Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 fteltrlsiuoeeeeto h aillr rhie n rauefruao P1–P4. of formula armature and arthrite, maxillulary the of element spinulose cecsurirensis lateral the of eaae yteP aeedpdEPlnt ratio. length baseoendopod:EXP P5 the by separated deborahdexterae cecsurirensis deborahdexterae ulse 6Fbur 2007 February 16 Published Mazatla s/n, Camarena preliminarily was material Chilean the Although 2005. October and as 2004 identified October in trips sampling on notes 2000 some and Chile from History Natural of Journal O:10.1080/00222930601141476 online DOI: 1464-5262 print/ISSN 0022-2933 ISSN Go Samuel Correspondence: 2000; al. et (Dole-Olivier cladocerans and genus calanoid centropagid ostracods, the , copepods, Among 2000). of Robertson high occurrence at zones isolated because the in mainly located are Chile (Zun lakes) northern and altitudes marshes, in streams, studied (pools, poorly systems freshwater been have microcrustaceans Freshwater Introduction Keywords: rostrum, the in dimorphism sexual shows also species for new found The that genus. to the similar for typical dimorphism of specimens Some Abstract 1 GO S. of species new A ( Chile Valdivia, Auto ecito of description ihr,18 stems bnattxn(ulete l 96 al 93 ilase al. ( et Williams genera 1993; Bayly 1986; cyclopoid al. et Other (Hurlbert taxon abundant 1995). most the is 1889 Richard, Paracyclops cetd2 oebr2006) November 20 Accepted nddAcade Unidad opeedsrpino h e hla pce n oeaedet oteoriginal the to amendments some and species Chilean new the of description complete A nm eMxc,Mazatla Mexico, de ´noma ´ MEZ h e pce a on ob iia to similar be to found was species new The . lu,19)adoehratci aiy(atoapia as 96 have 1906) Sars, ( family harpacticoid one and 1893) Claus, .axi C. Chile, .axi C. 1 mc Mazatla ´mica iae l 91 94 aad ta.19) rvossuishv reported have studies Previous 1992). al. et Gajardo 1994; 1991, al. et ˜iga and , .SCHEIHING R. , yteP X:N eghratio. length EXP:ENP P1 the by n800 iao,Me Sinaloa, 82040, ´n fe aeu npcin twsceryanwChilean new a clearly was it inspection, careful after , Cletocamptus Cletocamptus .axi C. r given. are mz nttt eCeca e a Limnologı y Mar del Ciencias de Instituto ´mez, and .retrogressus C. ntecmiaino h rauefruao h adblrpl,shape palp, mandibular the of formula armature the of combination the in 07 114:39–60 41(1–4): 2007; , Cletocamptus n nttt eCeca e a Limnologı y Mar del Ciencias de Instituto ´n, .levis C. n iao,Me Sinaloa, ´n, eefudi aa eSrr CienAda lta)drn two during plateau) Andean (Chilean Surire de Salar in found were xc.Eal [email protected] Email: ´xico. oeoa apciod,nwseis species, new , Copepoda, , a edsigihdfrom distinguished be can # 2 , Eucyclops .albuquerquensis C. 07Tyo Francis & Taylor 2007 .LABARCA P. & xc,and ´xico, lu,1893, Claus, Cppd:Harpacticoida) (Copepoda: ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus ltcmtsaxi Cletocamptus ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus and , 2 .levis C. etod suisCientı Estudios de Centro 2 a nddAcade Unidad ´a, .levis C. .sinaloensis C. Diacyclops , .sinaloensis C. . a nvria Nacional Universidad ´a, Cletocamptus mc Mazatla ´mica Boeckella , .fourchensis C. ifr 97 and 1927, Kiefer, and , hw h sexual the shows .fourchensis C. .levis C. fcs(CECS), ´ficos Mielke, ureand Guerne n olMontes Joel ´n, species, and , a be can , C. C. C. Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 40 rsre nachl hrenfml EUO-041 oEUO-042)ad10 and (EMUCOP-1004-02) EMUCOP-1004-26) to allotype (EMUCOP-1004-14 male female Thirteen one alcohol. and in preserved (EMUCOP-1004-01) holotype female One material Type uigtosmln rp nOtbr20 n coe 05 pnpreliminary Upon 2005. October fu and Chile) (Institut de 2004 Mielke Austral Go Universidad plateau) W. October Biology, Andean of Marine Dr (Chilean in of and Specimens (Institute Surire Asencio trips de Gladys 2000). Salar Dr sampling in inspection, Siefeld ponds two and shallow two during Berrios in and 1985; stream freshwater (Reid reported