Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-012-1163-4


A legacy of climate and catchment change: the real challenge for management

Peter Gell • Keely Mills • Rosie Grundell

Received: 6 December 2011 / Accepted: 6 May 2012 Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract Wetland managers are faced with an array capacity to recover from the recent ‘big dry’. These of challenges when restoring ecosystems at risk from sedimentary archives reveal most modern wetlands to be changing climate and human impacts, especially as many outside their historical range of variability. This approach of these processes have been operating over decadal– provides a longer-term context when assessing wetland millennial timescales. Variations in the level and salinity condition and better establishes the restoration challenge of the large crater of western , as revealed posed by the impact of climate change and variability and over millennia by the physical, chemical and biological human impacts. evidence archived in sediments, attest to extended periods of positive rainfall balance and others of rainfall Keywords Á Climate change Á Ecological deficit. The recent declines in the depth of these lakes condition Á Wetland response Á Acceptable change have been attributed to a 15% decline in effective rainfall since AD 1859. Whilst some sites reveal state shifts following past droughts, the response of most wetlands to Introduction millennial-scale climatic variations is muted. Regional wetland condition has changed comprehensively, how- The management of wetlands has largely been under- ever, since European settlement, on account of extensive pinned by the assumption that their hydrology and catchment modifications. These modifications appear to biodiversity are stationary (Pittock et al., 2010) and have reduced the resilience of wetlands limiting their this is reflected in the ecological condition assessment process of wetlands of international significance (Ramsar). Contemporary management requires ‘limits Guest editor: C. Max Finlayson / Wetlands and climate of acceptable change’ to be set (e.g. Newall et al., change: ecological outcomes and adaptation as shown by 2008) and this often relies on the identification of Australian case studies a baseline, or benchmark, condition against which present, or future, condition may be compared. Often, Electronic supplementary material The online version of this is the condition of the wetland as described when it this article (doi:10.1007/s10750-012-1163-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. was listed under the convention, or from anecdotal evidence of some remembered condition of a past P. Gell Á K. Mills Á R. Grundell state. Whilst the forces that compromise this ‘natural Centre for Environmental Management, School of ecological character’ often relate to catchment scale Science, IT & Engineering, University of Ballarat, Ballarat, VIC 3353, Australia drivers of wetland change such as land clearance, river regulation and abstraction, secondary salinisation and 123 Hydrobiologia eutrophication, it is increasingly clear that anthropo- rims. At c. 3,000 years ago, drier conditions prevailed genic climate change is another driver of changing under a ratio of 0.7 driving these lakes into saline wetland condition. This has led to the concept of states (Fig. 2). Whilst wetter conditions prevailed stationarity being ‘declared dead’ on account of after 2,000 years ago, the last two centuries have been climate-driven changes to the hydroecology of aquatic marked by a sustained decline in water balance of systems (Milly et al., 2008). *15%. These key crater lakes, akin to rain gauges in Climates vary over a range of timescales. Orbital the landscape, reflect considerable hydrological var- forcing generates glacial–interglacial cycles that drive iability. Those that view wetland management with high-amplitude variations in sea level, temperature the benefit of such temporal context rarely consider and rainfall over c. 100,000 years. Through the systems to be stationary. In fact, from the vantage Holocene, southeast Australia has experienced con- point of the palaeoclimatologist, any number of siderable hydroclimatological variation (Mooney, baselines could be identified from the past, against 1997; Gell, 1998; Jones et al., 2001) as evident in which the present can be assessed. the records of effective rainfall archived in the The management of the catchment drivers of sediments of large crater lakes (Fig. 1c). The precip- wetland condition faces an additional challenge when itation–evaporation (P/E) values reached 1.2 through viewed from the long-term record of change. Again, it the mid-Holocene filling these lakes to their crater is usual for the natural ecological character of a wetland

Fig. 1 Map showing sites discussed in the text: a location of the Murray- Darling Basin, b the wetlands of the Murray- Darling Basin and c the crater lakes of the Victorian Volcanic Plains

