Study of the Vulnerability of Coastal Areas of the Algerian Basin with the GIS

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Study of the Vulnerability of Coastal Areas of the Algerian Basin with the GIS International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 5, No. 6, December 2014 Study of the Vulnerability of Coastal Areas of the Algerian Basin with the GIS M. K. Mihoubi, R. Belkessa, and M. A. Latreche Transport sediments suspension concerns that ship without Abstract—The Bay of Algiers is of a strategic, economic, and being in contact with the bottom, and are lifted and moved in social, it is located in the heart of the Algerian capital, where the the water column due turbulent vertical velocities in the fluid. population density is high and many factories and commercial It is independent of transport by saltation, the particles in activities making it vulnerable to the pollution. Particularly suspension can traverse long distances at speeds of fall is along the coast, in addition to climate change, all this leads us to study their impact on the coast of Bay of Algiers, and exposure offset by upward fluid circulations. to risks of erosion and seawater intrusion. The aim of the work The transport by the sheet flow is located in the area near is the perception of vulnerable coastal areas by determining the the bottom, or the particles move in a disorganized way, coastal vulnerability index (CVI) at Bay of Algiers, based on when currents are intense and relatively coarse sediments. physical, geomorphological and hydrodynamic factors, coupled The flow sheet is a sedimentary layer that moves horizontally a study of groundwater vulnerability to risks bevel saline on the order of a few centimeters in height. This sediment particular endangered areas. These results obtained enable to project the future maps transport generates a accretion and erosion factors having an from the request processing on the state of the coastal system important role in hydro-sedimentary processes that using the Geographical Information System (GIS). Landmark contribute enormously in the evolution of the coastline at decisive tools to provide preventive and curative solutions to scales of a time and space very varied [3]. According to the coastal systems for better coastal protection particular to obliquity and direction of waves play an important role in estuarine areas, privileged place for exchange of sediment sediment transport at the shoreline by the orbital motion of transport. the waves [4]. The results of the study helped to locate areas of high vulnerability to moderate eastern bay of Algiers by the ICV Sediment transport can be done in a more complex way by index varying from 8 to 14. These values are still increasing in the currents induced by waves contributing to the movement the medium to long term if no Compensation by protective of the particles and the formation of the bars also known as structures unsupported consideration. sedimentary dunes including the transport direction is longitudinal or transversal [5] Regarding estuaries and river Index Terms—Bay of Algiers, coastal vulnerability, pollution, mouths, being the area of interaction of marine and river coast line, DRASTIC, CVI. waters seats exchanges of individual particles in suspension; Thus shaping a morphological structure of estuarine landscapes. It is appropriate clear that the estuary differs from I. INTRODUCTION the mouth through the influence of the tide. According to the The coastline is a complex and sensitive environment, hydrodynamic parameters, count mouths dominated by actually, it combines two different areas, the land and sea fluvial inputs and those dominated by contributions from side, on either side affects the other over and above its role as waves [6]. They are also characterized by two movements of a living space, which is under pressure to order and water masses from the dynamics of waves and currents. anthropogenic climatic. These disruption and lead to numerous risks to the coastal system. Order to protect our environment, it is essential to seat an effective and II. METHODOLOGY sustainable approach to the management of coastal areas vulnerable. A. Coastal Vulnerability Index In the marine environment, flow of the water is responsible The importance of the coastline in the development of for sediment transport, where sediment particles can be tourism, industrial and petrochemical while ensuring transported in different ways. On this action, the morphology sustainable development in the coastal ecosystem makes us of the bottom will play an important role in the sediment more than ever to have decision support for integrated transport, thus causing sediment transport modes namely: management of the coastal system tools. Geographical According to the work [1], the bed load transport is the share information systems (GIS) can be a tool to help define the of total transport which the grains are always more or less in issues and future scenarios coastal processes. Taking into contact with the bottom during transport [2], the flow is slow account the sensitivity of the environment and the risks they or the particles are heavy. run, thus leading to highlight vulnerable areas. The physical