Cletocamptus previously been also rxml(ide itl xpdl(nooa)sgeto 1 2 3 rP4. or account P3, Taxonomic P2, P1, the of denotes segment sixth 3) (endopodal) to 1(2, first exopodal EXP(ENP) P1–P6, distal) P1(P2–P4) tables: (middle, endopod; and ENP, proximal text the exopod; in EXP, used legs; Station. are swimming abbreviations Marine following Mazatlan The Limnology, adopted. is and Sciences Marine of Institute the of collection cecsurirensis adhl lsi oe 35c ndaee;smln ra96cm 9.6 area a sampling using taken diameter; were Samples in 2005. cm October (3.5 19 and corer sampling 2004 stream two plastic October during freshwater 19 sediments) (a hand-held muddy on (Chile) with Surire out ponds de carried shallow Salar trips two in and sites sediments three sandy at with taken were samples Sediment methods and Materials of description herein. (2000) examined of material species the new in a observed of also presence were the of which revealed specimens of Chilean (S.G.) description male the us original of and of inspection one female to careful with Mielke Subsequent comparison litt.). and in material (Mielke observed were differences qipdwt rwn uea anfctoso 1000 of microscope magnifications intraspecific compound at as Leica considered a tube different were using drawing and somite made with setae/spines, were anal drawings reduced the equipped and variability. and/or of Observations well-developed intraspecific ornamentation variability. of as Aberrations, spinular in lack considered specimens. of variability Axioskop or dissected not patterns presence Intraspecific from were Zeiss the only specimens. segments Only assessed a and/or dissected and was setae/spines and observations using P1–P6 deformed Morphological whole of comparison. sorted from formulae for armature made Mielke were W. were Dr copepods drawings by provided and of kindly males three were ethanol and females 70% Three stereomicroscope. with preserved tign dniidteCienmtra as material Chilean the identified ¨ttingen) h emnlg rpsdb usadBxhl 19)frmrhlgcldescriptions morphological for (1991) Boxshall and Huys by proposed terminology The opeedsrpino h e hla pce n oeaedet oMielke’s to amendments some and species Chilean new the of description complete A aiyCANTHOCAMPTIDAE Family .Go S. mze al. et ´mez p o.adtemtra of material the and nov. sp. cmneish 85wr on ytoo s(..adPL)i a in P.L.) and (R.S. us of two by found were 1875 Schmankewitsch, Genus .axi C. .axi C. ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus r given. are ile(00 oe oevraiiyi eea characters several in variability some noted (2000) Mielke , Cletocamptus rZooi n nhoooi Georg-August-Universita Anthropologie und Zoologie ¨r Fgrs1–11) (Figures as 96( 1906 Sars, .axi C. cmneish 1875 Schmankewitsch, .axi C. aebe eoie nteCopepoda the in deposited been have .axi C. ile 00 lhuhsm minor some although 2000, Mielke, netesedis incertae p nov. sp. olce rmtetp locality type the from collected 6 h yemtra of material type The . .axi C. ) sensu Cletocamptus idysn yDr by sent kindly 2 .Smlswere Samples ). o,1986 Por, nthe In . C. ¨t Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 iue1. Figure ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus p o.Fml.()Hbts osl B aiu,ltrl cl a:427 bar: Scale lateral. habitus, (B) dorsal; Habitus, (A) Female. nov. sp. e pce of species New ltcmts41 Cletocamptus m m. Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 n ih adlrms aea;()aa oieadcua ai osl cl a:100 bar: Scale somite dorsal. anal rami, (I) caudal H); and (G, somite urosomites anal fifth (J) and lateral; fourth ramus, and caudal F), right (E, and double-somite genital (A–D), somites P5-bearing 42 iue2. Figure .Go S. ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus mze al. et ´mez p o.Fml.(–)Siua raetto ln otro agno P2– of margin posterior along ornamentation Spinular (A–H) Female. nov. sp. m m. Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 mte) C 6 D etcua au,vnrl cl a:46 bar: Scale ventral. ramus, caudal left (D) P6; (C) omitted); iue3. Figure ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus p o.Fml.