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Fig. 2 Hydrological changes in three crater lakes of the and aerial photography (redrawn from Jones et al., 2001) and Victorian volcanic plains over different timescales. a The c modelled climate change for Lakes Gnotuk and Bullenmerri inferred water-level changes during the Holocene (last showing the P/E ratios (adapted from Jones et al., 2001). The 10,000 years) at Keilambete, reflecting fluctuating water pre-European climate is situated along the lower lines of the levels as a result of natural hydrological changes in precipitation P–E matrix. From AD 1841, the modelled climate change and evaporation ratios (redrawn from Bowler, 1981), b historical progresses from the heavy lines within the bounded range of the water depths since AD 1860 for Lake Keilambete (estimated to arrows towards the current climate (0.79; refer to Jones et al., the nearest 1 metre) based on land survey data, depth sounding 2001 for further detail) to be presumed, and it is not unusual for this to represent eastern Australia has prompted many to ponder the a derived state, one that has already shifted owing to prospects for wetland ecosystems, and has generated a human impact on catchment processes (Tibby et al., plan for the Murray-Darling Basin to return 27–37% of 2007; Gell, 2010; Dick et al., 2011). Again, across flows to the environment (MDBA, 2010), the longer- southern and eastern Australia, few wetlands remain term view recognises that the condition of wetlands that unaffected from the impacts of direct catchment exist today, or even before the recent drought, has disturbance and most have drifted beyond their histor- departed greatly from ‘natural’ and that the manage- ical range of variability (e.g. Gell, 2012; Gell et al., ment challenge is greater than widely perceived. 2012; Tibby et al., 2012). Furthermore, several Ramsar- ‘‘Whither water management’’ (Milly et al., 2008, listed wetlands were severely degraded at their time of p. 573) indeed? listing, challenging the notion of their defined natural This review paper aims to look at past evidence for ecological character. So, whilst the recent ‘big dry’ in wetland change across southeastern Australia against 123 Hydrobiologia which management practices could be based. Current used to infer unknown environmental conditions to management practices rarely account for the legacy of species’ changes observed in sediment cores (see Mackay past changes in climate and catchment, which pose et al. (2003) for a detailed overview). many challenges and affect the functioning and resil- In the case of diatom autecology, while several ience of ecosystems to future changes and stressors. international species-environment calibration sets can be considered, several Australian transfer functions (Gell, 1997; Tibby & Reid, 2004; Philibert et al., 2006) Methods attest to the local rigour in these relations. Based on the evidence of responses of modern assemblages to water The evidence for this article synthesises that from a quality and habitat changes (Reid & Ogden 2009), wide range of published palaeoenvironmental and, diatom palaeolimnology provides a rare opportunity to particularly, palaeolimnological records of wetland trace the condition of a wetland through time, change in southeastern Australia. The review draws providing a retrospective means of assessing contem- upon case studies from 15 lakes and wetlands from porary wetland condition. across Victoria, South Australia and New South Similarly, sediment cores may also be analysed for Wales. Table 1 in Supplementary material includes fossil pollen which provides a record of local, and information for each of the lakes included in this study regional, terrestrial and aquatic vegetation. Pollen and a list of the references relating to the original analysis is often supported by the analysis of plant published study. This information can also be accessed macrofossils. In aquatic systems, the analysis of online via the OZPACS meta-database (http://www. macrofaunal remains (e.g. ostracods) can provide aqua.org.au/Archive/OZPACS/OZPACS.html). additional water chemistry information, and high- The palaeolimnological approach utilises sediment resolution analyses of the carbonates and major ions cores from wetlands that preserve natural archives of contained within the shells of ostracods can be used to change. These sediment records can be radiometri- infer changes in water balance. cally dated so that calendar ages to can be assigned to samples and the timing of changes observed in the archives can be understood. A wide range of sub-fossil Wetland responsiveness to climate variability indicators have been used in wetland studies, both in southeastern Australia and worldwide. The large crater lakes of the volcanic plains of western The most common fossil indicator used in this region Victoria and southeastern South Australia have largely is diatom analysis. Diatoms are microscopic, unicellu- responded, in concert, to millennial-scale shifts in lar algae that demonstrate, in many cases, clear habitat water balance (Barr, 2010; Gell et al., 2012). Having and water chemistry preferences in the modern envi- clearly defined catchment boundaries and small ronment. The principle, and preparation of samples, for catchment to lake area ratios, they tend to integrate diatom analysis generally follows that of Battarbee inter-annual