from republieation DIVIDEND of two dollar* utr share. Jet* « fith. by *m ot t a Mai Araae-.a... war; other will submit in s «e t !• cmns of i.«ctares «u pi? Law of Xations, b; V twir M , al tT.aersl Pub] ic greasivo V exc tax, will be pa*u at THISKandnfl. -ha b. «■ ba;tu. icsn Relief Association was a most success! ,1 of L. Scott A Co., New York, is. 1, government ‘Ion. v»i,ii r«r»ail Lumber Yard wlo b tc * L\ HAND. I.L, ftiti rF*l»P, Me. ro , u.nlnl Novels with a Pu r * dtd 1 catalogue ti'a'itltltes* competent ■flair. From twelve to fifteen hundred pc r. Schools of Euglaud; 2, of »h«re*. in P»-derul cu»»*rc\. *• reco o too »©t. n* bv»«« r« the oKL T MvKK. pmft»*or take charge of a ip i ,« or m>i lumb» r for one WitneM. M »ry PUi.bury. Mary S. Plll>l»u J. honor bupturn j pr Bipt the country dissevered, rebellion irlun 1- the close of bu*iue*s on the 80th of June !*•». I’oyall jirg o 1 *hit t *«deae a *o tbb lnn.ua w modi©** thr I B- sons went down to Little Island, aud e i- pose; 3, Liberal French Protestantism; i, F. tV.mbri Ige, .tt***., A*u 17, 19 VI. aigiiOw3i pin pc lettrrto r A B., »«* iaot ifudeo-l'qui^sui Uog Ctf *8 BARRETT, Treoa'r. ftl »uo other m»tt**i» « f ml- or «cb«o- and our soldiers, after having thus f, thee. «ati. g when and hen an it*tonflow cau l< ©'iu on crsoi themselves was nothii Lewes' The Tenure of t( pliant joyed finely. There g Aristotle; 5, Laud; »•<» it wi 1 b promptly attended to. Dr- prevailed against armed rebels, foiled a: Tor *u*e. urrirrof Mior.f W T OA>niK»l. to mar the pleasure of this large parly, ai id Newman and Mr. Kingsley; 7, Edun 1(j Aug l»-4tl* ‘rBy beaten submisslonistsat home. “F< I- Carriages, Carriages K earter’y bal* o> l' e two ittoHtd II* n** ciMKL» H |x>ri.h1Y About on Co n. by peace ■ rtun t Bt 1st U »tr •• Mail#. every one came to the determination to ; ;o Progress; f>, Thackeray: $>, •>/i < srou ‘"out in '."Icu-tom I'Mt .Uei Firmly tiui nuO Si ally Fiui»h d WRIlt*k«l »0 Or* I THil rton I’m 1» w it ) A 'a riaileopp' Ca| It'd I'rov* MinlB low swallow buri 1’ 1** e icuem*** A«*p IX—»**m your leader" though you 011 at Cloth! u K om* «>f »* n- aired Bedrooirj foran'to wie* cVm* a«n all er Literature. Apply Sttftag r a»: two goon instopu ___ again when this Association got ain'th temporary r up lead. VTOODMaN. • hi K * CO.. ONEtrom the middle of the mouth o» c* bernexr K« pa^le ’ar* euuuiie ou tbe p tavti. ing J F. LIBBEY. No. 20 Preble St. * excursion. 5i and 6? Middle ftroot. a at ft e H ifiah >o An 19—diw j Apply pervo ly tD'Ujft ;* _ Gould’« • *• M Acidtwy. AugO— d%wi*6w for stile, at bis establishment. rariet I Vchat'g* bt.,cr It bv k t r to II. J M ConiiECTios.—In tha latter from St. Joi »> ty Mr. of M ^ j p*'* Mysrswill open the Academy OFFERSof C'arriages made in the neatest and mo»l srl Poet otftoe. ttrgh.e>dlw* COM** A AY Fall tr m of a’erea arake baalsa Ta-a-tar. PORTLkJIU DRV DOCK * Crosman' £ Co. the stomach wl lb in our utarii tan^.al manner, ibe a#a» tttnn t all il r ; h B. V •»**« la el pal# regulate published issue of yesterday, the nai “e sic in Providence on of next wee t. 4ozoDoiT-Thi»i'a word that has been etu.|rif«» __—-— Tllf.Aur DO Uf ,«*• ,r Wednesday * s«mw.r>ct I of ri ht Polloi* K' -f•• •••tttkluil Ail ever) bod iu the f«ce the last two w ek*. and it lift reut styles of Light Camases, an* ti e) will fc OBJh. tidrd bv B fill wp'O' lt*l the and the e f° tlao Provincial I f'oril Mb Stock of the C..»P»> ) '• pure EUsengen Wsler, regale Secretary of New Bruns*! ck Mr. McKean Buchanan and Miss B 1- a t into Amo I old ou the mo«t favorable term-. Terst ns Intent ANCapital 777,„„„ tKuiarr. audita. Virginia getting nearly everbody’s mouth. »'• tlie pa. ,h to ol tMj will find it frr their luttl rrv/x BBLS r Kiln Dries! rw Meal l*yat>le »t tbe otlioe of *11.- J*** with beautiful Here's where >u was >. desirable thing thin Soaodont. fo’** the tee1 >og vm Carriages * Superl Tr*'*7;£V. kU.p.la^or^T, bcxpiet*. yi wrongly piinted. It should have be en chanan have been engaged, who are to be su eepitv K DAVS. obi street. C M UA\ l*. freaavt*. clean and the mouth sweet. —/'o» tad fhiiht Prti l. ( est to call and ex Amine before buying*’sew here. OUOloraaleby EREDERM Betbtl Aug »,!»«*• I • get health aud pleasure. Tilley. ported by a good company. inch IT It juneSMtt I Aug 1»-v«mI8w 1*» Cofameroial St July aoth, HWt.-4tf “ railroads! STEAMBOATS. med'.oal. ! medical, MEDICAL. PROPOSALS. mir-T-rg-- MiUilUAL. I “miscellany. __ | FOK FOR THE NAVY. FOR CHICAGO, M1LWAUKIE. Portland and Penobscot TUG MTIOY ! DR. I. B. HUGHES FOR MATERIALS River,< R«d New* for the (flhrtuitt. MORE TEOTlMOlTti* f The Glean White Bed. the Weet. JJROPOSAL3 And all parts of Summer IM4. Natt DtPAfiTMWk. Arrangement, CAB ■« FOURD AT BUI It «h in the hospital. There was a double row of these beds Iu a long room that they 1ICI)B8103 TIfKITS 10 CHICAGO, M1LWACKIH, THK NSW, STAUNCH AND COMMODIOUS PRIVATE MEDICAL ROOMS bad a and ou almost every to furnish materials for the called “Ward,” AKAl FT) PROPOSALS at the COE’S DYSPEPSIA TIB LOVO B09IIT FOB dune 1864. will be And all other points ST'EAH Kit LADY CUE! MRS. MANCHESTER oue there lay a sick woman or a aick child, ending 30th re- LANC,: | Mo. £ Temple Street, of Equipment and Recruiting, W EST, Built for this aud a kind, gentle nurse walked about with ceiveil at the bureau WEST, SOUTH & NORTH expressly route, 1s constantly iMMg unlMM MiaHh.i oi until the thirteenth day of August next, at ten o'clock to minister to the waute of the the reduced ratea ot fareat the The he oan bo ooa.ulted ind wilt DISCOVERED AT .juiet step, pa- the bide will be opeued, without regard to Koranic at (APT. WILLIAM R. World’* Great privately, LAST. A M When ROIX, Eemedy WHEREthe almost confidence the at UeuL detention of mails or other causut*. by afflicted, nil anv accidental -rom- hoars daily, from 8 a. M. to 9 r. m. ■u; rsasatly twtwl an I articles embraced the Union Ticket Office, 31 Exchange St., Will commence her Humnic: Ar- The window was and overlooked a The materia’» and in classes Hr. H. addresses large, on MONDAY A1 < >KN • those who are .afferiog under rht are p .ricnlarly described in the printed sched- rangement and that the named 1 affliction of whether beautiful greeu p&ik green hill, will be desire D. Gillie, Agent. IN(., June tPh, leaving ev- private disease, arising trow Cherokee ule, any of which furnished to such as W. Bangor ia and connection Remedy tick could see as rested and at Dyspeps ! Impure or the terrible vice of Mlfitee people they upon to ofl>-’ ou application to the commandants of the re- ery Monday, Wednesday Friday Morning*, Indigestion jULttMdtf • his entire time to that branch of _ 5 o'c ock. particular Ra.IK He.*. their aud the sun came iu to visit v ards, or to tl»e navy nearest thereto, Devoting lipp'i IlKl.lae* beds, them, *qv< y agent AND ALL the medical he feel, warrantee ia (.ran —BIB— of all to Uie Bu- Returning will leave Wharf, foot oi profession, aud touched all a sort of mu those tli# yards upon application Railroad thiugs with glo- State 4BTuaia» a Cubs. in all Casna, whether ofloa reau ibis division into classes leugfor the conve- street, Portland, every Monday, 10 Wednesday * •tending or contracted, rrmovia ry- nience of dealers ou each, such portious only will be FORTHEWHITE MOUNTAINS, and Friday Evening*, at o’clock, cou meting with T> recently entirely Main.- iseases the dreg, of diseaio- from the •-.