List Landscapes Designed by R. A. Hillier

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List Landscapes Designed by R. A. Hillier A systematic list of butterflies seen in Norfolk. 15th March to 18th October 2009 (Version 3) SPECKLED WOOD LARGE HEATH SMALL TORTOISESHELL LARGE WHITE SATYRIDAE SATYRIDAE NYMPHALIDAE PIERIDAE Pararge aegeria Coenonympha tullia Aglais urticae Pieris brassicae WALL SMALL PEARL- LARGE TORTOISESHELL SMALL WHITE SATYRIDAE BORDERED FRITILLARY NYMPHALIDAE PIERIDAE Pararge megera NYMPHALIDAE Nymphalis polychloros Pieris rapae Clossiana selene GATEKEEPER PEACOCK GREEN-VEINED WHITE SATYRIDAE UNIDENTIFIED NYMPHALIDAE PIERIDAE Maniola tithonus FRITILLARY Nymphalis io Pieris napi NYMPHALIDAE MEADOW BROWN COMMA SMALL SKIPPER SATYRIDAE RED ADMIRAL NYMPHALIDAE HESPERIIDAE Maniola jurtina NYMPHALIDAE Polygonia c-album Thymelicus sylvestris Vanessa atalanta SMALL HEATH COMMON BLUE SATYRIDAE PAINTED LADY LYCAENIDAE Coenonympha NYMPHALIDAE Polyommatus icarus pamphilus Vanessa cardui HOLLY BLUE LYCAENIDAE Celastrina argiolus R. A. HILLIER 07.11.09 Cantley to Buckenham (Norfolk). Sunday 11th April 2010 Cloudy, cool, sunny (Version 2) R. A. HILLIER 19.04.10 Cantley to Buckenham (Norfolk). Sunday 11th April 2010 Cloudy, cool, sunny (Version 1) R. A. HILLIER 19.04.10 Cantley to Buckenham (Norfolk). Sunday 11th April 2010 Cloudy, cool, sunny (Version 3) R. A. HILLIER 21.08.10 A systematic list of birds seen in Norfolk. 2009 GREAT CRESTED GREBE SHOVELER COOT HERRING GULL SWALLOW SEDGE WARBLER ROOK (Podiceps cristatus) (Anas clypeata) Fulica atra) (Larus argentatus) (Hirundo rustica) (Acrocephalus (Corvus frugilegus) schoenobaenus) CORMORANT POCHARD COMMON CRANE YELLOW-LEGGED GULL HOUSE MARTIN CARRION CROW (Phalacrocorax carbo) (Aythya ferina) (Grus grus) (Larus cachinnans) (Delichon urbica) REED WARBLER (Corvus corone corone) (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) LITTLE EGRET FERRUGINOUS DUCK OYSTERCATCHER GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL MEADOW PIPIT STARLING (Egretta garzetta) (Aythya nyroca) (Haematopus ostralegus) (Larus marinus) (Anthus pratensis) GARDEN WARBLER (Sturnus vulgaris) (Sylvia borin) GREY HERON TUFTED DUCK AVOCET COMMON TERN ROCK PIPIT HOUSE SPARROW (Ardea cinerea) (Aythya fuligula) (Recurvirostra avosetta) (Sterna hirundo) (Anthus petrosus) BLACKCAP (Passer domesticus) (Sylvia atricapilla) MUTE SWAN COMMON SCOTER LAPWING FERAL PIGEON YELLOW WAGTAIL TREE SPARROW (Cygnus olor) (Melanitta nigra) (Vanellus vanellus) (Columba livia) domest. (Motacilla flava) WILLOW WARBLER (Passer montanus) (Phylloscopus trochilus) BEAN GOOSE MARSH HARRIER KNOT WOOD PIGEON PIED WAGTAIL CHAFFINCH (Anser fabalis fabalis) (Circus aeruginosus) (Calidris canutus) (Columba palumbus) (Motacilla alba) GOLDCREST (Fringilla coelebs) (Regulus regulus) GREYLAG GOOSE SPARROW HAWK DUNLIN COLLARED DOVE WAXWING GREENFINCH (Anser anser) (Accipiter nisus) (Calidris alpina) (Streptopelia decaocto) (Bombycilla garrulus) BEARDED TIT (Carduelis chloris) (Panurus biarmicus) CANADA GOOSE COMMON BUZZARD COMMON SNIPE BARN OWL WREN GOLDFINCH (Branta canadensis) (Buteo buteo) (Gallinago gallinago) (Tyto alba) (Troglodytes troglodytes) LONG-TAILED TIT (Carduelis carduelis) (Aegithalos caudatus) BARNACLE GOOSE KESTREL