variability and respond to sustained shifts (1986) and Battarbee et al. (2001). Changes in diatom over decadal–millennial scale (Churchill et al., 1978; assemblages through a sediment core (and hence Chivas et al., 1985; Gell, 1998; Barr, 2010; Goura- through time) are a reflection of the water chemistry manis et al., 2010). All sites show evidence of at the time the diatoms were living in the water body. considerable deepening at the height of the mid- Changes in water chemistry are intrinsically linked to Holocene pluvial, or at least very fresh conditions (e.g. natural (and anthropogenically driven) fluctuations in Edney et al., 1990). At this time, the western Victorian the water balance (e.g. causing changes in salinity and landscape was particularly wet with conditions suffi- water depth) and anthropogenically induced catchment cient for these large lakes to overflow and temperate changes (e.g. increases in turbidity and nutrient avail- rainforest to expand (Dodson, 1974, 1979). Given such ability). Past water chemistry is often derived using consistent responses it could be expected that a range inference models (‘transfer functions’), where the of other lakes would show evidence of such substantial modern distribution of diatoms across a water chem- shifts in climate. istry gradient is analysed and understood (‘calibration’ In semi-arid, western Victoria, Kemp et al. (2011) or ‘training set’) and the regression coefficients can be have demonstrated the salinity of groundwater- 123 Hydrobiologia dominated lakes to co-vary with the more southern however, the diatom records of wetland condition that crater lakes reflecting hemispheric patterns in orbital span this period reveal strong marine influence. This and solar forcing on the prevalence of westerly driven may be attributable to their relative immaturity in a winter effective rainfall. In the Murray-Darling Basin, geomorphic sense, being inundated valleys initially however, few floodplain lake records extend back to that gradually in-filled with sediment. The Coorong the mid-Holocene to test their responsiveness to the (SA), at the mouth of the largest catchment in the changes in effective rainfall responsible for the rises and continent, the Murray-Darling Basin, is dominated by falls in the crater lakes. Gell et al. (2005a)recorded marine diatom (Fluin et al., 2007) and ostracod fresh, lagoonal conditions within Tareena Billabong, communities for the 7,000 years before European 50-km downstream from Wentworth (NSW), at c. settlement. Other than a brief peak in river plankton at 5,000 years B.P. when the crater lakes remained high. the north end of the Coorong at c. 2,500 years B.P., In fact, the commencement of sedimentation in this there is little evidence of the impact of heightened lagoon may have arisen through its abandonment by the runoff at the millennial scale. Closer to the crater lakes Murray River, or its distributary, as discharge declined themselves, the Curdies estuary is at the mouth of a after the mid-Holocene pluvial phase. Effective rainfall catchment that includes Lake Purrumbete, Victoria’s remained high sustaining very fresh conditions evident deepest lake. Despite this responding in tandem with in high values of the diatoms Synedra (syn: Ulnaria) the rain gauge lakes of the region, the estuary itself has ulna and Planothidium frequentissimum. An increase in remained strongly tidal (Fig. 3). the planktonic (free-floating) taxa Aulacoseira granu- Fine resolution analysis of intra-decadal variation lata (which is often indicative of River input; Bormans from lakes in Victoria reveals the incidence of past &Webster,1999;Gelletal.,2002), coincident with droughts. Lake Surprise is a crater lake within the increases in salt tolerant taxa such as Gyrosigma spp., Mt Eccles National Park, Victoria and reveals multi- is explained as an increase in climatic variability decadal droughts over the last 1,500 years (Barr, coincident with a fall in crater lake water levels. After 2010). This is supported by Barr’s pre-European 3,000 years B.P., perhaps driven by increased land- record of Crater Lake Elingamite near Cobden, scape instability and sediment influx during the low Victoria. At , mulitproxy (diatom, pollen, lake phase, the flora shifted to tychoplanktonic species macrofossil and pigment) analyses of a sediment [periphytic organisms occasionally carried into the core spanning the last 9,000 years reveal a sub- plankton, often as a result of turbulence]. This flora stantial salinisation event, evident at c. 500 years persisted until European settlement despite the crater B.P., which appears to have lasted several decades and Wimmera lakes responding to substantial shifts in (Fig. 4; Gell et al., 2012). This is coincident with a effective moisture. Whilst this suggests that evidence shift from an aquatic macrophyte (Myriophyllum exists for the moisture shifts documented in the volcanic spp.) community, as revealed by pollen analysis plains, further inland, Tareena Billabong does not (Gell et al., 2012) to a green algal flora (Botryococ- appear to respond to the lower amplitude variations of cus spp.), perhaps revealing a drought-driven state the last 3,000 