REPORTГОДИШЕН ON THE ДОКЛАД ACTIVITY INDEPENDENTДОКЛАД AUDITOR’S НА НЕЗАВИСИМИЯREPORT ОДИТОР FINANCIALФИНАНСОВ STATEMENTS ОТЧЕТ бул. „Шипчен 1574 скSofia,и прох Bulgariaод“, № 67 Б 67 1B574 Shipchenski София, Бългаprohodри яBlvd телTel.:.: +359 2 973 36 37; 973 38 16 факFax:с: +359 +359 2 2 973 973 3 388 1818 E-mailil:
[email protected] 31 декемвриDecember 20172017 г. Since the beginning of its activities until the completion of the swap deal “Debt-for-Environment” NTEF has financed 100 investment projects, providing more than BGN 26 500 000. Therefore, the Fund has played the role of a decisive factor for mobilizing additional BGN 115 100 000 from other, mainly international sources, for the implementation of environmental “The NTEF is a well-managed and highly effective public institution, protection projects in Bulgaria. environmental financing institution with few weaknesses and many strengths, making it uniquely valuable institution in bulgaria. In the end of 2011, as a result of the joint efforts of the governments With clear and tangible government support the fund has the potential of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Austria, two deals for sale to perform a much greater role in mobilizing and managing the financial of Assigned Amounts Units (AAU) with the Republic of Austria pursuant resources needed to meet the environmental challenges of eu accession.” to art. 17 of the Kyoto Protocol were finalized. As of the end of 2015, 45 public projects were implemented under both deals, amounting From “Review and Assessment of the National Trust EcoFund”, submitted by to a total of BGN 32 937 914.