DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Vol. 55: 259–260, 2003 Published August 4 Dis Aquat Org


Infection of the isopod Tachaea spongillicola on freshwater prawns spp. in southern India

Pitchaimuthu Mariappan1,*, Chellam Balasundaram1, Jean-Paul Trilles2

1Department of Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli 620 024, India 2Laboratoire d’Ecophysiologie des Invertébrés, Université Montpellier II, Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, CP 092, Place Eugéne Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

ABSTRACT: This paper reports the infection of freshwater Coralallanidae (Delaney 1989). With the exception of prawns belonging to the genus Macrobrachium by the isopod T. crassipes, other species are recorded from fresh- parasite Tachaea spongillicola in a freshwater river system of water habitats as ectoparasites of fishes and prawns. southeastern India. However, T. spongillicola has been collected only as a KEY WORDS: Isopod · Tachaea spongillicola · Freshwater commensal of the freshwater sponges S. carteri and S. prawn · Macrobrachium lacustris (Stebbing 1907). Thus, this is the first report Resale or republication not permitted of T. spongillicola being collected as an ectoparasite of without written consent of the publisher freshwater prawns. Although earlier studies describe bopyrid isopods as Isopods are dorsoventrally flattened peracarid crus- common parasites of Macrobrachium spp. (Ibrahim taceans that are free-living scavengers, commensal 1962, Markham 1985, Oliveira 2000), the occurrence of partners or parasites. Of approximately 10 000 de- the cymothoid isopod Telotha henselli (von Martens) scribed species in 10 suborders, ca. 5000 are terrestrial, on M. brasiliense (Heller) is considered as exceptional 4500 are marine and 500 are freshwater with a wide (Lemos de Castro 1985). Infection of corallanid isopods distribution over highly varied habitats (Kensley & of the genus Tachaea on freshwater prawns that Brusca 2001). Ectoparasitic isopods can pose serious problems by infecting fishes and in the wild and in aquaculture (Koesharyani et al. 1999, Papapanagiotou et al. 1999, Kent 2000, Papapana- giotou & Trilles 2001, Thatcher & Blumenfeldt 2001). Indian ocean isopods, including parasites, have recently been reviewed by Kensley (2001). During field studies on the diversity, biology and behaviour of freshwater prawns, conducted between June 1997 and January 2000, we found isopod infec- tions on Macrobrachium nobilii, M. lamarrei and M. malcolmsonii from 3 sites along the course of the Cau- very River near Tiruchirapalli, South India (Fig. 1). Jedarpalayam, the farthest collection site, is at a dis- tance of ca. 400 km from the Bay of Bengal. The isopod was identified as Tachaea spongillicola Stebbing, 1907 based on the description provided by Stebbing in 1907. T. spongillicola was first collected from a freshwater tank from the freshwater sponge Spongilla carteri. Hence, the name of the species is derived from that of the sponge. The distribution of the 6 species of the genus Tachaea is more restricted than that of other species in related genera of the family Fig. 1. Map showing study sites (•) on the Cauvery River

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2003 · www.int-res.com 260 Dis Aquat Org 55: 259–260, 2003

cola remains with them throughout their migrations (i.e. whether it is also present in marine water) merits further investigation.

Acknowledgements. P.M. gratefully acknowledges the CSIR- Government of India for financial assistance in the form of a Senior Research Fellowship award (1998–2002). The authors are also indebted to those who provided relevant literature.


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Editorial responsibility: Timothy Flegel, Submitted: March 18, 2002; Accepted: April 18, 2003 Bangkok, Thailand Proofs received from author(s): July 7, 2003