years. switch (sensu Scheffer et al., 1993) independent of Other floodplain lake records that extend to the industrialised people. mid-Holocene reveal little of this humidity. While Historical records attest to Lake Keilambete being Muroondi Wetland near Wellington (SA; Fig. 1b) was level has 29-m deep in AD 1859. Since this time, the dominated by A. granulata at the time (Gell et al., lake level has steadily declined to a recent *9-m 2005b), this may have owed as much to its depth, as to deep, even after the significant La Nin˜a event of climate. The 14-m sediment record reveals hydroseral 2010–2011. This substantial fall in level represents a changes, from open water to shallow water/marsh sustained fall in effective rainfall, or a persistent flora, consistent with relatively rapid infilling. response to a stepped shift to a drier climate (Jones Coastal wetlands are a function of both the tidal et al., 2001). As this shift most likely postdates prism affected by changing sea levels and river runoff European settlement, a wetland’s response is coupled related to rainfall. Therefore, it may be expected that with that of catchment disturbance, and so a climate the substantial moisture of the mid-Holocene would be cause cannot simply be invoked with all documented reflected in their sediment records. Almost invariably, changes. Outside the crater lakes few situations 123 Hydrobiologia

Fig. 3 Summary record of the diatom stratigraphy from the Curdies estuary, Victoria. Seventy-five samples were analysed over 5.5 m of sediment and 83 species were identified. The Fig. 4 Summary record of a fossil diatoms and b aquatic diatom species have been grouped according to their environ- pollen, algae and spores from Lake Colac, Victoria (Gell et al., mental preference: thalassic (marine) and athalassic (inland). 2012). The record spans the last c. 1000 years, and the dashed Those species that cannot be assigned to either group have been line represents the shift from a macrophyte-dominated system recorded as ‘other’. Shifts in the environmental preferences of (Myriophyllum spp.), to an algal-dominated (Botryococcus spp.) the diatoms indicate the changing influence of the marine and system c. 500 years ago. Two-hundred and nineteen diatom river environment on the Curdies estuary through time. The species were identified in the Lake Colac record and they have three statistically significant zones (CUR-1 to CUR-3) were been grouped according to their preference for saline or fresher determined using the program ZONE (Juggins, 2002) water conditions. Species that are found in the Fragilariaceae have been separated as many of these species do not have a specific habitat preference and can indicate periods of instability in the system, given their ‘weedy’ nature (Sonneman et al., preclude direct catchment disturbance. Even the 2000). Species that have been classed as ‘other’ have wide evidence of climate change from Crater Lake Elinga- ecological preferences. The DCA axis 2 sample scores are mite is truncated in the 1800s by water diversions. In displayed alongside the diatom data and demonstrates the fact, so overwhelming has been the impact of unprecedented change in the diatom assemblage data in the last 30 years catchment disturbance, river regulation and abstrac- tion and direct releases of nutrient or salt laden waters Impact of catchment change that the influence of climate variability and change is largely masked. That said, the recent drying of many The relative unresponsiveness of all but the crater lakes in western Victoria, and elsewhere, is unusual. lakes to late Holocene climate variability is in stark At Lake Colac, the recent shift to a saline diatom flora contrast to the changes evident in the post-European (Fig. 4) has shifted this system to an unprecedented records. Many floodplain lakes shifted from clear state, at least as revealed by the DCA axis scores. water, macrophyte-dominated sites, as evident in Similar drying is evident at (Barry et al., epiphytic diatom and cladoceran communities 2005) and this appears not to have occurred since c. (Ogden, 2000; Reid et al., 2007), to planktonic diatom 7,000 years B.P. (Fig. 5). flora and bosminid fauna. Those most sensitive to the

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Fig. 5 Synthesis of long-term, and shorter, fine resolution confidently ascribed to both diagrams have been included. It diatoms records from Tower Hill main lake, Victoria [adapted should also be noted that there is likely to be some overlap on the and redrawn from D’Costa et al., 1989 (lower) and Barry et al., time/depth scale of the diagrams, but due to the lack of dating on 2005 (upper)]. Note the return of Pinnuavis elegans (syn. the upper core sections of the long-term data (D’Costa et al., Pinnularia elegans; salinity optimum 26.2 g l-1; Gell, 1997) 1989), splicing has not been undertaken after an absence of 7,500 years. Only the species that can be influx of sediment from the disturbed catchment were soon after increases in sediment flux, as revealed by the larger and deeper wetlands that have a relatively peaks in magnetic susceptibility and aerophilous large flat benthic profile. These, unlike smaller and diatoms. It occurred more gradually at Sinclair Flat shallow lakes, tended to lose a larger proportion of near Blanchetown, where the turnover from benthic to suitable macrophyte habitat once increased sediment planktonic, turbidity tolerant flora took place from loads reduced photic depth. This occurred abruptly in 1950 to 1990 (Gell, 2010; Grundell et al., 2012). While some upper-catchment sites such as Hogan’s Billa- it is unclear whether these changes reflect a true state bong, where planktonic diatoms came to dominate switch, driven by internal feedbacks, it is clear that the