•tern, aod CHEROKEE Little Susie her and looked furnished as are for bids The com. the Eastern, Boston and and Portland, bate making INJECTION. A CAMA OP BP IB A L BIBB APB CCBBB opened eyes actually required perfect and PERMANENT CUBE. about with wonder. she must mandaut and of each station will, iu addi- and Port-mouth Railroads from Bouton and Way She thought navy agent or Tit 1: He woald nail Hie attention of the afflieted to This la te winy that I rat «e mm In lawkN tion to the have Station*, Bo-tun at 3 o’clock, 1*. M t be in so ditlereut schedule of classes at their own y ards, leaving Paradise, was at fact of hi? long standing and wall earned everything a copy of the schedules of the other yards fbrexamlna The Boat will touch Rockland, Camden. Bel I reputation ooincnn rana anon, arses abb iutb was asanraaoa of bis .kill from any last night; then she lying upon tion from which it be whether it will Montreal, Quebec, Niagara Falls, fast, Buck sport. Wmtarport and both ! famishingaufflcieat and ana only, may judged llampdeu, MM. CHEROEEE REMEDY, ih* great adlaa Ilia a cellar ticketed to dirty straw in the corner or gloomy be desirable to make application tor any of the classes AS!) RETURN. ways. 1 avenger- through and lroiu Lawrence. Salem and STOMACH ells, anna All bone cats were That waa the The contracts will be awarded to Montreal bat the of am timee passing along. Th'' Summer Tourist’s & Traveler’s companion -arable hi, it ha. well way. injurious Tbs uniortunatesIhiuM bs rasne- p« day. bidder who give* security for it* OceanSteamshipGo. been called U>e Natlua'a last the could recollect, until now the beau- proper the bids for .ouarge tor more rrnona olar in selectiac t.ls as It 1s a It la diaretta aad alterative la MB artlaa the to all any m One of the i'hy-ictan, lamentable parity lag bureau reserve* right reject Orrat Cumbinniion ot following f!rst-c?a<>* both old and yean* male and iacoatrerertable teous beamed her clean white steamer- of lemale. .alter tram it* yst feci that many syphilitic an- aad light upon bed, class, if deemed exorbitant. aM this Line via:—Peruvian, than from all o tier alaaaatag the kind aaaetag ta daw ta all Ita l**1 to N* do- £ ravage*, ailm, u combined It tieots are mads mumble with rained if and there was a hush over mu»t be of (he very quality, .’ Hibernia, North constitution, grateful the place. All article* EXCURSIONS! American, Jura, Bel- rot « tn# whole »! rtem ol it* maltreatment from original aad tkae removing Worn the I U Nova vigor and enerat by laeuperteaoed ph.Mclaa. ia parity vigor; She was afraid to lest a liven'd in the navy yards In gn,,J Seotiau, Moisviau. l»a- l wvariu... and total stir, it shonld prove nicked with the name ot iLdi-po.itioa to prastkv tor it w a m-a. ail vessels and dimcu., *i sail from avaav th£i’ *ace point roily conceded eyetam prratgwaa aaaeaa alotk have ladaaad dla- for had packages, properly Tor the Seaton of 1864. Quebec, Satcudav .trong aed active: render, the .lomach paeraithe bast svnhili dream, augels sometimes visited tier case may be. at the expense and aowerlc-,. to by g-aph.rs. that the aad ata- the contractor, as the Mouamo. tor Liverpool via Load'uuerrv. the food, and ha* study her in all to the digeat lor It* attendant*. ajrement of these comp,airu -hon'd iu lowly hovel, aud brought viaious of risk of the contractor, and respects subject ▲Iso the steamer* St. David St tin>am, St engross 'he w,uu, of Ticket* Good to Keturn to November I*t. whole time of tboar who woald CHEEOERE INJECTION it intended ar aa aud ■ISinn« "•****»», *«*•, A»i>rkvv fr P*Tkua, tri irom be-isTial and aUy beauty joy, which had fled when her inspection, monthly Quebec ■ aecessfei ia their and to the entire satisfaction of Uh Headache, Heartburn, treatment aad cart. The tnea- or aeer.iaat to the CUEEOKEE aa was and left aloue the yard where receive' forC>la*gcw. Prepaid and return tickets maned at | Comdipation, Sameea REMEDY, sleep over! sad. thereof. rates. perieaced general practittoaer. having aem.ni coinmaudsnt minced For passage apply tnU.a A. ALL- at stomach, and Ventral •hoard ha aaod la rude ant loa with that madtrtar la miserable home with all of iu bitter reali- referred to tue commandant of the respe* Debility n r time to make himeell acquaint, d with Bidders are AN, Montreal, or to J L. FARvcEK, por'unity all Inst rue tic us or the their pathology, one at earn of naarv-kea. ni*rt. Atone- dlkw.ee rtda I ties. five van la for sample#. particular desenp- tiKAND THINK KAIL WAV. mayltkltf No. 10 Excl augt dM«t Port! >nd. of whole Syxtem, commonly pwsrnes system anl all treatment. In ant cases aa ■ Nune saw her tiou of the article#, other thing* l*eing equal, nuking tndiscrimtnits teofccte an hradag. aad deaaaieaal: n put her hsn ls up in the air From Portland aas of that aad eaalhag he.. in. will be given toartirles of Amerirau manufac- Ita aabjecta a of nattqaatad daageroei waapoa. Her feel if It were preference refaring particle aoarlabmeat or moving all scalding, heat, choadec aad me trad *»> real, aud she came aud leaued —TO— InternatioDal beam food WI boat ««ry. pan. fc knm, ture bte&mibip Company. paying lb- in the moat ■ penalty af the k> er her face. Every offer, as by law of 10th 1846. While dl.tr,.. mad ottent banting aad almost aaeadurahfe that ta pleasant required August. Mountains, Montienl, Quebec, IH> agon 1*1-g me. complete proatra- pain Brw*mt* Mmmt At must be a written the fonu of **'»»• T« ■ «■» *• with £*"* “Don’t move, little one,” laid she, “you can arcouipatiisu by guaranty, troll, Chicago, W ilw aukie, Niagara terrible ravage, ol tbia noral „r have conmdknck. rxporwaeed aearly air the cheap fssrt stpsr- whirh ia hereinafter given, and a'so by a certificate sifued Calais A St- John. All ducAM*. wt have but your arms where want but and return Eastpurt, prepared Nmm. you to, your by the roiicrtor of internal rt reune for th# di»trtrt in I Falks All who have is committed an excess of any kind,, leg broken, aud must lie as still as you whlrh he resides that h# ha* a license to deal in Um arti- 1 Ibe asr of OBB OP TBB OBBATBBT you AT rjtur LOW MATAS OF FARE. two Tine- ecu week. whether it be the solitary vice odyoath. or tbs sting- By the REMEDY aad CCBBB aa Mt( HA can, and it will Weil all the soooer." eleo which he proposes to furnish. or by an aflt lavit sign- lag rabako of ’oofidence In Vii get misplaced matararyMia, CHEEOKEK INJECTION-Om two mcdtclacs at ■ucamn-Deer MmAmm The child she knew ed by himself and sworn to before some magistrate an $10 to or $25 out -TkJallag looked disappointed, Only Chicago Milteaukie, the same statement of ansa thonaad to >u. a On and after March "COE'S SEEK POE AN ANTIDOTE IN time—all ay may ka of anlw la atfcaro that and weal to admintstei h oath, that he is raanufa* and ria. Sarnia Line. Monday, 29. DYSPEPSIA CURE" REASON. improper dtacbargrsars removed when people weie nurt, return, tire 'i. tnrer of. or regular dealer in, the articles b. offer* to sup superior ^ea-g. mg impr and the weakened organs are •laaliarly attieted, I hasten la giro It ta yea. as soou and we oor The Pains and aad Lassitude and speedily rntendto ths must out again and baa a aa such manufacturer or dealer. To and all NEW l»Kl N.sWU K. V a^i I. pledge reput* Ton oar Aches, Nervous hospital, they go ply license Chicago Keturn, rail, $35, B a.,on atgtement * fall This la w« it Prostration that follow rigor aad strength. briady ay anna-1 was taken sick aheat U as the of Those eisw offer* be wilt be nod- in 'Vim l"■ will leav. Railroad when imy will may Impure f'oitiou.aro the wouud was well, and memory only may accepted Also to Boston. New York, up the Hudson Elver, took oi the Bsrometer to the whole for fail ■oatks ago with the User la a ■ fad. and the contract will be