BLACK-TAILED GODWIT SWIFT DUNNOCK SISKIN (Branta leucopsis) (Falco tinnunculus) (Limosa limosa) (Apus apus) (Prunella modularis) COAL TIT (Carduelis spinus) (Parus ater) EGYPTIAN GOOSE HOBBY CURLEW KINGFISHER ROBIN LINNET (Alopochen aegyptiacus) (Falco subbuteo) (Numenius arquata) (Alcedo atthis) (Erithacus rubecula) BLUE TIT (Carduelis cannabina) (Parus caeruleus) SHELDUCK RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE REDSHANK GREEN WOODPECKER BLACKBIRD REED BUNTING (Tadorna tadorna) (Alectoris rufa) (Tringa totanus) (Picus viridis) (Turdus merula) GREAT TIT (Emberiza schoeniclus) (Parus major) WIGEON GREY PARTRIDGE MEDITERRANEAN GULL GREAT SPOTTED FIELDFARE CORN BUNTING (Anas penelope) (Perdix perdix) (Larus melanocephalus) WOODPECKER (Turdus pilaris) JAY (Miliaria calandra) (Dendrocopos major) (Garrulus glandarius) GADWALL QUAIL BLACK-HEADED GULL SONG THRUSH (Anas strepera) (Coturnix coturnix) (Larus ridibundus) SKYLARK (Turdus philomelos) MAGPIE (Alauda arvensis) (Pica pica) TEAL PHEASANT LESSER BLACK-BACKED REDWING BLACK SWAN (Anas crecca) (Phasianus colchicus) GULL SAND MARTIN (Turdus iliacus) JACKDAW (Cygnus atratus) (Larus fuscus) (Riparia riparia) (Corvus monedula) MALLARD MOORHEN MISTLE THRUSH (Anas platyrhynchos) (Gallinula chloropus) (Turdus viscivorus) R. A. HILLIER 30.12.09 A systematic list of birds seen on a walk from Cantley to Buckenham (Norfolk). Sunday 11th April 2010 Cloudy, cool, sunny GREAT CRESTED GREBE TEAL LAPWING WOOD PIGEON ROOK (Podiceps cristatus) (Anas crecca) (Vanellus vanellus) (Columba palumbus) (Corvus frugilegus) GREY HERON MALLARD REDSHANK COLLARED DOVE CARRION CROW (Ardea cinerea) (Anas platyrhynchos) (Tringa totanus) (Streptopelia decaocto) (Corvus corone corone) MUTE SWAN TUFTED DUCK BLACK-HEADED GULL MEADOW PIPIT STARLING (Cygnus olor) (Aythya fuligula) (Larus ridibundus) (Anthus pratensis) (Sturnus vulgaris) GREYLAG GOOSE SCAUP HERRING GULL BLACKBIRD HOUSE SPARROW (Anser anser) (Aythya marila) (Larus argentatus) (Turdus merula) (Passer domesticus) CANADA GOOSE KESTREL GREAT BLACK-BACKED DUNNOCK CHAFFINCH (Branta canadensis) (Falco tinnunculus) GULL (Prunella modularis) (Fringilla coelebs) (Larus marinus) EGYPTIAN GOOSE GREY PARTRIDGE BLUE TIT REED BUNTING (Alopochen aegyptiacus) (Perdix perdix) FERAL PIGEON (Parus caeruleus) (Emberiza schoeniclus) (Columba livia) domest. SHELDUCK COOT GREAT TIT (Tadorna tadorna) (Fulica atra) STOCK DOVE (Parus major) (Columba oenas) WIGEON OYSTERCATCHER JACKDAW (Anas penelope) (Haematopus ostralegus) (Corvus monedula) R. A. HILLIER 12.04.10 A systematic list of live performers Friday 31st October 1969 to Tuesday 28th October 2008 Version 2 A CERTAIN RATIO WAYNE COUNTY AND THE PATRICK FITZGERALD LYNYRD SKYNYRD DUDU PUKWANA AND ZILA STATUS QUO TOM WAITS THE MICK ABRAHAMS BAND ELECTRIC CHAIRS FLEET FOXES STEEL PULSE JUNIOR WALKER AND THE KATHY ACKER LOL COXHILL FOCUS MADNESS Q TIPS SHAKIN’ STEVENS AND THE ALL STARS ADAM AND THE ANTS CRAZY CAVAN AND THE MAN QUEEN SUNSETS WALLY THE ADVERTS RHYTHM ROCKERS GALLAGHER AND LYLE BOB MARLEY AND THE STACKRIDGE THE HANK WANGFORD ALTERNATIVE TV CROSBY, STILLS, NASH GENERATION X WAILERS THE RAINCOATS THE STRANGLERS BAND AMAZULU AND YOUNG THE STEVE GIBBONS BAND RALPH McTELL THE RAMONES STRAWBS WARSAW LAURIE ANDERSON THE