()Atnue B rsm,vnrl(5baigsomite (P5-bearing ventral urosome, (B) Antennule; (A) Female. nov. sp. m A;107 (A); m e pce of species New m B;32 (B); m ltcmts43 Cletocamptus m C;64 (C); m m (D). m Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 44 iue4. Figure noo;()mnil;()mxlue F ail.Saebr 86 bar: Scale maxilla. (F) maxillule; (E) mandible; (D) endopod; .Go S. ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus mze al. et ´mez p o.Fml.()Atna B nenleoo;()dsa ato antennal of part distal (C) exopod; antennal (B) Antenna; (A) Female. nov. sp. m A;51 (A); m m (B–F). m Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 04ad1 coe 05 ml rswtrsra ihsnybto (18 bottom sandy with stream freshwater October small 19 2005; on October Collected 19 (EMUCOP-1004-03). alcohol and in and 2004 female preserved 10 paratypes and male paratypes, nine dissected EMUCOP-1004-13) to (EMUCOP-1004-04 male 69 69 aa eSrr,Cienhg nenPaeu(18 Plateau Andean high Chilean Surire, de Salar locality Type iue5. Figure u u 05 05 9 9 17.6 27.7 ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus 0 0 ) w hlo od (18 ponds shallow two W), )wt ud otm 10masl;cl.RdioScheihing. Rodrigo coll. a.s.l.; m 4180 bottom; muddy with W) p o.Fml.()Mxlie;()P.Saebr 60 bar: Scale P5. (B) Maxilliped; (A) Female. nov. sp. u 51 9 43 0 u ,69 S, 47 9 24.7 e pce of species New u 07 0 ,69 S, 9 59.3 u 0 05 n 18 and W 9 ltcmts45 Cletocamptus 17.6 m 0 A;100 (A); m W). u u 47 47 9 9 24.7 34.6 m (B). m 0 0 S, S, Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 46 .. ok n otetp oaiyweeteseiswsfound. was species the where locality type the Cientı Estudios to de and Centro work, the P.L.) to refers epithet specific The Etymology .Go S. iue6. Figure mze al. et ´mez ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus p o.Fml.()P;()P.Saebr 117 bar: Scale P2. (B) P1; (A) Female. nov. sp. fcsweetoo s(..and (R.S. us of two where ´ficos m m. Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 aiu Fgr A )tprn otrol;ttlbd eghmaue rmtpof tip from 820 to measured 680 length from ranging body rami total caudal of posteriorly; margin posterior tapering to B) rostrum 1A, (Figure Habitus Female iue7. Figure ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus p o.Fml.()P;()P.Saebr 100 bar: Scale P4. (B) P3; (A) Female. nov. sp. e pce of species New ltcmts47 Cletocamptus m ma 3 mm, 737 (mean m m m. Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 48 ln otro agn(iue2,F,adwt eaieylne pnlsltrly ventrally spinules laterally, long and spinules of longer (first relatively row margin urosomite with with and spinules, third F), posterior minute 2E, and (Figure of second margin rows along posterior of transverse along with surface fused spinules completely somites) lateral but genital and long B), second indicating 1A, dorsal (Figure laterally with 3B); urosomites (Figure and third ventrally dorsally and and second rib first between subcuticular margin small division of with of former posterior surface double-somite row with Genital lateral spinules, to 2D). (Figure and minute of close Dorsal rows 2A–C). transverse with (Figure spinules of with and rows margin margin somite) and posterior (P5-bearing transverse posterior to Dorsal urosomite with close along laterally. spinules somites) small spinules and of (P2–P4-bearing long dorsally row somites longitudinal margin with thoracic along spinules, free minute spinules of shield fine Cephalic surface small, surface. lateral ventral with on B) distally spinules 1A, (Figure small with ornamented and subapically n 8. Figure eta P-ern oieoitd.Saebr 100 bar: Scale omitted). somite (P5-bearing ventral 5 8 ooye70m) otu eie tbs,tinua,wt aro setules of pair with triangular, base, at defined Rostrum mm). 740 holotype 18; .Go S. ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus mze al. et ´mez p o.Ml.()Uooe osl(5baigsmt mte) B urosome, (B) omitted); somite (P5-bearing dorsal Urosome, (A) Male. nov. sp. m m. Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 pruu unse ihtorw fsrn pnls adlrm Fgrs1,B I J, 2I, B, 1A, (Figures rami Caudal spinules. anal rounded strong J); of 3I, (Figure rows rami two caudal with somite with joint furnished previous to operculum close in spinules as strong dorsolateral urosomites with fifth 3B). (Figure and pattern Fourth spinular 3B). with (Figure ventrally figured dorsally, as 100 spinules bar: Scale with P5. (D) segment; antennular last (C) antennule; 9. Figure oslsraeo nlsmt Fgrs1,B J ihtases oso pnlsand spinules of rows transverse with 2J) B, 1A, (Figures somite anal of surface Dorsal ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus p o.Ml.()Rsrm n is n eodatnua emns (B) segments; antennular second and first and Rostrum, (A) Male. nov. sp. m A ) 143 B); (A, m e pce of species New m C;100 (C); m ltcmts49 Cletocamptus m (D). m Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 50 fsiue nfrtsget rauefrua -1,2(0,3() 4-(1 3-(6), 2-(10), 1-(1), formula, Armature segment. to first close on spinules spinules for of except smooth, surface elements. ventral seven and with dorsal margin; wide; as posterior long as nearly 3D) 10. Figure cl a:100 bar: Scale (9 n-emne;aotfv ie ogrta ie ihfwsiue,adwt n lateral Exopod one 4C). (Figure with and elements spinules, distal 4B). few (Figure five with setae and wide; apical than seta two longer and slender times a five and about with one-segmented; spines subdistally; and inner proximally lateral spinules strong two inner with ornamented segment endopodal + nenl Fgr A i-emne;sraeo emnssot xetfrtorows two for except smooth segments of surface six-segmented; 3A) (Figure Antennule nen Fgr A ihsalcx.Albssamdwt w bxpdlste Free setae. abexopodal two with armed Allobasis coxa. small with 4A) (Figure Antenna [1 + ae]). .Go S. ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus m mze al. et ´mez A;143 (A); m m B;100 (B); m p o.Ml.()P;()dmrhcinrpoeto fbsso 1 C P2. (C) P1; of basis of projection inner dimorphic (B) P1; (A) Male. nov. sp. m (C). m + [1 + e) -1,6- 5-(1), ae]), Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 143 iue11. Figure m B;100 (B); m ltcmtscecsurirensis Cletocamptus m (C). m p o.Ml.()P;()edpdo 3 C 4 cl a:100 bar: Scale P4. (C) P3; of endopod (B) P3; (A) Male. nov. sp. e pce of species New ltcmts51 Cletocamptus m (A); m Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 N -;0I, -;I1100 ,, -;0206 0,2,0 0-0; 5 I,1,1 II,I1,0 0-0; I-1; I-0; II,I1,1 I-1; I-0; I,1,1 0-0; II,I1,1 I-1; I-0; 0,I1,1 0-1; I,I1,1 I-1; I-0; ENP EXP 52 eia oie;ec etga e ersne yoeotrln n n lne ne seta. double-somite. inner slender genital one of and middle long the outer one in by pore represented Copulatory leg vestigial each somite); genital as setae of basis. of length seta relative outer setae; plus inner setae, five four with of and base figured, at apical, as spinules spinules one with with margin, outer, outer Exopod one and figured. inner with along armed spinules seta; of and apical sets spinules with slender exopod, as outer long and 1 inner shorter). ENP with (innermost 1; 2 setae EXP ENP P4 apical of long; two tip with than the wider reaching slightly barely two-segmented, small, Endopod seta. inner without P2. in outer as one with endopod and and shown, seta. as inner spinules long one seta. with and inner 2 wider apical with slightly ENP one small, spinules; 3 1 spine, outer ENP and with 1; 2 and EXP long of EXP tip than figured; beyond reaching as barely ornamented two-segmented, Endopod and three-segmented Exopod like. three-segmented. 