forwarded aa anon there Whart, State Street, every at 5 system. particulars get oar pamphlet fnm Complaint eery tad home was worse to her than the pain of her bn'• toga, l*ake George. Monday Do not wait for the consummation any aftor aa will be to #x» o'clock P. M and the Steamer NEW that is sure to fol- form. 1 te practicable whirh they required EM.LAND,* la tbs or writ* applied foar dMbmct bat re- broken limb. Returning from frail* either Grand E. Fn Cure low, do not wait for tor drugstore aoaatry. us aad wa Bill physieiast, rule w tibia ton a after its receipt at the Ula or Niagara by ('apt. id, every Jhartday at 5 o'clock P. M I Po.iiively the Wor»t of Unsightly Ulcers, oatrad day |tusi 1'rua.k or the Mail l.m« You, Disabled for Loss aa baandt natii I sailed oa yen. At that has Toe loan came into her eyes and rolled ai- I named them. Railway, by Royal through for r-astport and M John, N B Limbs, of Jieaaly mall free to any addreas, a fall treatise. ■ary agenev by the lhvu*anu Islands and connecting at la Rapid* of the bt. Law- lastyun with steamer for and Complexion. ***** np bnataaaa. aad wan la a bed leully do an her cheeks, aud burse wiped them Tlw contract* pul bear date the day the notification j <^ueeu, Robinson, Si An- not In a jear-aot ia a Tory state, rence. drews and t monih-aor in a week-bat Price. CHEROEEE REMEDY, g2 or bat given and deliver** can be demanded. alaia, and with Stave coarhe* tor Ma- yea .bail eee It. ben, heial HOW MAN I per bottle, after taking yoer medicine for a short tlaa 1 be- tenderly away. * Amrriran taken at Par for it II nance at orce imme THOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY TO Curt-iM» in the fnli anrnnnt will tie to sign th# Monty Tickets, bleep- chias, and at ot. John with steamers for Fre ler- required at diMely. and the day yoa take it. To three bottles for do. gan to reooror, aad la twe months wu “tiud away the little ing tar» and Refreshment fiaJoor.t icton and wl«n lor you who have THIS B Y UNIIAPP T I entirely wipe* lean," thought contract and their certified toby a United steaair Em eror Wind- lived ior tiara EXPERIENCE. raspoaKitmity ha e been made with the Digby, upon Uraham Bread and diet aad who had stolen sometimes into Use mis- Mata* district l otted tin:* district attorwev col Arrangements Proprie- sor and Halifax, and with the E. A N A. plain well, had gained aereral poaads of dash, and thlug. judge, nail road who dare not eat anv the Men Priee. CHEROKEE INJECTION, n per bo e tots ot the principal Hotel* in Mouareal. and for shediac and thing lea.t-v.ao hearty- Toung troubled with emirsiot » in a oaa sion school aud heard Uible she lector, or navt agent As ad iitkmal security. twenty <^ueb,c all way stations. becao-c the sleep, trnly say that by year skill I aa a Deal- verses, which LMn.it to take Amtiican #r.t, Doctor ha. ordered the the remit of a or perfectly centum will be from the amount of the bills Money at par, charging wi 1 leave St John nlaine.t complaint generally bad habit id three bottles for Sfi. per withheld Returning. every Monday and food, and lor tear the could remember, though not es they are New York Hotel prices Thursday veeoudly di.tree. it oauae*— youth, treated scientifically, and a perfect cure war- Joerra Darts. quite until the contract shall have born com pie led. and right.* n 9 o’clock AM .for Lamport, Portland aud Sent Bottom written in the fr or Picket# or iaf rotation to Aucvt of riaiLg .outing on y our »t. much. array .it down ranted or no charge made. by Express to any address on of tbs i t Maw Dtpot, Port lead, Mt. (scriptures. per centum of each MU. approved ia triplicate by the apply and Boston. receipt Grand Trank Kail to your dium r. eat a. heart, a nival a. a but we are Nune omwaadant* f the will he the way. tickets of the you wf.h Hardly day passes consulted by one brought her some pleythings, a doll, respective cards, pul by Through prooured Agents and Clerk and a. «oun a. the food priee. E. P. BtAi H. General 279 Broad on begin* to di.trea. you fol- or more young men with the above disease, some a navy at the of -unless requested by Agent, way.N.Y. board Steamers 01 and cover, and a of a ipAl points debvwry low it a of are as bright picture iamb; — Wl fr Lowkk*, La-tern by .ingle tearpoonful whom weak uni emkeiated as Sold all the contractor to he paid at another nary agrtiev wt»hin Agent, Bangor* Freight received till 4 o’clock P. M and though they by druggists, everywhere A but she seemed to care to lie her June 11 —d4w Mondays1 had the and their friends REMARKABLE CURE OP A CASE OP DEO only with ten days after warrants %hall havn Iwoo pa*#ed by th< Ihorsday* consumption, by supposed wide to have it. All such c tecs yield to the and BT CURED BT MR3. MAS eyes open, dreamily looking at the light fe rvfar* of the Trwn-nry. proper DR. W. R. MERWIN ft Cw.. CHESTER, m»T6dlf_ C.C.KArpN. Ag-nt. correct course of treatment, and in a that streamed lo at the and at the It fe stipulated In the contract that if dsfaolt he made COE’S only short wiudow, ■MD THINK KAILWAV are made to in This Is to that I been the iNM-tjee «f th*- first In delivering all »r any of rejoioe perfect health. aoLB certify hare sored of to. green hill, with the blue heaven* by part Pori laud and raoritiBTOBi, of Ifteen drooping of Uw- articles nwbttooed in any class bid for in the coo Of (Juniniii. Bouton Line Dropsy years standing by Mrt. Alamcktt- over il, and her litUs hands touched the snowy nr the at such time and above tract, quality places pro- MIDDLE AGED No. 69 Liberty 8t„ New Turk. far. I hare been to physicians In Boston, Itais York ~nd the white sheet# and > vided then, and In that mar the contractor and his »are- blMMLK THE STKAMKH8 DYSPEPSIA pillow counterpane AKRANGfr.M£NT CURE I and Philadelphia. They all told me that coal t te* will forfeit and pay to the United States a sum of are men they with aluauet as much affection as Would There many attnotk ..... you VorMt A»D .uoare do for nnless money not exceeding twice the amount of such class, City, Lewiston and Montreal IT WILL troubled with too nothing me. they upped me, aad so- touch your mother's pure brow. On and alter June frequent evacuations from the which may l» recovered from Urns to time, according to JMC Monday. 27, lt*4, often ured aa that I oonld lira train* will run bladder, accompanied by a slight smarting or by Upping bat a short There was a card hung upon the poet of. the act *>f Congrats, la that earn provided, approved March daily, (banuaye except* aatii farther as burning sensation, aod the in a time. I had made mind to boms the beds-end with the 3 it and 3. i m. ed) notice, follows: xtfEgZttonoi"’.aaUlranh*t B0,lc*'ron«; Believe You weakening system ap my go aad lira figure upon Dear. Atlantic manner the patient cannot account for. On exam- No bids far more than cue must be eoclnard in ©or Train*. Whist. Cortland Instantaneously. Cherokee Cure ! as loagas I eoald with the disease, and then die. Oa this number answered to a name iu the yard Up urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often hospi- must on thus ining bt eavelopv. and the aame be distinctly endorsed , Laare Portland for inland enabling yon, by and my way home I orar la * HCMJ DUD* Pond, Montreal and Frida), it, o clock V J1 and hearty ealiag. Ihe u.e of round, and sometime, small or semen stayed night Portland wtth MM, BMUJ PUAtlftV WCIT India Boaton the cure particles or th** outride. “Proposals for Materhris for the Navy. for the at l.Ooa. n and p. Wharf, attei each meal. oI;eu ** the a Quebec 1.2& a. |a« food