Three Region Accuracy Overview 2010 through June 2016 By, a Service of Intellovations, LLC !ric Floehr Foun"er an" !# Intellovations, LLC $.#. Box 16&&&2 olum'us, #hio &(216
[email protected] htt+,--*** .61&/ &&0-01(0 Executive Summary om+anies that s+eciali1e in weather +re"iction have an investment in accuracy an" in esta'lishing their ca+a'ility to +rovi"e that accuracy. 2heir clients, in turn, re3uire access to accurate *eather forecasting *hich is critical to success in many in"ustries, 'oth +u'lic an" +rivate. 4n"erstan"ing an" evaluating the +ast is a key to assessing future risk an" o++ortunity. Forecasts from three regions an" three "ays-out grou+ings *ere analyze". Forecasts were collecte" from 2010 through June of 2016 for the 4nite" States, an" from 201( through June of 2016 for 6sia0$aci7c an" !uro+e. 6ccuracy was measure" as the com'ination of the +ercentage of high tem+erature forecasts within three "egrees, the +ercentage of low tem+erature forecasts within three "egrees, an" the +ercent correct of +reci+itation forecasts. Forecasts from eleven "ifferent +rovi"ers were collecte" for a total of over 1&2 million forecasts analyze". In the seven years, three regions, an" three forecast time +erio"s in the stu"y, only four out of eleven forecasting com+anies collecte" were foun" to 'e the most accurate, The Weather hannel, 8eteo9rou+, Weather 4n"ergroun", an" Foreca. The Weather hannel was the most accurate in 2: of the &; region-"ays0out-year grou+ings, while 2he Weather hannel tie" *ith Weather 4n"ergroun" for one +erio".