AP the anthony powell newsletter issue65 contributors: didier girard simon barnes clive gwatkin jenkins robin bynoe stephen hoare paul milliken derek pasquill bernard stacey winter 2016 AP the anthony powell newsletter officers & trustees patron social secretary John MA Powell Stephen Walker president merchandise secretary The Earl of Gowrie PC, FRSL Robin Bynoe vice-presidents newsletter & secret harmonies editor Patric Dickinson LVO Stephen Walker Michael Meredith Jeremy Warren FSA publisher Alison Walker society trustees Robin Bynoe (Chairman) hon. archivist Colin Donald Noreen Marshall Jeffrey Manley (USA) Dr Keith Marshall (Hon. Secretary) All correspondence should be sent to: Dr Derek Miles Hon. Secretary, Harry Mount Anthony Powell Society Graham Page (Hon. Treasurer) 76 Ennismore Avenue, Greenford AC (Tony) Robinson UB6 0JW, UK Prof. John Roe Phone: +44 (0) 20 8864 4095 membership secretary Email:
[email protected] Keith Marshall Website: www.anthonypowell.org © Anthony Powell Society, 2016. All rights reserved. Published by The Anthony Powell Society. Printed and distributed by Lonsdale Direct Solutions, Wellingborough, UK. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or opinion of the Anthony Powell Society. Registered Charity No.1096873 The Anthony Powell Society is a charitable literary society devoted to the life and works of the English author Anthony Dymoke Powell, 1905-2000. contents Droit De Réponse, Didier Girard........................................................................................................3