di,- albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin friend of mine, and told them what mr ai.s ... and died before Uieir names were at the ond addressed "To the trei*e» you, or our* uu THE GREAT brought in, Navy-yard (name vardb** your »tou>ach.) will milkish a Down >ou ***t hoe, again changing to dark and turbid a to diaaaaa. Thar V am "i mw iiuinu UI Ml'l iin Iiu the eLmlaJd m r. diet bottle i* up*d up, we will INDIAN MEDICINE, tke doctor said bim a* FORM OF The lompuj arc not for guaiantee \ou free ! SKCOXD 8TAOB OB SBM1SAL and told me my eeee exactly. to be stood bear tbe OFFER. responsible baetaee to Irom and able to WKAKNKSS. any amonui MO in Uy*p( |4ia, eat, digest aud enl v entrance a firm be the manlaT' 1 eaeeeding value, aud that person- as a 1 a 1 wa. eo mach aetoalchad to to the room where tbe child lay— Which, from must signed by all be Company are not tor to heart) bre*k.a*taj you ever fit uovwi to in out warrant perfect cure in such oases, and • think that cbe told me responsible baggage ai, unless notice is given aud ior at the our I. ■ of ——, in the State of-, hereby agree amount *60 in paid rate of tiealtlne*t hours, aud we will (till and Leal restoration of the COMPOUNDED PROM BARKS AND that I told her that I WU you please look at No. 3? We do not in—y any exceeding value, and tuat per- 0»« *» »*f forfeit t you tbe urice 1 thy urinary organa. ROOTS, LEAVES. eorractly, woald taka bar medi- the vard* all iy MOO additional value. ot tno bolt who to furnUh and deliver in respective uayy sonal, auleoa uotioe la given, mud tor at e, u^on that our Persons cannot consult the Dr thiuk she will live many tbe iracture it pud the rate keb 18, Rt3. dtf I.. your fbewing statement personally alnee, act haring the lean Outh that woald dap; the article* named in therlaMe* hereto annexed agreeably or one for *600 additional BILLINGS, Agent u not correct. can do so by writing in a plain uisnncr a they paaaeugur every value. description me a bau oue, and tbe is so reduced from want to the of the schedule* the re tor. and in con- C. J. The medicine is of their disease, and the nay good, or that I ehoald got the providiou* BRY'DGES, Managing Director, powerful but harmless, and whilst appropriate remedies wlH Ail cure for Semina : aUghtaet reilel of Port laud and Hew a loasn unfailing Spermatorrhea, o4 proper loud, and from exposure to formity with the advertisement the Bureau of Equip- fl. BAILEY, Superintendent. Fork tiu-anim single ooufui will at once r«4ieve tbe be forwarded iniciodiately. from any ooereo whaterer; 1 took the damp dysi en- Weakness, Nocturnal and all diseases finally modi- that ment aud Rerruiting. dated July 18th, 1Mp4 Should my | Portland, June 25, 1884 tic »*uflVrer, the whole Dot le would not All .••recapondence strictly confidential and Emissions, aiae aad weather, there is but a slight chance lor nov6 mat^rial'v will waat homo, la one week from the time oiler be accepted. 1 requeat to be addressed at -, aud him. as it i,> be returned If desired. caused self ion; such as Loss of ] her." j 8EMIWKKKLY LINK. injure entirely vegetable and coutaiua by point Memory. commenced the contract sent to the at or to -. ot Address. taking the medicine, I had navy ageut ——, f PORTLAND AN D K E N N E HEt K. K. lie opiates AM clauses disease that havethvir ori-' DR. J. B. Ul'eHKB, Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Dimness ot orer three “Will ‘Our tor The iu a you aay, Father,’ with me?” ; signature aud certificate. splendid and fast gin di-ordered stomach aud aro No. 6 St., [oorner of Portland galloae of water yarn me la eerea aad Steamships bowels, dispel- Temple Middle] Vision, Premature old Weak Nerves. hoar.; my fol- naked the man of God, down to kits (Signature.) A B. k LOCUST POINT," led in the same instantaneous the R^Bsad Stamp for circular. Age, Difficulty low loiterer, bending SPRING SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Capt .Wtii.MT? way by use of may bo (Mated that it was a great relief tbe little eullerer, and his haml in bless- Date. *Dd “TOTOMAC,” Captain Shir! of Breathing. Trembling, Wakefulness, Eruptions laying Witnem*. to ma. 1 had not bona able to lie down 1864 ■t«wa wood. wUJ, until further notice, run on the Face. Pale Countenance. la bad at ing upon her bead. Commencing Monday, April 25, aa renown. Insanity, Consump- The M-hadule which the bidder enclose* must be night before thb for two tan. How 1 can Ue do' "Jesus bleated little children.” murmured pasted COE’S DYSPEPSIA Eclectic .Wedical tion, and all the direfol complaints paused by de- to tide offer, and each of them digued by him. Opposite 'WaaBMP Passenger train* leave Skowhrgsc for rh^ve ?re?!r?e® Portland, every WKDNfcb CURE! Infirmary. with perfect eeee. I hare taken her anu DAY, and from the Suite, wbo was fast nearing her eternal home; each article in the acbrdule the price must be set. the ^■^^■BitTort and Boatou, at 5.45 A M Au- SATURDAY, at 4 P.M., and leave Pier parting path of nature. gua a, li.o. A.M and Fever and TO THE LADIES. eight month., aad am aa well aa man ooeld then as the knell beside her to her amount he carrird out. the aggregate footed up for each liatli 12 10 1\ M. Antnaia ?QVr Tork- every WEDNESDAY Ague, Sick-llcadache, Sicbnett a, the This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and any \ pray, lips lor Portlaud and .SATURDAY at \ clue.-, aud the amount likewise written in word*. If the aud Boaton at 6.80 A, u.; Bath «.»( A. 3 o'clock, p, M. HUGHES particularly invites all Ladies whe to bo, aad ao algae of d 1 woald echoed the holy words that all little The«e one on which all can as it has be n used in our ropey. adrfc. ,. good who bid do not reside where the at- veawlR are fitted with ■Stomach,Constipation, Heartburn,Coin- Paint need a rely, parties near the place up fine accommodation* DB. medical adviser, to call at id* room*, No. that are aiok to aad ooaealt children love to Father who art In PorUand for for paaaengers. this the in Stomach or for go Mr*. Mamckn »ay—“Our tie led are to be delivered, they must name in their offer a Ba'h, Ae.usta, Watervillc.KeudalPa making moat opcedv. safe and liou-elt, Vomit- 6 Temple Street, which they will find arranged fov practice many yean, aud, with thousands treated, Mlllaand at oomfertmble route lbr Oi/sentery, area If they bar. boon ether heaven.” person to whom orders on them are to be delivered. Skowhegar, 1.10 P.M. trarcllers between New'York their Dinerial ^hynamMf*tnP. it has not foiled in a instance. curative given ap by (t for >"K injurious to tbe health, and may be taken OKEE CURE will restore you to health and Hanoi, contract leave For a vigor, through her incoherency her mind seemed to for the name with good and sufficient sureties, ; Stages Augusta for Belfast at 4 P M freight or paasage apply to place use remedy" that will restore the with perfect safety at all times. Hut A. discs*.! and after all doctors have failed. __ _ Haaaow. dwell and in case tee said-shall fail to enter into contract, Stages leave Skowhegan ai 6 10 P. M for KKEKY k FOX, Brown « luuctious to their normal 8ent to any with fnl direction# quack upon tbe clean, white bed, so-much did Anson Wharf, Pcrtiand. condition, aud set iu mo- part oftheoountry ■—per, Jfofwe, foriiM. as aforesoid, we to make the difference lw- boon,Ac * tiou Ilie entice human DB. For foil particulars get a circular from her soul tore she had been liv- guarantee good C0" No 86 west Street, mtchani-m iu purled bar by addressing HUGHES. any Drug purity, though tween the offer of the said-and that which be Through Tickets for all the N^r TorkKOMWKLL Ho. • oorner of Ownoa may stations on this aud Temple Street, Middle, Portland. •tore iu the country, or write the Proprietors, who Hotraa—From ( A. ■. till I r. H. ing In an almost den. the An.droscoggin can be Dec. 8.1302. beastly accepted. Railroad, procurred in will mail free •eptlT laSoatal edly Boston at the or to any one desiring the same a foil At evening,just as the sun was setting, the (Signatures of two guarantees.) C. D. Eastern Boston aud Haiti? nlations. ggix&aw&axssus H. B.