123 Hydrobiologia systems are subject to a sustained increase in sediment levels in wetlands since river regulation in the 1920s. input. Rates of sediment accumulation have increased Dissolved sulphate salts have accumulated in the from 5 to 80 times (Gell et al., 2006), and, given their rapidly deposited sediments of river floodplain wet- shallow nature and the reduction in middle levels lands and have become reduced, under high water floods, the prospects for their long-term persistence is levels by sulphur-reducing bacteria driven by elevated limited (Gell et al., 2009). nutrient loads (Baldwin et al., 2006). Steadily decreas- ing river levels through the recent drought have limited connection to wetlands causing their levels to Salinity fall, exposing sediments to oxidation. Several wet- lands have acidified and the large, terminal lakes were In many instances, fossil diatom bioindicator assem- at risk of acidifying until an intense La Nin˜a event blages shifted towards medium and high salinity returned flows to the system in 2010. indicators after European settlement. At Tareena Billabong a switch to more saline conditions occurred from AD 1880 (Gell et al., 2005a). Elsewhere salt Co-variation tolerant taxa appear in records somewhat later, and even seemingly high quality sites show signs of Several wetlands show that shifts to diatom species increases in salinity (Gell et al., 2007). This phenom- with higher salinity tolerances are also coincident with enon is also apparent in coastal systems but more as a a shift in taxa that have a preference for elevated consequence of a lack of river flow and subsequent nutrients and turbidity (Battarbee et al., 2012). This mouth closure, leading to evaporative concentration of may reflect a shift to taxa indicative of disturbance in less active, tidal systems (Fluin et al., 2007). In some general, rather than specific stressors. Certainly, the unusual examples, outfalls of relatively fresh, yet prevalence of tychoplanktonic taxa within the Fragi- nutrient enriched waters, have transformed naturally lariaceae in modern assemblages has been explained saline, shallow lakes into deeper, freshwater systems by their ‘weedy’ character and tolerance of disturbed (Haynes et al., 2007), at odds with the recollections habitats (Sonneman et al., 2000). However, wetlands of the local community (Tibby et al., 2007). have inherited species widely recognised for elevated While salinisation events occurred before European concentrations of particular pollutants. This coinci- settlement it is clear that the regional trend has been dent shift may arise through co-variation in the towards elevated wetland salinity that may, in part, be stressors (Gell et al., 2007; Dearing, 2012). In the explained by a drying climate. Interestingly, some Murray-Darling Basin, floodplains hold reserves of floodplain wetlands in close connection to the River buried, ‘native’ phosphorus that is carried into water- Murray have records of plankton, derived from the ways as disturbed surfaces erode. So, it holds that river, that transition to taxa with higher tolerance of increased sedimentation and turbidity also bring salinity and a clear preference for elevated nutrients. elevated nutrient loads (Olley & Wallbrink, 2004). The prevalence of Actinocyclus normanii at Sinclair Similarly, dryland and irrigation salinity bring saline Flat since the 1980s attests to changing water quality aquifers to the surface depositing halite on soil of the River per se (Grundell et al., 2012), when surfaces. This increased sodicity exacerbates erosion monitoring data show little clear trend. Such elevated (Neave & Rayburg, 2006), leading to high sediment nutrient status through the twentieth century is wide- flux and clay-bound nutrient transport. Finally, salin- spread (Gell et al., 2006) revealing a regional increase isation and high sedimentation rates conspire to bury in wetland trophic status. sulphates that, driven by elevated nutrient loads, are A more recent trend is to wetland acidification. reduced to high acid potential sulphides. In sites in the While acid sulphate soils are a management issue for lower part of the system, receiving salts, sediments coastal systems, where sulphate salts have been buried and nutrients from upstream land users, there is almost through the Holocene and reduced to sulphides, this an inevitability that their fate is to complete transfor- appears to be a recent phenomenon in the riverlands, mation to a degraded state and, in some instances, associated with the maintenance of permanent water unprecedented acidification.