3. Exopod EXP spine. of basal posterior inner middle on of the spinules base corner stronger reaching at with distal and two-segmented, and rami outer Endopod row, and between spinule near exopod, median row of with medially base spines; spinule at outer spinules with and posterior inner and with small face, Basis one face. anterior with and seta. on small rows margin; accompanying anterior spinule one with one inner claw one slender with along and long bearing armature; into spinules drawn without claw Endopod of subapically. Basis strong row corner. into longitudinal distal drawn inner Allobasis on setae. figured. three by as represented setae Endopod seta. three accompanying seta, bearing one and apical each three three by with represented the seemingly seemingly of Basis exopod Homology assess. and some endopod to spinules. respectively. with setae, difficult median Coxa lateral endopod some two spinulose. and with and latter exopod Basis the basis, setae. seta, on slender strong setae two lateral with one and and spinules spines distal nearby. seven arising two seta, seta with small one-segmented, one Palp and seta. lateral length one in and unequal element setae pyriform one teeth, cuspidate 6(iue3)rpeetdb einpaei neirhl fscn rsmt (first urosomite second of half anterior in plate median by represented 3C) (Figure P6 follows: as P1–P5 female of formula Armature as twice about lobe Baseoendopodal fused. baseoendopod and exopod 5B): (Figure P5 3 EXP with, 2 EXP three-segmented; Exopod P3. Exopod in element. as outer basis seta-like and for coxa except 7B): P2 (Figure in P4 as Basis P2. in as coxa 7A): (Figure P3 spine- element outer spine; inner for except P1 in as Basis P1. in as coxa 6B): (Figure P2 transverse with latter The coxa. with joint to close spinules with praecoxa 6A): (Figure P1 seta small a with and spinules of rows with Syncoxa subchelate. 5A) (Figure Maxilliped endites, two with margin; inner along spinules minute with syncoxa 4F): (Figure Maxilla surface one with spinules, few with praecoxa of multi- arthrite robust; four 4E) teeth, (Figure Maxillule bicuspidate two with edge chewing robust; 4D) (Figure Mandible .Go S. mze al. et ´mez 1P 3P P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 ihtreteh rauefruadfiutt eie u rbbya olw -1,2-(9), 1-(1), follows as probably but define, to 4-(6 small difficult 3-(8), formula female. with Armature in teeth. as set three B) with and 8A, (Figure as rami setules spinules caudal with lateral ornamented and Rostrum urosomites somite two fifth B). Anal to 8A, Second with figured. (Figure surface. double-somite ventral elongate, on genital apically dimorphic, for spinules except sexually female in 9A) (Figure as shown) (not Body Male oehtsotr n htteotrst fteml 2EP2i oesedr ealso He slender. more is are 2 rami ENP caudal P2 the male that the longer, of somewhat seta and are outer P1, of P3 the segment that and endopodal and P2 second shorter, of the somewhat segment of endopodal seta first inner the the to, exopod, close antennal the very material, be the or that suggested to, Nu Mielke Puerto belong W. could Dr material inspection, preliminary Chilean Upon plateau). Andean (Chilean pcmn of Specimens P5 the shorter; is three male setae. Discussion possesses one three male of of one instead one baseoendopod of four of P5 instead 3 possesses two the male ENP possesses of one P4 same spine of the the left of baseoendopod of outermost the 3 segment the EXP shorter; last P3 setae; is right the the inner male fused); and two-segmented setae one partially a two of segments with of found instead third P2 on was and of spinules male second inferior exopod one (the the small; left anal P2 spinules; very the of of are males; row exopod male two one one left in only of with longer operculum furnished are anal is the urosomites male of one rows of spinular operculum ventral the operculum; four anal possesses analysed). female males three one (10 possesses of Males segment. endopod one female last P3 one of the left of on operculum the endopod setae segment; anal three last P4 the the of left on instead specimens; the setae four spinules; two of of in instead row length one same possesses the female analysed). about of females baseoendopod (13 Females Variability setae. three with baseoendopod seta; basal plus setae far reaching apophysis 3. with ENP segment second beyond three-segmented, dimorphic, endopod spines; 1–3. EXP of spines dimorphic outer bare and 10B). (Figure nenl