—LADIES desiring may oonsmlt one of their E. own sex. A ot treatise in form. chaplain came again, and nurse sat the child F. CUSHMAN, Superintendent lady experienoe in oonstant attend pamphlet by AprilADril 1818, io«f'1864 ana*. to fan and to (Bata.) # ap28 tf lanldAwly Price. 92 per bottle, or three bottles for 96, and har, perform any iiule kind office Witness. Lyons Periodical that she FOR SALE & TO forwarded by express to all parts of the world. might require. I hereby certify that the above named-are known Vork 4k C'uiutwrlaiMl Uaftlri»a4. LET COE’S DYSPEPSIA Drops “She will soon be with to me as men of property, aud able to make good their CURE, Female Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. Jesus,” said the and TU GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. guaranty. SUMMER immediately instantaneously, we pledge our chaplain, “that it far better tbau to remain ARRANGEMENT. House ami Lot No. 31 woid a<» in :ix of (Signature.) G. II. Danlorth St., Foi honor—our reputation as l'harmace- DR. W. R. MERWIflf * Ce., herf.” Sale. utists—our favorable STRENGTHENING CORDIAL. (Ita.tr.) On aud after acquaiuUuce witldthe ue >pie as Susie to Te MONDAY, April The two a prop.ietors ot tbe Wond ieousbd SOLE PROFEIETORS, seemed hear the welcome words, be signed by the United States District Judge, Uni j 1th., 1864. trains will a^d half Rtoried wooden dwel lug '10,-1 touaft This Medicine is of long tried efficacy for correct- leave as it it is uted to for she flxed her ted Elates District Attorney, Collector, or Navy Agent. j until *ud lot, No. 31 Danforth St, coutaiiT- according our directions ing all disorders incidental to tbe feminine sex. febS cod No. 50 Lyon's dimming eyes upon follows, further notice: Bpi whic be iouud Awly Liberty 8t.. New York Periodical earnestly The are the cUsees at the *eu Riled may with eaca bottle. That the afflicted the minister’s following required Rupee- , baco River for Portland at good room-. with a bathing may feel assured that this Cordial Drops! face, then with a convulsive 5 45 for We add Ulow some lestimoDiaJs from tire uavy-yards: Train with r.tmi—piped g*R ihriutfbuut—a lurtate that our neigh- is valuable aud their confidence,' not ana effort she drew the white Freight Passenger | bors auu townsmen, to which truly worthy bbttxb Tana e.u spread up to her KITT w.li heat ever) part ot the bou^e. (wteiu we ask your caretul one of those seert t to CRY—MAINE, Cars; aud 9 15 a. m., and 8.80 r. m. lor rain attention. compounds purposed destroy C AT V It It II ! and kissed and “Our water and a never well of dr action, I add a lew teMimomals from lips it, murmuring No. 1. Flu Canvas and Twine: No. 5. Sperm Oil; ! Leave Portland for baco River, 7.45 a. m. and failing uking water. I healthy phys- PUIa, Powders a Copper pump-, fto Uu the *e« icians wr om all, Quack Preparations. Father.” she fell asleep to awake in the world No. 7, Choking ITtemdls; No. 10. Leather; No. II, Leath- 2.00 aud 6,20 r. u. The 2.00 r. m. train out, &n4 5 45 prera ar« a good lavoriuglbe Electric aud Reformed bam and abeds. The lot is Practice o Medici of and er Hose; No 18 Lanterns; No. 18 Tallow; No 22, Station- a. u. train into Portland, will be freight trains with about 12d tv 44 feet. The ue. respect. -AND- parity peace. houfc can be examined auv HR. WILLARD ; No 23. No. No cars day from 10 A M till o C. t»E< Professor are ery Hardware; 24, Ship Chandlery; 27, passenger attached ’KGE,formerly “Blessed the pure in heart, for ahall P M calling on the fubscrit er w TESTIMONIALS. intfie Worcester Medical they Dry Goods; No. 28, Firewood No. 31, Tar Oil, aud Neath- | btages connect at Saccarappa for South by ho will inrnish College, and President of see God.” daily aud terms «.f aale. the Electric Medical (Mother’s Magazine.” foot Oil. Windham, Windham Ceuteraud Great Falls. particulara From the Pastor the Methodist M. Society, mass., speaks ol U in .1 de- ODOR. YOKE, 26, NEW YORK dom. MadDon, t aton, Cornish, Porter, * c Alao, t»»e located two —Allots me, through year col. ageut BROOKLYN, B_L- p!easan:Jy to raneements of the Female The Fare* 6 cents le*-when tickets are in ™ 'tor DwcUin _■ llou umus, my lor Organs.” Great Female No. Flax Canvas purchased e and Lo\ n acknowledge gratitude ttif benefit 1 Keprouuctive Remedy I, and Twine; No. 8, Iron Nalls, have received Irom Hie u.e DK. SMITH, Pr»-aideut of the | the Office, than wh?u paid in the Cars, ceutly occupied by Mr. J. C. Bemick. The lot cou- of Cue's Cure New York Asso- Trattoes. in conformity to tbs Charter ol the Sheave Rivets, etc.; No. 4, Tin Zinc, etc.; No. 6. taius wa, a Dysp.p.i* ciation of Botanic NO VIOLENT Sperm DAN. CARPENTER, Supt, about two acres, and is one of the hueiit loca- Atthougol grest sufferer irom Physicians, says: SYRINGING THECompany, suomlt the statement ol Oil; No. 6. White l*ine, Ash, Black Waluut. etc ; No 7, tions toe drill li ne Dyspepsia “No Female, if in following Portland April 7.19*4. dtf fora genteel residence to be found iu gave in.taut relit 1 andol e delicate health, sboud omit the ttsaffura on the 21st 1608: UUnsils; No. Stove*, and < 'aboom- the tub- oun.e ba. D. LITTLE. 1-~1-fcjji 1 Smith No 20 t etlton, req and on the tine of the Hors, Mr Coe —The b ittle oi Coe's that much of my succes- m midwifery is due 1863. to 81si December, 1868, •7.667,666 66 irvwoud; No 31 Tar Gil and NeaUfoot Oil. lor all the routes to Dyspepsia Cure v ou Agent great leading Chica- nail road. Tl is home ctntains gave me lia. b .eked to tbe use of this medicine It both Dr. Goodaie has combatted DO HARM. J oases paid the same 04 fourteen Subbed i up your statement concerning strengthen# Catarrh until be has during period, 1,806.661 IS go, Cincinnati, Cleveland. Detroit, Mila aukip, aud ia well to It. 1 nave only u» -d mother and child. In each cases I k turns of Premiums and WASHINGTON, D. C. adapted accotninodatc two lami.'tfw bait a oottle, aud can eat follow the di- fought It down. It has been a Expenses, 1,082,967 46 Galena, Oskosh. St. Paul, Lacrosse, Green with pine rections of Prof. long war, but bis tri- Bay, iKperate rut building?, stable, Ac .and a well app.c short cake or cl o without King, by allowing my patients to No 1 Flax Canvas* and twine; No 4 Tin and Zinc. No 6 bt. Louis. of J anything trouble umph is guiucy. Louisville, Cabo, a:er in the yard. A ot the It act. like a charm. The use it a few weeks previous to confin- ment. as complete. Through all cowing time his Ca- The lias tbe viz; Sperm Oil: No 8 Stoves and No Indianapolis, large part purchase relief it afford, i« instan- by I Company following Assets, Cooking Cabooww; 10 ! etc., etc., and is prepared to furnish Throigh tn»ney can on if taneous. the it to the uterine tarrh will be Unit d Stares and huts Of New LsMther. No 12 No lay mortgage drain d Jaxk a. 1 oWItvvWBIiV energy imparts nervoo* system ltemedy known as the oaly one anti- York Lignumrit*, 13 Gsnterns Ne 18 Soap Tic'KKTfl from Portland to all the cities Ihm the labor will be principal property will lr„u red at Auction on the first New Haven, June 18, 1864. very' muck facilitated, and removes dote for a Lyon’s Periodical btooa, City. Rank and other htocks, S8.492.631 80 and Tallow; No 2l) Brushes; No 22 Stationer?; No 23 I siid towns in the Slates and at the disease which *uperiicia?BU have declar- Drops loyal Canadas, of August, it not scld before. the scrape which many females are liable to. Ne Loan*secured by h«ookk.andntlierwi*e, <0 Hardwire No 24 ; No 25 Wire; lowest rates of ed incurable. 