RESEARCH ARTICLE Macrophages protect Talaromyces marneffei conidia from myeloperoxidase-dependent neutrophil fungicidal activity during infection establishment in vivo Felix Ellett1,2,3☯¤a, Vahid Pazhakh1☯, Luke Pase1,2, Erica L. Benard2¤b, Harshini Weerasinghe4, Denis Azabdaftari1, Sultan Alasmari1¤c, Alex Andrianopoulos4, Graham J. Lieschke1,2* a1111111111 a1111111111 1 Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 2 Cancer and Haematology Division, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, a1111111111 3 Department of Medical Biology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 4 Genetics, a1111111111 Genomics and Systems Biology, School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia a1111111111 ☯ These authors contributed equally to this work. ¤a Current address: BioMEMS Resource Center, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United States of America ¤b Current address: Institute for Zoology, Developmental Biology, Cologne University, Cologne, Germany ¤c Current address: Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, King Khalid University, Ahba KSA, Saudi Arabia OPEN ACCESS *
[email protected] Citation: Ellett F, Pazhakh V, Pase L, Benard EL, Weerasinghe H, Azabdaftari D, et al. (2018) Macrophages protect Talaromyces marneffei Abstract conidia from myeloperoxidase-dependent neutrophil fungicidal activity during infection Neutrophils and macrophages provide the first line of