Fgr AC i-emne,sbhrcr atsgeta nFgr Cand 9C Figure in as segment last subchirocer; six-segmented, 9A–C) (Figure Antennule 6(iue8)rpeetdb lt,wtotarmature. without plate, four a with by exopod represented fused; 8B) (Figure exopod P6 and spines. dimorphic baseoendopod outer distinct; stronger legs for both except 9D): (Figure dimorphic female P5 in outer as male bare 11C) and (Figure the P4 stronger for in except stronger female basis and in ENP2, as of of B) spine 11A, projection (Figure inner exopod dimorphic inner P3 for except for female in except as 10C) female (Figure P2 in female. in as as shown) 10A) (not (Figure maxilliped and P1 maxilla, maxillule, mandible, Antenna, ´n + e SnaCu,GlpgsIlns.Mek i it)ntdta,i h Chilean the in that, noted litt.) (in Mielke Islands). Galapagos Cruz, (Santa ˜ez [1 + Cletocamptus e) -0,6-(7 5-(0), ae]), n aewsosre ihu pnlronmnaino the on ornamentation spinular without observed was male One eefudi eietsmlstkni aa eSurire de Salar in taken samples sediment in found were + [1 h eodadtidinrotsteo h P5 the of setae innermost third and second The + ae]). e pce of species New .axi C. nw rmteLgo of Lagoon the from known ltcmts53 Cletocamptus Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 eaeP wt orisedo he ea)(iue1F,adtedfeec ewe the between difference the the by of and of observed 14F), segment (Figure rami variability endopodal caudal setae) the the second three of of also the careful ratio instead noted of length–width Upon four (S.G.) formula species. (with us armature P3 the of the female of one regarding of variability material, (2000) intraspecific males same Mielke the the three assess of and to inspection females needed are three specimens only of inspection 1875, aiblt oe yMek 20)rgrigtesiua raetto fteanal the the of in spinules) ornamentation of number spinular different the with the and observe spinules, to of regarding of possible rows females also two (2000) or was one Mielke It (with C). operculum by 13B, 12, noted (Figures of herein variability females presented is three and and analysed males three with slight more Chilean the some separate finding to difficult of rather be possibility could it the anal that and from hand, hand, somites other material body one the the on on of and differences, ornamentation suggested, spinular and the in operculum, differences slight some noted iue1B wt w oso togsiue)wsosre ntoo h three the of two in observed 13A Figure of was in specimens shown spinules) male ornamentation three spinular strong all the in of hand, observed other was rows the On two analysed. (with specimens C 14B, Figure eadn h eaielnt fteedpdo 1i n fteegtaiasdissected. of specimens eight the the third all of Mielke, variability the any Dr any in by of provided note P1 material middle not of the did endopod of the the and examination reaching of our 2B) Figure From length barely 276, p relative segment the 2000, regarding Mielke endopodal (see element. second outer segment) longer exopodal (the a and exopod of seta P6 the minute female the inner of one structure by the represented show being to leg able each also was and material, 54 hi nrseii aiblt edmoelp.Tesm em oapyfrtevraiiyof variability the for since cecsurirensis apply control to genetic seems axi under same The be C. overlaps. must seldom species variability each intraspecific for their observed variability the that suggested 76 ugse edfrdsrbn ndti h osladvnrlspinular ventral and dorsal the detail in describing of for Go inner somites Later, on need body differ. seta also the of a could and ornamentation P2 seta suggested of also terminal segment He inner that 2726) exopodal legs. and the p P3, distal swimming of of the of points segment of setae endopodal insertion margin distal the P6 the the male of between on of length setae distance armature four relative the exopod, possessed and P5 female seta), one male that the small noted of a or setae exopod, without antennal two one or the but (with of (with innermost formula spinules) the armature without