1,460,700 Ship Chandlery Copper fare, aud all needful information i -• woman.if she Cat a rh doctors, so called, Real Estate and Bonds No 27 ALLEN HAINES. Ih whoknow ray constitution, what knew the gr. at value of this spring up THE GREAT FEMALE and Mortgages, 193,760 Of Dry Good*; No 33 Gallery Iron; No 34 Chain Iron ; cbeerful’y 1 my condi- I Strength- REMEDY. granted. ortland, July 21,3?'4 tluu l:.. been .or tl.e la t truing cordial would tail to use it.” like mushroons on all sides. Ihe of these Dividends on Stocks,lntsreston bonds No 9) Walnut, Mahogany and Ann; No 38 Ingott i Travelers will find it to to tliirty yea.s, will believe object Copper, greatly their advantage with me iHat a medic,ue that I have received numerous testimonials from diff- and Mortgages and other Loaus,sun- Iaw4w will reach ray case will pocket practitioners is use jylfi procure their tickets at the reach ut most erent of the money. They dangerous re insarasoe and For Sule. any one. Coo's parts country when* used. dry Notea, other Dy.p,.p.j, cure has the Knowing iustrumtnts. Thtlr violent claims due the 1 enabled n e to eat 1 good it is capable Of doing, 1 w II warrant mani{ ulstions irritate Lyob’s Periodical Comp'y estimated at 104.964 61 Union Ticket 31 The anything please, aud it is verv " every Drops Office, KxchuiigeStreet, Dwelling House. SUbleand Grapery at sjideni I now nave to bottle ot ordial” to be the inflamed Premium Notes sad Bills Recait 68 u-e the medicine It relieved my satisfactory in its re- already membrane. They never cure. ARM BMTTMM THAX able, 8.27s,676 UNION (VP ST Nursery of. W. Attains, near Cor- iu ■ mits. ALL PILLS, PO WDM MS Cask in AIKS,) 5 Morrill’s iu an in-taut when I wa. in Dr. Goodvk's Bank, 744.818 88 4,-Jhner. now and great pain Mr treatment is medicinal, not mechani- W. Buildiugs convenient, pure whole system is The following symptoms indicate those affections AXD L>. LITTLE, Agent. wa er. 2 wells, 3 cistern., terce being strengthened by its use cal. He does not QUACK MKD/CJXKS. 1 Mutual Life pumps Ac.; excellent in which the Female i believe iu the force-pump system, Total amount of Assets, S9,366 456 82 Insurance CoJ schools and A * t- auoott. Strengthening orniai Las jtubltc .csdtniy, near Horse ears sud New invaluable. which is so much mischief. Six per #-ut Interest on tbe outstan certifi- biram Haven, June at, 1894. proved working His remedy lag Ef“ PaKSengcrs for California, by the Old Line cars. One half or Hire- quarters acre otlard to cates 01 profits will bj to tbe holders ! iu Indisposition Exertion. Wakefulness, Uneasi through the to the seat the dis- paid thereof, 1KCOBPOKATKI) by the bl'ATEOF MAINE Mail Steamer and Panama be secured rood gardening conditicn. with absorbents, of or their on and Raiboad.may already planted oe*s. of Spirit*. Loss ol legal representatives, alterTuesday, earlv at this office. Hstgc*. Ornamental and Fruit Trres, 1m oriuot to Depression Trembling, ease, aud obliterates it. It does not relieve Lyon’s Periodical the Heeuna of rent. Charter Perpetual. Organic, X848. by application Grapes and T.atelete. Power, Pain in tbe Back. Alternate Chills, and merely Drops February j Tickets to Montreal and and return Kosesin abundauce. Also several lots for a but After Three end One half may be obi aired at this ,..,a2a came Lower Part of the u of profits, the outstanding certificates of the issue of DIRECTOR'S baoly deranged, cau.lng severe pain in my Body, Ueadache, Languor Ach- bo tie—no more. do OFFICE. agency on favorable terms. may26dA wtf h ad Had it been os the Harm. 1862, w ll he redeemed and paid to the holders there me water it would have ng Along thighs. Intolerence of Light and or their M Stale Street, .... 1 boon called .ei-.ickuess A ladv found, Pale Countenance, of Dr. N Y. of, legal rerreaentativ. s. on and liter Tues- Ronton, Maw. Land on Fr^e sired for Naif. sitting by me Derangement he Do Uterus, Ac • issued, Tuesday, tbs Filth of 1 H. G. WILSON, r a. M. i>)«pep-ia. Sterility, disease, ought to be considered oue f the bene ac- aaxt. Application ma> be made to James Furbish, MKE. No better Tonic can be than tors ot his April For Bangor and intermediate stations at r.m. Esq .. SAMUEL FIELD. possibly put up this, race, anU his name and the effects of his LYON’S truer at Manager of m the Sew 1.25 nu tne or to ind none less PERIODICAL DROPS The Profits of the .ascertained Agnoet England premises, GEO. K B. JAI KsON, Madison, June doth, l.y»i. to do harm, and it is composed skill Yours Company RETURNING—leave Lewiston at 8.20 A. and likely perpetuated. rt«pectfo!| AMM MMTTMM THAI ALL From the 1st of btatea. Julyldti 59 streit. vholly ot vegetable and euch as we Jnly.1642.to the 1st of irrlve In Portland at a n. Leave Exchange agents, have D L A. M. 8.10 Bangor at mown to DODGE. Jon.,1868, for which *>>» likveu. June bo valuable, and have used for man> Certificates were r.80 a. M arrive in at 2 r. M...... 3*lh, 1864. Pillfi, Powder* and .and Portland 15 Both t«. !| ears. PliHf Miles, the teeil-kuoicn Quack Preparation*. issued, amount to *14 ms urn dose For Naif. Messrs. C. Clark B Co.—Ueattesnem:—1 desire Traveller, trains eonneot at Portland with trains for And w Add Ittoual from 1st Utett.ZUt June, 18M, *930,000.00 i to make know u the almost iustautaneou. PRICE, One Dollar Per Bottle, or six bottles hose family phvsician Dr. Gooda!# was for Jan., 18*8, to 1st Boston. SQUARE block ol land, of about .treats of 1864 -ettet Paid ta dale, 7SU00 acres "Coe's incases or *6 many years, t-avs—“it Dr Gcodale he can January, 2.680 060 *;30,030.00 ! train leaves Portland a. Dyspepsia Cure,” of cholera morbus says cure Freight at 8 as., and re- A of wood land, on the south side of the 1 ; iieidend Paid in Lath ta date, river 1 bad been lor twenty lour heurs Should druggist not have it. send to Latanh. he caw cure it," Ac. *340,930.09 writing l, due InPortland at I p. a. St Lawrence, In Canada East It is ! purging at the your directly Total for interceoded by ■ tomach aud 1 is, aud when six bottles or more are ordered we will Price 91 Feud s stamp for a profits 211 years. (16 968 Ml stages connect with trains at two considerable rivers with bowels, every Itf.een minutes 1 went pan ph’rt prineipal stations, eligible Mid tits. Well iutn store to 1 •ay all aud it Dr. K GOODALK’F Office and LYON’S PERIODICAL Tbs Certificates previous to 1862, have I offer, for most of the towns North end your drug pr. cure some brandy as 1 expenses, have securely packed from Dep-‘t 76. Blceker DROPS Company peculiar advantages : lalljr East of this wooded with every of such 1 1 beer redeemed toper- description timber, at bad been tu d Hint it was a •baervaiion. dour OI New Yoak. by eaih, 11.680,116 son. inl. to insur. tneir in its too. C. M uino aud alway. good remedy lor » !,.ulil Broadway, rlllb uilriig live., salet) MORSE,Sup't. spruce iu quantities, and Be sure H II. ud large maple, Dyseutery. My p .lnu face ana and get that prepared at the New Hay Agent for Portland. stability, a-tjuired iu its loin it en , ears'expert* Watorvlllc. N vember, 1888 deel4 berch, beech, tamarac ana baas wo d luy weakness at England ItSki TO Net earnings with the Cob- n-any amount' once attracted tue attention ol the clerk fotanic Depot. 