Legislative Journal
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2019 SESSION OF 2019 203RD OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 48 SENATE In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate, Marisa G.Z. Lehr, Esquire, 8 Nichol- MONDAY, November 18, 2019 son Court, Mechanicsburg 17050, Cumberland County, Thirty-first Senatorial District, for appointment as Judge, Court of Common Pleas, The Senate met at 1 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. Philadelphia County, to serve until the first Monday of January 2022, vice the Honorable M. Teresa Sarmina, resigned. The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor John K. Fetterman) TOM WOLF in the Chair. Governor PRAYER JUDGE, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, The Chaplain, Reverend PHIL CAMPBELL, Pastor of PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Ryerson Baptist Church, Wind Ridge, offered the following prayer: November 14, 2019 I thank Senator Bartolotta for giving me this privilege to be in To the Honorable, the Senate this house today with you all. I want to thank the Lord as well. of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Let us give Him a prayer. In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the Heavenly Father, Lord, I thank You today for the privilege of advice and consent of the Senate, Brittany Erney-Muniz, Esquire, 701 Sherwood Drive, Carlisle 17013, Cumberland County, Thirty-first Sen- being here and to sit back and listen to the great things You do atorial District, for appointment as Judge, Court of Common Pleas, within this room. Father, today I pray for each and every one. I Philadelphia County, to serve until the first Monday of January 2022, am thankful for the men and women represented here, Lord, who vice the Honorable John Younge, resigned.
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