CURE GARY GLITTER THE MEMBERS THE REDSKINS THE STRAY CATS WHAM! ARGENT CURVED AIR GLORIA MUNDI THE MERTON PARKAS LOU REED STRETCH WHIRLWIND ASWAD THE GO-GO’S MISTY IN ROOTS THE RICH KIDS THE STREET BAND BARRY WHITE AND THE THE AU PAIRS THE DAMNED CAROL GRIMES THE MONOCHROME SET THE TOM ROBINSON BAND STRIDER LOVE UNLIMITED DARTS GRUPPO SPORTIVO VAN MORRISON THE JESS RODEN BAND STIFF LITTLE FINGERS ORCHESTRA BE BOP DELUXE DEAF SCHOOL MOTT THE HOOPLE THE ROLLING STONES STONE THE CROWS THE WHO BEES MAKE HONEY KIKI DEE MIKE HARDING MR. FOX ROOGALATOR THE STYLE COUNCIL WIRE THE BELLE STARS DESMOND DEKKER THE DON HARRISON BAND ROXY MUSIC THE SUBURBAN STUDS WISHBONE ASH BIG BOTTOM DEPECHE MODE HELP YOURSELF NASH THE SLASH TODD RUNDGREN’S UTOPIA THE SUBWAY SECT THE BIRTHDAY PARTY DEXYS MIDNIGHT RUNNERS STEVE HILLAGE NATIONAL FLAG THE RUTS SUPERCHARGE X-RAY SPEX BLACK SLATE THE DICKIES HOT TUNA NINE BELOW ZERO JONATHAN SWIFT XTC BLACK UHURU BO DIDDLEY HORSLIPS 999 RYUICHI SAKAMOTO BLACKFOOT SUE DILLINGER THE HOUSE OF LOVE THE NIPPLE ERECTORS SECRET AFFAIR TRAPEZE YES THE BLUES BAND THE DRONES HUMBLE PIE THE NIPS THE SEX PISTOLS JAMES TAYLOR DAVID BOWIE DUCKS DELUXE SHAM 69 10cc BILLY BRAGG THE INCREDIBLE STRING HAZEL O’CONNOR ROCKY SHARPE AND THE THE THE BURNING SPEAR CLINT EASTWOOD AND BAND THE 101’ERS RAZORS THROBBING GRISTLE THE BUZZCOCKS GENERAL SAINT OSIBISA SIOUXSIE AND THE JOHNNY THUNDER’S THE BYRDS EATER THE JAM JOHN OTWAY AND WILD BANSHEES HEARTBREAKERS ECHO AND THE BUNNYMEN LINTON KWESI JOHNSON WILLY BARRETT THE SKIDS JOSH TILLMAN MICHAEL CHAPMAN EDDIE AND THE HOTRODS SLAUGHTER AND THE TOOTS AND THE MAYTALS CHAPMAN-WHITNEY DAVE EDMUNDS AND JONATHAN KELLY GRAHAM PARKER AND THE DOGS TRIO BULGARKA STREETWALKERS ROCKPILE KILBURN AND THE HIGH RUMOUR THE SLITS DON CHERRY MARC ELLINGTON ROADS THE PASSAGE THE SMITHS UB40 CHELSEA KILLING JOKE PERE UBU THE PATTI SMITH GROUP U.K. SUBS CHOPPER THE FABULOUS POODLES B.B. KING PINK MILITARY PATTI SMITH AND KEVIN ULTRAVOX ERIC CLAPTON THE FACES CAROLE KING COURTNEY PINE SHIELDS UROPA LULA THE CLASH THE FALL KING SWAMP THE PIRATES T. V. SMITH’S EXPLORERS THE USERS RITA COOLIDGE GEORGIE FAME KOKOMO THE PIRANHAS SNIPS JOHN COOPER CLARKE FAMILY THE KURSAAL FLYERS POET AND THE ROOTS SONIC YOUTH THE VIBRATORS THE CORTINAS FANNY THE POLICE THE SPECIALS VIVA LULA THE COUNT BISHOPS THE FATBACK BAND LINDISFARNE THE POP GROUP SPIZZ OIL GRAHAM FELLOWS THE LURKERS IGGY POP SPLIT ENZ THE WAILIN’ JENNYS R. A. HILLIER 01.04.10 A systematic list of live performers seen in Manchester. Friday 31st October 1969 to Thursday 9th December 1976 (Version 1) THE INCREDIBLE STRING BAND JAMES TAYLOR JONATHAN KELLY DAVID BOWIE 10cc Free Trade Hall Free Trade Hall Free Trade Hall Free Trade Hall University of Manchester (Friday 31st October 1969) (Sunday 11th July 1971) (Saturday 12th February 1972) (Thursday 7th June 1973) (Date unknown 1974) FAMILY YES STRAWBS THE ROLLING STONES BARRY WHITE AND THE LOVE Free Trade Hall Free Trade Hall Free Trade Hall King’s Hall, Belle Vue UNLIMITED ORCHESTRA (Monday 16th November 1970) (Friday 1st October 1971) (Saturday 12th February 1972) (Wednesday 12 September 1973) Free Trade Hall (Date unknown 1975) THE MICK ABRAHAMS BAND FANNY WISHBONE ASH
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