vulnerability [7] of a coastal area expresses Manuscript received March 3, 2014; revised May 5, 2014. M. K. Mihoubi and M. A. Latreche are with Laboratory Mobilization and the degree and risk of physical changes that the middle can Recovery of Water Resource (LMVR-ENSH), National School for undergo. Hydraulics (ENSH), Algeria (e-mail: [email protected]). A title, such as floods, erosion and shoreline recedes, the R. Belkessa is with National School for Marine Sciences and Coastal Management (ENSSMAL). Algeria (e-mail: [email protected]). destabilization of coastal dunes, physico-chemical water DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2014.V5.538 522 International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 5, No. 6, December 2014 degradation, silting of ports and coastal facilities. It expresses with the value of this index, and vulnerability to pollution is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or be adversely higher for higher ribs. Several methods have been developed affected by the adverse effects of climate change, including indexed by DRASTIC principle which, for example: climate variability and extremes. Aquifer Vulnerability Index AVI method (Van Knowing that forecasting studies based on climate models Stempvoort et al, 1993) [10], developed in Canada considers: is agreeing in their majorities on important and negative (1) the depth and conductivity of each stratigraphic layers impacts of climate change by a magnitude of erosion and situated above the groundwater level and (2) the hydraulic decline of coastline over the next century. gradient. Analysis of the coastline is based upon a set tapes or C. Study Area segments. Each coastal segment will have a responsibility to respond unfavorably to a risk, the so-called vulnerability; it is 1) The database defined by the coastal vulnerability index (CVI) and defined Inventory data collection and consist of: files piezometers by Gornitz et al. 1994 [8], an empirical method widely used and drilling of the study area, files rates decline the shores of by United States Geological Survey (USGS). It is appropriate the Bay of Algiers, data relating to sea level rise in the remembered that this index can be used to identify areas Mediterranean and the amplitude of the tide. Other risqueet those most vulnerable to a rise in sea level from the cartographic data were analyzed such as: maps of wave simultaneous combination of six variables related to risk, heights at the hydrogeological and bathymetric Bay of according to the following relationship: Algiers, soil maps, geological, study areas. Other data were gathered during inventory have been 1 integrated from a digitization and conversion to part of the ICV (a*b*c*d*e* f ) (1) 6 system database. GIS is used MapInfo Professional 8.0, the software that we where, a: geomorphological variable, b: coastal slope, c: have more compatible implementation debase our data relative rate of rise of sea level, d: rate of decline of the system, and develop critical operations processed by three coastline, e: average tidal range, f: average wave height. cards software: timing, digitizing and thematic analysis Formulation and Gornitz et al., 1994 [8], closes six queries. variables because of their use in risk measurement for the Therefore it is possible analyzes a single variable (classes, coast. They are classified according to a linear scale of 1 to 5, individual values, dot density, proportional symbols) or and in an order of increasing vulnerability due to rising sea thematic multivariate analyzes (Fig. 1) level: a value of 1 would correspond to a very low risk and 5 as high There are four classes of risk are determined as follows: 1) Index low: low risk are less than 10. 2) Moderate Index: moderate risk range between 10 and 20. 3) High Index: high risk are between 20 and 30. 4) Index very high: very high risk are greater than 30. B. DRASTIC Vulnerability Index from an Aquifer Vulnérabilté DRASTIC index was developed in USA by the "National Water Well Association" (NWWA) in collaboration with "The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency" (EPA) [9]. It provides a model to assess the potential for contamination of aquifers independently of the type of pollutant and that takes into account most of the hydrogeologic factors that affect and control the flow of Fig. 1. Card Processing according to vulnerability through meaningful groundwater. colors. This index has the great advantage of being very easily integrated in a GIS. The acronym DRASTIC is derived from In our study area, to calculate the coastal vulnerability the initials of the seven physiographic and hydrogeological index, and apply the DRASTIC method, we made a mesh settings used in the model. The DRASTIC vulnerability along the coast of the Bay of Algiers, from the common Raїs index, given by the weighted sum for each parameter, each Hamidou (tip Pescade) to the town of El Marsa (Matifou) and partial index is derived by multiplying its coast by its relative at the surface of the vulnerable zone (the municipalities of: weight according to the following formulation sub-indices: Hussein Dey, Mohammedia, Bordj El Kiffan, Bordj El Bahri and).
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