106 llarover St. Boston. June 2d, 1368. DO GOOD AHD CANNOT DO remaining of U. T. incl a-ge HASH onVrt 1664. Euquire MAClilN. "ortland and he asked n,e at uucr GEO. W 8WKTT, M _JuneTdly pant. January. *6,263,670 j IIAOOU.) amount, to a million Fortland. Feb 1864. -'wntisthe matter* I D, Proprietor. order of tbe overtbree-quartersof PORTLAND, SACO* PORTSMOUTH feb'JS eodtf ”1 have been turf By B'ard, >t dollar,, murethau two hundred replied: wentry.four hours vomit- II. II. W. btiug thousand aud HAY, Agent, Portland. SviGioi TOWNSEND JONES, lollan iu excess iug aud purging, I am uuabie to stand or GxjfuuL’iOrnci, Secretary. of it, liabilities for the reinsurance RAILROAD. For Sale. walk mchSeod6m if from weakness, and this ___ June! I sick ness at mvstom- 4 „„ Washiugt. uCity. 4.1*54. allout-ataudiug risks; in the facilities deadly AN * n its preaent.-d kch c etc I V—Surge* n> amt ls$ir( iht TRUSTEES. accommodating of of CLIFF COTTAGE, containing over 20 rap y pro-t-ates me.' Ue produced a hot- \Vr burgeons system payments premi- SUM M Kit ARRAN O R M R NTS, 'I f**' the Ci*toreti andidates Periodical n. um; In the large rooms,large stable and sheds—situated two Tn>op*— must be Lyon’s Drops John Jones, David number, diversid-d conditions aud .radua'os * bags, 1864. and oue-fcalf miles iwall w ot that; it is now il STATEMENT OF THE of some MeJical and Chariot James «cu nation a. various ages and localities of lives in- Commencing April 11th, from Portland, and the o'clock; lakeu auother Regular College, QRRAT Dennis, Hry.a, if.er must be examined a Hoard of Medical Officer* to fKHALI IBMIDT W. H. *1,0 Trains will leave the 8ta- finest situation in Cape Elizabeth for a wi* dinner." by H. Moor*. Wm Sturgis. tr„ *".!"*, '*rgt»t requisite scope for the ope- JHK Passenger Etna In mu ranee tie convened the Geteial attou ol the laws ol Canal tering and -ummer boarders. From the moment 1 took that first dose of the Company, by Surgeon Ihe Board Tboe Tiieeton, H. K. Bogert, average mortality, aud the am- IW79H tion, street, daily, (Sundays ex- __ place. For will determine .lost 1 of iu diciue sickms* at stomach was OK whether the candidate will be Colt, A. A. guaranty to the insured lor the benefits there- as follows: particularF enquire (iKO.OW EN, | my go no— if» eflVct HARTFORD. CONN., ap- Henry Low, «pted) »as iuslautancou* lu au pointed Surgeon or Assistant If; in 'he division of Leave Portland for at a. tp7dlt' 101 Congress Street, hour 1 eat tnv dinner burgeon, according to W.C. Pickersgill, Wm K Dodge, profit- the aawwo/ apportion- Boston, 8.46 M. and 8.(6 Portland, j wi h t >n the let day of November, A. D. 1868. ta required merit °f"hic lor ! P. M. is a rilish a* ever man Applications by one or more Lewis Curtis, Dennis having ths past fourteeV tears good hungry partook, iae I by the Lavra of the State ef Maine. accompanied Perkins, was Welle eared out of and lewt modal* from reeptctanle as to moral Periodical Chas. if. Bussell, Jos. Uaillard. forlt/prr (Vet of the premium, Leave Boston for Portland at 7.30 a.m. and 3.00 food.) followed by a persons, Lyon’s Drops Jr., •TV*!- paid, Dw*’lliug Hoiim* For Kale. of cure. I have not iba-acter, Ac., rhonld be addressed to ihe Low II J. u'K,n *n *»**■ a p. M. easpootifui suffered a particle I he Stock Surgeon Holbrook, Henry Burgy, ife t„ Pin. usual with Capital I*.*1.800,000 General. U. 8. 1>. 1 Ire ..ire Insurance and Portsmouth A on >i inconvenieuce ainoe I t-'ok the A., Washington, C or to the Aa- better then ell Pill*. Powder*, P. A. Hargous, Cornelius (Iriunell romp.mis, at aa low tales as is Leave for Portland, at 10.00 a. m. and twostrry Du e ling House North street remedy. and with ilstant was so the if nettled at Surgeon General. C. 8. A .. lonsmtent wi,tl, ,kw lo and 80 p. m. with a stable and a uc I ol Its action wonderful and so nrptui fottowt: Louisville. Ky K. W. Weston, C. A. Hud, equity solvency good good water. immediate, Hoards are Ljjj. hat 1 could haroly bell ve the evidences i Leal estate, uuincumbc now in session at Boston. New Yo k And Quack Hotel Wetts A*oncie9 ln »*"* Where the com These trains will take and leave at L-.*Ji.!t is a desirable location, and will be told of my owii red, 187,963 18 Preparation*. Phelp, Sherman, >.,.Vhlr«d',trin*have passengers way 1 desire to ash in Washington. Cincinnati. 8t. lany none aud those Part c fthe can ou ens«* and publicly msko known * hand, on and in Loui*, and New Or- Caleb Bars tow, E. E. Morgan, wishing Traveling Airn- tatioa*. meap. purchase money lay rnert- these ! dopoait, agents' eana. trains leave if desired. V. acts, that the whole world mav avail themselves hands, A. P. Plllot, B. J Howlaud, sm u j Freight Portland and Boston dally. {age GEO FOSTER, of 116,960 36 Also J VwV«m,L1!,"',*,,d6'“"'O. WILSON, apidj ts u«*o Like bread, it tliould id a 1 nited States wanted. Hospital Stewards for Colored Leroy M. Bibcock. a, suu. street, Boston, giv-tuii FKANCIS CHASE, Superintendent. j>-7 dim No. 2 Galt Block. ti place in every Stocks, 613,847 SO Reg Willey, BeuJ. uch reverence, or >u ’§ house, and 1 believe * tate and nieuta. Candidates must a lair Danie 8. information as to Portland. Out. 30,1*03. oc81 j that no one should go City Stocks, and Town Bonds, 6X9.460 00 possess English Ed- Periodical Miller, Fletcher Westray, ind age, present edtf ication.and be tiuuiHar with the Lyon’s Drops, 8. past business,as him to iway from home without a bottle of it ia his * ank and Trust 00 compounding and T. Niooll, K. B wt.ienable lorm judg ! pocket * Company Stocks, 1,017.279 -ana- Mintnrn.Jr., nent in For Sale or to Let. >r where it o uld 3 licensing of Medicines. must Joab'aJ W. regard thereto. b-quickly made availab e iortgage Bonds, 331,960 00 Application* be made Henry, G Burnham, JunelMUm is in the case of burgeons and Geo. G No. 7 Neal Street; -'onvenient.in good Truly yours, UKo. L. DRAKE. 1 tlautio Mutual Ins. Co'a scrip, 1S63-3, 16,886 60 Assistant 8urgeou* Sur* to do Good and cannot do Harm. Hobson, Fred. Cbanncey, NOTICE. ompeusation from *23 00 to *33 00 James Low. HOUSErepair, and iu a good neighborhood. per month wit h Plenty One the Total iOthing, rations, fuel aud JOHN D JONES. President. JAMES WTE, the undersigned having sold our Stock of if water, hard ai d soft, and a goo-l stable. Possess- qf '1 icenty-fiv*. Assets, S3,036.879 74 quarters. Price, |l per Bottle. EDMOND & CO. vv Coal ft on 1 mount of Liabilities for JOb. K. BARNES. CHARLES President. and Wood to Mtssrs. am!all, McAtis- given immediately. Enquire of John Sweetscr. New Losses not DENNIS. Vice tr Uaven.July Utb, 1864.T julyl-«aw3m COMMISSION A do recommend or — due or adjusted, Acting General. For Ml* all At wholr.al* W w. H U. MOORE, kd Vice l*reeident. MERCHANTS, [Co., ctuerlu'ly them to our icarboro', Mr Cob—Sir llav.ug been troubled with the 1176.41114 burgeon by Draggiata. by F orraer customer*. A'l .mount at risk, estimated, person* having demands HENRY BAILEY A CO Jvspep-ia for some eight or twelve months. J have 116,616,479 (8 hillipa. B. U. Uay A Co., Portland. u* are 13 LIBERTY • • gainst requested to present them tor settle- Aug. 12—dtf aken the usual kindsof THOS. A. ALEXANDER, President. BT“ forwarded ud 8QYARE, HOSTOIS medicines, which have done STATE aaaB aodly Applications Oran FOUCOM i aunt, and all indebted to u* ar* Ltrctus J. Hannan, COLLEGE per-ons requested n-no good. 1 saw your a Ivertisement of a medi- Secretary. proenred by Are to order at o make ■ prepared fkvorable rate, COLI-(-hit immediate