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1C:16£MAI TOR • N T 0 EDITOR Bruce McDonald ASSISTANT EDITOR Alexandra Gill ART DIRECTOR Kevan Buss LAYOUT Catherine Dalziel Ian Cochrane CONTRIBUTORS Bruce McDonald Patricia Rozema Gary Popovich Steven Lewis John Colapinto Alexandra RaHe John Walker Mike Hoolboom Bobby Wright Chester Brown Alexandra Gill Lester Bangs Fritz Bacher Ed Ackerman Atom Egoyan Martin Waxman Maureen Judge SPECIAL THANKS LIFT, Rebecca Rudand, Heather Davis, Pixie BoobIes, Princess Katarin:l, Rob Shoub, Dr. Steve, Pokey Jones, Jinuny Page, !talo Cal· vino, Travis Pupkin, Larry Hudson, Adrienne Mitchell, Sweet Melind:l, The Leprechaun Dog, Michael Ven tura, Marc LaFoy, David Jefferson, Jerry Cornelius, The Unlimited Dream Company , Louis the King, Norman Jewison, Robin Williams, Johnny Boy, Michael Ondatji, Kiss, Harry Flashman, Michael Ventur:J, Harold Bachman, Cynthia Roberts, Namir, King Kong, The Silver Dol lar, Dana Saml~ Chris Buck, Ron Mann, Connery Joe McDonalcl The Meat Puppets, Brownie MacFadden, Valerie Buhagiar, Rob Paz.clro, David Poole, Six Pack Jack, Bob Dylan, Blind Boy Gntnt, Wim Wenders, Tav Falco and Panther Burns, Bruce Elder, Guns and Roses, JOI1.1[hon Demme, John Pm, Frank Cole, Johnny Cash, Dr. Filth, The Violin Lady, Percy Walker, Gre il Marcus, Knoff Publishing, Frank Zappa, Cad don;\, STAX, Brave New Waves, Rena Krawagna, Ivan Fecan, Mrs. Henry, The Cowboy Junkies, Lucifer, The Ground, Mind Theatre, Jim Kelly, Robert Johnson, Howlin Wolf, David MacFadden, Patti Smith, Biff the Demon, Dog Face, Victoria, Iggy Pop, Sanl Peckinpah, Sergio Lecne, Arthur Rinlbaud, Maya Daren, Little Willie John, ]aco, The Nerve, ] ohn Cale, Martin Rumsby, Andre Bennet, Colin Brun ton, Alfedo Garcia, James Benning, Sam Shepard, Martha Ross, Michal Golinski, Napoleon in Rags, Led Zepplin 2, Prince, Sherry Coman, Milan Kunder:l, Catherine Lunar don, Ramona Bangs, Ursula Pflug, Jesse James, The Wipe Out Gang, Chuck Berry, Mr.
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