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The management challenge and the dilemma Wetland management of ‘limits of acceptable change’ The contemporary focus on State of the Environment One of the major challenges facing wetland managers reporting (CoA, 2001; Beeton et al., 2006), the EU is the need to assess natural and anthropogenically Water Framework Directive (Bennion & Battarbee, induced change against a set of management objectives 2007; Gell et al., 2009; Gell, 2010) and ecological in order to develop suitable management strategies. character assessments under the Ramsar protocol However, the detection of ‘unacceptable change’ is occur within a framework that largely reflects recent ultimately a complex and difficult judgement. The changes in wetland conditions, with little or no level of acceptable change is dependent on the indi- historical perspective. Yet studies, such as that of vidual wetland, and must take into account its ecolog- Bradshaw et al. (2005), reveal changes in lake nutrient ical components as well as acknowledging the various regimes in relation to anthropogenic land-use changes timescales over which many processes have been oper- over the last 6,000 years. Many of these changes occur ating. Without this knowledge understanding and setting during periods of intense modification of the natural benchmark conditions can be challenging (Davis & environment in response to agricultural and techno- Brock, 2008). Management strategies such as the logical advances [e.g. Roman Iron Age (500 BC–AD Ramsar convention were developed to halt and reverse 1050) and the Mediaeval Period (c. AD 1000)]. It is loss and degradation of wetlands as well as encour- clear that, in continents with a long industrial history, aging the implementation of planning and manage- a very long record is required to fully understand ment to maintain ecological character and promote ‘natural ecological condition’. conservation. Whilst a move in the right direction, the Notwithstanding the debate over the impact of Ramsar protocol does not take into account the indigenous Australians on their landscape, it is not timescales that are needed to understand benchmark unreasonable to expect the frameworks that underpin conditions, and many sites listed are already in an natural resource management in Australia to consider altered state. the last few centuries of change, particularly now It has been argued that there can be no single that such intensive palaeolimnological research effort approach to characterising ecological change (Davis has revealed clear trajectories of human impact. In & Brock, 2008) and that conceptual models should essence, policy documents such as the Murray-Darling be employed to understand limits of acceptable change Basin Draft Plan are disarmed when they portray the in wetland ecosystems (using a control or stressor present ecological status of wetlands in terms of approach; Davis & Brock, 2008). Davis et al. (2010) decades, rather than centuries. The decision-making used a unique set of identifiers to understand multiple process, with its endemic political myopia, will stressors and regime response in Thomsons Lake, WA, inevitably under-represent the magnitude of the loss suggesting that a loss or change to anyone of the of heritage and the management challenge to restore identifiers may lead to the likely occurrence of systems to adequate function. unacceptable ecological change. However, without a Of somewhat tangential interest is the dilemma time perspective and only a contemporary understand- of ecological character definition under the Ramsar ing of these systems, limits of acceptable change can be protocol. Curiously, the Coorong wetland of South difficult to pinpoint. Davis & Brock (2008) also Australia was misidentified as a hypersaline lagoon acknowledge the difficulty of providing quantitative for its listing under Ramsar, leading to embargoes on boundaries for detecting and managing change due to the release of freshwater from the hinterland. This, lack of data available for many ecosystems. and drought, led to its inexorable shift to extreme Understanding external drivers and internal dyna hypersalinity, and a state-shift in the ecosystem and mics of ecosystems at appropriate temporal and foodweb (from a complex Ruppia sp. macrophyte- spatial scales is paramount to detecting acceptable dominated system to a simple phytoplankton- and change in many of Australia’s wetlands; a challenge brine shrimp-dominated system; Fluin et al., 2007, that cannot be addressed at a contemporary monitor- Krull et al., 2009; Gell, 2010, Dick et al., 2011). Its ing timescale. true, natural ecological character was as a subsaline,