of six), or length to (with relative (five ornamentation operculum spinular anal and the setae) three on spinules of number the nufcett sestevraiiyadtems omncniino h 1edpdof endopod P1 the of condition common the most than the shorter and axi endopod variability C. the the or assess exopod, of to the insufficient than P1 condition longer the which or than uncertain defines longer as remains slightly exopod) long it or as respect, as endopod this long In the as 15B). endopod (either P1 14E, (Figures a exopod possess to entire found the were female, one for except neetnl,Mek 20)dsrbdteedpdo 1of P1 of endopod the described (2000) Mielke Interestingly, tpeet h ai pce within species valid the present, At Go in variability intraspecific some noted (2000) Mielke mze l 20) fe nlsn h aiblt ffu pce of species four of variability the analysing after (2004), al. et ´mez . .confluens C. .Go S. n h hla aeil hsspotn h rcino e species, new a of erection the supporting thus material, Chilean the and .axi C. p nov. sp. mze al. et ´mez .axi C. Fgrs1B ,1A.O hs,tesiua raetto hw in shown ornamentation spinular the these, Of 15A). C, 14B, (Figures Shel 1894), (Schmeil, ae oeyo opooia evidence. morphological on solely based .axi C. hs sntdaoe h nlsso i pcmn is specimens six of analysis the above, noted as Thus, . .axi C. .albuquerquensis C. Cletocamptus .axi C. .axi C. rMek idypoie n fu (S.G.) us of one provided kindly Mielke Dr . .axi C. seFgrs1B ,1A n h Chilean the and 15A) D, 14B, Figures (see nwihtesiua raetto was ornamentation spinular the which in fcus,i hudb oe htthe that noted be should it course, Of . are Hrik 1894), (Herrick, .axi C. .axi C. .retrogressus C. uhvraiiywsfudin found was variability Such . .axi C. snteog n more and enough not is sbigsotrthan shorter being as .axi C. .trichotus C. mze l (2004, al. et ´mez Schmankewitsch, Fgr 14A), (Figure Cletocamptus Kiefer, .axi C. C. , , Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 .mongolicus C. lvrsadFlz 2004, Foltz, and Olivares 1929, ile 2000, Mielke, .feei C. iue12. Figure Se,1956), (Shen, tb,1968, Strba, .schmidti C. ltcmtsaxi Cletocamptus .stimpsoni C. .affinis C. .helobius C. ile 2000, Mielke, ile 00 eae rsm,dra.Saebr 100 bar: Scale dorsal. Urosome, Female. 2000. Mielke, ifr 1957, Kiefer, Go mz lee,RcaOiae n ot,2004, Foltz, and Rocha-Olivares Fleeger, ´mez, lee,1980, Fleeger, .deborahdexterae C. .gravihiatus C. e pce of species New .merbokensis C. Go Se n ug 1963), Sung, and (Shen mz lee,Rocha- Fleeger, ´mez, ltcmts55 Cletocamptus e,1999, Gee, m m. .axi C. C. Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 56 iue13. Figure P-ern oieoitd;()uooe osl(5baigsmt mte) cl a:100 bar: Scale omitted). somite (P5-bearing dorsal urosome, (C) omitted); somite (P5-bearing C). .Go S. ltcmtsaxi Cletocamptus mze al. et ´mez ile 00 ae A nlsmt n adlrm,dra;()uooe ventral urosome, (B) dorsal; rami, caudal and somite Anal (A) Male. 2000. Mielke, m A;240 (A); m m (B, m Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 iue14. Figure pruu;()lf adlrms osl E 1 F bratP N.Saebr 100 bar: Scale ENP. P3 aberrant (F) P1; (E) dorsal; ramus, caudal left (D) operculum; C;100 (C); m D;117 (D); m ltcmtsaxi Cletocamptus m E;115 (E); m ile 00 eae A 6 B nlsmt n adlrm,dra;()anal (C) dorsal; rami, caudal and somite anal (B) P6; (A) Female. 2000. Mielke, m (F). m e pce of species New m ltcmts57 Cletocamptus A;200 (A); m m B;70 (B); m m m Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 hs,1 pce aebe ecie rmteAeia ( Americas the from described been have species 10 these, oh-lvrsadFlz 2004, Foltz, and Rocha-Olivares 58 sinaloensis 75 15. Figure m m. .Go S. ltcmtsaxi Cletocamptus Go mze al. et ´mez mz lee,RcaOiae n ot,2004, Foltz, and Rocha-Olivares Fleeger, ´mez, ile 00 A eaeaa oieadcua ai osl B aeP.Saebar: Scale P1. male (B) dorsal; rami, caudal and somite anal Female (A) 2000. Mielke, .levis C. Go mz 05 and 2005, ´mez, .fourchensis C. .helobius C. .nudus C. , Go .sinaloensis C. Go mz 05 Of 2005. ´mez, mz Fleeger, ´mez, , C. Downloaded By: [UNAM] At: 00:26 27 March 2007 2 hp fteltrlsiuoeeeeto h aillr reoa rhie n (3) and arthrite, praecoxal maxillulary the of element nearby); However, arising spinulose P1–P4. seta of small lateral formula a the armature plus palp, of one-segmented shape the from (2) arising setae two (with palp from deborahdexterae P N ogro sln seoo ntetreltrseis u 1EP2hardly 2 ENP P1 but species, species). later former three two the the in in 3 exopod EXP as P1 of long middle as the or reaching longer ENP (P1 mine aio mr nvria eLsLgs n rEeaCaig(nttt de (Instituto of Clasing Elena staff Dr and and Lagos) Cesar Los officers Geographer de Biologı Universidad of Morales, Imar, Marinos assistance Heidi Ambientes y The and recognized. Neira gratefully Acun Guillermo is Huamachuco colonels Regimiento for of assistance only The observed been Acknowledgements has and same 8), Figure I, The Plate 2B), 242, Figure p female. 4, 1962, p (Pallares Interestingly, 2001, the P6. (Mielke and 1875 in P5, Schmankewitsch, ENP, P3 than ENP, P2 male EXP, P2–P4 slightly of cecsurirensis spines or C. outer as P1, long of cautiously basis as taken A1, be ENP should P1 character a diagnostic the possesses this of study Thus, light exopod. the present for entire in the the Nevertheless, in than EXP. analysed longer P1 material for the state the than character shorter this of of is condition ENP the evidence, P1 the present the of which in site genus insertion the below in seta far baseoendopodal outermost lobe, baseoendopodal in sinaloensis the seta of baseoendopodal outermost middle the reaching and nov. uiei ato nogigclaoainbtenCC n etod sui e Estudio de Centro and References CECS between de collaboration Salar ongoing to an expedition (CESIM). The of Militares Institute. Investigaciones part Millennium a is is Surire CECS (HHMI). 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Hydrobiologia perspectives. historical and comparisons .nudus C. .sinaloensis C. , aMrn,UiesddAsrld hl)i lorcgie.D ofagMielke Wolfgang Dr recognized. also is Chile) de Austral Universidad Marina, ´a .schmidti C. rZooi n nhoooi Georg-August-Universita Anthropologie und Zoologie ¨r , , .levis C. ni t aiblt saeutl assessed. adequately is variability its until .fourchensis C. .deborahdexterae C. ). and , losoe euldmrhs ntersrm en oesedri the in slender more being rostrum, the in dimorphism sexual showed also .axi C. , a esprtdb h 5bsonoo:X eghrto(exopod ratio length baseoendopod:EXP P5 the by separated be can ,and .fourchensis C. .axi C. eo aac sa nentoa coa fHwr Hughes Howard of Scholar international an is Labarca Pedor . and , .albuquerquensis C. p o.sostetpclsxa iopimfrtegnsin genus the for dimorphism sexual typical the shows nov. sp. ntecmiaino 1 rauefruao h mandibular the of formula armature (1) of combination the in p o.i iia to similar is nov. sp. , .stimpsoni C. .deborahdexterae C. ,and .levis C. .cecsurirensis C. .deborahdexterae C. .cecsurirensis C. .Go ). e Cha des ´ , a eidentificacio de ´as .axi C. r h nyAeia ersnaie fthe of representatives American only the are mz(05 oie that noticed (2005) ´mez .levis C. a 2p. 32 ´a, tlir .20.Tebooyadeooyo lotic of ecology and biology The 2000. 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Cletocamptus oelsad refere de lista e ˜o Cletocamptus Cppd,Hratcia rmirgto n riaedthso the of ditches drainage and irrigation from Harpacticoida) (Copepoda, Rcad 87 Cppd:Hratcia.Junlo Natural of Journal Harpacticoida). (Copepoda: 1897) (Richard, n e n ul lutae eodof record illustrated fully and new a and gcs13:71–84. ´gicos nisbiblogra ˆncias Cppd:Hratcia rmGala from Harpacticoida) (Copepoda: Ei)19 Cut oeoa.Pyi 23:241–144. Physis Copepoda). (Crust. 1895 (Eric) fcspr sespe as para ´ficas ade ´a Artemia rei franciscana Artemia Cletocamptus nasln eoi fteChilean the of deposit saline a in ce otnnassulamericanas continentais ´cies a nvriaed Sa de Universidade ´a, .sinaloensis C. pgs lsl eae to related closely ´pagos, cmneish 1875, Schmankewitsch, nl auaCejas, laguna la en (Copepoda: oPaulo ˜o