payment at the old stand where ;ine to c ire the I Hartford, Noe. 7, 1868. —— 1 iESS audULENOABNOCK For Dyspepsia. have tried it, and W. no of the be found for the to bo the medicine JOHN undersigned may present. half the brick ound it The tirst 15 drops (the HUNGER, Agent, A f \NE three stor> Block, situated ou American SAW YES WHITNEY. th of Juuo.) that I took, reliev'd ine in on* anu Mechanic Arts! VJ Congress St., mar the head of Park St., one ol minute J. C. Agriculture Exchange Bo. 18a Fore street, head of Portland, June G, 1804. junel3U3w have taken it three or lour CHURCHILL, Agent, Long Wharf, PIG he mo-it desirable hcatioi* inthecitv. For tiineft, but have hao no % Commissioner*. un IRON, par. in * fo. 4 Iron undersigned, appointed | lhtr« -sing leeling iny stomach since Block, Portland « PORTLAND, MM. icu'arstn ui/e of Mr. 8. U. Chase or C. C. Toluiau ! faking the Pier. rHEder a resolve of tkie last Legislature, an author dt0, BAR, SHEET, f BOILER PLATE Irst 15 al hough before, I could I 1 f IRE IRON, it K A II >w»rd's under Lancaster llall. drop-; not eat a deoSdtf ted and directed bv said revolve to iatiteaud re- INSURANCE COMPANY! Jana 1.—w2wkeodtoian2ti no Hoal neal. and sometimes more than three or eive of and Scotch Manufacture. and Wood! Al| 8—dim* four donations and benefactions in aid of the pro- or NEW YOKE. English ( noutbiulls w thout dis»r« ssing me. l^tlK subscriber Itrmovul. oeed '•Coiiege for the benefit of Agriculture amt WeNhallcontione to receive, iti addition to om Laving purchased the Stock of Re pect ul.y, J. F. and and WOODRUFF. removed from be Mechanic Arts." and to receive proposals for the New Steam i iiuerican Brick, a of ?al Wood, taken the stand recently For Kale. my old stand to the Capital #1200.000, Mill, regular supply occupies store No 91. Commercial vest ion thereof, notice that are bv Messrs. Sawyer k Whitney, head of J IAVlNti street aud unrelated hereby give they | ■•■re Bnil k, " A TWO House and situated on New Haven, June 11th. 1864 n dingo. Mercknndlae. Hanae- Foot ol between Fore A Commercial 1NULISH, 8COTCH, WELCH KIRK are now story Lot. Port- iseif iu business with Mr. FI rtpared to receive such donations, tene.'action* Cross, 8ts. ," *«/. prepared to eurply their Mr Cob— hear Sir:—The bottle Henry ng I would ‘•M Poroitore, mchll «*od«m tY. laud stre* t. with Stable ami other out of Dyspepsia ti ke this to thank nd proposal .and request that all communication* Renta. Uaut. Vna- "‘e P“iic UheruJIy, with . buildings. I received trim opportunity mv customers for nisi aelaan Ika Uso two adjoining lots containing sl»ou» eight Hedicine juu. gave instantaneous fi vo's, aud would Duchiug the i-iine may be made before the first Btneka. and atkrr Per. Uc»io,r‘m”,"0fnd I used it when respectlully solicit their future day •onnl WIBSLOW, & CO., housand square feet. Enquire of N. elief. ouly my food d -tressed me. p ol the Arm of I next, addressed to the ed. Property at me Lt*> IjOTEH wkli. Rick STEVENS, like itrouage Fling A Wnittemore September umh*rsig' ro and screened io. 47 Portlaud street. i t was about taking two doses to- av.one to- G. Belfast. eat men. inform their former customers and the PENSIONSI BOUNTIES! ( junebdtf STEPHEN WillITFMoTtK |WM CROSBY, Jid Cominiiiy x >rrow. then every other dav. increasing the I WM G WOULDpub Ic general v. that bore fitted np their -AMD- Lrhigli, quan- ortland, July 8th, 1864, CRUMBY, SAMVEL they itv of lood and decreasing the mtdiciue.until I was JulylLfcUw BROWN, PraaMeat. New Mill with New end ere now Sugar |*H| House For hale. JOSEPH EATON, Machinery, ready Lehigh, nabltd to eat without at all. WILLIAM RAYNOR. Seoratar. Matching and also : taking anything My Samuel r. perlkt. tofinpiassap. Jointing, Sweep BACK. PAY liar,‘lion Lehigh, A wooden are au extreme one, and Circular TWO story house, No. 18 Adams street, wa- haviug sufl'en d ter seven Copartnership Notire. KOWARO SHAW 10* Middle Btrval. Sawing, w. orf Turn tfc. U JulySdAwto Mg-tl Agaat, lap. Soldiers ,'OCUS* 'V 11 finished rooms, convenient for two families; ears. 1 now cousi r myself cured, and by ! I1UE oats? lyi-od We have in operation one of Messrs. A t nd theories!. ,0J 1Wounrt<«l (diicharged, using f\ undersigned have th:« d»v formed a Grey decc“cd luhu’M, of water. For my ono bottle of medicine in the of two Copart- Wood’s new 'oldicra w ho are entiUed Jenty good particulars inquire oi space J Dime ami s of k THE TIKE Bit Improved Ptanerg. for I o the same White and dose was Lkl*.,,cr*h,pun‘,ertbe yle Fling BOSTON UK by"of Red ii. J. WILL A HD. louths. The a teaspoonful. V ,B(^ Ash, jl®0.? *1,V® ,,oro formerly oc- 4 nd Retort PLANING OUT Diamond Portland, May 14,1864. may 14eodif Ellin S. Allen. e< pi*a by Clay Manufacturing Co., Works, 3*4 I OF WIND. BYRON D. and Lorberry, Henry Fling, No. VI, Commercial ttreet, t ederal A VERRiLL, w here street. Office and Warehouse 13 Liberty 1AINEIN SUEANCEC07 | they intend a Co in mite ion and * will with the with the best in doing Whole- quare aud 7 march 8t. manufacture nata, It plans greatest accuracy from I inch J tod Together quality of field by Druggists city and country, every- si le in W. I Battery Eire Aag Maine. ttdrwy Cnnsellw, « St. u? To Let. butineet, Tea#, Tobacco, Goods, Gro- t rick, ail *nd sixes, for furnaces la thiokneaa to 12 inches square. Also SlrM< there. oc nna and Provision#. shai>es required to -AND- ( Offices, single or in suites, over Stores Nos. Price Bottle. aua the most interne heat al»j Furnace Blocks fl THE Main* laiaraaea inure AN EDGER FIFTY FRET Cumberland 91.00 per HF.NRY FLING. Company again,I LONG, ] ‘ant f°r *“ th® Coal ! 161 and 164 Street, the Inter- nd Slabs. Locomotive Fire Blocks. Bakers'Oven 1 lorn or damnga by Fire, Buildings. Merchan- nt POUR Exchange opposite STEPHEN WU1TTEMORE. For eawing htavy and 1 A Superior Coal for Blacksmiths. ational Home. oa the to Order* mail, from either dealers or ad Green house Tiles, Clay Retorts and nece di ts and Firnilure. on term, a* tarorable aa it plank edging boards. Apply premises by consumer*, Portland July R. mi dtf ssary can j 23.1804. dtf A. L. BROWN. attended to. lies to set them, Eire Cement, Eire and Kaolin, tx done br any aolrmt Company. PoUeiaa Partieular attention Portland, April ap26 oodfim Hard and Soft Jy4 r romptly Clmy laanad given toplanlng Sbip Knees ▲Iao. Wood, r Ona, rhre*. or Fite year*. Clapboards, end Timber. C. G. CLARK A Of I • Tfll TIME The heavy Delivered to order In any of the CO. $ undorsigned will give their special attention J. L. CUTLER, Praaidaat. F. r the accommodation of dealers and part city. To Let. tl others bav- Rare Chance. TO U(*B THE ®rdtrs for the above manuibetureare eaeeu- ».H. J Kem ! a*.1 WILLIAMS,Sooruory. ing lots of boards to plane, we have In r The former customers of Messrs Sawyer A Whit- < 3T0RK now us. nrhol*»al4 Druggi»t*, Haven, (\mw., " d with large conneo-1 purchase a etock ef Millinery, with rent of one occupied by Possession given * promptness. tiun with tbs mill IT,000 square foot of yard room. I •/ Are Invited to givens a call. I ^ B0CKSIEPERS0A8 REGULATOR. EDWARD SHAW ... IIOor the beat stands ln the city. Address through respectfully immediately. Proprietors. JAMES e xond *co. Agent, KANDAEL. McALLlSTKH A CO. a JylOaodtf | j O., tf 0 Also, Front Office in Hanson Block. 8old in Portland W. F. H. H. EDWARD JyJ6 MILLINER, l'ortlaud Portland, June I by Phillip*. Hay SHAW, Agent. »* Me. 102 Middle Street. 13,1864,-dly Jan8 dtf H. J. L1BBEY A CO. * a id all other coalers. » AU,*T*’ Liberty Squ.r#, Sort on. maich«eodl>04 Aug 0—dim mchll eodfim 1 •aUaadly