123 Hydrobiologia strongly tidal system; however, its listing has contrib- observation is made from truncated records of change uted to its demise. Towards what baseline should this based on short-term instrumental records or anecdotal system be restored? Should this wetland be cited under evidence. Palaeolimnological approaches to extend the Montreaux List of Degraded Wetlands when it was this record of knowledge tend to reveal that the already degraded before listing and its very listing has shorter-term record greatly underestimates the mag- driven it to a new ecological character? Simply, what nitude of wetland change and natural heritage loss, and are its ‘limits of acceptable change’ and when did it the challenge for ecosystem function restoration. In exceed them? several notable examples, as clearly revealed by long Finally, drying scenarios identify southeastern term, palaeo-data, one of the most important issues Australia as a climate change hotspot (Giorgi, 2006) facing modern management is the fact that many and runoff scenarios of 25–50 % decline in river flow of these modern systems are now operating outside of raise questions as to whether any Murray-Darling their natural variability which has diminished the Basin wetland will remain within ‘limits of acceptable resilience of these wetlands to both the recent and change’ as defined in recent ecological character future, climate change. This issue of compromised reviews. Clearly, climate change is a threatening resilience, coupled with the misdiagnosis of lake process through changing wetting and drying regimes. and wetland characteristics, and that the identification While wetlands will continue to retain attributes that of old baselines tend to undermine the legitimacy of continue to qualify them as wetlands of international modern regulations, will undoubtedly lead to the significance, a key challenge lies in the wider implementation of measures that only serve to exac- acknowledgement of the climate-driven shifts in erbate the trend of degradation. ecological character and more significantly, the capacity for the global waterway management com- Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the travel munity to deal with such ‘wicked’ drivers of change. support provided by Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering for PG to present the paper. The authors acknowledge the support and funding from the Australian Research Council, South Australian Department of Water, Land Conclusion and Biodiversity Conservation, the River Murray Natural Resource Management Board, and the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. The palaeolimnological record identifies an extended range of past climates and wetland responses to changes and variability in effective moisture. In most, References but not all instances, it attests to the considerable, inherent resilience of these systems to climate as a Baldwin, D., G. N. Rees, A. M. Mitchell, G. Watson & J. driver of wetland condition. Increasingly common Williams, 2006. The short-term effects of salinisation on records revealing that wetlands are now outside this anaerobic nutrient cycling and microbial community historic range of variability suggest that the adaptive structure in sediment from a freshwater wetland. Wetlands 26: 455–464. capacity of the wetlands has been compromised by the Barr, C., 2010. Droughts and flooding rains: a fine-resolution extensive, and pervasive, effect of direct catchment reconstruction of climatic variability in southeastern Aus- disturbance and hydrological modifications. Climate tralia over the last 1500 years. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, scenarios of even further reductions in effective University of Adelaide, 388 pp. Barry, M. J., J. Tibby, A. Tsitsilas, B. Mason, P. Kershaw & moisture across southeast Australia, overlain on a H. Heijnis, 2005. A long term lake-salinity record and its landscape severely stressed by direct human impacts, relationships to Daphnia populations. Archiv fu¨r Hydro- represent the real challenge for wetland managers biologie 163: 1–23. and require them to manage for change, and not for Battarbee, R. W., 1986. Diatom analysis. In Berglund, B. E. (ed.), Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology. stationarity. Wiley, Chichester: 527–570. It is now widely recognised that many of the Battarbee, R. W., V. J. Jones, R. J. Flower, N. G. Cameron, world’s wetlands have been placed under considerable H. Bennion, L. Carvalho & S. Juggins, 2001. Diatoms. stress through anthropogenic disturbance to catchment In Smol, J. P., H. J. B. Birks & W. M. Last (eds), Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments, Vol. 3: surfaces and hydrology, and the direct release Terrestrial, Algal, and Siliceous Indicators. Kluwer Aca- of human waste products. In many instances, this demic Publishers, Dordrecht: 155–202. 123 Hydrobiologia

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